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Kingston Chronicle, June 18, 1819, p. 1

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THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. VOL. I.] FRIDAY, (jPTEEKOOif) JUNE 18, 1S19. [No. 25. I The Steam-Boat FIONTENAC JAMES MACKENZIE, Master, Will in future leave the different Ports on the following days- VIZ. Kingston, for York, 071 the 1st, Wtk and 21s/ dnysofeach month. York, for {jneemton, 3d, VMh and 23d days of each month. Niagura,Jor Kingston, bill, loth and 2bth days of each month. RATES OF PASSAGES. From Kingston to York and Niagara, £3-0-0 Prom York to Niagara, — — — — 1-0-0 Children under three years of age, half price; above three and under ten. two thirds. A Duokwill be kept for entering the names of Passengers, and the births which they may choose, at which time the passage money must be paid. Passengers are allowed 60 lbs. weight of baggage ; surplus bag¬ gage to be paid for at the usual rate.—Gentlemen's servauts cannui sleep or eat in the Cabin. Deck Passengers wi.l pay 15$, and may either bring their own Provisions, or be furnished bj the steward. For eacii dog brought on bouru, 56'. ' All application"* for passages to be made to Captain Mackenzie, on board. FREIGHT Will be transported to and from the above places at the rate of is. per barrel bulk, and Flour at the customary rale, delnered to the 4iiferent consignees. A list of their names will be put in a con¬ spicuous plate on board, which must be deemed a suh.cient notice— and the Goods when taken from the Steam-Boat, will be considered at the risk of the owners. For each small parcel, 2s Gd. whiGh must be paid on delivery. Kingston, April 28th, 1819. Ifcf To Officers on Half-Pay in Canada. • • IT is defired th3t Officer; receiving Half- Pay, or Military Penfmns, through the Cumn i.r.ii [at, in Canada, will tcanfrr.it to their fevctal Agents, at Quebec, their Affidavits in Triplicate immediately after the 24th of the peiiod when their Half- Pay becomes due ; fo that the Affidavits of Officers refuting in Lower Canada frail arrive at Quebec before the loth, and ihole of Officers refiding in the Upper Piovincc before the 20th of the following Month, at which period the returns will be made up. As more than fufficicnt time i* given for Communications to reach Quebec from the moft diftant Ports, thofe Officers' Affida¬ vits which do not arrive in time to be incor¬ porated in thefe Returns, mud remain over till theenfuing period of Payment. CommifTary General's Office, > * Quebec, March 1, 1819. $ Aux Officiers a Demi-Paie en Canada. iES Officiers qui recoWcnt la De- un-^iitc uu lTbiiMOii iVhlUairL', par le canal du Commissariat en Canada, sont requis de transmettre a leurs Agens rcspectifs, u Quebec, leurs affidavit? en triplicate, irnmediatement apres Ictermc du paiement deleurDemi-paii*, de r.ian- iere que les affidavits des Officio rs qui ie- sident dans le Bas-Canada, pourront ar- rivcra Quebec avant le lOmc. ettle ecu* qui resident dans la Haute Province, a- vant le 20me. du mois suivant, auxquuls periodes les retour* se fcroilt. Comnie Ton donne plus de terns qu'il nefaut pour transmettre les communications A. Que¬ bec, des Postes les plus e!oigne>, les alli- davits des Officiers qui n'arrivent pas a terns pour etre incorpore* dans cCs re- tours, resterontjusqu'auperiodedu payc-. meut suivant. Bureau du Commissairy-General?> 11 Quebec, ie. Mars, 1819. J Gm Anchors £f Cables. * * ■ • WILLIAM T1UDDEN, %*f ILL receive by the eailieil ipring V V vcflels, and keep conftantly on band at Quebec, an affortment of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake ant* River navigation. Quebec, ift Ajpil, 1819, i4tf I PORTRAITS % Pt Done in Miniature. f j I Inquire 01 John Al vculay, Esq. ^V :j ar the Post-Office, fc* ;J fl%2lrf, IS 10. 21 jg Notice, THE late partnership of Robert Gra¬ ham cV Co. having dissolved itseli this day by the death of Roderick Mac* kay Esq. the business in future will be carried on by the Subscriber, to whom ah persons, who are indebted to the uoov lirm, will please pay their accounts with¬ out delay,and lho>e who may have claim against that concern will please present them for adjustment. ay ROBERT GRAHAM. Point Frederick, 2lst Sept, 1818. NOTIC E. npiFK Subfcriber has Loa three Notes _IL Signed by Freeman S. Clinch, viz. one of 2 c. Dollars on demand, one of sj Dollars ifx Months alter date, one of 50 dollars, payable in joiner's or Cabinet work ; the endorfcinent according to the ben of my knowledge is as follows, viz. 4 or 5 Pounds on the6r(l Note, the above notes were given the 26th of March 1818. DANIEL REYNALDS February nth, 1819. % notice! At NUMBER of Lots of One Hun- Q/lL dred Acres each, luuated on Pub lie Roads now laying out, running through the School Town (hip 3 of Southwoldj Yarmouth, and Houghton, will be fold by Public Auction, for actual fettlement, to the highcil bidder, at ROSS's Tavern on Talbot Road, on the firlt of July next ; one fourth of the Purchafe Money to be paid down, and the remainder by three e- qual iniialtnents, with intercft. By order of His Excellency theLieu- tenant Governor in Council. Executive Council Office, 1 Tori; 26th February, 1819. J II NOTICE. ■ • • ALL perfons are cautioned againft pur- chafiug Lot No. 22, in the 7th con- ccflion of Frcderickiburgh, or lot No. 27, J;, the tst conceflion of Richmond,from the Heirs or Afiignces of Davis Hefs, as the Subfcriber holds an indifput&bletule to the fame. GILIJERTHA1US. Sidney, 4th Dec, 1818, 3 Kingflon, 8th June, 1819. A MARSHALL, member of the ft College ef Surgeons in London, begs leave to inform thepublic that be has moved to the faoofe formerly occupied by Mt. A. Macpherfci, and next door to T. Maryland, Efq. where he continues to practice the diffei.nt branches cf hispro- fciiion as ufual. He is now npcring the moft cxtenfive and general affirt ncnt of Drugs and Patent Medtcines, that ever were innoduced into Upper Ca¬ nada, and import^ by himfelf this fpnng from Great Britain. Store Keepers and .Medical Praaitio^crs in the country will be fupplicd on as low terms as they poffi- bly can be in Mo treat. He has alio imported a choice affort- ment of Walnut ?nd Mufhroom Ketchup, beft Englifli Pieties, Indian Soey, Balm of Gilead, MaccJiiar and Ruffian Oil, So¬ da Powders, Tamil inds, Houfe Thermom¬ eters, Spices, a fo* auiclcs of Perfumery, Colours for Paint-'rs, Dyers, &c. 24 MASON'S WORE. ANY perfonrt perfons deftroosof con- tracti'ig f.r finifhing the Walls round the Naval Yard, according to the plan which may be fecn on application at this place to he completed by the 30th day of Septemhc- next, will fend in fealcd lenders to the Naval Storekeeper's Office, on rj)e l«th inftantj at 12 o'clock at rjfton, ex rtfling ihc ra;e per toize, with two sureties f«>r the performance and proper txecutim af lhe works. Natal V'akd. Kingston, lsi Junet 1319. 23W3 no tIce! AS depredations have been committed on Lots Utter E. and No. 1 in ih< n«"fit Concession of the Township of Pitts¬ burgh, the proprietor hereby cautions pei- sons fn.m cutting timber, or any wiae tr«s- pacing on the said lots. Pittsburg!*, 1st 'June, 1819. 23w4 \ (Unable Lunds /or Sale in the Township of Hamilton. LOTS No 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- 0 flion tuiirttntng 400 ncrts i-iito ditto 11 aiuJ 15 in ttae 4th Con- ciffiun, cont^fnin[i f50 acies. iJitco ditto to, i» fli* 6th Conceflion, containing 200 aci**- The above Lauds arc all lying in the Tnwnlhip of Hamilton, NewcaHl. Uillri& and will be fold on the molt liberal terms. For further inf.urriilion, enquire of Klias Jones, Efq Hamilton, or the fubferiber in Kingilon. ThorrtAsS Whitaker. Kfngfton May ;8, 1819- 22tf Stray Cow. CJTRAY£I1 fiu:n the t onimons, in the ►5 vicittity of Kiogfton, on or about the lait of April, a light colored brindlc Cow. marked in the ear, has but three tcita, h^d on when (he went away a common fixed bell, hung with * leather llrap. Who ever v\iil return faiu Cow to the fubfciibc., or give information where Ihc may be found (hall hi geueiwnfly •ewarded. ROBERT V- UNG, Gaoler. Kingftoii, May 2^ 1S19. 22 Kingston Branch of the Mon- treal Bank, • # » To be Sold, A NEAT and -.omimxlious House ii Stor.- Street, with a good Stabl** .luii G.irdiii, in wiicli tiiere is a good vVull aud all oilier.unvcnieiicies requir¬ ed. Term? oi eaU will be made know* by applying to Ue Sub-inber on the premises. AM'IIONV iiURK. Kingston, Mtty :S, i»ll>. 2*2—ti Sit *11E Subicrib'.r offers for fale hie JL lloutc and Fai-a,together ot feparate, as alio his llorfes, ^arts, Sleighs, Cuws, nogs, Oxen, Grain, Hay, Potatoes, and Implemcntb ut Uufbaodry, fituate on the uiver St. Lawrence, overlooking the beautiful village of Ogdcnlburg, and within half a mile of Prcfcott, Upper Canada. The Dwelling h-'"fe» which has lately been erected, eonfitU of two fitting Rooms, 4 J3ed rooms, a K'icbxn and Cellar, well iiniflud. The Farm contains 107 Acres of choice Land, well fencod, upwards of 60 cf which is Pasture ai,3 Meadow, the remain¬ der I iilagc and Wood Laud, with a young Orchard and good Barn, Stable and Root- houfe, and a Imall 1 enement for Labourers. To a Gentleman of fpeculation. the above Premium which extends 3 Acres in front of the River, must prove of great advantage, as it is one of the best situa¬ tions in the neighbourhood for the erection of a Whaif, Brcwviyor Distillery, &c. Part of the purchafe money, may remain on Mortgage, if agreeable to the Purchafer. Application to be made to Henry Forest Efq. Montreal, Jvhn AJacau/ay Kingston, or the owuer PETER O'BRIEN. FrcBcoit, 26th Oct. 1818. 6tf ~ TO LET, A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, near Doctor Keaiing's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole, a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring "ear the house.— Fur further particulars apply to JAME* ROU1NS. Kingston, $th Jnfle, 1 ti 19. 23 ANY fum required may be obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec, Dills of Exchange on Lon¬ don, or for Specie.—Notes alfo will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingfton, 3d Nov 181S. 23 notice! THE PartncrOiip under the firm of Al¬ exander McDonell & Co. was this day dilTulvcd by mutual confent. All thofe indebted the'eto mutt make imme¬ diate payment to Alexander McDonell to whom all having claims agaiuft the faid rum mult prefent their accounts, he being duly authorised to fettle all the affairs of faid concern. Alexander McDonell, Allan R. McDonell. Kingston, Z^th May, 1819. 23W12 THE Subfcriber informs his friends and the public, that he flill keeps a PUBLIC HOUSE, in the Town/hip of CRAMAHK,/wwr/y called Goodwin's Corker, where Gen. tlemen and Ladies may Jind good Enter- tainment. Atjo—Travellers jhati not be dijappointed »/" finding good quarters for themfdves and their Horfcs. THO'S. D. SANFORD CramahCt 24th Jan. 1819. 6 For Salej THAT Elegant farm No. 8, firft Conceflion townfliip of Fiedericks burgh, 28 miles from Kingilon, (contain ing 200 Acres,) formerly occupied by Colonel Spencer, and known by (he name of the Manlion Houfe. It contains about 50 acrca of land under improvement, an clegar.c frame honfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other buildings. Perfons defiroua of purchasing may enquireof the Subfcri¬ ber on the pTcmuies, ox to D Ilagcrman, Efq. at Bath. JOSEPH HEREFROM Frederick/burgh, Sept. 8th, 1818 15 NOTICE. nnHEIate Panncrfhipof James Ranlen & Co. having diflolvcd itfelf this day, by the death of Roderick Mackay, Lfq. the bufnicfs will in future be carried on by the fubferiber, to whom all peTfons who are indebted to the above firm, will pleafe pay their accounts without delay ; and thofe who may have claims againft that concern, will pleafe prefent them for adjuftment. JAMES RANKEN. Erncft Town, 2 ill Sept. 1818. 2atf To Axemen. THE subscribers will receive pro¬ posals from any person or persons willing to cnga.'f to clear sixty acres of u«'w laud on thiir premises in Amelias- bUTgh, Bay of Quinte, ready for seed by the lirst day of August next. The Ash¬ 's on said land will be required to be coltt-cted and carefully secured. Teams ftud Provisions will be furnished if re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWEN McDOUGAL, Kingston, or to McDOUGAL & McLELLAN, 9 Bcllville. NOTICE. 11 WE undeifigned requcft all perfons indebted ti> the cllate of the late NICHOLAS HAGERMJN, Efqutrc, to make immediate payment, and fuch as hare accounts againft the eftate, are re¬ queued to prefent them for adjuftment. Ch. Alex, llagerman, Daniel Hagerman, Executors. Kingilon, ijE.H March, 1019. 12 b'ank'o f THE Subfcriber being appointed agent for the Bank of Canada, he will ne¬ gotiate bank notes for bills on Montreal, Quebec, or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingilon, Oc*l. 13th, i3:8. 20 A good Bargain ! FOR Sale, the Houfe and Prcmifcs, in the Town of Kingilon, at prefent oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber. For particulars apply to SAMUEL ANSLEY.Jun. Kingston, May 5th 1819. 19 NOTICE^ rjlf/E Board for Militia Pen- -*- sioss, will meet on the lajl Monday in February, and continue fo to dot the fame day in each Month, until the buftnefs of this Difirifi, as regard/ the fame is f.nifljed. * JOHN FERGUSON. Kingflon, Feb. \JI, 1819. _________6 PERSONS haviag Books belonging to the Kingston Library are requeft- cd to fend 1 hem to the fubferiber, at his houfe, adjoining the Town nf Kingflon, and with as little delay as poffiblc* JOHN FEROUSON. JSth April, 1819. 16 From BfacktroofT* Edinburgh Magazine* Remarks on ihc Periodical Crili- rism of Knu':»ittl—C"»v7m«W. I find that I have already faid a great deal concerning the QjiarUrly Kcview and it" editor, and yet I urn very fenfibic that I ought to have directed y«iur attention in the firftt inftance to their elder and Kill more important adverfaries, the Edinburgh, Review and Mr. jeiTray. The journal, conducted by this gentleman in a provin¬ cial town of Britain, has, notwithstanding it is oppofed by the whole weight of min- iHerial influence, a circulation far beyond any periodical work in Englaud,* and fuch ai, even among the more numerous readers of Germany, is altogether unrival¬ led. It is faid, that upwards of fifteen thoufaud copies are fold of every number which is pubiifhed, fo that it forwt. in fact, an excellent estate for thaw who conduft it. When it began to be pubiifh¬ ed about twenty years ago, the periodical criticisms of England had fallen into great, disrepute, and the new work being 'tip- ported by feveral young men of great ta¬ lents who had adopted a mode of writing quite novel in England, although suffi¬ ciently hackneyed elsewhere- loon attract¬ ed a great fharc of admiration 'torn all the politicians and literati of the ifiSud Du¬ ring the first fplendour of its fuecef*. it came to pofsefs ail the authority of an ora¬ cle, and although a considerable number of its first worshippers have withdrawn to a different fhrinc, its influence is still held in no fmall reverence by thofe who have ad¬ hered to it. At first its reputation waa raifed by the united zeal or four or five writers, but, as in the fubfequent period, its character has been fustained and modified chiefly by one ingenious individual, it it impoffiblc to consider the <vork except in the mot intimate connexion with him, and all the peculiarities of his habits, prejudi¬ ces, and genius, Mr. Jcifray is an advocate before the parliament of Edinbu-gh,f and i* supoo- fed to be furpalTrd by few of his brethren, cither in tbe dexterity or eloqt ence of hii judicial pleading*. I lament extremely that I my«clf have never heard him speak, but I fuppofe tftebamitcr tery nearly .•«*- •crnblcs the reviewer; and if thii be fo, I have nod'Hiht that the client, wh^f"* inte- re«t it is that the minds of his judge- mould be perplexed by the intricacies of lubtte argument, or dazzled by the fplendour of fophistical declamation, cannot place hit fee in better hands than thofe of Mr Jef¬ frey. His writings manifest, indeed, the most complete poffeffion of all thofe fac¬ ulties which form the armour of a pKader. We can open hit* cafe in fuch a way as to make you think favourably of the black¬ est, or iuapiciously of the fairest caufe. He can throw a radiance of magnanimity over the character of a murderer, i»r plant, if it fo pleafeB him- the fou'e-t weeds ut d'euust and envy round the resting p!a^e'-fa faint. He can examine h«- witncflVs with fo much dexterity as to make them rev a1 every tiling be wifhes t know, and pr ferve in¬ violable silence refpeding whatever it is his interest to have concealed. The ques¬ tion with him i*. never, which side is the right, but which side he has undertaken t-> defend. He never (hews any keen feeling in his cafe, till he has become, as it were, a party in it. by having conducted it long, and engaged his lelf love in iuiflue Light, carelefs, and perfectly felf-poflefled, he runs from one bar to another, and pleads, in the fame day, twenty different caufes, all agreeably, many ingeniously, a few powerfully ; but none with that plain straight forward earnestnefs which marks the manner of a man (peaking in his ow« just caufe. A lawyer is always a man of doubts ; and the intellectual timidity of JerTray's profeflinn has clung to him in all his purfuits, and prevented him from co¬ ming manfully and decidedly to any firra opinion respecting matters of fuch moment, that it ii abfoluir'y icc>c\fllhlr is be2g:z3Z critic while the mind remains unsettled in regard t.i them. The mercenary transi¬ tions of a barrister are but a bad prepara¬ tion for the gravity of a judge ; and I fu3- pi-ct that no metamorphosis can be more hopelefsthan that of an accomplifhed ad¬ vocate into a calm aad trust-worthy Re¬ viewer. He that is obliged to plead cau- fes every day, loon begins to find that it is a wearifome thing to tell a plain, simple, true story, and refuses to route his vigour for the debate, unlefs he is confeious that it will require all his ingenuity to give the side he has undertaken to defend even the semblance of justice. The man who is ac¬ customed to exert all his power of fpcak- ing. in order to defend crimes and fraud, and darken the light of justice, cannot but look upon it as a small matter to write in fupport of paradoxes, and decision of intel¬ lectual greatnefs. 1 look upon it as a very great misfortune both for England and for Jcifray himfelf, that he ihould have devoted his talents to administer food to the diteafed and novelty- hunting appctitesof fuperficial readers He (hews an acutencf* of difcernment, a pow¬ er of arranging argument*, an irresistible tact in deducing inferences, r.ud at timcj, too, a manly dignity of fentiinent and feel¬ ing, which prove abundantly, that had he educated his mind in more profound hae- * \vv ,tiiiu'Ci thai »nr nuthni-'* irfuncMiuii It imi correct with regard u pant «i' -tier; ckcub- lionet* ' Ihc CWtl «f $t;:n»n :se!<.'""

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