- —. * «f Scl v4 vlZ. ^f>»- ■»&? AGKICULTUIUL. • **•••! ,— • * ■ • •• 4* shall be allowed to any Officer nr Com- [ milter of t..i Soci-ty f»r ilr-i hiring j their Oiliciai Duties. JAMES HALL. S i r. inry. Tv-ffm /Ac Vermont Republican. Physic & Surgery AGRICULTURAL. At a meeting'it a uumh»»r of the In- hao'taiU" of the Johnstown District, *l Br^ltviUe, on Wednesday the HOth of iSH> May, punuaul to public untie*; C-;irles Jonrt Esq,, havitii; been Culled to i>.e Chair and Adial Sherwood Ifctr. appointed C'li-rk.—If was (rnanimously resolved thai ill.- formation of a soviet) i»T flu- promotion of Agriculture. Mann* farture-sandimprofflmpiitoCBrrcdCttUle, vontdbetiighly beneficial to the interest:- ofthi District The Constitution forth? said Society was then proposed, and ununlinoo4) adopted.------In pursuance of tht* third Aniele thereof Charles Jones Esq. ol ttr.itkville w*g elected President; Daniel Buritt jr. E*q. of Marlborough and 5ti John KiUinnt in Of rear of EUzatn t'« Town VfcrPreftidenfH [Rod •- ick Eastcn Esq, ot Brockritle Treason 1 ; and Mr. James Hall of the same plat. Secretary. At the same time it was ftlso resolved, that on the first Monday of May in each ami every year, there shall be a fair at Rrockville and on the first Monda) of October in each and ever) year there <ht*ll be a fair and Cnttle show at Brorkville. A Subscription was opened and in a few hours the liberality of all Classe* realized the sum ot £\f»0s (which ex- ceeded 'he expectations of the most sanguine) which, with the addition*' sum*, to be, hereafter added, will be ap¬ propriated to the use of the pre-enl y ai according to the laws of the said Society. Ili-re follows the Constitution of the Society kc. Are. We whose names are hereunto -ub- ■cribed do hereby associate our selves*? a society under the namo and Style o» the DMriet of Johnstown Agricultural Society, and do adopt the lolloping Cfth&titutlon. l»t. The society shall he composed of ordinary and honorary Members- yd. Everj Member-hall pay not les* than li*e shillings annually to tin- trca-urcr. which together with the extrn Subscriptions, as hereto annexed, shall Constitute a fund to be di-hur-ed in premium? and Contingent Charges in pursuance of Rules and Regulations to bf hereafter mid». 3d. the Odicers shall consist of a President, two Vice President*, a Trea- snierand Secretary, tojcethur wirh the viewing Committee of Agriculture, tor examining crops standing in the field , and farms offered for premiums ; as also the standing Committees tor the eneour- aerment of Agriculture, Manufacture*. and the Breeding of Dotmstic Animals. 4th. The general ufarfniM ration ufthe affairs of the Society shall tie managed b) an Executive Co «»m ttee, to consist of the President, two Vice Presidents the Treasurer, the Secretary and the Chan man of the Standing Committees fur tin. encouragement of Agriculture Man¬ ufactures and I lie Breeding of Domestic Animals, which are to be appointed! by the Executive Committee; they shall also fix the amount of all premiums : admit ordinal^ and honorary members : regulate the Cattle show and fairs; and perform all acts which llicv may deem useful : and for the promotion of the ob¬ jects of this Association, -,aid Committer si.all Meet at such times as shall be established by tliebw law to he here* after adopted, by a maj"iity when duly Convened, of which the President or one Vir c President shall form a part of the number, shall constitute a (jU-num for the transaction of business. 5th. Every person who shall subscribe this Constitution, and pay the sum of fire shilling- annually for the use and purposes *»f this Society, shall from the time of paying the same, become a Mem- hH-t«-r-r.'-f( and he-'*i""d to ratr-fftttil General Meetings, and be eligible to a- ny nrlicc in the Society, the Officers of which are to be elected by the Majority of \«nes3 at the annual meeting, for that purpose. 6th. There shall be a General Meeting of the Society held at Brofkrille on the first Monday in May in each and every year, tor the purpose of electing a Pres¬ ident, two Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, to serve for the year 'hen next ensuing; and lor inspecting ihe pro¬ ceedings and accounts of the proceeding year. 7th. The Executive Committee shall Jiave power to call a General Meeting of the Society at any time th«y may think proper; always giving ten days previous public Notice; the said Committee shall have power to fill any vacancies which may occur amongst the Officers of the Society by death, removal, or refusal to act, to serve until the nextGencral year¬ ly Meeting of the Society for the ap¬ pointment «»f Olheers. Sth. The Treasurer shall have the charge ol Collecting all Monies which may become due to the Society b\ sub- r-cription, or otherwise. 9th. Any Member of this "society who infill refuse or neglect to pav the amount ofhis annual subscription of live shil¬ lings, for the space of six months, after the same becomes dm , shall bo iiablc to j. ddared to be no longer a Member ofthH So'iny, b't'•hall be entitled to je leadmitiedai the di*eietiou •flhe Ex¬ ecutive Committee. iOlh. Na Salary or pecuniary rewaid Pruning Ki-uii Trees. The following remarks we believe, arc from a fnurce which entitles them to the attention ot tanner* Meflr* Id* & Miich, I eblervtd in y -u> prefent week*" paper, a call on firruW. by faying that prudent ones will nut let thi? ftaf-m of the year paf*, wf'hoUt pruning thi 1' fruit trce>, and Gating the go d effects it will have, See. The good rfT.ct-f feafon-ibie and proper trimming of fruit trees, is obttOU* to every prifon whu has paid much attention to the culture of fflltt J but from obfer- vation I have m^dc foi 20 or 30 years pa!t, I am thoroughly convinced that the *ncr tiecs fn . * former method of pruning tiecs in vlarch aud April is very injviiioUS to oichards, and particularly to nuiferies which have been long neglecte-', and require much trimming. 1 have o'-(creed fnall t'ces, which have, in roi'frquencc of a dofe trimming in Mat eh, died by reafon o^ the drying winds penetrating the wounds fo deep, and letting focti a quantity of the f.ip and ir.oiUurc efcape before thr f.ip begins to move up, and fupply the lofs. In this cafe the hark adheres to the w""d, in fuch a manner, that it it tun in the power of the fap again to afctriid ; and of couvfe the f^plin-.' dies- But thi' is not apt to he thr cafe with larger trees, when deprived of thole fnpcnumcraiy branches which in rdmary cafes will rrquiie to be takini.ff; but th--y will nevcnbclefs («ftr pr-a' damage bv fueh anpottclons at ihw feafr)n of 'he year. If a limb of any confutable Gr.C i-cut ffvera! inches from rhe b. dy in aich, the flump will become drv ami crack pen neaily to the h'»dy ; and b'fore thr new gi"Wih can heal ovci tbi wound, tie Hump will rot, and this defection will foon penetrate to 'he heart • fthe fee. and the whole will foon decay. Whoever will lake the trouble to oVtfi rve 0>d "'chads, which formcily w< re trim med in March, will find, that almoft every inltanee in which a limb < f j->y C"Utidci.t ble fiz h-id hern tak •» off. i .uV.d of the wound being hcaUd. »n the tree ton id and heaithy a targe cavity is found, beginning at the wound and r.ipidly inerealine t warda ll'«-!ii*:nt- which loon deprives the trti of health ard vigor. In dm..It evetv inftavce wher< I haw taken <»rT a limb in June, when h. ire* i> foil of fap, if thr flump be left fmooth, the WW gtnwth immediatelv commences its healing •pcra- tlOna, and iult-ad of decaying and dying, tte wound is foon healed over, *nd the free remains found and flotrrifhing. 1 hdirve the belt time in the year f-tr trim mieg tires is when the tree poflefTts the gie:-fet quantity of fap, which I think i- not fai from the middle of June. Maty farmers do not c mmence trim- mine their young orchards fo f ion by five and in fome cafes, by ten years, as tlu-y ought. They fay the tree grows we ' and bears well, and why fhoold I mrdd:e with it ? The faft is, many of our orchards are fet in good fertile land, and their growth is rapid and in many inllaucrs fend out three or fcur time* as many branches as the root js ab'e to fnpport in old 3i;e : and if thry a>e fuflfe>ed to ternain the fee will foon dwindle and become Ihrubhy, and die : or. if the branches a>e taken iff when ihcy are 'ar^e, the tree will be much mere injured, than it would have been, had they been taken off (mallei. E. P. Wnodftock, April 22, 1819. Edward Jones^ BF-GS leave mOfl refpeitfully to in¬ form his friend^ and the public id geneial, that he has jull leccived an ele¬ gant aflhrtment -f DRY & FANCY GOODS. Confiding partly of the following articles, vi/ : .Superfine Weft of England Cloth* and CaiTti.ieres, of the moft fafhionabie colors. Irifli Likens, BritifiS Shirting, Linel and Cotton Camhrics, Corded I 'amhric. Lenos and Muflins, Jaconet and Mini Mufltns, Fancy Mufliu. Handkerchief- Bandanna and Barc.il'>.:a do. Fine Ginfi- hams, Black and colored Silks, Silk and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane, white and buff Mar fciU Quilting, BVk Florentine, finr Uudrefled Calicoes-, Bombazettc^ & Bom¬ bay nes of all Colors. Linen Diaper i*;id Huckabiick, white and Coloured Flann«l-, Kiilli.! Sheeting and Olnaburg. A well chofrn aflortment of Thread and Laces and ribbons, St 1 aw Bonnets, t.adies Toaojfe (hell Combs, Cambric and lace Fo. tin^s, and a numher of articles, too nu mereus to infert. 4 Crates of Blue CROCKERY Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirit*, Br.mdy, Holland Gin. Port and other Wineu, Peppermint ami Shrub, Hyfon and Twankey Teas d <uble and Single refined Sugar*. Mulcovado do. Sperinaeeti, mould and dipt Caudles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, &C. &». &c All of which will be fold for Cafh or ap¬ proved credit. Kirtgnon, 4fA Aug. 1818. to FORSA \M. ON reafonable terms, two STONE llOo-*E>,oppnfne John McJ.ean's Efq. Sheriff..—'nquhe ..f April 3, NICHU^.VS MOK1N. H |\R Z SMAILY, beEs leave re*. \f pettfully to inform the inhabitant of Kmgllon and its vicinity, that be ha- eftablilhed himf.lf as a phyaU lis, surgeon, » apothecary. From his havmg received a regular me¬ dical education, and from his cxpeiience in the difFcienl branches of his prxUfllm, he i> induced t»i believe, that he will he able to do justice- to all, whole mfttottuncs may render thctti under the necefiity of f»»* liciting medical :d. N B. To any calls at the fign of the Gulden flfertrfr, oppofkc the market, the rtneuU ittedlion will be oaid f where will be cnUantly k«-pi un hand, a choice and well chofen nfToitmeiu t»f DRl'G^and MFDICINE ; PAINTS of all kinds ; Linked, Lamp, and Currier-* Oils ; Dye \\'<»i.d« and Dfe Huff*, Cotton Yarn; Window Glalb, Put'y fit Nails- * * * * A new and elegant alT^rtmcRt of PAPER HANGINGS, Utiles1 DO.WETS.ol the new¬ est Fuskvm, GARDEN SEEDS, raised by the Slukcrs. BOOKS & 8TAT10NARY, &i\ &c. &c. April 16 ___________t6tf. \'()\i SALE, 1,lO ! the uii-xpired term of the Leafe. whii'h U feven year< Imm thr firfl of v'ay m-xt the premilesat prefent occupied by the'uhferiher, facing the T>arkei fquare, being fituaud on L«»t P»Jo 46, and joining Meflr*. mith Si BiUti rworth.on thenreel leading fr-m Mr U -bcrt Wa'kei'- Hotel to the fiver. The l>uiMinj»s on the pienii fe* confiil of a lar/e frame H"ufc, two fto ries high, wel1 finifhed, Stabh for ten hor fe>. and air* ft B-ikc • oult with a ycod Oven in complete order,—the yard well hrcored. The place ii well worth the attention nfany Baker, or a prrlon drfirouaof k-ep- IngnpoHic Moufc. For Fuithei panieu larsapp'y 1 ' the fubfcithrr. on the pre mi fcs. D MxrDONALD. Khtfitott, jpril -th% 1X19. 15 TO li:t. ITIOH one *<r \\\»v>- \ nis, on roaanna- !>!•• feriii". iiud p<..... ion liivcn nu 111-- li»l day of May 111x1, thai Inree and rn«Bitete;1u'^^^ ,i;. note in King Street, cnni,.ril». ,n,. mar- k*l plaer, and. pp. •(,-■!« U. W;,.hl.u.n. hVqj. Office. The bru^e cnnlalnt rom larae moms wM fi|tf<hi-d, and aneh-- ennt shop, complain,—Kifehon in thi rear, two storir*,—in,0r| s,„r,. ]\,>llHf, rn| lite repnsitor) of M- ,-rl.andi/r and Pro¬ duce : oNoa Stable,—Jffjte promlse«am ■dtiihle lor th* leerptim, pf a,^ dr(V,ir (mil) aud rormereautllebusiaess, hein« ........fthelir-t stand- for thai line in Kingston. For further particulars sppl; 11 the proprietor. A. M\CI)ONK.LL. Kingston* Mrtrrh n isif*. \\tf TO LET. _ OR one or more years, and pnflcfli »n given immediately, hat Stone h ufc, (ituate** i" Store Mrcct lately occupied by Mr. Medcalf, with Stable, Girden and OlhlT OUt houJeSa The fituatiou of the ah-ve premifes h m .ft advanti«etun f.«r a Dwelling houfe For -.articular:- apolv to FR .Nl I X KO HEi.EAU Kingflon, 15 Jan. 18(9 ^ FOR SALE On 7 0 L 1\ 11IIE HOUSES, and SIX LOTS. belonging to the ft.bf.iiber ; alio for (ale, a tingle Town . ot, on the ronn 1 adjoining Mi George O iver.—Bearing Fiuit Trees, of almoll every difciiption. growing on the prnr.ilei. fO» o.TticuUrAap;lj to the fubferiber, on the prcuifes. AND F.W DF.NIKK. King ton, /tpril 12, 1S19. l6*f T*tlHE Subfiribrr informs his frktnU and -* tl/c public, that hi JiiU l-eeps a r'UBLIC liuU^E, m the To-wii/b'p of CK \ »' A H •', formerly eaikii Gnr>DWIH*S t»«su, tvhtrt G,ri¬ flemen and /.ai/ies may find good Enter tainment <ilfo~ Travellers Jlhill not be difappointed '.f finding $wd quarters for thcmfelves and their H 'fes. rHi>> D- SANFOWD Cramahe. t^th Jan 1819. _______6 JHOJl CM. • • ♦ • I^HF. Subfcfciibe" rctpedfully Inform their friends and the Public, that they have n..\v received a .d ju,l opuird in Mar kel Street, jufl below * =rs. Patrick" Inn, a veiy Ivsi ifive aflbrtittent cf DRY GOODS. GROCERIES mdSFAUONARY. l.ikcwife—a great quantity of C'affica Bo k-., the whole of which will hef<iiu veiy low lor I a£h and appn'vtd Credit Mcdonald & aykroyd Dee. I, t8t8. 27 PERSONS having Boots belonging t- th«- Kingston Libra y an- reqttcH e l fend 'hemM the iuhicriber, at hi h ■ Ic. adj »i"in^ the r..wu of Kiugfton. an wl 1 a little dt la J -«. p-ffilde* ;• in FEKUUSON lath rtpiii, 1S19. 10 F T\nT (CTRCITT.AR ) « R F.ri Lulhcr bavin! cilpofed of Wi imetestin the Honle of Lufhcr {tf Vac lyt.k at Piefc- tt, and that of Lufher Sc cxt u ai l.a t bine, to r. \. Jones of refcott, Upper ^ anada, ihe Bnsincfs will. after the first day of March enfuiny, be carried on under the Firms of Jones" & Van ^lyck at I refcott, and of Levi Sexton Sc Co at La Chine We be leave to refer you to the an nrxed Notice, wherein Mi Lufhcr make- himfelf refponsible with us for any en a.e menU entered into by faid Firms. »V« feel fatifrfied. from our latt experience in BuWnefs, the number of Boats now owned by us, and <he commodious More* at this plaec and l.a s hine, that we (hall have t'r in our power to 3ive general fatw- fa&ion. A JONES, COHS \. VAN SLYCK, L. SKXTON. Prefcott, January 18th, 1819. NOTICE- THE ^ubferiber havin djfpofed ofhis interest in the Uoufc of Lulher & Van Slyck, at * refcott, and that of Lufher & Sexton, at La Chine, tj Mi. A. Jones, the bu<incU will in future be carried on under the Firms of Jones & Van Slyck at 1 res- cott, and that of Levi <exton & Co. at La ; hine—lie will notwithstanding, hold himfelf refpon-ihlc with them, for any en .agxment they may make. 6________________Eiil LUSHER. NOTICE. e * ■ t J/1MES MEAGHER returns his mofi " fincere thanks to the p ople of Kings ton nnd Us environs for the liberal en¬ couragement he as met 'with fince his com mencinf; bufmefs. He begs leave to inform his friends and the public^ that he has Removed to his * 'cm Houfe near the Mar ket Place opp'fite to Hr. Bayman's and will as ufual carry on the Tin, Copper*, an-1 Sheet Iron Manufactory. HORSE SHOE/KG and BLACK¬ SMITH WORK will be executed in the lefl manner^ at the Jhortejl notice, and on the favjtfl terms N. B. To rent leafe or fell far the term of ten years and immediate poffeffion %ivet. that well known ftand, the WEL UNGTOV INN. in' Rarrachfireet This fiiuation is one of the bejl in t»wnt having many conveniences that render it particularly well adapted for a Houfe of Public h'nteriainment and Store Apply to 1 'i . ; the Proprietor JAMES MEAGHER. KingJton,fd- 5*vfttf> 6 The Subscriber 13 KGS leave to inform the Public, that J lie ha* commenced manufacturing *M>ap & Candles in the houfe formerly occupied as an Inn by Mr. I hn >izc io Store Street ; and he hope," that from hi* long experience and knowledge of the bufinefs, he will be enabled In give fetiafafiuVi to thofc peifons who may favor him with their patronage and fnpport. K J\MES BENSON. Kingfton, tfi March 1819. CJ-N. B. CafhPjidf'i --lines. totf Executive Council Office. York 22d July, 1K18 v-OTICE i^ hereby e,««fl to CHRIS- ill TOPffKM THOMSON, or his Rtpufcntativc, by oiderof Hit H.mnr the Ailmiiiiftratoi in Council, to make good any p-teifion to the Well half of j ot numhri Seventeen in the lixth conceflino, on the Naiane Rivei, in the Townlhip of FrederickuSinirh within *ix months from thi- date, »r the fame will be thrown open to nthei at'plicants. JOHN SMALL, 18—tf C. E. C 1 1\IK Subfcriber offers for fale his Houfe and Faim,together 01 feparate, Bvalfo his Nortec, Cans, Sleighs, Cows, il .gs. Oxen, Gr*in, Hay, Potatoes, aud Implements of llufbann'iy. fuualc on |Kc itieer St Lawrence, oveilooking the beautiful village of Ogdeniburg, and within half a mile of Prefcott, Upper Canada. The Dwelling houfe, which has lately I ■•ecn civfted, c»ufi-ts of two fitting Rooms, i Ben rooms, a Kitchen ami Cellai, well flhifhrd. The Farm contains 107 Acres of choice Land, well fenced, upwards of 60 of which IS Pasture and Meadow, the remain¬ der i illaye a-.d Wood Land, with a y ' n Orchard and good Barn. Stable and Rath houle, and a fmill t'enement for Labounr* 'o a Gentleman of fpeculation. tin eb ve PremilV-- which extends 3 Acres in trout of the River, must prove of giea advantage. a& it i-- one of the best situ?- n" ins i" the neighbourhood for the erectioi ufa Whaif, BrcWc»yor Diiii'.lery, &c. Pair of the ourchafi- money, may remain on Mortgage, if agreeable to the Purchafer. Application to be made to Henry Forest E'q Montreal, John Macaulay Kingston. or the owner FBTrRO'BRIKN Prescott, 26th Oa. 1818. 6tf Kingston Bnnch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. a ■ A NY furr rrquired maybe ohtaii ^3 'he "ffi. -lor good Bills nn aincd at Mon I'tai* (> cbrc. \\\ 1 ol Exchange on Lon »o^ Si M^ —N<<r^ , fo will \n dun. ni dieccunivd At tl*i»*y fixtv, nul ninety days. Kingllon, 3d Nov 1818. 23 GEOTtGE SCOITG \ U Late Master Smith itt lh< iingi- nccr D< part in* nt, BEGS leave to info-m hia flicadi w<\ the public in general, tba* he has commenced bufinefs next dooi below Mr. George Douglafs's. Store Street; where r very article in his line may be had nn tie moft reafonable term*, ar.d on the (lioiicll notice. The following rates of charges are fubmittcd. Horse Shoeing, all round C>f$ — — removes, 2/6 and all other work in proportion* Kingston, April $th, 1K19. 15 Foi* Sale or 10 Let, ^f TWO ftory fr^m.d Houfe, and a $/jL larjieand comm-dions Hone Store, firuatf on the water*, edge in tl.e centre of thr Village of Prefcot, i>n txccedingty jd- vantageous terms to the purchafer ut lessee. Enquire at the Office of CHr. \. HAGERMAN. Kingfton 26th Febmary, tSiy. 9 For Sale, THAT Elegant fmm No. 8, firft Conceflion townlhip i»f Fiedcricks- burgh, 23 miles from Kingfton, (contain¬ ing 200 Acres,) formal)* occupied \>y Colonel Spencer, and known by the name of the Manfion Houfe. It contains about 50 acres or land under improvement, an elegant frame houfe z ftoiy hijjb with 2 barns and other buildings. Pcrfnns defironl of purchafing may enquireoi theSubfci- bcr on the prei ific*# or to D llagerman, Kfq, at B3th. JOSEPH IsERGERON. FredernAfburgh, Sept.Sthj tiiiS re Notice. • » * 1 THE late Partnerfhipof Tamt Raalen C5* Co. havinjfiJirJolvrd itleil tl.i»d..y, by thr death of Roderick Ma^kay, Klq. the bufimis will in future be carried on by the fubferibe-, to whom all peifons who are indebted to the above firm, wi'P pleafe pay their accouuU without dtlay ; and thnfe who may have claims againll that concern, will pleafe prefent tt.em for adjullmmt. JAMES li.ANKKN. Erneft Town, 21II Sept. 1818. z^\i In Earnest ! yS I j pcTsam indebted to the y~\m ttbscriber, are hvnbi/ th ..,t,ed, that a Stttfemettt jiu$i he nwwfV fwwtwvV.../ i, STEPHEN MILES. Kingston. UuyM), IS I J. 21 FORSA LE, AVERY valuable FARM, situated near the Villa*-/- of Brockvilie. be¬ ing the rear half of Lot No. one, and ths rear half of Lot number two, in the se¬ cond concession of Ellznbethtown, U- C. containing two hundred acres, former¬ ly the property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, but now belougiOjl toJuhnShU- ter. Enquire, of lyOiulon. Tin re i-. a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, with a barn and other out houses on the premises. AUt>y Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the west h;ilf of Lot number one. in the eighth conet--.sion 01 the same Township. Also, Lot number fifteen, in the first Concession* rind number fifteen in the second co <c**.-Men, *n the Town¬ ship of Vonge, in 'he District of Johns¬ town. These Farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly i,-as> and advantage¬ ous to purchasers.—Apply to DA-MEL JONES. Jun. Brockville, X hth Jmntuiij, 181P- i BLANKS, For the Courts of Request, and various other kinds, for sale at this Office. NOTICE. THE fubfcribci forbids all perfon* from trefpafling on Lot No. 32. in the 4th .*onceflion of the Townfhip of Camden, in the county ot Lcn<'X auo Ad- ciugton, Midland Uiitii&. and does here¬ by Forbid any pcrfoe 01 perf ms from cut¬ ting or deftroying any Timber, whether lying or Handing, or carrying any part of ihe fame away, under penalty of the ' aw. A. MACOON :ll. Kingfton, Dec. 26th. 1818. 31 A FARM FOfUALfi ; " 4 DJOININO Hay Bay.intbeTown- Im. ihip of Fr^deriolcsbuigh, the '^aft half of Lot No. 2. in cite fccondConcelTMn, containing 100 acres, and having about 40* seres under cultivation, with a log h nfe ^nd barn upon it. For the terms app'y t^ Daniel WahSburn, Efquire, Kinglbm. H. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1S18 30 To Axemen. THE vibsenbers will p-ct ive pro. posals Imhii a.t\ person or pel mis wltlinfttO engwre to clear-ixtv acres of (WW laud on thi-ir prrmhesin Am-lias- huigh, H:i) ■»» Quinio, read) for soul by .he first da> of Aujru t next. The Ash- CSOil said laud "ill bo required to bn ■oil. cled and carefully secured. T-ami ..ud I'lovisioiis will (>e fumished it re- |iiired. I;or particulars apply to OWEN McDOUtiAL, Kiunstuii, or 10 McDOUGALo; M.LELLA.V, » BclUillf. KINUb'iuN, U. C FRLNTkU tOU lilji EDITORS.