J c . mi pur*t»ti t :ims% har' B»l?' fill' 1^1 *•■ C" n ■ 'I tu< It t%* House 'sCnuit- •icy1!* <U» FROM Tirr riTHi * \N\m 0 'kttk. y«i ///* ErnHtnct; Sir Pt:nt:*<iusi: Niirrjyp- Knhht C^ttt/ntkr ^/' fAi- 37->7 Him) r/i6& Nilf/utyt Order ofth? Brtth* JJrtitenatU (Strwrnor of t%a Province of Up/nr CfttMN&r, «»c/ A v/z/'v Fonrs ft&r v-\ <S*f:. $C* #c. MAV ir pccam! Yoi'ii KtcBitewoy, We JIN M^r«H*fl tlucif 1 and loyal suhicrls, (lie MaRfatralcs, Gmiry% and otinT luhnbitaiits ofthc DMriel of Now- c:islli% bn; Irnvc mo^t tcsprc(lull) to ap¬ proach your KxcHlency* to assure you of our uiKili^iinhW1 itttavhmcttf to tho per¬ son of our br.oTfil Sovereign, as well as to vour Excellency, \%h Representative in this portion of his dominions. \Vt* cannot forbear, on the present or- casimij expressing our mo\t sincere and perfect approbation of youi Excellcnry'a Administration* which has been charac¬ terized by the most ardent desire to pro¬ mote the growing prosperity of this Pro¬ vince* Vour Excellency's present visit to this District, excites in our minds the most grateful sensations, especially at this; in- terestinjTperiod, when the most import¬ ant woiksare in contemplation* Confident of your Excellency's sup¬ port, ue shall, at all times, most cordial¬ ly exert ourselves to maintain that ex¬ cellent system of Government, which we have the happiness to enjoy. That your Excellency may long con¬ tinue to bold the rein*; of Government in this Province, fs the fervent wish of the inhabitants of tbls District. Z*c!(fus Burnliain. M- P-SaniUfl Potter, Jnhfi Spencer. 8htfriU| lutin Burnbam, D« M. G. Ro£«-r$, J- P*l£Kriia Jones, Cap!. FHwi .filing Jf P R: Ueury% J. P. ^ m. Macaulayi Gi J, Huulton, jM. Bitinlimn, JacOoChofttc, Lent* Sliles, S, M'Ki*nnv, John Gilchrist* JtKiali White, Wni 9AWh*n, ftott. Sheriff, Jumei it"-iiuur» Samuel iiiockt H, M'keys John M'LVur. It obi _ Williams, jfenrv fbtttan9J< B Uultncb. Edward HaifuH, Jultii Oo\rrt Elijah Bock, Chat BknHTiJr. Alrx. M*ft00«lt< Joseph J. Kerlcr. John PetcmX P- Jjflw. J. Hrniterspn, John Monjcau, EbrnMer Perry, Walirr Bostveil, Capt R. N. John Creaw Bwwelt, Bfpjomiu Dud* John Pfrry. John Wilder, P (ct (>lmt|f ! ■ --M Tarrar, AU-*;inder Luing, John Baity. Malhapa Csutvrll, CliaHe- Zanth, M\nrtnl Harrisjr> James H. Inx, John I), Srni|h,J. P. T. Ward, M»>WICF, AVhiiikall, Charlie KiuIm-ii-iII, J, Ruber) tolrinun, JamPS I'nrry, Cut in*l)a t \W hviiM t Jitlui iln»un, Jatnt*> Man, James Hawkins, Jam*-* Parker, Timothy Rawfor, Adam >cox*% Ifiltu R irk, Win- J. DariioCi p Wuhan WnUftA* Rejrf*! Mill MflT*h. J« ht aM«"ll, ,lt* Dinah tin ton. Julill l"a\ lor, Paul Nayvard. filter Smiili^jr- John Run. Rictiard MolTatt, James Scolthorp, James I'uiiv.jr. To tt/lfeA £Bf Excellency was pleased to make the foBozct/tg reply : Gentlemen, I thank you for your loyal and du¬ tiful Address, I was mucli gratified by the appear- anre of industry, whii h U vimIiIp in your District,mid which has boinwed an air of peculiar neatness and comfort on your habitations. Ce assured, Cent!rnt^n,I have every reliance on your luyaUy -m:l readiness to support the Gf»vernfTient;iiid Constitution of your Country. lvrktMajt 18, 1810. FOR THE KiSGSTOV CttROXICLZ. THE ORACLE.—June, isid. No. 8. WUHtktti ttuti Hope! rtsida the keuetAfy Ught% That pour* rtfttOtat rapture on the itfgM • Thine h the charm of IMW ftetfMr/*r*if*yl#t TtUtt calls each slumbering pas>fou into phi/. CVuritcn.. Ma. Oracle, I davejUH Tnet with a tale so highly inler- eflin^, from i(s miiturr of faci and invstory, thai 3 cannot forbear giving it iu you in full, and a*k- it is related. In IfiOl, <ome monlh^ after Ihe dralh of Car¬ dinal Ma/arin, of Trance there «a* srnl 10 (he Castle* on the Utandof St Mdr^nrrite, in th^ Sea of Provence, an nukuown prisoner, abovL* the middle size, jomiie. and of graceful lig ire. On Ih*'road he u«rc a firel ma^k,ioc^niriv^da% to ei;ah!cliim local without takiti<;it olT^ and hi* puanl had •rder* lo kill him if lie attempted to disco\cr Inmsetf or escapp* On hi^ anival the Ma*quibJe Lu\ivoi$ visited him, and continued standing in hi* prevnee, treating him with all thai attention vttfcbniurk* (lie respcel iluc to a superior, lit* tnu imnirdiately comtnittPtl to lln* most se* cure pari of w e fonres-s and **mtv pirmiltloil la- It en that tnuld prevent communiration and in- Mire secrecy. The guaidt were ituuhled, and watched with the utmost vigiianre. So inter* course wa< permitted nilhoMt th«* pve^cticeof the Governor Sj. M**r*, whii waited on him at table, a:id locked th^ door when he wittuSrew. Every cor.lVirt thai ^otilJ he enjmed in thi^ >Kiie of coofioement was prattled. Books roiteil to hi> ta^tc were urocuftAi llf WW served on plate, and clothed iu a cosily manner. The use 'of writing materials was* however, constantly denied him. lest by that means he might make know a hUsituahon. One da\ n fistiermW pick¬ ed up a stiver plate, which had been thrown fruoi thepri oner's wiudow, and brought it in the Go* Trrnor, who, with evident a^i'itiioii, a>ked htm if he had read the lines which were scratched upon it. The man replied ho could not lead, notwith¬ standing which he wa* cor»tiued, and af(cniar,d> found dead in bi^ bed. Thin interesting young man spout much of his time in reading, and had made himself acquaint¬ ed with the most valuable authors. He delight¬ ed particularly in perusing the journals i-f trans¬ actions at couri,account* of which he listened to withdtep interest, (lis wit was quick and pa- IMied, he spoke of religion, history and politics and va> convenatll with the news of the times. The few person* ^circled by Si, Mars as visitors wete ^ever left alone with him, aud the caution used to keep bik face wuceatri dunng dteir pre- I €enremaJehntiofieltprcfvr:olitudetr;;ficic(y. 1" I .....ri pa>«d Muen and thirty yW| of lirl.teMi in unhappy yoMheman,wko-eday» Witespei;* »; iltinul One rft) of hope to Cheer the MM.Irdgloo.....I hi-pnwnj At this period St. Mar> received an order to repair 10 Pari^. and iake command of the Ba-hlr, bringing with him ihv State piiM»ner whom he had in charge. This removal ua*effected with every care, 'i'lie lit- tei of the Govrrnor wa> preceded by thai c*f the p, i^oner, surrounded by liuiseioen, and on Thurs¬ day Hie loth September, 1W8, ihey arri\edat the Habile, which had been prepared and finUbcd far bis reception. Confinement and mvnful suffering, had now impaired his cnriMuuti'tu, nnd his long declining health obliged litem io«end for a piiyiteiaa.— Hiey converged loeeiiier-*fien, bill without the pii»uucr'£uucov»iing his face| he did not bftra> any signs of impawence, a calm despair seemed to have rendered M^ indlffi rent to hi? situation, and he g^ve no intimation of what he Hta, Ou lite IDth No\ember^ 170S, Lliii unknown per on becamedangrrousty ill, he rt«u attended by his CiinlWsor, and expired uftera short exhortation, Hit body wa* interred iu the burial place of Si. Pail!, in the prcsfcOCe of MoCsieur Roaocer. MtijOTof Uastlle* and Monsieur Ueilk wlmal- tendr'd him. After his death they took up the floor of the room in which he lodged, tore [down the ceiling and examined every place wheie It was possible to have concealed any thing which could leave a trace of him behind/ Thus Sir, end?- ihelmtory of an event which i« *aid lo have excited the astonishment and curi* osily of all tanks of people at the period when it occurred. Any solution of ihe mystery would oblige Your obdt. rcrvanf. Voltaire is the only Historian who relates this story as a fact lube depended on. Hi* authority in the prevent ca^e ma> be trtWed, a* he would han! ha\e published so reoiarkablc an untruth, with iUctl a certainty of detection, Indeed vari oiis other acroiiot^,of iWi celebrity rrieutiun it as a wonderful ta!e, whiu was currently hfllev- ed, and considered a uerel of court, SO tilled at thai time with intrigue and debauchery as to ren¬ der common mysteries of little note. The his¬ tory i> correctly related a*mve ; the ntOSl prnba- hle conjee *-*e> were a^ follows ; M That the man with the iron maskwa** either the Duke of Mon¬ mouth, slid to have been beheaded in London in ltiS>, or a twin bmther of LotlWtbe fourteenth/* Wiib r«p*C( tu the former supposition, the order of lime diM*fr not a^r^e, a* the )>t i*ouer vt&i cum* veved to St. Marguerite twenty years before it wa^necessarj tor Monmouth tebestecreted. ^i^g James, win* never forgave any ene, irusi ha\e pardoned the I)uk* and got another to die iu hU stead. This person must lir>t have looked like the Duke, and then ber r ^oobU^iug a» to let hia head be cut off to sat r MonumuthV It was ne- ce**ary that all Knglafid should be mistaken.— Thai King James should beg funui* I4lh lube In* fianler, and after Louis had ihevn liiu trilling piece of civility to James, he -hunld not be want¬ ing in the same kind attention » King William and Queeo Anoc, with whom he was at nur.aud, to please them, retain thr dignity with which James had honoured him. The second sccounc hat more probability to jiutifv it, and it as*ert>» thai LoaU I4tb woflbom atSLGermaiiisai anon, on the 5th fcepteuibcr, and the UliUiriOtM prbwucr ItlC some ctcemg. rhile Luiii* 13th was at irppef. Till* eircuui- **.ance greatly disturbed the King's inind ; he olKerved that the Satiqutf Jav\ made t\^ provision lot *urh a ca*e. and that the pretention* ota twin brother tntelii Imulvc t>anee iu civil wsn. U\ Ihe advice of Cardinal Kichelieu ti wa* r« iuKed to conceal hi* birth, but pi^ervc his lite, in cme the death Of his brother without children thuuld make it necessary to atow him. A!l pvnoill privy to the transactiou ivt*re obliged to lake ihr iRONl Uitemn oath of secrecy never to upcah ot it, •*^rn ummiii!; :hemy*We>. Thrriiild rtftt brought up with erenl cait% educated by the best mu-ttrrs, in all the tcienre*, and (OttUSied t* the Mlpe/iO* leudence of Abhe Soula^ 10, wImp wroir rhi^ ine- moir. ^: on and face w*re a peitert ie- FcmManca of the King hi* brother, and on view- ins ^ portrait of (hat Monarch* he wa* no struck wnuue!Ht*tt'0M| that he exclaimed " Roifa It Roi% et eoila qurjr tuh** Kinm tin* time hi*aux- irty to he made acquainted with his birth became extreme, and having observed thai leu^r* bro't from the Queen were carefully locked in a ca- ket, he one da\ £i| (MMSeSStOil of the key and dh* cotered ihe secret. ThU he did \\o\ hi-^itate to make known to Ml tutor, who acquainted the Cardinal. Auord^rfor the arrest of both <va* im¬ mediately issued, and they were convened in close confinement to the I^laudof M. Marguerite. After all thai has been s=aid of tln^ tmporiunt priMnier. hi*»toiy mutiwttM reinair* a mj l^tv. It i^eli-a^, a> he itftA not pci'mitlrd to cv**+* llie t miri of ihe ISa&tfte%Or to-prak unmasked, even with hi* phy*ician, that fc*,iur dt*en\ery of resem¬ blance io hi*|Vaiute» nie>i ha-e hern frared,— No per-un Of importance in F.uiopr had been missed when he wascontrv**d to tUv T^laial, yet he jta* rvidentlyofgreat consequent. All that uan be conjectured with thy cvtiaiiity, i> that he was not known to the world before hi* eonhne- nieut, and that he tuattlUS secluded liir reasons of ^tate- We have nooetrs to present i« our readers Uiia week : in the absrect rf other matter we fltaH Venture a few specnlationi on a subject Which cannot he uoioterePlirK at lhep»e*eut oiomrnt. (l U ii perfectly uina^m^ § *ay& Hiaek>toi:e, in bis Introductory Ireture 0* tht ktu*U o£ Mr I*ai** *■ thai ihere should he no other Mate t>f life, no n-.h-ir n i|na\inn *r.r tr e:eucv' AV .^ie.cll *wt\r method ui ih.trnctiou is imt looked upon a> re- qulrilr, except onljl the science of loddatloti, the Doolest and moil diffintli of un>/B After pointing out that apprer»ucebh:p* are thought nece*<ary tor e^cr> nuehanical art, and much reading nod *tudv fbr obtaining professional knowledge, head«, u hut every mill of superi¬ or fortune thinks himself torn a Legi>Iaiur/' P^' it remembered that thi* CeilSUTe W)V pa*Sed 00 English ftentlemen not mute than ->iAty jear> ;4;o, at a Public Lecture. Had tbr learned au¬ thor of 'he Commentarii^i lived to this period, and had chanced 10 have paid a vi-it to a ceitain neichbouung nation, be would have had *ull more cause for amazement. For lhe#e he would have*found it to boa ^ "fa hhuiaS!e di*- trlue, lha; a than amy be ft very profound politi¬ cal a'couomi^t, although bis ignorant on all oth¬ er subjects is quite conspicuous, and hh sreueral dullue>f in* le>i inantfl^lf.*1 Nor i^ tUperiOt for¬ tune required toronfer on him this wenderful iu- tuitivc talent in the ait of Law making—in that birth place of genius polmcal and legislative science it considered " ea\\ and obvious, Ie\el to the meanest capacity, and most unlettered edu- r&tfohj to the appreheiKitui of the pea^ua who drives the plough, the artts&n who plies the loom, the carman who^uidc* hs> horse, and of all thr labouring claw* whtbC daily toil 1* deioted to providing tor the oece**itit*t of each pa>*inu day/* Nay, even the common street bt^par thinks him¬ self quulilied to give gratuirou* opinions, on the science ot legislation, though hi< abilities and judgment ha\e been totally inadequate to ihe task ufdevbing "wayi and MMflf for keeping himself from n*p* and ^arvation. The retail of this mooMious doctrine b, that the Metobers of C°ttgm»Msertibl< together aud4i t hurry through in(0Statutes all &ort< of Bills, the ineaniot: iud import of which they do not fttitflYJ know." and concerning the probable consequence* u* which ** they c,tnnot somcti We* even gfjetfft *'and having performed these feats of legtdlatiau, the Coiigre*« men retire to their respective domicils, and congratulate *ach »ther upon their dclib* raCasa^uTilv ind wJ^wnu1 niadutoa» nou:.i hn«r lounr] hiuuclf at * lo^ r°' Inins ol ^nMire sufficiriitlv ^trrjna in which 10 have eiprwcd hiimClfla thi*ea*e. A man liberally educated and poAesrior^ owdn>*l* share of general mfor- luatum, tvlttlOUt |«l»iftU»0 know ledge, may venture to fake hi* «eai ai a Member tif (hat Hou&e» where Lasnal^'fiOaHlWMA Hut shall an ignorant artisan, 1 **n onc "f l,l€ IWHBl Or the people, ril»ll be pi^uine to Step over ihe threshold in Kive hi- opinion iiptu iuoineiiton» kiihjects about which he knows nothinj:? Shall be, a» our author r^pres>e^it, **appear MS a Member of \Ur I.r^i-Viture lo\otef*r new laws wb>i knows nothing <ii the 0W } What kiud of interpretation can he btf enabled lo jive, wha i» a Wronger 10 the tril vn whieh he comments:" 11 Procut, n /nWuL rstepro/out." Wc had proceeded lh05 far in *»er speculations when anewrhap oi!\ f«JOI Niagara jail WW put iiiit>iiu»-IjuiicK |iiipi*»ihle that tni* go*em¬ inent. thu^nii:era'j!-. ^mducted. should be held up ti»ufea*aiHibjrc:"<i envy ! ! Andcau we Utf graw is asked wheih. wo mwt shut our eyei to the ,fc fplendOBrofCli^t"" and Monroe ' * Aye orto lbecloryofJac»-M>n,or to the tlowcry elo- ipienci-uf AdaniNliP *p»Uqgl%it2 Inalovwuid- lur the/ir-ufr?, we lb " teH the author of Ihi* ex- travactot addresswhj we see nothing to envj 111 the tijiltrd State*; (wrhap* hen-alter, though we h;m-almost promi^d not to tully »UI page* ttlih In* wflrwe, weuiai indulge him with u lew otherretnarhs, Otiran^vei be >hail now have ut the wonl>of an aiithOTi whom ou one ocea-ion Iip bai hi'bly extolled " * hwk <w rhc *>r£lt,;>' i». our man,1, »a>> the liberal Bishop of 1-andaJl, lit hu anecdotes of hir'*cir, M to be an intolerable evil, and on thn tyrant of a hundred to he a hun- dtid times tcorsc," 7,* return from thi* digres¬ sion. So far from emviug the United Slate* in Ihll partitular, we should be wrry to imngine that a parallel lo^uch lej;i>latioo should he found amonpt oarselTeh I; SO new a country a* thi» itiiiruewe must reasonably expeci to meet with many deficiency in our les;i>lative body, as well as every wbeie eUe. Hut we do most sincerely hope that pndc will not there be found united with ij;noranci\or that the American doc¬ trine will obtain any countenance amongst us#— Our native renltts whatever theirs may do, can¬ not enable u* to he competent judges of Law* we ha^e never tttidted, i^r pi\e u»auin*ight into a Constitution about wtich we have ne\er enqui¬ red. Lei then ihe number* of OUT House of As¬ sembly (Ave *peak witi delcrence) apply tbeai- Wlvei diligently to learn the nature of the Con* itUuttoa ol which the; arc the appointed guardi¬ ans 1^'t them notCouhler them*elve>(weadopt the language ol Itlr.n^iuue/ai rt ihu^ honorably diriiugui*hcd l.om thr rot of their fellow ^ub- jec!*,# mere I > that they may ireeite their pay. Ibatlhe) may grant ot withholdM&pUesol plea- ,*urc, thalthey way divpoie about foiuia and pii- vflegea No—they air delegated to watch o\er the wtlfairoflhe PrmtOCCi to piotide for |U WOUb—^ode^elope it* resources, and general)* to promote »i^ pro-pei uy. And hence it is their duty 10 make thtimelu** acquainted with the bu- rioett of the bijli ©ffiC* they have undertakea to discharge. The auniver*aryol iilt. ifirlhof oiy Gractou. and scncrtble Soveit,g,| ua* Celebiated in the u-ual manner by a U^.ulbalmeat twelve o'clock from the Battel tea bbd ^e TioOJH ot the Garri- son. HU Majest) »i^nthU4aj upuu theV2nd yew ot hn age. We are Informed tb*it \ia 1 veeltracvfbe U*n tenaui tMjvernoi ha* been pU'a^ed tuappuini ihe lollowrug Gcntleini'ii Ueniben of ilir Lund Huatd for the UldlOild DMTlCti with pnnrr to locate Lmi^iaui-t or oilier per?on- d->inu^ of becoming **_uler> within thi* Oi*mti* m> Ltitdof one ' j * 1 ■ Acre* within the tame, under men lirmtanoo\, re^tricutn.* and tule^a:limn rime to limn Wfcj be Ifiade ftH the puvi rnment of the res- pvtlivt uoardl by any ordcj of Council. /.man Maclean. Esq- Chairman* Thomas M\rki.and^ W illiam AIitchell, Peter Smith. Alexander Fishes. Andhkh I'atton, Geo. II, A1akkland? ^Esqoires. With all due respect for the benevo¬ lent feelings of our Bellvilm: Coru£5<* pondent, we mu>t decline inserting his poetical etTusicn. Wc beg to remind liim (imt there arc ccitain rules laiddown tor poetry, which require to be carefully studied. PROM LATE eOULICATfONS. Tt appear* fr*>man old treatise published in Londun in I7^7t that thcapplicalion of Steam to propel B(>a(«.4Vai knoun Wfffl at lhat periud. Iheaiuhovof the iii\*Muion was Jonathan Hulls aodheiba«3|rea(»ofit. " La>tly the at mother' being of a great «^htt and Mrivn*; to Ret in where ibere Ira vawurn. 1 shall rnde&\oor 10 shew hott thi> \ai uui) i^ made, and in what man¬ ner llmforceUapptfd todiivctue nihchiue. Iu Mime convenieni pirt ol the to\v-boatt ihce U placed a vcs>rl ab*«t two thirds full of wetter, ffitlilbe topclo»c «nut( tbii J*me\ bemgkept boiling.ratifies the water Intoucam: ihi>Meam brnij;convenedthro-.^ha larpepipt- into acvliit- drical vr^eLaud tl^recondensed mukrs a vacu¬ um which cnu.rs thl bright of the atmosphere to prcraflDtlrii rtnel, ntd m presses down a piston that i&liUed inio tin cylindrical vetwJ.^ A plate ;> prchxeu ic thlf W-aibc reprevcuting a stout Boat vuth 1 diirone 1 ,mokmg, a pair of wheel-, «e,andlOlhe »Xlb oUhcie wheeUare fixed ua pucldles to propel Ihi Boat. H* Maie-tv Geor«e iltgt [UnvtfiVtTon pateUI mi me imcuitoo* Af¬ ter tin* I heir can he 110 longer any qucMiin 10 whom the invention 0! the Steam Boat is due— r^t v* itr, eilll9D4 VjICC(»ATK)» piihl *lao loth »m year IHLI arrpnrt was t-hed bv tbe Iniperiul Institution of France, uugittf lhat *i.67l (i^J?ubjicishad been propeily vaccinated in [ranee, of whom only seven bud alicrwardi taken the smallpox I ' / Sri:tei * RtwiKCk Gaft Vj J Ibid- > ■ * • * etCAKEO* May£ddl—Ttiiii.hMh. May Flower, famei rnitrr*iiii, |i»r Smith** CreeK : Mfichand^e.*. Am, Ste:uri Una? Supliiu. Wm Vuu^bnjor Sack* eMllaibor; |*a^eiigcr* and lUgRaRe, 31m—Boat HornetvA-SprWBOi fw s"^^ Hrnbor.1<.Sch ("nmmodorc Owen. J- Sinclair for Hamilton ; PatMtnccfl and Baecage... Am. Steam Boat Sophia, Win- Vaughan, fo* Sackei's Harbor ; PttSfll|^ri a»rf BapRage----- Sch^Sall? Ann, John Maor, for thtwe^oi Pas- June I^t—Stcjm (toal Pronteoar, Jax.McKrn- /ir, lor Nia^aia ; part of ihr 6Mrh Rrglmeot. •. . Am.Sch. Niiiuv, M<l;n*bank,, lor I'uIic!h>- wile ; Pbftcnccr* and Ba^acc. Usui—Sch. rnimi,John bllOvfbf Sndus: Pas- M>njcer3 and Ba^^Ke.....Sch. RavCTi John ytU, for Oswego; Pa«eu|ierf& Ba?RJ*g*^ Snl—bteam Bom Sopiiia, Win. Vaugbuu. lor Suck<*tS lluthor; l*a^# jigiM* and Ba^^upe..... Seh. i alhanne. John FnUlQix, for New Ca»tlC ., . Sch« t'ominodure l*etrv. Jnmr* b. U hile, l\)V Kiench t.'reek ; aquaiitir^ ut Stave*, Bank Notice. * * \Yh»n Penn vb» Iniroduced 10 King Charles of fnielioiH memory, he 1101 only prrsi>;cd in wean of! hi-own hat, hut condescendingly invii- ed thr King to put hi> 00 alto, " >*o, friend PeaitiHU*-a the good humoured monarch, " ft la ilie ruvtom that 011N (UMUanOO ±liothl be cover¬ ed hue" MASON'S WORK.. ANY prrlonor perfons defiroos of con- trailing for finifhing the Walls round the Naval Yard, according to the j.Ltii which may be Icen on ;ipplica!>on a: ih:s place, to be completed by the 3°^* day of September next, will fend in fcaled tender* to the Naval Storekeeper's Office, on the 15th inftant, at 12 o'clock at noon, cxpicfting the rate per toize, with two sureties for the performance and proper execution of ihe works. Natal Yard, Kingstok, \si 'Junet iSi(). "3^3 NOTICR AS depredations have beer committed on Lots letter E, and No. 1 in the first ConcesWon of the Township of Pitts¬ burgh, the proprietor hereby cautions per¬ sons from cutting timber, or any wise tr«s- pa&sing on the said lots. Pittsburgh, 1st June, 1S19. 23WA TOTHE PUBLIC. AT the clofe of 1 tic tuft year of its op¬ eration, the IhreSors of the Quebec Fire Assurance Company, feel themfclves bound EO cxprefs their acknowledgements and thanks for thegrcat and unprecedented encomagement thU new EiUbliflimcnt has experienced from an enlightened public. And at the fame time they congratulate iheir fellow citizens, and the inhabitants of thefe province* generally, on the complete attainment of the objeel this Company was affociated for ; in »he fhort fpace of lix months from the day the Office was opened, Premiums of lnfurancc againft Fire, were lowered to lefs than half the former rates; and at this moment, in many inllanccs, property is infuicdat, or under one third the rate*of premium charflcd si monrha ago ! TliHt the tllablifhriieiit ol the (Que¬ bec F.re Office has tfTcc\cd this, is indis- pnable—It cannot therefore be too ftrongly inculcated, or too often repeated, tint to fupport this (.'ompany to the utniuft of your power, by giving them a pre- \ Jrrenee tj alt Injur anus intendtd to be eJfeC' teJ against pre, U the only effectual means of enabling them to c-intimie their exer¬ tions, and confccju-;;tly of preventing monopoly, and a recurrence to the former extravagant rates of iVmium, For the prompt and honorable fettle- ment of all lollcs 'lie (Quebec Fire Office offer you the fccuiity of nearly three hundred of the moll rcfpcQablc of your fellow citi's-ens, eNclufivc of a large fum of money in the putTtliton of the Directors for luddeo emergencies. No delay or indulgence wili be required, nor any on* worthy'."'iifions made ufe of in the fulfil¬ ment of their engagement the moment that a lofs i* afeertalncd. This company will continue to infure property in all parts of thefe Provinces, on the mn(l moderate terms. .And the Directors have the utmoft con- fldence that a difecrting public will univerfnlly and heartily come forward in fnppcrt ol an infticuiion whofe future ex¬ ertions en alone maintain and render per¬ manent the great advantages that it has in fo flion a period been produftrvc of to the Country at largo. Quebec Fire Ofiicc, May 24, 1819. N B. Applications for Infurance to he made to the Subfcrlbcr. 1 Montreal. 23w3 ADAM L. MACN1DER. notice!" THE PaTinTuMji under tlw 6mii of \K cx3nder McOonell 8c Co. was this day dilTolvcd by mutual confent. All thole indebted thereto muft make imme¬ diate payment to Alexander McDoncH- to whom ail having claims againlt the fciid firm muft prefent their accounts, he being duly authorifed to fettle all the affairs of faid concern. Alexander McDonell, Allan R.McDoncll. Kingston, 2<)tb May, 181 £. 23w 12 BANK OF UPPER CANADA. DrRRCTOR for the week, (\ A. Ua^trman. Enquire- Day of DISCOUNT—erery Wednes¬ day. Notos oiTcrrd fnr Di^rouNT mint be all handed to thr* Ca-hreron the day pre¬ ceding the DISCOUNT Day. S. BARTLET, Cwbicr. Drafts on Quebec, at bhort iight, will be given for Sp'-cic Baking tor the Troops. TENDERS for baking Bread for His Majefty's Troup. Rationed at Kings- ion, Point Henry and Point Frederick, from Flour to be fupph'rd from tlicKi<i.r*t Magazine, for tix months from the 26th inftant, will be received at this Office un¬ til 12 o'clock at noon on Friday rhe l uh iuft. The Bread to be dilivered at then- bovc places as it may be required The tenders to Pate the number oF pounds, in words at length, the par¬ ties will engage to deliver for every nz pounds of Flour, and the names ol two respectable perfons to be inverted, at furc- ties for the due performance of fuch con¬ tract as may be entered into- Commissariat OJJtse, Kingston. 1st Jum, 1819. 2% Forwarding- & Commission BUSINESS. THE subscribers hrg leave to inform their friend- and the public, that they have formvd a connection in bu«:- nest ; the object of which is the trans¬ portation of Produce down the St. Law- rence, and of Merchandise of ever) de¬ scription from Montreal to any pari of Upper Canada and the United States ad¬ jacent to the Lake Ontario and FHc. The business will be conducted '.v \V. 1Iubbf.il. at OgdfMisburch, and under the linn of IV. L. rVJUTlNGjf Co. at I'rescott. To prevent delay, all property decli¬ ned for Kingston, or any pari of thr liny of Qoinie, will be forwarded from I*res- COll by the Steam B-ml Charlotte, which. leaves there twice every week. The subscribers ciii^e to freig!it <*n. as favourable terms ai any who are en¬ gaged in the bu*ine*l ; and. pledging their united exertionstoulvesaliefactionj will be grateful for every tavor. W. L". WII1TIKG. w. Hcuinai. Prcxcotti Kiln M<t>j.\$ 10. ?3 TOBALVO.MST, BEGS leave to inform the public, that he has openad a STORE in Store llrcct, nearly oppofite the houfe of Mr. Dow-ling, where he offers for fale on mo¬ derate terms, the undermentioned articles of a fupcrior quality, viz. Plug Tobacco, fwect fcented, 6 and*8 hands to pound ; Ladies' Twift, Rappee, Scotch and Macaba SnutT, Spanifh and American v igars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Pound and half pour.d papers, with the papers of a lcf< fixe. ufua Kingfton, May, 1819, 2 3 cow t! the Subscriber, Agent in ARRIVED. M.\y 99lJ|—liriiish Schonner I*i* y Flower, Janice PaUfffOH, Hum Pre&r«lt ; .werrhanilizc ... .American Steam Bear Sophia, ^V. Vaurnao, tit.tn Saekr('» Harbor ; Ha>M'n^er* ^* Haoga^r. 3lst—BAM Ilnrni*!, A. Sprat;uc, from Sartet's Hai Iwir; 1'oiaiors... .Sch. Julian, J. Caldwell, from Cbamouf Boy; baUaM....Sieam IJoar So- pbitti Wm. \ augltun ; Paneugcrii and Basea^e .... Sell. Sally Ann, John Moor, from O a,_-.-' Lllll' T. June I-i—Sell. Nancy, Milton Fairbanks. Front GeMUee-a l*ork, Fluor, P«t Asli, uod Proviiiohf. 2il -Sch. Union, John Eno, from Sodus; Flour Port. Pol A>h and L'aule___Sch. Kuveu. John 1 '■■- from Oinrtii; l*otaior>... .Sl».iin Boat Soohka, Wm. Vaugban; l%nrngenlt Bapp.-ige. **r<l—Sch Catharine, John Fran'1-- *f**3fl ^ Ca'tlr; Stavis... t •*■■ <.. S."».(,.- . stave*.. near e\\ «** vooimodorc Tcrrj; Jav TO LET. A COMMODIOUS HOUSK, Doftor Heating's, two stories high, with seven rooms a Kitchen, and a Cellar under the whole* a good yard and stable ; also a very good Spring near the bouse.— Fur further particulars apply to JAMES ROBINS. Kingston, ^tii June, 1819. 2 3 BANK NO riCE. THE annual meeting of the Stock¬ holders of the Upper-Canada Bank, will be holden in Kingfton, at the Bank, on the firfl Monday in June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the purpofe of electing Directors, and tranfafting oilier bufincfs cor.nc&cd with ihe i.iftitutioit. S. BARTI.ET, Cashier. Kingfton, 6th May, 1819, 20 STRAW i A FEW huadred bundlea STRAW for bale—Enqu^c « this Ofiicc. STRAYED. A COW broke into the fields of Oliv¬ er Thibodo'e farm near Mr. Ileach'*. The owner can have her by proving his prope.ty and paying charges. Apply to ihe fubferiber, on the premifes. WM. GRANGER. Kington, 30th May, 1819. 25 "7"~ STRAY HORSE^ '. TAKEN up by the fubferiber, a few days ago, a large bay KOKSE.— The owner can have him by proving hii property and paying charges. JOHN ABBOT. Kirgftoti, June 2. 1819. 23 New School. ANEW SCHOOL is opened in thi* Town, nearly opposite the French Church ; where the Teacher will assidi- ously ctuiejvour to be serviceable 10 those placed under his tuition.—He respectfully tenders his services to young Indies and Gcmlemen who wish to study the Eng¬ lish language Grammatically—systematic Writing—-Arithmetic or Geography— 3nd to Parents who wish thtir childrea instructed in the first rudiment^ of educa¬ tion—Price of tuition from 2/4 to 5/ per month. Kingston, May 18, 1819. 21 BANK OF THE Subfcriber being appointed ag*r.t for the Hank of Canada, he will ne¬ gotiate bank notes for bills on Montreal, Quebec, or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, Oa. 13th, [3:8. 20 A good Bargain I FOR Sale, the Houte and Premifes, i* the Town of Kinglton, at prefent oc" cupied by the fubferiber For particular3 an;>ly to SAMUEL ANSLEYJun. Kingston, May 5th 1S19. 19 NOTICE. TUB Board for MlMTU Pen¬ sions, will mtit on the taj} Monday in February. and continue f> to do, thr fimrt flay hi taeh Month, until tin bufintfs. bJ this Diftria, as regards the fame is y V '. // JOHN FKRGUSON, Kinsflcn, Feb. ifit 1819, (j