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Kingston Chronicle, May 28, 1819, p. 2

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rt* ri!< .roroer of any Court of J*** ' Owd-Wrf Arir^fpeciirt Ambaurfor. and »h.d. I will la:'hf..lly ..»/ .vl.-. ui IW^miW. »nccc(T..y .May fubrnft to the ,«., •<■ ft. W*fc KH*^*"6ri?»L? cuinng .l,c fame or «hc Court U.^ing ejected to br ^6;°°°;°°°. »~ £21*0 »»«> God Domfaio* are taunted at 6,000,000. mv ~ Provided tfJWjJ- Tb«t this AS (hall not extend or he conflrued to exlc d to prevent any ptrfon o» perfons from acling At a Surveyor of Land* in this I rovince, who is now authorifed to a& a« fuch by virtue of a Licence from the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Pcrfon adminis¬ tering the Government of this Province. ( 7\i btcorJinifii ir, Que n'Bt.) Valuable Lands for Sale in the Township of Hamilton. • • • * T DTS Mo- 6 and 12 in the 3d Con- 1 A ccfiion. containing 400 acres. Ditto ditto U and 15 in the 4th Cor.- ctflion, containing 4C0 actes. Ditto ditto 10, in the 6th ConcefTion, containing 200 acres. The above Lauds arc all lying in the Townlhip of Hamilton, Ncwcafllr (Mftria, and will be fold on the moil liberal terms. For further infoimation, enquire of Klias Jones, Efq. Hamilton, or the fubfciibcr in Kingfton. Thomas S W hi taker. Kmgfton, May **> '8'9- 22tf s Stray Cow From IrJia.— Ky the brig Cherub, Captain Davis, from Calcutta, we have received pnpetito the 30th of Dec. Mention is rnade of an agreement between the Pacha of Egypt, and MexsTfc Lee and Buckingham, for promoting a trade to India, by the Isthmus of Suez. There has lately been cnnfidcratle trade to India by the way of Alexandria, -"airo &c. Mr- Lee is, we believe, the Britim Conful at Cairo The Briiift Authorities in India have induerd the enlightened Hindoos to un¬ dertake to examine the Sanskrit authorities, with a hope of finding fome reafon to fliew that widows Humid not burn them- felves with the bodies of their deceafed husband*. An inconfidera'olc warfare is still car¬ ried on in the interior of I ndia agSinft the forces of fome of the inferior Indian Ru- lers. Sir David Ochterlony is appointed Prelldent at Delhi. Bombay* Dec 21—His Majefty's (hip Eden, which arrived here the other day. one of the ihipe which has been completely cured of the dry rot by hating been funk. GRAYED from the Commons, in the vicinity of KiRgtton, on or about the is Siochholm. March 23. The Jay be-fore veil* 'day, at noon, the King's Palacv of Jokunniilbal in the Paik was fctini fire,, by caiclcfsncls in heating the (loves. iHift Majesty want to the (pot on horfeback Happily the greater part of the elegant, furniture and painting? was faved. Frankfort, March 30 The assassin of M. de Kotzebue died yeftcrday, without having made any con¬ fession, constantly persisting that he had no accomplices. There were found upon him many papers, filled with reflections on the country, humanity and liberty; in tlnfe he stiles his victim the flave of kings, and a Russian fpy : he faid, that all the partizansof ,\1, de Kotzebue ought to pc- lifti in a similar way. Very inaccurate details have been circu¬ lated relative to the ciicumstancs of the as ta&sin.itiou. I!e presented himfclf about five o'clock at the residence of M. d« Kot v.ebue, and *ome ladie* coming up to the door at which he had just knocked, he let them enter before him: they were on a visit to M. de Kotzebue. Sand remain in the hall, and requested the servant to an¬ nounce him to the Councillor of State.— ; The servant returned and showed him into a room, where \f de Kotz«buc, shortly joined him. It does not appear trut tliat laft of April, a light colored brindlc Cow, marked in the ear, has but three tcits, had on when fne went away a common fiv.ed bell, hung with a leather ftrap. Who- ever will return faid Cow to the fubferiber, or give information where (he may be found fhall be generouflv rewarded. ROBERT YOUNG, Gaoler. Kingfton. May 2S 1819. 22 Bank Notice. BANK OF UPPER CANADA. DIRECTOR for the week, Patrick Smith, Enquire. Days of DISCOUNT—every Wednes¬ day. Notes offered for discount must be all handed to ihr Ca*hirron the day pre¬ ceding the DISCOUNT Day. S. BARTLKT. Cashier. THE annual meeting of the Stock¬ holder of the Upper-Canada B;uik. will oe holden in Kingfton, at the .Batik, on the firft Monday in June next, at 10 o'clock, a. m for the purpefc of electing Directors, and tranfacticg other bufmefs tomeded wiib the inlKtution S. BART LET, Cashier Kingfton. 5th May, 1819. 20 New School. ANEW SCHOOL is opened in this Town, nearly opposite the Trench Church ; where the Teacher will a«sidi- cuisly endeavour to be serviceable to those placed under his tuition.—He rcppeftfully tenders hu services to yoa~g Indies and Gentlemen who wish to study the Kng- li-h language Grammatically— systematic Writing— irithmciic or Geography— and to Parents who wish their children L'uttiucVd in the first rudiment* of educa¬ tion —Price of tuition from s/i to 5/ p-:r month. Kin-ton, May iS. 1R19. 21 BANK OF THE Subfcnbtr ber-g appointed agent for the liauk of t anada, he will ne- f.rt.ate bank notes for bills on Montreal, QuebeCj or for Specie. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, Oc*l. 13th, 18: £. 20 * KOT ICE. THE fubferiber being appointed Agent to the MONTREAL FIRR IN¬ SURANCE COMPANY acquaints the jt.hllc thai He i* nom itdjy to fftufl P..h- cies on either real or perfonal property, on very moderate rates of premium. W. MITCHELL. Kingston, Mb April, 1819. i$w8 London* April 9. A proclamation notifies the deliver)' to the Bank of England (from the Mint) a coinage of crown pieces, which are to paf? for cs. it is faid that a new coinage of guineas is to be ifiued which arc only of the ac?.ual value of 17$. The number of military force?* fcrving in India, at the date of the lall difpatchts, was 2I3,454- Marmal Brune, has been aflaflinated in France. The Kim^ has gi"\-en O'der* to institute proceedings acainft the aflaffim. Letters from Madrid, dated 2$ih ult. mentions that the cabinet had determinsd on another alteration in their plan refpec- tiug the Cadiz armaments, no doubt in confequence of the information recently received of South American affairs by the way of England. Three (hips of the line, and the fame number of frigates, were to leave Cadiz for the Pacific, as it i» ftaicd, at the commencement of the prcfent month, with only fuch troops on board as they can or iW- de Kotzcbue his fentence of death, writ- *hect ot paper. He rruft A good 1 Bargain . FOR Sale, the Houfe and Premifes, in the Town of Kingfton, r.t prcfent oc¬ cupied by the fubferiber For particulars apply to SAMUEL &N3UY«]»* Kington, May 5th 1819. 19 "~" FOR SALE, ON reaf-jnatlc terms, two 5T0NE IIOUSES.oppofite John McLean's Efq. Sheriff.—Knc;uire of NICHOLAS MORIN. April 2. !• FOltEIGX .\Ei\S. BOSTOS, MttjU." From England.—By the brig William and Henry, Tapt. Paine, which arrived at this port yeftcrday, a Bristol Paper of the 5th ul'. was received at the Exchange News Room- The examinations refpeflinj the affairs of the Bank of England, made by a Secret Committee of the Houfe of Com- r.uns had been completed ; the rcpo-t ■Was preparing, and was expefttd with milcll dnxiety. The Committee of the Houfe of Lords had not advanced fo far. A mifuntie:Aonding has occurred be- tween the Ccort3 of Berlin and U«:«e conveniently carry Tranfports with 4000 men, under a competent convoy, wet Utli utuiiin .:tic( .iicmto the lame desti¬ nation. The grand expedition was going on (lowly, and it was thought would not leave tkcPeninfulahefore AugtiftorScptem ber iffo, fevenor eight months will be due on th - freights cf the foreign vcfTels hired for the occafion, and money had already become very fcarce No doubt the Span¬ iards arec«.nfiderable alarmed at the idea of Lord Cochrane being in the Pacific, in command of a confideiable fq'iadrnn, manned chiefly by countrymen of his own, or North Americans, and they will be ftill more puzzled when they hear the vhtM voce report ofone of their own naval officers, for fume time a prifoner in the River Plate, who lately patTed through 1'nglandon his wnv to Madrid, purpofcly to give infor¬ mation. Wr received yefte^day the Paris papers of .Monday laft The Monday's Journals are generally the moft birren of the whole week.containing very little in the fhape of news, and nothing of any political inteicft. Thetwohoufes of HetTc arc faid to have at length acceded to the military ar¬ rangement agreed upon at 1'rarkforr* The negociation-. which had been pro- ceeding for fome time at Conftantinople between the P irte and the legations > f Naples, Spain, and Denmark, refpefling the arrangements of a Tariff of Cuftoms. are ftatcd to have at length been teimina- ted. The ("ourt of Naples obtains a I ariff eftdblifhed on the hafis of that fnb- filling with France ; the Tariff for Spain and Denmark is arranged on the principle*! of that agreed upon between the Porte and Auftria. The two floufesof Parliament adjourn¬ ed lad ntaht fi.i ihc lidiUt Keeeli, t«e Lords till Thurfday, the 22d inft and the Commo'is till the day pieccdEng, Wednes¬ day, the :tft The bill for restraining cafh payments at the Bank of Ireland, went through its remaining stages in the Houfe of Lords, and received thr Royal Allen! by Commifiion. Brussels, dp Twenty-one perfons in this city have received fummonies to appear at Paris as witnefles in the trial of Camillon and Marinct. Copenhagen, M.V'th 2J. Wc hear that two Ei:g!iih merchants Kave obtained pcrmiflion to eftablifii a peat corn magazine in Calhidborg ; their intention is faid to be, to have at all times a large flock of corn in this magazine, pui chafed iu the ports of the Bahir, in order, when the importation of corn into England is permitted for a time, to be able immediately to fend largefupptiea to that *he proposed a duel to that he read ten on a large have struck his victim at the very inilam that he approached towards him ; for scarcely hid VI. de Kotzebne cntcicd the room, when thefervar.t heard a loud shriek, and a noi e of femerhing which fell; he en¬ tered, 'iid fa**' hi* mafter and the student tbe'ehed on |he floor It aopear" thai the as>assin, on M. de KotzeHce*s ruterinn, had immediately stab¬ bed him wirh a poniard, which penetrated his heart; it appears aKo, that having been dragged to til' h'"or b7 M de Kutccbue, he stabbed hi-n a lecend time through the lungs; * wo,ind was 'ikewise received in his face, T"c ladies ran 10 the room, o- pened the wffl^0|W| and iulond and pierc¬ ing accents e?Hed forhelnanda surgeon. Mifs Emily lCotzebue, with th^ assistance of the scrvan'- borc ll,f ^>dy of htr father :oan adj ii.^g apartment, where tic ex¬ pired a few flW"«'t« afte.watd»—The as- sastin rnft nr* **» a **&?* »?s and flouncing t?c bloody poniard, he d.srei.d- -d the do«r -,CP' «c'aiminR—"TAe trait¬ or is dead! feVVW » '™'l! ic""i *» e to Germany l» 0^™ *«■ crowd had \i\- to-- '.f thr hrtnfr h,. t-„. assembled in f.ont ,,f the houfe. he vio- lenity forced his way through ihem; but hearing the ladies eKclaim fr«-m the open window*of the bntUC, " There is the as- sa-sin!" h- returned, cart a wild look to. wirdu them, and lifnd up the pomVd with one hand, and a piece of paper in the oth¬ er, exclai red, ■ Yet, I am the mmderer I It .1 thus that all traitors opgnl to per- i(h!" On the papet was written, " The death blow of Augustus de Kotzebue. in the name of virtue !" He then knelt down amidst the assemblage, which increased e vi-ry moment, and raiting his hat-ds and eyes to Heaven, he exclaimed, in an infpi- rcd tone, "God, I thank tliee, for having permitted nie 10 accomplish this art!" \t- tcr this he opened hubofom, p'nng.-d llic I oniard in his heart, and fell without any signs of life. Having recovered the ule of liis fenses in the hospital to which he was conveyed, he on y fpnke o{ the as sassination with a kirtd of extacy :—" He i> tlien dead," he ej:elaimed " thai Rub si an s py • it was a mon of Hill thai inhabited thehedy r.f Kotzebue ; it wi.uld ftot quit him ; ht gave me a terrible grin at parting " I'*very thing provt*- that this assassin was a or.firmed fun-lie, and that he had meditated the crime for a long time past His fathei is a rcfpeciable man, and has a large family. The Russian Minister at Carlsruhe, Mr. Stnive, and the Prussian Miai*tcr, M. Vemasen de Eufe, have defpatched extra- ordinar)-couriers to their rclj.cctive courts, with the intelligence of thin as>iss:nation, which will, perhap , lead to very serious political consequences* It u feared that the Emprror of Ru*>ia. whoi\ already vt ry much irritated against the Ullra-tibsraux of Germany, will require from the Gov¬ ernments ncv meafures againft anarchical associations. imi, kingdom ; becanfc when the ftipplics are drawn directly from the pons of the Baltic, the veiTels cannot arrive with their cargoes in England till it is loo late, and the moft favorable time of the corn-market is over. Hanover, March 30. Laft night the body of the infant Pn'n- cefs, daughter of the Duke aud Duchcfs of Clarence, was privately interred in the vault of the Chapel of the Police. The little coffin was a very curious piece of workmauihip. The . iTembly of the States has pie- fen ted an Addtels of Congratulation to his Royal Higfcncls the Duke of Cambridge, on tLc birth of the young Prince his fon. From the Commercial Advertiser of May 18 LATEST FROM ENGLAND. By the arrival of the ship Criterion, C'apt. Avery, in 30 days from London.we have received from our attentive Correspon¬ dent, Loudon papers to the 9th of April, and Lloyd's List of the 6th. In the houfe of Commons, on the 5th of April, Mr. Peel, presented a prelimina¬ ry rervrt from the committee appointed to enquire into the stare of the bank, which was read, and was in fubllance as follows : " The committee appointed to consider the stfic of the hank ate now engaged in delineating on their report, which they hope ij be able on an eaily day after the rcccf* 10 present to the houfe, and thev confid-ntly hope that they fhall then be able t- fix a period fbl the refumption of cafh pjymentsby the hank, and fuggelt a plan h* which this may be accomplimed with tifcty. But the comm;ttee arc of o- pinion that the plan which they have to propofc will be materially obftrucled if the • »ankiiould be diained of its treafure by continaing to pay their notes of an earlier day thin Jan 1,1817, and fracrional (urns under ;A in gold. They therefore lubmit to thecon»idcration of the houfe the expe¬ diency of passing forthwirh a Bil* to rc= train de bank from making such o..ym nt., till af— the report of th:» committee (hall be received, and some legislative tneafure be founded thereon." "Afier the rep ut wa« read, Mr. I eel ob¬ tained leave to bring in a bill 4* to restrain the Governor and Company of the Bank of England from making payment in cafti under certain notices given by them for that purpofc." On the 6th, it passed through all its sta¬ ges in both houfes, and fubfequently receiv¬ ed the Royal assent by commission. On the same evening, a bill was brought in for retraining the bank of Ireland from paying it* notes in calh undet 20/. which it had hitherto been in the practice of do¬ ing. It passed through all its stages im¬ mediately, and will, (says thcCourier)pass through the Houfe of Lorde, and receive the Royal assent forthwith. In the Houfe of Lords on the 6th of April, the Marquis of Laudsdownc faid, that it was his imention on a future day to mnve an addrefs Tor information refpect- ing any 'communication which may have passed between the Prince Regent's Gov¬ ernment and the United States of Ameri¬ ca, relating to the cession of the Floridas. A London paper says that Eu¬ gene Beauharnois, has recently been at Paris, and was introdu¬ ced, inc&g9 to Louis XVIII. The Emperor Alexander has sanctioned the establishment of a University at Petcrsburgh. Ferdinand, it is reported, has refused to fulfil so much of the will of his late father as ordered the payment of his debts. The German papers state, that Count Humboldt is preparing the details of anew representa¬ tive constitution for Prussia. The Morning Herald of April 6th says, that a report is in cir¬ culation, that Mr. Vansutan is p; eparing to resign his ofhre, and that he will be succeeded by Mr. Pee!. The ships rlccla and Gripa, were to sail on the 14th of April, from Dcptford, on a voyage of discovery to the Arctic Circle. The Newcastle, of 56 guns,was to s .il early in the spring for I Halifax, with Rear Admiral Grif- iitn wlio liJ \o be ihe comnand- l er in chief on that station. ! Another Edict of the Inquisi¬ tion, prohibit np; the publication o** certain books, is in the press, and will >hortly be published. Recent advices from Ceylon I state, that the Governor of that Island.had emancipated all the slaves employ 1 d in the Hospitals. Mr. Moll-cu, who recently cx- I piored the sources of the African ; rivers, the Gambia, and the Rio i Grande, has returned to Paris. J Hi health i< impaired by the ef¬ fects ot 'heclimate, and a poison¬ ous draught administered to him by a native Paris papers contain a report, that thi.* marriage of the KJ"g of J Spain, was to be Announced at Madrid on t^e 1 ith of April. The Iving of Fran-.e ha;- redu¬ ced the number of the Council¬ lors of War to fourteen. Among these are such as have longest heldthei: office. The others are to retire on a pens*on. The Persian Ambassadcr, in passing through Vienna, on his J way to Eng.and* presented the Emperor Or Austria with several new poems, one of which con¬ sists <\f T-^i^^o vran7^5 The London Gazette of the 7th of A- pril. contain* a proclamation, notifying the delivery to the Bank of En^ltmd of a new coinage of crown pieces, which are to pass at the value of five shillings. The King of Sweeden has issued a re¬ script for opening a loan of Coo,oco specie crowns, to be lent in fmall shares, and at moderate interest, to his Norwegian fub- jects In the houfe of commons, on the 7th or April. Mr. C Hutchenfon, gave notice that on the 7th of May he mould offer a refolution for the repeal of the \lien Act. Some alterations have been made at Ca¬ diz in the deftination of the armament.— Three ships of the line, and three frigates were to leave Cadiz for the Pacific Ocean the early part of April, with as many troops as they could accommodate. Four thou- fand troops were to fail in tranfports, ear ly in .May. The great expedition would not be ready for fea until August or Sep tember. Fiom the '"ourier of the 7th of April we have copied a statement of the Britifh Revenue up to the 5th -»f April, from which it appear* that the total increafc for the laft year is 2,963,115/. Two expeditions arc fitting in France— one for China, and one for Africa. This is not the wily evidence we have of the at- tnti. n paid m France to the advancement fevery thing which can make a nation rich; renowned and happy. I Description of >7. Ihhna. [From an interetling nuort, entitled " Faff- illustrative oj the Treatment of Napchon Bonabarte in St. Helena." On landing at James Town, the pros¬ pect IB pleafingly changed, and prefents to the eye a remarkably neat, well-built, though small town. Proceeding into the country, by either Side Path or Ladder Hill, the strainjeris completely surprifed, after travelling three miles, to find himfelfat the height of 12 or 1400 feetabuvC the level of the fca, in a moft luxuriantly fertile country. Fo; miles on every side the eye rest* on vallics of the most beautiful verdure, thief;Iy ftulded with highly cultivated farms;— the road from Plantation House to Sand} Bay, one of the molt lovely and romantic fpots in the world, wind* through Euro¬ pean hedges of haw-thoin and black ber¬ ry bushee.and at Kafun's Gate bn'ngj th:- traveller to a view almoll unequalled for boldness of scenery, richness of foliage, verdure and cultivation ; (o ftrong a con¬ trail of country, and fo varied an assem¬ blage of objects, arc rarely if ever concen¬ trated, as in the profpect from the hilt a bove Mr. Doveton's villa, at Sandy Bay. The whole of the country, from tlW fpot round to Reck Kofc f Eillv where a ro¬ mantic cottage belonging to the wiJow of captain Barnes, offers its h.tfpitahle shelter to the weary traveller, is literally f.iperb, and the fine ^old view llretchiug to Prof- pereus Bay, is beautifully COUtraftcd with the verdant eweetnefs of Arno's vale, and the cloud topped wood on the ftimmic of Diana's Peak ; hence gaining the road to Hunt's Gate, and passing along the range of country.by the road made expressly for Bonaparte, the eye is gratified with an en¬ tirely new and lovely pro:pect. the houfe and grounds of Mil's Mafon. Row Cot¬ tage with its shady ponds and drooping willows, and Prospecl iljll, 00 its n«ng terrace, enliven the deep vale round which the way leads.—Turning on the right to¬ wards Longwood, an entirely dilferens face of country prefents itfttf, and the bol*l ravine, known by the name of the Devil's Punch Bowl, (or as General Gourgaiul ufed to call it, ■•/& DtvWs h:.l of punch,") torms a grand and decided opposition to the verdant Race Couileand Campground of Dedwood, and the lark and Planta¬ tions of Longwood houfe, which Hands ill a commanding situation, on the right hand of the road, from which it is distant a- bout a quartes of a mile. Returning towards Town, a cottage near the Alarm Houfe. belimoinj* to Si- Thomas Rcade, racos me t)c . jCbtS post is the boundary of Bonaparte's fides unat¬ tended, on this side of the island!) good taste and great attention, are fast rendering this once barren spot richly fertile, and it fooa promifes to vie in luxuriance with \hr residence of Mr. Brook the Chief Secreta¬ ry, which is placed on the other side ot the hill. From this soot looking towards Plantation House, the eye navcrses anoth¬ er tract ofhighly cultivated country, and the villas of Sir GcorgeBingham.Mr. Dcs- fontaine, and others,diversify the view with the different colored foliages in which they are half buried. Plantation Honae is a comfortable resi¬ dence, placed on an extensive lawn, and furrounded by a profusion of magnificent trees:—here the bamboo of India, the oak of England, and the pine of Norway flour¬ ish together, and form a novel and charm¬ ing embellishment for the retreat cf the Governor from the cares of businefs. In the course of a wandering life, I ne¬ ver saw so great a variety of objects com¬ bined, as are thrown together in Saint He¬ lena. The bold and imposing appeaiancc of High Knoll, rising from a calm and lovely valley, the rich foftnefs of the ver¬ dure, oppofed to the brown and barren rocks which skirt the shore, and here and there intrude themtelves on the flight ; the well Mocked farms mingled with patches of country evidently volcanic, and the mag¬ nificent extent of horizon which bounds almost every view, tender the Island «f Saint Helena, sofarfrom being an uncom¬ fortable or unpleafant residence, a retreat replete with interest and attraction. Un¬ der the government of Sir Hudfon Lowe every spot, where cultivation can br intro¬ duced, is growing into utility; and taken altogether there can be no hesitation in pronouncing the colony to be (o rapidly improving, that in a few years, under the fame fystem of encouragement, it may be independent of any foreign : id for fuppli'ea of grain; at leatl it is fair to imagine so, judging from what has been done al¬ ready, and what is actually doing: should this be achieved, no power on earth could subdue the poiTcfTers of Saint Helena. Ncw-Tir!:, May 12. The British Minister, Mr. Ba- cot. and family sailed from An- apons, in the Frigate Worth* on Tuesday of last week on his re¬ turn toEnglandj and on Thurs¬ day, Mr. Graham and family sail¬ ed from the same port on board the U. S. Frigate Congress, for Rio Janeiro. Anecdote of the DulceoflVdUng- ton. The following curious c/'i'cttwstance occurred to the above Noble Duke duritlg a lute visit at IhUJhlU House:—A farmer, who hud been much annoj/cd Ojt the hunters riding across his cofn, uirci - ted his shepherd to stake up utid make* fast all his gates that attain the raids; it so happened that the Duke rode up /<» one oj ttuse gufis, and which the tthgp* herd zcas totting wer. and who it*u> di* reded by the Duke to open the gatejor 1

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