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Kingston Chronicle, May 21, 1819, p. 2

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u* cxpt«f4y empowered and required i (Tuc out debenture* or cenilic teg kq naul . for ih* icipcc»ivc fir» Of u*n "til he r.etermh.ed !■• he due and • hie to them UveitUy by thedecrce? • •. the fotl CpmmMBontfrt, which dclnn lures or certificates with ligal i;.urcft fiall be pjid without any deduction, fee a* reward, hv the aforefaid fpecial Receiv¬ er. .,»t of fuch rcnUi profit*, and proceeds, ffl ill he paid into hi- hands fr.rni the re Ipccttve i'llates, upon which the [Slid claims ire allowed, fo that fuch claim0 mall in no C3" excc«3 the rent*, profit , and proceed*, received by the faid fpecial Receiver from, an/ on account of the Ellate in refpect of \v\uh, thr faid claim i* made- XI And be it further (nailed by the au tl-oi' />' afortfaid, Thai whc'i the fjid claim JhaH contain a demand of any land*, tene¬ ment- pi other real Eftatc whatfocver, or any interell therein, and (hall he adjudged and -iecrecd bj the faid v'omrrmTioiitrs to he juit and legal, then and in that cafe, the faid Commiflimcrscr thr majority of them, arc hereby authoiifed to order the bhenfT of the Diftricl whrre the fame mail lie, to caufe pofTeflion to be delivered to fuch claimant or claimants, his. her, or theii heirs, executors, adminiiUators or fucccf- f»r*, ..I to whom thev or any of them fhall appoint, and all and every fuch claimant or ciais-.a* '■- his her or their heirs ex ccmors aurpiniftrators or fucceifrrs, mail ho'<! and enjoy the fame or fuch Ellate and interell therein, rtfpe&ivcly, as (hall be adjudged, determined, or decreed as aforefaid- XII. And It it further enaded by the authority aforefaid. That all and every the Eftau and intcrefts, which (hall be enter¬ ed in t'.e Regiilcr to be kept by the faid Commiflior.ers, according to the directions of this Act, to or upon which no claim fhall !:e entered within the time and in the manner hereinafter prvferihed, (hall be deemed and taken againft all perfoas, and to all intents and purpofee, to be yefted in the faid ("ommiffioners in virtue of this .A&, and fuch Eftates and intercfts as fliall be fo entered in the faid Remitter, and to or upon which, claim* fhall be entered. fi:a<| ___ in like manner be deemed and taker. to be veiled, in the faid Com.niffioners, fubjeft only to fuch burden, diminution or eviction, as fhall arifc from the deter¬ mination of the claims that ihall be fo en¬ tered, and no othcrwife. XIII- Aud to the intent, that the faid real *nd pcrfonal estates may he difuofed of. and the value thereof applied as herein is dirctlcd, Be it further ennHed by the au¬ thority afore*aid,T\*i the faid Commtffion Cf hV:l.ai foon as convenient, ulc their _.. . ,.-.<*• ■, r- tn fpnurnll fuch po<»d* and peiional chattels as appear by the laid cxi»a&-, or othcrwife, to be ve*ted in Hi* 2\laje»iy, in fuch places, and in the custody of fuch perfons, as (hall b>' thought most proper by the faid Commliuoner*, for pre venting the perifhing, or any lofs or embez¬ zlement thereof ; \nd the fa:d Commif- iiofers or the majority of them, are hereby authorifed and requited, to fell all and lin¬ gular, the real Estate, and alfo the good-, and chattels, vested or to be vested in them by this \6t- according M the belt of their ftiil and judgment, and fur that pnrpofe, having cauted public notice to be given for the fpacc of ninety days at least, of the time and wheic they intend to begin to expofe tn fule any part "r parcel thereof, and of the fevcial particulars then and thereto be fold, they fhall fell the lame by Public Aud ion, to fuch prrion or perfons n* fliall bid most for thr? fame, end imme- diatrly upon every fuch fa'e or contiadi /hall ca'ife an entry to be made in their book of all and every the real and pcrfona' Estate so fold, and of the buyer's names and place? of abode, and the price* paid for flu fame rcfpec>iv<ly,and upon payment of the purchafe money to the faid Commi'f- fioners, or a* foon after an conveniently may he. the 'a;d Commiffioners fhall deliver to the refpcc~u"vc purchafcrs. the good* and chattels* and execute deeds of batgai'n and la.c, for fuch real '"-.tales as fliall be fold in manner aforefaid, to the respective imrchafert thereof, which faid deeds of bargain at d falc, are hereby required to be rvji'icred, as other conveyance* hy deed of ba'gaiu -md file of I-and in this Province, and in cse any per fen or per forts being the highest bidder at any fuch Auction, fhall ir.^ke default in payment of the monies ac cording to the terms mentioned at the faid Auction, he, file or they fhall forfeit, one third of th< fums for which the faid real E-tat:;or goods and chattel- refpec'rjvely treic f'ld* tO be levied under a warrant, Uftacr the handfc and feaU of the majority rfthe faid Commifitoners, and the faid Cnn.rrilTionvrs or the majority of them, may ard fhall proceed to a new file of all. and every fuch real Estate or goods and el '••'». for which fuch default fhall be dc* unto any t.the: per fen or perlon*, as ir no f^le thereof had been before made. X * V. And be it further eitiiftrd by the au thirily ^foresaid. That a!l and every ptrfon o» peifons who, fincc tl»c committing of any act by reafon of which, any Erfate has hi ornc, or may heieafter become vested in * Majevly, either hy attainder, or any I";l*h "'reafon commuted during the late wji between Hi* M»e>ty and the United 'nes of.'.merica. or under tl>e provifiorts of the herein before recited Art of the 1 ar- li.»mrnt of this Province, paffed in the fifty fourth year of H:s Majesty's Reign, have cntcrefi into, or upon the faid Estate or any art thereof, and hehi nndcojoyed the lame. ttftotil Wiy lawful title thereunto, (hall he ' Ip-'nfib'e for all and every the piofit* .f .he Umc premifes, during the time of hi , ..*" Or their occupation tbe>\of, and mall .«cr and pay the valu*- thciCif, to hede l upo" ewdence f-y the l*iid Commit fin r oi tin rrmjority ul thern, In the faid lf-ecai Keceiv.-. at fuch day a ot times as il.c hinds of the (pedal Receiver, to be ap¬ plied it the other m-uiies to be paid to him in , nrfntnce •»! this d. XV And be it further enuded hy the au- ihority aforesaid. That the faid Commif lioner- o« the m.ij.irity of them, fliall and may meet on the first and third Mondays of every month, and may meet, ac!, and proceed at fuch other days and times as tln-y may think proper, with or without adjournment, and Inall and may lend th*rir precept or precepts for any perfon what- f jcver to Eppcar hefore them, and for all fuch books, papers and writings as tluy fliall think nece:Tary for their information in any matter or thing relating to this \&, under the fame penalties and conditions as witneiTe-fnbfCC'ird in civil caufe?, in the Courtof King's Bvnch, and fhall and may detain in their cuftody fuch Hnok*i papers and writings, fo long as thty rttall haveoc- caiV'n for tlie fame, and then return fuch book*, papers and writings to the per Inns to whom they respectively bc.'-ng, and fhall and may adminiller oath- for the bet¬ ter dilcovery of the truth of the inquiries by them to be made, to any perfon or per- fons therein concerned, or to any other per¬ fon or petfons whatfoever, and all Sheriff*! Bailiffi, Conflables, aud other Ofiicers whaifoever, are hereby required to obey ard execute fuch order* and piectpt; as fhall be fent to them or any -f them by the faid Commifiioner* or the majority of them, as they wi'l anfwer the contrary at their utraoll perils ; and if any Officer or Offi¬ cers fhail neglect or refofe to give obedi- ence to the precepts and orders of the faid CommiffioneTsor the majority i f them, for the due execution of thi* Sft, then n.d in every fuch cafe, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the laid CommifTiooers or the majority of them, ti» impofe upon any fuch Officer or Officers, a fine not exceeding fifty pounds Iterling. for anyone offence, and to commit fuch Officer 01 Officers, I ill fuch fine ihall he paid unto the Receiver General of this Province, to and for the u- fesof His Majefty, His Heirs and Succcs sors, for the public ufes of this Province, and foi the fupporl of the Government thereof, to be accounied for to His 'ajclly through the Lords Commiffioners of* I lis Majelty's I'rcafury. for the time being, in fuch manner as it fhall pleafe His Majefty to dircfl XVI. And be it further ennQed hy the nuthtrUj afirtfaidy Tbw the Wd C"in mifltnners or the majority of them, (hall, and they are hereby authorifed, from rime to lime, to appoint and employ clerks or other necefTtry officers for the execution of this Aft, which fa;d clerk* or other of¬ ficers refpeftively, are hereby required faithfully to execute and perform the Iruft in them rcfpeftively repofed, without tak¬ ing any thine for fuch their fcrvice other than fuch fees, falarief or rewards, z% the faid CommiiTioncrs or the majority of them fhall think fit and direir, in that behalf, and every fuch c!e>k or other officer, before he enter- on the execution of his employment fliall take an oath lor his true and faiihfu! demeanor, in all things relating to tht trufls repefed in him by the h\& Com- m:\uVner% and that he will not direcMy nor liidfrecUy take or receive any fee or rcv.art\ or accept the promiic of any fee or reward, for any thing whatfoever to be done by him mi the execution of the faid trufh, except what fliall be fettled or allowd by the faid Commiffioners or the majority of them, and that he will not di¬ rectly nor indircclly l-aveai-y pait, fhare or interell, or make any benefit by any dis¬ coveries of any forfeited or forfeitable Eftates or interells whatfo-ver, intended to be veiled in the fiid Commifiiouer* in pur- fuanceof this A A, oi conceal, or caufe, or procure to be concealed the fame or any part thereof. XVII. 4nd be it further enaeled by fi&f authority aforefaid. That there fliall and map he paid to fuch perfon or perfons, as the faid Commiffioners or the majon'ty of them, fhall nominate upon account for payment of fabrics of inferior officers employed under them, and for incident charges in and for the performance of the fevcral trufl« by this AA committed to the faid Commiffioners, fuch fums of money as the faid C'>mmifTioner«. ot the majority of them,jud;>e to be necclTary and reafonable in that behalf, out of fuch monic as fhall, from time to time, be or remain in the hand* of the faid fpecial Receiver for the time being, by virtue of any of the claufes, matters or things in this \St contained, and ihc faid fpecial Receiver i* hereby authorifed and required to pay the fame, out ot inch mon'es. upon vouchers or au¬ thorities figned for that purpoft by the faid Commiffioners or the majority of them. XVIII. And be it further waded by the authority aforefaid. That an appeal /hall lie to tfie Commiffioners of Appeal in this Province from the Judgment and decree of the faid Commiffioners, upon any ciairo that (hall be brought before them in puifuancc of this ,\A, and that the Ap¬ pellant or Appellant! from any fuch judg- mmt or decree, /hall within twenry daya from the giving or paffing <»f the fame, prefent to ihc faid Commiffioners or the majority of them, his, hei or their excep¬ tion, or exceptions, fliall be in writing, and figned by the party or panics ap¬ pealing, or his, hCr or their Attorney, and fhall be entered by the fafd Commis- Monert in a book to be kept by them for that purpofe, a traofcriptof which ex- ceptioi.* figned l,y the majority of (Ir faid Commiffioners 1»all he temitted without with every nr-cessiry npjnratus for ex¬ tinguishing fire, to he applied by one man only, on the first alarm. Some transports with storps and inva¬ lid'., arrived last week from St. Helena. Bonaparte was reported at Lnngwootl to bo very unwell ; he had sent for his Sur¬ geon frequently of late, and on one occa¬ sion af two in the morning. The expedition from Cadiz, will not be delayed from sailing lalur, than the fir-t week in June.—The naval force will consist of foursail of the line, fix. fri¬ gates, twelve brigs and schooners, and twenty six gun boats. The late political intelligence from France is not of much importance. On fhe 25th the Chamber of Deputies agreed toa project (l'iijto 140 votes) tor estab¬ lishing a stock exchange in the chief town of every department of France, for the transfer of the public Funds. The revolutionary spirit continues to spread in the Rrazils, in so mush that it orr their \itorney to profecute fuch Ap pu-ai within the next teim after the faid tianlcn'pt fhall have been filed by the clctk 0^the CommiiTioncrs the faid Commis- honers, are hereby required t» hear the ar¬ guments on fuch Appeal, ex-partc and to decide thereupon according to their judg n>ient on the matters contained in tkc faid tianlcn'pt, and the judgment of the Com- miffinners on fuch appeal, fiiail be final and conclufive. XIX. And br it further entitled by the authority uforefud. That His Majetiy*6 At- COrnej and Solicitor General of this Province, fpall end may make out their contingent accounts againft the Govern¬ ment of this Province, for all fervtces rendered by them on behalf of Mis Majefty, iu refp're'i of the Eftates hereby vcfled or to he veiled in the faid Commiffi.niers, which accounts being duly fworn lo, (hall be infpefted and audited by the faid Com- trnffioners or the majority of them, follow* li'c 3s nearly as may be the ufnal allowance of fee* mide to thofe Officers rcfpe&ively, • 's not 'l'Oiifiht prudent for the King to forfcryices of a Daiilar nature, aad the rcmoie from that country to Portugal, ainntinr. of fuch accounts fo audited fliall lesl hi* absence should encourage the be paid hy the faid fpecial .*c«eiv«i. for conspirators to attempt a second insur- the time hcitiiv ui.der the authority of the rrf",on- faid Commiffionei* ..r the majority of them, , fy latf Jamaica papf>r«, the Insurgent out of fuch monies a* fliall come into his ' PWfnfeers continued to infest the West haods in pufuanceof thi- \& Indian Seas, and to annoy the pursuits XX And be it further enaffed by the fll/. J of commerce. The Sybille frigate, ha- tUr'tty af.refad. ihat the C>mmiffiorers I V|"S ""board a milliouand a half ofdol- to be appointed under this Ad Ihall. hefore ,ars, had reached Kingston from Vera CMeiing upon the duties of their office, ) ^r"z' take an oath to execute faittf.iUy and * he augmentation nf fhe Ri-venuegave impartially, with all poffible delpatch, ' a mMl l,lras>ng prospect of the improving accc-dinmo the bell of their ability, the **■**» Of the resources of the country, kvcial dutiesimpofed upon them by this an{' i( WM hoped that the two Houses of A6t, which oath fliall be taken and fub- Parliament would propose a plan which fc-ibed before the lixccutive Council of woul(1 P,a*'e the currency of the country this Province,nnd fl:all enter into a bond ' on J*10 mo8t fWo»toIe footing. Under the .penalty of £1000 to pay over i ^ari$ PnPers <° the 2d of April had ifflo the hand- if the faid fpecial Reoiver, ^"received. The funds had had a aV fuch fums of money a- fhMI he p,id to >i'?',t r>'ve? an(* p'ivatc letters from Paris tlirm m .mrfuancc of ti is A£, withii; one ,,okL' '" Na"C"i"e terms of th-i improved rrinth aftel ihey fliat! receive the fame I l,rn>l,c,c^0f ,,ie monicd market, rtfpcctively, and that racli ot the faid Com- ] "*'"' F^nWort Journal of ihe ogt|, u|t> ml0ioners aa:ni! in purfueiice of this Aft | "nounred that her Royal Highness the fbal be entitled :o receive i fom not ex- !,ur1"'^ of Cambridge had been deliv- ceeding one pound per (fry. (n* every day VTl'^ °f a '*""ce- he fliall be fo employed in exceuti g the f ',°S,,,T<""formation had been received p< villous of this Acl, which funs fhall be I I"0"1 !h" l?ukc afd Duchess of Kent,sta- paid 'o them refpeftively by the faid fpecial Receiver, aanually out f fuch monies a* fit ill come int. his hand) in pu-fnanet of this *ft imon the Warnnt of. '. ~ • upontheWmranVal P rTT^^'i^ Governor. o.Pcfon adm.mfte., ^ Gl(VCrnrncnl of 11»i - r^Avmce, XXI AmtteJthrifo ennded by the authonty af,re aid, I hal m ,- •„, -^cei vtr to he appointed..^, thii ,a fvir the time being fl.all |,ef0i(, enterinn Upon the dut.e- of his. ffice, tak an oath to execute faithfully th:- duties iqi0nre(| upon him by this -ft, which oath (hall he taken and ting that tbeir Royal Highnesses .night he expected -n town on or about the '29th int. f^r the purpose of Her Royal IfighnessV OCCohchmerit. T'lCV, wer« 0M. their way thither. Nnnhcim. March *■>!—Our town wes yes|erd.*y »he theatre of a horrid scene of fanaUci»m. M- Augustus de Kotzcbue whose literary celebrity had even pene¬ trated to Japan, has been assassinated in his chamber. A student, or at least an individual who had inscribed himself as mh. on 'he register of strangers at the WVmberg inn, -ntcred thr1 apartment of c!a:ive c S<>nd*;jre ofdrdth executed upon Attgtdt* i,d- fiotzebn , ; • i' " ui l'"<7/, ISI9-* l'his paper ri»..»|i- n -ti-peiim, that the author of the crime is a member of a secret society. According to the same journM. the assassin called Iwlir upon M> de Ket/e- bue, in I In* morn'n; and nU> r dinnnf, without seeing him—he returned at five o'clock in the evening. He announced himself us one of In-, countrymen uho wi-died to make ac'pi'iiitrtmo with him. M. de K"tzebue left the room he was in wilh his family, and uent to receive him in fhe anti-chamber. What passed in the interval to the result, no one kirow«, as there were no witnesses. On hearing thecriesofM.de Kot/ebue, his wife, who had recently been confined in rh'iUl bed, aud his daugater ran and found hiinsiabbedin fourplarec with a pe.inaid; one of the wounds had pierced his heart, and in a few instants he expired in their arms. M. rle Kotzcbue was only 88 years of a^e ; but he commenced his literary car¬ reer at 10 J his health was impaired, ami he looked older, lie bad ju^ ceased his functions, as literary correspondent of Ins .Majesty the Emperor Alexander, in Germany,and was preparing to return to Itussia, when he was thus hurried to a premature grave. QUKBF-CMay 13. W"e have received by the Rebecca, in, the short passage of '2!r> days from Gree¬ nock, Glasgow Papers of the 10th April. In the House of Lords, April 6th. I.orJ, Lansdowne gave notice of a motion res¬ pecting the transfer of the Florida* to the United States. On the same day, the Royal Assent was given toa Hill to prevent, to the end of the Session, the pariial issues of spe¬ cie from the Bank, which had formerly prevailed. Parliament adjourned on the 8th ApriL for a fortnight. The London Gazette of the 6th April, announces the deliveiy of the Duchess of Cambridge of a son, on the 26th March, at Hanorer, aud of the Duchess of Clarence of a daughter, at the same .place, on the following day. The latter lived only six hours. The same Gazette announces the issue *f the new Crown pieces, to pass at 5s. sterling each. London Corn Exchange, April 7.— u Our markets continue exceedingly hea¬ vy for (ill grains." Stocks, April 7, Ercning—3 percent Consols, 74;}. us ■«, which oath (h,,n he taken a fubferibvd before the Ex .cullve Council of ^ de Kotzcbue." attVrkril hin th.s Province, ami fe)j cnrcr mto a |,,,„dt ( ( h;, „om flll(, :0..duet, a J alter-a w.tha penally Oi ful?r thousand pounds, | short/^|8%,a„d proposals for .i.l-iel, u l.ich witli two furet.e- .n t|,c (urn of two thou- , Mt de K,t/bn- probably refusetl. Stab- *Md pounds each, to pay over and du y ac- I |)0(, him four fime, Mith'a p-.uard. M. COUm for all fuch fu,,<(>- money as he OiaU j dp Kotzcbue fell dead in the arm* of his receive in prnfuanceof t.i» Acl and that the t ft|to| daughter, who ran into the room fam fpecial Receiver U ihe lime bci"i; fliall 4>n hearing the cries of he. father. The and may retain ... hn hand-. I wo pounds n.,.a«in (,uiel\y walked out off he house, tensh.li.nEs for ev,ry Hundred Poundi . feeHetolMI in'ftwaliwC, and ra.MRS his * OrforAJmi "vyU to he hy him receivec md paid in purl nance of thin a. as a remuneration fo. ferviccs therein, aud that thenalance remaining in his liandt after the payment of all and every of the cc-ifficatcs. debenture*, ac- nounts, charges, fabric- and deduitions mentioned oi provided in this Ad, (hall be paid hy the faid fpecial Receiver in ilifchargeof fnch WarTantiastheGovcrror, l.icntrnant Governor or Perfon adminiiler- mg the Government of this Province, by and With the advice of the Executive Council thereof fliall from time to time flTue in favor of any perfon or pci$ons,for any sum or fums of money to be paid them towards compenfating the loiTcs which he, fhe or they have fuflained by iheinvafion of the enemy, or othcrwife ii conference of the late war with theUnired States of America. delay to the Clcik of the faid Coramifliw FOREIGN .\i£irs. London, Apr/loth. A few days since Mr. J. Cunningham. Weaver, Kilbride, nn two miles in 9 minutes ■ he next undertook to run 21 miles in 3 hours, which he accomplished in 1 hours and -47 ninnies).—He ran the whole distance barefooted- The list of Subscriptions at Calcutta for the Waterloo fur.il is at la-t received. The amount is 231.500 sicca rupees: about X'JUiUUO stern. ancVis Wfeftfl) ho¬ norable to our countrymen in Bengal, The examinations before the secret committee of Ihe House of Commons, for enquiry into th state of the Batik terminated on Friday. The importance of the subject, and the rxient of the 6 idence, will of course require much time And deliberation, before the report can be presented. The result is expec¬ ted with much anxiety by all classes in the city of Loudon. Lord Cat heart has signified his wHi to retire from Ids missiou (o St IVters- burghi A SOC'Oty is formed in I.-ndon for establishing* Priutlog-Olficeon Mount- Lebanon, to supply Arabic books in the SyriaC character !<• the people <of thai district, about one million in Brumbor, who bto nominal christrau?! t-ot m- ce«dim;lyillilfinle, owing fo the want o' books in their veruaeulnr h»n)fUf\ Thix Gcciet* has been established thjou «h the lapspd hands to heaven, exclaimed, /'/;•«/ Tcutonia. Affcrwords rising,he '•tabbed himself on the spot- Thfl assis¬ tance which was admiiii-tered to thea>- sa-*in, leaves even fo-da\, som- *ii;n^ of life, but it is not ItY n„rht .hat hc can recover. The University diploma found upon him, BtirfcA hi1- name to be Sand ; his-hirt is marked Si : but he had in¬ scribed himself a( the inn under the name of llcinrich. A billet was also found upon him, wiib another poniard, containing the following words :—•The sentence of death of Augustus de Kotze- hue, executed the i'Sd of UufcA, 1819.' If is said, that this young man is a native of Wunsiedel. in Saxony.—(Other ac¬ counts, en theauthority of private letters received in Paris, state his name to be Charles Sander, a Theological Student of fhe University of Wurtzburg, and that he arrived post the same moming at Manhcim. One account asserts that M. de Koizebue survived half an hour. Munheim, March%5,—M.de Kotze- bue wis interred this morning. His Sssassiu is considered better, and scarcely any doubts are entertained of his recorcry- lie was ablo to talk yesterday, since which he has declared with a very composed air, that he did not in fhe least regret what he had done. Y>(iA'u&'MU^'uub:rt.;iii'i:oiriimnyiiri:>'«<r>\>i « last six months ; that he was convinced, that lie had done a good deed in d« liver* ins Germany from a man who had done ■;o much harm to German students, as well by his writings, as by traducini* them to the Emperor of Russia, and that he had no accomplices. T:«e family of M. de Kotzcbue are in a consternation, which it i> difficult to describe.—He has left behind him 14 children.the youngest only two mouths old. His son, who circumnavigated the *«lobe, is expected here to-morrow. M de Kotzcbue had received, on the fatal day, a letter from his mother* who re¬ sides at Weimar. The authorities ol our town have commenced proceedings telntire to this tragical event. The censorship of Frank fori has sup¬ pressed* i" 'he Journal of tins (own, the pauagp r'biling to thr p;tper tlirewn ■nte Mir- nui hamuli by ih as.a e.in, on which wW« written these words :- From Jackson' Died, a few d .>» «"CCi « ^oW«*J near Laiidrake, iVioi.^h.re, Loutrnant Colonel O'Uoghcrty. "I .he Royal Ma. rines, one of the most eccentric charac¬ ters, perhaps, in England, who, for mnre than 20 years, occasionally visited Fly- mouth market on an old white horse, lean as Rosinante* whose lank appear¬ ance, combined with his own singular habiliments, formed together a spectacle of wretchedness fully equal to any thing described of the cel-'brated Klwcs. It. his last visit to Plymouth, a few weeks Since, he seated himself on the steps of The Plymouth Telegraph Office t-.t eat an apple. \\\% dress then consisted of a dirty night cap round his head, surmoun¬ ted by the poll of an old hat without a brim, a rough waistcoat, patched all over, greasy leather small-clothes, kept up by listing braces, outside the waist¬ coat, with wads of straw round the bot¬ toms of his logs. In his baud he wielded a large hedge-stick. AnmUt all thi.i seeming penury, he possessed some very excellent freehold estates in fhe above parish, lived in a small cottage in its vi¬ cinity, without a pane of glass in the win¬ dows ; hc nightly entered it by a ladder which he drew after him, and slept in a corner of one of the rooms upon a wretch¬ ed pallet. The anecdotes in circulation respecting this extraordinary man are many and curious. He formerly was at¬ tached to the Portsmouth Division of Royal Marines, in the streets of which town he frequently excited astonishment by his wretched garments, fiarlng on sometimee one old silk and one worn out icorstcd stocking. It was long a mystery with his brother Officers where he lodg¬ ed ; at length he was watched, and. be¬ tween two guns, in a dilapidated part of Southssa Castle, hc had his cot swung, and there he turned in- Although of so miserly and miserable a disposixion and appearance, be was know n to give w ay to the indulgence of a most inordinate ap¬ petite for eating, which he possessed ; but this was the only known contribu¬ tion he ever suffered to be levied upon his purse.-------- Honourcbh Disinteresteduefs.—Previous fo rh* drarh ofCotc«"l O'lVahT^v. he made a will, by which, after be^ueat'iing .£1000 in legacies to various perfon?, he left the relidur amounting ai rcd'l to £40,000' co Charles Carpenter, Efq. of Moditonham, Cornwall. At tin's gentle¬ man's requcft, two of the neighbouring magiitrates, Mr Arundel, of Landulpli. and Mr. Tucker, of iVcmaton Cafllc, at¬ tended the funeral ; after which they ac¬ companied him to read the will to Colonel O'DogUcrtyN fon and three unmanied daughters, who were no! even mentioned in ft. When nil will was read, Ir. Car¬ penter, in the handfomeft manner, renouif ced all his right and Idle to the property It- fjuealhed, which he immcdi.ite'y .'.W-. v.ci. over 10 the Colonel's four children, to be divided between tl.em. in fuch propo.nor.j as Mr. Charles R;tfh>igh. formerly a truflcc in .he family in old direct \\hat adds rr.oie credit, if u, ffible. to Mr Car¬ penter'* c-nduft »n ihi- 'iccnfit-n, is the fae>? that when an axprcu reached Kediuth

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