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Kingston Chronicle, May 14, 1819, p. 2

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TttO ftlOt left Eneknd the day the Mo- haps, and upon all or any cf the above pur- time by Commiflion under the Great Seal poles t»f this Ac"), and to levy. laifc. fecure of this Province, to authorife and empower ant) eagle to be fold, all fuch goods, debt*, fuch and f«> many perfons as he (hall think and pcrTonal chattels and estate; within Strong juaio,„atrulh-«l the streets racy. Captain White, an EngJiuSman, ii erw.fe dreffed.— Twopence curtut money day and night, to ,ppreheiul the blacks fecond in command at Margamia, which aforela.d. upon every pound AvoirJupu * of the rejdOWnt, am in a short time most tfland may now be jultty tailed the Gibral- of leaf tobacco, J1v« pn.ee. current m;a. riled Cornmiinoncis fiiall and may proceed. Suddenly 0" th- 1 >h Jan. from Valpa- rj. cordially admUted, ant) received the quantity of fuch articles rcfocclivcly IV. And be it further canned by the foever, within this Province, which bf the attainder of any perfoo or VCjfont e.f any High Treafon, by him Or them ccmm:ir.-d during the late War between Wis Majesty and the United States of America, Hull have been r>r may hereafter become legally forfeited to His Majesty, and alfo all t!-c real Estates, which by the faid Ac?, of the Parliament of this Province, pafTed in the 54th year of His Majesty's Reign, and by the proceedings that have been or may be hereafter had thereupon, have or hereafter \jT# Worthiuston left Chili 00 the maybectrrc vested 10 His ^ Majesty, Rtfjf 20lh of January, and made the journey fct the better known, defenbed and zhcc> ~rrnsS l[((, CTn tained. and that the rents, iiTncs, profits U })ntmns Avris 1 produce thcr.of may be ieeovercd and brjrt u.'-tnneo computed nt *2fl 1 endues, in for the lift of His Majesty, to be applied », w^ reported the o. & Frlgste Mn- in the manner herein be'ore exprcfTed, and end nt dan, nnivi-l nt Valparaiso about that dn examination may be taken, ai.d (|u. beginning of I'cbi fati faction made of all just and lawful J^p p.r.Ueiil'* messagi had b-en re. claims to. upon or nut of the Catd Estates ccived at linciin> A»n-, and Some n> cr any of them, Be it further cnafied by the marks made upon ii 10 the papers. Th'y authority aforefuid. That the Clerk of the *,.,.„, fn nllribiiie Ihe i'mi-ireo^nition of Crown for this Province. Oral! within three ||K'ir Independence h\ tfn* t/- States In months after the paffiog of this Afi, delivertotheCnmminioi■• rtto br appointed under this Aft, *n CRtra£ certified under this Province,ol all lnquifnions heretofore made and taken under the pmvifions of the faid A cl of this Frovince, paffed in the 54th year of Hi's .Majesty's Reign, whereby any real estate or estates have been vested in His Majesty, and alfo a certified extract under the Seal of the faid Court, of wa< restored ul Lima in December last, wa> in come down 19 Valparaiso for a tni from Valparaiso tn f..(.;„!,(, SI dnvs on horseback, Vfce&HtoW sfiU remains here ; «,.,. is under (-Itilia 11 colours, commanded by Copt. Delano, in rhat^errire. The /.'o- rntio continues te> wear tho AmoV.citi Jla-*. not ha vim; h»'*"n transferred in con- :.(i|U(Mue of the inability of the ^overii- nit'iit to pa) the amount that is due for her. Con mi terabit1 apprehension \% enter* lain-d hrr«-of the coming ul the Cadiz shiitirtu —Should it eomn nut, Monte nig and will probably amount to no than 3000 men when called for active vice. « All Is well here." left fcT- the impression which ha«! been maderhj sidcof the tropica, re^ctlngtMr party V-idu.*. will ..odoubi bot-iv.-i. up br'iln distention*. They rvncited that their |»nrtU4I|l.^and.ih •» this rirer c»u be edged iniy would have hti-n nihnnuU in consequence of fbn mrm-nhle reports which they niitJcitiafrcl from II.r com mission ors in the Congress; but Hipw did not appear to bear the disappointment n improper innnirT. eff! rlunlly bl.-cknd. ,i. J |trf(. cannot be ailonbi onto uUilD'/U failure oflhUeX- Nk\s-Oni.:-»fr?, Aprils. By the brig Cordelia which arrived hereou Wcdnesdny \n\t from Port-au- Prii'en, wc iiavc i,uno Further particulars eoncemiiig MacGrepor^ BxpedHfoni Thlsadveuturni had his rendi'/.v«ius at I.i.n UaYES, and not at Port-au-Prin. cos before reported. He and many ol his oflii'crs had visited Hie latter place in February, and wore well received by Cm r.Tlie force under MaiGrcgor was doubt this Dumber i* au cMggeration. They arc m<"t!j all :i?'\m oitln- united It «;i- R<notved—» ^•t Tiitlliemi*tl.ii.n„T-lt>f<.r.' p'nri.-,| Di'i'ir- ni-hins i-licfio Oit' I'fiHfof lln- Ot'tiitl. ." .«tu the Qi»tfif| Fi*nils. 1 -•*.i•;- !"•... .'::. period *■•'"? (b.Niiiriit'ii-iI, it i>.i.'f.-v.i: v 11..: ti.r.e oilnr .-\- py lit ui behaarceottiyth i\m n;.iLm- itits pro* \i .'Mi. 9n*. Thai It appears to iW i.i. in , ibwMi.h p..i.i.in will •*;iM.-M.;ilt.| .hum ...i ... hv (..: mane, b> rach lWiutri,i 1 tkUp, ii|m«i iisetl tltii Ctiurceand mnlniMiiunViil .i-.i«h \mwe, 'JA. Timi itiis mfruiir. ,i„ Mi ...... ^neiie* rr- r/M.itiieniJ n# clH'.li.l.-r. ,,i |, „„.!,,,, , n, |B.|nr- dtaifoitflpilaQofweliJu. _!...••- .. .., . ,.(. lT bestrntmlairdfur rai»iWa uehl.....1 . a i,.... o.- rt-quirrd lor ih«' |'n.|n«,. tilt. Thai iilui:!,,.! :,|I|MM(, to .1.....irrllnR that p-iirial mn»ur<K i,.i - ,.....„u,^ ,f,r iu- crrnu-nf|'ri'i|.. r.-in i|...... ,.,„( ,|l4, hlMfiel be r«*<i if**! »o *«' 1 • >*ii .1 5irt. Thaiini«'• J u' ' ■' - rttahltwmeatnfaSueJfi,, L-mlei ill ""I""*"*: linn ol'a SncitMV fin hw.r.mi '• .11 Chit i was by the la>t Recounts freed from the Koinlists. Sand pwlllion. A thou.d, t|„- p,:.,r!e of tb> Kiu-'dom* of Great li.i.:.:... »ith a few the Poor oTnV MliHoa4 P...... iwvlnff»rt»» counerjrare divided among tltrtnsolresj fOT«[(*cr«amon£thoonlKcrs. rtwassaid object the-prwaiiriu -'/'■"•i;"; ;. „„ir_„ an.l,toi„«o.i«M«as,,,,„rcommo.ion, StTofVmen had seen service; Al&SSR^^ jret they wouldjomagam<t any fo.e^n t|(t,ir ulliformS ttC.r blue, «iib a blue and SiT|„|J,anflve»hl!UaB pera»namw tWond \(izy u ho coin. pamardsaxe umver- ^|,(,„ C((Ckad. enemy, and so the S sally regarded' March 4.—Ii is reported tint a Mes¬ senger was dispatched thu day before yeslrrday to fir 11 San MrtI'iii, Kith or¬ ders for him lo mar. h hi» army to this plare — il is said that be is to be named D-rt'llor • and it conforms to what nv So «.!» t>i a con*idt'reil mnnher* vessels they em- eTtbeeeneml 6f ihi-S'icieiy. "id. Thai two penrral Meeliof of tteSocwrjf br held in tiipy.'ar. Ihconeai Kioptou «i'irnf; th? ^«.ir^ week, ilie mhrr at A«l..lphu* I.iwii durinjr ll"" January Secsinns K(t|. That Hie businre* o( ilir PorfptJ l>^ cuti- diietedhva Pre>ldent, four Vlec Prciutrni supposed «iii, ,i,c intention ,lf ruMwooii»cc.i»wad»ii.Wl speech to wail rti h*. 54-h IT of a,-, taifc^a. jKkcUe era b &.!.e.«lt;-,,,ef«h1cl1bylUcl,!n,1„nt,onS 1, «4Mhoiisl.tllii,I1nv.le!«p1.,litioi. would TfT^"\'(!;1r'?'" r »• "' FtM**rf«wA«j to the Patriot, Afrnhri -n ihefaidlHu.w.onwrfpeaiw,, „, r.,n.3. OMtfa «*o\«ter, of the i,,,,. op«hcr«,t„ thcda.co. t„«r faid Inqu;!,- t,,o, ,),,. real I,,.,,, „f lh; [Me navn, lion, and the names of the Commuliomr, <-,vS ■;„ Talcuhu»na Hay l„,d r^igu.d by whom they were refpecuvely takco j & l.orrtCoehrnue was fond of l,i,«,a„d « bit. in the extras, ol the InqoiCtion. upon at. ed hint lo remain. His place was filled ,n,° Po' tainder.ofa,iype.f..n..rpcrfon» for H.gh bycant. Glisf, of Ihc Hriiisl, nan. «0 P"mit"' wholly the Congress, nbich I enclose you, Tear •»f Ihc Cadiz Expedition is no doubt the principal cause o'the'f nmvemeii!'.. The Kxpctlil'ioii lo Lima will ofemirse besu.- pi-uded at least, if San Martin comes thin wav.------------ From th: S-yt^n Patriot. Kingston (Jam.) March t6\ Tfte Harriet, utuh*r flwedifli colore, ha- vinjr en hoard Sir Gre^or M'Gregor, came nto Port Royal ye-.*crday. He was not dtobnd. a<id oRlrial notification Marked in were 0 or 10 in number, said (o be tine ships, some of them as large as frigates, the others, sloops of war; the Whole well armed and completely euolp* prtl. ft wis generally thought at I'ott- BV-Prinee that the British Government were some how concerned in the tnter- prizOj as it was rpparently conducted on loo grand a scale for any individual pursp, and the insurgents arc not without funds- They left Los Caves in the be- wiUoesutraiUtedfciradupi ainntog of March—destination unknown, hut *u»pected lo be for Car'.hr.gcua and Secretary.Treasurer, ai;J thlrt) mrmaw ; ",r* of wliim- m'iuiber. »ii.i t'v I'l'-ni- ', nr in hi* abvenceoncof tht Vice ProleVOtt, 1^11 form » quorum. Oih. TImt wirmeetiflp dn now a.!;ourn until l?oVlorktn-:norrnu, wlirn i.tle>;iu.l np«!aiiy.w n. Neiv-Gr«*nad- HOME AFFAIRS. >**•,!•■ Trcafonas herein before mentioned, mall that (he marln ii; is now from the Montreal Courant p waV'made tVhim'fro^ the Cu-tum Houfc, of »«r ParHamcnt "to impofe duties on (Tel must ..roceedtofca. a» (he certain articles therein mentioned, and to be stated the names, additions, and late commanded bv Rnelishmen Th,- lirir that the vfTt. pJaeesofabodeofthepcrlonsattai.ted.thc ish frjgat^TiSffL h^XA^J^A «"as from St. DommfO, ard ih **<U h- folate, for a limited rime, the I rade with fpcc.es of Treafon. ol which and the ref- to^fc taking off from i,ima about liio.nil- "W^M peAivc limes, places and courts when and !ioiiv0f dolla^perhapshouiiil lo Itio Ja- "S* rtn that iu'mut nn,Uhh colony, in forrgn the United States of America by Land \eht^mprohibif.iby an Aa of Parfta- «r Inland .Navigatum, and to repeal cer- At Ihr a.Ijonrnril mr^.-n^. |l*W at lht Coitft ffou eon S.1iurt!a> me I-i ri"-» of >!.\v, A'.lav .Maclfan, I*>q. having r.:iion«*d iV.e Chair,thefotloftt^ng deeianuiou a.,«l rules -ir.d regulations were read. tn ordi'r iiul no nmiin(!criiatHlth£ may ariir, respecting thr nature ami inieii'ion* «t' ihi* S"- rict.v. il is deemed ncce.-::rv to riVrlurc, that It* tr™. •ul n;tl \.,(?~a I-TuIlTrt." r.*r:*« leadiaeobjeei ii (he "prevention of Panperiim," Ititnoi etmsequenlly in roh.rmol.liou to yM under lis direction or oQnlrol, eUaerShedhtftbn tlo i of the Ponr*> |-'un.!srtfany TowmhTp. orili" mraiuiffwhich may be reported lu lor fai?inc such f.inds. Il will uudoubtiJly «*ek to nni|«- the dilTerfnt Townsff*pl in their efforts 'n lieitcr the rondiri(>iinf the poor ihrniiclmut thr l/i'irtcl. But il "ill a-sumr (ti il»>*i| n>* (»*!»• «*r over t!ir of he 54th year of His Nfa|esty\ R 'ion •mmiKiieation wilh (he interior be- J£ 7a<& •'»-' cut off by wandering hordeS of In- Wc hive been fi ii- aimed whh the fo!- *, . r . pr'.-uureui th.- country Majesty by theattamderof any pcrfon or cxtronHv .rarer and hiffh. The credit pcrfons for any H-Rh Trcafon, committed nflhr B0Wnimfill( h rerr much reduced during the cx.'.iei.ce of the late war its paper bcitlK at 30 Tier Cent discount' Monarch, Oiip, i^'g""*! Onyx .1,:p, Peterfbuigh Packtf,» do- 210 furaicta 104. So of America, by Land or Inland Navigation without payment of any Duty whatfoever ; lhat is to lay : Gold and Silrcr coin or bulliun.matls. yards, bowfprits, fpars. knee, plank, hoard* fut tocks or fliip timber of any kind, pitch, tar, torpeatinc, rofin, hemp, ar»dnax,hooDS, fllingles, clapboards trees, which naiideriiijrpaimm beloai «ill ho ;oca 1 .l in' n- .:™u^. f-..,*. ^ 1 . j rcd •00 tins will now !><■ rcndt'trJ absolutplv ktWood, IUVM^ nrW.arv.n,rachT^nshi,M,nl,on...IflIw and timber ol any kraaf reedti wheat, rye, oniwrifihemaiittrnancenri^ ow.i|>unrt ^i suit from the union of (hi* ilifTorcni Toui^tnps in a general S'ictriy. 1st, A rta;icl> ;;nd ilirrctvorn- mnnfcaitod with the Toor bodciin ul aM ii.c ToirmliipatlD iho DUirict will tltrrtby Lcnptn- wL LUld hcnrc a certain prrv. iihvo of iiuposiiton will be ohianiiM.—?J, Bv litis r*inini'itnrahun an rat> mnliiul of a5t:crlainin^ lite i*«»wn*hi|*v tn 39* A ^t Domingo Ji*ooner, M'GrcgorVown fchooner. There arc 16 nfiV™ io ^ Onyx, and between His Majesty and the United ami daily sotting lower. All il^n-ul .r Statesof America, make out and deliver troops have boot* withdrawn front thisct- to the faid Corr.mifii.-ners like extra^-; of ») to aet against the V-i-//o/;,v.t. or 111- the fame refpeaivcly, a!i which cxtraa-or rflans, who Infest the inferior, but they certified lasts, the faid ('omraifTtonerd (hall cannot do My tlllnjj ni(h ihem. Urine enter into a bonk, to be provided and kept well mounted, tbry alimys avoid a nni. by them for that purpnfe. lar attack, it is $aid tun. the desertions ill. /Indbeil further tnaP.ed by the au- have breu Torv great fr»m tr> troops thoruy c.forrfmd. That an exliaft from that sent out from hrrc. The military dun the full F.ight Infant'; the lair ^ the book, tinned by any two or more of the of the city K tuuv jj.-rformed hv the e/p.- BA«ffcft regiment IW has, and con'.ft. of laid CommitTioners, (hall he taken and held C:■■*, or militia, COmpQied of flic native '5° "i:k and fi'e, an-* commanded by l.ieti- as fiiRicient evidence of tltemaitrrs therein population, :cid the free bhu*k«. certified, in all Courta of Justice within **"> look pluce 01: the 3d ull. i.. thi^Poviace bk far as may concern the ex- these regiments of blacks. It npucaw ecutfon of tin* .\a, *s fully as it the they wore 01 deied to assemble llithout oats, barlev, potatoes Indian com, beans, peas, lice or grain of .toy kir.d.frcihor failed beef or pork, & provilion ofall defcriptions, fielh fifh. dories, neat cattle fheep, hojs, pniiltry,or other live (lock or other livrpro- 30 in the \lonarcb74,,Kctherw,'th',ie llaii" *ifion* "f any k'ndf p0t & Pc:,rl aflleS» of lite Following ifffnientl :— Lancers, butter, cheefe, honey, furs and tlcins, un- Htiffars the HibcTfl""* il'Grcgor's and dreffed hides or Bcios, pig Iron, tallow, e niur of wheat. Indian corn, rye. oats, f barley or othrr gram ot any kind aid wampum, any Law or Ordinance lo the Amu. teiiani'lToionciRVlV^lateofihertotbre. contrary in ttrj wife norwhhftanding." ........m........_ ^ m..................... nncof glnacnt. CapulnsHofii do- Ac;on do. ' l[l- And be it further enafled by Sueietf, for MUring Mr emotion ../ the iVv of e authority aforcfaid that from and after the MUlUtnd Ditftkt." r- up. puor. ;id. By this union, nut only Ihc Yuunsliipi theinselftfv. hut ihe imlivid!ialsnt"cach Toun-lup, "ill be sii- mnlat-dtf. encourage, both byprecepi and eiam- |iie.«nrh measures of eeoaom>—*vbi'iety-^and morality asareiliiveilycalculate. 1 in |»romol<" the cou.f.in and 'velfare or every un-ruberufihr cotn- mui.ity. ri is iinneces-ar> i »in-i-i further no ibe advantage* '" be reaped Imui •itch an union. The dail\ OT.-.uiplt'oimankiihlai liirge, fiirni-hca us withalnTi.luiif protit", thai ihe uniti-.I elTtiftSof *■ Ihe man\" carn-llrcl.evcn in latbttftPj pAarttf, tar more Ibau their icJWw and uiiLOtiuccu-a cxcriitnis. RULES AM) RI{ilM.\TlONS. I. The Soricly *l«atl be Ucni'UMinited " Th* Goodeman, Gtrmam Buornack. do. Lieu- th* tenants Moore, late^Qth reg't. Crai*. do. the paffing of this;AcV the importa-ron of Vaffon, late of the^th Uegt. Frimy, do. the following articles of the mauuJ'-&uie Volunteer Stewattand Bra»- and produce of the United talcs of Aniert- Tlu\ regiment, it " faid, is to form the ca, fhallupon payment of the following advanced guaid.anc was under orders to Duties, or Security therefor bi permitted Tn-a?urrr VerTia fail on-the ift Mar.-*', dedined, as it was that is to fay, leather ofall defcriptions. mrraber*, teoof w.. tin.'- being* are hereby authorifed, arm* a"d nmmunitioti. 'IV present <ur- reported for Santa Martha, but moll pro- leaf tobacco, fnufF 01 fl nr or powder of 'lent, or inliWab'cncenneot itn- Vktf I'i.'m.I.ii's. emiowere a r] required to inquire into all l,r'*1' ""•> had their eeiiliii.'ls Hationod at bably Po.toliello. f'cft*mcat was ferred tobacco, tobacco manufaclorcd in any shall wrmaqaorum for th*- iraoKiCilon uf bu- iuei 'tales both real and p rfonal 'l«0Qraer**f tJtfi neighboring -tre.-l-.. nut to the tioop. iwcc a week, and tluie other way th«n Into feuff or flour or '"'"There .hallbetwulmli v.a.lv eriirral n-.c VAmn tu«s Pioviacv, as iri or may be On bc.ii^ darangucd by their officers rc« was no apparept wn*' cf mncey or credit* owdrrof tobacco, fpiritstif turpentine and ilopnflbc Society -, out v. Mtij; tori durmfithi record* of fuch attainder or I. quifiiic-n arms, w/Kn \f Hfti intended to proimso were produced iu fuch Courts. to thorn (ojoiu Ihe re-ulr.i army which IV. .■ndIt u further enabled by the^ au. "as a* 'iti^ayain-f ihc Moutoueros. They Uoriry a/orrfaidy That the laid Commit- JJG a sUSpiciOTi that wm" attempi of (his C nci - «r the mojority of ihem for the *t"l<* "*ttSto be math', anrl ap;>.'.ii('d wiih 2. All prr*ons ^ub-crihiiig tivr'.liitlini^s. Hali¬ fax Curroflcv, toitffondSiOi iheii rc*>pceiiffeQUO* tastO ihcir Town-hip I'o.ti". iMinl, iuoII he con- >idered inrmliem of the Socieiv 5, Tin* buslnefs of ihe Society tkiitl he eon- luetcil bv a IVfMent, live Vice I'lniili-ii!*.a try, and :, i',nninilii*e of ilitrly hnse nuin'ifv. with ilie Tre-i-

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