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Kingston Chronicle, May 7, 1819, p. 4

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manure, Til! on trie land, atd are not cat* ried of along with the rain water into ths tfUlPlUTIIHil nta Off along WHO f/K ram water mv »« AGK It V L I U K A b. ^ fc*w| ^ rid andt uhmattt3% TOBACCO & SNUFF Manufactory. into the Forth ; hut are abforhid by the fat. To Officers on Half-Pay in gJR. ,^2^3^ ^ Canada. interest in the lloufe of Lufher & Van IT is defired thai Officers receiving Half- s] . at prefcoktf anrj that of Luftier ft , tt r> i r „ av.« MfW4Wffi*in«ff-----•.«■— «B mHK*ub«cribrrsboH,w to acquaint J_ Pay, 0r Military Pcnfions, through the Sexton at |.a Chine, to Mr. A. Jones of Prom the Upper Canada bflClfl* siprtl zQ- ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^.^ ^ j_ ^ custom(.rS lL y^ And rjOW. Qa^HJfcJ^ in Canada, wiU tranfmit to prefcoW> Tjppcr Canada, ihc Blinds will, ...... "'" ' ' '" -' Another or Canada, they have lately established tnC;r fCveial Agents, at Quebec, their artcr tne f,r9t day of March enfuing.be waiter, when it is coniidcred to cl"s, and of which a constant supply and will cordUlly agree with them in annually felling off their hay crops, high the pound, ^ forwarding the views of the Society. cutting their grain crops, and fpreadin* Superline and Corner, Cut Tobacco, 2d. Refolved—That a Subfciiption be abroad their pntrefcent manures to ihc i" lar*>e and smell -WHtt, immediately Opened for forWMOl'ne the hflurr.ee of fun, wind, and rain, fometimes RtM Happen, Macay, & Scotch Saoff. views of the Wiety, and that the Ma- ,«W Wr before thefe be ploughed TV Mm*, « «my of a superior ofu.ates in ea^h Townfhip be requeRed to under, the . arfe farmer are enabled to go qualify, if found OtltCftfiae may be re- wHl of Officers refiding in the Upper Province ^^ refponsible With u*. for any en a„e. before the 20th of the following Month, at mem enterw| jnto by faid F-.ts. \Vc which period the returns will be made lip. fcc, faligfiC(j, from our late experience As more than fufficient time is given lor ^ gus;ncrg> jj,,. number of Boats now Communications to reach Quebec fr,>n2Ane owned by us, and ihe commodious Stores moftd#antPo$s,thnfc Officers' Affida- at [nifl p|aoc and [.a Chine, that we (hall vits which do nourrive in time to be incor- ^ ^ ^ Qur ef lQ ^ve ,cnera| |^ poratcd in tVcfc Returns, mud remain over g^j0Di till the coking period of Payment. Commiflary Genera?* Offcc, > Quebec, March I, i8to« i'/"' Aux Officio* a Demi-Paic en Canada. A. JONES, COKS. A. VAN SLYCK, L. sexton. l:refcott, January 18th, 1319. ciUrates in each I ownfhip ~- ....-------•- -------•— — , .. - , forward the fubfc.iptions. on, with half the put.elcent manure they < rn«-d at the subscribers* oxpcn.c. and 3d Refolved—That all pet Ions who might obtain from their lands, letting at IM money KM Urders for any of _ (hall rubferibe, (liall be obliged to pay the nought all that has been faid in the early the *bOT« articles. Jo 1^ sent to thrm, at. le canaI ,,„ Commissariat en Canada, f«m by him fet oppofite his name, on numbers of your valuable repofltory, and their Store, l\i-4-,5r. PaulMrcet, Mon- sont rfi,iUis tic |ransrnC(tre a Irurs Agens demand of the Treafure., and that a aftualW praaifed by your prtdec^br for ti-al, wherr rvcry attention (as usual) ^^(5, 4 Q,„'.!icc, !eurs affidavits en thelaft twenty-five years. By thus adop. *UI be paid to supply .hem, on the m«t trinliCJI!a, immrdiateme:«t apro< le tcrme TT YS OFFiciFtt> qui rc^oivent la De- ILj »i-Paie 00 Pension MiUtairo, par NO I ICE- tha'Twenty per Cent of the fums fun- foon enrich both themf.lve* and their land- 3 to 4monihs, previoti-. to its being wan- fcrihed, be paid at foon as p^ffible, and remitted to the Treafurer of the Society at York, for the general benefit of the Society 5n this Province. cth. Rcfoived—That Zaccheus Burn- ham, Efq. he treafurer f->r this DiltricX 6th. RefK-ed-----bat a General Meet¬ ing of the Society b« held on the lecorul day of ihc next \--ril Quarter Scffions, at the Court lloufe, at Hamilton. Ioid< I remain, your conftant reader. Peregrine Pickle. ADVICRTISEWENT. THE ^ubl^-iinersbeg leave rcfpeelfully to info'm th'-ir friends and the pub lie that 'hey have juil received from Mon- eslenlivc 3nd genenl affort- ted, as those articles rtflusra more time to ho grtt in readiness, than other k.nds of Tobacco. Their friends, Cnl(hr.eU $c $otomonst of Albany, continue a* usual, to Manu- qui resident dans la Haute Province, n- vant le 20me. du mots suivant, aur.quels periodes le* rctours sc femnt. Commc t*on donne plus de terns qu'il ne faut pour tran>moltre les communications a Que¬ bec, des Postes les plus eloigned. Ics alii- THESubfcribc hflv;us difpnfed of his interest in the Houfe of Luflr:-' & Van ?lyck? at ' refcotr, and that of 1 i-fher &• Sexton, at La Chine, ti Mi. A. Jones, the businets willin futu-c be carried <»n under the Firms of Jor.ea & Van Slyck at Tres- cott> and that of Lev: Sexton & Co. at La Chine.—He will notwithstanding1, hold himfelf refponsible with them, for any enfra^ement they may make. 6 ___________F.:" 1 LUSHER. NOTICE. JAMES ME4GHER return* his mojl trer.l, a very ment of GOODS ( no numero'i* to ipeci- yy Ti/. At a M-clin^ of the Magi.lrate^, Cen- *y) which will enable them to terra thofe fc50 kog-! sweet scented Plug Tobac- try, and other Inhabitants, of the DiRfift wno maY DC pleafcd to call at iheir Store, co? f» a„d S pings per lb of New cafll.-, held at the Court Houfc in 011 more reafonahle terms, than the ufual fiO box*» Fresh Chocolate, Hamilton, on Wednefday the 12th April, mode of doing buunefs in the country ef- 200 do. Se^ar*, with an a«sortmcnt of 18)9 purfuant to adjournment, the fol- tablilhment?. This fyftem they arc deter- London Snuffs imported last fall. Lew & Ben jS Solomon & Co. m * ■ ftcfuw«U1(M* ofToUccn, Snuffand dMlhl d„ Officers qui n'tffifentnsi Chocolale. Any nvrt.-rs tritendod for r them, and forwarded t" th*: subscribers, will m«*t with due attention.—Tln-y have still on baud Irom their Manufaclo* lowing Rcfolutions were propofed, and mined to perfeverc in. and humbly hope it una»:imo( fly adapted. W*U niccl with that approbation and fup- ill Refolved—That the fitm of P40 & port which it may merit. - - • FOWKE. WEBSTER. 5: Co. ftnecre thanks to the p ople nf Kings¬ ton and tts environs, fcr t'.-r liberal en- . eouragement he I as met with Juice his com- em* pour e(re_ .ncorpon* dnn« ccs re- . j^j, Hl b ,tave „ ■ rorm tours, resieroDtjusq.'uuperioaedupaye- m jr£g ani lhl p.M\c, that he ha$ Removed to his New Houf: near the A..ir- let Place, oppofite to Mr Biym.ins anc will as ufaal cany rm the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Manufactory. HORSE SHOEING ami BLACK- rx-\'ttted in the ment suivant. Bureau du Commissr.irv-Gen«"ral, Quebec, le. Mars, 1810. f li 6m F TO LET, OR one or more vcars. Smith's Creel-, 15/A Msrvb, !*><<) 8w-i2 Upwards, having been already fnhferibed bv the Inhabitants of thi, DiHrift, in aid of tl r funds ofthet'ppcrCanadaAgricultu- ra: ocicty, "t is the fenfe of tin's meeting, that henceforward there (hould be eftablifh- ed in this Diftrid, an Agricultural Socie¬ ty, auxiliary to the Upper-Canada Agri¬ cultural Society. 2d- Refolved—That in order to carry the view* and obiett? of the Society into *-... w; il <- Cajxoiuii to nominate and ap- poi ii two Viec Prefidenn, a Treafurer. 3c Secettry. to continue in rheir Tcfr.eclive officr- tor the term of one year, from the tim. of fiich nomination and appointment. 3d. R: folvcd That Rich-ird Bullock, --------------------------- and Z <heus I urnham, Ffquires, re no- HT^IE Subfcriber offers for falc his mina- .1 Vice PrefnJents, Zaccheu- Burn- "- iioufeandFs , on reasona¬ ble terms, and poSSessfon given on tfir 1-Tst da> of May next, that large and SMITH WORK will be Commodious house, two stories hi^h, sit- Itfl manner, at th: Jhortefl notice, and en __________ uate in King Street, cornerine the mar- the lowrjl terms J**/»/?APC & r^Z-z/l/^o k0t Plac<*-and opposite to 13. Washburn, N. B. To rent, Icafr or 0 fir the AilL HO I b q| l^aOteS. F.sq-S. OtT.ee. ffc hoa»e<mtainsfow term of t Nntrrttl. 67/1 MtUth, 1RI9. L4;.-S WILLI. W liL'DOhN. vmMrr W11'5, eccivtr hy ,hcca,liel1 ^ring J\t»ll^l^ ^W vcffels, and keep onftai.tly on THE naderfigned rtquell all perfdns hand at Quebec, an aff rtmeut of indebted to thj-e!>Me of the Ute Paleui nfOVCd CHftlU CubleS of NICHOLAS HAGERMAN, Efquire, to tti.k' immediate payment, and fuch as have ace tunts ajjainil the cllate, are re- tjiit.(Ua iu pirfent the.Tt for adjoftment. Oh, Alex, ilager.iiati, Daniel Hagerman. Kxctutors. Kinjrfion, 15th March. 1819. 12 all sizes, AXninits do. Well Woiihytheattr ;i of ten years and tfjunt-GiSte p-tfffion IflrRC rooms, well finished, and ancle- given, that well known Jl/wd, the WEL* gant shop, complete,—Kitchen in the L1NGT0N INN, in Barrack /Ircet — rear, two stories,—good Store House for This fttuation is one of the brjl m town, the repository of Merchandize and Pro- having maty Conveniences thai render it ouce ; also a Stable,—The premises are particularly well adapted for a Houfr of suitable [or the reception of any decent Public Entertainment and Stbre. Atbh 10 family and for mercantile business, boing the Proprietor. " 111 gcd in the i.ake and H: ion of tb *fe enga- iver navigation. lAtf Qllrbec, ifi April, ,8,5, Edward Jones, j>EOS leave mofl rerp.Ctfuny to fn- *-* form hl^ "«cnd. and tha public in ! ,„lWn„, AJIccneu- 15urn- -»- lloufeand Farm,togethero. fepame, .^r, W I, a,\. p .-1 j ,7' , »°*** Uxeo, Grain, Hay, Potatoes, and n -V e p*tTft. ililfrL * r~" w ^ ***«**■ I'?pfc«cnUof llnfbandry, Gtuate on • c r r^ & 7*? Hill remiinon^n fnr rfmlL ** :.• ...i 1 1*;...- c. 1 ' . . . * P*> r.il,nn. ^.,1.- ^r .1 one of the first stands for that line „ Kiui;s(«n. For further particulars apply to the-proprietor. A. MACDONEtL. Kingston, March II, 1S19. 11 tj THE KINGSTON LIUUAKV WILL be open at the Court lloufe every Monday and Tbui fday. from JAMES nTPJrrrPTf Kingjlon, Eel. 5, 1 »*• 1 y •_______ The Subscriber f|T>EGS leave to inform the Public, that JtShc has commenced manufjclnring Soap & Candles in the hoofe formerly occupied by Mr. John Size, in a* 30 Inn rt.eceivcd an ele- ^^JXTS^IEIS^ by Mr. Jolin Size, b«ta*m^ .V.r ^^.x>. where fubferfptions for Reading will be ta- he hopes that from hi. long expe; erne r 0 ....._______ c r rir , /; Y GOODS, ken at Thirty Shillings per year, or ten 3nd knowledge of the bufinefs, h will be Rrw St Lawrence, omlooking »hc ■ 'll,B^ art,y of & following articles, (hillings pcr quarter, payable in advance. enablcd lo give ft*"**?" \° Pofc pcrfon8 o opportunity of enrobing beautiful village of Ogdentbnrg, and within ™ ' " ' ■*-—"- .....u •K— -......- m this patnotic inftitution, half a mile o/Prefcott, Upper Cv.ada. .....nm™ °Pfn for thofc to join who have not yet had an thn'r names cent nn 1 *% " l* con;P!rtc* *o per . The Dwelling 1,m,iV. winch b» .ateiy ven, on the amount thereof &.11 be forth- been eretted, confi Noftwofitunp !<,0m, - h ,ra..miiteJ to the Treafurer of the 4 Bed-room,, a Kitchen and Cellai, wdJ ma.nS.cty.atYork. but, in the mean Smlhrd. time th vrz .. - „rn . Severalfltares in the faid Library are for who may favor him with their patronage ■•pernn • Wefl of England Cloths and fale, at Five Guineas, and the ufual fub- and f,1PPort' r . ._c „WiaertW C.Hi"crc..o- th. nv.ft famionable colors, fcription. JAMES BENSON. .n/h Lir-n*, r,rii;fh shirting, Line! The ar .........>,, *------ -----annual fubfeription to be pardon ^d Cotton amhrir,. Corded Cambric, the fir ft Monday in Oclobcr neat; the ar- L n-' Mufl Kingfton, 1II March 18 9. rl>N. B. Calh Paid for A flies. totf Ma> y a long- rear had eiapfed fince I had been at Fp'llcirfc Tryft. till that in Oclober I'alf. / then took oec3lion to ride over th" Carfe. and convc.-fe with fomeofthe farmers there, the fens and grandfono of iiy ol I friends and accj'iamt- ances. Thry gentrally adhere to many of the cull* ms of their fathers. I found, in particular, that the good ancient prac¬ tice of fcemping, or driving in cutting down grain in harvrO, flill prevailed there more than ever. The ftubhles of wheat, and tvtii Of barley and oats, are left, in ma*'y inftmsoCff as high as your knee. Thi* excellent prailicc keeps the foil warm in winter ; an advantage far luperior to any benefit that couM be derived from the ad¬ ditional manure the ftraw would afford, or furplus giain t!:at would be feeured by clofe cutting the ditTtrent crops. Thele farmer*, of c^urfe, copfider froft, and furtly very properly, a* of no benefit in anj aj| mellowing flifffoiis. Ilcar;ied alfo, that fifa it is confidered a benefit to cart out dung —- from the farm yard, and fprcad it on the iu miner fall ., in the■ nri^libourhond fn the erection of a Wha.f, Brew Tor DistiJIeiy, &c. Pa.t of the uurchafe money, may remain on Mortage ;f agreeable to the Pii.chafer. Apph.an.,n toben-.adcto Henry forest Lfq Montreal, John Macaulay Kin. *t n. or the owner Preseott, l6th Ocl. 18,8. A w.l. chofen alfortmC't jf Hiread snd Laces and Kibbons, Straw Bonnets, Ladies Tortoife flwll Comb:, Cambric and lace Fa tings, and a numbet of articles, too nu- msr-v* to jofrrf. 4 C rate*..f Blue CROCKERY Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica .* (irits Brasdy, ifolland G;n. Port Lawbckcs iIerchmer, Ksq. John Kirby. Esq. Treasurer, Wiuun MiTcirrr.L,Esq. Secretary, John Ferguson, Ksq. Librarian, Ktchako O AVERNE. lrtr — FOR SALE OR TO LET, commence.. „......,„ di mr no|1K. j..,^,., OCCnpIed by Mr. John Sire, Store St-. ,t. FORSALK, » - . .- .--•■;:' "•w,f ",'Ti a VERY lalimWe KARM, where every article in on line may be had A rttiXI v»»»m«.' on the noft reafonahle terms, and on the j* ' this date, or the fame will be thr.-wn open to othei applicants. JOHN SMALL, i3—tf ________C. E C. TT.RMK »f mr Tueniy sUUiuas per annum; if sfni bv Mail twenty foni tliillings. Siiliserip'iuns to be paid inadvance to tbc 1st of July, or the Isi of Janu- OF ADVERTISEMENTS. s and under Vs. 6d. first ?n- , and 7\d. each subsequent 10 lines and under^ 3s. 4rf. sertion.) and \0d. each subsequent above ten lines, 4d. per line for th*first insertion, and Id. jpr line flioitell charge ten direct r<-. w» mw i«c aimos- phe". by ihe heat of the fun, &c. I was COld alfo, that rank ftable yard manure ii raited on, and fprc3d over the wheat P. van KOUGHNET. _Cornwal|, Dec. 7, 1818 30 tr. A.VDREW DENIKE. for evert, subsequent insertion. nonr-h. V.lln.r 0, Broclc«||.., he. ^ ^.^^—--^ cionsare insertedm totm,a„acharSt,l ■ *■ •.....— -* accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise* meats to Oc it. writing and delivered bu WEDNESDAY NOOS at the latest. " No -Advertisements received after TEN o'Clock on the day of publication. AGK MS. Henry Cowan, Esq, tjurbtf. Edward Silk, Esq. Then Uitcrt. .'anic» \s tliiams, Kmj. Montreal, Meter*. J. & J. Dumnp, Unotster. Paul Glawford, Esq. Pliitllitu, Alphcus June-,, Ksq, peeefott, Ilenry Jones, Ksq. UroeUvilte. N. B. Tonimas, K«q. Perth. J. K. Haiiwell, Esq. Jt^tant. 1 oh nship. Also, Lot number fifteen, in the first couces>iun, and number fifteen in the sh fiuhhles inthelatt wheat \m*tm ■ ,--;-cr Pa,t Of autumn, and hrimm of wmtcr, on which it hangs rufpeaded in the atmofphere for feveral 7«kr. generally, before it be NOTICE. Ifffi Bt nfljZJi Hoard for Mi LIT l A Pbk- ■* ■■;(■■-..-, will meet en the lafl Monday .. ..'..«■ ,'n February, afld continue fo to do, the fame . '• -.....> « uc ploughed fay i„ cacb BftotUb, until the bufinefs of dOvr", and till the greateft part of the this Dijlria, as regard, the fame is finified. funllanccbe waflied ...,r ..f .". »--- --' j0()N KKKGUoON. H'tn^Jlon, Ecb. \flt 1S19, 6 MOTICE. .........•»'* »>~ --•»»'-■ "Mt-en rTpHE ^ubfefen'bersrefpeclfully inform the Second COnCKtfigJs*1 (n<; *0»I|- X their friends and the Public, that they E. Webster. Esq. Uananoqtu- >nip of V«-nge, in ihe pistnrl of Johns- ngvc now rec<:ivcj a.icj jurt opened in Mar- *> Ranker., Esq. Bath. town. These Farms "'II be deposed or ke| Street, jott below Mra. Patricks lnnf - ■ peculiarly eatf and advantage. , Extenfive affortment of rcha-ers—Ai'P'y to bottht. fubttanceorthe finer «2 rains ; ner pans of the on terms ous topurcha OANIKI. JONES, Jun. __ Hrockvilh; \ 5th January. 1819. 4 ~ BLANKS, For the Courts *>f Request, and various other kinds, for sale at this (tj/ice. :s DRY GOODS, GROCERIE; and STATIONARY. L.kew.fe-a great qnantity of ClalT.cal Books, the whole of which will be fold very ,0rJ &£ aP"rovcd C^dit. y Z)r, . i8^KALD6cAYKROm Allan McPhcrson. Ksq. Xapaner. Simon Mc.N'abb, E».q. BtlfoUfc, James G. IVihune, ksq. 11, milt on. William Allan, Esq. rnr/t, Rifhard llatl, E»q. fjuntfos. Daniel Rom, Esq. Vittoria, John Crooks. E>q. Niagara. John Wihon, Ksq. Amhtrstbu.gh. KINGSTON, I C FRINTJSP FOR XJ1K tUH'OH

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