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Kingston Chronicle, May 7, 1819, p. 2

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Fn.-irt* ; but 1 doubt, thii'is went «n far " however, that half bales. 1-202 zcroons, and 7252 bags Hi* Grace was pleated to deliver tnc fol- amongft thoic who ought to have only one of Cotton from America. lowinc SPEECH : object in view, may as much as pofiible be The Fund* hr»ve risen a little today ; The value .»f (he corn, «rain, flour, &C. Gknikmrtt */ tkthr ^Mativt C ti.ev left off ai 05f. C5e- imported into Groat Britain in IS18, a- , r,,»t>s,»*n *{»***•* avoided. ft* Abnt II—Yesterday there mounted in value to £lO,908, 140 stcrl. * camc to.™ ™?** "W.™ Then the 1 .ties of the following Billy Wavagmud council. Which commenced [over.forty-eMht millions of dollars.! Government of His Majefty s Dominions ttW read ; upon each of which the Royal on.inued until half oust 3 ThlS importation, says the Courier, has in N«yth Amcnca. with a f.nccrc defire of Atfent was g.vCD in the fcllow.ng words : ie exchange against us, raised J»*W( ,nt0 P?*1" *<= "jteMions and ln H,b Majefly'. name His Grace the Ofwld,wditf«d0tlw resump- ,ib?ra! v,CWf of H,s R"V*i Highnefc the Governor ia Chiefthanki his loyal fubjefts, Prince Regent, to promote by every prac- accepts their benevolence and affcnti to titablc mcafure. their general profperiiy, thjs Bill. to improve their aatunl icfourccs. and the ,\n Aft to make good a certair fum of at one. and « oVlock, in the afternoon. turned tin The dehivtivo organization of the Na- the price liona! Guard? i* refoned to the King's (ion of cash payment Ministers, and will soon be discussed nipossioie. Capt. Campbell! arrived at Xewbury- council. port| States, that en the Oth inst. in lat. Ye»t"jday the Memoirs of Count La* 11. N. Ion. 4S, n0 W. he fell in with on- Oua^wcre seized at the bookseller^, of the most a^toni-hing bodies of ice In- L'iluiHicr. had ever seen or heard of. Ho judged Ir is not ascertained when the projects it 1| mile* in circumference, being 400 of law concerning the press, the jotir- fc pal , and the trial by jury, will be pre- pCDCCUy WHIte J nc did not lose sig individual happineff ot Bii \ajtfty's peo¬ ple. A rcafonable hope sod expectation was entertained bv me, in accepting tins com money therein mentioned to defray the cxpencesofthetivil Government for the An A&l to amend tain monies herefore appropriated for" i! Jiimiui i i uiMotioiit* of the l-Cn-' -y "f N i tltMmiiLi -and. An Aft to authorize Go Lcpaillienr to fell a certain i ot of Ground cutai.cd upon the heirs of the lace Charlet Lvpatllieur, fituate on St. J'ifeph Sticct, in the City of Montreal. Ah Aft to authorise the Juftice* of the Peace for ihe Diflrift of .Vlontrea' to appropriate from the Funds th-'eia mentioned, a certain fum of money for the ereftion of additional Stall* in the Market p!:>c*3, and to buiid two new Weigh Houfes. An Aft to auhori/.e Anthtny Auderfoa and others proprietors ,.£ L/otcocllcr Bridge, t»remove the fame. an A 3 palTcd in tht Gel above the surface of the water, mid m.anrf' !hal *\f* ?*in Ufc P"™*5 erfectlv white; he did not lose Si*M ..| with the cheerful fupportof every well it till night. -The change of air, in it neighbourhood, gave ■ u'ncient warning scnted to the Chamber—but it appears certain* notwithstanding what has been said in one of the papers, that they will of i'.s approach to the mariner. not be submitted (o thd Chamber anting cadtz. maucu 15. the present week. The expedition assumes unu-ual vi- It i« asserted, that in compliance with pour. The convoy will be -i <ail of the the orders of the King, the Minister of Hue, 6 frigates 12 hrijs. and 25 gun- th i'tterior ha-, given directions to dif- boats. fereiif statuaries, to execute marble sta- cc Tues of Pascal, Montaigne, Bo«uet, Cor- informed perfor, who could appreciate in his own mind my motives in undertaking the charge- year igiS. An /\ct farther to continue for a limited time an Act paffird in the 55th yc3r of His Majefty'* reign, ir.titnUd. " An Acl to grar.t new duties to Hie " Majefty to fupply the wants of the "P.o vmce. JOatS. The troops 20"000; all iOCX- J met ru-n y-ur legislative duties, and ;c!lent discipline. ^-ave ,no" patientlv attended to vour pr;«. ,— ■■■■ ■.................. ..........■■ 1, ,,■ ceeding; during a <ong S'ffi)i>, which I With thrfc imprefilons on my rr.inj, a„ A« to impofe certain duties on divers an-' with full confidence m your zeal, your loyahv. and your local knowledge <»f ihe public and private rateveftf of ihe country, neU'C, Racine, La Pontaine, and Mon- tevquieu, which arc to be placed in the citie- which gave birth to these great men. French Funds^ March 10.—5 per cents (for the opening)6Of—BankSlucic 14o7f69c. HOME AFFAIRS. * *«• PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT LOfVER CANADA. HOUSE OT ASSEMBLY 4St!i year of Ills ilhjtfjr's reign, intituled, " An \t\ for better regu'it- ing the weigh; and ia -» at which certain roius fliall p«f» concnt i-* this Province. r»*r prrveni^nij tlv: fi fifving;, counterfeiting and impairing of thcAmc, and for repealing the Ac\aiH Ordiujncc therein mentioned." article* thirein mentioned and to regu- An \c\ for the encoumgemcr.5 and pm- latr, for a limited time, the Trade with motion of Educati'-n in ihe Co-ntry the United -tales of America by Land Parifhes of litis Province or Inland avigation, and to fufpend His Grace the Governor in Caief his certain \fls and Ordinances therein referred this Bill for Ills MajeUy'ap]czfa:e mtntioned. thereon. An A & to appropriate a certain fum of His Grace was plcafed to w:'Ji-fcold the Money tfl provide for the expenfe of R<,ya| afTent from tlie following liill. laying out Lands for reduced Officers An AS 10 affird relief to ccrtaio 6Vnxi.'arV*r r .. . ,' .,, -. ,, Saturday. April 17.— Ihe C Tor of lliissia has written a very friendly - . ,■', * ,, ' . .. ._ ..... ' ' of the -vho'e op the Civil '.in; &ato«rai>n letter to the Sulian. rccom- ,- , . _ -1 . _..j: ' ._ ..... n_... .1... Zltl.iil - according tn orders the Refoluu mending to the Porte the amicable ar- ran .'Cinerit of the still disputed point* nriMiig from the treaty of Bucharest* It h h*"pi:d, with the more reason, that this unu-ual step will have a favorable inllu- cn. - ->n the negotiations of Baron Stro- £«• '*ff, as the two Kmperors both de>ire thi< 'tainteiunce of peace, and a part of i\i" latv- diOr ncei> really adjusted. The celebrated traveller, knnnn b\ the 1 ?mo of Ali liey, who was on a pi!- ■;•' .mac ti» Mecca, with thr- Caravan, di- am now t » clofe by prorogatum You Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, have not dif^.ppoi'ited my hopes, and I beg to return y u my thanks for the zca' and alacrity you 'aveihewu in all ihat more immediately Helo'"** te y'»ai Body. Ii i* with much conctm I fcA myfclf compelled to fay. 'hat I cannot expieU to Committee m*9 Gentlcm.n of tUc .iTrmbly the reported, fame fati ficlion, nor my approbation of 10118 of the the general refill* of your labour*, (at the expc f? >f P much valuable time.) and of the public principle OpOT whic'i ihey reft, a« 1 corded on your J urnals. You proceeded upon the Documer.t3 which I laid befov* you, to vote a part of Mr Vanftdfon, moved in amendmrnt, tJK fum required for lhe txpc^fei of 'he fecoiMed hy Mr. Ogdcn, that all the words ytar 1H19, but the Bl'l of Approbation Bft«r " ihat" be firuck out. and the ful- «-hich you paffed, wi- Foil ifled up 11 fnch —v ^-, lowinr* fubflinned, '• The Mefface and Es principle., that it appear* rr<»n the Janr- An -.0 t repeal in part an Ordinance In l»« ground. t'tmjti. franfitttud to this ffoufi, l<y Hit na** of the Upper Iliiufe to Ii -v been p«flcd iv the 17th year of HU Majelly'i Grace the Governor in C/jirf. for the year moft conllitutional'y i--jrcVd; >lU \la- rci^n, intituled. M montkeu.. may I. The Lord Bishop of Q Committee, which were read. Mr. Cuvilli r moved, feconded by Mr. " 1 iiile, that the qneuton of concur¬ rence be now feparately put on the faid Refolutions, and meq of the embodied Militia, and other who ftrved during the late war. Th> lt> a! .i^-ent teat tignifud to the J'oiloteing Ml'*. ' An Aft to continue for a limited time an •\ct paired in ihe 57th year of His Mi'jeilV* reign, intituled, An Aft to " facilnatc theadmioiftration of JufilCC " in certain fmall -"altera therein men- •* tioued in the Country Parifhes." of the Seigneurie of La Satie by ttvptng certain Aftittiu initi:ufed or wkick may be inftituted againft tlvcm t«r the re¬ covery of the Lands by them. held. S&dtt, April t£. The ice on the St. Lawrence, oppoGte thi* City, broke up yeilcrday o>i'mmf( but the River continued full of :*.*r fl"atiur . . ,. . r 1; ■ j *■ . -« down from above. The ice or? the ti»ac- An ft t" continue foi a limited time an c A t -u . , — , . ., .__• _ „r wi- nel north o( the Iflaud o| 0;l«sj. on the Act palteo in the 57th year or tiis « . _ Majrfty1* icign intitu'id Beach at Beauport, and offtF.r mouth of An";.aVTo"provide for the main- StL?- ^'K aTt"mji"" ^ Somc " teaance of good trdcr on Sundayi and x)h"E ™38 fowB laft w-* ,n cSr »iciniijr " Holy day " . l " ™y ; bul lIurc '8 ™ mac3i ftult rtl rtilh snort, has been joyfully welcom¬ ed ii the tfluinjt c< uutries as an old fri'-id. The roads are now covered with hundred' of vehicles", conveying ore and '"frua^ar/, R*. 2fi—They talk of SCWial bloody scenes which it uaffirmed. hr Houfc divided on tlie queflion and •ames being called for, they were la¬ the ken down *s fo'loweth. Ora/ftwf* •/ Me if*"w v -/ ***** I recommeoded to v",J hy special Mcf- Tm—Meflrt. Unniedoc, A. Sioart, %- *<« ennfidcrari " «' n«« J"di;a,«,c 'lord, Taschereau. J-ncs, Oavidfon, \«. for fuch ame-d^u ■■ ft, uld »p intelfon, Ogd«n ar;d Cnckbuin pear nrceffary to ,em< iv anv hiCOOVem- M Van AV—Meflr Blanchctie, Neilf. to?£2.fiSSK?^!!UtMei R^;a,l,c Pjnc"(milh'"' Lou,-, r ; uw'a Costom-house Officer, in a town and !-ac»eux 7 in I; unngen. was murd*n*d in his bed S »•' paffrd in the nezarive. the i,r , -ii-Iit after he had arrived "there" —DuUh papers March 6. M. Regnault d«St, Jean d'Aogely h rec.iv.-.l permi«»ion to return to^h us lire "ountry. Yesterday he left this m to proceed to Paris-------Urossel paper March G. as na- icy ..„_,. _ BOSTON', AnP.TI. ?.-). VERi LATE FROM ROROPE to C.villier morrd, feemded by Mr The wtft sailing shipTriron, Cnpt. L- Roi, for leave to bring in a Bill in con itolr-mb. i„ r-hteen davs from Liv-r- fc^mity with the faid JlefoJuliW poo!, has bron ence which time and experience in ihe couvfe of the Admfnilrali'rfi of JuihVe may have pointed out at expedient ; a I I much regret, that thii Important 'jv-Ct ,.., o - -- ',a^ ro! hecn brought fo far to ...1 iflV. .s I he main queftion beine then put. the v'iM have enabled me to rinnf.nit ihe I ©lift divided, it «*| ca.ried in the affirm trUt]t °f VOUr nrocc-ding, to Hi ■' jcrty^ ativc and ordered accordingly. Miuiilcr:, thai the opinion and rifilam* And the quelli..n beinp feparatc'y put of il* Law Officersof theCowtiin L. .-l-.uJ on tre faid RefoTotiuna, to the ■nmber of rrieht have bcencb'aimd in aid -I the lo- one n.indred and eight, they were carried cal know'edgc and orafticM experience ..f m lhe afhrmative. thofc characters in thi\ Province who h.ve RtfokcJ, That this /toufe doth concur had lhc heft opportunity l-fftudying and with ihe committee in the faid Refoluticn An Aft toetitltiniiC ftn « limited rime an Aft paiTed in tin fifty-eighth year of Ht«. "ajifly' reign, inut'dtd, w %n '\S t extend 'he piQvifious o an ft pnffiv] J. H il.jri f „,'|i ., - f }]•■ palTcd 11. the timu lomth year ul fit* Majely'sr ign ietitui-d '* an ct f<r m <>! the pMA-incc o' Lower- *SIC Statutes ol li IM"*!'Canada. lhePivifi.no! the P-<»vince o famda, fo> amcndim/ thv Judicature Crimes andO^mci &**#***>**'* ™ province, without the hmtts cf any tteurt- bed Township or Couw!y, K ii had in any Diflria thereof ■ a f l'a».-«l ??m Novr-iilcr l 'j^ WHI RE AS by an Aft paffed 10 the thirty eighth year of . lag '.;jeliy% lajm entitul-d, " An Aft for 1 -ft lotomihiirfor a limi.ed time two the better divifion of this Province, large ftrvera] *\ft: therein mentioned to r'gu. iraftsof c/umry are comprehended in ihe Ute perforin engaged in the trade of ba- fcvcra| Difttift* of this Pro.ince, which Icing, fcliing Bre-id in the Cidc« o! Que _rc rnt ^.^hin the limit- « f any Townfhip tliei-of, aadf.ir repealing certain Law* ihein't -mitilir ned, and to provide m^'e clTeftnallv f r th' adminilliation of Jus tree 'ii :hi* Provi- EOCOWII Underftanding ihe fnbjecl: I tmlL how¬ ever, thai y- 11 will be prepared to pro- K-e and Mo- tieal, and T«wn < f Three River \n Aft t> appropriate a ceitun fum of Monev ti ward* repairing ihe comnon Goal of on treat. pool has bron,,,. «,< Llrcrpool paper, to The lloufc dieJded on tht queftion ran 5d i» r London i» the 1st, and Yeas rt—Nav- « Lloyd s LM to the 30th March. So ir was earned in the affirmative, an I in- COmtnfiretaJ tldinai are very bad. Ordered iccordin-rK- ceed tffeftually thereon, at any tai.y d«y An aft t- facilitate the recovery of fmall of th( nexr SefBon. debr-* in certain parts of this Provii.ce. riz- Jean l.agoree t- or County therein. And whereas Crimea and Offence* have been committed, ind may hcrcaflrr be committed, in fuch tracts of i ountry. which it might be inconveni¬ ent tuiry in lhe paiticulai Diftrift where¬ in the fame may have been committed, Be it therefore enacted by the King** Mo ft The price of American produce, panieu- He then pre fen ted to the iTonfe a B tar > Lottoxs. continued decreaatug, and which umi read f.r the Hrft time id ill would Excellent Majefty, by and with the advice eu-ft r T * '*-'•: • **r (hc • ivers Sud and confcBl ol the Legifiativc Council and Curst * CoJh Pamh 'f St. A ffrmbly • f the Province of Upper Cana- Kya :nt!:. '• • -u 1 . of Richelieu, da. couftituted and alTemblcd by virtue of Tfce pojUkal nate of Korope was trm- ^^„<, ^Lttttt*]****?***** CopyofiheRefoluiion.pafledhytlwLe. P-v Officer, "fenled ie the Provi. .ted time two pr0VMlCC|. oned providing fnine, Thal ai| Crjmefc an(i oiFcnces, com- w» •1* ?<\ he general affairs «f F ttOC* continu- ameliorating. The snuntl in the Clia ber^ on the subject of the Election Laws had wholly blown over. The Clamber of Deputies Had negatm-d the law propo-ed by ih. Chambers of Pe-rs respecting .he elections, by a decided wajorlly, 150 (o 94- The ,,ew creation rt^ Peers had given the Ministers a de cided majority iu boih branch-s of the Legislataro. The Waterloo subscriptions at Calcul- taamoanted to «31,S00 sicca rupees. (About 115.700 dollars.) The Spanish money coined in Mexico is :ran<T>orted {r. fJrirope in Uritish mM of war; (he commanders of ohlch re¬ ceived a liberal per centa-• tOMSON, Arr.rc L 'he AlgeWiie Amba-aJor introduced to Ka.l Knlt.ursl. lie holds a high naval office, and has pre¬ sented the Prince Regent witl, S;K filie Arabian horses, and t»o ostriche«. Lord Hymn has published a new pro*e Ule called « Ti*e W« IUmU co be of Lhe p.-; horrific nature. Price of Bttthh Stork. April Uf^ n- per com 74 to 75. Exchequer billb par 10 « per cent. dia. TI Ti i wth Innw re,uftfl"c< 1 h^ve given A|| -^ t0 ail, • Royal fTcnr to tf»- M3ltfti Billi from ' n"i cii I. brjn; inrodueed into it. of tich I d^. n«i at;pi ve The informatio.. „,ven mr-f the incon- Ab ^ t0 2l„ ,, j,..,,. B.^t the ex a..d under the authority of an Aft, pafied ocea«|.>n immense lo^es to the Mr Panrr m«««l f. " a IT a. n . ~ '."w W- e^'lt rl' " t lg clofiw ri:,l,, 3vd *tM*& ',f l7ai*« ™ &* iarliament of Great Britain, entitu. American shipper*. ThP-e (o se, 1 let tha 11TSSlS^-^t^ S^SlST""* ^^ 'T^ lA Bridges in tbi Proving according to M. „ An A6 to repeal certain part, of Only exceeded bv thote of th<B ntt h Mewad wSfifSrf t£ fPu ^ C W T ^ * *V7? ? , * ^ W°^ ',C,ci' «"<*"***» „ an Aft pafled in the fourteenth yea- of importers of India cottons, ft b*Sd M«£Ia£ ' Z *° t, ^f^St" * i\l L ft fS A" AA U' aU'Im toQ«! ^^ ^°P?t His \ -ajefty's Betel, entituled, • An Aft there were ^).O(K) bale ., cott, „ on gK^^"^^^ t* T1" •*" - k. ffi, "* "* *m •*"* roendoM*. * for mak-.g more effeftual provifi n for the hand the IstAoril. fraJL !SE J3 "%SZ£?.r- **- . . . - ¥Vm*f|!?* ;^'^->'f- JI*»W*f build a Tol Bridge over the River GoVctnii;nt of lhe f^CO *f Quebec, County of ia North Arncrica> ani5 t0 makc turta(.r provifion for the Government of tht laid and by the authority of the ■ mm ,n, 1,11- — -......... ...---- „.. t^v*»i .1 A*« Mi"»m , .ti! ■.■•.■■(! AlvmUftAM r mi in the wav of ifljftine t't. wh"her emhodi LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. cd or fedantrv with (he ftrvipes of half. aid about Amerieanafrairs ' .....* --kV of the Refolmfoni palTcd by the Le- pav Officers fell led in the P'ovin- . or American anairs. giflat.vr J ouncil, on the lecond reading other, from the rcgiil* Forces, as well * ofrhettfH Lift Bi)!, Wedncfday, 21II thofe of entcrprifinff young men drawn Aprn. 1819; from the Ci.ies or To^S on any emei- ift. " Rrfohed, That the mode adopted gency, by tl is Bill for granting a ftifply to His '"he Population of tl»« Province afford* Majefty, to defray the exoenfea of the excellent materials for a defenfive army, Civil Lift, is unprecedented and uncon but • general and prop" WeAiwi of Of- liitutional andadi.eft affumption. on ficers ie nccetTary to make ft formidable to the part of the Aflemb'y, nt the moft an aftive and enterpiilina Enemy, and important rights and prerogatives of the that eleftion muft in a'l cafes belong to Crown That were this Bill to be pas- the KxecutiVe power o»>'y- sedfoto a Law, it w-uld give to the The prefent time ajjW* vou an oppnr- Commons of ihis Province, not merely tunity of maturely de"herating on ihefe ,.... ,,,..., . „ the conilitutinnal privilege of providing important objeftq. a„d »" other* ; effen- 43dy^arof Hi* Majelly's-eign, mt.tuled, notwithftanding. thr fupplirt, but the power alfo of tially necelTary to be b^'ter confidered. I „ ,'n .'«, for *« he}}e' ,«g"Nation ^of n prf>videii piefcnbiug to the and delcription cf regi indn from prdieni : by which neans they would poffibly br defired, am* fuperior to eve.y be rendered dependent on an Elective lyllem of Govcrnme-.t enjoyed by anv Co Body, inrtead of being dependent on ihe l«ny that has heretofore exift d, y.ur"fi(ler Crown ; and might eventually be made Colony of Upper Cansdj excepted. And inftrumental to the overthrow of that as branches of the Lee Mature, » « ol the -futhonty which, by their allegiance, nrft importance that V" <h°»!d fully un- t.icy arc bound to fujtport." derAand your Conflitn»'o..al Righ-* - tha- 2d. ■ rhac tin, Houfc will proceed no Privilege may not comC >n*' queftion with .urtherMthec.o.fiderationofthis.iill." prerogative, and that .vbile v u maintain e«*...v, -~/ * -, « thole right-which icfptftively hri-ng to iiatvrday. 2Atb April 1819. ' hood of the C=ty of Montreal to the fuchCouitraay and mall proceed thc-eoa Panft of Lachfne & the Iflmd and l0 trial, judgment and execution . . thcr ( OUnty ol Montreal _ ^ puniihment for fuch Crime or Off ■ in An Aft to d.fcontinue certain Duties the fame manner, as if fuch Cri-.c o )f. therein mentioned ^ ^ ^ fencc ha^ bcen r„,|y commtttcd wf hfo An A ft f-T'her to continue for a limited the Dift'ift where fuch trial may be .adt and to amend an ;ft paffed in the a„y law. ufage or curt. >m to the cont<ary rim- Yesterday waj Trade by Law or by nocta nan*u un derthc hand and leal of the Governor, Ad \ft 10 make good a certain fum <f Licuicuaut Governor, or Pcrfon AdmimV money advanced by ihe Commiffioners teriiirr the Government ..f this Province, heretofore appointed for ioperiD:euding for tie trme being, hy and with thr advice thr trmp-'^ry Houfc of Correftii-n for and cor.i'ent of Hia MajcTty'l l-xeco.ve the Diftrift of Montreal Council, all Crimea and Offences com An .ft t-« prevent accident* in landing of ted within the limits ol any fucfa Guflfpi wder from fhips or other vcfleis County or Counties Town (hip o iu tlie harbour of Quebec, and to gua^d ffi;ps. (hall be enquired of and tried, in the a atnlt tbecarelei* nanfporting tlie fame Distnft or DiHriftn wheiein Inch :w into powder magaZinen. County 01 Countio, I owufhip or |... n- An Aft to appropriate a certain Lot in mips ftull be refp'cYive'y comprche d-d, in hk*. mau«er a luch '.rime or i >(f ^:es would have let1 n quired .<f and 111 if this ptcfcDt Act had nn been aiadc tt u.iTef. it- en -cv7 i"*'wn- theCiiyof Vfontreal for the fite of P., '.'i cer- •I. y aP J to incorpo ate tapt p-! tons ih rein <n uti •-.'•, An ACt for the bc«er appliciUufi ot ccr-

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