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Kingston Chronicle, April 30, 1819, p. 3

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AlT. 2d.—The Commander of the and murmurs of admiration, the fair ri- (hat mankind appear t° greatest advsn- Forces may take in his Majelty's behalf, riers were Impelled in whatever direction tags in places of public amusement, any number of Shares, not exceeding fioo, they chose, like the heroes who used to There every one shed* luatre upon auoth- the Governor may take 200 Shares in be- to pass triumphant through Rome, in cr—all are dressed I" smiles—fashion Half of the Province ; each (hare £J$o. chariots drawn by the Kings whom their blazes triumphant—rank shews itssplen- Art. 5th.__The Company to make a valour and victoria had made captive, dour—beauty is heightened by contrast, Canal from Lachine to the foot of the Hero the contingent circumstance- crea- and an atmosphere of festivity awakens Current St. Marie, with one.lateral branch fed pleasure, independent of the motion tn joy every soul that inhales it.—Hut to terminate at the Old Market place; of the sleigh, but in Upper Canada pee- remove the animated crowd from the net at the Wind Mills % as reported; the pie are not so fastidious as to require any painted hall—let sunshine fiUppla the Canal to pafs through the low ground in thing of the kind : for I have sometimes place of artificial light—divest each of the rear of the City, and to be carried in seen the appearance of a lame horse,vwth Iti* gaud) dn->s—Mop (he harmony of the as ftraight a line as the ground will per- a dozen sheep bells around his neck...:*,ri musical hand, and the" survey the as- mJt. a wooden box tied behind him, hailed sernblage with an unshrinking eye. The Aar. 21.__No perfon, copartnerfiiip, with the Greatest warmth and delight, marnr, the attraction, the fascination, the or boJy politic, &c. to have more than Many of my lair readers,! believe* would ran ty, will all have vanished. Human 2C votes; lroprietors may vote by Proxy. Father Wrap themselves in a buffalo <kin, nature will appear unadorned, and the Art. ^i.__Ktgulations of Toll*, for and be dragged along tlie ground in a ' r©wd will exhibit languor, discontent, every ton of tin.her 6d. for every cord of tumbril, than recline in the odorous and Hi humour, and drforndty. fire wood 2*. for cveiy boat or vttTel under gilded palanquin of India, dressed with When We wish tojedge of onr fellow five tons to&.6d. between five and twenty the gorgftoosness of cxhaustlcss wealth, Creatures en masset »e should smvey tons 17s. 6d. between twenty and fixty a-ir! environed by all the delights that them while they are ct'S^ed in the corn- Ions 253. above fixty tons 30s. ; for each slaves, and music, and pomp, and mag- n-on duties and occupations of life—tint ton of raerchandife in the faid vcfTel ya. nllicrncc, can bestow. when their minds arc gilded and exhila- for each pmcliron «•-6d for each barrel I have latch been much gratified :n rated by pleasure, no, when thevare ha- of pot or ptarl allies 15. 3d. for every observing, that the establishment of titan- ra^sad and enfeebled by 3uccecding de- tierce of rice, flour, &c. is. for every bai- treshas taken place in the principal nr,-ion. rclof po-k, beef, Sec 9d. for every ban el town* *"*' vHUgW of L'pper Canada, of flour 6H. for every half barrel of flour TOie is a strong sjmptom of the improving 4d. for every per (on not compofing the <a*tcof the inhabitants, ^and any ex,>r_ crew is. for eveiv horfc, mare, ox, &c. ,ioilS lnoy mav «*** mJiiK' *° "Wtroduce Is. for every hog, Weep, &e. 3d. ; the a- the drama, will be amply rewarded by hove tolls liable to be reduced, if after the pleasure which they w.IJ doubtlos- Prices Current in the Kingston Market—Corrected asicfclj/. "To"— Article. Per. From k s. .1 Heel.......... lb. 0 0 0 U 0 .4 Mutton........ 0 0 8 0 0 9 Veal.......... ■ * * * 0 0 0 0 n 7{ Porlc.......... i) 0 s 0 0 IU Fowls........ pair b s 0 0 4 0 Turkeys....... each (I 7 6 0 0 0 Ciee*p ,...... 0 4 0 0 0 0 Cheese....... "lb/ 0 0 u 0 0 8 Butter........ . * • • 0 1 3 0 1 0 •r *»..... do** 0 0 0 0 1 s Barley......„ bush. 0 0 0 0 0 0 )*ei».......... 0 7 11 0 7 0 Potatoes...... • • * * 0 a 6 0 3 0 Oau.......... ____ 0 s 6 0 4 6 Turnip*...... 0 1 0 0 1 3 Catbagrt..... bead 0 0 5 0 0 0 Hour........ Cwt, 0 15 0 0 16 S „4........... l.l.l 1 7 6 1 10 0 lb. n n H 0 0 8 lard......... * » * ■ 0 0 0 0 1 0 It a).......... ton £ 0 0 9 10 0 Siraw......... bundle 0 0 3 0 (l 3 Wn..d........ r«rrl 0 10 n n l» fi way™ KINGSTON CHRONICLE. *.......*.....■...........«.....*.....I KINGSTON, u. c. JPHU 30,1819. two years, they are found tr yield a great¬ er profit than fifteen per can*, per annum upon the capital Hock fur ike Kingston Chronicle. derive from such .111 important addition Th* February mail !•*•■ Arrived mine country, h>u h hrinj;- no i«<ellij*.*n.vn:"anv idomrnt. The \»n.\*«rk paper* entail London riair* in the to their nmosetaentH, Although the pnr- .vuof March. Tin- rfpnerlateh in emulation fnrmersnreof an inf.-ior d-scription, ot thi-(|nn?erou»'imniio: of our r rvr r«I Sove- still the beauties of veil selected plays [ffefiffi?1 ^ t^Uho,: fr-unaavon-ind.-ed ,, ., „ . .' / 11 wil. be-e.-niliat Dr. U5.llie, on^nl ni-i>h\>i- cannotbe at together oo-cured. and the c-ai,Sihinitihim»*Hkel3ttHveforw.neyea»M contamination thnt public taste may re- an] rnan lu hi fCi'ijEdun* His pcr-nn \$\q be Celve from bad avtina. will 0* rouiiter- confided to th- carentuVOtikeof York, who is M.Md.trlhVM. ;dea>,n„d noble ^^^r^Z^Z* Winder U to be re-lnr*| Irom 1100.000 to nn: *- lh** MiljrtJ of seiinU ribcu^iion koth in aed i»'ii >'f Pa*Hainen(t 'Vm* ivccdi clrciion «f a M*-i:>lirr i*h »Vr imiiit*Ni ^j> niatk d Ifttvardi i.% rfrtaf wilh tifllpni tllltl tli^raccrful milra^cs ruiumiiit'it h\ iIk- mob. Hie bouse uf Mr. Lamb, lli« ut*v^iu| tanilttlrttr, tta. niilrly a^saulti'd, the niodrt»i80f I*ord t'azilcrfagir* li«itise were wah llitMf lives DOMESTIC RECREATIONS. No. 0. Although the majority of the inhabit emotions, which are generated in ever ants of Upper Canada have much spare fcel!iigboeom b) thematic of theatrical /W.OOO, sail rveo this -uii h coo*iflcred b> tlie time upon their hands, it appears to me. representation*. jw«h«w1 as gj^f*f: J^r }l"V^^£i that they seldom complain of a want of W hen our 50Uls bave arrived at a ci*t- ^{Tr.prApird a, Puj-Tingwcrllenlaealth, amusement,or find any dillii ulty in occu- tain degree of refinement, the occasional Thr Qimdoii oftbe roou^floaofeash payments pying their leisure hours. Their plena* stimulus of public amusements seem- to h Ihciliaiiko^BniRJand.^xoiiMpvat inttrest, ures are extremely limited, and 3 gvarri- be necessary to the rati n ten an ce of thiir ly of business naturally creates an addi- *igOUtand aciivilv. Kven t!i- mind that tional desire for recreation. However, is mo-t hi^lily ^ift-d. Qud befct furnHhed notwithstanding this, thev genet ally seem "l'h resources, oJtet: f':-:!i oppressedbya contented with the coninou routine of b*^*1Mlmvfalto*V^m*1^ Me wmuovam w«yu»iu*w* wm**** 1-fr. and neither torment themselves by pOWCrSj and benumbs m CCpaJlUltiesal- j ,nkr»,aii.ue^raigrntk,ne„ narrowly escaped fepining for enjoyments v.k-ieh they can- mos* lo extinction. D'Jiin_' these n,o- not obtain, nor peevi;-!iiy undervalue tncrtl*, we require the n»Si 1.1 nee of oth- Ihosa that are in their possession ; but ers, or the operation of some extra eu- wherherthi^ temper of »:iind is produced joyment*, th awake:, our energies, anil by the operations of reason and philoso- WSI0T6 OUT feeling- to their r.-ual ton-. ph>, or exists merely in consequence of J^ is evidently this intcll'-rtual stare, th« ir pleasurable propensities brine in a that makes the most grave and sombre itate of slumber Crom want of excitement, ppf>ons sometimes enxfous f<-r public I siiall notrenture ?o enquire. ('em- amusements; and when c»j *y:d in mo- Qtaiuts of fhe hind F rillnde fo, ^r* cut- df*t!on* thi»y hare 11 pOW< '■ it tctldciK V rent among Ureipners only, whohavinj" lureniovr tile clisra*i-. ( I he man who recently come to the Country, n re rot inf.. sees an interesting drama, bceoni^s 03 it tiat.d into the mysteries which enable were an actor in the 3Ceocs ttllidi it pre. the Canadian 1 to trifle away th^iriime, s«"»'s. II.' forgets his uMtalfi'clingn— and successfully evade the nltarks of he throws a^ide his u*ual charaeir», ,i„,| languor and ennui. But a^ fnr a» regards aSKinlilateS both lo the he'itions titoati./n Rank Notice. BANK OK UPPER CANADA DIRECTOR-for the week. Archibald Richmond, Esq.. Day*of [WSCOUiN'T— cveiy \\ ednw- PAY. E>Qtes rffered for PISCOOXT mu«t be enclosed to the Cashier on Tt<-DVr pre¬ ceding the DISCOUNT Day. _____________S. BARTLKT,C'ashier._ IHEATRE. ^^^■aaaaa^^— Last Week of Performance. Messrs. Huntley and Mortimer's BENEFIT Cr. Monday Euen'wg, May $d, 1819, Wiil be performed the admirod Comedy of THE11EIU AT LAW. NOTICE ALL Cattle found ireffaflin^ on the rnclofed fround^ fouth of the fub- fcriber'a houfe.'wiil be lakes uj> and com¬ mitted to the Pouod. JOS. MURuOCK. Kingston, April *yth 1819. 8W3 PERSONS having Books belonging to the Kingston Lfrnsry are rcq-.:lt- cd to fend them to the fubferiber, at his hoofc, adjoining the Town of Kin^flon, and with as little delay as pclf'htc* JOHN FEROUsON. 12th April, 1819. 16 TO LET," npHE Commodious dwelling lloufe and * nrcmiles, thepio^-jty of W. Kofs, Efq. lately in the puffcfEon .T Mr. Woolf. For termsapplicaiion to be made to Win. MITCHELL. , Kingflon. Oa. I vh, 1S18. 20 TO LET, .drtd pijfffon given the I st of May nexf, A -HOI', fronting the Maiket. htelf -*. a_ ocupicd hv Mr ArchiheM Rich¬ mond. Inquire of P. SMYTJI. ALSO—Two fmall HOUSf-Soppo- fite St. George's Chareh. Pofltuloo giv- tnittMay. ' P. SMYTH. April 16, 1819. lf> NOTICE, ALL pcrfons are cautioned 3gain(l pur- chafing Lot No. 22, in the 7th : r- ceflinn of Fredcrickfhnrjjh,ot lot No. 2 , in the 1st conccflion of Kithmond.'i Heirs <\ Affignces of Divi> !Kl;. a- the Subscriber holds an iudKput hlet/.letc the fame. GILbERTHAiUS Sidney, atn Dec. 18 iS. v. To which will be added the Mclo Drama of 'Che Tale of Mystery> With other Entertainments. For CharjBsrt fie Bill; ' A mo l i*»■•tritclive fire broke cut m the 7;'i A|miI, ui Norfn'k. In Viifdiia. b> which about tuif hi il.fl htnMinr* wev conMimcd. The a- n.-eoii .it ;»r.»|,-rfv |ysl i-»umateJ Ji iiliy ihou- sr.iul li^ilars. TV pArtiomenl d th* Iim\e,- Province eon- li.ntc* -1)11 in "-itn. '-non* the iHiUQrUint b'll.- "<n jiroer.**- we Ji»-r.^ ullr rrcii|:iii n* ihe I'M i'. wln'cli h:t- fu-rit |lc ^bjecl »l \»>>% tle- h.,'f* ,t l(|.' I'lPHfr III' fl '.<*,,!«(>; ....1 h# 1 .■ ... t .in:.! will, a lin-i :it,'iiu« 1 of ttlneh i»|inljh-ht'.l ir» •(>" " I'.ntreal paper*. I' " resol\.-il il-ai the t in:d >•«!! be 'ni»>n*»; v aCompany, iho'igh tkeffovemmrW U m lHwt-».Tte Mih«crfliefl)r a rertalfl immtier 11 -';-.f.- •*,"l Ihia plau.wr n» (iersi.iiiil. luret'i noli Mvi'ial a^jirubatJoo iu I.-ft<r fanaJa. llvrJi * the latf frr*lif| 'he mill rf.im bfinn?- ing |o W.'-u. H.orv <• [J ih'iiir. ill Hamilrcn, s<i,';mr il QHtMihrnM' c j.nt —but «rnr-- happy 10 he Infurmerf, th.M it •• mi» r^painM. ami I hat means of enjoyment, this Province pre- in which sympathy and imagination have ei^ely resembles the Country parts of the placed him. When the play ceases, his Tno?f populous regions in the world, mind returns tn the naiural standard ; Public amusements, and a variety, of bi;t the excitemint it has received from pleasures, are no whereto be found be- the illusion, is as useful, as that which ,h" ,,r" aml "xrt""......ill «'>" Gorily .yom- yond the precincts of lar.e cities, and mi^ht have been conn,„ni«ted by reali- n«Wfbt*WWS those who complain that Upper Canada 0'- - nc» current of liis tmpre«sfpUS has inke^im*>> hVient nv-n-nrr loreptncethclirWeea is destitute of such attrartinns. will nc- wVtk time assumed anew rourM, bi? when ***«* SalwoDRI»erand U"d CrreU in u.e Mo- cessarih murmur whenever circum>tau- >' does r vert to the usual ch*'.m-l,iUl.iv,> b»» Wd*—s:«ee n-nhrr ihe mall eajrlrr. nor ■ * .■ I., - ',u 1 I-,' 1 t- 1 - auv oilier ii"*r tin ran ira'-f I *'|ai pari hi ii.i-i,i.iJ ces place them Rta distance from the tu- »«h additional stead mm and r^m itt iU ^ J,,, ,taI/wn;.\™ ', ,|«. even -a^ty. mult* ucise. and. eonfusioii of a town. 1 bus, a few ho-jrs spent iu arheatre, may _____- To live near the world of pleasure and sometime* be the means of communica- Tn th;. .!,■»>*$ pap»r will !••• hviml several arti- gaiety, and to enjoy the means of awr- *** tothe mind, a freahneis and energy, *^%!KaWflta K^r^aaa* taiuine what passed in it, might indeed Which its own csrrlions uould have ut- L.^o rAeWf.R. iiuri, ia.i. we bee h-av.-pani- affoiil them some consolation, but per- tcrly failed i;; producing. cm.irlv tnnMuiumend \a|l»eanentiftn>A t'«rm- hans the der-ire of naetlctnatlon which ?r ,- - ,■ .u er*in Cannd*, rniionly-M <i re««rJ> the culti- #w;c Ln^\L\Z ™. . fV [ -7 > 71 However, a pnrtieipabon in public c- mUm of .he miiWr i.^i. U-.t a« .t intimates tais kno^.leclKe nruet often excite, w.vild mu,erneuts, is so.ivtimesa source of much the neceaitj »f ,.„r-.ii..~ a»y«em *( rotation in prorca source of preponderat-.ng misery. mto,erjr to young andardent imaginations' or°W>?iV. a mit nu which «e may venture to Government Contract, "lir ANTED, for the ufe <if His Ma- v T jelly's Troops ftationcd at this Poll and y.xk, '2000 Barrels FINE FLOUR, to be delivered on or before the 31ft July tnxt. and tn be warranted to keep good tw<lv< nioutliB Iroia the period or delivery. Tculeia f.ir the above will be rectivrd at this Office until 12 o'clock ax noon, on 1'iidny, the 14th May. in which the name* of two Hu:i:tic: mull be given fi)r the due performance of fuch Conireft ae may be tntcrrd in'o. ComrnjJf:riat Offtst* Kiiigitony jtpril 50, 1819. 13 Executive Council Offue% York, zz& July, ifii8. TVTOTICE is hereby given to CHRIS- X\ TOP HE ft THOMSON, or his Rcprefcntaiive, by order of Hia Honor the Adnuiiiitrator in Council, to make jrood any pretcufioO to the Welt half of Lot number Seventeen in the fixth ennceflieu, on the N.pane Riser, in the Townfhip of Fredcrickn>urch. within **ix mom hi from this date, or th* fame will be thrown open to othei applicants. JOHN SMALL, , iS—tf C, E, C. i'»t ^*o* *** *•-***# fanes of Jofcpl of Vittotia, w! A, far as r h»e Mite £ Ihrdcligh. a susceptible hoaVt m*m \8iZ2gE^£XiSG~ £ flftrden *if>f>fh f only amusements which tho Province from their brilliancy, Cling* to it evnn so eincrLiij under.-:v>vd hi Canada a> ir ougut I-WI»# CXC/C OlCUo^ th affords, independent of those which every duriue the seclusion of domestic life,a^a- ,0 Uf roan may find at home, are Dancing,and keniug new anxieties and desires, aud r 1 • T • n~ T V S fileich-riding. With regard to the for- darkening, by contrast, the unobtrusive TVenty^iaSih Him-JIw-*kiorteaiafawrW; rher.it wouldbeabsurd iu one to attempt lustre of those simple enjoyments which ha t iinc hut oneof the icier—the »«rd yo\i to say any thing for oragai'nt it, mucc were mingled with the hardships of daily- emlitra', the universal conser.tof thy? most polish- occupation. When an individual of a cd and enlightened nations has, from warm fancft who hft8 beer aecustomen time immemorial, established it as an to the unvaried career of private life, is elefrant and refined species of pleasure, tirst introduced into the world of pleag- But 1 am somewhat at a loss how to treat urr, a thousand dazzling emotions rush aleigh-ridin^, for it appears in rather a upon hit heart, and sweep away reason, 44 questionable sh^pe." Both the name and prudVnce, and moderation before MS^S^^iuIu^ ^! ^VJJl ' jf f.i. - .» r * iii-i ., Mirier, fi-u:n SaCRefs Haronr. carro, t anle----- and lorra ofthe Carnage, as at pre-ent them. A gay ami splendid awemoly, Scs. Na„Cvt Milton f-glrhankj Master, from used in Canada, area Utile suspicicu*, beautiful ladies, divine music, a prnfu- 6^n*»*c4 ca/ffo, P/crf*ie< and suggest 00 comfortable ideas. In siou of brilliant "u;hU, and imposing and «^)'"T8ch s*^!^**!?^****' ^pfaAtnt* thctime of ourancestors, machines which gorgeous decorations, all Consp'we lo in- "71"—s'i^ih* u!ai Nnshia*. XtnL Vauthan were called sleds or tnmbrils, because rOXtcate the In-art, and induce a pleasing Master, Paueaecn and Baagarf.....^(h. Olive they had no wheels, were employed to d»lirium., which loves by the help of ini- B--uc:i,Jud«.n iv;». M^icfiftom Os»rga,t.ar- convey criaa'.nals. particularly thosecoc- aeiiiation, to restore the departed pa- K". |,ftrk aac* Foi A*h. ,-„.!.„. , 3. . .. , r. , r 1 . , \ ■ r -.> St?lh.—Siram »«3i Ponlna. "in. »aiienau, damned for wUCncralt, to the place -1 >;eantry, and again embody m fictitious Maflen Pawpgenand Bae-aee. liriendour, the never to be forgotten fiJuV-Scb, Ueihi-ih, Jo^. Hawkini, Kaiter, phantoms of delight. 'Vhen m<es>ity carfi°. Potatoes. 1 ^OR Sale by S. MERRILL, Kingflon, April 30* 3W—18 Spconrt lin^ afr^r the loiter—the word your. FievMreof] lint* from die end—luia^ctl in- stead lit tramp* rt+th POUT OF KiN&STON. AttRIVRCi, execution. This mode of conveyance was a part of the punishment, for 'I c people then conceived, that there wfls something very ignomiiii'vu-in Ijci.!-; drag¬ ged over l!ic ground, ijut Were ! CT?ll ommanda a return to the usual employ. ?.lllK_R,ht ^gSTflJU. menu, the recently initiated votary of sertei's Harhnr. Pa^neen and Baygaee pleasure sll'inki from obeying. Common Sin. \ar.cy, .\iilion Fairbanks, Master, I'ujsen- to hint, that the idea of a kiei-h wn* fori t occupalirns appear diirk, tasteless, and Spr« a"d fiaggage. ...... , . . . ' <ri 1 f ,l» 4,1 ^Ctli.—>eh. Cornmoitore Perrv, Jas. S. white, suggested by the HramalftftCC I have. un.;;tereMing. rhe^oom of the daily Mi)Mi.r patt^eenwwd RaKwe. mentioned, I would ihock the leeliii^s routine N oCcc«ionally broken and per- S?lb.—Sicam Boat Sophie, Wm. Van?han, of my fair readers, aiu! likevfUe make tUlbed by these radiant tta'hes whiclx an Master, cargo do.....Scii. Olive Branch. Judion the anti'i'iaries think my derivation Loth involuntary remembrance of fhe scene of r°,}i- -*-*jer, cargo da - - , j , . i ,, . , J ., . 1 ,. tfSih.—Sieain B-iai Sophia, Mm. Vauehan, far-fetched and absurd. Elowcvei itn- rapture Knows upon the mum ; and the Master,Parseneefiawl ftanv^e. proven*?iits ar* daily o-ade in th-con- soul ->eeuis in eclipse, and pants to revel Sftlft.—Sell.Belhial, Joi. Hawkins, Master; itruction of sleigh*, and they will scon again amidst the glories of thateonstella- ^frengefsand Bat?age. be raised s«> high from the ground, that tion of pleasure which lately awakened atjC^^^at^^; #&&&&&&*&: they will lose all resemblance to a ton- it to a new and more animated exist- ^ DIED. ce# At R:r!imond, neai tin* Napare Mills, on r.undav Ij.i, ih-r S5Ui in»t. KiciiaRD Robho:;, The pleasure, which we receive from KsO,. Mcrciiant.iniheSSih year of hiiaje. Phe Iril. public aiiiuiements, is not simple in its •*• ^'airn-d by the draih of Mr. Kobisnn is f._ . . ,e •. j_____i_ ..--.- »l.« :_ or,e that iuhisfiutil\ anil n-laiivesii irreparable. I have a^ yet been enable to account for the excessive pleasure which some fromsleigl.-r.d.nfi. I have indeed seen ,i,jencc „f accora;A„ving circumstances, a number of vear.ar the Napaae Jlllb.M*caa- much amusement created Uy an elegant an(J the excitement that is communicated racirr tor imesnty ami for accammodanng ai- machiue, called an ice-chariot, which is t0 the imaarination by the ornaments and tendon lohtt.lne»a*nrii.| ihr per.od of hi» resi- son.etimes used upon the lake, in Britain, paceautrv \ |lic|, geneiallv aild the scene. dcnc' ia ^S9^!^ Uy ^Kuft *?t f , '. ■ ., , p«i(,e»iniy wiucii Rt-otnuij g«iu »w»w qnairnancr—Thev ha*e »«nectrd him n$a valu- Whcnawere w.i.ter has Irozen them The (hratre and concert-room, would able and tiiefol m'enitier »f Ihei. sociriy and by over, but t'.te ladies w;,o sat in it, Mere &i)pCar comparatively dull and uninter- mem his lervfces «ill "«> soon br fnrgaitm. drawn along by a crowd of gentlemen, .sting, were they not enlivened by a >--a-^ac g.* >- the greater parr of whom, had perhaps rrowd of ele-antlv diessed people, a'ud AI%nnnaP'Z //*-* 1 ft""i Q been attracted and ensured by their brightened by chandeliers and decora- ^M-USlUnui,* JUS lOXV charms. Thus, casuist martial music, *sor,S; -r-cl gaiety. I ha;e always thought For iale at \^ Office. NOTICE. "OTTHEREAS I am informed th3t ? t Jelhro Jjckfon ia about to fell or make fome transfer of Land he has lived on hy a forcible entry and a violent tref- paf* on my property, 3nd that I hold a ten years leafe from John Ware, who was du¬ ly anthorifed by Jethro Jackfon to Icafc the fame to me ; therefore any per fan or pfrutn 'rrrrVrir^ trn1' njr fwefyertjA nv»« der any pretence whatever, from Jethro jackfon, will meet with difappointmeot andlofs. AMOS ANSLEY. ftingttort* April loth* ifltcj. »7Wj NOTICE. THE Siibfcribcr has Loft three Notes Signed by Freeman S. Clinch, viz. one of 25 Dollars on demand, one of 25 Dollars fix Months afterdate, one of 50 dollars, payable in joiner's or Cabinet work ; the. endorfement according to the beft of my knowledge is as follows, viz. 4 or 5 Pounds on the fit ft Note, the above notes were given the 26th of March 1818. DANIEL REYNALDS. February 11 th, 1819._____________8 TO LET. FOR one or more years, and poffcflion given immediately, That Stone houfe, fituated in Store Street lately occupied by Mr. Mcdcalf, with Stable, Garden and other out-houfes. The fituation of the abow premifes is mod advantageous for a Dwelling houfe. For particulars applv to FRANCIS X. ROCHELEAU. Kingtton, 15 Jan. 1819-__________3_ For sale on Commission, FEW Barrels of Prime Onandaga A SL4LT. JOHN KIRBY Kingston, 17 th March, 1^19- From a London paper. Th.' D-tkc of ttrellington. — Very crror.r- ous iilcas are entertained refjetting the wealth acquired by our illuftrious hero. Ic 19 well known, to all leading milinry -"e-, that the duke's allowance amounted n-ily to IC :oo per annum —-Hi. exj;er.:es, ex¬ cept when in P^'is. greatly exceeded fi.** income ; and a: Cambray, where he I t| G ope" houfe loall who chof^ tojoifl in ",%* fpoits of the ficlJ they were enormo: gretl It i. tfue ihat/500,000. (tB5 a" waid of parliament; aopcars a great fum j but when we coufider that /263.c-co>f that ftim goes to lord Rivers, there is 1! sn to be built a magnificent palac?, whteh will Iwailow cp trie g>eatcr part cf the -c- r \x» At tivthe {cviqe of,piste, the me from Portugal takes the lead, and even that, .vlvu.ii tie intrinfie value ? It a- bound* with ornament, and the tculpfnte is very beautiful ; but as to folid wnrtli, it it imoufiJf raMe* A j \o llie fiory of ihc pictures, it is a fdblc. Exaggeration ha« extended their value to between one and tWQ hundred thoufandpounds. Hf-^nice has few pictures of Kr^at celebrity ; and not one of thofe which herefcued ffrtm the h 1 onaparte, at the battle ho ktd Holcn them from the Kfcurial. A gentleman, vary like y to be well informed. affertSi that the f'uke of Wellington's income, when all his affairs are arranged, will not exceed /zc-coo per annum, Remarlaih Oak.—N'tar the thirty-third mile ft"ne, 00 the London road, near Rainham, Norfolk, in the garden ot a cot- tiger, lies the decayed trunk of an ancient oak, which has l)H its important charac¬ ter and rruiiort by time, thai has with it al- fo deftroyed its root?, its foliage, and its limbs. 1 he tree iifelf was once a parilH boundary ; alfo a fea mark, and feparated the eaftern and weftem divifions of the county. Thefe were fufftcient to give ic importance—it may be replaced but ano¬ ther cannot obtain the honor the old (lump can boaft, it was under that tree the Famed Watts, of Rochetler, in the year of bis mayoralty, in company with the corpora¬ tion met the more famous queen Elizabeth on the return from Dovrr, where fhe had been to view part of her fleet after it had de¬ feated the Spanifh Armada, & under which fhe and they enjoyed a dejeune, leaving the lemaintfa of*iSt .lUnii-, ^'*v» 4.u'.*.»*•**! fork6, for the uCc of the poor of the parifti of Rainham, after which, the p.ccompani- ed the cavalcade to the worfhipful the mayor's houfe, en Bolcy 11 ill, which file called " Satis," from the fumptuous en¬ tertainment fhe enjoyed there. When this tree worn out with age and lime, fel* down> other plants were placed in the fame fitua- tion, but, as though the earth felt jealous of a fupplanter. it rcfufed to nouiifti them, nor have a>y efforts to raifc anothrr oak. on that fpot, although feverai attempt* have been made, ever fuccceded.—London paper. India.—M. Lancles, in his verynble and curious work on Indian Literature and English Missions, states,— j TUat there are more than twenty es¬ tablishments of English missionaries iu the East Indies, extending fiom Sirdhana north of Delhi, to Amboyna, in the In¬ dian ocean, a distance of more than font thousand miles ! The number of pcrions employed in thesemisMoas at the-end of the year 1S13 was forty-four, twelve of whom were Europeans and thirty-two natives. ^ But, according to a statement published in the Asiatic Journal for May 1817, th/re were at that period ninety-eight Euro¬ pean and twenty-three native Protestant missionaries in India, of different dcnoUV inatious.

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