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Kingston Chronicle, April 16, 1819, p. 3

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f,„fr.ff. vi tV PfA***« -. nJ til- r.-mr.Si ... .1 J |..kcOit'iM, iuU tuc feat of bnfincA f'-r the v w*1* "Y- l.fi the two Steam Ii ats nr.w running r>. .i mittcda* fo 0»*ell '>r* *he U cfc. at a tuP eftimali'-n, *0.iUi Mrs fliall fuppofe to £tOt0OO* nmrcoviefs. l.ct two Ri V,,-, US HI vrr lioatSi of fimttar dlmcnfions to the Charlotte b.* built. n.:t t-» exceed .t'5000 escb, arid >1'1 =' iVffi.-wnt i.mpbcr of Dur¬ ham Boat*. l»M»fc3.s, be built, carryittg 35 t nb each- with fads 'ii:»i':g, &'C. equal to £$3CO "lite rciiii»i»tkr of the capital !i-ck. i'25co, for contingencies, or rather to build (wo or three ftnre* for fecuring good*. Tbc prepard the Company may commence their operaii'ris. As tlic trant j Oit wi'l rapidly incfjafc, another Steam J$eat, of esjoal drrnentton* with tfie Fron- •cnac,to be hunt fcmi the protUi—the Company tliai*-^ ■« iy h't« imrrcft till thill be ectt>:npK&<; I. TS'utfte w-Vd llttn be ample mrafSA .; (i&nfport f»r many Yenrsi aoJ lliii lcco4id Irtn&t boat would i *oc to New York is at Icaa eleven d«ys, ftUMM dj|tftac« rob«™J -in roriufatagfl f or more ttvui twice the time from (Wens- ?f ,,n,PenH \*",«s' '"^, Twrf'JS n'i'X* *■ ," ^ trririar.es I h-y w^rf SWllCtt runnel n Mult , ton to Montreal, which isnve days at molt, and tremed, from ilir r»rM«rtn-»s3 of iiinr mm. lo conliderine the navigation of our 11-ri. aa.lu.-anxi.'iv "I't'"circ0.it»'.-iianc<'s,i..:.c Lake* and Rivers it mould be remembered *Mm^tyn*.....^SJi'S^iSSSSZ' . ,. f. -, A iiffitu.mii uf m--t|>« "»' payer* Uy hc/Ofe tlwm, that our improvements arc chiefly to renccr aftJ |Jir ,.,IM,fa?fl^- purl nftfteearUi afipeami tbc progrefa upwards caly, for even in its indcuend upon Uu-.. i<«*ei»i«n«, Ibi i:i«'v m«wur- ptefent SatC, commodities'of all kinds mav- ** '••<'»»" «iihc„m, ,»^..nHt murfcH.....Ua..... p.f, dotal With great celemy. ^1 now Uir;rrfi[1^r.aIl0l,^|,,.;|,rtih,-m^ku.udint :,(lly take, my leave, with earneitly inviting the allUiirit, Uirmtor].....a of" traiMjn*ti»>. and tlic good pcopb of Kingftun to mature the r3iab!ielim.-i.turprH<'-.an«l»t ilu-n • si-h-iu desire lints 1 have give.1 them forcontinuing the carrying trade among them. Now is the time for exertion, and mould thfi profits be left than I have contemplated, which 1 fee no reafon to apprehend, it mould be confidercd that the ttanfpott is iucreafing, 10 p.omorc tiuman hajiplniM My a IIIMOH »' puw* lint havio-r.piiliod !•••• rkM l" i-u'!i.iiinivul..ul- U, I fiimiii, II14I then rraliiiu:iitf*\ierrvtvyilif. I'crenf frotn ilio^c Iiev ur«fofd. TlliS proposed unionofpower, hadfiu It* rcai ubjevi, lue i«iai rlrsiiiicti.... ouhovi ta.nl pnlHIdil libftClCJ Oi a«rrMpui'i«f nwnMt'd. nhieli duv !n p.*ii to UCCfHilplKn, bj ctHtvultda'i •: i!ieir r••,!»•€iWeTOp- (Avt^V/i means they vert restotr.,l,j BANK OF UPPER CANADA, aa/tf i» Aoucno tkubijc highly inlenrtt- a xittPCTOK for the «ec-k, NEIL ut^ tafarmers mm other* lowmcd Sn &_J M. LI-'Ol). Ivquirc. Mi preservation 9J a • art so wimble and DlMJOU.Yf D.\v>— \\ 11 n} .fl l¥ incach /« \:":// pstn ■ 1.1 use «a' «« article oj food. weck« 7V..- Doctor'* vbsersaliom onthe menu- All Notes offr-wl for ui coi -t must /*ic/«r« ofMttrrh from potatoes^ 0 1 //!*r be handfd to th- CasHinr on w.r (h,i t„t- 7^/ wtf/jr/rt •;/ (Afl pnsjvr drposUfng them ceding the DISCOUNT D-n. Sfc.jurnish some uscjut hi'nts% xckich ice S. BAB i l.t.T. ( afthier; think cannot fail tube improved fty the -----------------------. . _____________ peopleejCauttd*_______ THEATR K. 1 A BibleSoriciy, nuxiliarytotht-Mid- rpHK puUlc ar- refpc&fully informed, and IJiMrief Bible S'ociiiv, haabecn e$- I thatinconfeq fcquence of the rcad« being and mofllong incrcafe vcty rapidly—info et>intoao irrcdnlililr ulialanx, ami m4er us much that in twenty years'fix Steam Beats ^vtra^: uutk.rv: (pHiUou»*«rroaifHraent»ti|iun •11 ten- . - r 1 > r* .. ■. <•■•- b'Jl>»a'!v*u 'fi- -t-n, wini- tOt') <*-"'• .hd will not befuffieient for L.a,:e Ootano. ,:„.;, ?lia,T ,!...,..„ u.neudi i!u-ga.b m^KiMy lo I'mrland works are often undertaken a»dr«llfinn* which arc not expected to yield any profit Ibepin 10 mo»rn tor the pennlc wan wrre for fume years and are yet in the end a -aV^^te,^^^li.^S^!fif5« moil advantaycousconccm. I he capital toWAld,a inan, (i> n(liim.-«ufvrrHrt opmiot»> hml be able to coatmeiios on the Lake* y-tii as wanted is trifling, confidercd as a Prown- lung attached the ehafocier i»l an mlifStenrd taMbhed at GananoHuPa in the JMstrid ;mpaiT.ible from Montreal lo Eattgftott^ Of Joliti6»ow», whereof JoSL&rONEi i:- m;,'s ^^^ctonot fulfil her eng-^rment qui.W, is I it -iu<iu\_____ wilh thc n-^nagcf uf the KiftgAcfl Theatre, •Pi« !>.«; t „. i.i i- •. 1 c, . siid *ti< hoped that the public will not ... , ,, , w:t ihuld hnr patronage, n* 'Oti^ubc or uill 'horlly .».-» oi.t nu his tout i1ii-oii;;Ii , r 1 e 1 thr Soothern SJiatw of thc Union, and it eRPrnce ,ia' hccn 0"vJ °rn ^e P*rl of tlic is satd All not retwn lo the * al of Go- ma"a6'cr^ to procure a nfpea^le compa. -. rumtwt writ JriK Pmparatinna a.e nV; Any pcrfon parous c^ton^vm. the principal ,iti.- la that **• *« the_ announcement of M.f. D. makina in the transport bejttli to be t-10 much for one, ihat is in two or ilncc yean. Such 3 company mtul immediately command all the ttanfport to and from Montreal, and llili i: nrnuld n;^t be a mco^poly, a- it pro. ocedfl upon the principle ot carrying as cheap ?* our neighbours. The Frontrnac takes In her cargo of flour, Pota.1t, &c at Queenllon, htad of tlic Le!.e, &c. proceedi to l\in^Uoa, de- piiftti her burthen in tut if the fmall Steam Boats, which ought alway; lo he ready to receive her. Thrfe boats to pra- ceed down the Sait-t Lawrence to Moo- roeN Mills, at the brgirning of the Rapid PUr, which ought now to be couGdcred the head of tlic Steam navigation. The Steam BoatsiratafeT their cargoes into the Durham Boats which deliver them in Montreal on the thud ri;-y- I"i\e d.,ys are required from QueenftoO io Mo:i:r-.a!. A ftoie of large diaifilious ^ oild be re- quired it Monrce's Mills, btcmfc fur tlic general convenience, Durham Hoatamould be Co r.ia:;aged, that a b;l^ >'.- of four boat* may leave Montreal f*»v nl'^roe'* A!:ils, and a like brigade the M1U4 for Mnntrr:;!, «?vcty d^v —-It was alieady noticed tL:>t thr probable expence of tranfportin^ a tanel f flour fiom Buffalo? to New Ytrtfe, when the x.ana! Is fini(h-:d, wouM amount *°'\J'i an^ cLvteforc the piopofed Com- pai.y mull, when the Canal t' in opera¬ tion, ca-ry Hum Foil EfJC to Montreal at the fame r::te. 1 am aware that this will apyear to ma¬ ny a very rtdiculotlB price, Wt what can IitvCi autlVCf. not htii:.'. il l»<li.t- «;••! 1 cum. iicration f"r the Capital hid out, But let us enter a link- mote minutely |»itO the matter. In a very Ihnrt time the flour to be carried 10 Montreal wtllejsccet! too.coo ban. U, betides Pork, P»'t:ifh, and oilit,- couiin- ditie-, hut we m.':l conndtr the whole fteij;ht oVwnwatds to.unl to 6c,cco baire'a of flour, at 4/1 {—-i.*2375 -*dd forp-flcngcrs downwan's /:6^j—/*4,CCO. Now if we fuppoie anouitr large .^teani Boat on Lake Ontario, at an txpenie of ^'14.000, making thc «hole capital £50,03©* to be in aClu-il opeiatioo, the freight down would be veiy Itandiomc, ar.d yield a vcy fair profit, for the paff.i. ges and freight upward*, v.ill, in the WOrft of times, be more than fuiiicient to pay all cun^nt cxpciifes. The truth is, thc company, with th; facilities contemplated. <^;k';d more ejfi y afibrd to tranfport n.-i:r uta barrel at^/i} than the aflbcJatioii now adveruT.r.g ci;n do it for 5/6. We are apt to magnify the exprrnfe of shinjrs unlefs wc reduce Ulorg to figures. A Durham boat will £0 in two d^y-, from jVfonrot'* point to Mor.tiea'.—expeni'e if> ejottartj viz. 4 men at i%- doilais per day— 12 do'lais for two day*—wear atid te-ir of the boat, fallx, &c 4 dollars—in ail ti&tCcn dollars. Two hundred and fifty bar.-e'; of fiour at one milling currency 45 (l',-',>rs per trip—deJucl expenfc* iC—th- d iTi'- xence or 29 dollar;: profit—One (htlltog Halifax would he the propor'co of the four fiiiilin;;-! a>id one penny h.-'r^nny from 1'oit Erie to Montreal—but w:>. pof« it were a York (Villi - a bane!, each trip yields 15 dollar, profit* Tt wrre rafv '.1 n\.*•■.• f'o-f a minute de¬ tail, that the frtii?;itt of -*;yoiis and paflaGe money up, would do more than ui:y the expenfes, but I hallen to conclude that 1 ir.av not tire vour palursce. The truth tccm^ to be, 'hat if thc gen¬ tlemen iu Kinfitton, pnflviT.rt] of capital, exert titanic ves as tbey ought to do, ou liberal princitrlet, they will preferve the carrying trade, and that place will continue the i;ve it emporium of U. C. for a^es. line if thej remain inactive, the trade will pal* and concentrate near Foil Wellington. It was my intention lo point out the od- vaniaiica cf p.*ing down thc river ss f^r a* pc.ffihlewhh the Steam Eoiw, and t!ie arrangement of the times fo t!;at two of the fmaii Steam lioats rnry 1>^ rdways at Mt&ffi'™zny infividu1 ^-t;^^!:^;!;:!u't:;:!;r:,';rr' that could fupply the whole, and a molt ((a-.,,^,,, cc,ar-l u«i.illv in*- ti-i-ii;- ••' !li«*.r ruil- profitable fpeculation mit;ht be made of it. iii,;.^ rierplv tu> !«■ inrmr -il in wArdiuii, it to oonofiLion it would he idle to fear it, H<-waik*a baekvardvaml firrwwLi Intlieoimoal .J.1 n , -.l ■., a-.i.i.iini.aii>l ■K,-a»wna Iy ea-i mi .j:i\uki» eye a, the Company would tmhr«e wuhu; its $£$* „ iS^ttoTWawwmwefji bolom all the cap-talii** in the rrovmce. ,„;^ I thought real the faHarc of «omc of hl>ef- \or ha* auv one connected with the O.cam ion* tor Wf publiceand karaMrd "nn. and ap- . ',. 1 v 1 woN'io impoli.ion oucal;;r^ at Mr. Mootc * fTu.utur to receive him iu a >itlcudul man- , - ,, . e •/-••/? _______ l ( c!Tcc llouie, may lee the Original Letters la ic 1 ,- , , , c*. _i. of her engagement, and the caufc of her A duadful lire hroltt- out nt Savn-.nah • u- 1 1 \f Mi 17th March, which consumed . prvat n« "m,n«- **"!xh* Manner regrcti a* nnmht.rolhu,:rimi-. Thc ealue of the "«■**«*«■»& Hnt tu'VT i9 com>,,,rVJ "f On Monday Ev-euing^Apri 50*000 D'*lUir>. 1 women wcic Killed . -' o' • V the cxplMiou ofanuantiiyor Gun- Wiabepteremed_Mortpn,e«teb«i ,jcafej_thcy treyielainjE aver; reaiens- a4reaa^ tasi-ctipicisiuwhoiolw Aaptvfffd ble profit, zm\ \>il\ in a Bins w*tc prove cxtrimtly beneficial1 to the piojirirtors. ron Tilt RINGSTUX CHRONICLE, DOMESTIC UECHEATIOSS. No. 0. v. **• CM'vy day h«w ^wirttf wpr«s> an cnx.tiy |A :-:u**w wliiii ihtlr t*::li>,\-CM"att;<r? thltxii v( Ihvir, anJ J*?v!. .r^liow l.\^y Uicy aottlfl C<*, il UoM-?tiUhBht 001 ycapinuU'Wffcioiw frisi|iMvm to which lu iatfhtlcJ t«* J^litrr |u jiavl-aauni tb^ti day. Ah'ilr atorc-crmiuy, infilled me 111m* wise ■odtecttwm thai he *>uxiuml> eipecteJ the |>uv^HMii ijf ;i br:j^ »hic!i the primeniti-^UThail lt(#r!*'rt.} h;rn for -.otiuj in ijvor uf a new a.id M> Mtftnluaifoii ofpMWt< cbataotera had pro- dne J <* .:uu**in(un'iif ;:t-U ili^suHi ^>*^ 1 ^h\tlly IcrneJ 1U3 cyM iopTr<iaeli/tf, lobierteJ ,; !.\dy rr.01 afiecitoiuiiclj -^aird hriUc bpr hi* -!i*,,nl, rim car+^cd :t Utile 1I1IIU ftttU Oi.cnniuiuii ;»t- 1 powder. Two oxen wcrn lately slau^i.tercd «t Bal6nmrctoiM*of wiijph weighed SjOflU Ibi. iind Ihu ocla-r 237UO |bf« In Repj.y to iota. To f Ac PureAa><r of B»**l J- Why Iicthu?r Boobtummd upon hi\ >\\c\i, Urflcssuhiir ilierr in othrr- a nil }oitr»rlt'? >Vij) rarw die Mo:!* ^iiu iWdi upon ihf i>n*r iu winch v*m uefer look? She'* tiki1 mure w>.** jr. iJOHf ..ml tund I?*.!' 1 * ... . r M .. L | 1 * . IH..... ^Illll ulji c she in; e*l opOP rath ^ta mfCi;np of thc jnliaMtants of ll.e 119, celebrated Co¬ ined)' iu I'ive A£b, called A Cure for the Heart Ache Young Rapid...... Mr. Carpeader, Jc**y OatLnd......Miu Afoare, * * • • To which will be added, the much admi- rtd Comic Opera, in two acts, called No Song No Supper, (For Characters see Bills.) ■ - * • Mr. Cart Escrn's ErsEriTon Thnr*- day the zzd, and laft night of hnandMlsl Moore's cngagemct.*.. .; feer iu tUr u -I «*fuw Tft»*"«lrtl »«fi*< • ■'"■I- ti--»iin.« lillcw..... '««t, mliroi-. .« i ;*, ?. I ". j■ iiic*.;.*ltv -: ■■ J •( l"-i bj ::•' »..iu, Uv ei. ■■ .....I-'- . ^.;.o (disc .l,,v\ct tile. (1 ktliyl.*) liu»ui..t .-M.iiited In I,. (!iMVi'r.ir*-j.:n .. -:.iu.n ..'..I! ....!... ..m, a. care»i .t:: .!<lJ."i ubicli .-!.o well IEhCW lie tVU n-ourcc m" ntmo-emmt; b-1 turn of irrr.aMe nor itu-far!i<r. in.inl .iindji j'.Aii- IftUpi'W, ul'ino O-rpl.. 'antCBt .(., , ,,f ti<-tt i^-t ,1 |i|iuh nn *.M man, venvrn- Ihv itiip.' -iinlil> ■•.'!.;■;,.[:"i.o i\ ;;m! ri:d-^'. )iir, • ],. ,., (,,* a.[,fi" a:.il . .jj, i,t u. I.--'•-: l.Mi- hv c ;u'->lv mtu.:i;./iii£'J.--ut'i.'s ..•..«.■..i jmsiiI c.-.u'd !i:::i io.lt"»'*i - t|iU na.i.t-11' a ;»litl?inli:'i»- '"itkiiuwlvii'iM . ;:i^rt«,Mii/, ii;m.;^Ju ,.;u ..ov luivrc celebrvted far Ids \?;::^"°;! H»»-:|'7. n™ f»«j* Physic & Surgery. iJilluer, tvic lolh.wifiy iciolution was ready — _ ^^_ „....._.. ^? ■' ■ i. :\v aeci'TP uf tin lima ulileli .t. i!f:.ir.l :hr iitlj^bitiiii . ot" 4-:.ariiic>, t; L. ucvol- ncc, und ... f\.'fii«.n- (u iiii> norld. j'v'iwiiS"' 'ii-' churacter I Rtlude ihAeaiueCf*utfei>fnj> homatiiiy \ and I aw b»w m, <li plas a •it.iiij;o omiUinntiuq m j.iicti.U rdirve many ind«^fit^ wreiefies wtiu u|i|tlu:d ;•» »\ra!iu.->. Yin;, nfl.-ci lo nt-^ll*e l!:- 'tjiiiiion. t\\\\ fur a. tsiaiiu . •v.>r;;nc laid dOiltf ttilS, h-; amlreuuireitof tveir 1'cllow murtaU,y«'t*u'c ic»- M-pata ru bicHrlffVi ,,n,r» rp^d, and wntlccd *•> liliunllyn-iiHird with n ^h'-iir ul kiiuulftg:thf atviired liluc-'.m di -,.il tUlluwrd dim »vnli my uu". an.IcvaihngiiiL' u.iir.-. Ti'.'y arrr\<i _..;.;. 1Ari. |a a M.on nu*-,i» di>ja.<d and nnoiii !'i:- (.iH hSooT tlirifo-.riMiiiy' i* envi-, ;io,l tlf o-, cu ir.aieitc»tr Hnui, ;.-uik-Ik-I :.».-ahn>, lint quite (.rc..tiin.»li.«il in ttWckrttrj arc IfCld l\v lui'tetv, r.. i*«:vr> to uiy >\, ••• -inon.'ie lUlperlflUilj relu- aiitlj5cnerallytIiJrHlt.iheia»cKc»uotr«uu^il«vw1 i*A ii>^i\ I ".-an» a>l)lS> i npi.lie.1 Hip n»«-i, n »r euiui-1 if jii'CU-d. Tttem .-.i iraueielit ue^icet tai toun;!, tlto* Ii^ a. ,VI\ n. iJiUuulrrilftglniUuicr evru-.-t-i.-iru-iiiiss »wafetfn» il biuI r t'l.forth :*.hftdot rjspieiom, { iO\ ,n« . r./ «>»».| and ••v-r> aef.iiu, lhal i> .iiirn !, <n .li.nr If.'lnii? iltt'iu. rtlth jralnu-v a* <l >jj.l<ii.r| end ili*i«nr [lie mu.-t hutii"-; oi.riteir>. i,y f^:,.. aittl iiiMlm,«--ui.-inii; ml; and ilin. tli^irmrindi n:.'llti' hlatl? uf What hi tii«o*onn ■ouvirriuii. i.ie\ ile-pi-e, whilf ill I'll ilieiih*' tjj\d pCUCt' "t" mind Ih* ai ihv mercy <>t ine v.oild. Men «f fil* 3*|R. 7. SMALLY, bcK» leave red -" pectfolly t:> inform the uih:<S;tants of King Hon and its vicinity, that he has eitjfclihVd himfclf as 3 PUY.-lt1.1 S, 8VltGE0N4 § APOTftECARV, From uiiharing received a regular me¬ dical education* and fmm hi« experience :u thc d'ffcient braiichea of his pr frfii mt • re dr. ted Church U aniens fertile tu- he i* indued to bdicve, that he win be y;id ujlauirjiauOy ndojile.I. Raoivtdi—"Thu tiif] viTlagcbe hence- forth called COaOUKC/' Cobourg> Btt JJpril, 1S19. A1 a iiwttii' : ul the Minister, Church wardens Mid I .nUfciuien, ln-ld on this day. in S>. OVoi^f's Church, in tho Town of Kingston, the following gentleruen Siims ye ir. if scrtKiini •t > ■ tutu- b.'eiKisr ;here »v;,» 1. ,,j,^n,ar ei;ouj;'i 10 mtutti |.i*r:,aritv '::.r Id r. . j .m .(. Ic-M dirr. r.«! iu| ., . ., lr. - iilne* * palitir <vii:-'..... l> .1 Tro.I.\> M.tRKUMi. } p TnOMA I C vnr\\ kiciir.i '^ Eiagstuiii V2ih April, isict. 1 res. ,. ...-t.il "in eVurni 1 -.iC- ***** !i'.m-uu.. mi.. njwiH *u. *,:ni,v"^".':l,;:::",:",n-:1 Ml l~.;rp||t.in'. th" l-irulcinii' GoTOr- |t «■(:. ih-.I I). i!ir:ie«-'l !••,!> v !n il tiiu. ■(!..-. a;,..-!.-:,.......-, riu i.-rv.mroi ,0^- .-.- uwiJurrndi ^ "','" Nd»a.uidOrt.ali.nw j 1m-: J u. Hill i wrN^Jti lir.l Mk'iii to mi: kr^sinfinitelyaf-arn llianthow&ai iro:r.:. partf ofeeiiiM ""u w"« *a' *■'", V, "r" dr-i-riiuionniiii-ilu.i.k-anyiaeriliertbuliimii a piivv a 'tj-sl«o.^. •'"'- ' a """ ltr"' |irrf**ri knuttledgeuf luerliuuglitt of eltierv, al- by •.:.- .i^n: -.»i. ,»■. "'* •""1 J*i*»rwS ' iliimch theucr)et*lfl......' *iii6 |irtvitrge oxuiwiil whtefi!ir*r niCe«, wn* *"*" ,,;' " c ,'• r' T ereairdhy i.v'-»»ancr, di.int<t. tml uirrr 1.0-u-.' i'waTffl'^-ya « »a«w a.;d.i.t. caio^. Butl'hiivrwfttn iticiight, Hiai ii* ii-.- 2rm!rn-inir.ih<- tr-'f rtf ':"' :t nw* *l»»»bofc ulrbl allirnV wvva»£taf;tied,iiuO'ild ui- pro- pltrntinn naidirrcli-1' "' ""' (rn-adlcr, and it- d.;-(ive of tli«' mo>t fMul ejnsrqiiriiec* in-ueu***. ohs.ou-U COll^o-.ut- '■ "' f'*:'1,» Wf *Oru* 8fw C»en the purest mlodiarc not free frwnlnnumc- icnehnentr, that lie "tW '»'l,lc *l'l#ni Car iimb r^irtUleinMi^,f«.rlticvi.f!--niMT0im..-h I- uun- amnspmen'. a.-d iirf-r,1,,'«"' "J i'-"- "r """'V ei'i- Myn Ii*l:meni*,11io.eidea-. wlucli Rtten il--- trr »uinr iroo. u« *-vl'x '■'tanrnl to Till 1>U>UI .. |:ii*'d of ilir.r inia^oiaiy CMsiaaif. iliey nwlld Pftte thill ilrln. ivlui u;if |: «"-,,*,» 1 Xy dieted -u lira l:am-:l "oav.m ; an.l men j.e .mia\> .are- lilirk.and mt Itttnfr? M« hftii! epoe 111- band !..lio.'i.plavtheb.-At )Utc| nf ihelr rl.nrurier*. wilha-■ a:r ot intere »M>cdff|:«n.l.-:u-y. !H.ot:;;i. i. dwou:dr,-.!hei veil He •Ie|.-:; l»y ifif CiJ of lion aillicJv 1, and rc':S,on T* """l '" ":". "*' '" -v I.'pii-j::i*\.'thar.aircmpiioukerr>:iae iliem b\ tlic soareeof con-daiion i h,tl ' thivnveredby mi-ana f.rwEjIffrOfdnsj and principle. C l-aiacier'i>a> cflhccla*, that he -a' » P*Cltl»OCjt«t» and liad ui. t under the Inlleenee of ra*hirtnw ntaiuieif. coinemehureh «iin lht" •at**""1*". "' f-in)111- Ali-.ln. Ti-.-, '.: ■■ • .*a«.-.l.<.n jutTidaid fo. botd, ;mav the mom-v ilia' w*' eodi-efd l-r rhan.alde wlilcli iiniterui) ciiiseni tas .. ^m(,iVi|, ,„,j pucpo-eiat iliedi»or. andtliathii' ni^njiiy «a» uhen amen adh-rt-toeUtreroy -a»-v naadards, ihcu enplovnl in ro.-eeniii» a plantoeflVrlthK lh^ uorld feeli :.'i«-l r.ith ; ir ,m a general Sickened wlrMheoV'ary leatitiei which human i-ai'-.aridoor'not i\i.,ki:>;:fe--,i ujr.i^.j.cjaire ehuraciei di playd, »•••'" "• »••'.-<■. >\,re rs- wliflherhiipolilenerf is i-cere or assumed, or po-ed. I ua«on rhe p-Mini nf ihrnwlngdomi like able to dnjuiitice toal!, whofe mi f'rinnei may lender them under the ueceflityof fu- lieitm^ medical aid. N R To any calls at the fjjpi nf the Golden Atcrljr, oppofite the m.irk-!t the -raiitiufrmltot Muiklnml,A. Mac- ^c»n^n«y^on h.nd.a cho-ce and Stunri Pi Ha in I - m ..,. undiu il./U,. ™ ( NE ' PAIN1 s «F .11 kind*S :.„ Itw|.lla1 Ihcrenn j m ;. ih.r »iih n ,. .^?™ ™ ?/« Moil Cotton Yarn ; telnotllVrlftft. (AUiAttiMta in (he whole Wfn«»w GUfs Pi.t-y & 4a,U to nhnut seven UClX^) to l)C let or leased ,w n?M>d^'atnt **!?!?*** of fot tnosjpport of««W HmpHvlj '^ <s * »"«i* HAiNumUb, prounscd to open a Suli-ciipiion in shares ZjGuIcs' /J0.\ \l£'l ^y Of the **€t;~ esi Fmhi/m, GARDEN SEEDS* raised by the Shakers. BOOKS <i STATIONARY, &c. &c. &c. jV'1 'f>. 16tf- oi X'- 10 ench, in ordt'r to raise a fond for creeling ll;e tM^csstuy Buildings.— A« soon as 200 share* are iakeuu|», thc IsuUclingftwill beeomrrciiced.—Suh^c:ij>- lioti- ttill he i.*•■'-ivrd !iv fbe aborcincn- lionedTrustew. and the R- v. IC. (;. Car- ■ loiq. J, WilsoUfQud A. M.'.i .i-d!, E='.j. Nio.it/i-r of Saares pribtu hedt g _ < C. A- Haprrman, Esq.......! mirr* r, hut vimvtUn £ itlrtW«d UliMO I'M i< V|WI miuUti*hrrmao^lir WftMliCj^nga mil i»a( Hi trr:?, *^^ lr-iurr^ antl uuruaih pr>iiirc nerimril in 1 !uund:hu hefaiilJjtMt**- irMT*i i ua >«mpf iy*" iWrnid i of which^ha Lail hf. ii L.ntndlHi'O Ibliing !"i the fcWBffil vf *a uhtthtrlir i*a^iiil ira 1 > * rtriUj 3Ad vlu* Cf- drr **f ih.n^, fui obvious * rfcttiris Indlwen ^> b!t* to the iia'iiiAiiay tmd*veacsUiHK*oftndal l«fc- Ifeveg man ha*, a pa cf aua:ati g n K.iuc!?dEi' of th*1 tllODghbi ol f*fcw , ItK ttonti rould brrom*n iIhmH1* " Ii:mu ^ Jkl conftaimu L**v#, FrirndMiip, fowtiallty, and mutual couff* dence would b* u:Er*lv CJtt«nflln«c(I, becauuj bwlhrr m proT«>ii>rt« wh« wj frfc a*'J -hrfiiiut^ • v.ry one Hoalil O^Urd bis fnend wilh al.imt offilpport. To-' mu Mni*** »^ n:u*j iiohlr, and aKti^ispicinti; jnJtl^nff, wnwivf iodienaiioo, l*icaiiM phUat3ihr*uilc P'-ft^-P-*1* rcrv;i!,r:! ltl* and dlsmm% v.oult! 1«<V t!:e piull uf l<fo ut:li ifuiMliim*;|i tJMjr »\n» di-2*n rd uttiScr :t coarse vtimpiicated mt-er.r*, ;,.. 1 rXtil^ai^h, with tct- an I f<>. !?»J#1inc i x:ri*»»>*; nkMht ^t;^^*ble Ota- fi?c fcJi^»e, iru* IvU r of Htc-c I'irtnoifr itiiici- hogpny v.ou-1* ihettrlinra nndlMNi^*t> •** wW*lij I ic> nblcti rMijhica i*::d essrtMe Immsii*^ arrcoHMaJcd byinmgs^ b&K 'u:»u lhe *Jtw immertfdln re&eilowdtal^coilio^lliatt i:i^;;e^^ RAN AFPAY* ON tbc ftfeh: of the 12th April, UKNKY COR/.f Mwth thc wile of ;,i iRptVF) Chsrl^s Withercy, after cruelly beating 0«Ti*»4nVlbr6lhimuby flic R*r. Robert W»*W^^. S«M Henry took away ANvvSi»Apr.-n> Richunl r»iri>J>ftnit.'# Mr, mg to the fubfcribci. I'hcrcfore all pcr- jA«^;^Lowf to MSwCwisTuv AYan.%RT. funs arc hereby cautioned and forbid All 'd ^ :imdrn. t a f -j t i r Al Cornwall, UC mi TbnM»y. ilw hi in*}. P"^lir»fi-p laid papery or any land from by ibe Rrv. J, s. Mountain, Philip Var i: iu^Iv thc faid Henry, a3 he has no title whatev. nrtt Esquire* M, P. io Harriet Sophia. Miinl to thern.^-It is icnutrllrrl thai fh/fa ricbonSiiir^lrrlHiid. Ilenry may be taken up and fceured Ai Cornwall, nn TueftUy IhrSOlh lilt by the forne jail, in Rev. Joseph Jnhnxm. Jaroh Snider, of Lattcat- to Juilicc* trr. nerd vrvi>m>^*?^rr. yram, m ihr nun n :.r- er id in v rif!-:^ 1 mnk i:t»o a pruftrad >I-cp, and tftefiinl \Uiit ^omtr linksOitil pOVfl C**ft\^vod me tJ a ulare which wa«*BliTenfd fcy ^u hnuteme mi*lti- lu:»r t»f pfO|#ir< AH vrr-r hd»j , *icftvcvaud ijile- rrtied,—^nmr pursued btttTne-*, and OlDcrl ha J ;.......< luMlrt? i "*y\ • ^- tM^ i*i , Ail *i^ i ioiinbt^thf rich, in«l<l.cv nnd the j-iy, pa^c I b.furcmr in splendid uiid impoMii? (onfliHOlij ariti at nnolhor n^y a:trnf*cn was atftoeted t*y gFOUpCSOf Ihe Vtilgur, ihe ii;inmt th( |*oor, and thrmiietablr, I cojld dUti^gui;li all kiods«( peniuui auiiMig the crowd*—K:ng^ Priuf^s*, Siaioimf ii,;.»id Prime Minuter* : Dlrinrj tod Lant\er^T M:luar> m^oTand Jud^r>; M*-L;|ji*u. wivrv ladlc^md iheir Ia*fr,\coiiVp«rt! liw inut* ley u^eiitlila^c,hud were actively oi;^agtd in tioo, I ihreV (he relN **»iOft OT Mir pla^ Ui>»io an Individual ivhom i h«* niwoys admired, loved, ann iYvrred,i»ut thrdisenvcti*^ I m*iautunouur!y muJf. fchoeScnl me *n mueb, tlt-ti I irarted awake, t'.rt.H horror nrrt ntinny. KINGSTON CHRONICLE KlXGSl'OX. v- c. April to\ 1SI9- Cdinpli-lf'l U>dia PrtrK*. irjdon ><( iln* hue Uo- beii Kok. ul'Corouuil. a-pJ fixiv-rivtfjear*. On Monday the'iSUi of March. Mr. John Jliirvry to Miss Mary Moimon, b"tn of.the Township of Pittsburgh. Prices Current in the Kingston M'tr\'t— Corrected zzicKij/. i * ■ * i Kingflonoc tbearriv*!of rl:« Fr"i*.cirjc, a:iJ thc tluiH in thc nv- r r.r hi lit-1';-* > • «-- 1 confitlcr ;hi ■ a ps er -f hints only, In cofi»|*ai;r.jr t:>i«* co-i;0l in.ii; m with thc great Weffwn Canal, the LoinmiCion- crs report that thc txpencc III conveying c-mrno-'uiCJ to Montiaal vtiuM brat Ic^.il loin rimrs a< much as procr&iing by the Canal to New Yoik. ?.nd more in propor¬ tion returning, lint tl.i- :- not thc eafc, even Without any improvement ThcUvi^g w&crfioftilC Sami Lawrence continue lun^eT ui.fiozui than tiic flall wa¬ ters of the i 3nal. Enrly iu Novcmher they will be found troul lefome in thc hit tcr, an.f greatly i-nptdc tbc pnlfin-r and rc- pallinfl, iur every ntiltuillfi tllr l\c mr.'.i he broken. Tiie twne ^f going from Buff*- Wo ttmVwtantl bya loiter from a gen- llemau i;t MontfWlj to his (.'orivspon- iheirreBpfto^c pURUhfc I viewed tluThceiie Hi'Jit "in ll".' place,ofitfid on !vilh in>lant, wi'liir»]chiniLi-M,andcn;ii(lmln..c r.-flcct up- t( . . , was fou,,ht on thf prcCCtlinC ^urtiofthwartaod^aauii.ei.uonccivaUe mornrngh wocu Mr. O Milium. an.l unmberof jijou, wctei dtilgiw,imulKc^ policies Dotlor C^MWCll, two genflrrnen rfaicling in that cil' —Aflerliring live rounds !h*' forniur r*-. .-acda shot iu the body, which endangers bis life, and the latter was badly woufded* Tiiisviifortunal^trtTairj it i^ ivpoi i '<U origitiated in some writings uhii h tpftwd iu tlic Couranl. ixllect- pn.t'iicVb'i: Vtie ilc- i"l" cn '^r ^'SiUlfivim. and mclinattoBt, Uizi :\tic [.ce.-iidy W BC11011 affloiiZAen). Wli;iet'in»eur-ii;eJ,a la<Iy. will* heautfrill rialnre-, bui .eiy m>:.:uu> uml uneH*v In tyet jpiW, upproiched me, " My aaicr/1 fc*iS sic, " i» Ciii:y:iiy. My life and encreir* a.e empir»yi*UIndisCOVWu.glh*SOCtti r»nt r- ll.at aviris ? iiit-ii daring i.ir.i career in (hi* rtu.it', «-.1 i eomuvukaie a porliui. ul il.»s e*<n»;r" »pl.it !i» all de*cnpiinr.i of jjrn" auo kind ol :i 1 be»:oi\, arc Hi:tir?iy ri ;• 'a- u;. i»|iiniuii of llifir eiiaracifl; «»icJ cjya- lath,' U#t /HMJ* of t/.r's dt'tfs paper eiile/. Isowctlmeipuniiti men bj imylaft»>v f/i//- rivr/ < wiUlimlan extract front hi thrirmbub the pa^joa *fth* n,v i.aa.r de- yi p . gArusgy£ on rhe ,,,,. mites, ».lhoui imi>anin*[0 rhema i;.:-!.: nirn.a- *"%#""^V, , „, tifvlng it ii. area >hfii,!f ^-grce, anc inuUmg il tuialmti «l .'ro*(ed I olatoi «. iiiexccU >\ib.f.\W\\\ iu ihetr iiH«*i*il*. H"' W rnv fa%i«UN /.-^t,:. *; /ft© aira'.iancd ha Dr. Iloxcison^ lie,eiirfoj/^bec«nw»iainablextpi »•»' 1 caa the writer of the a/tick* "of Potatoes render i: Hie $itnrce of a ihfiSLit'J rnlWDlcnii. , . . . ^. '. a,.. I.k. ,i;r a ...cans of mptasU^ ihr.i l.ea„, ^t»g *fi*i ploughed up in sprw* mpet- and principle*. \>yoa aemtodirrci v.hui >vu ftcf pf'cseiiatiOn, alter tt severe uintVr," pn-.-e^ in rational oijeets I shall reward jua bv „,„«/ /,rtytf Vffn noticed by vvcrif farmer ttitfaldtftc io_>o..rniiiidarfrirtOfiwiidjw. Take /f/ <;„„.„,„ 77,.. mttm*fill result at the iliu ma<ie miiryr, a . I -i.i ..v. 1. roll*«'. uu upon ■» . . any individual anwne ihc cro«4 wiio^ .rorvl Doctor* xpvrtment upmi "potatoes UiuUphU yuu wirliw know, and iiir recenf» of iutbedth'd n >'jtid jce*' "raised tsith a hi- Ut art w.ll b.- laid r*non to your in^.-enon.'*— .,/, /;(/xc ,;, /^ ,,„„,//, „^ Jamtarif^ and rn^^-£^^-|!^"^^<^ ajt^zards^vkcedma dra cellar and cd aruuml lor*ou»e:t'?T*t iprt) *Ali:to 1 nielli *4 ' ^ eirreiieinpovrci^ t&vcntfum threc/tfl depth vf sitnd" A order that he may be brought his GEORGE XCORL. mark. Pitfburgb, April 13, i?ro,. i6w_j FOIl SALE oil TO LET, TIIE HOUSES, and SIX LOTS, belonging to the fubferiber ; alfo for falc, a fingle Town Lot, on the corner adjoining Mr George Olivei.—-Bcajiaj Fiuit Trees, of almofl every dlfciiption, growing oft the premifes. For paitirulara, 2pply to thc fubferiber, j on the prcrnife** AXDKEW DENIKE. Kingston, April 12, 1819. i6tf PERSONS having Book? belonging to thc Kingston Libraiy are rcqucll- cd to fend them to the fubferiber, at his hool'c, adjoining the Town of Kingston, and with as little delay as poffible- JOHN FERGUSON. I2th April, 1S19. l6 ASTRAY Cow having come into thc prcmiles of Mrs. Forfyth, the own¬ er is requeued to prove his property, to pay the expence of this advertifcraent, and take her away. siprd t6. 16 Letters remaining in the Post-Office at Gan- ar.oque* o« 5/A Aftril, 1819. 11^ MioicriDcr oners tor tale a gene- tvj ICOLAS I)oy!e,* Alex. Wilkinfon, ral affbitment of Cardan Seedt, Jaft Xn Efq. Jas. Vcndall, Martin Rofc. _____________E- WEBSTER, P.M. TO LKT, JnA pfjfTjjlon given the \st of May next, A SHOP, fronting tbc Maiket, lately ocupi'e 1 by Mr. Archibeld Rldt* mond. Inquire of P. SMYTH. ALSO—Two fmall HOUSES, oppo- fite St. Geoige's Church. Poffcflkm «ir- ci. Hi May. P. SMYTH. Apul 16, i8iv 1 runt. ■ Ar::cle.= . Per £ - .1. i' *- d. 111. 1 0 0 (i 6 1) 71 1* t'l |0 0 ri 0 " ~i »rii|»ri » • * * 1 • • 0 (i n 0 (I il 0 n iu * t * 0 0 n Fowl*....... pan 0 3 0 0 1 n TurknYfc,..... «a< h n n 11 000 uffie........ ■ ■ • - n u i> 0 0 0 V-. 0 0 6 0 0 7i 0 1 3 Bolter........ - ' • » 0 1 0 dn.-. 000 0 1 3 bain 000 0 0 0 0 6 0 • • * t 0 5 0 9 * * * 0 2 6 0 3 0 Dnu.......... * * * ■ n -J 6 n a 0 ■ • 4 * 0 1 0 0 1 3 Cabha^ei..... bead 0 n 0 0 n 0 Cut. 11 15 U 0 16 3 uM. 1 7 6 1 10 0 Tallon....... lb. 0 (1 v. 0 0 3 • * ■ ■ 0 0 IU 0 \ 0 \\Z\.......... urn -> 1) 0 2 III 0 bundle 0 0:; 0 0 3 cmd 0 in u 0 19 0 Garden Seeds. riMHE Subfcriber offers for fale a gene- reccivcd from Montreal ARCH'D. RICHMOND. Kingllon, April 9. 4w-*5 For sale on Commission, FEW Barrel* of Prime Ouandajfa Sm4ULT. JOHN KIRBY. Kingston, r 7th March, 1S19. 12

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