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Kingston Chronicle, April 9, 1819, p. 3

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#1 Sf.MarV's fiment, ought not to be it litlh nlVaiMlvMied.- Their «< ntd tw pru..,'nt foresight iu ereuilntf tint ground ince.s*nry for its 4h"« brlou- the t'rrcti >u t ot new buildings shall rata- ifr prior - Tin? execution might bi» deferred until ftdequafelumls for Hms tffide* taking ho provided— The untV^igm-d commission¬ ers will consider themselves as having fulfilled the duties imposed npnu tli'in, if ihis Report b" considered PttlBrfrftfjy explicit to dvtwroine the legislature to lay the foundation of a system rvf Inter- littl Navigation by canals and locks -whereof the main trunk should be at thi* <:hnrae of the \ rnvince. leaving to indi- Tidual^an Ltriti it) nf rollateral htancht'S ■which time will lender lac»tfc<".— - II -nee will a:i*e a rit-itying principle, impirtiu^ activity to tljl1 new s-ntlomiMit, to A'jiiculti'ic, to Industry, fo om- m»»r«'(* ; and vthlfh will con^<»li<l-it.* tin* hap- - ie$* and prosperity of thi hvrcd Fr vir.ee. Til" whole, nevertheless, humbly sub- .-anittcd— • GFORGE HAMILTON, Th. PAPiN-Atk \Monfrealy Frhnnttj W\9. Fr&nthe Montreal Herald of April 3. Dmy\t the 991I week, the pub ic mind ua-* been tantalize I with cnw£ra»y report-, refpe&ing the p". jeet"'! Canal from this City to La-<:hiue. and the intetcii excited ha- been in pn-portron to the importance oftbe fulj Ct. The chief point t> he ascertained a>* two, viz. Michei the Canal firall be made y a Company, or at the pub ic ea^ence. By our account from the >'oufcof "ffemS'y, it aopear, the for me 1 que.-tii n U fe I led ; a company is to he incorporated f->r the p-.r- ^f. of fliaKing the • --'..^l ; hut we are -'ill -n the dark as to the 1 xtci 1 of rowei j!iv \ to that fJo n- pa j t (fthey be bound by 'heir chart©' to p. Ice the Canal lo aa t« join the river at any .tallica1*! point i/.ied^y w\ arc to -I it U to .Mfemb- t»ue *t the wtiid Ntilfa; another arcMlitt j-ta'cs it** bei tj brought to the Cx >fs ; and imtne^i t*ly aftfil a third rei<-t, afTcrtn that it will fall tut > tin? <t- J-burtnce at 'he pufent Port of \lontreal Amid .t theie contradictory run r» it h oh-K'ufly imyoffible to ajecft^tn the tr c eta'e uf 'he cafe at the prefent moment. Thrt i-% h'-wever, oe.c circu -.stance which "ivi,!. 11 su» to 1 nr readers, an 1 wc *cel c n- fedtm they will join with u- in lh; wifh th 1 the Li £ 'flu nrc may fettle .11 onee rhe p* i. 1 where it is t d'feiibojrne ; a .J every other fataei 'which can have a tendency to excite a.te"caiion jflioog toe ^fcU 1-. of the C- mpany h-reafur ; fo 'hat H ithin^ mayt'Ccaii nanv impedinurntt »the ptogrrfs of the woik ..fter the charter !ia*> pa (Ted thel\ai In fixing tlie point where it fc.dl dlic.rDi'^ue, fil ihis depend' upon Go- ▼en.rt'tnt,) it h to be hoped they will have an eye t-< the public tut crest 1 A vcy great h.viig in the ttatifport, of Govem- ment '^tore-, vvouidbv made by cairyins* it to the Crofi : and whrn we confidei the imn>cife lums paiJ lor transport during the latr w<ir, com i on prudeixe diAatee the ncciflity ul our gn<rding against filUttar tavifii expenditure I\uea}\er0 FOR Till. KlN'iSi N v.JKOMCLE. Should (he Quantity Of whtdr thrown ia th% arm l»\ conatrucitng apii rat tht head of fi« 1 I- aiul, wUerr the St. Liiwrmccdivides, rendwthe milh ereetwl upon it uaele**-^ die piouricon iioist !><* remuucrared, especially Mr. Sheika who hi* been on all occasions ready 10 give Iiin assist- ancc 10 boats pa«;sin^ up, A tract path of nearly two miles is n«*re--ary n» racilitate the passage of the bo:its alons tl.e Iritis; Saidt, which may be inade wiloom much dif&Miliy. Belon Crv^ler's mill sorneihinj; must bf done to 1 no projecting point, 10 lacilitairhoat- pa%fin« ifp< A lock under the bank upon a small tcalc w ili he an.Orient. \oimpedimeiis present theanseJvei after pn-;- sinc (.'ry-irr's mill* iill >ou icach the Rapid Pla*. v. here .a .short cut across Duncan's point appear- requisite ; bn* if this he too nnirh, a tract way 10 Momo*'- mill* two mile* and .1 half, will £n ;i ly riccelera P the boa h loiupllp. A. he Cruiaps a 'ractway i> ije<e?saxy lor per- hap* a mile or a mile and <* half, after which ih* r»b ni> par;icnla< Obstruction .ill \ou a.rive Ai Ki?igJ*U01- The«e irai»rn\ement. micln he coi :p|e'r-i1 at no very feru)td&b?e expensi-, coip- parrd to the facility thev would five to eomirtg up th'* river. ^ . Wb-nboa1 rcmn up in half the time which th*\ ;'xo,'ir" a. pre'eni, the freight of tUe gOOdd w ill of eou.se be much l<*ssenv-H. Shonld *he- • bariial inyVovemi-nt- be deeuicl .nfl^ieni fo. pome years, they misa be aocomphfch^u at the expen-eof 'he revenue and the iooK»'d for appro* pr;aiion ofland, re-eryed .ill u ran b.' told to advanide*1 to meet the costQf t!'e mor exteosUe improvement, nliich v*'U be theu r.'qeir.j. On the supposition that th" partial on^'-ov*- m^nts only are adopted, let u*»se-- wlu 1 tftefieia; ■' of g; mkU :oand from Mon real, m gll. wi-h seme indu-tr* and enterprrfe be made« and compare iiu' -amc with the pr'^en prHerf. ( To ye ronHii't-rl in nur w,tt») THEATRE. Miss MOORE's B ,N. I'li. MISS MOORE relptafully informs her friends and the public, that her BENEFIT wi 1 ;;,ke |.lnceon MONI> IT, the i*& •/ April, iS 19. when will f'S picicnicd the fr.voriie play M MOUNTArNERRS. Oc^viiin, Mr. MOilitlSON S,-!i, Williams, &OLCAZW MU'.l-Y. (for thai tttght only) Mr. CaKPEND.BR. Fldi '.nthe, Mr*. Williams, AGN!-S, Mif- MOOilE. Between the Play and Afterpiece a confiflit j; of the following Songs, Rtcita tiotis \c I he much admired Song il Robin *\- dairf fl'/:fs xloore Comic SJnng, The Humoor? i)f irtlc- w\ Fai M r Huniii" KINGSTON CHRONICLE. * ■ * RecitaHott) Scots wha hae w;1 Wallace b!'."l .......fcv Mr. M'.MwT'n. G. iJf.r.'i'i' c 'cbratcd \ih>ant to cou- clude with a leaptijroa Barret of by YruCARi ENDER, Garden Seeds. SHA KFK V G rden Seed*, of the firft qo.ility, raifed at Enfield, Conn, and put up in papers, for Tale at Walker's Hotpl, by THOMAS Gu/.Y. N. B. As Mr Gray intenda to (top only a frw days in Kingllon, th Te that wifli to purchafe are requeued to call im¬ mediately. April g GKOKGE SCOUGAL, Late Master Smith in the En-ti- rifcr Department, BEGS Wave to inform his friends and rlie public in general, tha» he has con tru ncid bnfi lefi at tht honle fcr^ner)y ocenpiiri by Mr. John Size, Stoic Street ; where rvcryarticle in hulinr may be had on t e noil rdiooahV terms, and on the fhoitefl notice* The following ratey of charge* arc fubtritted/ Horseshoeing, all round 7/6 — — removes, ( 2/6 and all other w • Ic 1 1 o'Ot ortt >n. Kingston* /Jprtt ^th, 1X19. 15 SO I i,. THE Creators of Mr. W". Hamilton, late of KjOgvto*>i ate reqnclle.l to meet at tlie Conrt otite oti TutJ ay next, at t 2 '»'ch ck. wIH.il the t-1 nts he offer- for tiarden Serda. THE Subfctibcr ofic « f ,r fale a gene ral ^flbitmcnt of Garden ^ee«lBf juft rcceiv.d f,on. ontrta . ARCH'D. lili.HMOND. KingRon, April 9. 4W K an arrangement of his affairs will .ic fab* BUtted co 1 hem* 8th -vpril 1819 KIWtrSTOV, U. C JpRtL 0 1819. The V \1Vi Z7x cnttrtiiu'menc to ccncluc' « * Our tile* of NovY-Y'>*-k paper* rf»r(*i'. od <his u^i'k. finM.-hu-i with t»A*initinnal nova Rtotn E"iv»pc \_ly des re] wi*1' the mu:h admired and po- pular Farce oj th ■ SPOIL'D CHILD. 'For Chnrtic'"1^ see Rills ) in the PORT TV-BO !% Don-.viVn DiflrirTt of !,and n i^, by Hi *cr Unry the ! ient Governor'* Proc a >41l '; ol rJ\t iB'h 'ilt. d-flared aii ' a«.oointed to be a port of Entry aud Clearance- rnSf*K('Ttn-v ^.ncr wri! u^ thk •"emarU-* *v\ h^ "...r.irv 1)111 n*». fr* for* ihr Pfovliicbtl Parlfuneiir •." Lo pr Cat'»v!a, «!»:c" appeared in o 1 pap^rnf .'•*^96«li Varcn, i'.r a^luformptl h?< thtyr? ar Ivi tires DMekts In i'i.v Pr^vitfCi" nhtcJi nt we- >cm have rertdenl P**Agc* and r^p'ilar t*»i-ni^ftf lioMing tin* Co I'te'uf hnw\ the Inferior DUtrict (»f Gaffpi* 'ia\H2 a.^ \ci bo»n pt.u'M u;.;iu thc- &am^fuoMri{; a< i:if oshefs "itli re peel ta the e»- talili-hmen. of 1 imrts. a "Cms •' Pi^kvMj A'i LibtOi'U n J'Upt >i'- ft. Quid juvaf ha d lectuui pluteo Jeponerc li- bri*ni ? i*1u-to ClaU^sapit ;—1» noojia^rutitai ;!lo ! IOTA, A transla'ion \r verbis requested. li »»»•» |ilcd c, tu rr* the a!>ovr, anil oHli** yours truly, 10 i' A. . ------------------------ .- COMMUNlCATIOy. We arc Iuipp\ 10 lii»ar tiai ^l"■^^tf>0^^^ t^nfiit. is to lake plaep *>u Moml.rv MvVntng nett ; the plr*C*3 ^he has C'i<r.^[i evinc a p^iof of l.i*r j' d^mrnt and a desire to plf\ist\ Tip Mo^'iHaSne^r*. juHtly rel- brat'*d a the chefd** t&wre • f Gi'o. Golpitran the tauugifr—*p en t ^as (!n% p."rforiri'*r-I'M in u) with the Full tri»ag h uf th- company. Tni* la:lv we under >and l»n> no Other remunera'ion than 'hat uf a JV-n^ut fur her ei:iI*»avo«n;i to pleast* he riti/'*n- of Kuiicc- lOfl, and v\ e hope the^ wi I ** 'he- a tuttnt)"*. " ;: -.'Ms. =5IP .i^'ii tuna!. Ifai na'u Ainott, Wtlliaui \ull% 1. K :..ibtuca-i,2 i-»i\>arti Lianieti, J.tin ? Barry, >Ur% Baitlel, . ^. A. L. iWker, Olive \\ pi •, I. iJ. Uerua d, i aniei I'. Bird. Internal 1 improvement—Coutiiid. \ report, that 'he L\»';sla.U;re of Lower Ca¬ nada uad pa^,-0 ail Aci lor open,i.^ a L'anal, be- tv e'e : l^a Cniiie A Montreal loen er the Si. Law- reuceaithe Wind MiH>, v\t'Sl \)i thetowi., «Ua- •jrnoid in> iuc .ui.ii.oi.a on die lUterf Sling topic of ui.t'iiial iiii»ic;a..on. Bnt noi having hi-aid any PO«liWBat,ou *»f tftls rumour, I am ir:do- cftd lo'coiiMUe;- ii a tabi ication. Such a t'ai.ai Mo'ild he woi:e i.ia.i tisete^, as it would ?too and periiiips ior.a long une prevent iho-e ihoroiigll improveiui-ni..- ot tne St.Lawrence, wbicti tne mv ua«:un oflhiiig.-l now demands. Toe seeming c-.iea^nrsisuf such a Canal appears to ;iave wei^oed uineo witli the Comini>-tv».iers in foitning tiioir opUilDU, but a rhuig m not always Xsbo&.J oecau-e it itiaj com little tiione^, au;i Ux%t- fcnaimprovement buOUld be uied upon a very riitferein principle tliau .tuit of i>ie present o*ulas. lfa(.anal,<»n [\\\r> conoacu'tlu<alt, be ot mrie or :.o UM^and acting a> a oar to nuuie Itnprove- m^iits, llfcfO* ai*:ea. pari of our own cooitneicr intU the nand- ot qui rival? the money spoilt lip- ou con-uuc inp ill- eiuiiely lo?i, and lae p'lblic sufier- a |'ennaneni injury. One «j'rat ojjecuo.i to or,uglily the Caual past tne cn\ oi >ion.ieai (low n .o tue v ii>.\», it UiaVO- ^ered in the n:iuil)eiof brfogfa required to pa**S and repas-alou^ t:»e -ireeu. T.n»ol>j:'c;ion, if it ba\eauy force, ap^tuv equallv M »Me projected CatuJ by Ihe Wmo 3111U] Um ihere are such thingsai aqvied ict- '.v.iere uriJ^es are i.icouve- bieui ; if ilier^fore bi'*i!ge> over the t'avial I)t* im¬ practicable Hxey tnaj be made below it. Litaer ?be AiCoe.-stioidd be»o IHgha- to admitsloop* t<j pa- under in the t a. al iviUlinii <op satb—or thev -nuuld be made wuh &rcucu 14 leei high be;o<v the (.'anal, WKiCh would adiait loaded Car.*, Waggons ^c. 10 pa>vf Tue par. ial improveme ,t» necessary to render the navigation tuleraole are net the r many nor expei^ixe. Tiio La thine Canal to pa>i Mon¬ treal :o ilit* foot of tue rapid i> a -ine qua non. THlS must be clone before ahy great #uc<oua*e- tnent can be given t\»>' Oilier improvements, ami is a nlauer t»f-lie devp**l Conceinio me prosperity uf both Provinces Tne Cedai•* may be deepened very much at a moderate expe:;.-e.— 1'lie !)evir? po.nt, between the Cedars and the Coiean, iuiihi be cu« hrou^h <un the pi inciple of tne inclined p'.ane. Be. ween the Cateau and .iJcUonell'.- tne river may be cleared of lar^e sione*, and d'/cpeuec^aud atract pa a .or hordes made alou^ me bank. No fan tie r oos rucitou reinan»> ill the Loner Pro incefor .he parsing Upuaitiaof boa > of Hie largeM M/t\bm -loop.-* or ve»el> drawing mure tha . turee leei wa.ci inn-t be given Up, till the Djo e complete improvenients are made. li ivum an easy inalicr to calculate the ex- pens" of these partial improvements, but it do:*-* SOI appear thai tae se.no nece^^ar<> can exceed 415,1)00— a trilling consideration, which t'le breaxage on the La Chine road for two year? vo-'ld r^pay. I.i Upp e Canada Aie<? partial improvements commfine a Poinie Maligne, n«ar Cornwall, vl.ichmn t becit fllrongh, a.ol «!ie ioc- oeep- ei (lln'.Wtn I an.l.ai.'s h.n Lltll A:».Mojk> null. 11 e a m of iji-S . La^ience w: i;ii rn-rai M" *' , l>urw o< ;.nd S .nkVaiill? inn t b:' t..M,a- fmmed iu:o ,. ■ anat.a a- b-en a!ead» pi(^i- yt'd iu iLc ioMjicr yavi i»i' iuu coaiEJWOsatlics:. IT is pro** * fed thai ™ Xgrxi'Itu^iil So- cii'y for the Oit'ri'^t <■( j ■hnlt.wn, Ui.ij be fi»rthwith tli blifhed Tlie adyaniarie1* tvhiVb will probaHy 2- r:ii frr.m inch an In'litution T»n(t b^ evi- d^rt to r^iole v/h 'are in the lia.'l aoqnarnt- Mi wiih fjtfiniar cftaolf(hr&cnt8 in "ther conn- t*<c * In order to b:!ng ab^Ut the end pro- p«ifed, l) c ;ublir, and partiettUtriy Far- " en, arc hereby notifi d, that there will he 0 mteiine at the hcrufe of STF.PHMN CKOvI\VE-.« . Inn Keener, in Br-ck- frilh 00 IV l)WI<. D.iT, the \p ef iV \ Y n . , ;it ^ o'clock of the rr»«j?n?iw, (mio<r fhe 2cl <).<y of the feun >< of 'he Qu'-i \cVi\- ui) at which time anrl place lire Farrr-tni of the Oilirid "f Johnftown, rad aMorhenwh. feci m mt^B in the Jamr l;UeikWlN »grtciHt*iral profventy of the country are j^na Blake, irAi'c..' ',, i%^ titCll iiHCIllla ec I litiralin ' Iqntrba'd Bro. kvtllc, April 6. i«i9 ir -««'"*i*« Bowwww. j orfc. I'j//. l\bnin> ,h 1 si9. ^T %' v '^^ H,,|)',n,alioijH Iraviitfi bi*Atl J * nr-ile tr- Hi K\er|hiu> the !,i* ti- tenaiii (i-vriKir in Con 1 it'll, for Grant or lr asrof cfeuin Ltiul- s-tuate in the Dbtricvf •"'• N rtW tie, and in the Mid¬ land D1 trit't, viith a \i,Mv to establish Iron Works ih^Tpnu ; it is thonjjht pro- p.r to nffirfl an op'Mi cotnuetition for It asr : j'.ul t i^ tlit-rriore t!.i* d:iy or- A v-t) b\ Hi. KxoellHici fhf L» 'u1 maul Gnv'nw ill Council; Thai Propyls wil■ lie received until ftt$ Brsf Day -'f Ma> li€^Ct,^y,th<"Clpfk of the Council, fromanj i dividnjl, for L^a^p of reriain l" net 00 or near th(*Cro\V Ki**?r, whiv!» emptier it tfIf info th«' Rjver Tr.ntt, ind for Lictr*. e tt» cli-.'Tron Oro. JOHN SMALL. , 11 Clk. 0/ Er. Council. There being reafon to fuupofe rr»at the above , dvertiiement has been mi.n ier flood i* I- explained, that, the competi- ti' n ?,ffor'lid Is 'ot as to rent. "he p»o- pofaU ate 3s to fcale and efficacy of cftab- lifhment, und fccurity wf performance' 15 JOHN SMA* U April I, rSig Glerk Ex. Council iJuh!ic \'>tice. AMI'.ETiNG of the "embers of fhc L'dngregati^n of >t Gf-rge's Church i; r-quelled at the Church on Eafter .'. ondaV" the 12H1 ot April, at Vaccine or Csv Pock Matter. "KUp. MARSH MsL% Surgeon, re- XvJL queft« th tfc arcnt* wh 1 vvi(h their Children In cu.uu<: with the C«»w P<n:k m i.ttei, to ap.dy immediate y, a.i it wil» be fin; offiblc tu keep it in circulation more tli -n n few weik-. Joih Marcii, 1819. 14^4 1A11 1 EllS Temmnhig in the lJu$t Oj- Jicc at 'Kingston^on bth Aprils 181U. Juua ban Allan, tau Laiuureetit, T--.oinas .Allan, ton. Lanrfrrv, '. • " rti:ii Ann to, Vm tu Lattemorej Fcijv Amoi, i.'aoiei Lawrence, Ihmtopucr Armstrong, Utij.ir.!... Leavens, 2 Al a nicrftng <>f III *J .. sirttt'%- ol the Kiiiiision Con pa--ioualc Society, on the 5th nf April, 1819, The Visito.s reported that 16 per-on.s wf?re relieved, at the eXpi*m:e o\J2l5 4 \l Currcney. ■ Visit(-r*» for the prosr-n^ »Tionth, Rev. It. G. CtlHTOt1*, T'rfOM \^ CAUTMItttilT. M'»\TKKAL. Vjo.l :!. Dr£D.—On Sattirda) la-i, cne ^7;n M.^rce, Isabella F'T^u^i»n, w.dow of tlit- lai .loii • Gregory, E*q. at Iter house near Montreal, a*-d 66 >ea i. On Saturday ni?ht, the STlh viiU of a rapid decline, originating in hi.-^ Exer:ions at the l.*e fnv-on the premises of Mr. Kobert Orknev. r\* ha-- t**rt-*d bv a i»v:b^ec;<iem astacknf .he measles, T <o?. l.e!gecoinbe, Lsq. aged *J».tie-piv and deser\edl> re-Tielted, not onlv by his Immediate reia'ion*., !\iusinen,a;id [Viends, hul by ajl w .0 fiad the pleasure of h»s acquaintance. vfr. 1.1^ vombe had beeiiappomtrd a Pu'-s^rin the Royal Mavy, at tlie earls ageoi1 1,9,aid lia>>n-»«'<| n-n ly tilli'll varioa* si In alio us of Honour and Trn*l (Jiicnr- iiie hi^h responsibility) in u manner oineh <ia! procured to httn the entire approbation ol tl.e ;idintra, iv Board, ;»nd of tbelieid- of every oMirr eOtiiA'-nii U>*pttr nr'Ul UUOPl vvinen In ^i*pvp)&, insomuen thai ii mav bej» tly -aid of Rim, and ■ it* saying bur little, tha' u wo.iWl be diiScuH to-tintJ achat act t of %;milar rank, more worthy ot initiation. He ha lefi on a.iheted ludon and child to mourn tneir |0«S« OoeaEc, \pn»L 1 At Freflerirfctoo, !*?. T?, on lue 9th i ebinarv la-t. nniverrally re^n-ttcd, John JecktN8, F.-n. late Captain 4>li l?o^a'i Veteran Battalion, ?id Town M.ijorofN'^w BrunsvicK. Themo-1 ard-nt seal r>nd activity to His Ma- je.-'y's Ser\ice. have marked »hi? yonn^ (T-'ct** career through life, and parileutarlj in C&nanV, during ciielate war with the U:tii«'d **'atcs. niien a-a Cap atn in the nienea/v Ugftl lofan'rv, his di»tin2til<bed servie*'> called fo»' the admiration of bib Country. HUmiff^rin^tiuriujE the la-t ;iv Near* of his life were n:,abated, having while leading bis Company inthemtwtgaUani manner at the Rfttiie of Opten*bnrg!i ln»t one area, and received a nm>t -evere v.onnd in the Other, tli*' c«n<*j<|oenee nfBhich were finally the cause nt hi> death, at an ;.i:** v\hich cvi.habound and vig oro'is constitution roS^hi have justified a hope 01' Iiis living to:.n advanced perloti of life, HiaTrr- of any ftaker, or a pcrlon defirous ot krep- cii- J.iino U*ad>, John Brv .ei, |Ij».i I lirown S \\ iiua.o Brown, Ezra IStickbee, David HnriMde, George N. /.orrt K;»'d-ru k Bnifb, Thomad Ben^oO, \\ ilnum li as-, Joiin Id a) ley , W £h Drown, A on l.nllis. Join Campbell, Sa*u'> ( aiojuell, John (nmeron, ^ I'liam (aner, William Chad wick, Jo-eph Chambers, WillUii Coanning, Janieg Cheeld. S*i aiinih Chri>tv, Ijimgei Lee. I'ai.e, l.rtebvrc, Josep Leinoine, baae Lev\ia, L/ai.iel Lobnell, Mai) Lajonder, JJaiiM i lall., SauiueJ Leiav, ^ ill am ^ at un, l.dwao Me( all.n, Cuiiturute .necariy, wtil.am McCTrea, Wiliiam ueDtoudd, An^ii.-1*. Mdioit^at, (j-.'intZK* .iietilnn^^an, t \> IMtll* .WtjUl , Joan Mucjvay, a Sam 1 I ..ilv>ndry, i'aii-UD.i ucKt v.*, Tnoma> ittafklt, Al* Mtiidei oeKinny, ( ha Ira tvtcl-ean, x Tnoinui 'dainleviih:, Fre.leri.., Nianuel, Ut»g tVia^ionk, WrUiatu j.a-Mt,3 Jotin ..lar-^.iail, Da 1 noi .to, 1 * ii. u A.a>, Mr. Melon, AuguriU" .vliller, tvietia.d vioby, V> dliani vlore, J ana - .\iori>oii, NlC0ola& lilonn, \\ ilhaio O'c'arr, COaHea mile, damrst )(]!♦*, fc.dt*ard O'liara, \\- -. George ( . aw ford, Maria l)>ano, 1'ierre iaiant, Jane Paul, Jo>epu relKy, doll 11 i'onno^, W illiuui 1 otvell, Gilbert i'uidj, Ogden A. W'ligley, Samve] t). Cronk, Jo-t-pii Cross, John Cochran, C>l)a 'tali t. ongar, Joseph Conklia, ♦Viiiiam K. Conklin, Mrs- D&nle) Cook* urs. Al-Jtaoder ( owan,\\ ilhani Quitter, Al- xanOei I I'lbreth, 1-. italh- % Jaue C iilbreitu W miaui dimming, Chiintophei I mi len, AIe\u: der t anjiroii, Sergeant. W. DavidUO, Ur. UelaCCpioU, i e even o'clock in the forenoon, for the UjJ/»^pfe ofi t'^Bffl*® ChurcW Warden-, for the '«r\fcnt yeat. By order ..f the MimScn JOSEPH MVRDOCK, C*rj5- \ OR SVLK, FOU tne unexpired term r f the Leafe, which \* ieven year* from the firft of ftiay next, the ) remifT at prefent occupied Ly the rnhferibcr. ^cimt the market Iquate, being fltuaWd ox\ Lot Wo 46. andj.-iniujr Mellrs. Smith & Buiurworm. • n :he'.ireet leading trom Mr. Ettihert Wa.kerjs Hotel to the river. The buildings on the piemi- fea confirt of a laroe frame H- ufe, two fto- rie^ htjfh, wcU fiiiifhed. StabU fo: ten hor- le-.and alt* a Bake l.oule with a good (Jvcti in complete ordtrt—the yard well lecuted. 'I'he place is well worth the attention III-* I I ▼ I*J- iw «|i| U4'iUiVMi |^» i two ui m*' * •*»** 9 • ■ --• ^ J--------------------» I -*-"------------~-------—---------- titesin private hie are no !e<$ entitled 10 the en- ing a public lloufe. Fai Tutther partii lo^umof hi, Fnend^ milting ui.h the most j^ ■ , ^ fublcibcr, on the pre. strict Integrity that nrbanuv oi maimers tt'lneh rr j r di>tin^ni-hes the ciiariiet:'r of lite mai 1\ soldi-"-, and which had endeared nvm *o al| nho a«i the pleasure of hi< ,i( c|Oiiint.inee. In hi> c'\a acter \v*»re nnited ihe dutiful and affectionate Sou, tl:e lender hubband aiuUinceie l-ri'-nd.— \r him So¬ ciety is deprived t»f one ofitsn'o-: vaUa'de tnetn- b'Mj.aud iie Servire of o..r of i'* bri^hte I orua- m.....t D MACDONALD. Kingstony April *]th% 1819. I % ON reafonalle term>\ two S-ONE iiO; i-»E -oop. fue J hn McLean1* ITIq Sheriff—"nquiV of April t. [4 ■ Notice. THE fubferiber being appointed Apent t the WONT&EAL FIH IN- SrKANC E COMPANY acqnainla the pubii • toat he I-; BtiW P^ady to ifTue Pnfi. ties on r'thri real or KmIoiwI pioj.eny"%«n motltji ite rate-* ot yA. fnjiitn. »r vjrcHELi. Kxngxm% %th Afrit) 1yiji jr,wg very J\ll!l Ofl.lllav Thomas Dercy, |Xl l>. Uixon, Mi -. LKiCKety, ^^ II.am IKnbar, iinoitiv 1) 'uatiue, tin nab) i>.urn, o"«jaimn Dunn, Solomon Ldd), Ani|ioii> 1 1.ward-, Krehard EUerbeck.S Qttarter .Master Lllis, John LI more, John Luer-on, John l-llerbecli, Mrs. Iraviie, Lduaid t-'arman. Air. I ay bank, l hn opi.er riem'f'g, Mie.iael I"ralick, Mj. Fruerang, Pierre Gagnou, Kiciiaid Gal way 1 W illiam Garbutt, v\ .lliain iibbard, tienry C*ildei«.leeve, John Cio*)dearle, John Grant, Rebecca Unnci>eu, j on 11 Grant, Mr*. U01 ne, Chester Hatch, Jolin iiaMkins, Alexander tlo>kins, Morr.^ N. li. Hull, l&abeliu liouiphrevs, Nla>on Huiitiogdoo, Frederick D. liuru-r, Mr. il\ uier^, Jatneb W. James, Itol'ert Jameson, J. Bpie. Jacohe, Ulare .'• ro, Itoi - ii .lOi.ll'Olt. G Jame> Join.sou, J .iooll Jotitibtoa. Main.1 Ji'iniMUi', Jo.m Jono, tieoige Kiiuer, t na. le.* Labar, Dai.iel l.amb, Kobe.: Latuh, \\ iti.aui Lamb, ;U..-. La * " , .lames liamey, Ja<iu litdmond, jatne* RiiO'ii*^ Jauie.- Koto. soi.. W .iliai.i KoOiOMiu, Robeil Rouonis, Mai y iln^ers, A,.n\ Ron>on, Audiew llo^e, John Ro?», L. Rosster, John RowsweUj Je^^e Runnels, James Rupin, John Ryder, S Hamnel Snail^ J aim s Naiiooo, Samuel >ai»dera, Baptlste Saria/iji, Then VY. Sauertbwaite, John Seale*, Robei 1 \\. Scolt, Lh/aheh She|ihard? And; evv Shuliar, Edward Smith, Mr, Smiiii, Mt». Smith, l>ajc Smith, Joi.n Smiih, Joslma Smith, Ca.hanne Snonk, Tuoinat- s|)aiham, Jonn Spencr, Andrew Stark, Alexainiei Sievcuson, A. & A. Siorrie, Atnhroie Ti lierl Oliver Thibodo, John Tlnirner, Abraliaoi Tnvar, Jacob Vanaroam Jo-epu Viileuueuve, « li/,abeih Walker, Jo eplt Wairi, Atex. Watson, Thnma> VVeb't, John M hippie, Frederick Whites, ArteuiH* V iljpr, Timotb> W iWec, Kev. R'Williatiu 2 Archibald Wil,on 2 Hnph 'Vii-ou, Ruber. W il on llioma- W lion for Jonn \\ il O', Vi.Iliai.i H. Wood, Darnel Whitney, John W ilson, Janie« \\ o >' ward. N<vnt-E. FipHE Subfcribcr hav.ng fold hi Go- da * to Mt.Alex'r "cl.eod requeli. all thofe to whom he in indebted ti r*«'.cnt their account- for payment, asd tin1- *aiio owe hi • arc called upon to (ettle then ac¬ counts by the firft of May text, 01 elfo they will he left with an Attorn-.y P. SMYTH. Kingfton, April 9. jw ij ~ LAST NOTICE rpHOSE indebted to I ATPICK «. SMYTH Sc Co are notified f r the lafr litr.ei that Unlcfb 'hey fettle then, ac¬ counts bef'tie tl»e lit o[ May next tliey will be ten with an Attorney for c Hcc- 1. S^iYTt! Kingfton, Aptil g. 3W 39 lion • * From tkf.Time* Telescope. .GOOD FRIV-Al, This day cnmrrernoratei the fufferingg of Cbri'K as a pr-ipitiatnti for . u^ fins. Holy Friday 01 the.Friday in I o y Week, was its crwe ancient and genera^ »ppi la- tion ; the name G'-i'd Friday h )>rculiar to the E' gMfll church It wa« 1 bierved as a pay of ex'raoidin:i:y devt-tion Bun*, w"th er. (Tes uj in therr. ate ufu- ally eaten in Lo ddljand lome other placei on th'* d*tVi. at bn kiaft. The nfc of bun*. (iV.ya Mr HufchiM'on) \i> d»river! fr<*m fiat coi fecrated fweet biCir!* uhich was • fT^red 01 hlgl teftivals It it o. the hii belt antiqnity ; aitoiding to Mr. Bry¬ ant, " the olf lint; .which people in an¬ cient rime1- ufetl to prclert to the £0&* wee ucnetally purch-C-d at '1 e e**lra..ce of ihi- t-rrp'e ; e(; tcially < vt \ Ipertf of confe. rated bread, which wat d« non in ted air* r 'it gly (in* fpi*.ie^ of at re dread whicl: uf d in he nffi icd to th- |»od-> was ot great int'qiiry and cafletf1 boi»n The Greek*, who changed th< m 6« * w>*« a Jigmn rxp-tflcd tt ,in lh* 1 rainafut lobsf bill i' tie atcti'ati*'t OlQre trt«ly Lout;* Hrfyrhjuft tpeak$of tl ^ loun.hw^ drfcubea it * i':.'d of cake with a reprefmtaiiem ti/iw* herns JltltUd I • ux n.c .ov-..-u aitfrthu lant'. iranner. a fort .of caie with r*jins. Di genes La&rtiu*. p- ki ^ of tiw: »ame off* ing bei«'g made by kn»prttcclct de¬ fer-be. the hier bg/cdict;fe -f jil tcji ic »v«- eo't.prfvdtj He offered up on- Sf" ih* facred I'd"a cai'rti a ioun <u*btcb %va made of Jine Jlour unn honey , It >ah t «_c- crop,, he Jirst offered wt> tins fort of jucet bread HetiCS weo«!) jofgc oi il*. an¬ tiquity i>f tht cuftom, tr- m th? Ijmev 10 wb'ch Cecrops i- *elened • .a Jwt;i het Jeremiah takes ric'ice "t thi kind -t .ffer- ing, whin he is peaking of ii e *> ifh woman at Pathrun in gj'pti and &i« heir bale ido atry ; in all which their Imfir.nds had encouraged them: th< wont in thetr ex; 1 ftulation. itpon thi reiuke, tell him, Didzue make her cakes to ivorjhtp her ? &C Ju Xliv 18 19 lb. vti tfc —fcry. ant's Atblvfis vol i. p, 297 he la- cred cake* which wete otL rrd at ihe v.r- kiie temple** were fty-ed boun, and were P'dented upon every feventb day —Bry* ant, vol. ii. The cull-m of hot croft hur.s in i.ondt*n, 01 the morning of G*'* d Fri¬ day, feems to have relation tu theft an¬ cient practices : we only retain the >*ame and f rm of the boun ; the facred ufes 3rc no more. JOHN MAC AlJLAY, P. M. LONDON, JAV 2T. Lord Frslins*—Tbe n.airi-gc of this eminent lawyer i* rot generally k< wn, although it t'»ok place f f;ir hack as Oc- t«btr laft. at Gretna Greea It i- certain that little * Otice of this remarkable event ban yet appeared in the public print> In Octubei hi*. Lord (hip airived at (-retns, accompanied hy Mifs vSarah Buck, the prefent 1 ady Eifki^e, by whom he bad fever al child-en out « f the psle of wedlock. He was drefTed in falhionable female attire, with a large • eghorti bon¬ net and a lonp veil. On the arrival of the officiating prieft of the icrrple of hy* irn-n, hic Liirdlhip threw.off bisdrefs, and appearrd in propria pcrfona. an-.l »he ufu- al C'-rcmony being gone thniui-h th* par- tit > were decried man and wife! His Lordfhip again p«t onh»s ftmatr vcft- ment^, and was on the.pojpl of taking his departure, when his fon th*" ;Irm. Thomas Erfkine. maJe hn appearance in a chatfc and four : but the knot was lied, and ll.ort- Ij =fter, the new man icd couple drove off- The bride is about thiny fevm year* '.*ld^ the nob'c btidegroom nearly icvenfy.—• Tht ohj.:d -f this very cxtraof'tn^iy ftep is laid to he for the puipofe.of legalizing the children of thi- c**rineftion, w*ho, ac¬ cording to Scottilh "aw, cc.ie to he ill jriti* mate on the maniagc of their parents at any time Refporjihility of Ttachcrs —One of the ProfcfT-r* nr H^trnw school having ac- cidetitally cm tied a day fchool ke. t by a gooil w 1 1 an. heard l>et reu*"»mand a chi'd, about five y^ar*- old, who was reading t> her, but, a* (be b- tit. ted \r IptlliA)! ionc word rather -lifficult the old dame hr ke 'out int ■ tr.cfe 'X. itlfiotM—** Will yoo qualify mr *hai w rd« you imr V* And tipo the cl.i d's I .vi"e > e dM d ^t n 'er* Hand tur, |"he 1 joh ed—M me, <\r9 don*t give me ai x F yom amm/nies. x* u Ja^k \fe;fun y y u mutt t e non com j-m Then, ptrei rvjn the Uarue 1 (»«*' t. man* the <xelhc*<:—■ O bu wrii 1 a dr*I that uo uachcrs ha» to auiwa te* J"

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