THE CHRISTIAN RECORDER. To Apptar in Numbers, one Number every Month, at twelve and fix pence, Halifax Cy- a Year. THIS publication will be iflued^ by Mr. Gcoige Dawfon, Book-Seller, York, under the^ infpertion of the Rev. Dr. Strachan. It fhall be devoted to theological and mlfcellareous l'ubjefts, and particularly to intcrelling religious intelligt nee, and bio¬ graphical and obituary notices. Befides occafional original matter, it fhall contain feledions from the various Britifh periodical works, moral and religious. Thcfe works will be regularly received for that pu<pofe ; and the readers of the Christian Recorder will thus be futmfhed in the fpeedicft mode, with valu¬ able and interclting fe'edions from the lat- efl Britifh oenVdical publications. While it fhali be the object of the Jour¬ nal to record important religious events in general, particular regard wi I be paid to tkofe which relate to the Proteltant Church. The Chriftian Recorder will prefent its readers with a paffintf map of the leligious vorld; and (hall be, occafiona'ly, enriched with the fentirmnts of thofe mailers of theology who were the ^lory of the days that are pall, and whofe writings exhibit the founded views of Chriftian doctrine and o»derf and the highell fervors of pious feeling Whatever can advance the intereils of religious truth ; the purity, the unity, and the profperisy of the kingdom of the Re¬ deemer ; and the faith, holinefo, and confo- Jati«»n of the Ch-illian, fhall, as far as practicab c, find a place in thi< Journal. The plan, if executed with tolerable ability mull certainly render this publica¬ tion uleful and inter eft in^ to all clalTcs of Chiillians, and the price of it is fo low as to bring it within the reach of all who can be profited or interefted by its contents, li (hall be printed with a handfomc type, and on g-od paper of a large fize. The firft number (hall appear early in March, and a number will be publifhed regularly every month. The wotk being iflu d fo'.ely from an tarncfl defire to pro¬ mote the inierefts of religion, with the view to its general circulation, it will be furnifhed at the low rate of twelve (hillings and fix pence, Halifax Currency, a year. 777E SUBSCRIBER, HAVING been appointed Agent for the Proprietor of the Iron Works, eftabliilied at Three Rivers, in the Pro- vhee of Lower Canada ; informs the pub- lie, that he has lately received a Very extensive assortment of WARES, Manufadured at that place—Among oth¬ er articles are, Double & Single TOTE Of various sizes and patterns, CAST ASH PANS, SUGAR KETTLES, POTASH COOLEttS. POTS, DOG IRONS, nnd DUTCH OVENS, Which will be difpofed of, for Cafh, at nearly the Montreal prices. The fuperior foftnefs of metal, and du¬ rability of the Three Rivers Stoves, ren¬ der them worthy the attention of pur- chafers, as they are not liable to crack, like thofe imported from Scotland. JOHN MACAULAY. Kingston, 1st OZober, lSlJ*.________19 Kingston Branch of the Mon* treal Bank. ANY fum required maybe obtained at the Office for good Bills, on Mon¬ treal, Quebec, Bii*oi Exchange on Lon¬ don, o! for Specie.—Notes alio will be discounted at thirty, fixty, and ninety days. THOMAS MARK LAND, Agent. Kingflon, 3d Nov 1818•__________23^ fl^Obefold by private fale, the whole JL of the premiies now occupied by the fubferiber, confiding of one new Store Houfe, two (lories and a half high, a lmall fran-e dwelling houfe, filled in with flone, a Stable, Barn, and Bake Houfe ; Gloated on the call half "f Lots No 271 and 273, containing two fifths of an acre. A fmall part of the purchafe money will be icquired,on the delivery of the proper¬ ty and tliL remainder paid by fuch inftal- mentsasimy be agreed upon.—For fur¬ ther particulars, apply to the proprietor on the premife>- GEORGE SCOUOAt, N B- There is a valuable fpiing of wa¬ ter on the premiies. Kingflon, January 21, 1819. 4 FOR SALE, John Dotvlingi RJ2TURWS his mnft fincm thanks to his friend, and the piiblCf for the very liberal lirppOrt given him fince his commencement in bufmefs, and segs leave to inform them that he has laid |g a general and well feleded ftock of Groceries, Wines, and Spirits, at his old Hand, which he is determined to fell at the moft reduced pric**, viz. Rr<t .himaieaSpirits . SfjnrJ} Holloa (mi ! WIAkey Conine Brandy ! Peppermint *"* "°- WINES. Benocarlo Port I Teneriffe Spanish do. J Malaga Belt Pickling Vinegar. Lime Juice. GROCERIES. ; (ireen Copp*t3S ; He.t EnclW Cheefe Tjiyrr (CIRCULAR.) NotlCC JLvlIIR. EH Lufher having difpofed of hit r • a u a **&m Fftate interest in the Houfe of Loftier & Van A LL perfons indebted to the itete g, k at Prcfcott, and that of Ufer & J^ of the late James Cumming^ late ot ^/^ ^ ^ Q^^ ^ Mr# A. Jmt$ of Prefcott, Upper Canada, the Bnsfnefr will, after the first day of March enfuing, be Hallowell, deceafed, arc requefted to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of theeftablifhment, at Hallowell bridge; and thofe who have claims againft the laid eHate, are defired to prefent them for ad- juftment. The flock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete afTortment of carried on under the Firm* of Jones & Van Slvck at Prefcott, and of Levi Sex ion & Co. 'at La Chine. We beg leave to refer you to the an- nexed Notice, wherein Mr. Lvihn m.'kca himfelf refponsible with u<*. for any engage¬ ments entered into by faid Firms. We Goods well laid in, and very fuitable to the ^ faMc4 fa,m our k... experience Country, is now felling off at prices (o low Bu*inefs, the number of Boats now «„ -.11 A+f*iwA\iT raim the attention of **«*•«* > ___ vtrtr« owned by iMj and the commodious >tores as will defetvedly claim the attent the public. Cafh or Country produce will be taken in payment, and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible Farmers, or other*. 70ffNCujm/NG,j Excculori WM. MITCHELL Kingston, Ocl 27, 1817. 3? at this place and I.a Chine, that we fhall have it in our power to give general fatis- fact ion. A. JONES, COKS- A. VAN SLYCK, X.. ShXTON. Trefcott, January 18th, 1819. Gunpowder Tra Tuankr> do. Hyson Skin do. Coffee loifSiijrar Aiu«ro\adodo. ^!acc Cloves Ciniuimon Saffron Ising Glass, Tvrfco Flga Bo.\ Raisins Common do. ptfarl Hailey PrencJi d". Fi^ iilBC • Ponder <!*>. Best Potarrd Starch Black I fppra Flower St Ipiirr Grout d G tiger Whole do. ludiai' Arrow Root Swee Almonds Bitter do. AllMIll Edward Jones, WiiuUor So4t> Best common do. Pipe L'laV Glauber Balfc Pearl A.U l.n^li'h M"s-ard PeppermSni Drops Sngai PlumU Sufrar AlmoMs Cod Fish Red 1 lei rings Salt do. Sfilt Butter \\ roughi Natts, fere u 1 :izo Stiiuglcao. Tapes Needles Twisl < oi.on Balis Coloured do. Black Thread, White and l'.ro\Vndo. Writing Paper Leiterdo. NOTICE. EGS leave mod refpiftfully to in- rpHESufcfcri^^ J> form his friends and the public in 1 interest in the Houfe of Lufhcr & Van general, that he has juft leceived an ele¬ gant afTortment of DRY & FANCY GOODS, Cor.lifting partiy of the following articles, viz: Superfine Well of England Cloths and CafliT>ercs, of the moll fafhiunable colors. Irlfh Linen9, Britidi Shirting, Linel and Cotton Cambrics, Coided Cambric, Lenos and Muflins, Jaconet and Mull Slyck, at I refcott, and that of Lnflier Sf Sexton, at La Chine, to Mr. A.Jones, the bu'-inels will in future be carried on under the Firms of Jones & Van Slyck at Tres- cotc, and that of Levi Sexton & Co. at La Chine.—He will notwithstanding, hold himfelf refponsible with them, for any engagement they may make. 6 EKI LUSHER. NOTICE Muflins, Famy Muflin, Handkerchiefd, —*****« n/rr *n ni? d . f- /% Bandanna and EarcK.a do. Fine GinR. *TJJP** MEAGHER returnshu mojl >a o:u.. d»l _5i ** ftneere thanks to the fi oblc of Ktnvs- Ageos (hall have a c mmifiiati <-f 20 percent, on Jhe amount nFfubfcriptlons foi ■which they becorre refuonfible. ..__,. . . . ..».,,, 5on, Bo.vt'lcller, York, to whom commu- -^*- uoar m* »illage of Urockvi SlicatloiH, port paid, may be addrefled, and t** whom perfons at a diftai'i-c may trar.f- ir!. thtMt names, with dire&iuns by what COOv y«nce the Journal (hail be fent to them. Tor&x January 12, 1819. C/" Subscriptions received at the Post Of fiecy Kingston* c BlackSmith Work BEYNALDS *< Co. lately arrived from Ireland, beg leave to inform the Ocutkirdi and inhabitants <.f Kingston and its viciniiy in general, that they have com¬ menced the HORSE SHOEING AND BLACKSMITHINGBU-'FNESS, in all its various branches, near ihe upper end of Store Street, between Mr. DottO ks's houfe and Mr Powell's. All orders with which they may be' favored, (haU be executed in fuch a complete and workman¬ like manner, and on fuch low terms, a?, luable F.M1M, situated He, be¬ ing the mar half of Lot No. one, and (lie roar half of Lot number two, in the se¬ cond concession rf RHxabcthtown- U. C. containing two hundred acres, forrm r- ly the property of Reuben Sherwood, Esquire, but now belonging to John Shu- ter. Ksquire, of London. There i< a ve¬ ry good duelling house, irtfl. a barn and other ont houses on the premises. Also, Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of Lot number one, in the eighth concession of the same Township* Also, Lot number fifteen, in the first concession, and number fifteen in the second concession, 01 the Town* sliip of Yonge,jn'he District of Johns¬ town. Glue : An aflbrtment oFCiockery Ware, i\o Queen's do. Bell Dutch Long Pipes, Ping Tobacco—', andle Wak, Mould Candles—Dlpp'd do. Superior dr< (Ted Calf Skins, Lieit Liquid LlacJcing, A few aitides of Dry Goods. N. B. In addition to his pre- fent flock, he expects many other articles in h\< line in a few days. Kingllon, O&ober 19, 181 R-____21 Executive Council Office, York, 22d July, i3l8. NOTICE is hereby given to CHRIS¬ TOPHER THUAtSQV* or bis 3 ^vjnoUtv, or im Reprefentative, by wJvr of His Honor the Admiuilliator in Council, to make good any preic lion to the Weil half of Lot nnmbt. Scvc.'feen in ihe sixth concrflL.n, on the WaparleKiver, m the Townfhip of FredtrJckfburgb* within Six months from this date, or the lame will be thrown open to other applicants. JOilN SMALL, nm6 6\ E. C. NOTICE. THE S-bfcriler forbids all perfons from tieipafling on Lot No. 32 it\ h;ims, Black and colored Silks, Silk and Cetton Shawls and fearfs, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane, white and buff Mar- fetlfl Quilting, Jilaclc Florentine, fine Undrcfled Calicoes, Eombazettes & Bom- baznes of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckabuck, wh-V nnd Coloured Flannels* Ruffia Sheeting and Olnabuig. A well chofen afTortment of Thread and Laces and Ribbons, Straw Bonnets, Ladies Tonoife fhcll Combs, Cambric and lace Fo, tings, and a number of articles, too nu¬ merous to infer*. 4 Crates of Bhie CROCKERY Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica Sphits, Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shmb, I-Jyfon and Twankey Teas double and Single refined Sugars, Mulcovado do. Spermaceti, mould and dipt Candles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, &c. &c. &c. All of which will be fold for Cafh or ap¬ proved credit, HOMAS DALTON & Co. res^ pe&fnlly beg leave to acquaint the public that they have commenced brewing at their new eftabiifhment, where they have now ready for delivery, fome excellent MILD BEER, in barrels of thirty fix Gallons each, which they offer at the moderate price of Thirty Sin Shillings the barrel, which price they do not intend to advance, unlefs from ne- Jincere thanks to the p ople of Kings¬ ton and its environs^ for the liberal en¬ couragement he has met whbjiftce his com¬ mencing bufincfs. He begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has Removed to his New Houfe near the Mar¬ ket Place, oppoftte to Mr. Buymans and 'will as ufual carry on the Tin, Copper, and S?ieet Iron Manufactory. fiORSE SHOEING and BLACK- SMITH IVORK will he executed in the left manner^ at the Jborhjl notice, and on the loivfjl term's* N. B. To rent, leafe or fill, f9r the term of ten years, and immediate ptfcjfion given, that wtU known fland, tin Hr£L* LING TON lWt in Barrack facet— This fi.uatson is one of the M m town. J u " It J to having man} conveniences that ten particularly well adapted fir Public Entertainmth! and Store. the Proprietor King/ton, Ecb.$, 1 Siy. _ 6 ' The Snb*crih<r EGS leave to inform 'he Pub ■<:, that he has commenced manufacturing Soap & Candles in the houfe formerly occupied as an Inn by Mr. J hn mzc, in Store Street ; and he hopes that from his long experience and knowledge cf the bufinefs, he will be cefllty arifiing out of an increafed price of enabled to give fatisfaclion to thofe perfonj Malt and Hops. Thus the Puhlic can who may favor him with their patronage on terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous to purchasers.—Apply to DAXIEL JONES, Jun. lirockvill<\ IMhJanuargt 1819. 4 TO LET and immediate possesion given, the HOUSE and Premisses, lately occupied bv Allan McFherson, they hope, will entitle them to a fhare of in the Front Street of Kingston. For the public patronage. particulars application to be made to Kingston, \oth Oclobcr, t8l8. 26tf dolm Kitty or /J'ill/am Mitchell, Esqrs. ' who arc fully authorised fo enter into arrangements with persons disposed to rent the same. Kingston, 20th Jan. 1819. 4tf* be regularly accommodated with a whole- the 4th c ncffio.t of the Town/hip of forr*e anfl agrcabV beverage, at as mode¬ rate a rate as could reafonably he defired ; the Proprietors of this ufeful eftabb'/hmfnt therefore flatter thernfclves that it will re¬ ceive a fair portion of public Patronage. Orders left at the Office of S. IMrtlet, will be attended to. Kingflon, Deer. 28, 1818. Camden, in the county of Lenox and Ad- dington, Midland Oilliict, and does here- These Farms will be disposed of by forbid any perfon 01 perfons from cut and fupport. JAMES BENSON Kingflon, ifl March 1819. CT>N. B. Cafh Paid f-.r Allies. 1 otf NOTICE. THE late Partnerfhipof James Ranien iff Co. having difluked itfelf this day, by the death of koderick Mackay, Efq. the bufinefs will in future be carried on by the fubferiber, to whom all perfons who are i$efebte4 id ihe shove fif/tf, will pleafe pay their accounts wiihout delay ; a»:d thofe who may have claims againft that concern, will plcafe prefent them for adjuftment* JAMES KANKEN. FrneftTown,2iUSept. 1818. 24tf ~ TO LET. ' FOR one or more years, and pofTefllon given immediately, i hat Stone houfe, fituated in Store Street lately occupied by Mr. Medcalf, with Stable, Garden and other out-houfes. The fituation of the above premifea is rnoft advantageous for a Dwelling houfe. For particulars applv to FRANCIS X ROCHELEAU. Kingflon, 15 Jan. 1S19. 3 NOTICE. ALL perfons are cautioned againft pur- chafing Lot No. 22, in the 71I1 can- ctffion of Frederic! t urgh, or lot No. 27, in the |« conceffi -n ol Richmond,fiont the J "■ or Affigoeea of Davis Hefs, as the Subfcri er holds an indifputablc title to the fame. GILLERT HAillS. Sidne , 4th Dec. 1818. 3 " NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the subscri¬ ber, are requested not to pay the same or any part thereof, to Dugle I ame- ron, my late Clerk,whom I have difcharged, and any peifon to whom faid jJugle Cameron has applied for payment, within the lall Month, will do the Subfcriber a fevor by informing him theieof. JOHN DOWLLXG. Kingfton,Feb. 17, 1819. 8 Notice, THE lafe pftflfl^rship of Robert Gra¬ ham S( Co. having dissolved itself this day by the death of Roderick Mac¬ kay Esq. the bussiness in future will be earriechon by the Subscriber, to whom nil persons, who are indebted to the above firm, will please pay their accounts with¬ out delay,and those who ma) have claims against that concern will please present them for adjustment. «y ROBERT GRAHAM." Point Frederick, 21st Sept, ISIS. To Axemen. THE subscribers will receive pro¬ posals from any person or persons ting or detiroying ary Timber whether lying or (lauding, or Carrying any part of the fame awav, under fenalty of the Law. A. MACDONELL. Kingflon, Dec. 26tN 1818. 31 ri^O UE LET, for <>ne or more years, ■* and immediate pofltffion given, that FARM, of late owned by Mr Jabez Ea¬ ton, whereon he kept a Public Inn, situa¬ ted within a mile and a quarter of the Town of Kingllon- For terms apply to the Subfcriber. ELIJAH BEACH. Kingflon, 23d. Per- 1818. gj foTTsaLU, AND immediate p*>fleflion given, the Houfe and pc*>ifes in Stuartville, lately occupied by Mr. Dalton, fituated within half a mile of chin town, a valuable fituation for a Gentleivan and family, and no lefs fo for a DilHllei or Innkeeper. The above prcmifes will be fold at public Auc¬ tion without rcferve, °'< ^>atuiday the 3d day of April next, at 11 o'clock A. M. at Walker's Hotel, if no* previoufly difpofed of by private bargain. F01 particulars apply *o the Subfcriber. THOMAS SMITH. Kingllon, Jan. 14, '81 9. 3tf tot^t; " rpHE Commodious Jwellirig Houfe and -*- premiles, thepioperty of W. Rofs» For Sale 5 ON very reafonable terms, and imme¬ diate poflVffion given, a FARM ly¬ ing in Adolphuflown, on the Bay of Quin- tv, one mile well of the Court Houfe, formerly owned and occupied by the late Phiiip Dorland, deceased ; on which is an orchard of 115 large Apple Trees, and al- mofl every other kind of fruit Tree9 that is planted in this country Alfo, a con¬ venient framed houfe and barn and houfes. About one hundred pounds will be re¬ quired down, and the remainder will be made very ejfy—For further particulars enquire of the fubferiber, on the premifes. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Adolphuflown, 8th Nov. 1818. 25tf For Sale, THAT Elegant farm No. 8, firft ConcclHon townfhip of Fredcricks- FOR SALE OR TO BE LET. ALAKGE Commodious two ftory dwelling Houfe. with Kitchen, out Houfes and Garden, No I, Front flieet. For particulars apply to Laurence Herch- rner, Efq. Kingston, December 20, 1S18. 30 TO LET, yjlND immediate pofleffion given, that d/jL well known ftand for a tavern, the property of Mr. John Size, fituated in St ore Street, Kingllon.— For further particulars apply at the Office of Allan MacLean. Kingflon, Jan. 12, 1819. jtf OV TERMS or tfie KINGSTON CHRONICLE. e^W^H^^SWf^ fflrti !j.v W ip advance to the 1st of July, or the 1st of Janu¬ ary. ^ PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS* (OIX lines and under ^s. 6r/. first z'«- A-jl scrtion, (tnd 7ytf. each subsequent insertion: \0 lines and under y 3s. -id. first insertion, andXQd. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4d. per line burgh, 28 miles from Kingflon, (contain- for the first insertion, and \d. pmer line ing 200 Acres,) formerly occupied by for every subsequent insertion Milling to engage to clear sixty acres of Efq. lately in the pofR^on of Mr. Woolf. new land 00 their premises in Amelias- For terms apphcaiion u be made tb burgh, Bay of Quinte, ready for seed by the first day of August next. The Ash¬ es on *aid land will be required to be coll cted and carefully secured. Teams and Provisions will be furnished if re¬ quired. For particulars apply to OWEN McDOUGAL, Kingston, or to McDOUGAL & McLELLAN, Bellville. Wm. MITCHELL. Kirigfton, Oft. 141^1818. 20 9 To Let, THE Houfe lately occupied by Lieu¬ tenant Brifcoe (Royal Engineers) the property of James Richardfon, Sen. fituated near Mr. Hugh Earl's. For terms apply to the fubferiber. KOBT. RICHARDSON. KingsUnf 7tb January$ 1819. % To Let, AND immediate p->fleflion given, that pleafantly fituited HOUSE and PARK, the property pf the Rev. Alexr. McDon. II. For furtrN*r particulars apply to the fubferiber. DUNCAN McDONELL. Also—A fmal! HOl'SE inStore Street, oppofite MefTrs. Monjciu & St. Germain's. Apply as above. Kingston, Dec. Slh, c818. 29 BLANKS, For the Courts of Request, and carious other kinds, for sale ol this OJ/ice. Colonel Spencer, and known by the name of the Manfion Houfe. It contains about 50 acres of land under improvement, an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with 2 barns and other buildings. Perfons defirous of purchafing may enquireof the Subfcri¬ ber on the prcmiSe*! 01 to D, Hagerman, Efq. at Bath. JOSEPH BERGERON. Frederickfburgh, Sept. 8th, 1818 15 NOTICE. At NUMBER of Lots of One Hun- d/lL dred Acres each, fituated on Pyb- l'"c Roads now laying out, running through the School Townfhips of Southwold, Yarmouth, and Houghton, will be fold by Public Auction, for aflual fettlement, to the higher! bidder, at ROSS's Tavern on Talbot Road, on the firft of July next ; one fourth of the Purchafe Money to be paid down, and the remainder by three e- qual fnflalments, with intertft. By order of His Excellency the Lieu¬ tenant Governor in Council. Executive Council Office* 1 Tori, 16tj> February9 1 # t 9. J |j Advertisements tcithout written airec* tionsare inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise¬ ments to be in writing, and delivered bit WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. ° No Advertisements received aj ter TEN o1 Clock on the day of publications AG i; NTS. Henry Cowan, l*'.sq. Quebec, James William-, Esq. Montreal. Messrs. J- & J. Dunlop, fancaster. Paul^ford, Esq. Matilda. AlpfceOS Jones, Esq. Prescott. Henry Jones, F>q. Brockvillc. N. B. Tommas, Esq. Perth. J. K. Hart well, Esq. Bastard. E. Webster. Esq. Gananoque. J. Ranken, Esq. Rath. Allan Mcl'herson, Esq. fiapance. James O. Kelhune, Esq. Hamilton. William Allan, Esq. York. Richard Halt, Eeq. Dundas. Daniel Ross, Esq. Vittoria. John Crooks, Esq. Niagara. T. MeConafcfci Esq. Qutenston, John Wilson, Esq. Amktritburgh* KINGSTON, U. C. PH-lNTfiD TOR THE EDITORS.