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Kingston Chronicle, April 2, 1819, p. 3

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Ifmner detailed flic fcenml principles ♦lint mavreA^rtfinuij '» deducHl from the chartu rasa them) w«*eti i'* correctness is established, I Anil turn &Ufyje>t the rnean* of applying these principles to practice. As the mind, during infancy, is equal¬ ly disposed to receive all kind* « f tin- prctsions, and n<= we can communicate to it whatever kind of genius »•: pleads it Jifeafee fo di(I:mi!ar in appearance to each *WHmpfW#adi*£^Xo?*«aM U ha*« bfitn a .| superfluous piece of informal 1011, had he lold us, * r- n f -u t_ tt Ml"M crpawoents loi'land at cue price ot nfty I he I ow-rox lo mild, as hardly wth dollar* per acre (" fiwlliaily calked ol") were propriety to be claffed a> a difcale. The made indepreciati'd Hawk Paper, or fa praails. Small Poxoneofthe mod virulent mfee- "J notes, payable m kind or atperiiHh >o d.*- • * tr if r i- . tani a-, to 1»* equivalent to Utile more Uiail com- tious, and Ioathiome dileafes t'> which mon interest human nature is fubjetft and proving fatal Hi- calculations oti the employment of capital in the maj rity of cafes. The < ow-Pox fcldom requiring medi¬ cine or confinement, attended with lictle rot. will fir n:*ccs>arv\ whenever we have r!e- or no fever, unaccompanied by any erup- cided upon the path which is to follow, tion.and fhewing itfelf only in a fmall to place under i(s observation *uch oh- ve'ide arifing on the vaccinated foot, filled •it* Ik* A ii * i r n * \ * r a « . jec-N only as Mill tend to impart (he pe¬ culiar bias we desire. All things of a different nature must be excluded, lest the impro>siot*s which the) excited mi-jlit weaken and encroach upon those ari*in_- from the other*. We will suppose, by ■way of HlaHrafiog the tiling, that the constituted authoi ities af son'.e country. have resolved to promote this plan lor directing and eliciting the tab »its of the rising generation. They would lir*t se¬ lect a set of persons, w ose abilities and information qualified fh^rn for the istsfe. to inquire into the state of society, to estimate the distribution of talents, to mark any deficiency in tiVnumbcrof I ho professions, and to ascertain what kind of intellect could be most beneficialU dff- foned among the community at large- The next object would be, to divide the country nominally into districts or de¬ partments, aiid to appoint an iu>pector to car Ik whose duty would be similar to that of the committee chosen to examine into the state of the nation at lar^e.— The united reports of these inspector**, presenting a body of satisfactory evi¬ dence, would enable government to ferm a correct estimate of the number and des¬ cription of colleges that ought to be e- rected for tke purpose of promoting the new s>>t-m of education. Every col¬ lege would of course have for }H object the communication of some particular kind of genius or talent, either literary, mechanical, ■ ientilic, or political, to the individuals who wen4 placed in it, a:ul would also be suitably furnished witlith* means of exciting such iioinessioiis a> veer • necessary for the developement Ltid growth of the mental qualify it professed to impart. Those colleges wh'-ch had for th»ir ob¬ ject the creation of a race of mechunfc*^ Would have their apartments adorned villi all kinds of machinery, such as clocks, miniature mills* wheeled carria¬ ges, steftrn engines, water pumps, levers, &c. so that the children having these things continually before their rye*, mglif imbibe a genius and predeli. t on foi mechanical pursuits. The) w-uld imbib.' not only an i/rcl^rit;'im, but nNo a genius for mechanics, lor, according to our theory, ail mindfiare originally a ike, and at fir$t possess no positive quality, but owe the characteristics th«y may af¬ terwards display, entirely to the opera¬ tion otaccidental circumstances; and if OtieDiaii possesses le^s talent than anoth¬ er, it is to be accounted f i by supposing, that the impressions he received during eaily life were unfavorable to the devel¬ opement of his abilities. All otherscminaries would he conduc¬ ted on a principle precisely the sr.ine as that I have described. A colltge for ihe excitement of military {{Hiiu*, would pre¬ sent to the eye, a profusion of miniature fortifications,ditcher,encampments can¬ non, banners, trumpets, and small arms; and the impressions of the voting stu¬ dents, might be strengthened, and their talent^ elicited, by occasional discharges of artillery, and concerts of martial mu¬ sic. If we wi-hed to make astrono inert, and geographers of our child en ; ue might £ire them a representation of the earth to ose as a foot-ball, allow them telescopes for play-things, amuse them ■with artificial eclipses, and paint the dif¬ ferent quarters of the globe upon their bed-curtains. Painters might be crea¬ ted by exposing infantile minds to the influence of prints and pictures, and by obliging them to express their wants by means of hieroglyphics ; and we could easily excite and encouiage the nmsical talent, if we re&red our children szpidf4 the sound of harmonic instruments, lul¬ led them to sleep with the murmurs of the Kalian lyre, and imparted every in¬ struction, aud every precept, through the medium of beautiful songs. J was ardently pursuing a train of re¬ flection- similar to those I have norr com¬ mitted to paper—I felt enthusiastic when I thought upon t h<* advantages which mankind might derive from the blank paper theory—1 gave free limits to my imagination—when suddenly it struck, me, that the means of creating a college for virtue had t.*.t yet entered my mind. I pa.wed—(he difficulty of accomplish¬ ing tiut thing exhausted my ingenuity, and | .shall row leave my readers to ex¬ ercise theirs upon the same subject. Mefsrs. Editors^ The length of time that has clap-fed fince the difcovciy of the Cow-Pox, and the drone and couclulive arguments that nave been offered to the Public in p'oofof its efficacy in preventing fmall Pox, one would have fuppofed would have been fuf ficirnt not only to reconcile mankind to its general adoption, hot mod cheerfully to avail themfclves of one of the moll ines¬ timable gifts conferred upon the human race. But doubts as to its power in preventing fmall Pox exiQ with iome, whillt others ablolutely deny it. < fficacy - that doubt and di/bclicf, fhould have prevented its adop¬ tion on its firll difcovery cannot be wondered at when we comosrc the two with a tranfparnit fluid, and fu<ronndrd by an inflamed circle bcginf'ing to fpread ab^ut the ninth clay ?fter vaccination and arriving at its utmoli extent about the Mth and then gradually fivhfidirtg. Th' froi'll Pox • ften itqniring much medicine and confinement, attended with high fever, followed by a copious and Purulent eruption a"l over the body, rendering the infected perfo i loathfome to binfclf and lib attendants and leaving him on his rec very an oljccTt of difguft anddefotmby - who, on comparing the two difeafes and having a knowledge of the shew him to br of a very sanguine t*tt|«»nuawrt. He uai" anticipating" no doubt ao Ki»g>^h I an to he held (hi the ba»k>ot*uie Wabash, aa» sown as his who.it, rod »at>, anil fat caiite were i.^iy tor sale. He seems io have forgotten iiiai Etab- ro»ot) Crusoe's hcards of gold, were of »>o use to him inhi deser' Ule; h»-r.qiiiies to heiemniC- O'i of ihe ial»-s n« m:i> have read iw iwe dav* oi childhoud.—Ni»-A all hi*fallacies and deeeprioai ar" wellttoderstood In t aiiada, balnotfotn lin- «land.—Tell a farmer in iha. land nf vvealili and COtnfort, 'hat he may have a* mans half acre* as heha^dbHare. and lie i* deHglued with the prop¬ ped of becoming Landlord.—Tell in«» further thai (»■• wants \m\ fivvpounds per dm capital aud he may l.ll hi.- barn- uuh overuowii^ bag-* oi grain, and his SlAlb with t.it oxen,ar.ilmini'**!!at*- Iv he will folic* hini-e-f a wealthy Sanne. In ihe one Instance, he forget* thai all are Land¬ lord*- as ft ell as himself; t n the Oi her be »Io -s noi n - culler; w inquire,where he may i.ndauurciia er for Ms heaped up stoves. These trifling conMttera- iion-oiil> forcetheniselvra upon loin, when lie has advanced tou far to recede.—Weawspety 'hat Chrongndattb« whole look for f.ny thing !n ihe shape ol solid coininenda'ioiu— H» K|»eals indred of ihr oihaniiv a"d pa.'Hcbftf of *!;e prnpli . and invranr«M |tf by elliu^n*, iha("(he pilot v\ OOi they welenmrd vfl'Cape llein;, va a \\ell infor¬ med and agreeable man/' and that lfc the Custom Honsr Officer, who near occurred " wa a^iiV- manl \ > omh, without any rhadennhrdi^a^rera'tle eharaeier whieb prevails amnr^ in- Ituropean Brethren."- H*- a-cribes rhi-poli holtnaunei- io ti»f *■ effen pvyduced In political equal i i y" *• «he con-ciousoess ol'« hieh aeeom[ian«'- all their in- Tow nsh'p of P-'-lnrolr. terrourse, and may b* suppo-rd U) operalp t>n the manner*ot'the lowest class.*1—Then.a> if he had b'Mou.-d ti.o much prai-e, he tnrn> shot! rOUlid, and abuses th«*m numercit'ully for their Jn;hy ha- bils alreniU nniiced. On. s* bjects as Empnrraul a> religion and morality, we of course expee'ed that he tV4iuld have dilated itinrh. bni werr- il.-- appointed.— HePSSurpsna indeed that he foni d the morality ofa Yirglnlaptanterof aiutich hijrh- Ct leu^ that. h#* had given th«*in credit tor. tho:>^h u frw page before he i ad told us directly 'hat they were** lax in their tncr/ts."—A;fur the in- habitniity of Indiana, if we may rely on hi inform tnntioa, they " adopt bioadly a very bitnplc max- i"»/" ■" thai a man ha- a right to do any thing Imt ii jnrehi-npfghhour,,"ai ri h^nce**a \] Miousr.ia..'1 merely pi/jnihes a good citizen—Of ihe^-tld rharacterof the CbriBtiatt religion they Feem "o U.tsv little i otion. *■ tor perioral rests ance in per- shnal ateres-ion, or desi^nrd affront, holds a bi&h On Sutiday toe 14lh March, by tbr Rev ftobt. McDowal, Mr. f?av.d F)al to M. - Haoi.ab Thomas O- Tue,day tbo lfth Ma'rh. Mr.^imon S. Idrf to M as Cbrts>iuaHartma .etllol brn^ti lovn, ii Tii»»-dsiy Hn-vSd ol vi.i'en, by tti* Rev. Official ->tuari, Mr. -sinienn Pieeman o Nii-s Sally Hairet, both of the Tonti hip ot Lo ghbof tin Monday, thr SSttrof Matrb, Mr. .'oho I.ti e> :o .Mi«5 Man prriftiin, . >. u »l »fte Prices uTitni in the Kingston Market— Corrected zctektij. To "On! Speculator" made a few tthplea*ant di^oo- \eric5 connected with these>uhjecu> only wfepu fl'owinfT facia vouiJ hefiiatt which of be became possessed of 1SG0 acrtsofrich yiaiiie% the two to clioo'e on the hanks of the Waoa>h. And that Uien, Perl«>ns who have been vaeefnated cr and not nil t.;en, lie found out, that it W0» ' ihe lolly (not ihe wisdom) of ill e undertaking ivhfb inoculated for ihe Cow P->x, have been he had I r ft amonp the proportions to» plain to repeatedly foHcftfid to the coi tagion of atlitiii of lllustraiuig."—Tbc description winch fmall Pox in'various ways. I»p ha-,mt home loh.s fiends of the real position m, , • i*i • oi li.e familiesof him-elf a»idhts(now no longer) They have mn and again been mo- ,nend will be.trr be understood Here that, on ciliated for the fnr-ill Pox without efTvd, and thi" after difFtrent intervals t»f time. 'I'hev have betn confined In an atmos- pbere fattuated with tle cnntapiini of f"'all I ox without feeling its influence, and have Oc-pt in beds with perloni labothing under fmal' ! ox of the moil Confluent kind without beiug infefted- Tinfe atUirpts to communicate the fmall Phs to periiiiKs who have had .he C'-vv-Pox, have been made on peif-ns of all a^eSjfrom infancy to manhood, in every climate, and in all feaions What farther pi oofs can be required ? Ther*; are Iome wli i allow the f'ow- Pox only a limits-1 influence, and believe it will prevent the fma.l Pox for a ceitain peifi'd only. Admitting this to be tnie (which it is not) the foirmr is fo mild tint even allowing ii prevented the latter on'y for a few years; Vaccination might be repeated at certain intervals without p: in or confinement* In fome conntiics looculatiotl for the fmall 1 ox i* 0'*>hibitrd by Law under a heavy penalty, -"nd when it i* confidered that to eratify the wifh of one or more indivi.'uaU to have their ch ldren inoculated, tin's loathfome difeale }m* hen imported into a populous oSilntV the whole of which has been ful-j fted to itsiavaccs a Law forbidding it'- diiTimina- tion fiiould fnrely be confidered as la t^- tary—So long as inocua'ion for the fma1! Pox \* praclifed. fo long will the difeafe be kept in cxiflerce. btt' when once ^ifconti-ued it will be i* fa likely to exert its influence, and eventually became extii.£. A ftrong coEvidlion nf the falutary et fefto/jf vaccination, with a wifh to render its diffufion throughout this province, morv general, has led to thefe obfei vat ions, and with a "iew to this, Medical Gentle¬ man in the C out'try may be fupplicd with vaccine lymph, and the poor vaccinated Graf-1 by applying to the Sobfcribcr at Kingfton. JAMES GEDDE^. Vaccine or Cow Pock Matter. R. MARSH \LL, Surgeon, re- quefls thofe Latent*, who wifh their Children Inoculated with the Gw Pock Matter,' to apply immediately, an it will be impoffible to keep it in circulation more than a few week-. 3_oth March, 1819. 14W4 Kl.sGaroiS LtiKOMCLL. KINGSTON, v. c. Jmil 2,1819. . * • • • The exaggerated and even fa!>e arcounts which are daily published in ld n^laud, respecting the superior advama^e- i»i emigraiu:^ :o ihe Uni¬ ted Siates, have done and soil continue lotto, much "injury, not only to Hi* Majesty's Colonies, b\« robbing them jfmanv useful citizens,but alse **>d s b>taniial hildges, \c/* The general tiltiii- t« rne itiv;iv;cu<tf-tA^m-eise>, t>&a are ;itrt*tn ;;>"' '"* •'*'* ^Mtum r -i j^.i-'f"' *• yr-ct mf &m* the niher side the Aitaniic. 4i Let ihein eur.-id- er," sa'-1- he, *k our \\\o fainilie-, wz. that ot my friend Mr. G. Flwwer, late ol AJar den, in Enff- land,andtnj own, about 10 be fixed upon cltgi- **i<- site-,on our two adjoining esiaier ot 1500 acres each, which v\e have carved out for «>»»r— -ehe- fi-nma heauntul piairir and the adjoining wood-/"— He ii remeui'bcied that the.-e ^ald e»- ate-areloratedoii me "very conlines <;f M»cie- iy -"ai d nerewe me preparing to raise bnttd- *!'S-; ca: neuters and build' i> have ottered tliein- •cl. *, e-tiniute-a'r mrnh*, ai d ina eriaL- an* ai hand—we a«'e also preparing for gardens andur- riiauN, thai w.mji.. v tirral!\ "sii tmdei <ii:ro\» 1: vine* & ourowii 1^ tree.** We mignt l»CM m«»v Mi..ny ar'e? ofvnlu^lyle^rass if (verj iinponaoi tinle rVilow lies -u.,(t >|r, i:j we had a good -toek i»fca tie to ■« ijni-*• ,t." Wc ventare oa>-ert, that \er\ few-of the InJhabitauts of .hire iVovii.ce> whose pni*|jr«:i' ai-,. IMlt n^M romedj, would be tempted "toseitledjcvvnonrhecoiiiiue>ofi5oeietyv in tliM-eai ofnami., ettled townihip>, even if at- manvacrea» Mr. I\j|0rru Birkbeck uo=oes»os were ofi'e «d iothejnKnoi a.a purchase,1* at ihe rate of wo dollars pet aery,'1 but ah an uaconduional gift. By ihe bye it d»vs not sffffl t.» be well under- >-tnod in England. l!IHt ,i„. (enn> upon which 'aid ma) be<»htau ,-j in ; ai.iida. and ihoieupon W i«h n ma\ hen^i;lli):.4| m .he rj0;ted Sta;e3 a e not prrJst',, iui{. >:M„ ||ert. a re>p?cit'ul petititiii 10 Hi- Mat,v yv Repn-sentaiive willob- lain an E^taU% \\\,.^{ Ul lnr |H.ler country, a h.-2 full of dollar? ..|I1SI (jl., jpended at toe Lund offitv, m 0 dei 1 ci ^..roil)11ii.h u 5,m:tar end, WftVW.*J s'r' '■ VU'""i 1.1 tin *;r)«*eul.».i *<..ip-and rpOeeti.,11 ».e «ill nuw rake a pre(t mm liis h.'nk.iind »roMllHt He ntnj y\> an lionl ■••:• ol#-t. Vftllon* on mi* \ii.rii-.ln ciuiaeier. As GUI an* vi'iMirpr wfut lo it.f UniiOd Ma e* with a d^tffi** mination netou-nand Lob^-pb'a^rdivitli nhaif%-er he I'd ...d *|i re, ue urcJi|&1Uied in llie CO! Hit ion, thai wtiaie^erof dupiaise helm*- been forced to niter, ha- heen softfiietl and pallia! L And moreover, rfficc hi* " Sotes" have been recom¬ mended hy a native American writer/1 of no mean impm-taner. '■ as a valuable and ttuerc.-llng linle work 1 W "h only ihe exeep Eon of tome Ji- cobin sialic against England and hrr Insiitu- lions," mt may at o conclude, that in his "ketches of charac '»' *•'" has not u:dely, and Cf»na:n)y nor on the sid' of ctaviiiEO inieut'oc.illy departed from the truth. %% With tin-e aatiCtpfttroRb" we pr -pa- e^i" onis-Ives. to ex«in*ine hu remark.-, and uatnrallv rxp» Wed, hat he nuuli, have been loi'd in hia(>raia'» of a people f.»r nudiO he -rrms to nave fe|. men pewe.inl predilvettou. And y^t i 1- not so — ihcie i* scarcely a paye of hi book, wlneh doe» >*ot con tain some ridicule or abuse of his new countryman. His r.rsi grie\ance is tin' -lave dealing of t'-e Southern States, against which he too-., justly d* claims. Alter a walk through tn** mat k**l ol Not folk, where he seems to have h.'*eu di-s:usted wi h filthy " neproe>" and ■♦ had meat," he woefully sighs out *k »> il 10 \f a memhier of «ueh a-oro'ty u.a I lia^e quitted England?" In Washington he met with much 'odi-plea - him—ihe va-t extent of tllfa *'city (by antiiipafi&rt) with its ueeis, dislinguibhable onl* b\ a Might crace,like liatof auc»l> formed road, or in -ome instances by row- of Lorn bard y poplars,a'foid 1 ng neitherornaaieiit uor*«iiaoe, but evincing itM-ejrofic taste ol cue dt-»igner" (per- iiaps lie meant planter) excited in hi? mind 00 feeling-ave ha: of contempt. On viewing the splendid ornamems v. Inch i.ad been brought from Italy, a- an immense expense, 10 decorate the Capitol, be ludicrously compares ** Uiis att'ecta- tioc of splci.donr 10 ihe painK'd face and gaudy head dres? of a ualf naked Indian.*"—Nest Ii* q'larrel- with their load?, adding/* Tuat this em¬ bryo Metropoli-. with us foreign decorations, should havi? sc« a b 'tier example lo the young re¬ public, liy surrrtiinding it-elt nr>i wiili good road*, Ariiele-. h.-f.......... Mttttou........ * <ai * » « # • • • * « * Pork.......... Fowls...... Turkey*...... Geete........ t !iCe-e....... Bnner ...<,.., HgJE>......... Ha; ley...... Pens......... Potatoes...... place in ihp cla-sof do ies with the r»tiz» n» of Oats.......... Indiana."*—However in jusiice to tie charartf-r Triuips of 1 he people, who-e habits and manners he l-a^ nnuer aJven to de-crihe, ii is but 1 ie'it to declare, that Mr. Morri- Bitkneelc, is not a compete*I judge4>f mattery relating purely to relic on or morality — for lite one he consider1 a despicable Mil erMition, and the othei an UnoeCT^ary re- attaint. At rir't FfgH his book aopears calculated by it- puffing rii -ciip'.ion. ol 4tie beamy and value of bis properly &c. to tempi many to tread in ula step*. Dul lei it he more caieluilv examined, atid few we think w ill he iiu! ced hy t " 10 set tie CounM among*' a people,of ^ion*,even a fiiend and an enthusiastic uutnnct cox.til give no beUer account. Anil aia. v ia:e had ind'refmeut- uf a Pc r. Fiom i s. it < lb. » - # • 4 » • - • pa 1 ra. b *** • lb. * . . doz. hu-h. • • • t ■ t abhages..... I- lenr........ d-v......... T. l!.n\....... Lard......... Hay.......... Straw......... Wood......... • ■ ■ • * •. he-.id c\u. hl-l. lb. • ... Inn bundle cord 0 •1 0 0 0 I I] 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 ti u u (» S l) 11 0 I 0 (I b R I <> 0 Ij 1 7 0 (I 2 1* 0 0 0 0 0 10 a 6 n <; n 6 0 c 0 0 6 fl II 0 6 H 0 n S 0 it (i 0 u (I 0 u 0 II n t) ' I 0 0 I u 0 0 0 ftj (J n 0 4 0 0 0 I I P fi :i -t (/ 0 0 0 IS 7 (0 n 0 0 j* 3 0 i! u 0 3 6 TO!iAC( O 8c SMpK Mamtjaeforjj. THKmiIwiI!) 1 •.' 1 • tt» nroMntrtt tiietr CUi*tOrm'rft ». Uf^p- 1 •• t1 Low- on, would be led by uem \o mate hi- abode III ibis country .where be is told iby one oftbeir nw n wriierrt 1 ilai both 1 1 " go' 1 n new: & \ ••"- pie hate England trith all their hCUi /, an.t >. ul and strength ttS ttioil natal and tuwthcrri.it rim(A tvt.'v fyust at alt events be exttrrttiautcii" DeleoCa e*» Canttbgo." it world b-well if tlie advocates for the iml.s- enm naie inirodnC.Uiit 01 Aiueiicaiis in.o 1I11* Provmcr would 1.' -mi ihi: LUiqualtnrd ileviara;- tion in miiid. Del'oiewe shut tip our friend Morris1 Bonk, we shall eiir&Ct ue o»li« r pas-ag* tiom ii in rb'e hope mat the people of inL-i'in\ ineiniay b in¬ duced in asoiiiaiy instance to j*iiow the rxaai- pli-ot ne lithabt nnu 01 Indiana. "Fa-eat ah lios.e doceri/' *' Tiu SmatlpOX is likely to <V Ctt~ eluded j rem thh State: vaceination being very gmcrally uUi'iUedy and inoculation for the smalt pox prohibited altogether* not by lux. but by com- man eons* nt. JI it should Ocknoten, thai an in- dividual half undergone the ..^roihu, tht InnaMl- m La,¥ :i.!,d UM"JR*P*1** ant', would compel mm to tciJtdrtno *.ntiit:!y ftum Sucitity. If he lived in a Tototu he must absent ldmse(j\ vr He would be driven ojf\' er 1 'nnaila, the; -liovc Infi i\ i ••al»|l-li( d at LouiiucM (on rhe opi^to" «*!*!i nffHe 1 iv r jfac.ttg ' O'd Ma k t (--it. ) :rt .•vl(.n^ve %t/HACCQ& HSUi b'ATA- ^ UFACl'VU J. autl ar: 1 w imahttd fo suppl) tiftiiwilh the fo nwhignrfi- elrs, ami v\ which a COTi?%ai»tM'pJ*'s will bo kept on hand, \\'/..— I'igtaii Tohatrc in roHSoflO *■• 1218. Ditto dn. in keg* of 1 '„ \^ D'tth' do. i:i . o. c.f pwutd and ha!f pound rolls, Ladir- Tw 1st in do. 1'2 roll to fIn* II*- 1 Iijo Tobncio in do. 0 m u >> plugs tt> thf |>f»iind. Sup- iiitirand Comaibii tui Tobacco, J lain K:i[>|ier, Macal>a & Scotch Rxioffl The same, is warranted ol c -. in i;cr qnalitv, if foui d niherui.s,- ma\ th- 1^- t rned at the suilwiif^iV e\n*i , anfl the money repaid Orders for nn> , i" the nbove article*, to b>* sent lo th m, at \nen^u,u,Ni.4ii.Uc,Uin(t. ..,,,;. Ireal, whin- every fel'eitiion (asu-ua1) will he paid |n supply them, on the mo.c reasonable ttrmF, atwl forwarded lo aiy part a| the two I rovinces; ______......t_........ Order; for North West Twit, and ctituivd U\ the American Government;—a Carrol Tobacco, mtu-t he -iven in f»-m •' to l month'-, previous to its bein^ wan¬ ted, as those articles requiio more time tnbfrgntinmLiUttess, than other kinds of Tohaec'o. Theit friend-. CaUzceU Ly Solomons9 of Albany, continue a osval, to Manu¬ facture all kinds of Tobacco,' Snuff and Chocolate. Any orders intend d for them, and foi warded to »; ■ subscribers 'viil meet with due attention— They have still on hand Iront their Manufacto¬ ry, viz. 150 ke^s sweet scented PItrg Tobac- • BrUcd author of the Resources of the tlnit- c.l States. 1 lbii!pagc08. * -. . , Oni T\*-u ^ «*rk pajiers received (his wrk fuiuiliu i.ohcAltLV fiOiu it cdrliaieso: he Im¬ pel ml faxliam 1 on ine Prinirr liege ot'k tipeccb, fi e Marque-of Lau d>o\ne. if] adveri- i g 10the Uiineit biaie-, s.iuj ** ue c-nld not be* hcvetoai the hiecution of ;he two uiifortunate individual*, Arbuihuoi and AmhrKter, nad been nau-acuon in itself-o repi^uanito tlie feelings ot all eivib/ed State*."—l.o.d Liverpool in re- pl^ siared mac ".he act alluded 10 nad been whnll) utmiHhomed bj ihe American Govern^ meta.aud at a propi'i" opportunity a I1.1J expla- uation MiOulif oe gi^eii 10 ilie llo't-ebf \vlia;evtlr bad iak.eu place relative 10 thai >i.nj« ct." Only one qu# .-lion occurs lo u> ii. ihi.- atlair, if u,.-- act he ivholfj unauihorUed b> the Aroerican Gov* einmen , why ha-lh» ntTic-r 1.0; been punished tor the nileuce ? There appears hu iiiCotiMvo-n. ry throughout the whole ail air. rue President^ in huipevage toUictwo Houses of Congre** ai the opening »t* the lae Se^ion1rarefuU> avoided e^ii^unng G.-neral JaclUoo1* cor.duet, and Mr. Secretary Adam- was emphn 1 il in ju-lilyinp: 10 theSpaaisa Court an a«i winch,on L«<ro Livers pool' amhcmt>,we arennw a^ured.is di.-avow- O and 8 Jf|Ug per b trepanned to become the subject*-of a Tower th avowed enemv of their nanse conn try.—*■ I.Mnd Speculators*' of Mr. Morri- B|lfcbeck% -lamp, have been extremely active in decoying 10 lien wildernesses, jiurcha-ers for their dear bought acre —aud in the pro.-ecution of their object h..\e nol he-itated to represent the gluomj woods oi Indiana and ihe twampj praiiic-ol the Illinois a-earihiy paradises.—The tiuih will, howe\n, sooner or later peep out; and indeed it begins already io he known ai home,that friend j&orrV Villages—Chateau,—and gardens (byantit:ipa~ tiun) are still "uocarved** from dank marah or darksome wood.—The late visit of his Somerset¬ shire cusiomer (vol. let. in Chronicle of 2&ll ultj must have proved ** somewhat mat it propos as to his convenience."—This (Gentleman -ectns to have effectually spledout the itnkedne-s o( the land; and we are now informed that Mr. Birk- huo«>, eiiher iimichiu^ up a;id down with their plamt. Tue taverns, with ibeir kitchens and -leepinjr rounia—i.at their t ouri Hou.-es, which are i.^cd a- pia.v- of worhijJ« are ail described c* beiiii', |iriteet bog- ties. H* c\en censuies their want of aiieiiin.u 10 perMiiiaJ clcaul.ne-n. He speak- of ti*eir ihir^i tor gai.i—" gain—aaai i= Uiej£tfhaai\i\ Qttuga of u ciouudeisof Ameri¬ can towns." Ilela< «m» at »'*eir loudness for a figure in Khei'»ri^. d'-nnnnnvicd anticipa ion, by lite aid or -rtinch " what may he. is cuntee*plaled a? thoueli it wfre in BCtOul CAitCUCv/" This same lore lor me lee ol ili' present indicative, instead ^t ibp faiaresuojiincrne, we perceive- has already made its Avay into hi* own heart, lie draws admirable likene-^e-, w itoess the Jollow- iug ^keuii.—" Nine out often native Americans are «all and long limbed, approaching 01 eten ex¬ ceeding six feel ; in | ..n:;ik#nn- and Wellington ed b> the Americau Government We regret that our much esteemed Correspon¬ dent ha^i noi tavoured u> this week with a Con¬ tinuation of in> valuable rema: k- on the general hnproveineutofour internal navigation—Though we do not feel ourselves entnelv qiiahr.ed 1a decide 00 ihe correctness of all his estimates— we consider his pkui for the general amelioration of our river Communica(H>n> well dige.ted, piacticabie, aud wormy me serious attention of our Legislature—His observations are evidently ihe re.-uh ofpaneni investigation,aud furnish u- wiih ne.eu 11-eful informatldn. We hope err- long io see some of bis schemed carried into exe¬ cution. We learn from a statement in the Quebec Ga¬ zette, 'Lai operation? will -0011 be commenced on .he projected Chambly Canal ; that his Grace the Governor in Chief nas subscribed for 200 ShartfK Tin*, liberal subscription vve think should stimulate the Company to exert ihem- Bplves in earrving into execution an object so de¬ sirable. beck, with all his prudent precautions. Has not beet; more tbitunate in the selection of Ins sec¬ tions, and quaner sections, than Ins neighbour*, wilh wimse v.ant of judgment he n perpetually quarreling.—Thefaci i-, this14 Stranger in quest ofuuhome*1 failed to find what did not exist, **good roads, good water,—and good health'* in prairies and forests. The ingenuity with which Mr. Hirkbeck has pufled all'Wis valuable property i* cverv way ad- uiirable. He talks of c.antlcss acres of rich pas- hands in their poc&et*, or seated in chairs poised on the hi iid feel and clien backs rested again>t the iialK II a hundred All "iicans of any cia s were to seat ihein-elves, iiinr;> nine would shuf- l'e their chaira 10 the true distance, and then tlirow themselves hack against the nearest prop* The women exhibit agn ai .- nnUriry of 1 all re- laved form-, w nh couM-[pr.it"re?s and demeanour, audaie tiol remarkable for Sf>righllinesa of man¬ ners." Htf is troubled ai their want of ir.iellec- tua.1 cult.ne, and ai their inatention io SCientihc 50 boxes Fresh C'-.ncolate, 200 do. Segars, with an n«-snrtment of London Snuffs, imported in-r fall. Levy & I>euj.S Soloaaoa&IX Montreal. 6/v March, 1810. H»8 Anchors Sf Cables. WILLIAM BUDDEN. ^1^' ILL Ccetve hy the eailiell fpring ▼ f vtiTels, and keep conflantly on hand at Quebec, an afTrtrncnt of Patent proved Chain Cables of all sizes, ANCHORS do. Well worthy the attention of thofe enga¬ ged in the Lake and River navigation. Qwefcocv aft jAjvnfc i$<9i a^tf His Excellency the Lieutenant Cover- „,UT? NOTICE. nor, having been graciously pleased, to rpHt cnpartncrOiip heretofore existing: grantin trust to T. Aiarkland, A. Mac- ^nbetwfe" G'orge Ilarpham 4 Charie* Lean, Esquires, and to the Rev. CO. OdeH as I utchers, is tht, day d.fTolvcd by mutual content. All perfons indebted to the above concern, a<; wrl] as thofe who may have demands against it. are request¬ ed to fettle the famr with the fubferiber, who is fully authorifed to adjust the fame. George Harpham. Kingfton, Marck 2 J, 1819. N. B. The buflnefs in future vvil; be caru'ed on by the fubferiber, who returns his fiucere acknowledgment^ for pad fa¬ vors, and folicitsa continuance of the fame. i4w3 G HARPHAM. A LIBERAL REWARD. OST on Sundav laft, between Mat- thew Burnett's Tavern and Mr. A- lure—ofboundleas fbrestsof valuable umber, - pursuits, but cxcn.-e3 them cji the fccore of their and all this to be purchased at tUe low price of havtog obtained for t!ieijj.>elccs freedom— (Que- two dvtlars per acn—ri;i.» account lie ua> well aware would operate btroaglj on ine mind of ho* nest John Bull: who, without due reflection, Moilri be apt, in looking ai ihe statement, lobe in due need by his own ideas of landed property. Le*t however it should by accident occur to him, that a million of uncultivatedacre.*. T\oulil never make a man rich, "Our Speculator" e\er> now anrl then Donipou^Ly announces, the increasedaftd rv doeo ne m> uu the prescal race?)—-The su¬ preme lelicitx of a true borm American he de¬ scribe- io !»e ** inaction of tHodv aud inanitv of uiind"—In* ^Tpects iiuloleiice 10 be the epidemic of Ine people—"tn?> con?ide-r n a privilege at¬ tached 10 ihfii freecom.*1—Iwe is greatly shock- cdaL iheir want of taste—*" U'bcgrand in scenery ilie> calldi^urtiu^:" because ibe'4' surface would be too rougD tor the plough."-— UpOfl the wholefae Stuart, certain lots of ground in the Town of Kingston, for (ho purpose of erecting an Hospital (hereon ; together with cer¬ tain other lots, (amounting in the whole to about seven acres) to be let or leased for the support of said Hospital; it is proposed to open a Subscription in shares Of Jt?2 10 each) in order to raise a fund for erecting the necessary Buildings.— As soon as 200 shares are taken up, the Buildings will be commenced.—Subscrip¬ tions will be received by the abovemen- tioned Trustees, and the Rev. ft.G. Cur- tois, J. Wilson,and A.Marshall, Esq. Number of Shares publishedi _. lu.st Keek, $ David Lozc,............1 Share. IV. Grant*.............2 Oxcen McDottgaly........1 fK llennie,............1 Alexander Asht 1 James S(oughton9........2 James Atkinson..........1 Wm.MilehclL..........% mey'sa fi;vei fingle Hvnting Watch* made by James Gotham, Kenfington, with two SEA LS, fufpended by a blajcribbou. One has the initials of R. W. and a Sara¬ cen's head- Apply at the Chronicle Of- fice,orto J W Leonard, atMr. Doughs* i4tf _ rnc It T own increasing value of pn.pei ty in the BCtlled Maces si"cm> to ha\e di-co\ered lew tiaits in thecharac- thlOUgh winch tie passed,—It would have been tcrOf Hie people with whom :|,e intends to spend well had he added an accoenl ot* ihe st\cre pri- Ute renialudcrof hlbdajS, w hicli he did really lations, (bat had been endured, and of the many admire—and evtdeml) labt^ur8 vtfrv |iarj imi da\»ot toil andstvea % i!iat had been pa *ed by xt»r> unsuccessful!) to rccoincile to himself tb« Uiefirstsc.tlsrs.before U-.c land bsJ arrived at l^ ^ b*> cho»vn >>e h<Te ia vaU) iu0kei MARRIED, At Niagara, on the 6th March, by the Rev. Mr. Addison, Capt. James Pater- son, of the Schooner Mayflower, to Miss Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. George Young of that town* o NT reafonahle term*, tw STONE lIOUSES.oppolite John McLean's EXq. Sheriff.—Fnquiie of NICHOLAS MORIN. April 3. X4

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