THE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. VOL. I.] FRIDAY, (AFTEflKooy) APRIL % 1819. [No. 14. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Snbfcribmbeg leave refpr&fully V- infoim their fite-'d* and thr pub¬ lic, that ihev have jttft received f-om Mon¬ treal, a very extenfive and general aflort- ment of GOODS ( oo itwnei-oii* 11 fpiei- fy) which will enable thern to f rve th f< who may be pleated to ca'l at thctr 'tore, on more rclbnable terms than the ufual rao-'e <>f doing h-fmef- in tie country cf tahi-ft-n-.eots. Ttit* fy(,em t'.ry a^e deter tr.intd to Dnfevere ill, and hti'iib*) hope it Wtfi m&X with that approbation and fun- porl whi.h ft m.av meut FOWKF WEBSTER & Co. or:. » . 15//I / .A-% March i^»9 no'no;. ITTtnS up J.•limned rtqneft all perfona J inJcbt^d t-> th? r1* nV of the 1 'te NfCffOLslS HdGERW/lN, Efqutrc. to make imac-iate payriifint, and foch as have accounts againft tr,L* ellate, arc re- queiled to nrefent them foi aojuft ncnt. (.-h. A ex llagcrman, Daniel Rogertnttis. Executors. Kingfton, !5'.h slarch> 1819. \l T'HE Snb'cribcr "offers for~a!e his Houfc and^cih-;*'01 fcparate, a• alfo Ms (lorfes Carts, S1 igfhs, Cows, Ii« #*% Oxen, Grain, 1 lay, Po'utot*. and Ifr»;)!emer t*. cf Unfb^ndiy, fitiMte on ihe Hivtr ^t y awpii'p, ovn ..inking the bcautiV villa ?e o' Og Icr.f^nrjr, and within half a mile of p cfcmt, V\ ^e* Canada Th-' ^wcllin^ houfe. wllicll ha« lately been en fted, confi-ta of uv-> Quits' ".ooras, 4 ! d r mm.s, a Kitchen and CeUar, well fi .<Vd. h.-; Far n contains 107 Acres of choice I. &A, well fenced, upwa- Is of 60 of which is Pasture and Meadow, th. remain¬ der 1 illa^e a-.d Wood Laud, with a y mng Orchard and good Barn, Stable and Root- hoife. a< d a frmll Tenement for Labourers. io a Gentleman of peculation, the above Premifes which extends 3 Acr-* in trout of the River, must prov>* of gteat advantage as it is one of tin- be*t sitna- ti :b in 'he nei^i boiKjwd P»r th* erection $(jt "rf»'V f, fkiWrtfat Di*?"try, v<v:c. }*<a\ of the ourchafe money, n- .y remain on Monqape, if apree*! le to the Purdtafer, Amplication to bi made to Henry Forest Efq Montreal, John Mucauhy Kingston, or the owner PK'P RO'B'UF.N. fcrescott, 26th Ca. 18 »S. 6tf " FOR SALE, rjl!!Rr.Evri\\^\e FARMS two of Jr. t!t?ni l-Vfog >n l&B Township of Kington. 3(1 rouco^ion : one cnn'fi.t \<%% 50 ncr^s,h^in^n oirt >f \V*it rloo, v*it|- a good House and Lint. Taw liaise, 15 irk Mill, and . 'even £0 d Tan Vat:.—airftnd situation fo n Distiller, th re b in* a Constant s»\ ply of uat r : tW other 1\- in^ aboi ■* half? mfti* |5#Kt of Waterlo , in the 3d iri n«*r*to«, cootn'.ni"^ 15.> Acres atul on • thir\ b> ins the Rn»-| a:-.*! West ha!v«^ nf L- ts No. 20 and fit, with 40 acres nf improv ri -it, mc!! f*n»vd, and cuts (2.r> ton ■ o- Hay yearly ; thvoth- er part wpll timbprerl, sui'l a -rlial! iTe<k running through the middle or fh° L^t. It is a hand> -me siMinfior, for n Dair). For particulars i*n «■ ••?•■• of JOUS IlVn^Jun- Waterloo 7 Jd't.iO. I SIP Executive Council Office, Fort, 19//i February, 1819. DIVERS applications having been made to His Excellency 1 lie Lieu¬ tenant Governor in Council, for Grant or Least of certain Lands situate in the District of Newcastle, and in the Mid- hiul DUtrict, with a view to establish iron Works thereon ; it is thought pro¬ ber to afford an open competition for La-e: and it is therefore this day or¬ der* d by His Ksrttil-'iicy the Lieutenant (iovornor in Council ; That ] rnposals will be received until the first Dry of May next,by the Clerk of the Council, from any i' dividual, for Lease of certain T art- on or near rue Crow River, whreh ". It— emptier* it.-elf into the Riter Trent, ami for Licence to die Iron Ore. JOHN SMALL, 11 Clk. oj Ex. Council. NOTICE. and that boundary ? Nothing but dates TIlE Subfcribf r has Loft three Notes bound by the fenfe of common intereft SiVned by Freeman S. Clinch, with you. or a comparatively fmall propor- viz. one of 25 Dollars i>n demand, one of tion of ill difpofed population, rendered ui- 25 Dollars fix Months afterdate, one of capable of rearing a ftanriard agatnft you. 50 doll its, paydb'e* in Joiner's or Cabinet The Mahratta Power is wholly and irre- 8w-l2 work ; the endorfenient accorditig to the beft of my knowledge i* as follows, viz. 401-5 Pounds on th, firft Note, the above notes were given the 26th of March 1818. DANtEL REYNALDS. February t t th, 1 8 19^____________8 THE Stibfcribcr informs his friends and the public, that he Jlill keeps a PUBLIC HOUSE, in the Townfiip of Cll.\MAHE9formerly called Goodwin's Corner, when Gen¬ tlemen arid Ladies may fnd good Enter¬ tainment, j-llfo—Travellers jlmll not le difappointed tf finding gotd quartern for themfe/ves and their Hnrfes. THO'S. D. SANFOKD Cramahe, 24/A Jan. 1819.__________6 THE ^uhfcfcribersrefpeftfnlly inform their friends and the PuSllC, that they have now receive"' and jnil opened in Mar¬ ket Street, jofl below *<Srs. Patrick's Inn, a ve»v Exte*'Rve ^fTortmcnt ( f DRY GOODS. GROCERIE3 and STATIONARY. t.ikewifi—a great quantity of Claflical Bo"k*i the wliole uf which will he fold very low ior ( afli and a^nroved Credit. Mcdonald & aykroyd. Dec. 1, 1S18. 27 ANY ptrfon t.,r ptrfons dcfir<»us of en* lering into a,:i agreement for clearing from 1 5 to 40 acre's o( land, vs ill receive lib¬ eral ercoura^emtr^ by :t;(plying at the office cf the K.11 giVoii Clironick—where the terms ot the agreement m;iy be fcen. Kingston, U. C. 1 23.-/ November% 1818. ) 26 trievab!y broken. Scindiah, by having been kept in port, while the bark* of his neighboursprov' ked the tcrnpefl and per- ifhed in it, prefents ho exhibition of (batter¬ ed fortunes—But he Hands infulated and ■ precluded from any extraneoun afTillancc. I an fatisfied of his convi&ion that his ex- iftence depends on his being in amity with the Biitifh Government, and of hisonfe- quent re foi u tion to cultivate our good will. of people have even in this ^hert interral come from the hills and fastnesses in which they had sought refuge for years- and have re-occupict! Ilieir ancient de¬ serted villages, Thi ploughshareica2ain in every quarter, tnrning up a soil which had for many seasons nevf-r been stirred except by the hoofs of predatory cavalry. Here there is a display of general ad¬ vantage on an exhilarating promise of public quiet. Every one of the facts on which 1 have founded the representation is capable of being disapproved by each of you, with-little trouble of enquiry, if I have advanced them incorrectly. I have strangely hazardod my character That inclination had been and will contin- if they ure liable to refutation—If they To Officers on Uaif-Pay In Canada. IT is defucd that Officers receiving Ilalf- P^y, or Military Penfi >n$ tl'.'ough the Coroniffariat, in Canada, wi!i tranf.nit to their iVvcal A.gentb, at Quebec, th-ir affidavits in Triplicate immediately after the 24th of the peiiod when their Halt Piy Kecomcs due ; fo thnt the Affidavits of Officers refiding in Lower Canada (hill arriv- at Quebec before the loth, and thofe of Officers refiding in the Upper Province before the 2^th of the following Month, at which the returns will be made up. As more than fnffieient time is given for Co munic?tions to reach Quebec ir >m the moa diftant PofK thofe Otficers' Affida- vitR which do not arrive in ti'ne to be incor¬ porated in thefe Returns, mult remain over till theenfuing period of Payment. Con-mitT-.ry General's Office, \ ^ Quebec, March 1, 1S19. S Attx Oilicicrs a Dcmi-Paic eu Canada. IT KS Officiers qui r, coivent la De- 11 A mi-Paie ou Pension MiUfiiire, par le canal du Commissariat en ^anatla, Willi requi- dc tran^mettre a leurs AgenS re- pectifs, a Q iebec, leurs alhdavit-i en triplicata. iinmediateri^oiit apies le terme <l-t pxiement de IrwrDomi-pnie, de niiiu- iere que les affidavitsde^ Oiticiers qui ie- vjdetrt <\m:* le Bay-Canada, pourionl ar- river a. Quebec availt le lOme. ei cb cetlX qui re-itb nt dans la Itiute J rovince, a- vnnt le l2()me. du mois suivant, auxquels (•eriodes le* ret->urs se ferout. Coinrne Ton donne plus do ferns qu'il tie faut pour traMsm'-'tre le* communications a Que- change efftftedin our [ituation. bi*(\d»> P-> tes lesplu*- c;oi,-ne , les alu- In Pnglaod, there arc continual decla- d.IVits d.-s OiVici'T* qui u'arrivenl pas a mation agaitift the propenfuy of the Hon- tenv* iiniir etre i^corpoie* daiv crs re- orable Company's G«»veri»mcnt here to add tours, rrst'TontjoMuVau periodedu paye- to territorial poffeffions already too large. ]t is forgotten that a tendrncy to expan- fioti amounting almoft to dif eft necrffity, Ifl the inherent and infeparable drawback on the advantages of a j.ower ellabliffied fo anomaloufly as that of ihe Uritifh in India. It would be a ViJlonary confide ce to fuppofe that yonr ftrength would not excite jeal- oufy, that your riche? would not llimuiate cupidity, a;id that yDiir I.iumiliati in ofthofe Noble families which held fovereignty when you firit got footling in this country, would n^t be brooded over with a deep fpir- it of rtvenge- Y.t a l-lief in the non tx- iltence of thofe impulfes hi the ground ou which they mutt Hand, who infill on the VmW OFisDIA. On tbcjoih of J.,ly !a(}. the tfntifh Tn- hal'itanti • f C ilcutia. pitlented an Ad drefji to the Marq'i'- of itaftbifp* the 0»*verm»r General of India, to which a lonfrdnd iuterelling reply was made, of which the following ii Uie concluding part :— *• It r-mainn now to be feen, what h the ment sonant. Taireiu du Commis.-aiiy-f»eu<;ial. Q eb-c, le. Mars, 18.9. 11 6 in TifiN POUNDS KHWARD. LAM) FOii SALE. T OTSNo. 3, half No. 4, and No. §, a J 4fh concossuin, containing 500 ;»■ 1 *w- ; North part Nos. <i-\, ~r>, (26, 27, IX. ^9 30. in the 5th concession, cou- ttiimng 700 acres ; and Nos. .Sand II, in flie nth concessiAri^ containing 400 air *s : all in the Towns!>lp of Edwards- bu:^h, Di-tri't of Johnstown. Th**Timber may be had separate. . ApplicationtobemadeloMr. Alphe- progreffive increase of uur fwty a«,a pioof Vor S tie or to Le*, /if TWO ftrvy fram^r'! :U.ife, and a WJJ. lar^e*nd commodious ft<('ie Sroret fituate on the w iter's edi»e in the eeutrt of the Village <»f IVefcot, on cxeeediMely d- vantageou^ te •■ to the nunfiafer v t less.e* Enquire at the •'"fRce of CHr. A. hagervan. Kingflon. 2^th Ftb'll'try, 1S19 9 5rf us J 11 s, Prescotfr, by u horn the above — RKWARD will be paid to any one who will £ive -inch information as shall lead fo the conviction of persons cutting Tim¬ ber of an) description on the above men¬ tioned lauds 11 \\8 Leather. TO LET, I^OR one or more years, on reasona- general hillbiy of our Indian E ble terrris, and possession ^iven on that we have been wantonly afTai -IkP Rtet day of May next, that large and co iiunuj'.ins housf, bio stones high, v,it- and that we have retai* fitnP»y as a ualc in King Street, corncriinr the mar- of confta»\t ambition in the Honorable Company's Local R.-; nfentatives. There may have been cafes, though 1 might find it difficult to indicate them, where pros- pe£t- ot gaining political afcmJaney, or too hafty apprehvidlons of meditated at¬ tack, have miflcd w^ inio hoftilities other- wife capable of being nvoided.—But the mpire is, led» that we have conquered the unprovoked enemy. lie to be unfeignedly encouraged by us —■ Were his difpofition different, it would be a matter of no concern to u&.— He is now girded round by States which we have raif- ed to the power of refilling him, evert without our aid, by our having-allotted to them moll of the territory taken From Holkar—and their political views never can coalcfce. You will not forget the du rc<5t and neavy defalcation from Scindiah'd ftrength in the extinction of the Pi darees. Where is that hod the half of which waa to wear us out in fruitlefs purfnit, while ihe ether was to get behind us, and lay wafte our provinces ? Gone, vanifhed, roalti¬ tudes of them flain in a number of defulto* ry actions, llill more of them maiT.tcred by the Peafantry, as (abandoning their Horfca and Arms, to efcape from us through the Juno les.) they endeavoured to make their way through ihe country in fmall parties a- traveller*. There then remain only Staves which have fpontaneoufly and ear. ncit'y piayed to be received as feudatories under the Biitiih banner It is not con- quell that ha« eKtended our rule, we have beaten down nothing but the lawleft vio¬ lence which had for fo many years made thole regions a fcene of unparalleled It is not the awe of our power which has made all the Rajpoot Siatea f 1 licit to be united with us. A dis- tiiut perception, that the mifery under which they h,»d fo long fuffercd could not be prevtiited but by their identifying them- fclvcs with nsB was the fole motive for the 41 * A flM ; rr i\ ?\ A h M£& *S *J & ^'tVtl fife* \&*\ I *» ncxion. In the terms of it theic is noth* nig t.» a{T(-£t pride »r wound convenience, fo that the confedtraii-n carries within it MO natural feed* 1 f diflolution—With their internal government we profefs to have no right of 1: tcrfcreuce. Mutual fupport in the field is ol courfe plighted—but the price of our lupeiior contiibution to that contingency is an engagement th^t the Feu¬ dal States fhall nnt dillurb the general tranquility by attacking each other. Their differences or claims are to be fubmitted to the arbitration of the Biitifh Govern¬ ment, and this provifion, which ex:i gu.Ih es the nccefiuy Fur theii rrforting to the fword on petty points of honor, heretofore enforced by the prejudice* of the country, is hailed by them with a juft conception of its utility Thus your enlarged sway is nothing but the iu 11 ueute arising from it-liance of tlie several States on your moderation, )our good faith, r.nd your honest desire to promote their welfare*—Should it be said that to counterbalance this obvious political gain, we must take into account the disadvantages of extended positions and the charges attendant on increased establishments, 1 answer that when the multiplication of points of defence is ur- h are not. whatuo have done, is befitting the policy, the equity the benignity of our country. You jti'tly appreciate the admirable energy of the r-filers commands * the di¬ vision to which the more activ part of the service fell—And the frfi-1 of the whole of tlie troops with th plendid gallantry of those who were on Any rirca* sion engagod, merits all the praises which j ou have offered. I concur ardently with you in <!' • ron- <:ment you express, of our obligation to aim at rendering what we havfi done, still more benelieial to the inhabitants of India. The main obstacles to nor info* sing irriprovenjent^ are removed—and we may certainly disseminate useful in-true> llOU, Without in the slightest degree ri k- irig dissatisfaction, by meddling with the religious opinions of the Natives. J ti— formation on practical point1- is what is wanting to the people—tor, from the long course of anarchy in those parts, all relations of the community are confused. This Government will not lose si^ht of the object. I\e may surely succeed in itici 1 Ibattngprinciples of mild and e<]uita* ble rub's, distinct rtoiious of social o >-cr- vanC~es». and a just sense of ftmial duties, leading perhaps in God's good tftne. U» a purer conception of the more %\ blime claims on the human mind. At least, let us do what is in our power.—L t us put the seed into the ground, and Provt*. dence will determine on its itiontfe. Should it be in the will of the All ii.htv that lilts Tree should nsp and llo'ir*n, and that, the inhabitants of those exten¬ sive regions should enjoy security and comfort under its shad.-, we shall hate done much for mmy rjf our fellow-crea- tuns—but we -hall have done well also for that in which nut liveliest interest is fixed.—The cherished memory of our foreca-ting benifirence will remain to (uture times in India, Ihe noblest monu¬ ment of the British name." plication 01 \ ged, the diminished means of annoying us arc also to be contemplated. 1 have shewn to you that scarcely any continue to exist. Our new situation has not brought us into contact with any thing that can have the wish, 6r had it the wish, could have the power of giving us trou¬ ble. All within tbe Indus is attached to vou. The Indus would be a barrier Copy of a letter from an Officer of the Yel¬ low Utone expedition^ to hit friend at Belle Fontaine, dated Martin's Cantonment, Urn January, 1819. 1 * * Sir—The conduct of the Kama*, fince our arrival at this place, has been I m- da^ioUi and even outrageous, as to induce Capt. .\iaitin, the commanding officer, to feize their chief, with fevend of the prin¬ cipal offenders, and confine them to the guard houfe in irons. Thefe reputed, tlufophifticated beia»s, are deeply verfed in intrigue s«nd deceit, although the flyle of the bar it a language as little known to them as that of «.bin*. After a punifhment of a frw doys con- ncment the commanding officer arr-t^ued J|SSE * ' -*#4,*^^*i ••<■** iiueiif «t«jr Stale on M ex .tl)C °ther side of lt adverse to y°u 'll >ts T -*• HE Suofcrii>er: are mannfafturing an extenfivre Stock - f Leather, of every dis- enpti--\if an 1 new* ffer foi fale 1000 Sides Sole Leather, 600 Do, Upper Do. 200 Do Harness Do. 400 Do. half tanned for ves scis, or oilier use, And a large quantity of Calf skins and Morocco Leather ; All manulV/hired in the beit manner, and is of a lupeiior quaii- J. V. BACON ft-Oh Sackets Harbor, A]arch I, 1S19. iow6 ke.r place, and opposite to D. Washburn, Ksq's. Otlice, The house contains four lar^o rooms, well linished, and an ele¬ gant shop, complete,—Kitchen in the roar, two stories^—good Store House for the repository of Merchandize and Pro- duce ; also a Stable,--The premises are suitable b;r the reception of any decent family and lor mercantilebusiuess, being ce of the first stands for that line in Kingston. For t'uithcr particulars apply to the proprietor. A. MACDOXELL. Kingston, March II, 1819. tt • c , . jr tue ner:i anr __ fc,,t "*-"c« aiur ui 11 aaverse to you in its wrtfted from him, and tne Pem ana ex- ;nf^rp„*t ci,rtl,ij .l u r* e ■ r 'mt an mnfi^M(,\n lowest*- hJiouId any such hereafter mate compenlation ^2^tT aP^ar, it is not your influencing the Go- penle forced upon «. {\\^\^^ C-\ ^ernments in the vicinity of the Indus offelf defence, brought* the violence juft viftion by the nature o*reccntly befel my. offered to us. What d to you, muft be felf, as I have explain^11 of thi« eventful the arongeft iIluftratioy°u^ ftrength, and exigency. " Recover n»" vrould be deem- try conteft with ttaagafF*8 to a treacherous ed a tather abfurd addr-nqu«lhed—but you foe whom you had v;; !t on that footing would as effeflually pu*'l his means, as if by the reftoration of *e advice in terms. ty that would be the cause of quarrel—and I cannot conceive any strongerdissuasive to enterprizes against us from beyond the river, than the knowledge that all within it are linked with us in the bonds of cor¬ dial union. In this view, I deceive my¬ self egregrously if any augmented milita¬ ry charges will not be light indeed in comparison with the large additional re¬ sources, secured to meet such eventual demands. This is our benefit in the ar- A A DJOIN1NG half of Lot No. 2, in the fccondConceflion, containing 100 acres, and having about 40 acres under Cultivation, with a log houfe and barn upon it. For the term9 apply to Daniel Wafhburn, Efqnire, Kingdom P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1S18 3° For sale on Commission, FEW Barrels of P.-ure Onandaga SMLLT. JOHN KIRBY. Kingston, 17th March, 1819- 12 "" BANK OF THE Sublcribcr being a.uomtcd agent -*- s 10 * s, wi/I meet on the lajl Monday for the Batik of v. anada, he will i-e- in February, and continue fo to do, the fame got fate bank notes for biilt, on Montreal, day in each Month, until the bufmefs of Quebec, or for Specie. this Diflria, as regards the fame is fnijhcd. Wm. MITCHELL. JOHN FKRGUbON. Kingfton,Oa. 13th, 18:8. 2Q Khs/lort, Feb. ijl, 1819. 6 reprehenfible, it1, note"Mo„ ot brutalj (h:in h ever before°'tram_ rnented-fince the ex<«"th new enemies, p|ed on hurngIlity. Securit and com, brings you in contact f w'de"'nff the cir- fort established where nothing but terror rcduceeyour ftrength b« of which it is to and misery before existed—nor is (his •ie c.rcumfereBoit.ons dangeroufly within a narow sphere. It is a proud '"advanced ftall,,z wide.■ occu- phras* to use, but it is a true one, that rted. and,abo*«*« formidable ad- we have bestowed blessings on. millions. NOTICE. cle on th a&, leav un uppoT F ,------ «^_ „c i^vc ueacoweu oiessings on pafioo of Territory ex«f charges. Nothing can be more delightful than the ditmns to your Mihtar be good, were the report 1 receive of the keen sensibility _,,.„ _ . _ M _ _TfccrBumjnt.W0,uldTEJam'ne.^^^ rpHE Board for Militia Pen- aflumptions admitted, iadoubtedly, your change in their circumstances The _.../, _... ...;.. u nt.-j... hey h| tQ • bufly extended by smallest detachment of our troops cannot fyvay has been pt0dig"e Indus is now in pass through that country, without meet- the late operations. 1 on the conditions effec"t your frontier,-amthank Heaven that of the arrangement, 1 : between Calcutta it is fo„ What is thei UDg every where eager and exulting gra- tulations, Ihe tone of which proves tbem to c©me fro» glo^iDg hearts. MultiJuilcs them before him, fpecinVd the charges ex¬ hibited againft them, and admitted tntm co pleid in their own behalf. TTn y weie charged I8ts with thet , fte;l. Jni{ b>*th public and private property tram thr* g^rril n, while permitted to tflca np near it. '1 hns repaying our civility and hofpitalitv with infult and ingratitude, ad. With havjng repeatedly rubbed our fcwttw ftCto $m>t bS: \ii wearing apparel, thereby breaking thofe band« of peace and friendiliip, which rhev had pledged themfelves t<» r.bferve. Thus proving themfelres falfe and treacherous, unworthy either our proteftion or confi. dence. In reply to thefe charges, their chief rofe, and after catting his eyes over the guard of foldiers which inverted him, thus addrefledthc commanding officer. fl Father—Your young men are prefer?- bed within certain bounds ; not one of them can pafs that chain of fentfnels without your permilBon,thu5 ever within your pow¬ er you govern them with cafe. My war¬ riors impatient of reft/aint asthe wild horfe in the toils of the hunter, brook no con- troul, free as the air which they breathe, light and impetuous as the Antelope, they bound over mountain and moor, in the par* fuit of pleafures which nature has ordained they fhould e*joy. To confine them to one valley wouM deprive them of thsfr fub- fiftance, they would pine and die in penu¬ ry and want. Father—Thefe woods and ftreams are outs ; the beaver which inhabit this river, and the buffaloe which ran^e in thtfefor- efts are ours, their 6kins afford us c othing and a flicker from the rude hlaft of winter ; their meat a laxurious fubfiftance. Shall we then, who ate birds of the foref, q-iit the pleafures and the advantages of the bant, and like you, iuniiue ouilclvci to