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Kingston Chronicle, March 5, 1819, p. 3

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I c.aiiK.iui, u wuuiu urn uc cviuuKii'ic i()., rii wfthin your extenfion of the tule. Though No* in the **** taMat.ro we fin-J bf the Grand Jury, againk • 7Aomast Earl of'Selkirk* Jlii/cs MacD'oncit. John $pen&r% John ?/6nti i\ /J. D'Orfonncru* Frederick AL/they* Oustunm " ffauthei JFftoFtr »i # •Jrajfcnretai Jc . \*€ .alb, 2>frft . ■ MePherfon, Atck.bn.i i>lac DonalL 4 y/aii Aplfr* Chevaiicr de Lcnmi&t jikxandir ti- Btcher$ jLouis Noli** faques Chatela:nt jficrrc 6'« Pambrun, John Pritchard, John Burke* Michael Uedtn, and J7<jc</£ iruschie% "for a Conspiracy again-* the Ncith \Veft Company : and at the faint Court a ^ ■verdict of Jt*500 d'maoes was given a- nvhh a pen of iron, and with the point of a gaiuJl the Bail of Selkirk for falfc impnl- djamoml. ith grmm upon the table of their jr.il foes Use fljffitnlty—<WiC Tvfurtd natural', y Voh would not fee "'poor common fenfe \a\- fully ft niggling to throw <-{F the up* preffive load of a hard mafiy block, you ivcuid behold "this ukful apptndagc" fm&ninjr with equal pain, not from the ** irr-prcfTloi.," no, that is too gentle an opt't&tittDi but from the incifioo made by the chifel, zt every ftrokc of the engraver. The true application of the rule, and yonr jolfapplicatior' cf it, may be exempli¬ fied by aoalyfmga paffage (elected from the Bible ; " The Jin of -hdc.h u written it averted, (and thatbya"'1 author W wiiom PhilolopM has |uin.Hi rcf* , .:<!, ai.tr 10 «kO«e opinion, Olcm >«'. >icpa«snr*L dI'ronrejthac meianhrrs dnarmul- Iv make latrlN^I w*f» in S,1,,,,VI"J"*4**? bjtMiolng Ik&ft r,,'0,<r- *"*****«* ""* *«■«*« pwf- *7o>. and con to Burope.BftefhavingfesidedlifeiHj > ears in litis 1'ioviiire, \« on Id led Uiiiim-II in a -laie of confu¬ sion and ignoiancr. The. prupltf there, might frequcutlv allude to circum*u&uceit audevcno> b* ha! never before heard of, and lh« toder of things which he conceived toexi>t, vuutiit niuba- quentjj they do owe "ihnuad- n.n or a cOmfid*** «il**«»ifc ubj CU or M.eir i, i-ver\ liitc llalnmcli iVi Iumo.i Uic\ uie lunched hv sllCh adamantwt pinnace of vsin you e fabric of graved nil the never to be changed opinion* of hi* countrymen, li* hath written a Book!! ! yea, even upon Rhetoric and Oratory !! — he hi:th £ai!ed ui> the hill of renown, and hath foiled the fea ofadverfe opinnn. I^e hath Boated over the harriers, which havo unmeet of Mr. William Smith, aftin^- in Ckc capacity of Deputy to the Sheriff of the Wetteiu Diftria uf L1. C in virtue of a w;it of rcltitution iffutd at Sandwich by four Magistrate*, Li reltoring to the a\. W- C. their property ieized by the liaT] tjl Selkiik at Foit William, in Au ^uft 1816. .; vctouit for £l$QQ damages was hke- vifegiveaat the Lxn.t Court againft the Earl of Selkirk for fahc imprifonment ot Daniel .Vac Kenzic, Efquire, formerly a partner of the N. W. C who, though tn a dtl&'tfL<l ttate of mind, was* without ^.ny legal ;,r.ceediDgS thrown into a du.;/.-oii at Fort Wilb'am. ard ke-t there by foe* of arms, t.ntii (cent*iviti^ lm life to h-. i'» dangci) he was compelled, >•* the ' ail >'\ Selkirk, to 6gn hh name to I- veral *et4s purpo'ticft t> be the fales of the N -V. Co'p property n Fort WUIiam, whom • for to opwarda of one hundred thou]rand'poinds and f t which, iri virtue of theie deed- hU Lnrdfhip far a fi'ft ii.ftalment had t^- pay Fifty pounds heart.*' To have a jr.It c.no^ption 01 thi> applauded figure, it i* necefTiry to re¬ coiled, that,before thcinv ntion t f paper,it was a practice of the an.;ent«i to write upon tables,commonly cove ! with wax. When the inferjption wa- dr,ii^ncJ \o he vety du¬ rable, the .ab'.e conCfted of feme harder fiibltancc, and the "etterfi w^r iofcribtd on it with an infi- anient adaptc 1 V it hard- sjefs fometio'ts an iron r.-n, *\u\ fiimetimes a ry-inU-H ha :n \ The 'i :.i«rc atl ier c>: am'*i:aiio'i -w^fes fonre of: the characters tr he thu fvrmed wr h a. p*»« ttid o'hers with a dramonu. N- *\ lct toe metaj^hnrr- cal idi-a- written with 3 fen of iron, and graven with the/*///// cf a d\amo\d% Upon a talks be painted and co'fW'd ; sad their !i te».cv will irrmev'iat.'iy he feen He piCSwrrA"—!• wH1beprodur*'dt»Jien rw//eWid/ndr/M*h?»frf* W*Jto*\& H* Ml*»- f- w,r ;ridhi- vmdaator. In rUe next plar.; WC find rltai <he';i,r'-ro lj0 "PF**1 (l indifccniiniiate- Iv 'c al1 kmiU- t»f meUi|W!«rx vvlieihri tfcej br do- Veiled «togiT<"li*,ui aHd strenglh to d^c|t|j- uon,orlomal. M«U'Hmual to ^^^^ "»- Etii'a^erii«rtrt,',«,c,-mfar-v' '° api;»y this role "vert wItm.iv " i«tcj». - itfd ot mural .dea i- r,-,,- resaiUMl," Mi«> ,B^ wkerww the ifan^l lo.m, part of *hf m^aplmr, 3! ,n tb- irWa.uv fftpm- vcniMa-lan,;-*1'!^"'^^'^'- »»• ~«« ri ffia^,, E j.>.^ is iiiwJfiuhtf^Hy ttjiou tb^eodmmn r^TOC and no* UP01* l,,<-adiuiam- airdkeiicrari¬ se 'ihVc-ii f ti» i>\ ibe iati'ipoMiiui! of anniher MiUtano- V)itf* »»«wrrelj Miu-nd-d itt rnma rhe^rfinabili » uf ihf ^»?raving. J..u- the nuel- l^-..a'.d.:i. •"»«"• ^'*S i;rq>n-e. ^dtOUS imwriiu" itp« Ih^weniory.cannot b.f mtfdjWUft- e«».i\i ■ • • 'O M'Miniid iiiuinu;triii .-t sWttf b1j have pa«rd :.na\. and nave '.c?n rc|ilaced by o.if ii f/rl> dilHMc-iii, ai.d \'-i s supenor. Ill- . shu.'Kiun noidd be as o»lr« ai ' enib:n .:=r..i. r a- wrc.ked fo many hi the race tofdiftmc- ih-ii of Plii j ihe Htmm pliilii opher, were he io -iun—and fhall his judgement be futymon- ed before the Bar of Canadian critics ? fhnll it be made a football to be (hoi at bv * fuch witlings—fh^-ll hU t^fte be kicked a- bout as a (hntt'e cock ' f nonfctife? Thfpugb you have provoked me mure thnn I am a- ble to c;.rry, yet, Sir?, 1 will give you fiom Tlii" -un:-. i hi~(*\ r'i>per t'an.viu di.es not prr- the purfc of my prudence, a mouthful of I :>c- t i *>in the dr«id. anil appenrat a mr."t»njr o| ilif Rosa)Socien of Loiiik>u. fi*rtiw pnroueol taking a pari i" yatae pbysicul andvcifkitUic di— cushion* The nuc hoi 11 bi aht'oto pla) bw |»ari as well a^ ||ip "thfr; Rn thecbaupe> wl.icli bad takeu place, in Ut»ir diUcrvui ^pbero, nokimuo io both, vmuld or tvcarlj equal in ua^aUude and incredibUitY. f-eu. any impedimetu :o the rcguiui arrival •> io- rofgn i»tell igeuce, and it Its inb&Mtant* ttrreat ail iivtereited in w»y thing uuconaecud nub |!,r,r.>«);;.f.ur-,tl vMmilil be a R»ttdj belief ii lonnrd, and an miinilrly more cotertttitiing ertofpt*niU?tJi*n ihej are iit pi event, hisiru.-, U.rv hav*hadlVM upj»ortuwiti« ufpartlcipaiiug in the dclighlt of ^pucral knowledge, and there¬ fore "h cannot lie evpected, Ibat il»"> should Ocl vei ^ anxtou9 m u^i<.i.u- n, fur no one w capable oidi j appreciating apJcasurt until be ba> i*ar- a la&enufir, \ knowledge and etiuratioa '. , • :.,;;.. ... nl.^i.rt'.r lera! "mft.:r>ryM- tend (be ran-c of for i.l^as sd do they open a 1 jVZJLm^^h tms nOiM.nrr.1, M.urll i>-mv and wide Beld fin XU< rxcreiset.l iherteiirrs ■V ;Noi-. '»' rirrtWihikootaeowiy/^ pic- and sympathies «T man. A ertilaaial ander- jiirr, *ei evpty '«lff nl;0 coaaMeii the inetapltor mavdWJllflj rcpievniM. Pbil«1r>f0.wt3cxtrca\rly pneceKPJl in mi»uu- <U>r-)p;.d.n-*«^af h* read*; be accused U« ofp^r- Tcr«h^ti!^snv-i«r>% mcautwg nb*u wo asked " nboWr l*rard of a wtifeper lowd ruoMgh U1 be h^ard arrow be Mlainic:*" A»d he b»- a-a.n talb-n in-oa^»»',liir r>rr,,r' in ll0i dwliffStti*hiDg and ridicule in KlNGSTOiN UHUOMCiiE. * * • * ■ * ■ • * * • * * * * FRIDAY, March 5, 1819. FOR Til.1: KINtoTON CIlRONIfLE. -Mrsc. EuiTons I acknowledge T^ur candour, tn puh- l'Nhln^ i:iy cxarni»^ti->n *if your u Crt- tiquir" upon \;r. Adams's Mr'a|»h-rs, audtb^ fidelity with .which you ppiufrd it from tht* manuscript, cron to tic mis- from rear " Mnt.M to he a ^l*i> oi tin' .pen. and not a mistake of on" typo fwr toother. Wc have no dispute however, respectutg the orthography of th- \\ P* I- Jfor will f Stop to crtnl.-nd wU.I ' r- * ^h^fhrr the cftect prod-: "d !>v a c\\ * ap--* inv substances t<» w h'c'i it i a;» ' ecl.^ny"t!0*,wllliautvHlail»sthe piiD ic tasto be Stylfd an ic ii.virr^- ' a " h * cur r.-adors decide that q.oe*tlor] of d i Oition at (hnv leisure ; but Ii>t oot tli- \e jfttoh-Mofl be diverted from the suhjee! ". our discussion* The opinion, which you quote i.ru Mr. Addison* is a good authority ; hut '• is net in point. His rule, *■ to JU1I4" l,f the u!»ion of all mctaj>h»Rs," tak«*« frew f)l)ject^ of Rlijhf, by Mipf>fl$i-ft£ tfl'MM tt» be ; nint.*d, and their irB«iii'*s empared V-itk each other, ndates to I he metaphors themselves^ which, b*'in ; id as of visioft, ^re, when painted, ^u-eepfible of an im- mrdials comparison l>3 the «eif^erif *i^ht. It has no applicability I 1 the intellectual or moral ideas intended to be HtuRfrated or enforced by the mefuphors. Tne--- idea* are not subject-of painting ; ai:d, from their nature, d<> tint admit of a comparison with sensible objucti or their pictures. In the phrase u ennraved inadamn;.: upon th • eoHimon sense nfmai kind." It*' the bit & 'uetaphors, udumflfit a:id n, a fair apphcatioo of the test. a,rrc ,Wy ««!j1j2Kw . n(.,, dl«t^Wn. ■O itw .fJthoiV oW#l explanation ot it pill ^-. )( lr.„r.-i m bUprouf (v.bnh lie (e:nfea vou would miftpoly it. by extending the co'M-a ifoi|.beyartd themetayho ical iilca>, r > V. e heart it .If. to which thole ideas ■ :c «>n!y mcauhcrically leavrcd, for t'.e (.;ke cf iliuttrj'.ion. Ad«pung y .ur sMui cal rcmaik? upw Mr. .'.am-.'s metaphor to the one now u der confuh ratio*., yna would afic, * Eut what bee »nv?$ ef the image when we f sthet imnginc thi' hard maffy ta&le, thus inf du-d, t-j be ^.aced upon tiie hear"? All* ! poor hearty *e c2B fancy we wltncfs thy pa uful b-rii^jttea to throw oft' the load that ..pprcfles ihee.° Evcvy metaphor, -rmpleyed -m a <r ral 01 intelkrAual fubje^U is -liable to (imilar ridicule. I vommend your unassuming mo.'e'ty l'Mr a fritad ^ay, without buaillngt nflfert your cEflitn and lay, it U NT Mftiiding i? e\er eager to become ucquaiutcd with tii* general copc«To*,folB'vi«gsa«w j«o- *i bu- manity, ibrouphoat ibc woild; while Uie illite¬ rate mhid, isallVcirdby tbime Bwuwonly, Mfiidi eome ix i.hin the ffpbeW Of its 0»H tuim..diaie iiid bdividuaJ rntercsts- Tins-, lhe feeHngs oftbe people I bare todfal wlrb, are decidedly net available by iboie sub- jecti which ainuye'aiid off*ct ibe generality of mankind,futdtbe cuoatry* whicb they inhabit, i^c., barreti Wttb n-peri 16local eTi-ntt and eir- camiiarice?, timt r.btlt'tjigBt all enter.aimng <>r ii ..rueiiveiiiu be diawu I101U ii, I am tbe'e- foreplaced in a -litical sf.uai.nn, and in aw.id- b*K Sc)Ita, 1 mij perhaps tall Into C-hanbdis. Ifl vniinvio preseni mj naders with r*crau tians of a foreign nature, »i*th will be destituie pf artracttan. and ii I eadcavo* to eouiinaui>>df to «hul ia local, 1 l>all n.ul-oiuc difficultj lucpl- Ireirng maierlal*toi m\ ■■■• a}« rarrl -Ivrtnf °"" m»-»pplicatiwi af the rule, 'raiMifn.in at: anal s'i af a pa>^a^e in th* iSiiie ««' brf*"' ■" remurft, t1iathemii>i l«wt cim- lae* nstbai >t>r prepwfiiions" wpu»*' and M id"* are nfiii-^ar •• iiOi'«»-' before we come into bis opinion. In ibe pa- ajreqnoied hebas i">( ob- ier .-d that lh* mi' apfmrend- WlUi ibe "t. Ii!e.*' —Noi ?o with •;engravew In aJaumnt upon the r,)m.T,»n M-11-." i» the latter iterance »*; ie- I t'iv ».»a. »*ct»inmrtn -eii*e" itselfh a pan ot the mriapbor. and us wch ecjarsund^r Hit* opirsitloQ afcberal ■. NV* certainly ailmitrwlifc PhHoiogoa lhal *• even m^fapboremployed in a mural or inii'llec iimI -.bjre' 1- liable lo.-.milar 'naieule" —rav wewHl venllH" a *-tej> ftirdier, and tav . 1-1 ibai ioifa ;V m.M su.V.m. and poeiiral arc ei- vim the thing tn a vers dHTerent l»& t, and an. MMrl 'o i|te.ame4ancer—Bnl «ba« then J Are aaxioiisto i.....11 uat t« my readers, toe e%.i coo- the e:uv *3cA ic.^rr/ ;:--v in (he WOfM ullO m <jii. necs »mch u intaUiblv produces Upuo o- Conversation, nrthe reciprocal commun.ica* tin,: offeiiliment-s aed idtt-S i? WW great rojior- advice., vl \N l.cn the whip of yout criti- cifm, next takes its flight, let it pelt, f» me one deeper in the mud than the Honorable Secreiaiy, the eloquent Ex Profcffoi o£ Harvard College in the United States. A kii/k or t.vo belle wed on iviift (1 tc£ her pardon) Mra. Cnrley and Mallei Cana^ da might not be called in quefiion. But if you value your own fame, touch not witia the paw of yi>ur cenlure either the Secre¬ tary bimfelf or his erudite defcedrr, the? profound Philologos. O wonderful Phi- lologos, thou hurt, likt another (1 forget his name, but it matters n»t) 1 fay thou hail in the defence *>f ihy matter crowne:S thyi\ If #itb heaps of celebrity What depths of retcarch in the Storchot^e o? Metaphor hath 1 ot tbts uiait ofliterarnre difplaycd ! The fir tla of his kuow'tdv-eof the Engbfli lan^e ge, are attonHhing-, be- caufe they arc bott mlefa. Not enjbteni with carrying n- th-on^h ihe Sea ->f Dic¬ tionary learning, he has actually overflow¬ ed the hedge, which dull Lexicographers, had heaped up a,- iutt the inuudatinjf pro- ptnflty, of our veriatile largoagc.—and has hereby (hewn, that with him"its progieflive and tbe nenl ot luca. je.-i- nfeciieral interest THfieiv, wl.irb lrmuphuiiok', ma« *>eem Uumate- riaKand be e«n*ldered as ciieutortanees that 0tnr.-in ihr inhabitant atone, and rtet-Vfs t\hich U , v will mn.',i\ wben ibev feel Inclined ; but I e ••?'; It'r L'llgr~r~ M:»ift»d and coHiptirt^ :> -.ord- VI r Addi-onN uiriH'fioii : fttti'i t\: i» ar consi-tctit. w Thu^ fur. yo \ -say i stands the test: all io i .telluibl1." And, 1 fake the libertj to add, Hie rule exfptu!<i>: further. To rwprifS li,co\v- mon ..-• "-••." not a vi-ih'*'. hut an ill- telle. :i.a! ici.a, to bo painted, for (hf* pnro-' ? a? actual compari*"n %\itii the t\rr o'bjCrt*! of Sight, of which the (*<>n;- ple\ r- aphor is comp.or< d. \< a misap- plira'i* n n**d perversion oi flic rub* M- \ddison is not cliartj-ablc ni'h Such absurdity. His proprmtioo is to judge Qfthnitftfon of metaphors* That j,s the whole extent of the crir rion pro¬ posed by . n*. it N appHrabh.' to a fig¬ ure consisting **i two or u\ore metaphori¬ cal ideas u-mt^d : to drtermii t\ at one 1. ».dli! 11 f r this unjrorsixf&ttt in the art of eiit'cifrn avi'"i fh w the falla< y ' f your argu¬ ment, I I -•" * vu in dndillu>bed poffeflt^n (if'hi fiel i of h'MC. % d mutt alfo be ex Co1 ! from nTlyiving you in yoar flights of ! c 1 "tint* 11, N :vv:inlbri<-.r,,i thefeveWtywith which von 1 I'ti.red a r rntcf adimiflton. d/£lated '•y rz J ur. I wiil yC Ctldid'y a iTiit, that v net' indorsation of the u Y.\ Prnfr - »** rnto '*a W> MfljmeP," and Wu c;ur in*-! iK a K-razen faced awkwirj da'i.'htr/r," 'ero ated with the fi i»l} fl iw t" f jour fancy. i> 1 carvicaturc rxbibJr- in,; fo muth of the ndrculoofi thai ft in-Ii- cHe1 a rare praifHcal tal^..t hir liofeu!*', v. hidi fcems to be y«ur favourite tell of truth. Another part of yoOf perft»r.T!unce evin¬ ces merif of a hijfhei order, 1 mean your aiT-rti i" tl a* 6 there is farcepti&fe in the mind of every mdipldual of tie Amcr c-:r. nation a j&uirttft for Mtrtfritpws ornament andtinfilglare, " Thi* fticc,cl u! im:ta;i in of :he \mcticm ttyV f$ve$ a UveTy i',.i of hat #! ri. jr ^l!'-. for whLh you l^ave judged it * 0 ' nd nec^Tiry to cha*ife them.; a-uiin-h . public cenfure, infl-cVcd pfomplly by h Ii w;1" ' ~ -5;'. an ' imp • til lv U'ii>' •* ever*' htdiwiduffr of a whole £ti?v*v nation ( J Iters -:■ I all) without dp1in-4tio f'rir i^o! fucj, acquainranc^B cr rtr.<!Uf.r» ;>rove> y<sw i-.fi-sihle adhe* r-j'cr to jnfltce, in ^i^'ormintj the dutietf of v-:ur cetiforial ofii/e i>f Editors. PHILOLOGdS. j- :» rit» tlTffhl nv'M'e liiai i^d'jeri as a fffond ti.:•■•• ..< 'Hi 'tn* i-.i-cnn.'ii r dnmn of *hf Cb»on»?le1 w'p •r,iM*>r%s:iiiir".'ii,,':-^T'-.— tV.-r-* w»*to r#fuie n.-.'r*.rta I » til 'tabur-itf piO'l ••' inn« rd the /v^-'- n/j'/v Phlidoco*. •■ - *re a**nr*d »lia! his vaniiy n i^bt prompt him to a--i£na rea mi tor our r.>r- dv«-! wid-lv 'lili'-r at Tiorrt lb-* real on?—ar-dmi i>ie nt'ier iiand. If w<* alloned ihein 10 appear ridiculous Only b#can * it mii:!ii he m^dr -o, by their irncniop. inrturitjg 2 Let Fbiiuli»t:"3 an- bh er fvr biin-'*!f. \\ r> «i b -. n :il«* onr kii.1 fruni HUttf return ror ,v eu—inri "« r*»» »,(" (l,r modi^v. a d -^^ t..ink w'»»'-a*!i «»i |,f.i-^f xW \\ il-an bv Pantionlnfl him if* ::■ /<: :rl w\t'y * ■ iifirri • inn, .-t bi* teai- per appear 'Obe rat' *" *Vas /."'-. I'o i reeling of irri'.a i'ia ^^ a—r»' '^'d Io iil'.ii'vte the -0- sruri'v ••fi**- fi.!lm\ -r JW WTi M ' a «0BWiei«l }<iuiM>na—nmiiis ninrf#—ty< B«t a friend nuvf wit boll bna >;:- n v ' >o«r r!.;'m,and -a\ i! is ait arrfTi*'] Briee >o )»r-tdvp: tocndii '•!>. Ad- di-on f.iT '^'.-inij.rcjv* ■ "'ni ini':*an ofcriueism." Asrara*n"iindcr^iai |hi*iacftn.i«tf,*ecerittinty arn: ni'h bim,il;af Mr. A.ldi-Mi |,a-n» longer .r \ da in fn th*- I'm*** vemenl In thi ai 1 id en'i- rnm—at! M»ec « du iri-e U b»ncs to Pllitoldgns funirt'tf. IWv*'- in": i> ha.< been niMi=Min'lug, .% are >orrv tt-.'. • •• ■*"' no! enabled u» ;.iy rb« #q(Me-d irirt- .1 ii'l < ; I tf 'in:.- piorcid>. ii^vu.T U u«f"rbrTcV^ «t* improvemeut it* 1 Javt rite objed.*^ O noble • •' • —■ »w- - —• "' ,"',•• Philologos, go oo in thy ptaifeworthy cotrrfc, and ifihou fh u!d.l mice in a vhil« break thy fhin ag^iutt lome urriy wnrd* hard tn I'pell, rive it a rub and jog on- waids till thou had completed thy talk o£ enlightening with fhc flights of thy rril- liant genius thcghj.im of Canadian ignor¬ ance. And as for you, Me fits Editor*, if voir prcfumc again ro gnaw with the tt etb of tour fna^lin^ criticifm the prodaflions ot /&m nan j .Win the rffw acii- rw i>; the eloquent Secretary, or the arguftenta of bin ingrnio':- vindicator, you flial! Iia»e yoUr heads broken with the lalh offcorn, and the whip cord Scontempt. Youro in cbcUitinn, TIMOTHY »ROPR P S, Bewsre of carping at my fjo*. ures, I care not a (ij for Mr. Addifon nor his arbitrary rule. Metaphor It a!!, hk of Sty, Monday u> March. y • ' n'-r« "i .:•■ nl v-oir arft»uiicm" wb« !.;i^ adml"pri rti« ; h*srt%*|f truly I1! t'nduubtedl« be 1 a» l-Ji 1 . -.. I '. ••' !i "*' • ■•»•« bui mo beforeJie l.ii -i; : -.|U--.1 . /."/ a VMfe io h btouelf. \\ .lb r-*«i '«I fi r 1- ;>«ti ,oiu tlat "*ourfavor- ir«« !-• . nfir»-th »• - id. "'"li*," we ha*e Ui ob-i'!\c ,.; !.r . a-M-an—: v i'"d J root ibai :t is -n ; \\ o !>••£ .0 r-iivi .! too •'• \\& hu^e not been l^tig .•.. «i' 1 h**tWc 'ii- pa ii-ic to DKtke thii sufllcieiu- 1* ai.pa»"eu*i lis? '• *v '- it" ii I"'any ^ati.-farini.., ,\- . o-\ a- ure iiim<ih'^twe*liall hecxuiloud li'n\ :\c eipi*n i^:' nda gi. 'n<An: ti|noi llifk-c, «:.*> will ,otoreaunoico 101 •.riulit: and ivOeJiever ne oeTCeive u.;.s tdfcetli*" ca-e, lidiule will be UiC •a '.?;nin ur M.all o-r, -ind r>o*"ciaUy when be soiTivnotis s: in Uie held. We b»jr pardon Jornot havingetccfited Pblltt- Ingos and atl tht Quakcr$M\ oarsucepin^ option ul ■ \11ieiran na ton. %\ rlgbj* however fioni \ •■ dand*. 'ike aj'i'eaiat.ee.l miujc of fltit giave *cci .111 til* U. H. weaienu quite /ore dial ihelr minds are al< op^tiii i !rt> fi.tniihis natural fratU t\. \\ eaie deligat^d ihn -aehav hj^en adjudg¬ ed »*ncee**in111. oui intUarion of i:>e tt\u? we ■ preM^mTd t«crwaure»nay ive ftave^oineiirrntion o aopl.. tn our hew t"orrespondr»»t Timothy Tri;p-\\>t\ iilC^^ lf» i;itf in U:e a^t OfCnulpOlimlilig no (a^»;o*-, in nrdi r liatoilT »uece>t max be cum- nlete. We ta-'^e no.- op^vitunitj of requesting a f'ir.r.rrar.'i'.anwaiiC' Kithlbls unknown person¬ age* i'.ii.a,!1 i !.u ■.!*£•-■$ i'ia> be uble to procure asr.n inier\ie^v v i m,abnodou%f they are pupib in .:t.- :;n*■■■ ~f- 0!»1. V. f li.ivpnov\. so'tfj out of consideration for our readers* piti.nvr.. u> lequ^i PltiloTogm 10 torn bis iueaoiauon? to M.fueinor ' ptoiiiahlc pursuits. dinuteprinciple upon ^.biehtbe exisleoce of >o- Rfftj depends WithOHI U, men would indeed k'iiU red » \\ - •■ I •' ftiifl u,in« WIP' Duniiiev fin>n uiioiveti of mutual eoiivenieiicc and miro\- ;iiui ibis would live uiiliout syoipn- lbv» 11 imdrhip.nr cordiality, tiui cnrrvrrfraiion \b ihe mcansnf elirinn^ the minor viriuw. in con¬ junction with all ti.al Is um.ablr. and all that in e:».! *;;. .::c 1° huwanllv. The an an r -rone ihcrc |'< fhr rnnverfiaiton, propie will of course be the ihioe ineliiied (o ••.•:•_»'in It. When llbjCCtS of iut-M 1 neither occupy lhcBilnd»noi aiuuciib* RiTi.iion, men have little-Inducement u» eieban^e ide:i-, for ib?> anticipate noittinj; ucw 01- amu- singfioin rbft mutual roninionicaiion— llie\ feel ranir-> about im-eiuis; logellier~U'dlfferruc6 aurcred* —Ibe tin of social life are weakened, {tod Cordial ij i^de.-.irnyed by ihe encroachaimls of-r.'ii.rini'.* Dot when Ihej lake deljrbt in t . 4 evaiu.n)ntcnndcHnva*slug every subject of p»b- Ata ttCttiifg of the Cornmitt^c of rh.> He importance, I'e ed'ect produced i- \er> differ* Cotnp&ssioual" Society, nn the lire »-f t\<* nit. Faen one then value'* more or less ihe so: pf^ent month, it was rooorted bv tin- clety of others, because he is aw arc, ibaitbev in- «r» •. _ .t..... e ' - dividual!) '•o-cpcral** towards tbf general ainuFe- ineni ; ubil<-the desire of exhibiting himself to advantage, and comantnlcaiing Imparlance 10 bis opinloirs> ififiutc* him to-c»iltivSt* hi&mbul. and enlstrgc his idea-, hy ib** UC%uhUlon of know!- edirr. Ho tbob entersbociet> prepared to inao>- tiiit in- part in ii,and d be acquit bun • If ot II, Ins triuui^b Is eqo-ilK Battering to blcfsclf, and aih iM",iijn»u.i (o nthers. Tbr ffrtfl of ihe r inarhs I Nave made, and the limited rauge which the conversation (lurrem in t!ii? Provinreal prcserfj embrace*, muit benn- ViKifors, thai the sum of broke pbil rl^ hatl been expended tu the fclief of uina persons. V'isitor^ for I ho prq?out month, ' Mr. Ifrifc Mrl.ron. Mr. HoBIKT rttOBAEDSOV. MJRIitEth At nieneary, on rl •• *"■■ 1 It, Tant. Allan T"; MrlJoVEI.LlO W;? ("ArHERINC FaASBR, dau^ii- parenttn even one. This ctrcomatanee isun- tcrrfDtoiuui P»A*En, r m- »fthe amepjace, dmibirilly iujurioifii to ihk iniertMts of Micicty, upon tbe principles I 't-i-t Ju*i mrutlonrd,and cannot t>e too se.verelj animadverted upon*, a^ it pmeeedf in unreal measure from ibc Imperfec- tlon$ofthe people, whoal present, certainly httvs very UitU" tnducemem t.1 meal together for Uie >o!<- porposi of confers1 up. V'be Mate of tin* oe. Iier. Uie eondition ofthO roads, and a few sunnJir'-al ld**as re?peeiing trade1, foiio the foundation t>fthejr FHlk,.da) after day ; 1 during a dry season, tbe first two subjects are On Tbur day.the 4 Ii in--, by ihe Rer, ^ n?- r«M M \< ii 1 \s\ Mr..' i.Mr:*; StrOCCierON 'n Mi-9 Mi.JIT Lovi.ia BLAxrn.ifto, h..o of thia plner. THEATRE. Eenefitof Mrs. Brown. ;»ir ftiten so completely exbauiitcd, that I have ^cu a shower ofrafoafl'ord as mnchreiief'Otl e rack¬ ed bruins of a convivial party, a* it did 10 ibc sultry bo*om of the earth. Uut 1 halve omitted And pofitsvely the Last Nigkt but Ok'3 of her and Mr. Brown't performanca here. MONDAY, March S. 1S19, mcn.iouinir one never failing BiUJect of am^r" Will be prefented Shakfpeare's Hiftorical Tragedy or KING RICHARD the THIRD : FOR THE KltfGaTOA CHRONICLE. comparative view, wlnther their onion is natt 1?.!. or \\ hat lio tall* u tnou>tro!0^1: Rot it ran hav<* i:o nppticfltioii to a mc'a- phor containing only one li.iUiatUo lorm. This observation tray he verilud in an example. :c 7V imprint tipoti the memo- ?y.S} ic a familiar metaphor, borrowed fi"' }o\:r RTt. I(crrivi-js (lie author's rn-'i.joxj rp'v hnppiiy, t.'ja'j co'*Ui b*' es * "-cd In dini t terms. Yot it can- quo- |irmnna nia>, *ti • ^.- • reprr-sctited by a painter : v, a faculty of the ni'nd, is not i painting. Cven if it \%ey '!icd,bv aonthc-r ii:rcrc. an<! • msomerrrp reai IV:in.bow ." '\. -1 v ofiinpiiiuini; bt fHibly Must this pit ton of a he really marked «ith - actually phu:<T npon Vcd doHii upon them nc? --■••^d h\ the rule you hivi? %k% '.' i'siMi>ilde idea of printing a m3: fil?r ihoi cor ap. i m< ■.■ ink ; Ar :\ • :•' * »- ■ ^ith the mechanical power of the pros:>; wi:'ro*t eolmnent. "e ■'•oi'il bl *»•" .....<*. ^'r'^ir"-..!* ill \\\' .\i- ready doe*) van<J«WiC<l in »*\* Itth of arr"m'iv.*. We nvi.-." aE^>;0 tU«*rrf6re cr.n p ;be indclgenee » f 001 i'*ade* - : n'l* do %o, be .*. •• ■ r, m\||i the a*-*r- a-ce. ili^.i it we d*d noi comui wee, >o 'x • shall no* '*^k in "o uiiKi-', *hi<eoiiie>* nfcritici m. iMii'idnfj^ h?grn& fc|s ^eeood l.*Krr e-iili.te- liimw [rd'incour " lit!-1 i• v in priiuin^rf»"ori rr - 1^' 'ii i":or in nrliiozi apri\ - ■** *'""' ?aillC Un.e be i. car.'Jnl lo sn^ui«it*% thas if it wa* m»' a tl m -iak-* o! on' typ1' ^n* ^hiiUi.t/" it wa- a ** *1i|» of I he pro." So m,;b» we have lboUjf*»t, bad T.'t th * oi, fo"nmnte a-j'-toix" "Tnrrrd ttt'ire, and in o*nh ius-auees cprl< a-j «r have irixen it. Ti i- vrrv p^odent in hitm^o:declare lhai be aiH nor Stop 'o contend wItli u< on a point upon which wr ue\o:' oilcred an opUtu*n« Certatalj be maybe permitted tomafcft w liacvr n>e //'- p(i*asej of the t^'m f/npr£$9JuR9.aod ma\ define It to he ihe*' ef- fee» jFHv'tu-.-ii by a chUel upon any sub^tanre*1 wiU o": d 'injr ip«ur* to the nuMlc laste. We a<Mi.e hiin. thai •-%0 clr.-! not predict that a *ingfe definition, e»en thou£.i crfTered bv with a ^nmsun in lUeratnre, Tiouid be productive ofa mischief so p\trn>ive. A^ Philologos dispute? the forrecinr-:- of our u- of Mr. Adili'.(»n"s role, anr! asserts Uiat i» ha- " vo applicability to tin intellectual or moral id'as tnirtitUd to be illustrated* or enforced b\ th#- uvPt- ap':0"-."^o1 aP. pcic information on tbesubject 11 .ii 1 ..noih^r author, with whum.no doubt, be is intimately acquainted. la tiva»:i'.'.'d'metaphor.thus speaks Dr. Blair, '•ofalt -lu- g rcsofopcech, none approach >o 1 ear o:a. g a> metaphor. I gi* <- lijrhi and stroi'g .i to description makes l^'.eVettual ideiu ia^me fegree visible, by giving them colour enteriiin noi Hie l^sf IWJUSdiiU K LLlthAl lUJHb. I' ba-oreasioiiaH* luTuircd 10 me,fince I fu<t '*onri-,^ed be dCMgll of .iddle^ir.g lb* publi.", ai i!.e.s*i'.*j"r' I uii£b* s-eleci for :ny irrr-avotis, aunldpcrhapv afford but liltle ainnsnneui—r,„t h -euuyr tliey will wain \a ;M\.or ti»:ioa<e mai- i t*r- nnconnecied i\irh exu-tlitg eirc,i;a-tanci,5, bi* from the idea I lta\o. titatiu- majority of my riHacrt-fee! md.in-i.Mit abcmi WKa at^caltcd **- pics ul'general itwere>l. i .\rr\ 01.•• wu?i he aware Uiai Ut'lmnn'd iheitrool L'pp'T Canatla, affords our raw =eopt'for tlu« e*«*riiuii>ofan e*-a\i»*. The aeior^upoa k- *-'a^?*arv oeithi r nojnerof-^eougti Ko d>plav avKti'-.v ot'ebamctcr, nor aurticienily distinguished to *"omir»umeaic3nterc4t and effect totlu parts tSiei do pfrtorm. The tf&iionsthc) lioIiL, ae noi -o imporiaitt. .is to n nder them ob- jer:= ofatteUiion »ti agetieiaJ poiiuof view; and iiu ereaiiveimaginauon, that mipht eudeavctir torobethem in ftiegarh nf uIumj y prandrur, would mumi be paraded b;, a corvicdon of the futility of hef «*ft<n*«. TWc&jm&tic events aud el..:ifMi&of th» 1'iuviiice. uben rietft.led, will •a'oiu amonc the cond inhabitants of I hi a I'^ov- inre—J no an the tear,. 'Ibis 1 wot Ci-rtauJy forms an swa in ihe existence of the generality of people, to which they Continually refer—yet alii o- ph they have lalked upon the Subject du¬ ring three v-nrs, very few have been able loron- ccntrate their idea*" upon u. or arc qualified 10 describe ihe different aorious thai took pia< e, or the effect which they cnller;ive|\ produced upon the conn ry. Thoe ii.tlmdiii:!- who enjj^fd in Ibewai, will leli you whai hardships the) ?uffer- pd* and buM life Ipdiailfi ran a »■■ a\ ,aiiii ihoe vbo remained at borne, ean mention ir*r«l accurately tin nnuibi*r 6fdollars they iree.v.-rial iheir.Mnre*, in li^oin.r-e ofa u.'i;. -»» tvcek.— I hope *ome of my readers **>!! lake these Mats pood-bomonr- erfly, and talk le*4 about thv war, and if I hud that v.i\ rruiarks have had the de-ire:l rfTect, I may perhap* hereafterrejpstt tb«m withau *^-&y upon their favo itp -object. I conceit* tbeaii of cou versa'ion to be of such importancet ll.ai 1 ma) probably resume Us eon- ?i»'era:icn ai 50me future period, acd i&ball now rskeleri'-of m\ readers. |e#t the) shouldMIKpect from tin* manner in which ] ha*e encroached up- nn their aitention,that ! prefer the practical, to tKfi iheoretical part of m\ pttbject For the Kia^stun Chronicle. OR, The Battle o/Bosworth Field. RiCHARD,Dukcof Qloder.l Mt afterwards. > FaF.DEaiCK King Richard the Third. J Brown. Lady Akne, M.s. F. Brown. Aff.r which, an elegant Comedy, in two ASt^ called, THE LIAR! YOU.NG WILDING, >h. FstBDvntcK Bnors. (For Characters see Bills. J NOTICE. SIRS, The pot of rav indignation did, I may jca.cel^lloneodumnot^^^iy TleuM,aper. { lffervcfcc, when i read your faOcy PIiebabiUaiidTOttnncr$oflispc«*p1epresooi Utile *'•« ■ «t j 1 --i * • \ \ r Bncinrea upon the able and lucid docu¬ ment of Mr. Secretary Adarrs. How did I then chuckle, when I faw his defence by the leaned Philologo*—and I thought it iiuaafwerable. Guefs my furprile, which was only equated by rr.y rage, when I came to your impertinent replication. Surr.e men are oevci to be beaten out of the hiflb read ofcrroi. Cui II I had the pen of a J-tntu?. I would \ry}$ !a!h yc.t hto 3 ftflft variety, and as far a- n p;ui,u'i1hp,lM"( t.seiir,.^e.„ ucilher 10advance nor ioroi|0gade. !vv;rn^pce- tion rreatc> no pleaMire, bi Ullr,,. t],P ,,ast isde- titui^ of uiu-r«*:.andauiut(tauon becomes pain- fill, irom the difficulty vxpc, u-i:ced ia conceiving wh;il will be produced by Uie fin t-re. ThtlS, tbe Mliolrexunt ..« Li|JfVM t*ana/ia &m not afford matter eoongfe U\? lUi. dlscu^ionof the Current ijay, and I «.".-• -l«-;,:.e:i -*'«-.ntf:atl mo. upon Uiee.-e.d.tNoi.. ■ i aJi... M|.M.-j l0 |(). m se, that my reena-.-; nl#li; ,„. |Wn cun_ fined to Sfliyecta coaapctea .vil^ ,i,;v tvovlacc— "*■ HE Aflembly advertilei for MonJn^ next, is pollpoaed until Thuriciay ntu tnft. __KtogftpOythurfday 4;hMarch> 1819. FOR SALE! Tj^HE Subfcriber offers for fa!e, thff * fotitb weft Quarter of Lot No. zr in the fn II Ccrttccffion of the Town (hip ur" Ernfcft Town, containing about 70 acres* 30 of which are undet ir-iprovcrrcu, wich a lof; houfc and barn thereon ; a good Title will be given (Only a fm ill part ot the Purchafe money will be required do.vn, the remainder by iuflaUments a-- bv!t fui;> the PurcbaUr. For panici>lat8, inquire of th- Subfcri- ber Wm J K W. Em?* Town, 17th fVb. ;8tg. tflt£ -^\

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