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Kingston Chronicle, February 26, 1819, p. 4

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. THE To Let, T u ECORDER. Numbi CHRISTIAN To Atfxar in Numbers, tnc ISumotr every Month, at twelve and fix pence, Halifax C'y. a Year. rnmKOMAS DALTON& 6** II Deafully beg leave 10 aaquairu the public that they have commenced brew- HpHE Houfe lately occupied by Lieil W at their new ettablifhment, where I tenant Brifcoe (Royal Engmeers) ing they have now ready for delivery, tome the property of James Richardfon, Sen. exc;llent fituated near Mr. Hugh Earl'e. For THIS publication will be ifoed by Mr. George Dawfon, Book-Seller, York, under the infpedion of the Rev. Dr. Strachan. . It (hall be devoted to theological and mifcellar.eous fnbje&s, and particularly to interefting religious intelligence, and bio¬ graphical and obituary notices. Befides occafional original matter, it (hall contara feleaions from the varbus Britifh periodical works, moral and religious. Thefe works will be regularly rectiVd for that purple ; and the readers .of ihe Christian Recorder will thus be flirnifhed in the Ipeedieft mode, with valu¬ able arrj i'^crelting feie&ions from the lat¬ ch1 Br :ifb periodical publications. >W- ;:e it (hali be the objed of the Jour¬ nal :o record important religious events in gcurfait particular regard will be paid to t^efe which relate to the Pro'eftaot Church The Chriftian Recorder will prefent its readers win a palling map of the tel»giou9 tlo- ; and fhallbe, cccaiioi a'ly, enriclied with the fentimer.ts of thofe attfterj of th^ • :y who wen* the glory of the dajr.; that i: paft, and vvhofe writings exhil.it th«- founded views of Chriftian doctrine and order, and the highert fervors of pi >us fed MILD BEER, in barrels of Thirty fix Gallons eacl, which they offer at the moderate price of Thirty Si* Shillings the barrel, which price they do not intend to advance, un- lefs from neceffity arifiing out of an in- creafed price of Mak and Hops Thus the Pobhc can be regularly accommodat- ed'vvith a wholefome and agreeable beve¬ rage. *at as moderate a rate as could cea- fonably be defired ; the Proprietors of this ufeful eftablifhment therefore flatter themfelves that it will receive a fair por tion of public Patronage. Orders left at the Office of & 13art- let, will be attended to. Kir.gfton, Deer. 28, 1818. Edward Jones, terms apply to the fubfenber. ROBT. RICHARDSON. Kingston, ",tb January, 1819 TO LET, ^fND immediate pofieffion given, that QyjL well known ft and for a tavern, the property of Mo. Jphn Size, lituated in Store Street, Kingiton.—Fof further particulars apply at the Office of Allan .ViacLean. Kingfton, Jan. 12, 1819. 3tf FOR SALE, Ai PEW, in St. Georges Charch, <g/jL Kingfton.—Apply at this Office. Jan. 12, 1819. 4 O -Gc leave moil refptdfully to in- — BLANKS, For the Courts of Request, and various other kinds, for sale at this Office. B Whatever can advance the interefts cfr rc\'\o\ u< truth ; the purity, the unity, and thv prpipefi y of the kingdom of the Re¬ deemer ; and th faith, holiflefs. and confo- latioH <?f the Ch'iftian, (hail, as far as pTa&icab e, find a place in this JoHroal t The plan, if executed with tolerable ability 0*1 uft certainly render this pubiica tien ufeful and intereftin^r to all cl^fTes of Ghriftians. and the price of it is fo low as to bring it within the reach of all who can be profited or interefted by its contents. It mail be printed with a handfome type, and on gnod paper of a large fize. The firft number (hall eppear early in March, and a number will be publUhed regularly every month. The work being iffu' d folely from an earnei. defire to pro¬ mote the interefts of religion, with the view to it& general circulation, it will be furnifhed at the low rate of twHve (hillings and fix pence, Halifax Currency, a year Agents (hall have a commiffion of 20 per cent, on the amount of fubferiptiona foi ■which they become refponfiblc. c. i.r. ,;f .;u„o .^M^4 b? M,.Q. Vnx^- lon, Book-feller, York, to whom eommn- hications, port paid, may be addrefled, and to whom perfons at a diftanee may ttanf- xnit their names, with directions by what cojivvy?nce tke Journal ihall be fent to 3 form his friend* and the public in genetal, that he ha_s jull received an elegant affortment of DRY & FAN^Y GOODS. Coufifting partly of the following arti clea, viz : Superfine Weft of England ■" -i*r; and Caffimcres, of the moft hShkn t €o:ors. Irifh Likens, Britifh Shirting .md Cotton Cambrics, Corded ' ■- Lcn>v and Muflins, Jaconet r. n • z ■ Muflins, Finey Mufiin Han^i-- , f Bandanna and BatcaVona d<-.. f r hams, Blick ard col-red Silks kvik ni Cotton Shawls ard fcarfr, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane, white ar.d buff Marfeils Qjiiking, Black Florentine, fine Undreflfed Caltcoef, Pcmbazeiies and Bombaz'nes of all Colors, Linen" Diaper and Huckabuck, white and Col¬ oured Flannels, RufSa Sheeting and Oi» naburg. A well chofen alTortmeut of Thread and Laces and 'iibbons, Straw Bonnets, Ladies Tortife iheli Combs, Cambric and lace Fc ^tings, and .3 number of arti¬ cles, too numerous to ii.'ert. 4 Crates of blue CROCKERY Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits,Brandy* i^olland Gin, Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfon and Twankey Teas double and Single refined Sugars, Muf- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt Candles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, &c. &c. fee. All of which will be fold for Cafh or approved credit. Kingston, 4th Aug. 18 ! 8. 10 77/'^ SVBSrRIBER, |5j| AV1NG been appointed Agent for it IS toe Proprietor of the Iron Works, eftabiKhed "rt Three Rivers, in the Pro¬ vince .<f f .ower Canada ; informs the pub¬ lic, ilia1 he "ia lately received a •'•'^r.r (t&isor'M.:il'<'of John Drntiing, KiiTURNS his moft fincere thardes to his friends and the public, for the very liberal fupport given him fince his commencement in buiinefs, and begs leave to inform them that he has laid 10 a general and well felefted (lock of Groceries, Wines and Spirits, at hi* eld fcand, which hg is determined to fell at the moft reduced prices, viz. first Jamaica Spirits '. Shrub IfottaudCHd : 2}'Wskey Coniac Brandy I Peppcrmtet Cberrv do. WINES. P.enccarlo Port ! Teceriflfe Spanish do. \ Malaga Beft Pickling Vinegar Lime Juice. GROCERIES. : Greed Copperas : Best English CaeeR? : Windsor Soap ■ Iiesl common do. : Pipe Clay : Glauber Salts • Pearl A.>h \ 11 R S m it tik;* '• • - - ' * :t thai place.— Among oth- - -iee are. : - * S% Single at For 8ale then*. Tor} 'January 12, 18 19. o 3 ia V '.ingston. 5 •: very reafonable terms, and ?m- medf.itc ofTifTiongiren, a FARM T Subscriptions received at the Post Of- lying in Adolphuftown, on the Bay of Quinty, one mile weft of the Court Ilouie, formerly owntd and occupied by the late Phiiip DoHand, deceased j on which 1*3 an orchard of 1 1 c large Apple Trees, and a-rr.oft every other kind of fruit Trees that is planted in this coun¬ try. Alfo, a convenient framed houfe and barn and lioufes. About one hundred pounds will ht requiied down, and ihe remainder vvii! be made very eafy.—For fur-.her partic¬ ulars enquire of the fuhfe-iber, on the premifes. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Adolphuftown, Pih Nov ifiiS. zr5tf • - Oi van -. .-■■ .. .Items* cast as.:. P, irk ^IKi^R KETfXiCS, POTASH COOL) F'S. DifTCH OVENS, Which will be difpofrd of, for Cafh, nearly the Montreal prices. The fuperior fofinrfs of metal, and du- rabilityof the Three Rivers Stoves, ren¬ der them worthy the attention of pur- chafers, a* they are not liable to crack, likethofc <mpoited from Scotland. JOHN MACAULAY. Kingston, i ft Odober, 1818. 19 Kingston Branch of the Mon- treal Bank. a NY 'um required may be obtained at \ A ,v/racJr for good Bills, on Mon- treal, Quebec, BMsof Exchange on Lon- don, or for Spcgfe^^^ aJfo wi|1 bc discounted at thir..y> flxty^ and nincty days> THOMASMARKLAND, Agent. Gunpowder Tea Twankey do. Hyson Skin do. Coffee Loaf Sugar Muscovado do. MG.ce (loves Ciunamon Saffron JhiiiS Glass, Turkey Fi^i lio\ Raisins Common do. Pearl Barley French do. Bis "rtlue Powder do. Befel Poland Starch Black Pepper Flower SulpUer Ground (iingor Whole do. Indian Arrow Root Sweei Almonds Biaerdo. Allum Glue * English Mustard Peppermint Drops Sugar Plumbs Sugar Almonds Cod Fish Red Herrings Salt do. Salt Butter Wrought Nails, ferent sizes Shingle do. Tapes Needles Twist Cotton Balls Coloured do. Black Thread, While and Brown do. Writing Paper Letter do. «yr (CIRCULAR.^ IVLllR. Eri Lufiicr havim difpored of bi4- interest in the Jloufe of i.uHier & Van Slyck at Piefcott1, and that of Lufher 3c Sexton at I .a Chine, to Air. A. Jones oC Prefectt, Upper Canada, the Bnsinefn will, after the first day of March eniuing, bc carried on under the Firms' of Jones & Van Slyck at Prefcott, and of Levi Sexton & Co. at La Chine. We be^ leave to refer you to the an¬ nexed Notice, wherein Mr Luther makes himfelf refponsible with us, for any engage¬ ments entered into by faid Firms. _ We feel fatisfied, from our late experience in Businefs, the number of Boats no*7 owned by us, and the commodious Mores at this plaoe and La Chine, that we fhafl have it in our power to £nc generil ffctiiv faction* A. JONES. COH^ A.VANSLYCI^ L. SEXTOW. Prefcott, janu. 3 .. i8iq^_ NUiiCE. TII£ Subfcriber having dtfpofed bf hwj* interest in the Houfe of Lu(her & Vaa Slyck, at Prefcott, and that of Luflier tc Sexton, at La Chine, to Mr. A. Jones, th# businels will in future be carried on under the Firms of Jone6 & Van Slyck at r'rei* cott, and that of Levi Sexton 8c Co. at L% Chine.—He will notwithstanding, hold himfelf refponsible with them, for art^ en ragetnent they may make. 6 ERI LUSHER, Kingfton, ^d Jntov. jgtS. B>< ck Smith Work Y.VALDS * Co. lately arrived V f «>m Ireland, beg leave to inform the G<-' •t't,,>en and inhabitants of Kingston and it£ v cinity in general) that they have com- ffcO coJ the 'ORSE SHOKING AND ai-ACKSMITHtNGBU INESS, in al ir< vari his branches, neat the upper *tic •• Store Street, between Mr. Doug la^'j vioufc and Mr. PoweU's, .11 orders *it!i u.ich they may fee hvored, fha:l be exe Jt'd in fuch a complete <-.r,d w rkman hk •~-.<r:ner, and <-n fuch low terms, a?, %hey h'.pt, will entitle them to a marc of the r'obi fc patronage. Kingjion- loth Gclober, 1818. iotf f|"i|0 be fold b> private fale, the whole ^ M. of the pren;jfcs now occupied by the fubferiber, COnfifeng of one new Store Houfe, two floriu an^ a half high, a fmall frame dwelling r^ufe, filled in with flone, a '-tab: -, B^rn, affd Bake Houfe ; fituated on th • eafthalf of Lots No 271 and 273, containing two fifths of an acre. A fmafl part of the purchafe money will be required, on tW delivery of the proper¬ ty, and the remainder paid by fuch in (rai¬ ments a.-, m.jy ht Igreed upon.—For f;jr- ther particulars, apply to the proprietor on the pre* 'fes GEORGE SCOUGAL. N An affortment of Crockery Ware* do Queen's do. Beft Dutch Long Pipes, Plug Tobacco—Candle Wick„ Mould Candles—Dipp'd do. Superior dreffed Calf Skins, Left Liquid Blacking, A few articles of Dry Goods. N. B. In addition to his pre¬ fent (lock, he expe&g many other arti* cleft in his line in a few days. Kingfton, O&ober 19, 1818. 21 York, 22d July, 1818. NOTICE is hereby given to CHRISTOPHER THOMSON, or his Reprefentative, by order of H18 Honor the Adminiftiator in Council, to make good any pretenllon to the Weft half of Lot number Seventeen in the feventh conceffion, on the Napane River, in the TownAhip of Frederick/burgh, within Six months from this date, or the fame will be thrown open to other appli¬ cants. JOHN SMALL. iim<5 C* E- C' th NOTICE. THE Scbfcriber forbids all perfons from trefpaffingon Lot No. 32 in the 4th conceffion of the Townfhip of Camden, in the county of Lenox and Fo> fc • a IC, notice. F~n IHEhte PartserihipGf fames Ranlen X &f Co. having difLlved itfelf this day, by the death of Roderick Mackay, Efq. the bufineO will in future be earned on by the fubferiber, to whom all perfons who are tndec'ed to the above firm, will pleafe pay their accounts withouc delay ; and thofe who may have claims againft that concern, will pleafe prefent them for adjuftment. JAMES RANKER _^rneftTown,2iftSept. 1818. 24tf , TO LET. jP^'-Xon. or more years, and poflcfliiHi J»- give- immediately, i hat Stone houfe, ataate '■ in Store Street lately occupied by Mr. iVlsicBlf, with Stable, Garden and M Other oi:t h.uifes. T-i:tution of the above premifes is »oft 'avr-.tigeoDs for a Dwelling houfe. t rarcarti ilars apply td ?' ^NCHX. ROCHELEAU. ^JS.UV»on, 15 Jan. 1819. 3 " ^1 LAS1 <\OTlCE. twnos indebted to the late "f Taylor cy Parker are ' " Fied that usilesb their respec- ■;^.uu and dotes are settled bv the ■• Apr,! next, they will indiscrimi- ^t,:;.rM,Mn(o the hands of aD attor¬ ney 1 or ccilectioto. h tii " fir i B '■ . ALLAN TAYLOR. "* '.-• S6IA Jan 1819. flFtllAT Elegant farm No. 8, firft -IM- CcnceiTiOn town (hip (jf Fredericks burgh, 28 miles fr.-m Kingftort, (containing 200 Acres,) formerly oc~ cupied by C-lone' Spencer, and known by the name of the ManhV.n f!oufe. It contains ;<bou. 50 acres of land under improvement, an elegant frame houfe 2 ftory high with i barns ar.d o'her build ings. Perfons defiroua of purchafing may enquire of the Suhfcriber on the premises, or to D. iiagerman i-'fq. at Baih. JOSEPH LLKGKKON. Frederickfourghj .Sept. 8ch, 1818 15 Notice. ALL perfons indebted to the Eftate of the late James Cumming, late of Hallowell, deceafed, are requelltd to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the eftaijliuWm, at Hallow¬ ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims againft the faid eftate, are defired to prefent them for adjuftment. The ftock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete affortment of Goods well laid in, and very fuitable to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defervedly claim the attention of the public. Cam cr Country produce will be talc- en in payment, and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible Farmers, or others. JOHN GUMMING,! te WM. MITCHELL, \ Executors ________________________ Addington, Midland Diftrict, and does B There is -i valuable fpring of wa- hereby forbid any p-rfon or perfons from cutting or deftroying any Timber whether lying or (landing, or Carrying amy part of the fame away, under Penalty of the Law. A. MACDONELL. Kingftcm, Dec. 26th, 1818. 31 ter on me premifes Kingfton, January 21, 1819. FOR SALE, 4 ^A VERY toil liable FARM, situated L-3l near the VHla& FOR SALE. Eje M B ^ckville. be¬ ing th? faar half of Lot No. one, and the rear half of Lot number two, in the se- eond concession rj Ivizabethtown, U. A valuabie Lot 0f LAND, con- C.containinfftwoNndred.acres,former- j^ sjftl-ngof Two Hundred Acres ,y the property of Reuben Sherwood, ef the firft 5quality and remarkably well Esquire, but now belonging to John Shu- n ter, Esquire, of London. There is a ve¬ ry good dwelling house, with a barn and other ont houses on the promises. Also, Lot number nineteen, in the ninth con¬ cession, and the west half of Lot number one, in the eighth conepssion of the same Township. Jlto, Lot number fifteen, in the first concession, and number fifteen in the second concession, of the Town¬ ship of Yonge, in (he District of Johns¬ town. Tb«#e Farms will be disposed of on terms peculiarly easy and advantage¬ ous to purchasers.—Apply to DANIEL JONES, Jun. Brrikvilfc, 15th January, 1819. 4 nrtQ LET and immediate possession NOTICE. JAMES MEAGHER returns hit mof *§ Jincere thanks to the people of Kings* ton and its environs, for the liberal en¬ couragement he has met with fince his com¬ mencing bufinefs. He begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he is abort Removing to his New Houfe near the Alar- let Place, oppo/ite to Mr. Bay man's ant will as ufttal carry on the Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Manufactory. HORSE SHOEING and BLACK¬ SMITH WORK will he executed in the befl manner, at the Jhorteft notice, and on the hwefl terms. N. B. To rent, leafe or fill, for tin term of ten years, and immediate pojfejfton given, that well known fland, the IVEL* LINGTON INN, in Barrack flreet. This fitCation is one of the bejl in tcnun> having many conveniences that render if particularly auell adapted for a Houfe of Public Entertainment and Store. Aptly to Proprietor. " x^WJtA -—-««»», — • K'mgflon, Fcb.$, 1819. 6 Valuable. Property for Safe. HE fubferiber offers for fale all thai ___ well known and very valuable pro¬ perty in Water Strest, being compofed of three Dwelling Houfes, a new Store two stories high, with a well finimed Shop fui¬ table for a Merchant, with good C ellar, and every necefTary convenience, Brewery and Malt Houfe, Stabling, a Garden, with fruit trees, &c. Perfoas wifhing to avail themfelves of this offer, will pleafe apply to the proprietor, on the premifes. James Rcbiason. February, i$i$. vf A Faronj for Sale- T9HAT valuable Farm in Adoiphua- town,the property of die fubferiber, fotmerly ®wned and occupied by the late Charles Stuart, Efq. with an elegant houfe, barn, orchard, and one hundred and nftf acres of land under cultivation, fifty acres of which are meadow land, and cuts up¬ wards of fifty tons of Hay annually. The property "being io well'known, «.-fno«e-par« ticular description is deemed unnecefTary. For particulars, apply to Mr. Patrick Smyth, Kingfton, or the fubferiber on the premifefe Thomas Cook. February 1819. T w$ '—.'• v» -v.i Timbered, being Lot No. 19, in the third Conceffion of Camden. For particulars enquire of the Subscriber in Kingfton. JAMES ROBINSON. Kingfton, Dec. 22, 1818. 31s nnO BE LET, for one or more years, -*■ & immediate pofftffion given, that F 4i RM, of late owned by Mr. Jabez Eaton, whereon he kept a Public Inn, situated within a mile and a quarter of first insertion, and \0d. each subsequent TERMS OF TTTE KINGSTON CHRONICLE. Twenty-shillings por annum; if sent by Mail twenty four shillings. Subscriptions to be paid in advance to the 1st of July, or the 1st of Janu¬ ary. PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. (jQlFX lines and under Is. Gd. Jirst in- AsJ/ sertion, and l\d. each subsequent insertion : 10 lines and under, 3s. 4d. the Town of Kingfton- For terms apply to the Subfcriber. ELIJAH BEACH. Kingfton, 23d. Dec. 1818. 57. FOR SALE, givon* the HOUSE and Premisses, A »Tn i * tr rr lately occupied by Allav McPhersov, A .7 Jmmcdiate P™*™ glv™> in the Fronf Street of Kingston. For -C1-the Ho"ft and prewifes in Stuart- particnlars application to be made to John Kirby or William Mitchell, Esqrs. who are full)' authorised to enter into arrangement w'th persons disposed to rent the same« Kingston, 20th Jan. 1819. 4tf. Notice, & u 6 Kingston ,08 2 7, 1817. ti i A-Dl NG LOTS. FEW Lots of one Acre of Ground. 32 STEAM BOAT NOTICE. ALL thofe Indebted to the Steam Boat Charlotte, are requeued to make immediate payment, and all who have any demands againft said Boat THE lafP partnership of Robert Gra¬ ham Si Gq. having dissolved itself this day by ihe death of Roderick Mac¬ kay Esq. th£ bussiness in future will be carried on b\ the Subscriber, to whom all persons, whP are indebted to the above r«able te..-.-. , a;,pjy to S. B4&T2JBT. vxMvrt 1 iSio. lit it? r-n.-n -a > • • ". • ------ firm, will please pay their accounts with- tutlZqSS -1° g,VC J" thc,,r account8 out delay,a«dthose who may have claims the bubfenber w.thout delay. ac,ain;t {hni concern will please present them for adjustment. 09 ROBERT GRAHAM." Point Fieierlck, 21st Septj l$l& _. ay By order of the Committee. S. B \ RTLET. KwgftOD, January i, iBij. | p ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dal ton, fituated within half a mile of this town, a valuable fituation for a Gentleman and family, & no lefs fo for a Diftiller or Innkeeper. The above premifes will be fold at public Auction without referve, on Saturday the 3d day of April next, at ir o'clock A. M. at Walkers Hotel, if not previously difpofed of by private bargain. For particulars apply to the Subfcriber. THOMAS SMITH. Kingfton, Jan. 14, 1819. 3^ TO LET, rilHE Commodious dwelling Houfe -*- and premifes, the property of W. Rofs Efq. lately in thepofleffion of Mr. Woolf, for terms application to be made to Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, QSt, ijt^ i3i8. zo insertion : above ten lines, 4d. per line for the first insertion, and Id. per line for every subsequent, insertion. Advertisements zvithout written direc¬ tions are inserted till forbid, and charged according!?/. Orders for discontinuing Advertise¬ ments to be in writing, and delivered bu WEDNESDAY NOON at the latest. No Advertisements received qftct TEN o'Clock on the day of publication. AGENTS. ITVnry Cowan, Esq. Quebec. James Williams, Esq. Montreal. Messrs. J. & J. Dunlnp, Lancaster. Paul Glassford, Ef.q. Matilda. Alpbeus Jones, Esq. Prcscot!. Henry Jones, Esq. Brockvillc. N. Ft. Tommas, Esq. Perth. J. K. Hart well, Esq. Bastard. F- Webster, Esq. Gananoque. J. Ranken, Esq. fiath. Allan McPbersoo, Esq. Napnnoe. James G. Beihune, Esq. ffamitta% William Allan, Esq. York. John Crooks, Esq. Niagara. T. McCormick, Esq. Queenston. Jolltl WihOl, Rsq, simherstburgh. KINGSTON; U C FR^iMI.D JOB in EDITOR^

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