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Kingston Chronicle, February 19, 1819, p. 2

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The Rcvd Esqrs. If was tesoWed CTiaDiniouslyt 1st. That a Society shall be established Co be denominated, "The Agricultural fodetj of the Midland District/1 for the encouragement of Agriculture bj all such methods as may hereafter be deemed ex¬ pedient. 2d. That all persons subscribing ten Shillings, Halifax Currency, annually, shall be considered members of this So- ciet\ ; and Gentlemen resident in Great Britain or Ireland, shall be considered admissible as honorary members. 3d- That a Committee of seven shall be appointed to draw up Rules and Reg¬ ulations to be submitted to the meeting notified to be held at Bath, in the town¬ ship of Ernest Town, on the I3th day of February, and that the following Gentle- men form said Committee, viz : R. G. Clrtois, John Wilson, Thomas Shaw, Benjamin Whitney | Alex'r. ] ringle, Anthony Marshall John ML Balfour, T;i consequence of the foregoing Res¬ olutions, the following Report and Reg¬ ulations were presented, by the Rev. R. G. Curtois, Chairman of the Committee, to the Magistrates and Inhabitants as¬ sembled at Bath, in the Township of Er¬ nest Town, on the 13th February, 1819. REPORT, In proposing to the inhabitants of the Midland District the establishment of an Agricultural Society, your Committee are ol opinion, that a stimulus will be gi- \en to active industry, not so much by holding out rewards,as by throwing open a field for laudable competition. Possessed, as this portion of the Pro- tincc is, of advantages, every way supe¬ rior, it is lamentable to observe the very little progress which has hitherto been made in Agricultural improvement. Unhappily there exist in this country man) inducements to turn away the at¬ tention of the farmer from the true ob- jectsof his profession. One is allured by the appirei t!y lucrative, though at all timf»«. precarious employment of lum¬ bering ; another is seduced by the mista¬ ken notion of respectability and ease, ■which is attached to the occupation of keeping a Store : and a third, if, unfor¬ tunately for him, his land be situated on the public road, cannot resist the temp¬ tation which Tavern keeping holds out. Of necessity these various employments operate as so many hindruuec. to an hus¬ bandman's success. Without any other Ob*et"tflMf*,V ** "i»j '•** Citffll W'ul In re mark, that two avocations rarely pros per in the hands of one man. To £ire a new bent to their inclina¬ tions, to point out to the agricultural part of this community where their in¬ terest real! j lies, musfi your Committee ore assured, be the desire, as the result of such undertaking will be the benefit of ever; member of Society. The object of this Institution ought Strictly to be confined to these purposes, and there should be n« methods, which seem in any way calculated to produce them, which should not be tried, and if successful, adopted. The distribution 0fpri7.es, your Com¬ mittee aie of opinion, must of necessity he chiefly confined to the productions *>'f the grazier. Under exislingcircumstan- «s it miiiht perhaps be impossible to make awards to the farmer, who produ¬ ced rnosi grain on an acre, or who had hi farm in the highest state of cultiva¬ tion. But even if it were otherwise, cu¬ re- 4th. The Judges for making ft* a* Ward* shall be appointed by the Com¬ mittee on the day of Exhibition. Three Judges shall be required, and no person who is not a member of the Society, shall be chosen a Judge. 5lh. All persons bona fide residents within the District may become candi¬ dates for prizes, whether they be mem¬ bers of the Society or not. 6th. The Committee shall apportion the prizes (according to the state of the funds) at each half jearly meeting for each next ensuing exhibition, and shall publish in the different newspapers in the District the amount of prizes, to be given, and for what to be given, 7th- At present prizes shall be given chiellyto encourage improvements in the breed of cattle and to promote the in¬ troduction of the most approved imple¬ ments of husbandry. This regulation is not to preclude the Committee from as¬ signing prizes for the encouragement of ploughing. 8lh. According to circumstances the provisions of the lorcgoing regulation may be extended. 9th, The names of the successful can¬ didates and the premiums they have re¬ ceived, and for what received, together with the other proceedings of each meet¬ ing, shall be published in the newspapers of the District. lOtli. The premiums shall always be in money or iu farming utensils. 11th. The Accounts of the Society shall be open for inspection at each half yearly meetirtg, and shall be audited and closed at the meeting appointed for the election of officers, 12th. The funds of the Society shall be exclusively appropriated to objects connected with it. 13th. The Committee, whenever they may deem it expedient, shall publish the proceedings of the Society iu the form of a pamphlet ; but not oftencr than once in the year. 14th. All donations shall be appro¬ priated to the purchase of works on agri¬ culture, to be placed under the care of the Secretary fur the use of the members of the Society. 15th, The Committee shall be cm- powered to meet at such times and places as they may deem fit. Upon a requisition signed by not less than three of its mem¬ bers, meetings 01 the Committee shall be called by the President, or in his absence^ by one of the Vice Presidents, notice whereof to be given once iu the Kings¬ ton newspaper. i wb Th< ComnUtee &*\\ m era be empowered ro frame such Laws and Re¬ gulations for their own guidance and conduct as may be required- Provided that no Infringe ment be thereby made on the fundamental Articles of the institu¬ tion. 17th. These Rules and Regulations shall not be altered or amended, but at the general meeting* of the Society. The following gentlemen were chosen Officers of this Society. President—Hon.AUia McLean, Esq. / fee Presidaits~~Alex. Fisher, Thos. MarlJaud, James Cotter, Esq'rs, Committee—G. Jl. Markland, Wm. Mitchell, John Kiiby, John M. Bal¬ four, Laurence llerchmer, Benj. Whit¬ ney, Thos. Shaw, Smith Bartlei, Antho¬ ny McGuin, Mieajnh Purdy, Esu/rs. for Kingston.—Isaac Ftaser, Davis Haw fey. Esq Vs. /br Ernest Town.— W.Cra w ford, John Church, ,>q'rs. for Fredericks- l»trg.—Thomas Dorland, Benj. Cnno FOllEIGN SEWS- ■ * » » 4 • t * By the President of the United States of AmtfiWi A PROCLAMATION, WHEREAS a Common between the United States of America and his Majefty the King i f the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, WM made and con¬ cluded at London, on '.he twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thouiand eight hundred and eighteen, by Albert Gallatin, Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Plenipotentiary of the United States to the ( oiut oft ance.and Richard Rufh, their Envoy rxtraordin.ry and fortllele MiniHer Plenipotentiary to the Court ot . * .. .. ,- long and with Ac fai'd parallel, fiiad be the line of demaication between the terri¬ tories of the United State*, and thole ot His Britannic Alajclty, and that tilt fan line dial form the northern boundary oi the faid territories of the United States, and the fonthern boundary of the territo¬ ries of His Britannic Majefty, from the Lake of the Woods to the Stony Moun¬ tains. Article III. It is agreed, that any country that may be claimed by either party on the north well coaft of America, well ward of the Stony Mountains, (hall, together with its harbours, bay* and cretks, and the naviga¬ tion of all rivers within the fame.be free rm of ten years fiOJtt fenc tions, and Henry Goulb^r. Eiq one of . ^ c0lllraa;ng pa.ues His Majefty*. UuOer butanes of Mate, ^ ^ ^ ^* q[ ^ ^ J^^ fully authorized and empowered by their refpeft.ve governments: And whereas the fai<l Convention was duly ratified hy His Royal Highnefs the Prince i\cgent>in the name and on the behalf of His Britannic Male fly, on the 2d day of November, in the year of our Lord oa>e thouiand eight hundred and eighteen * and by the Prefi¬ dent of the United States, by and with the advice and content of the Senate thereof, on the twenty-eighth dajr of January fol¬ lowing ; And wheieas ihe ratifications of the two governments wee exchangee1, in ♦he I ity of Waflmigtou. on the thirtieth day of the preterit month of January, by John Qjiincy Adams, Secretary of State of the United States, on the pait of the United Mates, and the Right ilonourable Charles Bagot, hi** Britannic Majesty's Envoy Ext.aordinaty ar.J Minifler Pleni¬ potentiary near the United States, on th; part of His Britannic .'» ajclty ; tlie articles of which Convention arr, word for word, as follows: The United States of A merica, and His Majefty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irdand, defirous to cement the good undcrllindinjj which hap¬ pily fubfifts between them, have, for that nor (hall it be taken to affect the claims of any other power 01 Hate to any part of the laid country ; the only objeft ot the high contracting parties, in that refpect, being to prevent diiputcs and differences amongst themfelves. Article IV- All the provilions of the Convention "to regulate the commerce between the territories of the United States and of Ilis Britain.icMajelty," concluded at London, on the third day of July, in the year of our Lord one thouiand eight hundred and fif¬ teen, with the exception of the claufe which limited its duration to four years, and ex¬ cepting, alio, fo far as the lame was affect¬ ed by the declaration of His Iviajclty re Tpedling the Ifhnd of St. Helena, aic here¬ by extended and continued in force for the term of ten years from the date of the fig. nature of the prelent Convention, in the fame manner as if all the proviiionsof the faid Convention were herein Specially re¬ cited. Article V. Whereas it was agreed by the fir ft aril- cle of the 'Ireaty of Ghent, that *; All territory, places and poilVlfions,whatfoever, purpofe, named their rtfptQivc Pietiipo- taken hy cither party from the other, dur- tentiaries that is to fay : ihe Prefident 1 f *n£ tne v*31"* nr which may be taken after the United States, on his part, has ap- tn^ fign'rg of this Treaty, excepting only pointed Albert Gallatin, their Envov Ex- traordinaiy and Minifter Plenipotentiary t" the Court (if France; and Richard "ufll their Envoy Extraordinary and Miniller Plenipotendary to the ( ourt of W< iJri- th. IBandi hereinafter mentioned, (hall be rcltored without delay, and without caufing any dellr i£lion,or carvyingaway any of the artillery or other public property originally captured in the faid forts or places* which tannic Majefty : And His Majefty ha* an I^-,]l remain therein upon the exchange of pamfwi nhi! *:i^'»fMnonS^ TJ'redenck ^ '^t:trficWi v., \£ thit Vhmjrj *w - ; John Krthinfon, rrea.^ f u- \ia;cftv's fl-ives or other private property f* and c:> the 28rh of Nov. (torn Aix-la>CbapelIci The pcrfons who had been a; relied at BruiTels, were on the 5th Vvc. under ex- amination ; they were charged with u plotG tending to excite a civil war. by arming the inhabitants againll each other, in th* kingdom of the Setherhmda/' On the 121I1 cf D"c. there was a#con- fidcrable fenfatioti in the money market. owing to the bank of England having come to the determination to li;nit thci. discounts ; the bnnk had thrown our « aia immenfe quantity of bills, patented by bankers and individuals of the firfl rrfpect. ability." Specie was fo fcarce in the city, that good bills were, with difficulty, cafticd at 5 per rent. The King of Wirtembcrg ha? abolimed the pumlhment of tli^ gauntlet in his army. A new candidate for Wellnunller was expefted to offer biraMf tna tev/ days ; W:b political principles arc the lame whicb governed Sir S. Romilly. A meeting of the common council of the city of London has been held for the purpoi'e of confidering the propriety of petitioning parliament to revife and alter the penal code, in order to diminifh the number of capital punifhments for minor offences. Mr. Flavel, one of the fpeakeri* obferved, that during the reign of Henry VIII. 2000 pcrlbns were execuced annual¬ ly. Lord Ellenborough is dated ta he con- fiderably better. Sir Ilaac Heard, garter king at aims, attained his 88th year the ioih of Jan He has officiated at the funeral of fix of the royal family. The new Auftrian levy is to confift of 60,000 men. A firiftol paper ttates that a deputation will be tent by government to the priucefs of Wales, to negociate her return tr> England, i4 no other perfon having a tight to hold a drawing mom." Letters trom Paris, anticipate warm work during the teffiun of the legifi.uure, which hadjufl commenced. It is faid th* miniftcrs will have to withftand the attacks of violent parties which are in array againife them. in the court of exchequer, feveral more convidtions againll venders of imitative tea, coffee and tobacco, have taken place. 1\1?#. Cope a grocer in Leeds, has been fined X'i425 andT. & G. NeefoB, of Manches¬ ter £300. Tne bank of England, it is cxpc&ed, will immediately call in their one and two pound notes, amounting to five nuili-ma ; to redeem which, three millions uf Ipecie re Navy, and Prefident f lhc Committee of Privy Council for Tia(jfi anj Plantations ; and Henry Goulbuu., Kfqiifre, one of liis Majefty** U'der S.crcta,jes 0f gtate: Who, after having cxchanged their re- fpciftive full powerfi, foun(j lo te jn dut> and proper form, hav agreed to and con¬ cluded the following ?*rticle9. Whereas differences have ariten refpeft- ing the liberty claimed by the United States, for the inhabitants thereof to take, dry, and cure, fifh, ot\ certain coaft-;, bays, harbours, and Creeks, r/ Hf.; Britannic Ma- je(!y*s dominions in Vrnerica, it is agreed between the high ccntracHn£ parties, that the inhabitants of the faid United States rhall have, for ever, in common with the fubje£t.* of Hie Rritaanrc Majelly, the lib¬ erty to take firti of every kind, on that part of the fouthern coall of Newfound¬ land, which extends from Cape Ray to the Rarm-an Iflands, ob the weftcrn and whereas, under the ;:forefaid article, the United States cWm for their citizens, and a*, their private property, the rdlitution of, or full compentation for, all flaves who, at the date of the exchange of the ratifi¬ cation? of the laid Treaty, were in any territory, place*, or pofteflions, what! Upon this consideration your Commit¬ tee hesitate not to affirm, that much good will necessarily result, from furnishing to every individual on opportunity to ac¬ quire distinction by his superior skill and superior attention. The proceedings of the Society lately established af York, under the denomi¬ nation of the AgricnltUTal Society of the Upper Province, bnre not escaped the notice of your Committee. Keeping how- Ctrrin view the vast extent of the Pro- viDCe, if does not seem feasi&le that this Society should have any closer connec- lion m ith it than that which an occasion¬ al correspondence may form. In a preliminary address it is neither necessary, nor would it be adrheable to fake too wide a view of the subject. Un¬ doubtedly there is an extensive field for improvement every vtay, and hereafter many useful suggestions may be offered for adoption. month— John Cnrscalloo, lisq. for Gum** den.—Col. I). McPhcrson./o;- Pittsburg und Wolf Island. Treasurer and Secty—G. II. Mark* land) K^. Resolved, That two hundred copies of these resolutions and proceedings be published and sent to the different Mem¬ bers of the Committee for distribution in their respective Towns:.ips. 2d, That Subscription Lists shall be drawn out and subscriptions solicited generally throughout the country. 3d, That the Editors of the Kingston Chronicle be requested to give these pro¬ ceedings two insertions in their pnper. (Signed) G. If. MARKLANI), Treasurer and Sctfry* To the-Editor of the U. C. Gazttfe. ■ SIR, It may be t?ell to inform the rights of the liudfon bay company 1— vnd that the American fishermen (hall alio have liberty, for ever, to dry and cure fifh in any of the untettled bays, harbours, and creeks, of the fouthern part of the coaft of New- vcr, diieded hy the faid Treaty to be re- flored to the United States, but then (till occupied by the Britifh [oicesy whether fuch (laves were, at the date aforcfaid, on fliorc, or on board any B.itifh veffel, lying in waters within the rerritary or jurifdic- tion of the United States j and whereas differences have arifen, whether, by the true intent and meaning of the afo.efaid article of the Treaty of Ghent, the United States are entitled ro the reftora ion of, or full compeiifation for all, or any fiaves, as a'-ove defcrihed, the high coutra&ing par¬ ties hereby agree to refer the laid differ- e.ices to ibrre friendly Sovereign or State, to be na-ned for that purpoi'e; and the high contracting patties further engage to confidcr the d-.'cifi >n of tuch friendly Sovereign or State,B to be final and con- chilive »>n all the n>;itters refeired. Article VI. Tkis Convention, when the fame mall have been duly ratified by the Prefident of the United States, by and with the advice and content "f their Senate, and by His Britannic Majelly, and the respective rati¬ fications mutually exchanged, thai J be binding and obligatory on the faid United States, and on His Majefty ; and the rati¬ fications (hall be exchanged in fix months foundland. here ab>»e detetibed* and tsf (tom this date, or fooner, if poffible. are ready to iffuc, and tw , millions mor Count Luban, one ot the trench ■exile ha, obtained per miffion to return to Franco from the Netherlands. London. Dee. 2. The King of France ha> pretexted the Duke uf Wellington with the magnificent infigniaoftheorderof the Holy Ghoft* valued at 500,000 francs. Hamburgh, Aov 2 3 The prices of indig >, tobaco, and whale oil, which have for a long time fo favorably maintained themtelve?, have at length yielded to the fatal rrtiis, which weigha upon all branches of trad-. Ltfndoftt Dec. 5. The Duke of Wellington is now field marfhalof Aullria, Rnffia and Pniflia. his Pruffiao Majelly having recently conferred tbu rank upon him, and tent the brevet to> him by his aid-de camp Count de Maflbw. London* Nov. 2$ The Queen's will, it teeni^ha^ recently- been diicovered. l< wa- made in June, 1817, and fever al codicils have been added fince.—It is faid, (he hav Left to her Royal Highnefs the Princete Ugufta, the botrffc and grounds of Frogmore, and to her Royal Highnefs the Pn'nc-fi Sophia, thr! Lower Lodge it Windfor Her numer¬ ous diamonds, laces, and wardrobe, are to be divided equally among the Pii.icelTes. A handiornc bequelt it is reported, goes to the Dowager Countefs of Harcourt, one of the ladies of her bed-chamber Hut the moft remarkabrecircumftance attending this will, is the Trilling amount of money left behind—fome llatements fay ,£3000.—others make it X'io,coo. oul the coaft of Labrado-; but so foon as the fame, or any portion thereof, fiiall be fet¬ tled, it fhall not be lawful for the faid fiftiermen to dry or cure fifh at fuch por¬ tion fo fettled, winout previous agree¬ ment for fuch purpoi, with the inhabit¬ ants, proprietors or prffeffors of the ground. And the Unired Sines hereby renounce for ever, any liberty heretofore enjoyed or claimed by the inhalants thereof, to take, dry, or cure fifh, on ;r within three marine miles of any of thecoafts, bay, creeks or harbor6of his BritanncMajelly's dominions in America, not included in the above men- In wt:nes> ivhcrfof, H10 Fpspei'tiVe JMcnipo- teotiaries bavv oigned the same, and have tlierennto affixed rhi- seal of' their arms. Done al London, thN fwentierli dav of Oc¬ tober, in the year of our Lord one thou¬ sand eight hundred and njhiecu. fL.s.1 ALBERT GALLATIN, [l. s.] RICHARD RUSH. ft. 6.1 FREDERICK.JOHN ROBINSON. [l. s.] IiKVKV GOULSORN. Paris, De:. \ 3. Spices are now at fo low a price in England, that the merchants have refolved tore-export them to India ; 22000 ib^. of nutmegs and cloves, have been cleared at the Collom-houte for Bombay. Now, THEREFORE.be it kr?*)wn, that I, JAMES MONROE, Prefident of the U- nftcd States, have caufed the faid Conven¬ tion to be made public, to the end that the fame, and every claufe and article thereof, .. may ne well to inform the onblir . t .......... ' uc ac,™ltcea that I hav« raufed a hne, to be xJTZ ° f"? % fr+ » harbours' f"r *■ my farm, No. ,4, four'th ^inS T? 1 **t*r"* reDai"'ng dama?e8 Hope, to No. ia. firfl amerisJ IfnJ he,e,n- of PUrchal,nf wood, and of obtain- . . r7 members, (en ^h«m Sfaall ,eside in the tow,,.hip of fcu.^.n and any s(.ven shall forma quorum for (he transar.ion of business. 2d. lh.Olluers of the Socirty'shall Reelected yearly,ai the meeting |„ the Io«"olK,n-ron, the first Monday in February. 7 M. Th^re fhall bo t«o half yeailv Be, "rra' ™ef«og8 for the shew ,,f dm* 4r. a„d for (he distribution of prfw*\ the one tc be IHd at Kingston Hope, to No. 14. firll coiiceflion of Ca van : and the road, which was begun on Wedncfday the 20:h inft. will in all pro¬ bability be completed next week, by a few hardy determined Townfmeru The ground through which the road pafTea is generally good and dry, and no hill of any moment. It will I hope be of lading benefit to the lettlers ; and government, hereafter, teeing its importance, will render fome affillance. Yours &c T.T.ORTON. Union Farm, Hone, Jan 2p. 1819- on (irst WSV&'fi tictnrA l.m,Va D "-a j 1. above m,cn' **J be obferved and fulfilled, with rood TtLS? *«?^Jrt1**? that fa,'th b? ^e United States and the citi. the American fifherrren rhall be admitted 1Zens thereof. to enter fuch bays, 3r harbours, for the in , n „ u " - - • ' ™* ,n testimony whereof, I have hereunto [t. s.] set my hand, and canard the Seal of of rbe Uniicd States 10 be affixed Done at the City of W^hingwm, this thirtieth dav of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, and of Independence the forty-third. JAMES MONROE. By the President : JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, Secretary of State. ing water, and for nc other purpote what- ever. But they fi>a!lbe under fuch reflec¬ tions, as may be necaTary to prevent their taking, drying, or cUnng fifh therein, or in any other manner vhatevtr abufing the privileges hereby reteved to them. . AanaB II. It is agreed that aline drawn from the ■ to oe jeld a( Kingston on drs TWPOtl^Tr^T* pliuito«n the first Monday i„ October. exo'i ,.., t ion..d AAO—luquxrc at the iiditors. t'eb. 19. lat/tudr, then chat a |;ne drawn from the fad point due nor«l,or foulh a, the ™ may be. until the fad line fLv r If the fa..! parallel of nnd. • 7 ,nicno the DoiHt nf r,I " th ,a,nude» ^d fro potfjt of fuch WricStioa due wcft m a- 46 days from Falmnuth, we have received from our Falmouth and London correfpon- dents, London papers tothe 12th of Decem¬ ber, two dayt later than were received by the Atlantic. A few items are telcflcd. The king of Pruflia ffrriYerl nt fatten! The Stuart Papers. A very extraordinary difcovery of curi- ofitics literary, political, and hfftoricalp Was lately made at Rome, b\ Dr R. Wat* fon, author of the lives of Fletcher and Gordon. This gentleman went ta Italy to learch for any manufcripts or reliqne* of the Houfe of Stuart, which might have been le£i in the hands of strangers by the l«sc fiu^TVors of that illustrious family. After much trouble, he diicovered that the executor of the executor of the Car- dii.-al York, or Henry IX. as he is often Called, was in poflession of a vast collect tion of papers, on which he placed fo little value, that he fuffercd them to remairt in a garret without windows, expofed to every fhowcr of rain. He therefore readily fold the whole to Dr. W. who took pofleision of them, and removed them in carts to (its own apartments, where they were seen by many disiinguifhcd Knglislf vifitots in Rome. Dr. W. employed' some time in aborting and arranging thorn, aod he found that they confisted of nearly 400,000 separate articles, "f which about 140,000 were pofllflcdof various degrees of interest. Among these were many original letter* of FcQeloni many leiten d£

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