THE KING TON "ff VOL. I] * V* -=;** •* CHRONICLE. FRIDAY, (jfternoon) FEBRUARY 19, 1819. [No. 8. ggagafigBZBaPftafi ir«ayrj;.^:^ PRICE OF ADVERTISEMENTS. JMt (CIRCULAR.) <Cf / V Ifeef and under $r. Grf. /**/ /«- lv iLR. Rri Loftier Aj) sertion* and 7ld. each subsequent •ins- rtion : 10 lines and under, 3#. -4r/. first insertion* and \()d. each subsequent insertion : above ten lines, 4th per line fur the first insertion, and Id. per line for every subsequent insertion. Advertise mints nit limit written direc¬ tions are inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. Orders for discontinuing Advertise- ^nrnts to he in writing, and delivered by WEDSESDA Y NOON at the latest.' No Advertisements received after TE Y o'Cloek on the day of publication. THE Managers of the Steam Boat Frontenac, having Otabiifhed a line of Durham Boats from thlb place, propofc forwarding from the different ports of the Lake to that of 31 out real, on the following terms, viz. Fiom York, Niagara, Quecnfton, and the Head of the Lake, for each barrel of jFIour delivered at the port of Montreal, £ve (hillings and fix pence. From Kingston to the port of Montreal for each barrel of flour four (hillings and fix pence. From York, Niagara, Queenston, and the Head of the Lake, for each barrel of Potato delivered at the port of Mon¬ acal twelve (hillings and fix pence. From Kingston to the port of Mon¬ treal, for each barrel of Potafh ten (hil¬ lings. From York, Niagara, Queenfton, and the Head of the Lake, for each barrel of Pork delivered at the port of Montreal eight fliillinga and three pence. From Kingston to the port of Montreal .for each barrel of Pork fix (hillings and fiine pence. Merchandize will be tranfporred by the .fame means from La Chine to Kingston, At the rate of five (hillings per cwt An elegant PASSAGE BOAT will alfo leave Kingston every tenth day for 'Montreal, which will be fitted up in the xno^t commodious manner and orevent any delay to paflengera leaving the upper part of the Lake in the Steam Boat Front enac. 3t haviag been built for the purpofe of •kaving this place immediately after her arrival. Thefe arrangements will take effect at itae opening of the navigation and be con¬ tinued during the feafon. GEO. II. MARKLAND, Sec'y. S. B. Com'y. Ringjlon, Feb. $, 1819. 6 HOME AFFAIRS. having; difpofed of his ........................................"" interest In the Uoufe of Luflier & Van At a meeting of Magistrate* and In- Slyck at Prefcott, and that of Lufher & habitants of the Midland District, held Sextan at La Chine, to Mr. A. Jones of at Bath,In the township of Ernest Town, , the Bnsinef* will, on the ISth day of February, 1819, pur- Prefcott, Upper Canada alter the first day of March eni'tiing, be carried on under the Firms of Jones & Van Slycfc at Prefcott, and of Levi Sexton & Co. at La Chine. We be? leave to refer yon to the an¬ nexed Notice, wherein Mr Lufher makes himfelf responsible with us, for any engage¬ ments entered into by faid Finns. We feel falibfied, from our 'ate experience in Businefs, the number of Boats now owned by up, and che commodious Stores at this piaoe and La v hine, that we (hail have it in our power to £ive general fotis- fadion. A. JONES, COKS. A. VANSLYCK, L. SHCTON. Prefcott, January 18th, 1819* ■ ■ ^Magistrates. suant to notice . present T. Marklavd, Esq. iu the Chair M. Clark, Khj. 1 W, Crvwfoud, Esq. J. Cm kch, Esq. W. Mitchell, Esq. B. Fairfield, Esq. J. Kirby, Esq. K. Williams, Esq. J and the Rev. R.G. CuRTois,Chap.totheFor. ^c. &c. &c. The following Address and Res¬ olutions were read. Tke subject upon which you haw been call d together to deliberate, in of NOTICE. THE Subfcriber having difpofed o*f his interest in the Boufe of Lufher & Van ^lyck,at ! refcott, and that of Lufher & Sexton, at La Chine, tj Mr. A. Jones, the bueincls will in futme be carried on under the Firms of Jones & Van Slyck at Pres- cott, and that of Levi Sexton & Co. at La Chine.—tit will notwithstanding, hold himfelf refponyible with them, for any en.a^ement they may make. 6 EKI LUSHER. longer even possible to continue the sys¬ tem hitherto pursued, in making the ne¬ cessary provision, without having the sanction of the Legislature, for imposing an additional tax. It is for you to de¬ cide, whether this sanction is again to be applied for, in order that the old system rnav still remain, or whether it may not be better to have recourse to some other expedient.-—It will be well for you to keep in remembrance, that mischiefs of every kiud, have been produced ill Eng¬ land, by the operation of Poor Laws, and therefore you cannot be too careful in avoiding the adoption of any system, tvhich may have the least approximation to that which has been found so extreme¬ ly pernicious.—Should it be your opin¬ ion that voluntary contributions may be obtained amply adequate for the provis¬ ion required to be made, you will have then to consider what plans may be best adapted for carrying into effect this mea¬ sure. Whatever be your decision, this one circumstance must not be forgotten, that whether it be compulsory or volun- infinite importance to the rapidly increa¬ sing pouilation of this District. You . ... . , . , , u if • •* j * fcwf.,. *uA tory. some provision is absolutely requi- bave been invited to meet k% lor the pur- / pose of adopting a plao for the relief of the poor of the District." " That some provision for those parsons who are una¬ ble to provide for themselves ought to exist iu every civilised country," is a point beyond dispute. But before you proceed to make such provision, it may be well to take a more extended vi«w of the subjeef, and examine, whether there red. Tho amount* of the expenditure for the poor of the whole District for the three preceding years is laid bafore you, and no doubt individually you are ac¬ quainted with the wants and resources of your respective townships. You will therefore at once be enabled to come to a conclusion on the subject : and should NOTICE. TAMES ME 1GHER returns his moji *J fincere thanks to the piopk of Kings- favourabie_y0u have the benefit of the ton and its environs, for the liberal en- elaborate investigations, which have been c vou d cide in favour of voluntary con- be in you, power, no means of prevent- ™[Mm .. . . „n£\nA ♦ tnbution, you will also be enabled to judge of the feasibility of the plan which is contained in the following RESOLUTIONS. 1 ' ing the increase of the evil, which you now seek to remedy. The pr-esent opportunity is eTery way TriJE Subfcriber offers for fale his Uoufe and Farm,together or feparate, / as alfo his Horfes, Carts, Sleigbsj Cows, 3logs. Oxen, Grain, Ifay, Polatoes, and .Implements of ilnfbandry, fituate on the River St. Lawrence, overlooking the Beautiful village of Ogdenfourg, and within Jtalf a mile of Prefcott, Upper Canada. TheDwclling-houfe, which has lately fceen ereftcd, confi.ts of two fitting Rooms, 4. Bed-rooms, a Kitchen and Cellar, well fin idled. The Farm contains 107 Acres of choice I,and, well fenced, upwards of 60 of Mvhich is Pasture and Meadow, the remain¬ der Tillage and Wood Laud, with a young Orchard and flood Barn, Stable and Kbot- Jioufe, and a fmdl Tenement for Labourers. To a Gentleman of fpeculation* the above Premife6 which extends .3 Acres in front of the River, must prove of great advantage, as it is one of the best situa¬ tions in the neighbourhood for the erection xT a Wharf, Brewery or Distillery, &c. . Pait of the purchafe money, may remain .on Mortgage, if agreeable to the Purchafer. Application to be made to Henry Forest Efq. Montreal, John Macaulay Kingston, or the owner PETER O'BRIEN. Prescott, 26th Oft. 1818. 6tf couragement he *as met with f.nee his com mencing bufinefs. He begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he is about Removing to his New Houfe nemr the Mar¬ ket Place- oppoftte to -Ur Bay man's and will as vfual carry on the ■ Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Manufactory. h'QRrE SHOEING zxd RLAQK SMITH WORK will be executed in the hjl manner, at the Jhortcji notice, and or. the loiuejl terms N. B. To rent leafe or Jc1ls for the term of ten years, and immediate pojjtffton given, that well known fland, the WEL¬ LINGTON INN, in Barrack flreet — This Jituation is one of the btjl in town, having many conveniences that render it particularly well adopted for a Houfe of Public Entertainment and Store. Apply to the Proprietor. JAMES MEAGHER. Kingflon> Feb. 5,1819. 6 Valuable Property for Sale. THE fubferiher offers for faie all that well known and very valuable pro¬ perty in Water Street* being compofed of three Dwelling Uoufes, a new Store two stories high, with a wcllfinifhed Shnp fui- table for a Merchant, with good (. ellar, and every neccfTary convenience, Brewery and Malt Houfe, Stabling, a Garden, with fruit trees, &c. Perfons wifhmg to avail themfeives of this offer, will pleafe apply to the proprietor, on the premifea. James Robinson. February, 1819. ftf made into the subject by the British House of Commons. And should you deem iti-xpedient to adopt any of the plans of prevention, suggested by its Committee, y0u have the actual advan¬ tages of ^xperimeut, without incurring any risk arteudaut on its failure. It has |,fteu ascertained, that the chief and leadijYj, causes *f pauperism are pro¬ digality, intemperance, and irreligiou ; anil methods admirably adapted 1 move these' sources ©f the evil have been generally ^"upted not only iu Kuglaud, but t!iroug,,out many parts of the (Jutted Slates. To resfrai;i *he prodigal habits of the lower ordefS the institution of** Savings Banks91 w^ happily proposed, and the effect pro"ucccl, by thus furnishing a depositary f*,r ^e earnings, however small of t:.*e\\ humble individual, has ex¬ ceeded eve,l l^e sauguine expectations of those wild SBggefted the measure. It mav perlvaps a«tnit of doubt., whether, under exis*'1'^ cfrCttittStatfcea^ these In¬ stitutions rau l,e intiuduced into tlii» country. However, ;:^ the experiment has been iy#atle,nn<l vvith wonderful suc- Cess. iu the United States, )ou have more than a suffikCtettt induccnunt to make the attempt, ... To Fesffftlf) intemperance, the only Resolved— 1st. That it appears advisable for va¬ rious reasons, that the present method of furnishing relief to the poor of the Dis¬ trict, from the District funds, be discon¬ tinued. 2d. That as the demand for such re¬ lief is in no degree diminished, but on the other hand considerably increased, it will be hereby rendered necessary that immediate step- should betaken, to raise "™ * <m**i« *v*Vkot fond* for the purpose. 3d. That it appears to this meeting, that measure! for preventing the increase of pauperism are also required to be ta¬ ken. 4th. That it further appear? to this meeting, that these objects will best be obtained by establishing a Society, to be denominated the M Society for bet¬ tering the condition of the Poor of the Midland District/' 5th. That it shall be thcohject of this Society " to prevent, in the first instance, by whatever methods may be jndgpd most fit, the increase of pauperism." and in the second, to furnish relief and as¬ sistance to the indigent, destitute, and sick. 6th- That every person willing to sub¬ scribe to the amount of " one farthing" in the pound of his rateable property, or not less than 5s. Halifax Currency, an¬ nually, where his rate would not exceed .«\_* «..: ,.i „i r?.u w that sum, be a member of this Society. measure that has or indeed could be pro- ,_,, «., ., . . tL c '* . . ,. ■• - - 1 - % r /tn. ! hat the business of the Socie posed, s the dimmi-hmg as much as pos- . , , , n m r Jz '.,. '/ , ( * . t be conducted by a President, four V Mb e the number of unnecessary petty r, .. ^ a J A Farm for Sal Vr* y petty ale houses which have been justly con¬ sidered th> very nursery of the evil.— Nowifsutfh was the opinion in which these resorts of the Mb* were held in England, ffhat ^hall we siyof the Tav¬ erns (as the) are called) 1 this country, where not ale% but ardent spirits of the most pernicious kiud. constitute the chief article of consumption? And where, with rosp.ct to numbers, compared with the population, they exceed those of any Eu¬ ropean nation whatever ? Here yeur iu FOR SALE, THREE valuable FARM?, two of them lying in the Township of Kingston, 3d concession ; one containing 50 acres,being a part of Waterloo, vj itb a .good House and Barn, Tan House, Bark Mill, and eleven good Tan Vats.- a good situation for a Distillery, there being a FTT1HAT valuable Farm in Adolphus- JJL town, the property of ihe fubferiber, formerly *wned and occupied by the late Charles Stuart, Efq. with an eleganthoufe, &arn, orchard, and one hundred and fifty acre6 of land under cultivation, fifty acres of which are meadow land, and cuts up- terlerence is loudly called for, and no wards of fifty tons of Hay annually. The consideration, arising from the diminu- p.uwciiy being fo well known, a more par- tion> which $t& MW0V6 may experience, ticular defcription io deemed unneceffary. ought to restrain the Magistrate from re- For particular!, apply to Mr. Patrick fosin? a Licence, whenever the granting Smyth, King Hon, or the fubferiber on the one ini£'4t be injurious to the commuui- premhea. February 1819. Thomas Cookv 7^3 *y iety ice Presidents, a Treasurer, Secretary, find a Committee--ten of whose number shall rc»ide in the township of Kingston, and not more than six and not less than two in each other township—to form sub¬ committee* for respective townships. .• 8th. That the general business of the Society be transacted by the Committee in Kingston, and the particular business of each township by their own sub-com¬ mittees. The General Committee shall meet quarterly, and the sub •Commit¬ tees monthly. 9th. That seven members assembled at Kingston form a quorum for the trans¬ action of the general business of the So¬ ciety. 10th. That the sums raised in each township be lodged in the hands of their respective Sub-Committees, and that the poor of each township be relieved on the Post-Office^ Kingston, \0th February, 1619. "TTftROPGSALS will be received at this In order to excite a spirit of religion ^^ Jn cases ^^ ^.^ aid amongst the lower orders, the establish- ' ^ ^ ^^ tQ R.Q merit of schools was strongly recommen- _____ ded by the Committee, and much of tni West halves of Lots No. 20 &*Aly with 40 acres of improvement, well fenced, flDd cuts 25 tons of Hay yearly ; the oth¬ er part well timbered, and a small creek running through the middle of the Lot. It is a handsome situation for a Dairy. For particulars enquire of JOHN RYDER, Jun. Waterloo, Jan.^0, 1819. 5(f JMlHE Subfcriber informs his friends and -*■ the public, that he Jlill keeps a PUBLIC HOUSE, W the Towofhip of CRAMAH^,former!y called Goodwin's Corner, where Gen¬ tlemen and Ladies may find gsod Enter¬ tainment. Alfo—Travellers jhail net be idifappointed ef finding good quarters for themfeives and their Horfts. THO'S. D. SANF0UD. Cramahe, i&hjqz* ;9:£ £ B.N. The contract to commence on 5th April. Short Hand. tERSONS requiring instruc¬ tion in the above Science, may be taught the whole in six lessons.—Inquire at the Printing Office. February, 1819. 'JIVZ notice" rpHE Board for Militia Pen- ■—■ sioss, •will meet en ihe lajl Monday in February, and continue fu to do, the fame day in each Month, until the bufinefs tf tii: DiflriB, as regards the fame is Jinifhed. TOtiN FERGUSON. evidence produced before them, went to shew, how much good every way had been effected, v\hereverthe children of the poor had access to instruction. It will be unnecessary to enter deeply into this pait of the question ; since few now entertain a doubt that good of every kind nniii. result from teaching a man his duty towards God—his neighbour and him¬ self. Having thus taken a cursory glance at those measures of prevention, which the wisdom of the British Parliament has suggested, your attention is in the next place to be directed to devising plans for remedying tke evil as far as it at pre¬ sent exists amongst you. Up fo this period the poor of the Dis¬ trict have received relief, from part of those funds, which arc raised by a tax upon your rateable property. Fron va¬ rious causes not necessary on this occa¬ sion to be detailed, thr-se funds have been found inadequate to Ihe demands made ugo> titti*. ii> t-vn-tqucace it |3 C0- 11th. That as a measure of preven¬ tion, it appears to this meeting advisable to attempt the introduction of Savings Banks. 12th. That a Committee of three per¬ sons be appointed to collect information on the subject, in order te ascertain whether the introduction of them be fea¬ sible. 13th. That the result of the investiga¬ tion be commuuicated to tke General Committee. 14th. That it further appears to this meeting, that the sick poor more than a- ny other, have superior claims for assist¬ ance. 15th. That the most effectual measure for giving them relief, will be to estab¬ lish an Infirmary or Hospital for the ge¬ neral use cf the District. 16th. That since a munificent grant of Land iu the Town of Kingston has been already made, by the direction of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, to U average^ £'400 per gJpVjflfc be held in trust by the Rrr. G. O. Stu¬ art, and T. Markland and Allan Mac- Lean r Esquires, for the above purpose, a subscription be immediately entered into for defraying the expences of takmg out the deed and for erecting the neces¬ sary buildings. : 17th. That this subscription will bast be raised in shares (transferable) of • tie value of £"Z 10 0 each, Halifax Curren¬ cy. 18th. That as soon as 200 shares are taken up, a contract be entered into for erecting the building. 19th. That all shareholders be enti- tied to vote iu the appointment of the Officers of the Institution. 20th. That any person holding two shares, or two persons holding one t ach, b privileged to recommend patient- for admission. It will be understood tnat no person can recommend a second pa¬ tient for admission before the first has been discharged. Also the person re- commendiug will provide, for the pay* ment of Hospital charges. : 21. Thai townships subscribing not less than £^0 be privileged to send *-- tieuts from their own township, is township being held responsible for Hos¬ pital charges 22d. That charirabie. Societies sub- scribiug not le-s than £ 10 Halifax Cur¬ rency, be entitled to similar pt'integtt- 33d. That a Committer of six Gentle¬ men, including the thrae air- adv naaied Trustees, be chosen to collect Subscript tious, and to enter into contracts for the building, &c. . 24th. That as soon as the buildings are commenced, a meeting ot Subscrib¬ ers be called to elect Governors for tlie management of the Institution, and also Medical and other attendants. 25th. Thatnoperson holding less than two shares be eligible to the Oftice of Governor. 26th. That as soon as the buildings are completed, an annual Subscription in aid of defrayiug the current expences of the establishment be solicited. 27th. That a subscriber of a *um not \m than i(& per IRHHffl; &f g$fl /? tfo the privileges of a subscriber of £i 10 to the building fund. ---------------------- 28th. That as «oon as these provisions can be carried into rfc-ct, no persons shall be relieved but at the expence of the townships to which they belong. . 29th. That this Society will discoun¬ tenance the present practice of f.irni-h- \uz relief to sufferers by fire or oth^r ac¬ cidents ; except the amount ef their los¬ ses (*worn before a Magistrate living in the neighbourhood where said looses were sustained) appears in (he body of their petition : and the time during which the petition is to be used, and the portion of the District in which to be used, be lim¬ ited. 30th. That the arrangement of other details be )ef* to the different Commit¬ tees. It &as then moved and Resolved, . 1st. That in consequence of the una¬ voidable absence.ofso many Magistrates and respectable Inhabitants of the Dis- trict, only so much of the above Resolu¬ tions be adopted as relate te the intro¬ duction of Savings Banks, and raising funds for an Hospital. But that (he whole be published, in order that the sense, of the District at large maybe ob¬ tained upon tbe measures therein pro^ posed. _ 2d. That a Committee of three per¬ sons be appointed, to receive tommuni- cations on the subject, the result of which to be submitted at a meeting to be held in the Court House in Kingston, on tbe Thursday of the week of the April Ses¬ sions—and that Thomas Markland^ William Mitchell tnd John Macaulay, Esquires, form said Committee. - . 3d. That John Kirby, B. Whitney and S. Bartlet, Esquires, form a Com¬ mittee for collecting information respec¬ ting the introduction of Savings Banks, agreeable to 12th Resolution. 4th. That the Rev'ds. R. G. Curtoia and J. Wilson and A. Marshall, Esq. conjointly with tbe three Trustees, form a Committee agreeable to 23d Resolu¬ tion, for carrying into effect the provis¬ ions made for the establishment cf a Hos- ■ pita!. The meeting was then dissolved. Magistrates and Inhabitants of tl*e District are respectfully re¬ quested to forward all communi¬ cations, agreeable to the 2d Re¬ solution, to T. Markland, W. Mitchell, & J- Esquires. J. Macaulay, AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the town of Kingston, held at the Court House on the 8th day ol February, 1819, for the purpose of establishing an Agri¬ cultural Society in the Midland iJistrict THOMAS MARKLAND, Esc» * io tbe Chair.