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Kingston Chronicle, January 29, 1819, p. 4

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Vcs- THE Subfcriber has for Sale at Store in St. Paul Street; an ex* five assortment of Hardware and mongery, Goods of superior quality. Confiding of all kinds of Saws, Join¬ ers Tools, Edge Tools, drawing Knives, Planes, Chefts of Tools, wood Screws, Nails, Hammers, (hoe Knives, awl Blades, butckers Knives and*teels, cork Knives; table Knives, and Forks, cork Screws, tiVd iron' Spoons and Forks, brittania metal Pots Ice pewter queen's mstal and brittania metal Spoons, CandleAicks. brafs and greet* Fenders, fire Irons, Frying Fans, fad Irons, Scythes, fickle*, pocket and Penknives, Sciffors, Razors, Dreffing Cafes, Sports- man's Knives, Powder Flafks, shot belts, ladies w»rk boxes, lewing cotton in boxes, needle* &c. &c. which will be gold on the mo ft reofonable terms. He has alio juft received with the Goods from England, a numerous col¬ lection of patterns, books and lifts of hardware and ironmongery, and folicits the favor of his friends" and the trade in general, who, by:n«p« din? the goods or patterns will be Convinced that what are now offered for sale, are much fttper. ! /rjrtHOMAS WALTON & 80 . • Jl petf fully beg leave to atquaint the nis -- • • ■--------mmenced brew- Black Smith John l)oivl NOTICE ,v ■y ment, where ery, fomc I £" public that they have comme In" H attheir neW ellabU*mJ ° thev have now ready for deli excellent MILD BEER, in barrels of Thirty fix Gallon? eacli, which they offer at the moderate price of Thirty Six Shillings the barrel, price they lefs from creafed pr the Public can be regularly accomm ed'with a wholtfome and agreeable beve¬ rage, at as moderate a rate as could rea- fonably be defired ; the Proprietors of this ufefal eftabliffemtnt therefore flatter themfelves that it will receive a fair por¬ tion of pubb'c Patronage. Orders left at the Office of S. Bart- let, will be attended to. Kingftos, Deer. 28, 1818. Work. -JO EYNALDS & Co. lately arrive* CL from Ireland, beg leave to mforg the Gentlemen a*d inhabitants of King* ton and its vicinity in general, thattfa^ have commenced the Horfe Shoeing am, Blachfmithing Bufinefs, in all its variou^ RETURNS his mod fincere thanks to his friends and the public, for the very liberal fupport given him fince bis commencement in bufinefs, and begs leave to inform them that he has laid in a general and well feleded ftock of G W ecuted in fuch a complete ;<nd workman like manner, and on fuel) low terms, a? they hope, will entitle them to a fhau of the public patronage. Kingston. \otb October, 1818. 20lf TO LEX, TFlORany term of years not exceed JJ in Fifteen, on the moft reafonr. ble terms—That well known valuable EdWard UOllCS^ ftand in the public line, lituate on th. & , . point at Gananoqna and recently occu EGS leave mod rc^&Hj^^ ^ by &th Do*nSj logelher with th. Honl'e, Barn, Stables, &c—For fur. ther particulars apply to the fubferiber. JOEL STONE. Gafianoqua Jan.(). 1818. 33//" ior to foma articles gener.illy tbis count fent to ,try, and "nay alio rely on the ex¬ ecution of any ordrft for gnod3 from England, 'being fent out equal to the tiatrerns, and on the lowel terms. - BENJAMIN ilART, General Agent and Comm. Mercht, . Montreal, 28th Deer. 1818. — iw6 THE SUBSCRIBER, MAVING been appointed Agent for the Piopn'etoT of the I RON WORKS eftablifhcd at Three Rivers, in the Province of Lower Canada ; in¬ forms the puWlie, that he has laiely re¬ ceived a Very extensive assortment of WARES, Manufactured at that plac£,-~Among Other articles are, Double 8c Single Of various sizes and patterns, CAST ASH PANS, SUGAR KETTLES, POTASH COOLERS. POTS, DOG IRONS, and DUTCH OVENS, Wh!ch will be difnofed of, for Ca&u at i&car'.y the Montreal prices. The fuperior foftiufs of metal, and durability of the Three Rivera Stoves, render them worthy the attention of purchafera, as they are not liable to Crack] like thoffl imported from Scot¬ land. JOHNMACAULAY. Kingston, 1st 0Sober, 18 18. J 9 form his friends and the public in general, that he has juft received an elegan' aflcrtment of DRY & FAN: .Y GOODS, CoiiHiling partly of the following arti- clee, viz : Superfine Weft of England Cloths and CafTimeree, of the moft faihionabre colors. lr'fh Linens, Bv>tifh cThirting, Lineft and Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, Lew-; and Mud ins. Jaconet and Mull Muflins, Fancy Mufliii Handkerchief* Bandanr.a and Barcalona do Fine Ging¬ hams, Black and colored Silks. Silk and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane, white and buti Marfcita Quilting, Black Florentine, fine Undreffed Calicoes, Bombazettca and Bombasines of fill Colors. Linen Diaper and Huckabuck, white and Col¬ oured flannels, Ruflia Sheeting and Of- naburg. A well chofefj affortment of Thread and Laces and Kibbons, Straw Bonnets, Ladies Tortife (hell Combs, Cambric and lace Footings, and a number of arti¬ cles, too numerous to inlert. 4 Crates of Bine CROCKERY Waft, GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits,Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shmb, Hyfon and Twanfcey Teas double and Single refined Sugars, Muf- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt Candles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, Zee- &c. &c. All of which will be fold for Cafh or approved credit. NOTICE. by the last Wil t|*THEREAS. , ?f and ^t-ftament of the lat> RICHARD PATT1NSON, Efq. ii his life time - i Sandwich in the provinc* of Upper C: riada, Robert Gillefpic, William Gilkifon,and George Moffat; are jointly and feverally, appointej fiduciary Legatees o{ his Eftate, ani Executor* of faid Will, I do hereby requeft all perfons havinr claim" up T ;aid Eftate, to prefent th.* fame to mc, duly authenticated, fir payment * and all perfons indebted thereto are required to pay to me tie amount of tocir refpective accounts. Debtb due to fa id Eftate in tie province of Upper Canada or in tie United States, ^ordering thereon, m<? be paid to George Jacob, Efq. of Saau wich, John Afkin, and James Gordoa, Eiqrs. of Amherftburg, or to either if" diem, they beirrg duly anthorized b receive the fame and grant acquittance. G. MOFFATT. Montreal, 201I1 March, 1818. Aayi and Spirits, at his old (land, which h<? is determined t.o fell at the moft reduced prices, viz. Br-st Jamaica Spirit* I Shrub Holland Giti : Wbfrkey Cdniac Brandy I Pepperinint Cherry do. ! WINES. Reneearlo Port : TenerirTe Saanish do. : Malaga Beft Pickling Vinegar. Lime Juice. GROCERIES. : Green Copperas : Best English CnecSfe : Windsor Soap • Best common do. : Pipe Clay : Glauber Salts : Pearl Ash : English Mustard j Peppermint Drops • Sugai Plumbs • Sui;iir Almonds ; Cod Fish J Red Herrings ; Salt do. • Salt Butter : Wrought Nails, I ferent sizes • Shingle da. ; Tape* • Needles \ Twist • Cotton Bnllfl • Coloured do. • Black Thread, • Vi hite and Brown do. • Writing Paper • Letter do. THE Subfcfcribera rcfpeafully Id form their friends and the Public, that they have now received and jaw opened in Market Street, juft below Mrs. Patrick's Inn, a very Extenfivc aflbrtment of Dry Goods, Groceries, and Stationary, Likewife a great qncn- tity of Claflical Books, the whole oi which will be fold very low fcr Cafii and approved Credit. Mcdonald & aykroyd. Dec 1, 1 Si 8. f NOTICE. ANY perfon or perfons dtfirous o*f entering into an agteement far clearing from 15 to 40 acres of land^ will receive liberal encouragement, by applying at the office of the Kingftori Gazette,-—where the terms of the agree¬ ment may be feen. Kingston, U. C. 1 ?r, 1818. 1 2%d M ovem, 2<? Sunpowder Tea Tuai-kPN do. * Bywa Skiu do. C»flee Loaf Sugar Muscovado dift Mace Cloves Cinnamon Saflron M'Bg Cila^, Turkey Fig! Box Raisins Common dt>. Pearl Barley French do. Fis; Blue Poud^r do. Ke^i Poland Stardi Black Pepper Plower Sulpher Ground <ringer Valuable Lands for Sile in the TOWNSHIP of HAMILTON. Lots No. 6 and 12 in the 3d Coil* ceflion, .»•••• ••........•• 400 Dodo 11 and 15 in the 4th Coa- ceffion, •................ ^co Dodo 10in the 6 Conceffion,2oo Whole do. Indian Arrow Root Surec Almonds Bitter d«f, AII urn Gin* : An aflbrtment of Ctockery Ware, do Queen's do. Bell Dutch Long Pipes, Plug Tobacco—Candle WicKj Mould Candles—Dipp'd do. Superior d re fled Calf Skinc, Bell Liquid Blacking, A few articles of Dry Goods. Acres, 1050 *TTTE above Lands are all lying ia the Townihip of Hamilton, new caftlcf Diftrict, arid will be 60I0 on the moll liberal terms. For further information, enquire of Elias Jones Efq. Hamilton., or the Printer. a^tf " NOTICE. THE Subscriber having been duly appointed Executrix to the Eftate* of Paul Huff, late of Adolphus- town deceafed ; Notice is hereby given, to all thofe indebted to faid en- tatc to make immediate payment ; and all perfons having claims againft it, are requefted to prefent them, duly authert-* iicated, for adj'idmcnt. ELIZABETH HUFF- Adolphuftown, Dec. 24, 1S18. To Let A N. B. In addition to his pre- .«*«,,-, - ----------~~- " ' - . anal ARK, the property of the Rev. fe»t (lock, he expects many other arti cles in his line in a few days. Kingfton, October 19, 1818. 21 Kingston, %th Aug. 1318. 10 For Hale, Mo B EG leave very refneftful'y to in¬ form thcii cuftorr.ers, and the pub lie generally, that they have received a njore complete affortment of FALL k WINTER GOODS: Consisting, partly, of the following articles, VIZ ;— Superfine fecond and common Broad Cloths & Cafiimcres ; fafhionable PelilTe do. White and colored Flannel; Tar- tan Ptaid ; Iriih Luien ; fine Ootton Shirting ; India and flripe Cottons ; Apron Check ; Turkey & o'her ftripes; dark Gingham j Ecmbazettc ; Chintz Calico; Cotton and Linen Cambrics; fineChintz Furniture Calico; corded Dimity ; Silks, and Siik Handkerchiefs; ^J very reafonable terms, and im¬ mediate oolTeffiongiven, a FARM lying in Adolohuftown, on the Bay of Qm'nty, one mile weft of the Court lioufe, formerly owned and occupied by the lnte Philip Dor)and, deceased ; on which is an orchard of 1 15 large Apple Tiecs, and airnoft every other kind of fruit Trees that is planted in this coun¬ try Alio, a convenient framed houfe and barn and hcufe.s. About one hundred pounds will be requiied down, and the remainder will be made very e3!y.—For further partic¬ ulars enquire oi the fubferiber, on the premifeij. GEORGE DOUGLAS. Adolphuftown, 8th Nov i$ig. 26tf J ■ Subfcrtbera being about to "f- 'cave Kingfton, request all thofe who are „ fV,ted to the Concern, to F^J Make rm^cdjatc payment . a„d all thofe xt ! who have any Clams again(l rajd concern to prefect thcir Accounts immediatly for adjultmeii^ • WILLIAMS & Co. N-. B- The Bufinefs will still be Contmucq. an<j Hh „90i] an AlTortment kept on hand 2S ufua!. JASO, a Rood :Upp]y 0f s0]e and Upper Leather. ^0 York, 22d II' A I8l8. OTICE is hereby given to Aloxr. McDonell. For further panic- ulars apply to the fubferiber. ^ _DUNCANMcDONFLI, Street, oppofite Meffra. Monjeau & Su Cermain's. Apply as above. Kingston, Dec. fct, 1818. 29 Honor the Adminiftrator in Council, to make rraod any pretenfion to die. Weft half of Lot number Seventeen in the feventh concefhon, on the Napane River, in the Townfhip of Fredtrickfburgh, within Six months from this date, or the fame will be thrown open to other appli¬ cants. JOHN SMALL, imfj G* **• *** BANK OF THE Subfcriber being appointed agent for the nank of Canada, he will negotiate bank notes for bills oir Montreal, Quebec,or for Specie, Wm. MITCHELL. Kingfton, Oa. 13th, 18:8. 2© 1 F Sal /npiiAT Elegant farm No. 8, firfi ML ConcefT.on townihip of Frederick? burgh, 28 miles from Kin^fton, (containing 200 Acresk) formerly oc¬ cupied by Colonel Spencer, and known by the name of the Manfion Houfe. It contains about 50 acres of land under improvement, an elegant frame houfe 2 , ... _________........mmtm ftory high with 2 barns and other build Shawls ; Fancy, Silk, and Cotton Pop- ings- Perfons defirous of purchafing may lin An affwrtment of HOSIERY; enquireof the Subfcriber on the prea.iffes, Stockinette Drawers ; J3ed Ticks : or to D, Uagerman ftfq. at bath. coarfe Linen &c. &c. tlj^An aflbrtment of elegant Damaffc TABLECLOTHS from8-10 to ig-i6 Crockery §• Glass Ware. GROCERIES. Jamafra Spirits, C. Brandy, Holland Gin, Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfcn and Green Teas, Loaf and Muf- covado Sugars, Soap, Candles, Indigo, Fig Blue, Starch, &e 5co. All of which will be fold very low, for C2fh. Kingston 10th Dec. igrS. 29 JOSEPH bERGERON. Frederickfbuvgh, Sept. Sth, 1818 15 Notice. ALL perfons indebted to the Eftate of the late James Gumming, late of Hallowell. deceafed, are requeued to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGRtcoR, now i'q charge of the eftablimment, at Hallow¬ ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims againll the faid eflate, are defired to prefent them for adj nit ment. The flock in Trade of the deceafed, Notice. THE Copartner/hip heretofore ex- iMHtg under the firm of Taylor Is? Parker is tin's day diffolved by mutual confe't. Therefore, this is to requeft all thofe indebted to the faid firm, by note, or b>.,k account, to come forward and makeimmtdiste payment unto Allan Taylor, who is duly authorifed to re¬ ceive the fame. And thofe who have claims on the fr.id firm are requeued to prefer t them for adjuflment. (Signed) ALLAN TAYLOR, THOMAS PARKER. BdfrUlc, 3d. Nov. 1818. 25wl2 N B. The bafinefs will in future be carried on by ______________THOMAS PARKER. NOTICE. THE late Partnerfoip of .JWr/?*,,. km <cf Co. hariQg diffolved itfelf this day, by the d ath of Roderick Mackay, Efq. the bhfjriefs will in future be carried on by the ^bfcriber, to whom all perfons who are indebted to the a- bove firm, will pleafe pay their accounts NOTICE. THE Subfcriber forbids all perfons from trefpaffing on Lot No. 32 in the 4th conceflioi) of the Townfhip of Camden, in the county of Lenox and Addington, Midland Diftrict, and doe9 hereby forbid any perfon or perfons from cutting or deftroying any Timber whether lying or (landing, or Carrying any part of the fame away, under Penalty of the Law. A. MACDONELL. Kingfton, Dec. 26th, 1818. 51 FOR SALE. T BANK NOTICE. HE Stockholders of the Bank of Upper Canada are hereby tioti- notifietf, that the first instalment of eight per cent (being eight Dollars on a Share.) is requested to be paid to the Cashier, on or before Monday the 1st clay of February next. By order of the President and Di¬ rectors. SMITH BARTLET, Cashier. Kingston, Dec. 14, 1818. '29 FOR SALE OR TO BE LEtT~ A Large Commodious two florr dwejling Houfe, with Kitchen, out Houfttand Garden No. 1, Front 30 A valuable Lot of LAND, con- (treet, For particulars apply to Laurence sifting of Two Hundred Acres of the firft quality and lemarkably well Timbered, being Lot No. 19, in the third Concefhon of Camden. For particulars enquire of the Subscriber in JAMES ROBINSON. Kingfton, Dec. 22, 1S18. 31s nnO BE LET, for one or more years, -*- 8c immediate pofleffion given, that without deJav'- JYZT.......~ F ^RM, of late owned by Mr. Jabez h ve claims Z'S\ ° *% Eaton' whereon hc ^ept a Public Inn, hfve claims ag.mft lhat concern, will situated within a mile and a quarter of the Town of Kingfton- For terms apply to the Subfcriber. ELIJAH BEACH. Kingfton, 23d. Dec. 1818. $i. pleafe prefent them f»r adjuftment. ^ Am JAM£S BANKER LrneftTownf2iilSept. 1818. 24tf Herchmer, Efq. Kingston, December 20, 1818. A FARM FOR SALE ; ADJOINING Hay Bay, in the the Eaft half of Lot No. 2, in the fecond Conceffion, containing 100 acrc9, and having about 40 acres under cultivation, with a log houfe and barn upon it. For the terms apply to Daniel Wefliburn Efquire, Kingfton. P. VAN KOUGHNET. Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1818 50 NOTICE. Kingston Branch of the Mon- conr,'*ingofa very complete afFortment treal Bank °f Goods wel1 laid b» and v^ry fuitable to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defervedly claim the attention of the public. Cafti or Country produce wil! be tak- «0UDted at thirty fety, and ninety davs 3 % ^T^r^ V™* of 6 monlh« THoWlfl -VUPKi \ ivn Slve" t0rrcfr,onf,ble Fan»er% or others. nunAS MAUKLANB. j0HN GUMMING )VM. MITCHELL, Kingston, Oct 2 j, 181 7. Any fum required may be obtained at the Office for go. d Bill* on Montreal, (Quebec, £i'l- ai Exchangf on London or ior Specie -^Notes ?Aio will be diV Kingfton. 3d Nov 1818. Agent. 2S Executors about to all thofe to make NOiiCE rB'AHE Subicrijer being -i h-^Kraglion.rcquelis wh ae indebted to hia>, Imwediite paymeni; and ail thofe who 6a t any claims ag, inft nim, to prefent tnei, accounts Immediately foradiuft- menc, J HENRY FOWLER. ^logttoD, Jan. j2, igic;. ,3 32 STEAM BOAT NOTICE. ALL thofe Indebted to the Steam Boat Cu \rlotte, are requefted to make immediate payment, and all who have any demands againft said Boat are reqi.elled to give in tlici. accounts to the Subfcriber without delay. By order of the Committee. S. BARTLET. &ingfton, January iy iSi^. Notice, TUB late parmrship of Robert. Graham cy Co. having dissolved itself this day by th. death of Rode¬ rick Mackay Esq. Ue bussiness in fu¬ ture will be carried on" by the Subscri¬ ber, to whom all pe^ous, who are in¬ debted to the above firm, will please p*y (hen- accounts without delay, and those who may haveclaims against that concern will please present them for adjustment. on p • ♦ r a tyBBBS GRAHAM. I oint Frederick, 2|st Sept, 1818. A FOR SALE, Pv A BUILDING LOTS. few Lots of a,t,e Acre of Ground, being a very ^ond soil for Gar¬ dens, and good lituation for Dwelling- Houfes, one mile ftom Kingfton, on the iNew Road leading from StoreStreet, for Sale on favorable tcrm9, appIv tQ S. BARTLET. Januarji, iSi^.. itf ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dalton, fituated within half a mile of this town, a valuable fituation for a Gentleman and family, & no lefs fo for a Diftiller or Innkeeper. The above premifes will be fold at public Auaion without referve, on Saturday the 3d day of April next, at ti o'clock A. M, at Walkers Hotel, i£ not previoufiy difpofed of by private bargain. For particulars apply to the Subfcriber. THOMAS SMITH. Kmgfton, Jan. 14, i8I9. ^tf toletT~ mHE Commodious dwelling Houfe ■*■ and premifes, the property of W. Rofs Efq. lately in the pojTeffion of Mr* Woolf, for terms application to be made to Wm. MITCHELL. Kmgfton, Oa. 13th, i8iS\ 2f> ALL perfons are Cautioned againft purchafing Lot No. 22 in the 7thcon. of Frederickfburgh, or Jot No, 27 in the 1st con. of Richmond,from the Heirs or Affignees of Davis Hefs, as the Subfcriber holds an indifputable title to the fame. GILOERT HAR1S. Sidney, 4th Dec. 1818. g AN elegant, well fioifhed Double SLEIGH, for Sale, enquire of S. BARTLET. __December 29, 1818. * TTUST received and for file at thtf <UI Office, prire7-Jd.t the MONTREAL ALMANACK* For rtie Year of our Lord 18 19 KINGSTON, U. C. PKINjTEB F»R THJE tDlTOltS.

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