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Kingston Chronicle, January 8, 1819, p. 4

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rrv-TE tyhfaiber ha* for J Mo-tin «fir Pwil trea; an exten. * , ar ...___»..f Hardware <.nd Iron MB— ll/pjnF0MA8 DALTON* <&.«■ "" 7 " u- 1 .•ccrf..!ly beg leave ro MqtiSl* tn ** 3t Diihllc that thy have commenced brew t- anextfii- . . . M- „,iriL:ifllint.l,t. whei ortmentof Hardware nioiidcry. . .., Ootid* of superior quaHty. filling of all kinds of Saws, T tn Toots. tfd*e Tools, draw.ng Kmves Plane*. Che(U of .\ools. wood Con er< T >ots, S,.....»-s Kails, Hammers flhw Knives, awl Bade*, butchers Knives and Steels, eo-k Knive«; table Kmven. and Forks cork Screws, tiu'd iron >poons and Fork,, b tonfa metal Pert* fee. pewter queen's ■»•.«] and brittania metal po ns, Cand eliicks. bid* and green Fenders, fire lr-ms, Frying Ftf* W Irons, Scythe, Sj< kl« », o k<* and Penknives, SufT is, Raz-fi, Dieflinjr Cafes Spurts- man'* Knivts, Powder Flafks, shot j be t . Udta work b *&, sown;- cotton in boxe>, ntcdle- &c. See, which will be sold on the moli reofonab'e terms He has atfo jwft revived with the Gr ;od* from England, a numerous col ieftiu ■ pfpatterHS, book- and lift* of hardware and ironmongery, and fo'kit the favor of hi friends and the trad* '» general, wh », by iu-p. diug the goadvor patterns will be c nivmced th^t what are now fiVed for -ale, sue much fuper. tor to Home articles generally fe»t to thi- ro.inuy, and may ilfo rely on ihe ex ecation of any i rd-.-rs f. r goods from Ei-jjlai.d, being lent out equal to the patterns, and on. the lowcft terms. BEXJA' IM HAR l\ Genera! Agent ?nd comm. /ercht. jftioiitrcai, *9th D.cr. 1818 — iw6 ;„« at their ntw elfabli foment, ,hev Have now ready for delivery, feme excellent „«.« fo barrels of hirty fix Gal'ons each which they off r at the moderate price- f . (.J tv -ix Shillings the ' arrel. whic nrice they rf« n-t intend to advance u.n |«fs from neceffity arifiingotit of an in created price of Vf^lt and Hops Thus the Public can be regularly accommodat led with a w -hob fome and agreeable beve¬ rage . at as moderate a -ate a< could rca- fouably be dciired ; the Propriety, of this ufeful efabltflitnvnt therefore flatter themfelves that it will receive a fair per ti n of nub'ic Patronage. Order 'eft a' tht Office of S. Bart- let, will be [tended to. Kingllon, Deer. 28, 1818. • Black Smith Work. FYN VLDS *< Co lately arrived from IrcU'id, beg fcave to inform the Ge> tlciren and inhabits of Kings- t .11 and its vicinity in ee.tferal, that they hjRvc commenced the Horfc Shoring and \ B acltfmithw Hufmefi, in all its va.ims branches, near the upper Cl,d of Store street, between Mr. Louglas's houle and Mr. Powell's. Afl orders with which tht-y may be favory], (hall be ex rented in futh a complete god workman ike manner, and «'n fuchft»w terms, as they hope, will entitle tfem to a mare •f the public pationage. Kingston \Oth (Jciokr 1818. 20tf 1U Lht, f^OR any term of yeaft not exceed u in Fifteen, on trV molt realona h'c terms—That well krtown valuable • and in the public line, lituate on the r ^r , .1 ..i-int at Ganan -qua. and recently <«ccu- .r ;oW "¥ f fo"? to * | ied by «, h l),.wn». toA-,l,er with the Hou.e, Barn, Stables, &c—For far- her particulars apply 10 the fublcribei. JOEi, STONE. Gananoqua Jan.Q). 1818. 33// FOR SALE, AND immediate polTeflim given, tin HOUSE and premifes in Stuart ville, lately occupied by Mr. Daiton. fituated within half a mile of this Tow. . a favorable fituation for a Gentlema- and family, and no lefs fo for Diftiller, or Inn Keeper. Foi furthe particulars enquiie of the fublcnber, 01 at Mr. Moore's Coffee-ti on fe. E BARNETT, Kingston, 08. 12, 1818. 43tf Edward J fines j^KGS leave i J| form hi-* frie id- and the publi* in genetal, thnt he ha-jnlt received an rlegaui aflortment . f DRY & t'AN'Y GOODS. L'o1 filling party of the following arti cltt, viz : Snpe'fi"** Wrll of England Cloth- and t alTnuercs, of the moli filhioi ab t po ois. Irfh Li ens, Britihh Shi-ting, Ltnea nd Cotton CambrieN Corded : ambrlc, ! Mufliiis, Jaconet and Mu:l John Bowling) I J ETURliS his mod lincere thasks l\ to hisfrnnds and the public, for the ve.y liberal (upport given him fmce hi.s commenceme. t in bufinek, and beg- leave to inform them that he hat. laid in a general and well feledi d (lock of Groceries, Wines and Spirits, at hia old ftand, whirh he is determined to icll at the moil reduced prices, viz. pTRHE SuHcfciiher* relp^lfuHy In. I form their friends and the PuMic, that thev have mm reeeivrd a «d jui opened 'in Ma-ket Street, j"" be ow rs. Pat.ick^ Inn, a ve-y Fxterfivc aObttment cf Dry Goods, Groceries m d stationary, I fkewile a great qaan- of Claffical Borks, the whole of which will »e fold very 1< w lor Lafti and approved Credit. Mcdonald & aykroyix Dec. 1, 1818. 27 T'V !.M1» an PHi HVB81WB&U, riTAVING hem at>pbintfd Agent| 11. Firth* Pro.M.'.tor of the ERONj WORK :, elh.b fined at Three (livers, i".h P oviiuv of Lower Canada; in- for n - the pub ic, that he baa lately re¬ ceived a Yerjf extensive assirimetit of WARES, ManufnAnred at that place—Among Other article* arc, Double 8? Single STOY Or various sizes and patterns, CAST ASH PANS, six; a it Kirn lks, Potash GOOLKHS. POTS, DOG IRONS,and DUTCH OVENS, Whteh will be difpofed of, for Cafh, at scry the Montreal prices. The fuperioi■ fijfi inf- of metal, and durability of the Three -iiveri; St«ive-. reader them worthy the attention of pnrchafer5, a- they are not liable to crack, like thofe impo'ted from Scot¬ land. JOHNMACAULAY. Kingston, \st 0Sober■> 1818. 19 Mtivot Sr Bruce Tf rl,rG eave very nobedfttlly to in jjl)3 form ih v Gulio tr^. an<i the ouh lie generally thai they have received i more complete affortrntiit of fall k hitfai GOODS: Consisting, tartly, of the following articles. Superfine fecond and common Br. a 1 Cl«ths& Caflincres ; faflii nable Peliffe do. White and colored Flannel ; Tar tan Plaid ; Lifli lAa*n ; fir»c Cotton Shirting ; ludia and ftripe Cottons ; Apron Check ; Turkey St other ftiii^e-; dark Gingham; Bpi'bizette; Chintz Ca k-Q ; Cott n and Limn, e amhrie- ; fine hiniz Furni'nre C'alrco; corde-i Dimity ; Silks, and Silk Handkerchief,; Shawls; Fancy, >>'uk, and C tton Pop. !in An affoitm nt of HOSIERY ; Stockfn tie Drawers • Bed Tick* • coarfe lJ:*en &c. &c. iT> ^n aiTmrnent of elegant Damafl- TABLECLOTUSfron,8-,oto 10-16 Crockery £ GtAss Ware. GROCERIES. JimaVa Spirits C. Brandy. Holland Gin, Wines Pr-poerminr and Shn.b, Hyfonand Green Te.s, Loaf and Mul. ■^vado Sugars. Soap, Candles, IndiW Fig 1 lut, Starch &c &c. All of which will be fold very low, for cafh. w Shrub v\ bbke.v Peppermint i •^uflins, F-ncy M.iflin H,m ik rchief Bandanna and Barcalona do Fine Ging- amf, Bl -■< k a1 d colored Silks, Si k and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fi e cordei^ j Dfmitie-, White Jane, white and buff IMarfetU Quiiting, B'ack Flotentiue, ane tlndrcfiVd Calicoe , Bombazeile-. and Bort.b?ZBne9 of all Co^>r-. Linen Diaprr and Hockao-ick, nhiteand Co' civ red Flami-U, Ruflia Sheeting and Of* naburg. A wefl choftn ^fTortfrert of Thread and I aces and ibhoiis, Sr»aw Bon.ct-. ' adics Toriifc fhcli Cor>bttf Ca i |> and lace Fo t'U; cKvrt<i ■• imnsenHW-te infert. 4 Lratesnf K'nr CROCK RKY Ware GROCKRIES, Jamaica Spini>,Brandyi i oMand Oft . Port and other Wine*, p£ppe*mtni and Shrub, Hyf >n and Twa>'key 'Peas d uWfi and Single rtfi.-.ed Su^ar-f Mul- cova'o dp, Sperrracetii vo»dil and din* CaMdles S- ap, Starch and Fig Blue, ic &c. &c. All of whfch will be fold for Cafh c iopn ved crrdft. Kingston* ^th Aug. \ 8 \ 8. 10 pain- • i o*% and a nu i bei of atti notice. HERE 'S bv the last Will and "Ylt'omrnt of the late RICHARD PATT1NSON, FJq in :iis life lime of Sandwich i«. the province >f Ut.per Canada, R hert Gil'eL.ie, A'i *i-im Gi'kif n, and Oeoi^re Moffat. ve jointly and (evera'ly, apoomtrd li'luciary l..e<ra ees of his Eltate, and Executor- of laid Will. I do hetcbv rtqueff a'l perfon* h'vfng claim" np n laid Fltate. to prrfent the fame to me. duly authenticated* f r payment; and all perfaiiH indebted hereto., are rt-qi.fr. d to ray to me the amout'l of their rcfpe^ivia'CO'-nts. Debts dii" to fa id Flla'.e in the rovince of Upper C^r^dn or in the Inutffd States, Dordrrins thereon, mav -e paid to George Jacob* Kfq of Sand-11 Powderdo< with. John (kin, and bmea Gordon. '** "ol:i!' li -I .Ta-airaSpirits , Ho'laud Gid ', i'oniac Brandy ; herrv do. WINES. 'pnerarlo Port : '!'• r»e?iflfe Ho. *. Ala'a^a Belt Ficklinp; Vinegar. Li* e Juice. GROCERIES. ^Miipowder lea. I'ua. k«^ do. Is son Skin do. l.uafS*»«jar it.-covadodo. are Clint* rinnamcwQ SaOVon I ri'K ^hns, r -rkr* rijja Common ilo. ■ i*»r| Barley Fretici' do. Ffqr«. r.f Aniheilibt.rg.,ttf to cither of ■ hem, ihey beinir duly anthonzed to receive the fame and graiv acquitiance> G MOFF \TP. Montreal, 20 h March, 1818 44yi hurt ...0. n (irren * opperas I>m Knglt-K Cheesf Wi»d>or Soap ■ BesI coniMion do. Pipe Clay Glaibe* Salts Pearl \ l\ Kn^ll^h M 'stard I*r|ipp«iniin i*>ps Si.^a. [-i"inbs S" -'a Minouda Co I Fl&Jj Red He* rings Sal£ do. Salt ftuiicr \\ m* «;lti Sails, teicui -iises Shingle tlo. Tape* Needles I W»st ( o oil Halls Coloured <!*>. Black Thready Wuiie and *' »own do. W'riimp Paper Letter do- For Sale, riE Snhfcribtrs beil1? about t k-e Ki.i'oi^on, reqi\^| n VT 1 very reafofiable tctma, and im medi- te puff, flion^iven, a F \RM ving in Adoij huilown, on the Bay 1 f Qjo'ntv, one mi.t welt of the Co'Utl .'iule, formerly owned and occup ed by the late Phi ip Dorl.jnd, deceased ; n whfch i- an orchard of 1 1 c large Aupe LretSj and a'm-it eveiy other kind of fruit Tiee* that is p anted in tm\ coun¬ try Alto, a convenient framed h •v.itr and barn and houfe.>. About one hur>drcd pounds will bt rcqufed down, and the- remainder wi 1 oe made very e fy. — For further partic¬ ular* enquire of the ftlbfetjber, on the premifes. GEO iGE DOUGLAS. Adolphultown, Kih Nov 1818. 26V no ncrc. J. leave K».i"..uon, reqo^t ,-,|| thofe who a»e in del ted to the ( oncern. t< M ke immediate payment ,a-d al!thof<- who have any Clams again{1 laid concern to pTffcnt their Accounts iflmediatly foi a j-'flmcnt. N. R. The Bufnufs will siill be Continued, and as good an Aflortment kept on hand as ufiial. AL W, a e^>od Supply of Sole and Upper d Starch •ilack P<-p|fr • Id.mt S Ipher '-<•» -nrl ^tin«;.*r Vlioit* do. » d-a-i Arrow Root op Minonda Bin -do. Ml-'iti Olue • An afTortment ofdockery Ware, dpi Qvftdifcdfei ReH Dutch f.of)^ ptoe«. rlng T'-^?cc'1— and!e Wick, Miiii d Candle*— Di p'd do* ^ii[)eiinrdr fled CVf vhklDS, '> elt Liquid lac king, A ftw articles of Dry Goods. N. r. Leather. 3° t A B. Tn addition ro hi< pre- ock, he excels rnany oth^rani cV1- *n bis hue in a few dnys. King (Ion, October 19, 181^. 2t Notice. For Sale, \npl\tiV Elegant faini No. 8, fint M, Conceflion townfhip . f Firdtrick bmgh, 28 miles from Kiu^Hon, (c .ntaining 200 Acres.) forrreriy oc cupii-d by Colonel Spencer* and known by (he name of 1 he Manfion lionfe. It c-.ntains nbout 50 acres of land under improvement, an elegant frame houle 2 ftoiy UioU with 2 bams and other buid ings. F'erf ms defnouN of puichafing may mquireof the Subscriber on the pre 1 ifTc.-,, or to D liai-crman !!fq. at Bath. JOSEPH hERGEKON. Frederickfbuigh, iepi. 8th, 1818 15 Aottc e. aiiow- c'aimb Kingston 1 oth Dec. r 8 1 8. _____29 Kingston Branch of the Mon¬ treal Bank. Any rum rcqujred may be obta;nt.d m the Offi-etor good Biils, m Montreal, Quebec, B, b of Exchange an London or for Specie —Notes aifo will be di- mmUd4urt3' f,Xty' and <"™Y **y*< THOMAS MARKLAND. w a v. Agent. Kji*gflon, 3d Nov 1818. 23 ALL perfons indebted to tre Eftate of the late Jcar.es Gumming, late of HiUoweil, dtceafed, are requeued to call without de'ay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGrkgor, now in charge 0f the efbbl.lhment, at H ell bridge ;—and thofe who have aga.nrt the faid eltate, are deiirtd to prelent them for adjuilment. The Hock in Trade of the deceafed, confifl.ng of a very complete afTortment of Goods well laid in, and very fu.table to the Country, is now filling ,.ff at tri¬ ces lo low, as will defe, vedly claim the attention of the public. Cam or Country produce will he tak- <m in payment and a credit of 6 month, given to refponfible Farmers, or others yOHNCUMMMG.il IVM. MtTCfiBLL \ Elcccutor8 Kingston, OcIzt, j8,7/ 0 THE Cooarrnerfhip heretofore ex i'iing voder rh^ 6rm0f Taylor &f Parkerh thi- dav difTolft-^ bv n-ornal ronl.-t. The c'ore, »hr-- U fo r- qm ft a!! th'.fe indebted fo th<- ^,'d firm, by "ore, or bo, k ace •.: t. to ,0mr forward and make vt mtrb'ate payment ti-'o A U^n "av'or, who fs duly aurlvnifed to re c iye the fame. ^ ."• nd tfufc who have r im-on the hid firm are requcfled to prefect tlirw for adjnftrnent (Signed) • IJ N T YLOR, thomas Parker. R<'11-)Ul>, 3d. Nov. ISilK. %fa |o N B. The bufinefs will! in future be carried on by ____________THPMff P S RKER. NOIICE rHF late Partr.crfhipcf James Pan hen & Co. having «FfnVved hfe*i thi>d-y. bv the dtath of Rodeitcfe Mackay, Efq. the bolJoefi wdl in iuturc be carried on by tl-e luhfcri^ei, to whom all perfons who a..- indcHed to the a bovc Him, wiP pleafe pay their account- without delay ; a- d thofe who may have claims again ft that oncern, will pleafe prefent them for adtjullment. James I\nken. Erneft Town, 2 1 (l Sept, 1818. 24tf "~— — — — __ . __ Notice THE late panieishif of Robert Graham&; Co. haviig dissolved itself this day by tiie dejtO of Rode¬ rick Mackay foq. the birsiness in fu¬ ture w ill be carried 011 l)^ the Subscri¬ ber, to whom all persons, nao are in- debted to the above lim, will pleas, pay their accounts withmt delay, and those who may have el a in* against that eoiuin. Mill phase preset them t-r adjustment. yy StOBERT CltAHAM. Point Fredrick.. !21gt &pt, 1818. Executive Council Office* York, 22d July, 1818. SJJ*OTICE is hereby ^r'wen to 1^ CHRISTOPHER THOMSON, or hi- Rti rctentativc, by order oi Hi: Honor the A dmiuift rator in Council, (o make good any pretenfion to the Weft half of Lot number Seventeen in tlie h venth ctictflion. on the Nai am River. m the Townfhip of FtedtriekiDurgh, wi'hin "mx mouth- from this date, or the » me will be thrown open to other appli¬ cants. JOHN SMALL, um6 C. E. C. NOTICE. THE Subfcril er forbids all perfom fron tiel-afli-g on i .ot No 7,2 in the 4th c nc 1T10 ot the Tovvn/hip of Lauioen, in ti>e county of Lenox and ddingMO, Midland Oiftrict, and d'ic nerrby f irhid any perfonor nerfon- fro > utting -r deftroymg any Timbei •wh. ther lying or Handing, or Carrying any part of the fame away, under Penalty of the Law A MACDONELL. Kmj/fton, Dec 26th, 1818. NOTI; E. NY perfon or perfons dt-fsroua of cnteiing into an ag'eentnt fof clearing from 15 to 40 acres ot ]andf will receive libera! ei couiagemtnt, by at plying at the office of the Kii glloa Gazette.—where the terms of the agree, en 1 may be feen. U C. 2id h'ovewber, 18'8 11 a ttigstan, 26 Valuable Lands f< r S le i the TOWNSHIP of H\iMl/10N. Lots No 6 and 12 in the gd Con. ceffi n, ................4°° Dodo tt and 15 in the 41b Con» cefiion, • • • • • • • * 4 5^ Dodo 10 in the 6 Conceflion,2c o Acte% 1050 Tf'E above T ands arc d iV'i"C io the Townfhip of Hamilton, new caftle Di'ltricl:, am. wiii .e ftruid « 11 Uo n. It •iberal ter--is F *" fmth r i fo v;.ti n, e- quire of I'dias J ones Efq. fciami ton, or the Pi inter. 23tf .f NOT I E. lIIE Snosciber having been dfily af Lointed l"xeeutu'x to rhr F'ate Paul c uif, 1 :te of -sd ': • «is- t wn decealed ; Ni tier g-iven, to all thofe fn!« bird 1- to hi i\by laid es- '. fr to make immediate pvmcni ; aid =1!! perfons having c'aims agai.ll i\ arc teqn- ft**d to pref«*nt them, dul y anihen- ticatcd, fo« adjviMmtftt F'lZ '.BETH HTFF- Adolphuftown, Dec. 24, 1818. _______ 3 1 tf To Let AND immediate poflTc fli - that p'tafantly fituated and PA R K. the property of Mexr. McDo.ell. For further piltic. ularsapphM^^f^^^^^^^ .Also—A fmaP HOTTSF, in <tori Street, oppofite MefTrs M. njeau & St. Germain's. Applv a« »mwe. Kingston Dec. Wh, i8iW. n rjiven, HOUSE the Rev, 9 BANK OF bei g- appointed J- he T^ ME --ubferibM agent for the a k "f uxtvHk will legornfe bank notes for bills on '•'outreal. Quebec or f ►» 'Wr.ff Wm. Hi -"CHELI,. Kingfton, Oa. 13th, 18 8. to LANK NOTk K. FUK Sr*rk holders of flic Bank of Upper Canada are rVn |>\ tiori- •oh'/ird, fhHf fh*' tirtf in tnlmeof of •i^ht per cf-nt (being right Di IW« >n 1 Share.) is n qne?f/{| to be paid fo 'iie Cashier, on or before Monday the l^t day of February next. By order of the 1 resident anrT Di. rectors. SMITH BARTLTT, Ca-hJ-r. n, Dec. 14, 1818. 29 Kings to FOR SALE OR TO BE LET. Iwi dweMiti Commodious two (?"ry 8" Houfe. with Kikh u, out Honftsand Garden No 1. Front 'Leer. For particulars af ply to Lamance Hcichn.er, Frq, King ton, December 2o» 1818. 30 A FARM FQHSALE ; 3l LOST, \ Afliorttimeago, a VOTE of hand in favor of Nicholas Amrv Thi, 7 is to in 01 tn thofc who w»f chance to find it, hat It is of no value, faid Not having again t Daniel Picket, f tf been paid. NICHOLAS A.MEY Earneft Town, Dec 28, 18.X. ._______________|i v3- TOLELET,foroneormor7year, & immediate pofl". flion given, that FA RM, of late owned by vjr Vu Eaton, whereon he kept a Public Inn K.tuatcdwithbamiieanda quarter of the I own of Kingdom For term apply to the Subtcriber. ELIJAH BEACH. Kingfton, 23 d. Dec. 1818. 3, A DJOrv/NO !>ay Pjv, h tht XX 1 own/hip of Frederick bu-gh rhe F,ft half of Lot No. 2 in the fcond Concefli-n. containing ieo acres, and taving about 40 acre, under cultivation, with a log h -n'e and bam noon h For the terms aop'y to Daniel W, mbura Llquire, Kinj/ft »n P V VN If^tTrHNPT Cornwall, Dec. 7, 1818 ^ - —- AN ,Cr1Vr\ T6 H l(lltd l>«»Me >LL1GH, to, Sale, enquire of December 29 \ BAR i LET. 1818. J^1' rec^vc'1 Wl for fale at thif (t^ Office, pure }{d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Ycir ot our Lord 18 19. KINGSTON, U. C. 1'IUNTi.O lOlt IUL Uu.iottS

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