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Kingston Chronicle, January 8, 1819, p. 3

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c I rcdfeft ot alleged grimaces in Cuurch or Swt, may b crndj ufc of to frrvi he endsj ■fctraifcoua arid feditiou* pcr-j fjo* to t;ic violation of the PublicBsaft, and inuiireit en- and !)f tf-dsf, I' is hereby- ex¬ acted Ht the KLvvfs M>ft fcfc ceHesit #;vl.ij-:ity, by aid with tht aclviv-c a.id confer** of h. Legiilnive Council and Aikttlkj blv oi the Province of Up^er- til cd*Tafhid * ahr} B?% tint Mr. Ttinrft-j a; Parker, of thi« town, ttfercfcfUtt, be! Trcaforct, to receive and accour-t f. r, j a* ihe laid l ruftee*, <>r ihrce of them, fliall think proper to dire it, ali fubferip- tion monicK and donations by him col- ie&ed, and hereaftet to be applied, tor ihe e-xorels purpnfe of building the laid Epifc"palian ' hurch. 3 i That it if 'he opinion of thu meitiW, that the afotefaid Lo'slo re frwc! for a Church & Bmyrog Ground in BcfJvjTe, he prayed tor in the a( r* Ij^dfrOuj to* Loiidoa £oori*ar of 27th riel T/injr with anther in their endeavor* to promote tnosc m- lenitl irsproYer^er?ts> Wl Kh »o much contribute td llie c#mibrt and happiness of pan. Tile Half jrfftrlf rejM»rtof the' Xf^g | 1 We are indebted to fiie Pol'lte "tten- riou of a Gentleman ftl tl,ij garrison for th« following omr*1 account of the Reductioua. &c. in tb - ArmY,exttact- *t»n Companionate Society, inicrtcd i thin day's paper, will wet hi k be found Bufficicitly interefting to recommend the ■ inftituti >n to the notice r\<4 tapp*Tt oi j all benevolent perf« ii. 6 n.e of the rrfolutions pafTal *t the Annual lett¬ ing en the ±ih iaotuntj certainly require ferioua gonideration, and ml; bj doubt j j meet wii!i that atljuuio* irom tiie com I»unity which the pteiiog aaturc uf 1 tlie inbject arpea.» t«'r^une. I erno-ral, to be granted m trull to tie i^ii'j'mtie.* herein mentioned, and to their fncveffo'** hre-rei lobe cho-j Cainda, COllftuu e J and diem j fen by a naj »riiy of theaf'refaid Fro*..] bled by virtue of and under i : I tees, in al cab"- »*f vac-ne'es. in fueh of ! I r . a s»»h- j . hce, dad f jt the expreli portioie ature-j theairhor-ty «.>f an ^t paiv:d ; ffr. ^ in the Parliament of G cat 8ri-)| ,h> *j-ha* it is the ©pmion of this October. jAIj« ce //"«n *o k« ^' 'tides* til health of ^ ■»i!,a",>e—The mip *-, ]j E.3ward, L'apt. Cnifetenden, arrived at 64&*) B»kioiore, wn> boar'ed on the 2?th TUEA ^ C\N VOnO-Y Kverin.; will F prefented Otwjty's ccebrattd j gedy% in five A.&6 called Venice Preserved OR A PLOT Hi: COVERED. B"tw ea the Hay and Farce, CO •.•!(* S0NG l-y Mr fjfuntty. To which wi" be 2' ded the favootJB Ilival Soiduvs. Tht Put lie arere*p"tt{u iy informed i ^ , ■ 4'n. i nat it is me ^p: tain, endued, " \n Ad (O ;e- \\ mrc-'-'ng, th t the Om* ttaa is c<» 6.fc-. ■' ""thurif'-d t" dra*i and fa:war 1 ihej i! peal certain oarts of an Act pa- led amhunfr Wfd in the fourteendi fcr atY****** V] Te^- ria to ^.i* fc*xctj»e»wiy ©uards - ~- - ws T.-n Me« per Tfrtopin eacl> of i:'° p^'r"i- yi.- »of Dr. ;0«» Gi..iii-S a-d fjf». son»:ti-eiv.iJ2 in Qpja4 '5';'a,lJ &i,(^ ^l4-'- iu.:ri 1*300 by fieknefs. j UjiwaraU of nine hundred fckoola, on j'.hc Lanvafterian plan, arr n«*w in opera- ibad at %■ MOO i r'«. C«$w M^/', and at th T:^£\- K —Li»>dr« »• «"^tf open it IX »'- '• ck ; I u. ;aii> to ii;c at S V»7.\ oc) tk. puebec, inNorih A^ariea,S: e*77^ , j-h Th+t ^ aM tv^eafp hi- FxceUi ai\d to make further provdi. n ;iencvih«; .Vntma't G "—n- inC-u:- ! Tn-es Troops of ibe lv,»>«l Waggoa « for the G->vernm'cn of the /aid ici), f vorH.b "v t a'-hv r th- af-«refain' \ 'iVaia 5S6| too* j CHRIS riA.SITY. ' t:l 4 in the afternoon \ wher- b'«ccs may be taken foi Dwxes It «0eMS «hat . lvtilia-ity is making Ao mc*n*y t&ki n ■" lie D »*-r. f a^po^nrea. man :>e net-i anu ia ken to be u nh w fu! a fie m b lies' ?.e o ^ing to thertr^es and r"gti,»t*"on of] faird Baikal«•»« r?ite IV^iie i rhc CWcoof Kwrtani?, -i»y be perfor.(|T*#^l^t*.Refi.iei!^ I TU«» Ro,ai \wrK :'.:..v-m-s ^fjf; rtli p/ic^s gi^i^g o, ;:i.P.:. f. r,,., a, ,, j. ^.cini* toaita.n^.^..^;^ VVi., A .a.,dl)^!8 J>li DO filing no'ice m Hie hiec-^jthN d §.aT4e ■ohje^:i hl"^ RoVai Africa vHtottfi Hon to be made of fbeh ftr*{ f «'■ ^f*^;*^f ^ tug, voting or anmg tft-rtin ;h. T,<St^o' the r«ve# Canada Oa-,! :r> »,.va-^^r t:,M,aa,>....- ■„• g> 8t?'i- ■ r • u If,*;,-j- tue true iaitn. SOU: 2 g Mi) 10 ;0 tor The iofdsof tba tneanurj have or- dt?>«<[ (hat all Bibles ana To&tameats ^vportod by toe British Foreigu Bib'e t«tijifity, skftil past} d«ty free. Several Communications, transmill- \ . Kingston, Jany. 2, t&ig Short ILin.t NY Lady or Gvntl-rp&ti desirous of p fluffing a w ed e or 6h >rt Hand, Mtrai LMummmoioiif, era*, iw- f wherewith ^bcy can wirh cafe ,soo! tfi io us for insertion, are unavmdao.j \ xa- . , , ' . . i- Lrf«^»«i»-«i -et*. ;W'»« ™*[d cy.P'»« ".may bs MARRIED* On Tuesday Ua, by ta- Her. John [JLhlUatt, on I VVUsou, Mr. Hir.Nav Combcr, to ISiUa | and. approve taught in fix I dions, for th_ moderate mm of '1 ■■ e.ti'y Dollars,, on the aiofi unerring tO Per it MHl tit Jtfg Or PaU'a-•:^:"t'lir}^ »^= nifell' -' top mv* u- f. ,•',.:• !'.Vtnl Cavalry, Foot Ga:.rri aud lu. ^ j ^rl,1Y MARIA JuOCKAVQODj both •! Ult.111 lu! luilkl, iJi a.:} lubil , .» », .,. .. ... r % r "" *----*" » j w * rivate grievance. j ^,;J.;..iil^;. y^^M. ..«oj&.«r:» ^bk- !• ^ ««*;««;»# «.f u a* »-u ^ wwd»^vi ..i —— ,"'".;"o'■-r^r":,,^; ^ . I -^^^,r,.,„. a^u.,,;,^^. r/ele society. d Prii ci/e ftich as Mfiittcv Maria Lockwqodj both of !;s pradihd ;n both tloutes of EscftUtive Cormfil ' //r^, 7 •^- sy/i 'vr. 1 8 V 8. Tvf-\ / 0 y /CE is hercbv ^i v.• n- • • • • ■ • • • • • • • » a . • • • ■ . rv«e. ,;\ • ' g UCU.» «n !: '.1 t' .. Paili Client and Coiirt of L avr : i n Lo n d 0 ■ ,bv w bi - ,w \ t h tri ree j mo at hi practili, th y w8! be enabled to keep up with th^ ••HUE Annual Meeting of the , \ Wemprrs .if \\\t t(hr?*!$n Jir4k" ' ■•• -V (' j:;,ry BihUaud C+mmon tray* **,& So-V*. ™md ^**«'. A I I fie u ii- * - f . ?-?'h & cifrh ]>'iiary, iocii arid 24th FeVustry lotl* ar-d 2-.O1 Ma-ch, 7>h and 2l.vt April, eth and 10th May, 2d l6tliaud 30th'June, i,iih and 2 St fa ji.dv, 1 tlh and 2sth A^u^iuft'-, ?th 3'id 22d Seprein'er, fei'fj iii?d 2odi October, K^tBroved listen* of n i'rieuHurfel im hhtO !hr i I 11 r i'lovjpce, \>% Luii H4" fehe{ 1 1 |'3-tt?ottoti o» the practjeaj \t\rm jcrto -ke EaustC apprvved method;- * f (.wHs\ah^Jg, the soil,, audoij live stocth r**if >• * *«« 1 ».i crops ana Wv Slave some tiiiiesseeii com- 1 n»efC€ here, a^ ei*ewlie^ pOHii* j jvd bevofid its natumj iimitg;! Osink a.;;■!*{culture i» 2d and iTib Novetnber- , . , . l& 15th aad 29th Dccr.jr-rVWilh tl!,lt i i-w.eh prosecuieu uiunscoun-J energy vrkich it By CVd^r of His Excellency, . The Lieut, Gor«rn(#. JOHN SMALL, Clk. Ex. Council. j merits ; eithei as it eojicerns! Hilt piui?ru;ur hitertst of ihe ' farmer. •*• ks a source of nation-1 1 a\ wealth. V- ai«jr;*Ki»rc»r,^ BeUv'iUe, 26th December, 1818. h o tHereiore Slope • soon to <^e bmnches of the S#-| eietf at York estabJklied in this! k: l!Jiic i ton,.*. J l/i Ufi-.M 1 '-.- MttMiani-Coluuel i .*; 'j .*r- ^- (v. -.am* 8 L • a.onaiKS fe C.Y- hs>vb C 1 fual Staff,, 356 JVvw* T-« Com?iia.es. I CiOnnel i 1^.: (1. ad.ii-C'clouel ^ • «ij,> 'I fc Ci« ^.: , the usual ft^aff. -* U-ruaiKjers rr;^) .4 candid, impartial, independent NEWS-PAPIER, TO BE ENTITJ.IO The Upper-Canada Herald : k Which will be pubiifhcd wetk'r, as . 1000 as 1 he nectnary arrangcirieiit-' tor [ the ptirpofe can be made, and carried in¬ to eo; a. '} he Editor affurei hra friends and the I LL th.-.ft-lnHebtfd to the StEAttj Bo\T Cjiaklottt, are rr>\ ;e"-d j to make immediate payment, ^\ al [who havr a»y d- —--ands atrair.ft wrid I'wat jare re^ eHed ro ^i^e iti thei. aecounta to the S.ihfcriher without de*ay. By yrder ai the Comantttre. SB kRTLET, KipffHoh, January 1, :Sia, t The ^u ;)«a,:.vlH„ (U«atvU, S^ Dra^oop?, 3:1 h^t ?3d, t^tits, 4rfd, feud jj„i a«ji<..ri(.-iue ».» I U1LD1NG LOTS. j puWic, that his Paper fhill be loyal and | A fevv Lots of one Acre of Groor.d, I patriotic, open to a1.) paftUs, but un-ier j j ^*- be,l'R a ve!T Jfn°d soi) for Oar- ! the control of nooe ; and as i.tltr.idtivc, |detrt» and ?ood ^tnarion for Dwelling j entertaining and authentic a? his bell ex-1 j Hoilles» one mile from Kfn^ftort, on tertian* can make it: and he therefore! k^e New Road lesftJing rVom St^re Street, j refpeetfully folicits a (hare of their fup- port. THB U?J»ER C'AHiSDA HERALD Will j be pri- ted 00 Paprt of good quality ar«d ' hze, with fair, legible Type*, and de¬ livered to fubferiberi at One Pound per Annum, (exclefivt of poll age) payable half vearly in advance. liingstm* January 4, 1819. j ;for Sale on favorable tcrm«, apply to S. BVRTL':f. Jatuary I, iSiq. itf. Inbiunt- of the iYu) town mid its viciud)anticipate great wr\d gubs^iUiaMp!l;i:^;°1^,-,i; ity; for the put pole ot devmng w*y$ and aavaniap-ea. 1 hose ,.;«* L i'su£&etbisu.»j i^.e ilia *..a LSih Draeeuo> AN it fOCfiKieSjlixre Wi«weeefi, .> ai.- tva " inuivs. To be Lgtj D pr.ff. ffi ,n gtvi n immediately, rte dwelling houfe, garden &e. ■lately occupied by Edward J. Hender- f«*, in the town ot Kin-Ron. For the Uermes apply at die Office of Dao&l 'W-lhhuni RC 1 <! Kiogaon, O*. 30th, Hi8 z%\& n.p.h, v.as unaniiiiciufly <'ailed to the11a spirit of emuiauon aud etiic-r- -,l3ir- The following Refoluiions were I jprj^e aiTlOIlS' the &.rm«r9, and b C pa [fed. nl That it fg t!i e opinion of thic> meeting, that it is highly expedient a Memorial h# immediately drawn up mid! fIrw-rnd,d i# Yorfc, in order to be laid! before kh Exee%ney ihe Lieutenant Covtnior, in Cou:.oil, p.ayiog forihe! aothorky and patronage of thai Honor-1 able ILxecuriwc body, to evec"t a commo- d«*.»us huiidir^ for an EfigKfh, Epifeopa-I be the means of aSWding besi praclieai ilissimcipai tdtitcil •especvabie and usefttl c»a»« »t the commun now jfer tfeir iiitertst is conuerted wit a i ----- r — ■- . (- pd)'l|4l>IJulti|i,,r^ ezCiJrivtfOf IfiOSG tsM'Vl&g rhe»e reilui -; o:i? mil io?aa yW# a«oua»t to Kingston, ja.naury 7/i, 1819. Mews iL^iur^ j In the NfoWntrta! Couratst «f a late TO LET, T^HE Commodious dwelling Iioure . .- . . ■* and premiie?, the property of W term, *fj'f ^ f*fe*^ Rois Efq. lately in the fofldfcj rf Mr! KOBi. RiCHAIDiOM. Woolf,^r terms applet ion to W made Kmgtm, yo January, i8i#. i [^ Wm allTCti£Ll.. Kingftoa, Oct. 151b, r8i8. Lost, i 20 ol commerce, & how niuch de- i dar-, u«d«tr the bead of Cleveland, liaa Church upon the gwmd referred) by the Executive Governweac <§£ this Province for in-ii purpofe, between Church and Rear btreeia, in the town uf Bebville. 2d. That Capi, Jo^-.tt W. Meyen, /Jan T-iy'lcr, %iq Cant. T.i&bw Cole- j ,,.(ljull„ul jl . - [LUuiirisov - tn t fcw an account of peties upon tae v. ior pro«o'aiu . . .- 1 ' fr ftae ions ot ,*r P.iai kuu-.fh'a VeTol the general prosperity or tins . , 'l- '"imt,m3 Vtr-1*1' new country auci Uieir owa aa- T- *"?*£»** *f &***"> m Lm* A valuable 7&. *iiiincr a vantage at the same time. rf\ mail, Mr. Kofvrelt Leavem and Mr. I Andrew ' :a>«.', oe the rrtulee» to car. j Thus discontent would soot wouiti no longer be iieai\l . t— cei»rjbeix€ wiftt!dbe seentrico^ U r»§diga^rkuluu«, ap.d ajrioUi Point, i-atev gfJ^ Such account waa without 3 iy t,)U .dation. as the Duke if VVeio.-jt. ,TJ ar.rivcd in pe,ft.^ fafety at *ay> ,p ,>Hce 2nd DeetmbcTi 181ft- FOR SALE. valuable Lot of L\ND, con- I_________ _ _ _......._ 'ins, a Pocket Book,^aroUffShlc feone]}-^- wft*ttf^ Two Hundred Ac^es of the frit quality and temarkably v.. 11 Timbered, being Lot No. 19, in \h* third C&ncefQon *f Camden. For particular! enquire of the Subscriber in ETWEEN t»e Village of Ernetl Town and Stephen Fairfield** H I ^ *..*., a Pocket Book, coataioiag feme 1 j ef j valuable papers, which can be of no ufe to any oie bat to the owner. Whoever may *haace to flad the fame, and will You r ' I bt Jeiviut, ' h U7DIU3 SHAW. nihfiih iirj ar lhe eturu it to tie fubferibcr, together with I its content*, at I rueft Towa, or to the j | Kingftoni Printing Office at Kiu^tUn, (hall be kandUmeiy rewarded. JOHN CLARK. Ernest T*wn, 6th Jan. 1819. 2wj I BLANKS, }f various kifi '* / r sals +.t J\MES aOBINISON. Kingfton, Dec. 22, 1818, 3«» this !&*£ . TO LE , y^ ND immediate poft'cSon giveua 3 JTu\. Dweiliug Lloime Ci-dvenj at if two famibeR, inquire »f fvjr. John iiAYKi, at Samuel Merrill's. K-a^tou, 7ill Dee. *S;S. 2^..

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