* VOL. 1.] FRIDAY, (AFTEiwoy) JANUARY 8, 1819. [No 2 *— iKE rxn l*\,*,-. '-■ «V T» *-' 4 S'"- , 1 -. '9 .- w fl» FOUFAfiS NfSWH. • • • t - 7>/ii/ */ Arbuthmt Iff Ambrister. [cuVilVUtB;] B. Fn m A. Aibufhnot to Charles Cam¬ eron, Governor Bahamas* gjr__Being ^mpowpri'd by thecnief* ©fth,% L nwer Creek nation to repre-en* the *tntp of their nation to your excel¬ lency, that yoti mn) be pleased tofor- tva-d the ^ame for the inform iti <n of )iis ]\1 je-tv*s government--to whom al^ne they look f r p .-lection again'* the az^rewsions and Fncroachmeut ■ f tlif Americans I beg leave to *i»ftflO> to your excellency till* enclos< d r ptr - * • aentafrnnv*, hu»i my pravtna t^ at > excellency will be pl-'a-ed t tike a early of*?>nrftw,fv of forwarding tfc same to Great Britain. lam instructed by Bow leek ch<- of the Sihwahuee, to make th* deman re rein enclosed, he never I ,3ving h■'■' * y share of (he pre etifs di-T.ibnt* nj a< I rospeet B'uff. though he rendered equally osontial stv!!'^ as any of t<.. other chiefs to the British cause whit' at war with America, and wa- at New Orleans with a part of hfs warrior. H»s frontier being more exposed to H« predatory incur-inns of Hie back Gem- gi'ms, who enter his territory aeddiiv off his cattle; lie is obliged to aav j large parties oi1', to watch their r»o- } ti:r«5 a-'.-l prcv.ut Hitrt pluudej i»«'i J And. beittjr tv w tlellcleV-l «** ammoi'i- ttois, he p*ay ■ your c|.i ,*. > W'-1 grn- this >ma!l d'-nund, hui.ib.i) Soti- ini'iti v, the ^ame, ! have the honor to he \ouroxeell"*i» j fjt* s -ivr.it. A. A. J*ln* hir:tb!e rapi -'M'Mtnt icm of (h chief- of ?li3 I "re» k nit ion to h.» ex- j ceUeney kov. Cam i m. j Fir-t« »■*• b • j, l.'nv.- to represent, j thnt Kdmund IJovlcaud VYltttt>m i|*m- b!y, la<ely clerk-, at ] rroperi Blurt to \1e\* rs. Foi bos, &r, aid who st-iii Te-i'l- on the Api>a'-M. hieola river, w cor>sid"r a-the principal cause oT oui present tr ublo- autl HM a in --. Ifanv- foH •.•. a- thr iu'*tr*Tmenfai cause o! th f-*r-t-*f I'fohpet'l til fi' b inn <l^rr<^y-«l bv t|if Awl' •" nM' • f w*'^^ wr 'n" (he snpnlies intruded for our ;utinp wnr<« -Since lertinjr troops and settling in variout If our pxcpllenry dectres to have rther infTmafioti re^jpcting the *\\- n'ltion of this country and its inhabit- "itf*, lean, from time to timp, inform yonr excellency of sueh fact! and cir- rnrrrstances as arp itated to me b) ■ hief> of known veracity, or which ma) <om^ nruVr my own rbservatien . and yrnr exc^Hpncy's order, addressed to re at \<jw 1 rovidence, will either 'ind me there or be forwarded ir.e to t!n- cruntry. W'rh gti at respect, I have the ho- r to h". your exc« llenc)'» nio-»t •!)"- l;iM«t PTvant, A- A- Th■* followfuif imernotandom »»* on the back of the foregoing letter : KSru| j." -hy 1000. Boleck 1500. 0-" II t- jo ('m--in luivby 500 Hima-hy Mi o C';at*,'.hieh> 500, at piv^-it w i'fl, H I- ':*a|o. At present under arm*, 1000! -Mid m -re : and attacltind! those Amer- 'enm who have made inroads on their t i rit r,ry A quantity of a:on-powder, lead. -tin ketc, and Hints, iiiflicient ti arm 1000 or ?006 men ; rnuk'ts 1000. lrms^mal) r if possible : 10.000 tlint<, n nroporti' n for rill-., put en s» pa rate; c0 fj**fe« gwit-pow der. a ••Top»ifion fo; sife : ^('Ouknirev 6 to 9 inch blad»», i aace, statin; the Indians wore the a<*- j •pressors* and also settled wi'h Inhe-| mocklo fort>o los^ hi- p"»ple had <uf- j fered, at the^^me time ^etidin^ a talk j to Kinjr [Iat<hy. by a tu-id man, (Ap- *ng) that he would put thing* in such a ' train a« fo fy*vpnt f-«rth»»r encroach¬ ments, and ii"t tho<e Americans to] leave the fort* But. o sooner wasj the g*od tall given, ar»d before the' Nearer of it pftnr«l«*4i ho-a^, than hun- j dnds of Am'rican-cum-po.-r-« down on the India** ; rou^- d ih -mto a -ense • I thtii own Jan^er; they fl w to arm , '■ and have bofo con^pel'ed to support them ever si ce. Iti< not alone from 'h*» country, but by vessels ent"rin>i Ap.ialachicoa riyer with fcops, -md -ttler^ are pouring into the Indian territory: a»d. if permitted to contin¬ ue, ill soon overrun th-1 whole of the. Indian laud- From the talk sent; King Hatch> by ffev.^rnor Mitchell, I am in hopa^hat thj-e agressions of' the America*^ on th" Indian territory I cans to retire from thp forts. But thi-11 to Htp in friendly terms with rh«*i had no effect on the lawless invader I breliiren of (h > tower uit'on. wh sq ! of our soils : for, b !or» th1 hearer of J'wishes were to be nil good terms with our talks c uld return hom»», be metlithem, and not to li ten to »v.\ I id talks, but to chase those that i»v th in fron among then. ),\\ h tt r wa- •::»- KWered from them ratner fa»: rably ; a id I nop** 'he talk that was *ent fo h(> l>'g Warrior la t J«iii*», will heal the 'l'lf ' nee b -t»vr*»tl 'hen. ]\'\"\ i| • arrivd in my choonpr, O -kl M-kn"o, sound lat June, and .vi-: well re Med bv all th- chiefs a kI others w ho came t. w Uome him Uc.nv ; in consequence of l»i^ >n val a hi k was h-ld. the *nb tnue • f which wa pat on pan r F">r thent, aid it was sent, with a pin* of leac-, to » i fuei' na¬ tions. J|illi*a'o wi*h"d to r- nu to \t;i-rii with me; i>u» I prevailed nil :»m to stay in th.' nal on, and '<• ke.*p them it p 'uc", I re ret, «ir, *<* notice this poor man's aff»ir-', tboii^h by .is dpsire, it a in and. t at he arr% -d at 'N>—a ' a >h"rt ten a'» -r j had I ft it hundred o^f Americans descending on its. They have a No settler's and troop* which come from Mobile and s.° nptbp Anpalrirhicola riv* r. Thtw, KPHiisftio end to tlw-e inroads, nec."^'-fty como d- us fo hav<- recourse to arm'v and o <r brcthFpn ar* nou fi«;hil>»2 for the land" they inherit from iii^ir fnrf*fart'»prSi fi»r th *ir fattiUH" and friPiid-*, But what nil! our nutfon« n • withoat rissi<itan<*p? I O'.ir hih»u *nf wai Rr«* al'no-f %p *ut: ^ have not been abJp to lay by them 'ans f'T onr extraordinary wants, and to1 whom can wel-'ok up for protection and support, but to those friend* w ha have,! at all former times hold I rth their' iiand- to uphold us, anil who have vvvoru, in their late treaty with th" A- m 'rican-, to s"p orrrjiiKt riglft^and pn-, viLges respected and pr*'tectpd from are ant countenanced by the Am.'ri.an j j in-nlt ami a .gr sion ? We now call; |i;" January, an! i apt. \\ . Ivi u- ,\ re, on yinii a.-ell ••uc>, a- the representa-, jtook clnrg^-o h:n, his i mU and mo¬ tive of ortr g.'od father King George,'jripy, orevaili 14 on t,, • ^ovt-rnor t-^ let to fiend us such aid, "1 a nmu lit- >n. as hiun sfa-y with him, ir fil li • went down government, but originate with m-n de- j void et'prii'ci^lp, who set laws and in-' tructionc atdelianc ', and tick at no | cruelty and rppressiotis to < brain their, enrlc.—Aga'nst snch Oppressions the Am-rican g'vernmeut mu4 083 not j ! joed (iualit> : 1000 toroahau k- : lOOjlsary, o\\ly> all fht-'r iuHuence, but, if ii.'i-'s- ] force, or tbeil names frill be ' we are a!>s ^lut'-'v ia .\au»of; aid, a- onr brother chief li jli aj-T, wa- in or- m. d wheiiii] Rowland, that when am-1 munition wa- •.anted, to enable us t> pr t"ct our rights \our excellency! v m-!1.] ■ lion 2000 lb . lead, iude- hand,ft! down to posterity as a nation , would SUppl) us with w :at was ueces-j >.u»d -et of ball for musket. ( ted) rued) King H itchy. Boleek. more cru«el a id eflvage to t)\t- uufnrt »- : j nate Aborigines ot this cooi'tjy. turn1 ever wer- th* Spaniards, in more dark c\ *s in'v hem l......Kl KroiM Cremnal Gained ro the Seminolv j | age^, to the nations ot South America. Chief. j Tee Fitigli h government, as th*» spe- j T ■ the S^miiiol) Catef : Your^emi-; rial protector of tlte Indian nations, j ,0 y- *r> very bad p.-nple : I d n't say ,and on who-,-, alone they rrlv for a-' sary. We have applied to the Span-! ish officer of the foil ol St. Mai!-.-, b it* hh small stmplt preventid hi* b-nug able to assist u-., and we have only in your excellencv to depusd. VV •. likewise p:av your excellency trim Id. 1 be pi'is"d to send an officer or per -en w m i lie ". Toy have murder, d man y of! I sistance, on* t t.^ step forward and jlo bad us righ», and to apportion tin* *y p»A«ip! \and itoleft r«\ cattle and 'ave those lufortunafe people from ^uppTirsyvu -may he pleased to send M»«rt good hordes, tha! ro'.f me mo iev : I »uin:—and \< you. ir. :ir° aopoiated us, agreeably to oar proper wants. you. ir [\va appom md man * good hou-es, that cost nu* I '<> m ntc!> ove* their inteie t , it is my ; •lonev, you have burnt for nie ; and,, 1 duty, as an ^o^li-h-nan, and the only; tln'u, both the o m- <• have kept tlvcir enuni-aii's aaong m, tending to ha ravsand ilisturb our re- j j fork' d tr •n%ne.: wliiphi.n back b-f r p.--e. and < at ol our brethren of tie-j Buddie and upper nation : they spread amonjf us reports that the Cowetiv, aid^d bv the Americans, are descend- |p^ to drive n> eft" our land ; they e- quaily propagate fa!**. From A. Aibuthuot to B^nj. Moedie. E q. enclosing Setter- to Ch irles lia- got, E-q. Br tish mini>tei at VVasli- liiuton. Sahwahaee, in the Creek Nation, l27»n Jan. 1818. Sir__The enclo^c-cl, containing mat tercf '-rri ue- mor»ie;,f. and <\e audi; ^ "O'a fiu'f von see my writing, you'll j 1 ore in this p»rt of the Indian nation, think itiave spoken right. I know it- to ln«*ttuct yyn of Utte talk- the chiefs i- so ; yon Know it i- so ; for now you! bring me iorvom '.nformatinn ; and, I nmy sav. I will ;o upon you at rnu-i [sincerely tnut. sir. you will use the Ho'n : l»utj, t give me the fa id ieis,j j |iow'*r» you ar- vr-n- d with,-tortlie ser- and I wib --Itevv them wiytaw.aiid when it vice and protection of those unfortunate t'-at i-.s finished and pa*t, if you will ■ people, w h- In k u»j> to you as ta^-ir come about any of my people, yon will {jsavtoi.r, I have \.ri'i"i general Mit- ' ■ )oiif friend^, and if vu gee nu- win •.'!l "ee yonr frierid. ^rl,t there h • _ omefh«naoutiri thr spa, a bird, with a iiv agreeably to our proper wants. In praying vonrexcelb uc\ wtUlend to the na'i -n, \ it'll was hi- iet-mtvui to do. Of'h-> n u '\ ivceiv ■ ' of gov- "mo CVn tou, h had u'y ."r >?i dim pr^hty d"':ars. by ant. W. a livr;r«| of sograr, a bag of < oil" t . a-d a final! fe>*« of rum, and the iot* r n :,^r '!>• »arl informed me, that, when {1 iHsaj. a k» "d for an account, cap!. W. i rd it, saying, if would bo u*el *s> to a qvh\ who coubl not read. H • also mi sei !wn ca<e~. one of wliwrn. he tlrnUs* C'-ufaius crockery. 1 hav » made en- juirt of his maj-^ty'a o*d ance -t e k-'rtp r, and he informs rfip" >h^» wh • e were d 'livened t«» cant VV. Th yard 1 h'vr •' n - I -tn i )'• •{ | >, I am dfi-ed to return Hi' ifp'i ! an ear to our d nnaud, and di>j)itc.i it warmeft a k.1 vv edjrmen's Fiji h v.jry without delay, we remain your excel- 'hail If mc m nn r yoi trcate * ■' :a huev's faithful and most obed.eut ••"En»»'a»,'lf and hebevrs Ins >ay 1 llrfv Sc fiiend.s and seivants, C\: V\ iII.VlluCO, for ourselves and all the other chiefs ol the low r Creek nation. y laid tt 1 *>e f ot f hi-, r va the D<i ce recent. I cft hi n •l! 1 . l*i ia U ,. • 1 1 f 1 « his -'a niTy wef .m rftr 2o"i Old C ippac' i'Tiiec • \fiivt •;«• jhi-> brw rcfo«-ft\-, and rrq.nrl ri» • y .u wi'l fen 1 out fo nc p* o to '-"v- am g ;ch'M,who, I heattd, i« an excellent Leltvrfrom A. Arbiiihnot fo Colonrl. th.m, ui I d' the and tbtv t oa •• n Forbes man be their*, \\ *\ rveu'i NASSAU, N- P. 20th Aug. 18I7. | thrv fniill have?u sifrrnt i-i.tj- The a. S.r: to fee th it 'he tmenqans idhce to t)ae* treary, an<l permit them fo liv« nnmo» Jrfled on their ' wm '^n I-.— Vh]- agent ! tin i«nn;'•••liritr attoott'*u of his excv!- i lency the liriti h amba *ad<i, I torus* j he wi'l, for th'e time,forgive thitritiini c>p'mseof p. stajp, which 1 Iirvc eu- dpavored te prevent as much a po^i- ble, by compressing much waller in one sheet ef paptr. Should you, sir. be put tr an) trouble or eipt nee, b> tW\*trouhk 1 give vo.i, by being mad acquainted with the same. I will in¬ struct Bain, l)un«hee & Co. to erd. 1 pay-meat of the «ame. I have the hon- orto be, sir, your most oh •dient, hum- bie servant, A. AUbUTHNOr. From A. Arbutknot tothehon.Ciiarle Baget. Sir—It is with pain 1 again obtrud, myself upon yeur excellency's uoticw . but the pre-siug solicitati- us of th- chiefs of the Creek nation, andthede- pleiable .-ituatiort in which they are placed hy the wanton aggressions oi th' Americans, ] trust \onr excellencv ■will take as a sufficient apology fortJie present intrusion. Jn August last, the head chief of th- Seminole Indians received a lett. from gen. Gaines, of which I have ta¬ ken the libertv of annexing your ex cellency the contents, as delivered m bv the thief's head English interpreter With king Hatch) V reply thereto. This letter appears to have been in¬ tended to cound the di-position of th« chief and ascertain the force uece^sa1, to overrun the nat on ; for, from th , until the aciual attack was made ei. Fowl Town, the same general, wi f,eiK Jackson seen to Jaavt beeu co • e< hurt an) thing belonging to you. (Signed) General GAINES. ' Krom king Hntchv to general Gaiues. in au-wer in the foregoing. To General Gaines : You charge no with killing your people, stealing i cut cattle, and burning )our hou-es. 1 i« I that have cans fo complain of iie Americans. While one American b»> been ja-tl) killed while in tiie act »f Ptealin€ '^ttle, more than four in- 'ians ha»-- Ijeeti murd red while huut- ng. by tnese lawless lieebooters. ] • arbor no negroes. Ween the En-| -li'-hmen were at war «ith America. ome took shelter among tnem, and it is j for yoti wiiite people to settle tho-e Mings among yourselves, and not trou- ijle us with what we know nothing a- bout. I ^hall use force to stop an) armed Americans from passing my towns or ni) lauds (Signed) KingHATCHY. D. " Note of Indian talks." In August, Capp had a letter from /••upial Gaines, in substance a* annex- d. No. 1, and 'eturned the answer as bv No. 2. N< thing further wa- said .1 either side. The end of October, a ■artyof Americans from a fort en Flint .ver, surrounded Fowl Town during, he night, and began burning it. The Indians then in it Hed to the swamps, . d in their flight had three persons Killed by tire lr»>m the Americans : hey rallied their people, and forced n<- Americans to retire some distance,; nut not before they had two more per-! out. killed. The Americans built a ulockhouse or fort, where they had .alien back to, and immediate It sent ■ man ; and, as be atcts a^ Indian agent, 1 1 hope his inrtiumcie will -fop the tor- ' rer t cf innnvition ., and giyv« p -ace and he lacd>, f-«r he will be the ruin of joiil jfjuietnesv to the Ci""' k naiioti, \^t. Perhaps you do not know wlmnr,| I p?a y )our excfellen y will pardon what [ mean—J n.eiu the name ol' Rft-j J tbis i«friision. whnch nothing bnt the; glis|coa«. j I ure'Micy of the ca-«e would have iudu- I tell you this, that if vou do not! ced mo to make. ;ive me up the murderers who have! I I hav the hoivo>ir to be your excel- murdered my people, I -a> I have got. j len.cy** most obedi ut serv int. A. A. :ood -troug warriors, with scalping j| K. knives and tomahawk*. Yon harboi '? From Capptelitmicro and Bowleck, to a a;-re at many of mv black people among i Goviu-r Cameron, you at Sahwaiiu^e. If you give me; To hisexeell^tiey fi«»v. Cameron . eave to go b> you against*hem, I shall; j It is with pain we ire again obliged to obtrude ourselves on your excellency's notice, in couse I'uince of the cruel war we have beon forced into bv the irruptions of the American into the heart of our lands. |i will be Inst ne¬ cessary to state to vonr excetlencv. that one head chief (Kinlrjah) receiv¬ ed « lert- r from General Gaines, in August last, a copy of which is enclo¬ sed, with theansw.-r returned thereto. This letter onl\ appears to have been a prelude to plan- determined on by the said General and General Jack¬ son, to bring on troops and settlers to drive ms from our lands, and take po - session ol them : fi r, in the end oi Oc¬ tober, a party of American1- surround¬ ed Fowl Town during the ni„ht, and in the morning be^an setting fire to it ; making the unfortunate inhabitants tl) to the swamp.and who, in their (light, had three por-ons killed by the tire ot the Americans* Our Indians rallying. drove the American, trom the town, bet in their exerti ,llkS [in(\ tvw» more o! their people killed. The Americans retired some di ta^ce, and built a t< rr or block house in protect themselves, until the assistance thoy had sent for to the fori up the country, should ar¬ rive. A letter facing j„|0 lrie band of General Mitch.,.|^ the Indian agent, which states the Indians to have been the agfressors,hfrsuspected its truth, and on enquiry, fo^^i [t ^as tRe ,v. verse ; in cons. qujeiR^ he nm(je sati- faction to Inhe cckio5 tr,e chief ot Fow I Tow n, and .his |)eop|e, for the in¬ juries the) had sufs(ainej . at |he sam, time desired a tal,k IO be sent te ou|. head chief, s atiij,,, h|S u|sh to see a!l the Indians Irien4,s_ , j (liat;n tix^ui. Ed card Sich>U. u. n. p. 26th .\u Lt Col. Kdward Niclndl F.sp'cially authorised by the chiefs of ' the lower Creek nation, w ho e name- I a'Vix to the present, I am desired to .ddress you. that yon may lay tn ur complaint- before Hi- Alaj--ry's .>ov- ernui ut They d ire if in be made! known, thai tliPt hav implicitly f-I-. ru j ty, (hould be autbo'fiVd by his gov mment or he will u >t he an ended to by the \meiicans In the Gaaettei of Georgia, th-* A"-'crijm re ,o«■• the Stminoly Indiana are e 'iPuiia v c m- lowi-d >oir advice, in living friuid'y, mirtio/ mur.Vrs on theii hollers lower mi tiie Peninsula, The town o the ioit no the country, for ibbibt-j data he wouia«cilld aad ^ tlie ^meri. witiv t!ie American^, who are then | neighbor-, and no wisp aftemptto mo¬ lest them, though they have seen tfn A merieans encroach on th irterrit»i yn l>un»inj» their town^and making fields *\h r^ t.ieir houses Stood. Rather thaii make resifit^nre* they Inv • retired in Kachaliaway, where Olis Micco wa- chief, is on instance of tiie micr' acli- meutsofthe Vmericins. This town is Iituated under the goi- of fort Game-, and Micco was deiied to submit to the Am 'ficans, or his town would hi blown to it nns : rather than do so he retin d and i- now living in the lowei nation, and his fields, and even wher tne town -food, is ploughed up by th Americans. They complain of the Kuglish gov'rum-nit n,jgl-ctiug them, alter having drawn them into a war with Am •fica ; that you, sir, have not kopt your pr ^mise, in sending peopl to reside among them ; and that, if they have not some person or person resident in the nation, te watch ov. 1 their interest, they will -oeii bo driven to the extremity of the Peninsula.— You left l\lr. ilambly to watch over the interest o the Creek nation ; b t vou hardly left the nation, when Ir- tin* d tiaitor, and was led by Korb - to take the part ol the Americans. Hi letter to me, of which I annex ><»u a cop), will show you what length he had ttie means. II is Ilambly and D yle who give the In¬ dians all the troubles tiny experience. They send their emmissaries ami.ng the lower Creeks, and made them be- ii ve the Cow tas, aided by the Jmer- icaus, are coming to de troy them •hus both are pu in fear, and the • ue'd* are neglected, and Hunting is ,.ot thought <n ; 1 have endeavored t. ioavvay (hi I ar l>) writing 'he cniei of Uc Cowlieua towa&. that th*) ou^uli „ >n=; into the ft a ■*— r'ltefe are fabrications 'ending to irnhare he \mtrican govern-Tien a^airitr the dot Indians ; for during th- ti e I wa i * the nation, there wa- only one • mer can kf'led, aed be, w th two others, w re ia the ^61 f driving off cattle bcloil,;ino q Rwle'j, ch' f if S wan a, wlie -. a th e men an'< a boy were kiilcd I >l{ J me '-v a [part) of • mtrieau ca-t'e Ilea r> while in th ir bunting camps The hoy rh y fc dued. uid one of Bow'eg's heai.1 men w s killed in *»t. [ohn's ivei i. 1^1/. The ba>k wood G •(> gi n-, and tb'le icfi lent on 'he border* of the Indi.ri nation, are continually entering it, and driving- ofFent'e.— ' hev have in f me i/'ftance« made fenleme '<. ad partt- eula 'v on thr Chudloha by river, where a confiderabie number havedefcended. On Id «0 if he r^v th«* treaty with Great i-rirain, tht mericaas were to give up to 1 he j Indians a'l the la d- 'hat may have been t ke font them dnieg the war- and nlace them n the f-me footing thty were in iRii. h appears th:y have not done fo ; that f it G i' n, on the Chatahoochy, and camp Cratwfprd, on the FiiDt river, ae bo,I. o. I ur» ■enitory that was not m p -iT ffiou pf V- nerica in 1S11. Thev are fearfui that, h. foe .my aid rs give • by the f.ng'iih government I hey wi I a» longer be ia ooflclTion cf any terrttorV 1 wrote la ll January to hi- excel'e'cy the hon. Cbarle- Bagot, rrfi»ecj*iig t'ie encroachme t* of the Americaoa ; a* I wa« inforrrmd by the 10 y of 1 letter IftOTi thr right h n»iab'eearl B thurrl,. handed me by Ins cxc.l'cncy governor Came'ou tlvat hi may*'*y's ambalfsuor h»d received >ril rs- to witck ovei t'e inttre'l uf the In bans. Since my re' »ra here. I It v re ci » f Mr loolv. .,f' Cnarlellon, an cxtiad fa lett-i fa\ea the boa* uhailca 15^ott tujt a^ a- 76