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Kingston Chronicle, January 1, 1819, p. 2

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p.• iice <xHbi>i?t of W.....I Or -vniii.-k. But, what doe« he d„rV,0„sor,.i,rnm i«.i ! tiara*which hatfiuat b-en e\ li ■•■» m c *'ith *o fmi-"!i success Sn f scrawny and France, is ao* i, Eng-awd, exhibiting hefor the Royal Kamify, and win, n a* ut?l lime,, be brought to the 0 ijt«J Stales. Cfovkiis to the amount of m»re ifom 18,00(1000 dollars v.ev to be cowed in England in] the iuemth of October last. S fetter iron. Lisbon say? c•" A i & consternation here in] c> ^eijueoce of four vessels] richly laden having been cap frred this week by the insurgent co 8 iirs.,J One of i^e vessels of the Borthem expedition is so shal tered thai she was scarcely abh r y? That" it is an established •pnciple of the laws of nations m; at«y individual of a nation •i \i g w&Kag-«ins1 the citizens ot'.Mav other nation, they being; *i pea'-e, forfeits his allegiance, and becOmei an outlaw and a piraies T tin is the case of Robert C. A'nbrister"—and therefore is he to be shot, in the j very teeih of the sentence of a court martial. 'I Ins is no prin- npie of theiaw of nations—it it were, then \v;*re Steuben, Dv kaib, and Kosciusko, and Pulaski, and La Kavette, Who fought on our side during the American revolution, "outlaws; ana pirates." .! •i to make port., j hevce:"t1 o.;iy = Lord j of Ike |»r*- daemon* or riiratiitrnra* upon vhjct, <uc claims of Candidates or fe«n*#fci. torn ma) tie fomded. And tke hoard of Directors, on all surh orea.-,,,,,*, • hall bethe jfldg« f» decide o^ fhe r mpTriiT' petit ef wwh claims ■ and Uhall Hnmal Ihciv lairhkitly a»%i fa. partial!) awM and distribute the pr /.r-a<r^rr';"ur,y.-l-io>i(h'd *l#ay?, fbat tio ntcfeexhibition, trial of dis* tribution -fall b ' i»ad or made, uUe.s, three months public n< tice of the time andplar^of holding or milcing rh#*ame j-halt btffct been preagbotlj -iv ninjbe PrwaiieiaI Gazette. 6.—'jhat when tlie annual -<ub<-rip- lion's «>f persons residing in anyrfftho out DiJricts of the Prorate, shall amoun' to 'ft>-iit) poohd" or upv*ard* a 5«rniientii'ii^b- r *r t>ir *etor> .fcnij be dented and rppoztti ft i>- supji t)i tr i penetrate as t r nort i a Siusgrave end before tuein* I HOME AFFAIRS. ttiareaiway* afik4d in Vaii, *n*t* fbedarigcr was constng from'; but batr been lately much rclicrjd Trwm my ap- r,rehen^io'iS, bv the publication r^f a' inventory of grievances) by AnthcM-. McG in, E-q. J. f"'. I now know Vac extent of onr dan- i»er, and leel easier : andto>th-j kme i\i of others, who may ha?eb«*np.t»:- struck, like mysetf, shall state th.- rr- marks that occr.rrcd to me when I ** ••• the wnrtljy J-i-tice's »)rod"ction. Kingston' (t.Auette, Nov. ^4 Gfi IEVANCE —That, d*r*n* th lute wu>\ the inhabitants of this Pro vincd aided hi/ a ft.nail body *f re gala troops, prosee'ffed il, and even cuptu red tht enemies armies. They went \pforirtiltg jhottotantl jii^ri^ j^nirle MetV- ' conduct, 1 r/, atlict'jLt>.tingx mtt.»tt<tki place, tcfiem ®« ^ecr oy me/i debasing themfr'foci) Oy exciting ivmuit$% and adunlhf crit. nit ting an assault and butteryiMing their pmcer of. vjfm io scape Klih (t sumti fne, and ntjtirling • ionn ih.prisonnn-l '.n another, trA< so v?COf c-^ S mire I ■fiiyjanli zcttfi urproteciiiig the ■>; their rage. Wiw.—I"nri>-h bu^ines^ M Guin should di pose of assault1 and batteries in the Se^iotp- : » I ew i./i( the man of wrath, jc/jf «i«vi th* ptrWn er '^/r?.v office fo escape with a amtm, fine ; nor do we fcuow /At olyext of hit rap;e. Gp iF.r.— The uner-r/rtlassefs 'rentof i i # » # ^ « • •. • • • ■ - i * • » Fr^M tA« lucAt/tmJ Enquirer. Aibaihnot and Amb?*iSter The nifi',:ia! doce..ne.«its, tout" i i-;i t if tna.s of tl^e^e two per- j scne, are now before us. Wei fehalS lay them before onr rca ders with the utmost possible] expedition. We have sesrceSy bud time to look at t.ien—mucn ]• ss to give them thaldeliberate attention, to which t-.ie imp-sr- tan e of the esses, and the interest \\\c\ have excited, so,, fc. . ,. .* . ,. II petitioa and em**' !'• nv entire them Rnt w « i i- r .■ i .i. .v -UUV1-.IE wen. wui u, 111.armers vf »hi< I YORK, 17-b D.-f. IRIS. Copy of the Resrdmfam of the (J;.per ijiuurJa A ■ rieiilt >rd S d'!y. At a Meeting of setiara! .'v]s ;i-tral.■- \ and otheT u>ntlenn".v3 b- !d hv p"h'i 7. l»s« t-s S^c.<'ary-iha'l k.op 3| HKMAHK.—When, and by whom I'-.-ek in « hieh he • Wnjl i ^\i' ?>'y . ,,•-, j j»>■-• .r.oM (li)-f p/ejeiKation b**on made? r;r ntme^ of S-jfv-«j»h rs a- d !. aor*] »</ tie-Society, w;.th 'h» amo'-i*t <iithe;t i wf'v do-.s'ion- and auniatl <»vb •a-rip'i; * a. a transcript I a'! ,j ! f/v life man glutted with landed or < zti¬ er property, fif-M.—Ahouf half tnjp, and Sn»?|'r0 fti-reprc-seru lUm-.s there made b\ sueh Kb ■ } adv arti v^a^nt, nt V<rk, on M* purpo c* 'f faking into c^w-Ulfrnt^ tfaft m-n^l pff'Tttitl and prAcfleifl ri**»h to e«4couragei promote -i^r1! impr t fchf1 A^rfcuth.!ip of fH;^ Prn?irtCt<\—i I wa^ re^>V> d flinci a^rc-cl npaii, §rid i| I w bfs«fl names »rr litTeivnto -*'ih-i -ib- i. KtlWh jj,.nP fUPt!j h f„ f[,.. TitaM rrr. fvr h^lff^pffa r and call M>rm??|yt-- a nm^r- t have heard of rmae. t5ut i know., ........— ...... ojat tbe -tt^ct of ibefRfi rable Town-; I Mi C.\, u rc.w-i get into I*arliamcqt i. j> p.-.;'»ci •,;.-, andifee re-oiM.ou and] rand join his wiN, fo remedy' fhp rvil, |B*»t there ■« mo need of get ting into a I pa • ;if*n »itjouf it (1'nii.rs -Afjse tees not beSny rated at all Tie ratirg all stores and shy* | do r.solr.j 8nd atfrep »* f«tU«v\T« triaitweigntnemrao8fdeliberate-] ftxcitinsr, a>b? enabiioa tfef IVj and wi: ft«>eak our condusi- ou.vai we^mat, most imparti-j ftly. For the present we a.e nVtt p:'.pared to say, wiether tlje«e two neu deserved tiie fate w ikh i sey met : or w let ier «r" t ey jiwtiy suiferei under the lews i}\ anions, it was required oi i ie U. States to Uke taeir ibr- Bat there is one fact, which ifce ■•certain bv the.-*e aaoers i via t.—Tivt w dv now and i. mg !>>ne< fan ivard onlt* :i i»<! n ><m'\ «• * i-.r th » :>i* - pone ol'adoofin^ nl! -mli me.in winin •or pttwk-r, a w 111 tf nd Io «'i>-atc ffm- and emulation anrn^t h" i< I r rinc*—as irrll hv •>ti to exiel ......' "' jj -• ' -• -- •-"■• ■!•• u:. . .».-• a i-uniri-j ; ** if I i.t & •'■jIOSC- ICeS nut DCfX > ' fa< ; .o;r ution and gQfiaiire: Sifd «^a j,'.:; a.'.J re-p.n^nb!-;;ortv, ha- b'-en t<» j at alt " ^nrMerandk-p.rword'.f :*!.,.{!..!., pr: ,-.,t an.J v r, m.ch t« dis. I 7'^ r^>| all stores and sh. M.rocwd;,..^ r! *f,« So,-,.-t>. av i»*l!ai:j^wethel^ya'p^*leof tais Fr^voue | !«//*.?: th' ytj «! Mr?(;n7;.',f,h",^-'^'>.j!i!; r*e °l>:^"» * cvut Parent State,? TheUcenix&fvrShmtaml 7Wi ..»! ^"^oi l)...rt.-.-v ^r^^-.r.onnrry is fatty sensible fr/M,, ,o ,v^e,/ ^jL /W to , f. 8.—!'*Tf t'jeTr-*--irer. 4i«tl havr|j lf out oierltoneas" exertions d-.r.i:-: j «r charge t<f ^{feciiu^ all ©ii.t^.;jjthe late wa;—wp nave feceived • htrt. may »?<•««,* toe ta the »ciervJ{^?>«>ate<! Frances of if, atidii jfey «eh^n;it»eii -r ofkr>.M,e: »i,« j j my Wing can weaken (b« iju?ir«wimi .•huli^our »nd k^p, „ f|8r jropurll'MMfte clamenr of ^^^ ^Mvfrnjn 'da*#»9 a r^alar «ccou1»f th fe«f, „. ham1 hi-; friend-*. A.bnt*eaud«m^nta eonr^' iti th;: varjdus branch^- r»f A " tciiltir.- ! an jwePefi ©J ;j(i dr«ibur*emfn(s a.il e\- ^^'ji'e n y •, b#a*| of tbeii pendittirt« *hi*h i^m uv r» rj, ,, [nor expect to be pad for defeixfSn •^MH-in.drbvord.rolt^Bor^fi \lhem»,h.i! and the « vernmont tbev ! litrrctr.r-; ni.ich ord.r^. »;, -d t>y j j :av, ^orn to maiutain___VVlu rbe Prf«i4rai^or ete of th* Vri >/r>^r/, or tfiextock in trade. i Ki:m.— A 'Squire Mr(irwn'p poliH- eai knowledge expourk, he will find ih-tthes.- matters vecaMoun]i\ -m.voy ^je een«M^r«tiofi o! t\w L ii^Wure^ •uno thin* a :\u'o new and then of \rh-i! i..,y -r,' nbo'if, Gnt-K^-^Tke upptfcftticm of the , rev, 7W« ^ //lr ftnvMvt, Ictrge sums iH,*«m*yAmt>sappUmlfo.r purpalm the ru!.ttt - cCrx^rn 6>-«e^/ from : partk^trlu \ • i v. ocn we confess we see with' touch regftt Aibuthnot met tjie fate wh ch the court raar- tid awarded to him. Ue wa«j tondemned "to be suspended- A 1 • . I pUDlic qujtq enon^h P *b,m fr- u, starving : Hr> |,,^ _____ig and; firet sentence of the co^rt. and, disapproved the re-cousidera-J tionofthe sentence. la Other] ivords, Gen. Jae » on dashed his pen through tae sentence of the court martial, as it stood ulti¬ mately upon .their own record, and ordered Ambrister to ex- ecuiion, m the very teeth oi their decision ! We conlesa v?e feel agtmiish-. ment a* wed as regret at thisi disclosure. We have scarcely ever seeu a more unfortunate general order. It omits lii« only teawbe ground, on whict, suv »i a decibion mi^ht be ex- cnsidnrjusiifted, yrlnit it take.s a ground, agamet vrnich the. law oi nations and the customs oi ouVcouatry positively protest Bad Ilea. J. tdid, " 1 mu4 Urn man to execuuoia been use he Wai found in the ranks or cause i- < P »t « mage eaeoi li«H n it Jrh------lilCiV .il ..i i. a—lhat rhe Board of n: . •"»"« te>m*im«t» time, ril.vjyi, ' ■.'«*• Prise mwfcls, „r „",,;' '" <»ary orh.uor.ry marl./.• • ' lu* » iii tlii-h■!,.,! y "a,k">f --r-fiot-tion. in , ' ? ' T -Vei,r< <>sif1""' n H.ib rov,,,,,, ,»d ,,o.^„sil(ra ,.,,„. ««»fclf |.r.,,,,,f, in it, whi,ri fc H '.v-lrmofl,,^,,,,,,, of In,, ^ " O-mu,-|, .onc.rr.'.l at th-« ol(.(U-„ assurances which W«Wn.vJ ;;<;'A«i,h-s,,,,(il-io>;i;, file shap Ueuifin ic ^.... ..e ., '" ' -sqinr «iaiaui i»av « Aieeu I '!°v■"■in -nfv o, i "'."" nur«'»ts, iui- ^'a-» •« IM public ^ifcl^ ■that all,he fjit^'ings of ,he I, , r (i and iu- J r*» c/ My tieighbors ftmund i«g it. The,.,, hi ' ^ l| P'^wi -^Nqou °!"- <•'"": I dare tta'd, ha, 'tf ,,„,.' s" ,l,,)l """• ^-'-:n>r,U,,,,•;/' >0*f 6^h u.fh *<**ed O' i

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