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Kingston Gazette, December 29, 1818, p. 4

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s pi Dowhas*, I KTUR'HS his m.»H faerie th**!* » t.> Kw friend' and tit. j«h <i«\ tftf *e. v f^htrai fuaport Bt««a hi-, fiftf &r> c unsure n* t i.i bnii ei% ana begj ^«vr la .ihrn tticm th »• i*«e h** ■**«! in ■ g«ner*si a»] weii uriect.tf fwclcer TIT" Wines 77?v srflfirftlPF.ri. ADVERTfegMFSf. NOTICE. HERF.aS by the Inst Wil^ Groceries. -« .-. ■ WABEH, arid Spirits, at hi* old tfaad, which he is de^symined tt ciiatt en 41 reduced pr»ee», we. !». : . H.ivs^.tiis . Snrub f»<»,l.<nd ml : '.r^ey C«.. .c ..«a::dy t Pbppeva**«t Ca>rA »io. WINES- Boiiccarlo 7i»rt . V e-ifl> lb&> do. ; \- mi'* Btil Pickling Vinegar. Li:t»e (nice. GROCERIES. ; /:«.•■? iV-- i I h^esa Piped ay V -re : Prnrl An ♦ J^^.ji— mini ■ -'/ops • Co i Fish j >: •:, i-V.-rii ga ; Salt da. ; SstH Butter . 3 frrenl -U«i MaHMfu^urtd at tKat »lt.«c.—Among other article artf Double Sc Single It »-:: r^iu rii>. Co .<-*- ace " :<» -s C- :w*n I ft ^!a*> T rfce* Cu» CoWrtWHI *<«• tench r?o. ~W ■ EM > Of various size:- awu patterns, CAST ASH FAxNH, POTASH COOLERS. . POTS, DOG IRONS, and DUTCn OVEKS, Which Will be fc'itafci of* for Cafe, at' .feo, in the vi.iuiiy .d this flown ; wk*ie ;he wil' receive go$d IIolse Ashes, ftl the ratt of !evi* pence H.Cy Pf> ' B» fb-K ^hrndeU\/:rcd at the W iks 'and fix pe ct: A'lMfn colJedted in c -vvn ; jthc A five* to be j>aid tW iu Merchan¬ dize. Ho (Jewry Executot* of fad Will •c I dfihcrhy rcquett all perfons hfiwwg ol«imi up nfaid ^ftate to prc-frnt thr J liK fttta* '- ar.d thr public, lhat |< Was emu oflce*' the 'n thf Ma»k<- *l*e*. 0|>pc*fit«: to Mri l>'tUtl Bk«u ; Wh<ie tvery attintitu A'lii be pain 10 i;- fc who way k-. <o«? turn witli their t*onroar.d^. Vlv HAfel MORA If. ^uAi ir every day at eUwao^U^ I Time tz. A duly autheducated, xw J] pertona indcbiec' rne A $l#A w Ca>t i^ to be fent r»und Hrwn to c- lud 'he flics once a wee J feme to me, payment: and a thereto, are required to pay to amount of'thcr rtsfpe&ive iccoujits Debt- due to fatd Eftatf in the province of th-per Canada or io the tf oitfid States, lordertag thereon, n.ay ! Edward Jones. is . geaeval, that he ha- jutt tcedvtd i| elegant afl"oit^«*.t -f DRY & FANCY GOODfc , X ECS leave i t>(t ulp. diii ) e .i ii.3 forrr. hi* fiwud* and th* uufal be paid tn George Jacob, Fi'q ofSaad-j Coi.firtwir partly of the folWin^ a^ Vtch. K'hn ; It in, and Ja-»es Gordon,! j clea, viz s or opener u ncccfia;y. 'k ufel'olderc, Sic ^i'l do tv< U to fav-l j |r{qrf)#'. f Aa,hei Itb-..;^, or to either of j j Saperl Itketi Aflie«. a- th' quantiiy n ade in ent |j |,en-,f :)vry being du'y atitHonad to j|and Cafli _hiu[p wi'l am mwt to ^ eorrfidcralik (w» j in the CiUllcof J yc-r. 1 L. NORTON. . Saperfin* Wd! of Eapbnd Ooihi iMfires, of the m. it f^ftiorabj 4 t ^ A • M Kingston 1st $t$ $ 8. n«r:y f he iv o^rr-a» pnrc6- TheIbi eri..r fottncf of nwfttt]* and jwhai /i oi* a g:od quality can be reociv j The fi--eri-.r fohncf of mrtnl, ard.j duraIm.i'y ( f the Three I ivers Surv<v. fen^ei them wo"hy tke auenvion off N. b. Caie ai«-».i vl bK taken to ktep j tfce Ajfets dry « d clean, as none but J receive the fame and ^ranr acquit"ance-i O.MOFFATT. Montreal, 20'b March, 18.8 44Vr '. fa}'.; : e^s ■ , — M. t« ti r 13 "HF ftihf(rif>M r«tHrn* his thanks to h's fiiti"' and the puhlrc for ih^r irift Likens, Eiitffh Shirting, Liatl I ,ind Cotton ^avnferfcs, Coraed . ii'»tnw \ Letios ami M""Hi«.s, jatonct and Mnl Mvdiius F'Q-y Vi-jfl:.. M 11 iJc-.reh*^ j Lteo '»^ 1 an.. Barcalona d- I iue ( mg. hamSj Q -ck a id ctt^ired Silks .m k autj eiurrr» a, un • T»-1? \fn? I W yCotoon Shawls and fcarfs, fvt cr-M ; O ETURN their Twceri! thanksrtp jMarfcj, Qu;;L;liyi B a.-fe Tl-.wa.'t, then- fr.cnd> and the public to ue , ^ na<jatf d Calieoe , B- myaafel g ^7 4 -r-v m3 we Tajjeii y TwSsl j D> on Bain • O>lo rrd 'to. • Kl. » littler Jo, . P-- ?0»a ?J Stareh J :i a- irrovv Soot iv r d#. A ^*n If ^__ c .; j^n afTortrh^nt ofrrrTcfcet^r Ware, do QuetTj'* do* Be'> Dutch Long P* ef, ^J<w vl Ca- 'llev— l)i p'i^ do. fcf.r-i; r <\r fic^Ca.f S k in 5| |?vli Liquid lacks .^, -\ tfcw artitV1' of Dry Goods* f A'?w g&TOtl MrJQliI !j -v jA^gs ROBINSON. JJbOMKT WAI.KER, riWi.||'*~------- yr ' ^. his fi mfh :m . ^rratrfu' .rk owl jj f\'*Qf f X*Q)1 ff QfgA ed^rrciit' t- r.». rnraa*, and tnt p» Ntci] in v.KcraL ii.rtrti- liberal tuppou «itir j: 5 V <T r< *ivcl| a1 r^« f^;crfbvr% N. B. In adi'in.rr tn Vis prc- i»>g the lejft uV-Wtn yenr, aod t'k I tic Hill coHtifiu*- tn ktcf> 'lie ftbove r't pai)t Efta1 *ilT'H»ri\t uk *r tratrjlcn {Hid aifiu room*, and every Mfter4n>n aid. I ^oe>,a .-ffort^tnt <»f II (j otf Ware, i C*ic '0 i !l'>€ in ? fcw d v- I Noti »ce. ,.1 B TO VF8 n few Which thev wi1! fell yifa 01 ajrpri ved credftt Pi:■»(■]ucc t :keii in payrp^n*. la.. 2. v(.^y law for ' Wor Sff/e bp PRIVATE CONTRACT. v v Jamaica N.iiitsBr. ndy, ! :o'land GIi [Porraod 'itw Wiaea, rep*M?Mti:nt » Shrobi Hyin ami - uai.key T double and Single refr-«d ••..ar^ M 3?t^ j covado do. Spermaceti, o'-'d ana H C2.dle-> S ?p, i-.aieh anJ Fig ii) &f 5-:'.-. &c All i f v.fei.h will be fold for Calh /alwab e F-c hold Enate, cwn. j \ fiftmg FaG'iB and Saw :• tlj,' 1, no'-1 Dwelli •■ H n'i o -i lionfc's. ♦"<•. . appn ver; creoit. . AA^,' *t/«. 4J^> v7r.y. r 81S. a And § FRANKLIN* ?»EH .ACE»: ! MannhH^Uifl :.l I },r Cf>' ^a' '" W< k- i t gather with a j i tw • acre of I andj iuuattd immeJutely in the vicini'y .)fj "i-or Sale, very rc-.f-nahlc tr.ro-, rtad ".ell i e. B^ wf Q'I.i'hU U.Candda,Vd j | ^ ^ ennirto -II lUon^Mve.i, a F fi coojcnands a- mnek budneT* or enortfi' vm- m •doi; ImU-wn, on the B»| than ant other WiU« uron (he StraentJ Q^tntYi O*1* m',( Wr(* ^ '*e ^ A'. /'i// «er, ^""^T * S j*,;' re -ivcJ in a.idiiiur. to hi- J* a former rt- tk, a neorj oomp v.c ITjrtmtut of DRUGS ^ MEDK:iNiiS. ,-«f? \ llO.L ,'. <a//.;s.. confiilii.-ofa v-y .o-.-plcte afl" -trr.c: ! j The firfl quality »f Dry /r///T /? ' f Goo-:. ... e'i) ia;-i in, ,,lvnv fuirahcjj ^tJ rng .ft at :r.-j / .'. /^, and 21 ■ ■• d in oil ; t-g'ti.ot WiiL a moil t\ ry afticte of- ,L.I w I !% fc» rfcs \\>i nty, i- -c FG 'f»ve tn inf rnrt chcir frien<fc ■ - ■ Eircttrsd by bond a -;. M<ixtg^e4»pmi tJ»[jl c n %dc vc*ry t 'y — For iuriher pai p^e i rics. a* iudil: utobic tit!«r wi i be! «!at- rrsquirc wi tk? fu icuber. < i 9 BCC «r STATION AMI • jflfc^* htf f SHowiflc DTE w ooi'.s &&T0jm IC 8 1 cwi:.. 1 o(r,vn( >4t V*i. a aqn^g C -nwo^d, B'ue Vttrioli 8 5 C-"T«re^s. • • A Horn, eesfe.Mw, aVw*7W drftfivedly e-aim the'1 ^-"^ an*l the public 5fve . Sr.ch a property t* fe'dom to be m*+ j \9<y. rrenric^aa fond of IV!ills arid Mil*I A q.j infify of XoWrt L»t« upon rhel Rea^yms^ C 1onrhK, I stfie* ^*H GeaJJbw^k of rhc KiV^r ?^o?:a in BeVivilL, a; \ncu,Au . GEORGE DOrG ,AR. Ado.'pln.U. wo, ^tb Nov. i B i 8 it ^4 Farm i Kingston. Oct *;. t8if/ 7« «l/A/ r tf /TV /»/ /AT;. I R eHy nr a, <t ■. i na __/rV M/rcM.ll. j ^^^^JM!*^^* F«rCa|tt of th* Ja.eft F. ft = t.;are M incr«.fin? in p.'n-ev^- and •Jjiwr!, lieav<er and Fenact G'•*» and M»t j populations tr mi • f fjavneu ttiad- «. rc^s. Jrnnct Mkiu , Jcnjitts tX'olf, &i*||j{yi F.. qmV r.f ^mith BaitUt, Ef«r k?/r on Caiio'r Kc-bes and ladian 3* I hands for mfe% FOR 8 ■ *A , .^" N Hujigerfor--i% at roughs 'Percy, »■ •I- •• Lndrpn!* P-e^- P^-«r?, ,vc> 8r*. A J* of which wili be diipofed of at Vtr\ rednc; d ■ rare*. arrtf burg. Enqu re o^ ! ^ DA'LEY. Kingfl ti. 7.a Nfov i?:8. Lwighfeo. |! "f he whole vri'!l he fo'd cbtap. for and , irt9-jjci*fh. «.raoi;roverl credit. M o N ^ P A U & .^t G r It MA A %jA/j , 6th t &o6*. 18. # r ^ | KT. w.. VI fh ■«■ indebted te» tht«n a*<r! i - re<jnef?ed to | Ki e,}on, or Thomas C'-lcir^n, io 24 Xing'ion, Oct. to. iSi«. ITO SUBSCRIBER, P ^ o?*Ar j and iue -ni. k.- ^f^cra"»y, ?!»ai k$ W§ 17YNT * r,D8 & Co. l:te?v arrfve^ ! .^c inne^^tc "paytTieot, j jSe* recr;vc nd now :<? \ fm taJ^, & r>B or ! i.f re th? ' '* of N-<vt*mbo rn&ts i |CXt*hfite aff^nuj^v-t of • tbctcxTctfvn ?H* »«» will be given :o fan > t .•!nt,V f r P tlrttmil I --■ 'FOR S \ i. E. Dcuh/e f*trl ^fa*?/ f^-sa pLE/SAKTMf fkntffd on i Piore of the bay ol Q_oiru-, a Efq rji'rrr.t-diaU y o/,> >ofitc «ht Ufptr C-ap^.1 fhfinetifC E?fl ha'f«f I.,t No \%\ flu ttrj'i cot • (t^loti ofFrede-rn kfKiyh U»u-40'; re ar<-under jm.rovenjt w !l fenctd and a iu-w franc H^a j*Jth a good celii r on tkeprenrifes. I tic -.siiovc -arrr: will be ioki tr-gnl .-. t'r .i pair cf (tr.-rg w.'tk H.-tfj a Waggon 'nd Fartnftjg ntenlil*. Appluration '» he made to the: fln rm 1 I = r Hardware* WHell he will fell on the nv«ft mod ferms. To let, the fh-ip lately occupied die fu^fcriber, and jMjffcffion gfiven mi jked lately, SAMUEL SHAW. Puirsfm, ttk Jan. \ 8 i 8. e >? 32 FO/J &4LiS Ppe StrfK betwern Mr. Donglap's hottGs and Mr. PwweH's. AB orders .fiith wi idb they r. ay be favored, fha'] be ea i-ciiti il in iiu-h a comnlrrte ---nd wnfaolan . ike ni:i-:i)i-i, and n h»ch hm- termt a- they h-pc, \<i;i entitJe ihemto a Jnart i £ 'he public'patrQtyaee. IO LE'i, I of new «i: i elegant • aMer •, wttcfa Ue J w.il d$fp^& of veiy I w f. r cafll. J. WATKl»jj «it%ston, Scpi f 8,1 Si 8. 1 a For Sale, flH'H -.T I !^rantfa.m 6J». 8, i •« C'orc*fiion towrnftjia 1 f Frederic h>i a h, 28 miles flora Kiin.jllei >i OR anr ierrP "« y{ rs not exei-ed- ____ t Oil R •! A kTY perkm or perfons defirous „f jjXA. entering into an agreement (or !.-anngh-«»m 15 tn 4o acres ot Ian.!, Valuable Laods. ? A ND immediate poffeffion given, tj). JT\ HOUSE and p*cndfe«,jq Stuart -wliejately occftpied by Mi. J^;,i;on, fltirated nritbtn half a mile aithv Iowa. ^ .dv.wahle fiteawKYor a Gent lemai «'; 'anaiv. a. d no lefs fo for ptHiiW, or t».n Ket^er. f„: f«.the » .rtic*«\ rs enonire .af the Mr e fohlcrJher, «ir - •*»• j Loi, . ./Uie. W *rf. 4|> i^J#, , ^tt |j101 fab by the fuhferfber J.ot No. al iS.md 19, inthctenth Cobcp^oq, and half Lot N- . 18, in the 6th con- c(JUci.3 of the Tow'ili'p of Pi, 1. y. ..\D oiy to JOHN BURNETT. A in«;/on, Mai tyb. 181S. eotf 1 To Let, 4 ND poflefli n given i*.m©ci;arely, -^jL the lov^«<4 he "ubferiber. House, >»ini, Sables, &e — For fur- Uler i-anrticulatb^PP^y "o the lubieu'bei. JOEL SfONE. Garmnoqua fffl* .9-1818. $yf FOB SAL E, ^HKiv.|Mfof:.ot aumbei 5, M «m tl* fiaut1^ /"ld* offoutb or PriiiCc ' f.wvrl'i Bay 'n ,tne towi./hio of kt^ wrr • •' iVaiM,.&7i,gh, ^ntaininjr .«. e hundred; M) poHcfh n g,ven i*m«diate]yt (acres. Said L©« '"c wall tt^»,ered, an.!1 . the low*r, part of the Houl'e of fett'enwMU- on t#<* &&*■. wf.ich renders it 'her. For ptuticalars, apply ■{ wcH vwmh the m«*ti «f ihofr who on toe piemif^ , I Wlfa to pHrr^;afc— Enaajrc #f the ;A.. U£3 ANSLJ5Y.J.I1. Ranter. fuming (c ;.'. : Wng 200 Acre-...) formerly .*>■> ci'pii ' " f Cv'h-ntl ^penver, and know [try • naireofibe ul'mi^eii L<M>ie. c isl 'n.s ibo'j: §q acres of In.! ulJ1!« brprnvcm ut, .ii- tie.-af.'t tf-.-. e h ulvj IViv high with 2 barns anj i Iicr bui'i Oifl) 23^ November% ffti* * V^Juauk Las*}s for S-ie in tire TOWNSUIPol- HAMILTON Lots No 6 <uu\ 12 in the qti Con- Dorh, 11 and 15 in the jjjh Con- oeffion, *. ... .....a-q Dodo toia the 6Conctfli n.aco _,.._ , Acta-, 1050 TI.Eabpva lands 3re all lyi,H, ;„' l.L T«OWr'fll,'p of Hamil,on' ntw eaftffc' DfilnA. and w-'l) l,e Sold ^ the iihtrvil terms F<" ftirtl m nttl fi» r • ■ fdimatiod, enquire of Elia. JoiljW £&; ^....J w ' *J jor tbai'upt.e/, • ^ f I I THE &UBSCR1BE&~ TtoESPSCTFULW inform* lA &! \\\ct,(U %nd tl.c puMic. ihat he fw r<«rc*cti Lis Fl'RMACE Utenfila frovi Gamdett, to tht h» ufe f*fncily<»C4:opefl| by Bc>j, rr.in Buotb lev that piupo^ ui the fiont of EVutfl Town, i£ n>ilni from Kin fi« b ; wberc ail bnfivrlA tid Inn Ijn<- wilj b<r Jorc, »* uffifil, at tW f})< rrdf no?ice, vmiIi ihiNOii'y exception tl.at all i\o(k n»uit be f,ui<iiax M dcijv^ iy. JOSEPH M. SMITH, ^?. B. Ml orde'ts in the ahove \'tm PWy I c left l"ith Join; lift, Ki">;llnn. ^a^ 7>.?i7ej <4p»* ^>, i » ^ ij^

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