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Kingston Gazette, December 22, 1818, p. 4

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J hn Pawling* ■ ?•* £TURNS hi, <« fl finoertf rtaali *i j-i his fi-i H- an'1 :.i pwhli.o, 1,..- c\ l.;--mi figiporl £i*e» him '"•<•• Jr • ». "ta- Ftn Uwrti th't ; • h» '"^ '! a,tr.t.vi'i!»i' yell 'e'ted d ftoekof vV me* ■ (ii ( -co. les, >> and Spirits TfJ* AV1NG bem appointed *gff«« jO f. . t'n Proori. 1 r of the I RO > {-.. < »K K , dHb>i(hed art T! rce lovers .. .hi- Pir/nioefi.f Lower Canada! tr. ■nrnij. the pi.b:»e, that lw i»a* lately re F i't iv!.d a i f >/j/ ex-'&twk* assnrtrnent of W A RES rlace.—pAmmk&& i • Kjsaaf^cyjred at that p n.cr amcie- a»e, I • -'\Y l WINES- peaeeafte '"r< \ •■ ■•' ■*** Hkft Pickling Viii«g§& Lifl c {..ire. ^jt^- Fl HE 'uKfirrihj r re|rtelrully informs the inhabit^ ^thc Xown and lownfnip of Kn ^Rol.f thc towxfhip of Pittfhmgh *nd Wb},- j{]ana> that bftea ■pwretufe^ r>e ^ Lately f.o.pied Hy . U A. Macphflf- ton. in 'hi vj. miry 0f this town ; «he<c v:e frit! rective g%d House Ashes, ii the rate < f i<*cn jo.ee H. C \ NOTICE. ,, hi. -h ii ...,«>••.•fch- k d«*-™-«H \.Double €> OWtg« K,.n,a.,!,,.<kii.,J at ,hf #..&, t< ,U a. i c .-ft rr meed pm viz. i ^ Tjr^-w-n fc^j o»d fix per<* ^f« colle^fd m t wn ; tt ^w?.h • : aorftb ^ ! fc^yja ^,4 tl '^/ >3^MS^" Ihe A&MtO be jiaid fur in Vicrchau- *" l.ra - it*. I!- i >^:u to. L-s' * _ar Jt.v-cuvaou Jo. t/ ^ * ■ ?.<:!bon >mnto:» -irt. X ^ »«'*« I o '••".< i" tio. Br -«'is «! Sfarcb Rlacft Pej>pcr Pfo • ?r S !, rfT Y~ - ■ uu, ^ 'V* \ I'llOlldn |}; •* »• fia. r ; C:?cu ^ operas ; Wi» t or sfthqi ; Gtanlrt*] Salts • <u Pish • salt da ; Salt BiUt^f • W»"o«glil Nans, \8U PANS, 8UGAH iu.'iTLi^ • H*ff*i DOG ihONS,an(^ tl'c* Afiies to be £;aid for in Vicix:baii- iHr ■ W»5<'ch will be in -U-f. of, for Cafli, near y ihf Mo'irrcai prW«*. The i"nveri->v fe*f»v«f« '• f nr>tt?.l, »■ a- | f the TJ- vvfv ,J' \ rer^ii^iizcfi <Uin;bi'ity t t^.c s hree ■-....... purcri-ft-rs a- they are nyt -a? It * ci3ckri*ke tt^le impo>t-d f»o Sc: land. JOH^MACMJLaY Khistorty \siC8zbr, l6ift. i'9 A SteilA or CM is to be lent round 1 *tw • to c 1 tft 'Pie . idc» oiK*e a week, r oft* uer ft nrceffiry, Jd t>feK.o-(.'ers, &c wi*! <J<» we'i to favr her? Aire i. iU ou.intitr r^a^ fn one ., mew!r' a^* «•»; to a a* u ir-r-.bie lum J.. NORTON. Kingston i-H .wy. j8 8. N. K. ( a-clhi/. d be t^ken t« k**cp • bat is of a ji oc q> ■ iity %.?■» br recetv \T7rTHERE\S by the last WiT ty f and M,eft-rnt-ot of the Int.- RICHARD PATT1NSON, Efq m his life time »f Sandwich in the: pn-vrin*. of Uppci Canada, R-.htfrt Gi'.ef.utr '.Villi.im Gfikif-n, and O&ttgt Mafokt are jointly* and (cvevally, appoii^pd trfluciary Legatees of his £ftaie, an; 'Executor* of faid Will. I do hereby rcqlK-ft a^l prrfons having} ■claim* iip«tr faid Eftate to prefmt th« feme t« me, dfiiy autheottcatcd, f-> tjaymeat; and all peffon<* indctte • thereto, .".re required to pay to ma tbr amount of their pefptCTtve accoiint.s. Dtrhta due- to faid Lftate in the nrovincc of Upper Canada or in the United States, GordcviBg thereon, may Sc naid to George Jacob, Elq of Sand wtch, John -ftin, and James GercfoUi Efqr8,of Anihciiii»L«|.«r to- eirhei t*i ihem, they hein-ej duly ajithoTtafed to receive the i'airir and grant aoquitrancta G. MOFFVl'T. Montreal, 20th March, i S 1 8 44VI ■fF jj'^l?^ fobferfber K:$ff leav* to rn^or^ Jl his fi em'1 and the public, tiat kc haM?omniW»Cfid the hi the Market Place, 01 p«(-1te to >ltr i).iml Brown's, whtie au^ aiteft(ton ^Vil! be paid 10 t;-.i fe whft tiiay td.uMt Uim willl thv w commands* ttlG'HAfSL MOIIAN. Aucti! m every day at eleten o'kioofc, ^IMZ* 2 2. Edward I ; ( ^.. EGS leave roft I-cfpcdfljiiy 10 »5, il J> form farfii fiends a^d the pufclii .t#geujjra>, that he ha> Jnrt icccivcd at* •Itrgaftt arh.ttaict't <.>f . dry & fancy goods, - [CoTiGftfu^ paa'-y of the f^iii'wiug artt Sopr^io^ Weft of Eogiaitd ClotHi and CaiTu«jres, of the m4»li f^hio.;ab!c uolo^s. Irife Li"eas Brftifh STiirtfog, Lfnrt) .a^d Cotton Cambrics, C^ed w atnbru^ Leuo< an<f Mailins, Jac«lri?:t a»d MwT Viuflins, F^ncy Muflfn ridniiferchfef-f Band^rvo and Bdrcaioia u^> Fine Gmn^ haro«J l>hck acid cohrcd S.'iks, Si k and f npWE Rnhrcnber bfeii \ ii Kiviffdi^n w a few rolouTPd do-. V^ niup a. j Maun do, M lint ;">t>er L*vier do. A« affoTtment bfCl" ck^ry War* ao Q'.ireu'- (In. p.^^ Dutch Lang Pij>« " JrluOid Candh'—1^1 p' i <\*0 {fill* it r Ay Het' < 'a f ^khis, iret* l-u|iiio . lacking, \ frw articte" of Prv Goods. T? B. I aiM;tir»n to hi^pre- je-.t I4*v,ir. |%. rt c s r-v v oikeraru €*Cl ;r. *" Sfi*c "' r' f'^ d*V* a* d^y , rt^nrli eveiy r( n ir darted to Ivv >o >il« iheit a^cuNtf w-Mhout d*^, *ht he niay ' t tn;:1 h-d OvV«f^ f«i < • nenn JO F? • COT! Si,T t .. Kinpft<n 24.il" Nov tR.8.^ z< Kings'!on FJoitk ••crtftf, f, 1 tl - W "V(T*' ' l.t'O ' ^"'P P' t! d Pf a' i A 5T •. Ri rk R ce ■• 311 d Fi. 1 ti r, I W ' rt th> it- \»ho k-svr 'fin- with rhtirj ufton- wil fi ." v nn, vr'rh t'-c .gteaT* r-*» t-ssft ■ trf*raw.' xrcdin n: il-ewit*, c h 'nil :.f;tiel i<> rhe! Ladies as.d Children's BON- NKTS, of various colors and liupcs. .» Gentlemen's Beaver & fine 1 i L^ ■ i ■ * hr. a'K? v'Cm tv Be s^'- toi other j . M r ' , r p -0^ w. h r»e <Xa-.ec fa Wt^rf! L^ewiic, knapt and Wool age . i . I A. jhfitter, • S 'fitt rer«-i-.«J. m addition to hi for.-ti M«'«ki a rr.i.rx vomjptU jf'-■.•nifnt or DRUGS & UESiCiNES. ivytlW •. £0/1 rl'ii Uit.S H O ?, F R T V- A I K E R, * rt t«»rn \ his G-cert -a.'-: r.-tat.ful ack. rrv.d edpnert* t»* lii frjcaflfr, an^ -hi pnb'i* in 'Trier?.], for t! cv li^e'?] H):*pofl dnr lug the Uft ri\.- t.eri r^fs* and* t«ki be \h ' GcMitfniwfi t(* fcoers :he hhave cli Fajvdiet cwn be aec^nnn o<)at^d */ln fc' araU refers ^nc'eve.v it%ft'<i0ii LiaiT hwtstca. Sip.'. 2 2, 1 8 i S. 17 ----------------f 3 -. ----- A LJ. pprfow it ■ ^ u v ro t! r Ffl •' XAi dftht late J'jAmi Cvwmm^t i&r' o\ H^'hwci* d<<:er-k\.\ fe»e r*{ 1 euW v c?M Kithutri delay, *nd fetnt the (Hnfr j ; pharKC of the e#ah]rfr a r r, at Ha'u; } ei) bridge ;—avrd thotie who have < aw jagai'fl ihe f.id rlfiitc, arc d^fiied t i /_ .S prelert tlutr to! adjcjfl tT»tfVrt. ^n/.trfi TheMo-.k in rf*-rs<te »} »he d«ce 'ed l« ! VT'ST rt-.r-ivt , at 'he ft&Jcrfrcr'* 5^ S o C , a j'iTbitjr-tJ'l of Il^viio^ V^ are, IF® ■at . VVhivhthey wil fell win low lor mprt.ved credit. 1 Ptodncc tafceniii payment. an, 2. 3«* a * .For Safe cj|/ PRIVATE CONTRACT. \V;^u.;be Er^fhftW Eihut-, con- «lil*n;T, fa O i<i and .S:>w ; mi, *;u;od DwcUfOj; Hr>ile 0»»t houf«Kf ?fC. ijtthir with :i!.oot uvw acrfti of Land, ifitburgi A.* well chofcti alTortO'efit nf Thread and Laces and .vibbons, Sttaw Bonnet^ Ladies Torcife flu-il Cn.rnbt., CAn.brio and iace Fo< t:n^s4 and a v.inher ot"avti- eteft, 160 numerous td IMtrfiU 4 uniu«l ***** ^M--r UY l/Vfl. GROCERIES. Jamaica S !nc:-fl,i u ov, o land Clin, Poi *: and other Winea, Peppeton'tot «i^<i Shmh, Hyton and Tvvativkey Teas d. ubie and Stogie refi»-fid ^u^aA9.9 MuU covado do> Spcniiaceti^ '•'Oild and dipt Candles S ap, Starch and Fig blue, 3tc See. &c. AH of itfawii will bt fold for Cafii or ap7"f«ved c«e»ut. Kingston Jftb sfvx* r<S ' 8 JO I . * .' . j J 'miatcd "rr..'ne.Ii,:ti-!v in the vk-im'lv U$\ *?C* t<J'V I ' ' ^""^^yof o'^MclJ.. anadu,ai.dj p.ANrVi »> I' J PLACES, co^raairda a-> much hufir.cf* ,r Fo r h h t s* mtfi&urtA -M -AM f o f»a.'»tia Wnlt hananvotfeer Mill's troc chf Stream < d t u\v u> rlv-r Rent f:>r about On- S* ? V p RT! FT /.^ /; and[•*.«■* in oil ; togetba /^d^.-of a v.ry yo.r prce afl ;u,^,r ^i;h a ,u.n rv, y a.,-, of If V ^t!| '^ '^ ?>^V( ■?.J»*rfrf« ; to Hi? ^oi-ut. v* i> 1 o ■ u ! 11 >> it t : r 1 p a 1 v r« I00h> l: cT,irno\'ARY. * 1 r \ • • l*t- he f-'i:ovirtf IYF ^ oors & STWFS- I e cwt. r»" IO 3 5 i * ■7 Wt.u*;\% . C npt-ra^ • . Mom. - Indigo, * j to .Ii?- Count.y, h 1 a ■ f< • u•£ if . (cesfa^w, 3; wil] dtfe. vro-y ciaiffJ the :attention^ the pub!& - r i Cafh or C**ontry produ& w^l ! e t?k 1 ■ j en m ^avrrK-m, arn* a crt'tiii oi 6 - -i f: " gtVfn to <ef..r; f'b'e Fai'i.«;i- , or od^is jot w VMMi?,c 7-? fe'6 Tf.w« t inferr* their friend ■ 'A ib-jt -• ' t . rife i in ..a* er^ ti at' n. v h<: eii u. 1! 3* i tfl'kt 2't- \ M.n M< 1.tit,** ff -trr rM I i 1 . p i/n i.ooflf, ■ ^'•r'^y 1 a c { WfKfc, 1 ?%ies ?nd C?«m >jf* n1 i 1 <. f- mt t» < latefl F; ih < ■•, ••■c:sf' ,i>n '*! • ct T-'OVt- ".d M»{ : •& j in ^k . j n t*. Wolf. awJ ..,ic'*a'e VJoney wv-uM be expecrted 10 i r p.-iid duWH, the other half hv fpaa!- ment* ■ f nx f\v. -ve 'ad cigbtre* -tvoiuHv. * Hied by bond and Mortgage i*ronthe -.'•exiles. An indil.rotabie tit?e will be * ve • ^'.ch #4 property s Celdorn to be nwt 0.1th and I* well « .rife th«- attenii u «vf [h^ jjentJetnaa b»nd wf Wiite and Ma*' Ox. v«rv rcMtfHnble tenr^, and inr»* mtrl.te pi flVfljon^tvcu, a F.^ RM marc J iym^ in .do!:hult--A*i«, on the Day <->* iQ^'i'itv, one mite welt cf ihe Cbttll laiife, fiTincriy owned and occupied Uf te'i^^'i^lnonhw, liiira-'ttV; ,i vvhich is an ureh^rd of 115 Uig« A; jt'e ("teiS, and a1!!), ii every oilier kind of riift Tree-* that is planed in tb« coun- try Alio, a conveftk-nt framed houfe and bars and houfe*. a\b ut 0«« hundred potidft wjH be requJicd «ownt and the ten>ai-.der ^111 1 c tfitcd-e very «fy—Forfurtliw panics mans .*nq»ire of the fttbfciiber, oa the ■s-tawies. GIOLIGF OOL'O'.AS. '■ dolphuiiciwr,, Pih Nov. 1818. 26-tf hinery N • nd li-.d; . ^itiie De?:h and\\ '::i"»L\- «i- ^ ^1^ ^ I! ^ ii- a- — 1 II i*u. ra, pti>wd CJC'-rt- : 3femormU\ *■■■ m? *-»f*«i ommji \ quantity of Towa Lot* upon the -* k rl the iv\r Mvfia in Reilvillr, a p'ac-t h§ 1 ereH5r*g in c>rr»n.erce ant1 WprMatfon ; fevrm r.£ p;>vriKNV rr:a(i»* tfe v. F'cjuir, of Smith ifosrtiet, 32-fijr I Ki'^"nn, r>r Thomas Coleman, Elq j " A Farm r i jF 11 if* A I .* ti< Bt [KiHe /•V/'W//f %d >fug r 8 1 8. 10 irref- PavWS ^e- &c- ^"."fy-'ih will he -^Tpo^crd of ^t Wt^ ':ui-'.d • rire«. *;rHE SUBSrftlBf.R; ^ * -OS fcaire t fofw-«n h»; ffic'*d> & r Uv pt-f lit re-. r'3*:v, rhat he ha« ur^oved^ron1 his {^rm- r {<a-^d to tJ>e •3»Op 'atcry -GC« fed' k«y fiinara ** bhut & Cs -. he Market P'acfc wf»c« Hr is pc;v on h-^nd, 8 ^ ri< ph' afTorim#nt of ! J/c<rd>rare, . • T'or ia!e at«K* .*= < M-'ire. ] i Lan£s for safe* ». * rcmVfaL Py»o\j and • • itts- burg. h» qu re at JO -N PAFLEV. KinrO *nfc 7rh Nov I&I& 24 * r i 1 teJ t rhenf) a** nue«'N .! t< . ke ;o ^ <!*:yt« M?fi e* t. •ri or b f re ffc« li'fl of K v. rnbei r%exi, J rb ri»i i th< h Hrr<vi*ata v.iM be yiven u - / .^ i'ii --t^'.-rncy t' < c■"iecT'on 2 V L £. ^ru-, a — V- (V/e k 8m it It ' Murk. I Wl "ch hie vill lei! on 'be moft moderate tr - s T" let^, ihc- fhop late'v ncetrpted bv jt« i.'hvrtiSer, and pi-.fleffion givt-n inj aardiately. S^MTJFt SHAW. Kingtmrh Vk Jan. 1818. fro g § ^ ^. . iM •■, ,f. a1 •• nv. a ^a;rr. il cftitkl '■," :8c a;- efi f i hi .ci.i mi l!>t fv : .• c-.ii I'fwnnh >+■ c-'-.-jri. ui.'f lf/.;"0- cm-.-.i. for i-iitkv Patvul.i' n i.. iiv '.A u t i»: icr. KmgUon 141 cpt. 1X18. i0 I'Hi: U£ C&I&ER 'Tj!>LGr» 'eavc to in?ov0i his friend* JL*^ and triie pttblic gtflierally, that hsf •■ * ivC-a-L-" '«d »'*"vv ctifcis ior iatc, a;i wc^livt aiT»rrnK8^t of : l n^v a- ^ rlegant pattern*, which ht \v.il difpt ie of veiy low fxircaih. j. WaT&INS- /iirivsicn, Sef>t 28, i 8 ^ H. 18 ;ji.E/SANTlY fituared .,n th» ^ fhorc of tl:e b&\' <>l Qon-te, and il rncd>alc y OppofitO the V\ pt\ Crap— :>Wng the F i\ ha f c-f L«>t Ko 18 ia rhe fi:H couce4|.rn ofTredcrk-klhurgh.—• ■ bouJ" 40 acre arc under improvement, grell fenced- and a »t u frarre Houf<, Wfib a good cellcr on tkepremifes, The shove farm %-\l\ be fo'd tr^rthor ivJth a p;iir of ftrang \vr:rk Hiijic6t a Wdj^iroo and Farnpiijg nteufiis. Application t© be made to the Wit* -ter J/^.jf 27. g. jPpr Sale, j ■• KYNAtDS ^c Co. lately afnw I ii! L fnmi Ireland, beg Vavr t fafotu ; the Ge'.tknxs-, and inhabNanfo' f S mv .... ■ d and its vicinity >n peiijsr U rhstt tut] \ h:ne coxn-mencid the ff&'rfe Shoeing ami 32 ■ FOil SALE, A \-1 '• immediate p'.-fft-ul-r. giveri, th- J \ : iOT>:E and pse&ffcB fn Stua.t- 3»i'Ve.Tar% orcc-.-ied by Mr. Daiton, fitu-'A wihin half ? ruik -oftbH Town, » w t»ahle fiiaarion for a G«ttlemau ». ' -aTiily, and r.o UU fo foi a I*ftfl r. or Inn K«--r. pm further ^•r;• f-»i!.rr,'fqi ir« of thr fuhlcwhar, «« ftei ouie E I:AiU>JLTT, \Bucifmithitq* Bujinefit i»« all it** »an u ;firanthc3, i«caj (he upper end ot tvtor Street, between Mr. D^ujrbe'J houh jand 'Mr. Powfirs. All Otidm %.\v j vA\k\ ihey msy bt fnYccrcd, fba*l be rx |««vtfd in Inch »«omptete and workman I like mar net, and ciB fuch h^- terms a*. 'they hope, wi'l entitle them to a (hare i the public p«tt-onsye. hingston loth GSober. 18 18. 20ti ^ A' /£' np>i<\r Ele^ai»l faim No. S, fir J jK Co:meiTtun 'owidhip *^f Fu-denclftiJ j hco-^h, 28 rcilcs fo>m Kirjflltoii, (c.'iitainiu^ 2ca Acrer..) fcr^eify a* cupird by CtttttOci 3i>«ncv', 3hd Lnoutl by 1 he nr.mc of ihe Momi-n Ju>;dc. i^ L'ositaiAa nbaOt $o acres *.t land usider I ' 1 r » I improvement, an eles^nt r»'i»ie noiiic > ■v Ji't 'our* j Cof 4*5,*»>*^ ia, £»i^ 4itf il Valuable Lands. IT^OR <"alehy the fufcfcriher Lot No JL 1 f{ and 19, ia the tenth C<»nciffion, and half Lot No. 18, in the <5th eon. c«fijon,of the Tow (kip of Pnrry. A p. 1 'y to JOHN BURNETT. Aiaj-stQfij Ai^j9tbt iBiti. 5otf I'oint *i Garvin <j"3 and ret't-ntly occu- j. ed by m.- t> U- wn togejjjrr v.irh 'he i iO ii it ti. to receive Subfcri-ptioire Lo jiheBai.k.d Upper Caiiad«, and will ou c, I'-ari, &>tab;e-. Sec—For fur-j • Te«nani ppen ir rr day to day, fiOiTi 10 he 1 particular* .app'y 'o tl.c lub.nibci. j*0 • *»**' ck ot each day, under the fu JOE.- jj roNiv. !f'v rkleuiancc of a Committee atfporatecj ■ GatMnoijua j4n* 9 • Si ^ I FOil M L En T'O-'I w-fr hlfof ! ot number 5, •'i ti»e (bnt^1 Cdeoffouth or Prince Edwar4'q Bay ,n '^e. towthi,. oft Maryftvirgh, eiontainfM^ o> e huudh-ed! acres. Satcl I &fi I* Wtfll tio-.Keren, and •cti!«mcnt<j«in f #c>" fi '<% wl ich renders it we'lwoi 1 h the #tt«-nti v rf ihofe who wfh to parflUaic—Ejj^ttire ©f the Pinter. * * j 33// I [»>■ thar purpofe, until the whole of taJu ' Hock the- have bees ii.bicnbcd for. Kingston :uty 13, 1818 NOTlCEfc . A ^TY perfon, or perfong drfirona «>f -LJL rnteting into aa agreement for clearing from 15 to 40 acres ot land,! will rtrcei.c libera' eceeuratgement, byj auplyittg at the offic* of the Kingflim Gazette—win re the terai» of the a^rce- ni«it m^y he fee*. Kiaptm, U C. 1 %(> i JOSEPH t»£KG'EltpSL Frederickfh'Mgh; Sept. 8th, /!Si!< 13^ ESPKCTFULLY informe ht* X tiicnds and ihe puhiic, th<wt h* lw| rrfc.avcd his FURNACE utcnfiU from Camden, to the h.ule Curmerly occupied by Benjamin Rooth f»r that puror^ in tlicftoiuof Einefl Town, \$ mih§ frotn K)hl#Uon ; ufacrc ail hv^irtfft i» his line will be dope, as ofoai, at ike (horteil notice, with \\\h only cxctfptui^ thai all woik muli he pg\u\ lUi <>a dtlivc* JOSEFFIH. SMITPt, N. B. All irrder. /ri the dbove 'ifli may he left with John Fiifc, Kic^tion. Urnesi 6lvwn9 siqgesJ t£* ibfl Ijrf

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