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Kingston Gazette, December 22, 1818, p. 2

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» 'la ititac i tiavtafiaa er f** . .# ,t a'" TenV-d. Cierk with like condition and JjrAr*. The na«* Ser of varc-i t '•i p»fe each *t-clch ilder fir *: n&k ddc-en, - >ar;aershv bo-Jy oolitic or cat pot ate, n>>' Ufl* btr»ck in th- *«id • omuary, g^xll he eftt'itlojl rm frvfcfjr >cc»«ion, wh»n ifir,-»ity fc> the provision- and re- ij'Mfk--RciitV»f the** article* the Votea thereof arc t« he 'Jvsn, *a'il hi ir. the prow rtion falbwaia*!, chat Is to >ny, F%j o;-* h*re, and n >c mors than tw*. 4 t* 11 e e v v- ry sureties if*-uch awn as the Director* hall eunvtder adequate to the trust tc be retjoftet) b hwn. f Ftftmmtli. Th<* C-mpt'.y (hall aot held any bad* «*|rd tei.trrtrt.. bat fueh a< maj he n* c-ff y Ur tb ttanla&i n and acoommv ati«^• oftl t Hi finet*- <4 tfee j I'ank and fr ia vrWer purpie. It mall ne* rttw el be eom.<tmr far the |{«ire& .r , -n behalf at the c.m;flny, to irwicfcihailbe m * rttflk fi* t!ve|| nrn,r„f JP. Tint** behoof off he company, and on fai!|ir | \MOll (It Q X>/ ii CC I f paying tne other ii Malment-s, or anv of them, the party or pattfet faili-.g herein. A-.aM forfeit the feetmd dee* fit 0f T r ten per ten/urn, and the dividends unpaid prior tn the time rV*r waking fitch -^y. 1 nnt, and #lur{aythe delay of the fan>. Tmertty secmd The laid i o»^»y (hall not dnett-'y or indtrefily deal Jn atvy thing, excepting Bills of Exchange, l.old or filver, hn'ii. n, or in the tali ^f I inei te ; far every tw, Vnarti ab »e i [take a^ bold mortgage*.« prt pc.r. y by j j Goods ranl'y and truly p'edged for »1(). two. ?nd o »r exceeding-*«a. one vote, | way of *ddirio »»i fatal fry. for debt? c«mi , ! ney lent and not r«d#ea»ed \u due ti'ne, Ir. a king five vote* f• r ten shares ; for j r traced vith the f*id Co^par.y in : he : or in the fale (»f flock pledged for »*«»»„ rv.-ryr f'ur »h-«re« above fen. and not ex- | IcowHc of if? dealing* ; but on no account ! I Itwt, %uA aot \* •f;d«cit.ed, which fgfid a^dtag thirty, o-tt Vote, maktlg len j [fball motley be k»t upon morijjacje, <>r ^oods and (lock fo pledged nnd not f» otrpf-r thirty sharesi f>r every «ix j j upon land* and other fixed property, rerfcemej. ft all be J..Id by the laid t ofr»- kmenaboqe thirty, a^d not escediu^ ' nor fu ^ be p.urcfeafed fcy the con-panyj paay at Public Sale, at any tin»t not 1-Ik ce v fbctr.1 11 ne vote, making Bneen voten far BiVry *ha«-€5 ; ind t«»r every e?g*»t | j cafe ahi*ve recited, aaarea ab >v« n%fwa and nor cxc--*di»,,j» • I S/x/rrnth. The tota1 ao^otmt <f tin i noon an\ pretext, except in tke fpe. ia! i \ ihaa te;• ^ay^ after the period EFT re '.it-rrpt'on ; and if upon iucb felf of Good or St<nk. there (hall ne a fnrpl^s, one hundred, one v te, makivtir twenty 1 [deWu whie'» the Cmrpattt fhali at anv j [aftei .-'rd"dtii)jf the expeoies oi -a^r, shre^^rotiehtfadreda But n« ^e?s*va jjumc owe, ivbethtr ty Bofid, bill, o [jov^rihe 9fm^tmth€s»m€j lent, lurk j rw p- -oa«, Co partner hi ^ hridy p silittc i ©r corporate, *iiallbee titled to a gn-at j ct ftomber than twenty vnre*» a»d all « BlfM-4t hotderh r£*t<ie*t ^Jtk^n tWJn P»t>- *'^ce1 oi eliewhtT?a fcay vo e by or »xy, tf he, tihe, or th*y «iidll -ct fit. pr»vicU e- in c such pr -xy be a >t«vokh©l$l«flff and ^i> produce a sufficient authority fr••m bi« con«fititcnt9« for so represent ing and ** ting for kirn, hrr. oi ttteii. provind a'lpo, that aflcr^c #i*t election of Di- lectors no ^kare «^r ^karrs of the capi¬ ta1 -'nek of the Crunpauy ^liail confer a n^)»t <»t v"tino either in pcisoa, of **y j pr xy. whicli shall not have becu hoi den ! duWn^ three • alendsr rnoRrh«, at tlv j lea*!, prior to the day of rlectinv. o. ofj thc-^e^c-ral nseetin^ where the votes ot th■: siOfk-hol^crs a»e l« be givc*^. Ninik. None W;»t a m ^ck holdefj ac- twa1!) ie*iiem in the town of Kingston, end holding ai i«a-t rW bhare^ i# the cap ?tdl stock, aOrib«iag a naTor?lhori5 t?ib feet ^f Ri^ Maje ty, or a -uhjfct <f **lis V.jf-ry nataraJiifr d Hy %cc r th. Bnl*] *h ra^liamentt, or ^ ubjectof . is .a J*Hty, kcJvi'iT becottir wicb h\ thr cor (j'.i-s and cession ifthi P *■«*».'.--, or a«y peraoii wh^ shall havtf^eaidfrd ri-ve. )«ar> in cither of th:- an^dau, and in any of the sK>ve c^^rs who -hall kave reiided oi^r yrar in this Town, vhall be capab'e of lv iwrf tVcted or cho.srn a Director of tlu ai'l Ba^k or ;h^l -e*vt t* '-uch. Tsu'h Ni. r-of thr Directors in fif- fire «ka)l 5e rr elected for thr ext »uceef* cii-'i? twelve no ntusvof which the I re U doHiand V7ic«.p?e*'i«Je.Ht -ha'l always be ef the i t\<n er. J.totmth ^U> 2^.i ^nr1 -nr «aW' &* *tts «<' ed to viV sal'jry or tfn^iament, nnle«- tV.e B?!»e s^i)\ h'-jve hem a'l wed to hi.n, b' a- ^eneia1 mc>-.i'c- ot thr *t"<:k h ld- €•■., hut the stock ho'ders mwy makt c,»ch compensation to tlie President or Vicr- jKrtikrat f<* their extraoidinavy a. tend- anoe at 'he B*nk, a» iteall appear to th m t* he reasonable and proper. T-w*Jf*.fs. NT>t le-s than five Dfr*ctorK V. No e, or oth^rtont a£.\ uhatfoever fh *' ■ nt i exceed tv'-!'h the a.r.outir cA tfce c-up> j itii! ftvek aft'.a 'y psi". fh (•>ver and a the praprtetMr8 | rnr,.Ui- fli-'l V ?jaid In rheres f 'rf «&iwely. T*6tnty*lhird ^he H ard of Dii>« 1 b"vc a fiifu ^quai in amor.M to fuch rr« j | to; are ' exifhy fuV-y -fn^owried to muke i ncv, ac s^ar be depntlfed in the B^nk i fuch other b>«* la«- and ree«^a*ion»,fit ■ f«'f fij'i ktcpfng) and ivi cn!e ot weed rhe Dire (ft*.rs, under w ole admini^i . Ition H Oia'l !«'ptn &aM be* iiah'c fof the f mc9 in their natural and p vate c > | ;?i:i':t^ hut it fhafl not txettpl tht* ci>m j paiiy o: the ferrfis, -teneir nr^t g.». r> .tjh'e- if (TorritioTi. the j;ovr. (-mem of ^he affair*i 4»f tftej it • *mpnnv, end that of heir . fficcts ?*d (Vivantf, cis thry < r 5 majority i \ht^, fbttll frjQ'fs- tiir.e to twe ♦hink cxitc/iu-iit, j no? inco -fflcnr mith law, or tht'e -rti- chalteU the^of frnw b^nij jUfo h-aU for lurh ck< ct* ; fuch Dk%$rw* tsfiwev f cr, a.fh'tdi i»-vt he-r nh'tpt when the i yQ3Mt$'jwirtb T\ in afomti n fli 11 "nn>EG leave rery refpedfully to in 1 _.DJ form their enrtomers, an<i the pub lie generally, that they have jctcive^ a nocwe complete aflbitrneut of FAIL * WINTER GOODS: Consitlinj, pmrllv. of 'the following articles • "F1Z ;— Superfine feeond nr:d cm moo Rt a-.' Cloth* & Caffimeres ; rtfltt-maMe P*liffi do. White and colored Flannel ; T<Jf tan PWtid ; Irifh Lkicn j fine 0*»tt' n Shfrtir.rr ; fndia and (tripe Cotton* ; AsT«-n Check; ; Turkey & other Urine* ; j d^rk Gingham; Botrbazette; C'hf&te! CiHico ; Cotton and Ltn»a i ambries; J fine ( hintz Furniture Calico j a*rded Dimiry ; Kilka, and Silk H a odk ere Kief>•; ShaWh ; Fancy. Silk, and Cotton Pop¬ lin An affi-rtawm of HOSIERY i St'ckin r»e Drawer* ; Bed Ticks ; COHrfe linen &c &e. £j% -n pfT-rtment of elevrant Damafl< T^ BLECLOTHS from8-to to io-16 Crockfky .% Gtas'I Ware, i GROCER IPS, from the tf C. Uiz tic. ANA^toalur the f^awi n** .f f-rce for granting Licences to F»n, Keecaw,'a«d to give to the ]ul\lQCA „} rhe Peate, in General (>waiter ;eflj^fl- ;;iTe»nai -d, to> their ref|*dlf*e Dilhidi mthmity to regulate the Dwttej, here! rtlte-r t« be paid oo fticli Licencr«. [PuTcd 2?tK Nov. tSi8.]' Tl>jpK~H8REslSfh is expedient to Ir tr repeal part of, apd a«e*d the Law- now in f^fce,reyalaitag the man. tier of Licencing Public Boa a, ar.o far I the retailing oi Wines, Bri-c'y, R,Jm or an\ othtr 'piiitnou* Liq«- rt. ; j c jt er.aAedbythe Kinp'u M.JV KxCel!«rit Majeily, by and with the advice and CO lent of the l^eg&ative Council ani .-\tJemhly of the Province of p-»n«r Canada, conftft,:^ ar d ^ n , , i J virtue- of anr under the authority «,f an Aci nafled tn -he Psrlian.eut of Great 'titain, iRtitled •■ An /a to repeJ certain part« of an ' et rww^e ' in *n* bu»te,nth year of His Mijc^'i Reigl entitled. ' Vn Aftt for makt p rr, rcct- J**>*'<* Spirits C. Brandy, Holland jjarJd by the ^uthontv ,'.f , Jin. W.r.es PepoermTnt and Rhrn4»» the tfeiVd Cla«f« <tf an A G Hvfon *nd Green Teas, Loaf and Mtif- ii c« ti ue twenty yesr- fr»ro t!se &\t\ d»f J ;! i^r.-menje* o^cvti-'ti, and no loag-f ;! fard excefh was eoatt<a&ed, or fha:I kr-veji1' t the r'*i?rietnr- o^ tw-- 'bird- o* the ( entered then piotefi ?.%*htl\ it. tipftn the i a >t?.\ Stock of (he coi }>H'y. may Hr i ramuies • f the pri ccedin^rs »-f tl e board, jf their concur'int» v i*"- <d a aenera1 mee- mvv eel rrHivelv rxlaoaerate sud di; • h »re tlietrvfc v* s rheffrc^rn, bx p c-W ;? ing and pn.vinii inch abiti ce, ..r (hew n't j jo? th<m •»! c?i(* Ivf the tlSti t' fvt Ctt'hH fo1 fr-nt MCJ rcf< pur- jr fr rp.c-rjjr t* ele »refc«e** o» any » oai'Y at any j |i ruw- ';^"'n ; ^M5virictl. . nat not'tve of. ThcH^ref >f tbr v ar-i-; J'rich ^.e'i'e- anc) its »bjr*1, At.3 i ht [awl-iifbr-i r a!' tj.r Pfi^i^otfll Nt^wai-i R'-nlinjr rotiich rtilc* a»d biir)1- ! per* 4o lix anf-tith prrvi f* t'* t&r tliTir J tlla' !i(h ^n 'hat b fea '. '• v j'-^j-j- i. 's* N.n twcii m-»r^tiiijj ; aisd provf^J ! uch n i«iuteft# tn1 tuik fliall hr ffi-ni»iie and nan ftt fc e ac*"rdmg rotiichrtilc* awij fcum sifi n^a\ be av the board • f Pi'r.Mor«i. hut no .• ii^ii- | f ••'*• •" ni •■> tn -n.r.-vlj or a tnanon or j n ent oriran fei (h • be va'rtl r tff:e.t- r!'a«*e ttiftf*r.« ft II fuMeA ai<v itrarkfcoTd j if j ua'-unlet-iuife »l6^r>n'.in! oi ir.ii t.ci j|ei ft vt irkh^I'Vi* t« be l (Vi'^d iwyond I tn- .«.'. rtin.f f hi«, her r,r rhe»r Stork *' %i*er.tu fifth. Immedi* #.T r*n : i r fheU h? entered oi v<-„ ?• cev.l m u b «»k or h- k- t< bt kn:>t r\ rh( i^vrt rt r^ : tor that r-ui po'c; Vii'.r snfi)thc ^n Km t r - niff hi mi of rhf» '»T < i tio j.tiy peifons o akijiie thr iattM-. fh^ I prtvim.flv ',! ". t^ "i » fb.«t!' be t >k rl bv tht Dirrftiofih difcharjre all <k-i'i aQuany iHh b\ Kin--. ; I 'fv cki'-fa»i M r c'»-4Sw£ alH^e vowcrrm hrr, or il:e-m, to the f^ii roi^ n\'.w i u-l- *} * ' ' ^ « vpa>Tt 'vn-1 :,m ^nMia^i theca. j ir>ay txcstfd >n airv uat the irn.u** injp rr»vf*'o Sua"nEs. ^o»|>, Candlts, Indigo, Ffg In*, S'^-rrh. t%e &#. ' H of which wii! Iy« fold very lew, for eafli. hinvston ica6 JDrr. 1818. 29 NOTiCK. / a tlr 1* that th^v havf i^igiied fhrir ^•' Mfirn. n< Director4- *f the Bniik n: Upper Canada* nntl imro abo with- rl awn fiu-ir !; an-ev from Ike livt ot' Sr-bscrih-?r» tr said Bank. ROBKKT KlCllARDftGN. AX'; ■:()>; V MAIiSiiALL. SAX;UFL SHAW JOHN MrARTIIUR. JOHN Cl'MMiNU. M D.'er. 18-18, Kingnloru SB! ItU fedtual provide ftn the Gowei'ament of tnt Province#1 Qiieheefra North Arre- 1 ica, and f.ja make ^jftleer drovifittii for tt»e GoveiftTU ni of th. fa id Province,*' the fsirne. That \a«f the IV- iair ent of this fJr )vi»«e paiTcd in the thirty fourth year of Fits iMajeRy'a her^u, efi:iiled,*- \n A4k fot reg'dd mg the manner of I icenei<>s r*.ibi.c Houfcs 2ncJ ft^r the mor? eafy ctt^vitting of PerfoiM ieMitlj! Snin'tuoiJS i .iqnor- with* out • ice^cr/'aiiV the I^C'»nd C:ai11e of 1 aa .'lft 1 aire<! iij the thirty dxlh year of His Majenty*g Reign, cniiOed, * Aa I Ad to arnvird an .-ktl. antitled, * ai Afi ior :e^u'at'i?«f the mann-ir of I. !- cenci'u Puhlie I ionSei, zut^ for the ni»-re eafy convidftitf of Pbrfoii'? Rellii'l S'piritu *.«« IJqnors wfthoni jfcetice,' ai^o the third Claufe of an €t of the Pnrli».mei;t • f this Province pa^ed W the f rtv fifth, year of Hi« Maj'-sty's KetVn, e« titled. *»AnActf<r aitertng trroe nf ismr'ny Licences for the TW /,t/, ^A ND m«me liat iTiL rhar p'eafaml ! Jin »#tt: 1 .r. 1 IO' to n h'( h nsav re« am, dt-i fn pioportio H-ek beh o^'ing ro Wt-h ^.<-: ion . i per- I an '#t»: rin; tO' * h i n-, and in no caL (hall ?.«y fiaeltiona! ]to »f.er< «r' -'1 »e rnte»»ft. part of a fharc, <r ««ther t ».i a cum || Jt- W -tiri wht' f. we !-ave he«*«*na plete ftiare or fh^rrfc, be afiij>nabk iijfto let tit'l* "a*r-r \ Kiajjft«va. 2 j ion i», I )r It . It. >~hy lilt! <.■ pre(al?ag'ecti *nd drclared, ih i WOOD <e-.(H VVCT, e pcfTrfiS^n given. X.1, rbar p-'tafantly fitnated HOUSlS and PA R K. the properly nf the Rev, A'exr V. Do r!l. For hot her prtte oUrt aj (-w t< the fur-fcriher. DUNCAN McDONELL \ LSO ockh.Oder, who (hall ir*in»fcr in man'ij ^\ 'V t> '*• the ^team.Boat ner aforefaiA, all hi ft. ck m <haiw» in ' • ;i? * ( H **^ ttk. F i( H f Hi'N- .. DR1 D O-M )S Or WO D, *f *. fmail HOITSF, in «tore v»erm^i- -. « pr'!v n^ ani»ve« ■ Rimini Dec. XtL i 81S. k'epi-jj ..f m Houfe, or any other place •f Pnalio "'ntertaini^ent, or for the re- ftailirg f Wine, Brandy. Rum, or any I other ftpirituoua Liquor*, or fer the .having and using of StilN far rhe pnr- pofe cf diftillirtg Spiritiiout Liqu. rst'J and for r« pea in» so much f( the Cite I latileof an \ cl paSfrcl in the forty- third year of His Majeily's Kei'gn. M rclaf-.a to the pc iod* af paving into th< hands of the Receiver General ln<! [monies co'iede.l bv the Infaefinr of 1 this i'»:»; i.nv, l^ a v ^frfo- s whyirv^r, 0^^;] if/hf*^ cr-'f»tcr} ^1C^ " rr' '^ h m- t bt hf amr^her of -hi* Co©>p rv a*i • tU t' faP^' a-d or;, !". . -th d.y any pcrion oi^ pcrlons wh tf evr, wb*» fhai] accept a tian^fer of hu^ f i k ■ 3*i h and Pint * r ■ Ao/ice, t r ameivck ai' >rJW ti e, r. he Siaivtred j ^f%Ut bit* r>'« - r hip of Unhert \* th* f !nvvhT rt»trt«a:a »o Le con I J Gr-tham Sc Co. ht\t'ma di? ol?i*d thi" »■ I; Prwvii ,e fwf !m h L 20 r ,, b r L-,ct:'^. and an \& 'V .«»f the Parltafoent nr TW/**. Mofe les« than five Dfreeton IJ fhifT^ in t hi- ; ..moony fbad ;>/o ;r ^' j v,~* " ,r To • " \ n' ^rt^'W, viz. at P.Cs- j | i'w-h thipdavbv rheeteal^j of R.»d« - hall cc»~rrrue aboard, fen* the trassae- j I become and he a fr^enie' of iW'h C"n * 'j'..'.^' ^,'*,,-^v,!^- G»--S! «uj.,t. Krsr-tj »• k Mnckr?y !v',j. r>.e bnthiNi in fit. Ida «f buainew, wlere^tne Pre-ideiit jLa y according to the cartiel*. of aff:.in<'#lk' ,^;;'p^"' ^»n HaHc-v-fl, ; b j j »ur, will ho rarrwdon by the S- !:«er4. r Vice P'tf-ident eh^l! a'ways be otic,, jiacfion. excejt in ca-e -f *ickaea* ao^ »ace*sary arte»oe. in which cs«e their places m;;y ; b>: • ■!.••<>•>iedby any othei Di'tctor wVmn * the ,;i; ideiit if Vice Pre«idant ^^> -ick] orab«r.tt »hft!l respectively by wi ii ii ,x, [ BnH-r their ha-.vo, appoint, for hst pnroosc. THe P»e«n.'-en: and Vice-1 President, kMI v»!e at the boar i a ^.y i re t' rs. a v .» «. •• -••• -• • «■ — • • j. •■••j .«l I FAilhtceulh 1) bith, band "OH { 'I1 - y;. Ti tn' . * . ophiahbi r.yi», cij- and the v anyintj ud •*.r» rri rrn&and eft j air em e>Tt. «> (j ' i'u"£'* pafiVd m thelifty.fixthycarof His V ,.1'Hy Reign, eotitW, ** An \& to i repeal part , f, ?„d to co,,inue ^ bth-^'f : f the .rrp,^, fh .!• V 6 S •• ■ • d , j !y*fi<r r'" fnrni-.^ir^ -»nv part af bv the P. fi-lento V;ce PaJ^-n-i • rdli"1 ****** &' ctr'^ •'« wth Bartli i, oiintofa/ied . r atfte' 'c. fcy the Cn'(h i.: * ' »er of the C< m;..^ny ; »ud r»-e I" ' •"•' ^cr a d i» ca •- n* Lhere rVeiiJg -^n InPt^? U-h«tever eon.- ntimhei of vote* fyr and ay-i-.tt «y questi n bef: e 'hem. tb« Pe i. ent, i rei •»! '. >:.- 'wt ri .'.ifiv ; ano rr«« ri.- <r oo r I r ■ ■ • hr icTp.'ftv (Ti-i-1 i' no care be hcid i e ; 1 Kl"- foo^fiHlc for nay eonl-^C^ or Hm a^r !; "^©^ t [l ^ion Nov. ,fi rgiS, 25 rcijt tt-fw tcver ur Uf- rh- fame ma4l bejj t^fe o liirned nsl eonat' tfitiaeri, * r aitefted J [ -*■ "' raLTOIICF i. h.re'y riyen, ft a- af "'ti i f that 4 iii^e »?;ff o ' Hf«» 'e t r i he '•" * '-5 and in hi* ah e c«, the Vue.- o-~id'ot, ah a '. ha ve a c a -1; n 3 voice Thtrle&th. \ny nuwiberof fitockhol- y. wh-* tcji eha'i he proprietor* ot two hundred aii.i $fty "-hare?, shall have power a! any ti"*e ay theiaacIvetor thcii proxies, •• NiHctnrth. The b < k OS J idlai 'i D drtct. MO.ND.Y thc j,*"rf will b«> carried on by the S !-«;cr4. I'h», to whom^U |>pr«iinji, whr ar*» In- j j \y>) fiu it ■(co(.n*« without dc!a>. am) I fIjOse Stha ma) hav^r'aim- airaiiu-t that jc-iic rn aill ploase pfpjeut fiiem frr ; ndju'tment. _ ^0 ft PRl'T CeEAlTAM. jPatnr FrodjriHi. 9Lf Vpt. 1818. arc hereby FUNK N01U K. ^|Tili^ S*,-rk:oldo,yoi the B»nfc o, a Upper Canada are nrr^by n»iU • oiivcd, fj^at tl,e- iir-t iutahnVnl 0 I drr«. rot leaa tbai fifty wh* tov?*tJer »y on >hr,p and ravt.rn I icences," be, and the same « repealed. IL AMD be it further Pnnclctj b 1 the authority aforefaid, that it ma'l aifj may br IMful for the JuflVen of the Peacen. General Quarter S^m, , aft™. bled, in each and every DiHrid refpecf* •vely, m th ia Province, a„d they ar* her by reqninsd at their meeting ne*| jbehrethetiMh day of January ;., ^ and tvery year, excer.t the pnfejtt, to [adjonrn the«a!d Lourt . f Gmcr?l Qnar. j-c. Seflfiorw. to the Tail Mo.dav in iha call n funeral meerin7 of tiie ^t-ck-i •<,:i i #rs. for purp <r» relative tn ihe Raid \*- \ • -ciition, giving at least six week* nfj. th e th te.^f ia at laa«t one New^?aper Bu&li'hed in thi« t wn, and specifying jl in *uch notice the 'i»e and p'ac- F01 | tuo>i meeting with the objact or <^b^eetb aajereof'. and the Erectors. o*auy)»e*en af then"., lha11 Have the like t.oucr -t nny ti»we (upon ob=ervincr the i-ke for- taabtie*) to call a general reeling' 3. a^ove *ai3. And if thr object ror j Wfiieb any general meeting ca'lr I either' with t»e Coaavary. j \ T&tnmk ! 6lf v-arly dividend-1 ! '":'A rver.,4r>' 1 icei'o- f.r thee. twi»)f year, to ra eive ncv apf-icati •- from SMITH BARTWCT, Cashier. Kingston, Doc. 1 I. jS]8. i.vb:ic !HafieaiH th* Kos-jht n Gatet te, I I b :he Stock oders or Directors as I * J ar.'.re ^tii.a rhaJi be lo.-^KinsitVf f » wo m->■-.; f^r rke remova* ot the Prefidaut, Vice Prefideot ur other L^rfeciorf it l>i ~df.it for mal-admm.H.ration, rhe.-: and i: fiieh oafes th«* nerf.n or ?erfons i ■ fo p» *n >fed t?> be removed, fhah fr.'jm t'>ed-yon uiiirV fuch notn* fc/'il fi>lt|j bt f wbbih*d he fnfutnded fr-na the ex¬ ecution of tb% i'jti-jK «f hit or their "i- &sc i and itTie be tlu PiefiJent or Vice- FreXd.ent. bis placn fhal! be filed p by the reetajVrog dirnc^an, to fcrve daring j tie nr>e •( •uch »u«*ptfasjoa ' Ffmrttsnth. Evety 4-hter and Clerk ( *f • hef ithenitr- upon ike i Varies of h'§ ihee, upah gi*a head,' vi;h ivo or rti • ; -nretic, to the *ati<- fttionof tke )ii«et#ra \that it to say, I s-ry i -a»»ier n / *»r> 11 t c ham tea ■ ^t 'xsft thirty fl>y> hctr.-re ; and tie Di- j nifto* <1i.P evciy ft9r at tbe t-eeift. vercit-g io' t- c6t» >n thc>^oi \hy hut c» |tht iStnrkfafi!d'^.. forthcii ink>rm«tiopf: in r>w?iil and pa'tici'l^r it at* riim f af the ta^.■^in, of tbc drhts d-.r t*», and by the •^ |>a*y< ilitr'ifyir^ thi aoiuUlit of Baut M-te^t^ci> i« ' i ewfftiion and th<- a*r.OKii oflut/h dr* t- a> ii fiieT c^in^n are-b-»<i# or douhtful ; as ?.!.«*, tteitnig the I iur^J'.a oi pofif, if -ny rcn aii'ing nftei Jen'h&ion of (ofltf? and prcvvfi jl iho\ ti> viic*ci>.—Provided rf«t 'he i#*rlrri p of fuck ftati-^vnt* iliall a t ejcceitd, ti giv^ any rijjkt !o thr StAckboidcru not tiirre- toop- l*i iafpcdt the account c>^ nny fndr- wdual or individual with the Company Tvomrtyjirtt. If ihir« (hall be a tail tire in ; ayiTHMt of acjy part of the mm 01 fliartv lu^fcribed by any per fan or per f*ae,co p^rtrci Aip, b«dy palitl* w cor- -oratr thepaity failing in paying the firft inftairan t of ttxtfer mMuws. i\*cce*-d* ing th^ dcpoiit of tigM fur &*nlum herein 1'. .fore irqnir<d to be rr.adt, /Ktll refpec- Ay forfeit tb« laid dej ofit to a&d foi Dei rat, 'Hr* i A*iei/t/n*J l)si 18 ADVEK : IS-RMtN-r,. •r j| ^HK ti.Urctribei return* ni- t«cerc !a tiiank '.(» M> fn*c> i^ :ind the p|i! •ie i'! jj etera . fer 'hen pafl fsv rn, fn.tc I he * o* -reived b fmcN and h^ne-., by hi?. Heady attentU'-n, t© n-« t < »e*ntinu- aneeofit Wo'k t a!! kinds ia the m rnuMaiiiiij t»f Ircrt, 'Jin, vfoerf fr«a Xa;K. Ls. ks, l-J ajce*, Bolts, Gin- . 11%, f-ainfw. OiU. Hotin, \re. &r rtOfcrKIlT STANTON. Kinirsla.., 15th Deer. IS]8. %Q — I 1 pay- TWta»a4 *o»*eS vua taadum lo'^tlii ufnof the laid Company, and the I I ..anutae^ured at hie fln-<p, in Grave St whs u. cu(lomcr* in iowb and country witl be r«gularl]F aitt« rfed to. on the (Tiorteft notice,arf1^ nioft real mableltrma JACOU N Yi.OR. Nov. 1 j 26 N. w. Contitr^ Produce t<iken in ment, _ ____-_____________ For Sate, If OT N" 31' tin the 3d Conceffion II A of Erne ft jToarn, oa which are id aere*-of i' provr aaent—Foi tctrmt> and further particul;*»'•». ^'Pp'y *a the fua- fcriher. £. ffiiiRY. Hamilton Villus** POKE into the iac'ofere o^ the 3 rnhfeuber, a : EIFFR. «n or be¬ fore tb- itOct, Sh«i\ rr-aA-y white, ha- a tew rerl fpoi« 0:1 her hi dy. ard is abtoiit three years old —Th - owner may [have her by ptoviag property and pay- 1^ expenreg. JARVIS WORDEM Dee. 7. lir tfwj 'j NOTICE. THE Snb ciihet iuiohis th« se wh are fttdabtfd to kun hince last year, either by iio#-k aee*iut| or Kote •' hand, ii th*«) do Hot conip forward «ith pay ftiftit on or before the far*! day of January c«vt, taat after thai date, tho' much against bis will, he will have to put tfafin to that troubbv *■ nitf necesn>iry of btin^ coaipellod ta R. CUSACK. Lmgitca, 7th Dee. 16ia. 98. I .■crtUhoi L>cc-nber, in whichadjoura- ed ScfTnu.s the faid J'jfrice fhall have powef to limit rhe number r.f ling and j Public Houses in their respect ire !)rt- hric*t--, and 'hen and thereto hear and 1 «ec\ fve applications frara all fuch pet -o.-nj a. deiire t" take our Licences for nnen* ing Inn* or Pajjlic Hi'ufes wiv-hta their laid feveial I>i"rt;i<fth ; end the .'aid [a*« tiiCbfhail upon hearing ard receiving • any application from gny pr.rton, i.ray* in^ tt» havt a l-icenee granted fa k?m ar ■ her, enqniie into the life, character, 1 and behaviour of the Pciibn co aaalv* hnga ii»'i if it fhaii a^eaf prosrr -n4 jnceeHaiy to the fr.id J».ilie« or a M3- Ijo-rity of them thru :*ud thvc ?»lIea^>W| jto gi.iiu a certilicr'*', and that the party applying in a l~ >*• r, horeff ard diit^eot perfe-fi, and a R^od Stihj^ cf OUt i.otd ti:c K-njr, tlicr pieudiwg' 8fil« | girtrate ihail then a^id rlurc graft !<ini or hei ti certificate unci it It is hand ard Tea:, which ctrtitivf.tc fhal! enable t** patty £0 holdinw ihe fame foapply ff and taktf out a Licence <>n or b* imz the j hftb day mi jamr;ry then next enf* it'g thr date of certificate, and that the I laid cerriHcatc ftiail be a proper and *uf* [ficier.t Warrant for the li.fuectors of the frveHl D;A i£U rrfpc^ive'y logTWU and they are hciehy required to grant tr> the ia'd pcrfoa h^tdinp the f.sd cc?ct- iicaie, fuch Ljccnco-tipoo receiving fay* trcm of Mich Du;;es d^ me iaipo.'ed by j ([lift Aft, or h.reaftcr may he tmpnW by Law on the fume, and th jt all ,r,c iu'cs, regulation!, reltrift wm* j^'al* tie«, m.TCter$ and things wh.rh at by auy .-ct pr Att» of tht •egjilarun1 of t"i* Ft evince in force, iowchirg nnd ccrcoH

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