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Kingston Gazette, November 24, 1818, p. 2

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jjwhiliiflj I Hm****** aw r^trietiswi # to •• •• r?> t« -^«. . rl. { &*M* The fcttmhtr of vote* to which esrh ?t**fch"dder or Stockh .Klfrs C©-'.>erteershipba !y politic or ccrporate, K ••>.; vt '**iv n the- »pii «"-,v,: a .y tbail b* cnt't*'-4 •>!, every "cca;fc»n. wb*n :-f -rs-ifr to the pr"v'«ion< anj re ■ * <i.M>-r.r ;t*»»f these a'rtW'eN the votr5 thereof 'jr-: *e be gi«8j sb^ll He fn tot { ^r.p,,Tt:"<T fallowing., that !«t<» <«y, F -'<r.f •hrfl ami not mor- than two, j O'-ev r« : far leery two *harr« alt-ve torn, and n >t excredmsr, test onf ^'-e. ir.al :ua (tee votes for ten shares ; for- c ■ Or r*Me(l*»lfWi good afcn &AIM MbMrSMfr'! !WllI#«fc4*!iW^ krpcroKcW* fist tfttftto our Wt«**»yb.M* of ff*ui* Crow lA**** «# tbeTa acre >eepk. wfii'e the T* * ,v- • - -■ ** _it.. .^ _._,__ i_------^------"able t«floutiofi«, brought forward at the cdofe of tha peeoeeding tufiW wore left ncgl'-fted, 93 if e« acknowledg. soet, thactke A*s*Blbly bad been de- fcrvtrdiy cbafiifed ht their pr^du&ioa, A feriea of triimg naea ures fij)^ op the main portion sjf tbc ijcBioe j tbe legptiatiwe Council, no doubt, cocuor- t Clerk wilM like condition and smetice, in acfe wn a* the Pi rectors c-orri' r adequate to the trust te» br i sh**! i ; repo>ed v him. , Ptfimmk Th* C nsafmwy fh«P not boM any U*d? ar-d lenen »»t>., Vut fuen a« way *e ae-oeCaiy far th* -traifa&f e and scoosnaaodatlbn of tbe bufinefa of tbv] j NAoufof the feotxipinyj sad oti fail ate r( pay?<>g the oth^ jnttalmtets, or any of shew, the pa,Tfy «r par tie* fa flic g therein (ha rorf»;t tne fecond dopofit of ten /wr tfnitim, a tf, ln* divfctaids unpaid prior t • the Knot t >r trrUfng fuch pay¬ ment, assd c'm'incn be delay of the fame. Y wewij fitcttt The laid C»mpM| Bawlc anri ^<r no ©tl»#r pttrp fe. itlJItaiJ n^»t ciavdly *r fatftredH d^«l i» I (hi^ ocverthr'efv b<!- eoai*>ete*r fat the 1 Jany tbfnr, excepting BtU« of Pxchan^e. j iirr&.MV, on behalf of the com»«»iy, to j j ?«>^d or fi'^er. bu i n, or jp. the fa'* of I fetniiag t"i tv, one rnte. mi ki»g ten j «}*t<\ a^-^rrt S»"S*»ve Kixry» as<i i^ares j in<? f^r r?ery eig^ht! cafe ab^ve recited. thechargcof Gwerpera y—butvCH'-w fee) theinfl .are of a latent spark;—- we strt tt^>w «n uine ta tabkieg- forward to m«re chcyriog tf»e«, nni U> tbc pot* iCSMnfl r»f every advantage wHcb tbe bftfifb Constitution has ■• liberaHy, to bestow —The won* hands, frem which y6u will receive tbi* Address, wiU pre *eni you with a printed detail if1 *'Pnn- c ple« fled pHH-eerJiegrs," which for some rfifcfttbs pmi. bavf Keen agttatiog the take aa^ bo} wi^rtRafes « pr 'perry by;! Goods really a- J »rU'y pledged &r mo- IJ p«b!ic t*j"d in thi* P ovince.—It will way of additional feeutitv for debt* axn •! ncy kslt and »©t redeemed in due time, ] require but a glance, t«i bea««ire,df that ^ • * ' • ' ' • *• ' " ll ■' ' * * * * ' ' ' r -1 «enout> causrs BUM ©Kist fitsV uuch agi»ar Ifoi ; *nr^ V' u wtll find that the m**|! anxi nc tteftre of the great majority of the** whom you havae been sent to govern, i», cfaat euqniry rr^ay be made int«» ihe ht.j>te of thf* Province, by i traft<rd with thr faid Cotrpany ia rbemorin t^e ^ale <»f rruek pWdeed for m^ney ewerv fcu*T •haie« abovf ten, endflot ex-1' courfe »f hi dealings \ but oi no wmt}! lent. »nd not ir« •«dee»v»ed, which fsid Riall »r.ney be lent «p'vk rncrt^age. »r! jfoad« and ftoek fo pledged anH rat fo ♦ores f.»r thirty sh-»rei \ for eve-y •**] | upon lands a«4' otVet ixed prafpwt^ (|red«fmti. ftaM br fold by the faid cm lharea-abesee thirty, and n t eiccediag j I nor fucli be piirrliiftd fcv th« ten py.ny ! | pany, at Pub ic Sale, at any time not ief* m^tcioe fifteen vnte^jjo «n an* pretext, except in the fpecia! not ex xcecdincli Sbitienth. The trtal ameutit of th '«« «... « m .%. \ th^aten day ! detnnti after th** peri d f»r re- \ T on; *rd if up'»n (ucb fait of it which every real cause of agicatioe may nodi er *it--v k. there thall be a fwrplua, after dedt'ftinff the ex pen Tea oi -a"e. Ojfte hnodred, one v t", mak"'--? twenty' debts wb«eh the Cempany (hall at any I v*tc-i f*r one.hur.'?red. But no ^er^'Bi time owe, whether by Bond, bill, or <; o?er the • aym--nt of the n*rey lent fuch farnlo> fcsll ke naid to the prepriea-.-ri I tierr f je^r^ite'y. Twtnty third Theb-ardof Direc. ©r pfryoa^ Co !»;!rrcer-r««' body politic j \ Note, pr oth**r eontrad wbatfoever. mall p-^ corpera^f, *hell be e i'Hd to a jreat- j, »'-t exceed treble the amount of tbe cap- ev. jivmhf-r than twenty »?#test aad a1! ttal ffick adnaUy o»id *n (over and a- stoek ho-der-re»ide»t witbta tkh ft«*!;. have a f«ro eqeaVtn amount to fueb rro : , » i _ ______ *'-„_. -._____i-„ j.....^»^< :« •'U.. ti«..t. cea-«e. Your F^«se^lency will 6nd, fr©m the Jrur-eUof tfce Previnctal Parliamcat, fckat the uliject of eaiquiry has been re- peatedly hroegbt forward fn the Cooi- (5"0'fHoB'et»f Assembly $ and you wil t«t< are hefe^y fn* yempawe*ed to cr ake §»rf, on ibe came ttcord, but too gosad ikee, or-kewS.T', may vo'e by p«mf#j ; oey. a? may be deported in the Bank\jiifeh etller bye faw< and regnhn'aj,., fo< >ca^nb far fle^psir of fall success in that if he,' *he, o' they thali »ee fit, pr«fid-[;ror fafe keeping-) and in <afe of e«c<-f» hthe governwient o» 'he aff i- •- the (quart-f.jH-Tht: Provrucial ParUatuettt rs ed fh'?t -«rh r>re*xy be a stockholder, and i j the Directors, pnder wf,o«e >dmi itrra- j|c rapJinw, an-' tl>*t of iheir « ffi.-e'- *ryd ! not. ladted. eoapeteot. With its bcsl c» ,; * • - •• • - •- • •» - • " |fe*vau"fRf at th*-y, or a wajoniy t the-r. '^s?\. urs, i+ eaqttire ir.tn every matter f^"1! f><> • rime to time think cxoedlcnt, il-isbtcb tetards the improvement of Up- iix produee a Roffictent totbpriry f.mm Ijtfon it Ml fctppen, fhall be 'iaKe for bis constituent*, f*r sorCpreHentiflf *»d; thr fame, in their natural and p'*yste ca v jtHiff *orbin* h*;v oi therfc, provided j pscitie*. but it (hoH not exeappt to** com also, that after tbc fr«t eleetion of Pi- paiy or the lands. |er»em, nt% r d« rr) tf'tors no share or shares of the capt- J chattels thereof f-om bef>f aJf" lfebki ta« iteek ef th^Corrranv aball conrer a titbit if v*t«n^ eilher in perwa, °r by pr^ty, whir!: aba!) not h?vr bre" hiddea s«^t in.o.tfj'l• •. c v- tit law, or the ft .rt>- r JI e'e. r'f 0" rt♦• 11■ n T<a>c*fyfe'..Tti>. This ?.ff ii ti-n ASdl i j ei Canada, >.o* ha-» it authority to cor- j reel rvery eril.—These wiio u >w addret* Yeur Excellency, being aware of thj» ! for fnpb excefss fuch Di«vlrori« how « tte^nti1 rc »«e- t> r'^r1 f«"<m i *<c fWl dsy ,! ai.rt worn qui with disappoint merit, had fer, asfhal1 bav* bee* ab'er.t <*h»r* *he.; it te»»-mcn es <H-f *" ' ?r,d ^o longer;! reserved to Bend heae a Commi»sion a ■ _ ^ _ _ I « • * ( * sr . ^ tr^ ■ ■ ■ * ■. faid e*ceO. wa» c»->ntTac>e 1, «*r uSn*' V,.'? • |h t »!m r«»prirt< ».* o' w third o1 -he «*!V*7J the! Ca- fta»i f> ock o*"» Jfiot'g th-ee raleitdsr ason'b*, at the entered then protei? afrsi?^ it. least, pmrtotbe day of elecltw»t or ofj (fcinutes * Tt^e proceedings <--ft'-e jbvtrrd* |j tbeh roafMf " v < ibereneral m^efin^, wberet He votes of j ! n-ay ref ": rly exho*eraie ?nd dif I {titty; t- He oa'fVd r^' rco'ved to Bend heat a Commiasion I'.rayteg H^ R-ya! i iebnt^e the Piince tbc stork-bolden a<-f to ht f(ive». ffmlh None but a «»s>ck holder, t*- tn."\ rctir'.eat in the tr>wn of Kingston,; ^f"! ^')!•i,^J^, ba<l 'en ih«res io the cap- it a ^ «i /'., an*-' bei»f a natttr?1 born «wb- \/fvi "f His Ma|e ty, or a *uhjrct of His |vf Jepty naturalivd ny net of the Brit j h V^j 1«a<7»«rn', or a cuv)cctof Hi* ,-'a- J--tv. h'avf"^ hecomp suen bv the con-j qu-« and ccM^ion «f thif P-ovince, er ary ! pt^ruoj wb> -.hall have resiJ^-^ *r ven yearaj fn cith»ref thr . anii»%, ami in any of t*ir aUf)7« cafes who hall k??e re»i^«*d cbar^ ■ -. * tnjr aa fuch In cop p-j' y, rrav by . Re^ei t toeausc -nqniiy inaniodtntcly to he made, tha: the Kr.perial Parliament fi-i^hi prcfieed io interfere upon teforma- o emo y obtained — CirconistaBccH t .t a ^ef>e-a; mec t >-%'■ "Xi^ pnr- oi aay tm, *es therefrom, by t»'ead-Up i< jrevi'e • a'-e t ei* arM< e^ fusih sbftceefs>r (lifSripg ] j o1 tin m or (h{f<V* the et>o*p«t-y at any I indue, them, now, >o rleiay this mea- p0f{di f hi no'me of; biiie. and rnticat Y-ur Excellency to r«uvg, end *'• ^jvCj, ll)/l bej -ur» ir»o« with convienient bjseed, tbe Provmcia! ravtamenfc, th t ihit grand )• jj luen aaienee, «>r mewttig jlsv tfltw r* < mil.ntes. [J prior v.<ru fl j Stva/firnff*. Tbe (n^res "f the Cftpl- ■ \ fueh tol Htoek (n^l be affit/nable and trans*!! &»' l'»he ' i- tl! 'bk f r v u"" ^'* ** « ' * fevakle. accorrin^ tof'-cW rti^s «nd fc'mB -\ pen «d fixn*' O'h pr^vi w t- itw tfWj mr3wwr#, Ki^ wiih i« reav be eUahlxfhfd iii rbat behalf, byjjappomttH h» iurl» •,r ^u* ; ;nH iovi iimj»y yet c*i]H<Mte, i! bijj with the fate »f Canada, and proceed, rVom the board of Directors, bwk no afnrn- fd'dal'o th»i no rt^ 1i tt* ■» t«r«ftes> of ;i th< moct sje-rrable source—From nbe nseut 'or transfer fit all be valid or efVd- j thrfe aMtV-e* fh ♦ ' •••' j« ^ aay tt,rkhold |fr-gnlariy constituted icpvc^CBtation esf swil, unlefi fueb aff|rnment cr transfer jjer or ft. ckholdeif *•» b< renmd bey' .nd j j the people. (hall be tntered or rejiftered ia a book!! the amcuu' M »ii«-. pr' f l heir Stock. or Hoi k>, to bt kctftt by the Directors V\btmjJiftk. l"oedi-T€ly «,n ary for rhat purr©re; »<^r until the perfon Or |j difTolnc i«.,r- o'" Hi- r*fT <i tio . effeAca vr-e \ rs». iq thi-T.-wn, shall be capableI * perfon* making thr fas>e, fball previously '{ meOiiiic* (hall tx f k< n by tht I>ireCtof* of brie-j elected i>r <*bo-en a Direcloi ef 0\ ■ -aV Pa »k .ir 'h M -erve a- such, •*"- ' Ni- ■ f the Dl-e-torv ia of. . t z ,u,h 'difcharpeall debts aft nal^y due by him,|(fhen «xiliiti^ faff ^n? a" fi-c conccm I bar* or them, to ihef»fd company,wl fch jjof the e npa> y, ^ad lot divi^it-c the ca ; srny eyr^ed in amount the remaining 11 pft a] and pipff- which n>*\ rt - ain, #-ck belonjr'tng to ^.-h peHbn or per-ljamoop the to.Ab dsrs. i» pioporno- f Rs and in it> cafe mall any f'aotn na! 1 to their rdfpretive <nt«"<l. part epa (hare, or •thee t»«an a com j It, WiiosjFi whe» f- vve have hatetta plett fhiare or fria^es, be affienable or|}to '»" "ti.r ame» ^r Kinjjf- o. 2J, Ii iftle more thai two mootki, tbe jweigHfy labourti of harvest will be over, :ad, should P«-!iament he in session be- l1ferc th« enriof September, every nece*- f.. . -LR'i Vr n eV^te for th" ev;t su^cc* sji <cr tvrr've rn nths, r->f which the Pre«i- d l a»d Vice-President nbaH ilwayi he «».• 'b« .'iir-.-rr Lln-y.th ^o D»r«r'or t-bfll beentltl- |i e ,>;r- •' Othave beta all *wed to hjm. b • ^ : aera! wi*^ of tin- stork hold- e.rv. on- 'he- ^toeh holders may make mea c.-u-.>. «?vt-o« to tbe Preaident or Vice- p- ri-n--t f^V thp«r ratrarsuffaary a'tend- gnre t tlse Ba«k. as tbaJI appeai to them toV rea-^'O^e an*1' siroper. *?"<tv*VfA. Noi b •* than, §v« Oiracters iha'l coo*'?*'»e aboard, sfer »V tr»avac- tioa af b»»itesa, whereof *.ht Ptewideat t> Vjc PrissUrat shall a1 ways he one, es'-ent in ca-e f Mckaess ani neceNf'ary ahaensv*. • v ven:tb case th ;r. places may tc i»pT»lie«hy anv othd Directot4 wferna th- Pr-*ideJtt or Vlre Pre>idfcnt flo :'ck Cir^baesft, -bn'l respectively by writirig, oc.der their h*ods*, appoints fr,r rn^t t -.-.••<. The President and Vice* P .ffsjeVtat, '-holl vote at the board Sfi j j fpOt>#ble/or ^*y contra^ or ""igajs* r)!rc«t 'fSi a«"d ia c*-e o' there being aai; went whatever wnlefa tbe fame fra^l hej 1 number ^f vete? for and a^'iwst G L tr^a^'er-hle It i« berehv fttrtber e* j' erefsly asTteed *\-<A deetared. that apy f)oekh«dder, who fhsli crsmsfer io man j ner afc rcf&isi, oil hi-frock or (Tares in] tsis fofls1 nnr, t^ any other perfesi a>r ! perfon$ whatever, fhall fyft f*io ce^fe to 6^- a member a>f ibis Company, and that1 spy oerfox or persons wh:tf»^r^rr, who' fha'l accent a fraswfer erf jiar ft. ck or j tihaiea in tbi-- Corrpany. (had <ffo fflSf$\ become an-' he a member of ah it Com- j I vai-y. acdording ta tbel'a article* <>f a(T-- ciatioii„ Eighteenth. All bills, boada, rate* a»d rvcrv en-it?sc^ and cnpap-eceT't, on behalf of tbe Couipaiiy, mail she finned amended. .by the Vr< fident o~ Vict- P efadmt ; aid j oannteraGgncd or atHefte^ by tJie Cailh- i lei of fli*" C' mpsny ; kcH tbe fundt of the crmpetny fra^l »« oo «nre h« heM tc ht N F l*T;rn. i - K ( M 1 h h J\- J C A R A To the F e. ds ^i K q^ i,y. T*rk z^th October, * o TIFM:N, rikvj. ^ been bono t v * it' %e»»M appoir. mint, a^ srerrb-r* tn (' rv'-.-j't tee wdh other-, to a t r he W i« in and ft^h of ihr dvreii .o '. lency ;>ir Fe-. yi inc *'t.a i oeiveit pr. iVrtK,T you (h «l« b acq;.at.-.rcsi with »|.£ . fn t o' th i re . w< i . m .-e '•c'r rr a.-y -P p could bet k-so there to prepare jtMr way fcr ejsjqutty in the Imterial Psa- I 'lamnit at «i-. early ^tage of ita next . Ssw -{in. I 1 bis is what ve aftxiotfsly desire j but I if Your Excellency shall see €t. the | ei'ei t'> accomplish the defied object. I tp diffo \>t the p- ^fct ComrA^ns Houfe i t \ttmbWi sr>d ia-ue writs fot ae>en> [l»ti?rg a n w v^n of Repscf fit iti"w£^ wtf refi'cl) C>dc rC> fi"' I t <>f (uccCix. t Yr»i»r ? ureUcory, that the fnhabl- Ivnl c;f Upt<r CsneidR h^vt hithntto pet id t ftrle "-jta^d too the chat acter 4f If t'hri t wrKorti fl: ^y ive ch wen ^o r*pre- • tfcni tWcr*) ir Pa MriM*rnt —Not only lias tifi< br- n 'he cin^e b"t. ^ro*ii an ;nd»flVr -B'-c t thecoui^eof public aitiu»9 f o^ BtI<oii * f l)x* C err <Mttcr:, to\ whi Ij p"> ! & h- d'< (K(Mk-« ^ t^e people t- 'atgr t -» poif we ijiicit a r py ot the n#dids Rr P .';»n orary p occedings the «.o»t difcaM n y Ii8bir» h ve beer confirmed ftpd | ercat frretfiifstritit-i witnessed. — Wc shall ^•::»^i r.tjmncr p^v qu«twti bfS^re them, tfce P?£*tde.itj jt-d fn hw a^ »;.xc, tKr Vice^Presidejit, ijia1! K«ve a ca-f '«g v0tce< 7hirte**t&. Aw number of «ti?ckbr>l- 7» IH§ Excthevcj lit Ptrtght, VaWood ! nQ. tirc yt>nr Exce'it «ey with a recital, Pnsxtina of lJ fter i^+itd* mi&r i_ it _. ^....... ._ _.. ^. .l _ _ w *i i rot fest tban ! I jpty ha~<?-f iball Nave i^ovs-tr at wiyi t: ^ 'ay tbets^gi-lvec «r rhti: ptox^es* lo" c^?' a gfniteral meetiig «f the St ckh--ld- er-. for purpfv« reVatiwi.* ^br **#} As* i'.'01-.tton, ffiving "art l*$t! m'x ^r-feka ^o ti.-e th*Tr-of fn at le^H ur.e N*w*paper riuWwbed in tbf vnw, and fp^C^ytnt i' lach notice thcr tione «nd puttee for d»cH fnecting «'i:b the ftbject or nbj<fct6 t))fr-or; and thv d>re^torta *>r any sr?tn of them, abdi) have the 'ike power »t arv rinre (n^>on tib^errfig rh** 'ike f >r rr*::V'ti.-«) to rail a genera1 meetir*g a^ ItSov raid. A nd if the wbjeot for bv the Stock r.04def.« or DJ retort an ^^.>vf* »id tKa" be to ri^noidci of a pro. p»^a) Tor fbi remyoal r>l the prfvfHcntt T;rt P' ic*t'ic -"t or othg' Hv ec t- r or XH^ector*, f«* mnJ admvnictration- then o«d q r^uc] ra^^ the jje:ioa vr ptrsw.ii j i dedut^ibri ofr*»fff< and provffii us fot ^ • i ^o fistped ?nsl caantcrugaed, or arteflod as af«vresVid. Kb-t3r*r;tJo. The books, pstOeri, eor- j refronrirnt'e 2r>d funds »f the C*>Oip*lfyt . §1-:.]' at all times be fubjed to thein-j| s|ree, iHjt lesa t*i.an fifty r who tajfetfier [j fuefli^wi of tbe Dire&o**, hut no ftork- y •ba'1 be proprtrtow of tw^btindred aodjjbnVder fn-t D'^Af-r, (ball mfnec^ tlwe acccai t efany i; dividual or individuals, with the Company. Tmtnihih. Half vem-ly dividends | rbaT he mn^^- f fo ipuch ef the profit "f \\& • onapasy a*; fhsU appear to the Di- reiBora advi^eable, aid fitsjl be pavableal f fwcfi rare ftr places a« tot D'rcJtorn | (ha)) rtpprviflt, *| wb^eh they fhall gi«p ! pub1-c Nor'rt in the Kingston Ggjlc te, J nt Icafl ikiri) dayt brfcxr* ; and the Di- j r<4fto»* *ha)i eve^.y ^ear at tb<* genetal ! r>.e«tinj? for tt€t'h*j\ thereof, lay before t\w St'-ckboldrr*. forihefr inform.ition, an i%&£ and particvlar (iatcment of the eiiiufrni cf ibe debts due ti^, and by thr ( on p»Mv. lieriiyiojr tht amount of Bank N^teM-ben in circulation, and the cT>'<un! « I mk-I- dfbt* as rn thefr 'pinion are b-d, or douMfui ; asalfo, ftatmg tile fiifpUt* or i> ohif if any rcirayitintt nfte. j trees t her tin ijc- &t The Bun bit ldrirr*V'f ^irba-d j Bcarfley, fciq x hi»mar a* »hc X'p^r j Curia un Ivnvciii^nof Fntttda to £a- qni'y. /^fft itpkaft four 'FxcffofiSyy ll. rvy o*« IVmic 8" I ib.? of thou- fftndK o* iba In ha bit a f- o* tbi V' *■ since, which y u aic . t c ' »c» ^ vr u. I hey leave u> aar e-- Y m Fact] n t - dutifully aiwiafftiti '»a'r>y —We* n'd ck:*k po ack to qw tc th*? m- st •b ck:^b^ faatf* ; tva ^h;ll Oii-y rtfer to a f w trfl>i?4i< no** • f th-' pre*c*at Pai*ia met.f —I1 ba-» «^. two -»t?uioH^— vt .;h pe i~£ot th S/at Se«H«iJ» when fr»at ter of vita' im;. rt y f*r consideration •**- K ven -jwvt a rounds for impeachment (of their thef> Hov^roor dav ifter ^ay : w^ occoried with » aqu^bbie a out the Cpnduci t an nidWfdrxaj out of d<]r»r^, — a f bjt^Ct r !tov;c her below the notice of a grav** ar-«a-l)iy? yc and bye, tbe t»o I atipply vva- voted and put at ^ lafafbsitkc pMpe-rf tM ^v^|:h^,r^ef he Governor, who,, by I *•« te>: ar i rarv act. y ;oni^ waft )0rwt c« Btfide^c't iltr ; e<it rme it. Sove!y a p»oj/it who.f r tKre^yoar*, with -tood rvnT a- ot Df an if-iii *4tf jd daring, ao4l powc t"ul earn y, o><;, ■ y i i\y tht iriaifiTenanLC <>t Bi isfa Sov rc ^> • ; ty RetH arot dwel on t* r • to n "i \ ^ojta'ty t or, be ?.i xious ab o'. «e%t o^ tr* ftscl for h.rr. ^ho i« sent m represent the j ^ ^p^^jj ierc t nio>feir Koy.it presenceam^ng thea —O' «^e»c ba thwar el the lav^a f>f he a -^ Mid ih'Q at en extraordinary , late • ^ioQ, ftM'dtttiwa were bTouf.ht)] [lib wdi lathe t'-cth of tbo G vemor'i knawr* eatimcata, aed fce<»singly only io LTOvuke bia d:Mploisore« be retciNtip s wer* r-xefcllent | but tb*v awrria w-'fu !y riw^tiwe<ii The Go for- * proposed u> b»- r^fln •'ed, rba the i?;n on v/hicl) cuch n©-ice h^ frornJ fi.ct1 vjijt* rU — Pn>vjdfid -Hat (be readering of ., lucb (tatc T«s pta (hall n t ext cad, to gfrje fccps'^'i-fchedi b«*iU'pendeci frniai the ex-1J any ri^bt totbir StA**l»bidderQ not dirrc- e.nrtiva oi the diitie* o( hh r tbei: of § - ; "and if h* t e the P»€fideut M VI e- 1* rtirfent. ^-i' place sbali be ft ed up by I tb* rr-waifiing ! Mre^trr*. tuter^e dnring the t . r of i»:eb tU*pdvio&. » Fourteenth. F%,<ry '■ a-hiet and Cf-T-k *f tL' a?*!:., br* »rehe civt*r* »>:•• i« t'»c' •i* ';«^ i.l his * fbee, thali give bond, Syi b tv?or.r rr. rr ftffrt r»> t-% thr -i.t;-- ffeCf»«*i? of thr: J )ift*:t£ft ; ii?-:t !« t^ ^ayfc i J ry I ^ *.i-r ip a mm » ot t h ^b?r t< rs tori 1" lull en rhv ac* uiit of any indr vidua! oi rtvJivMual* with the Company TwmrtyJiriU If \h&* fea!l Ik a faili lire in nyci'-'t of a©y pafit of the ium en (bar^' 'u^lrn'r.tu h\ any pcrt.cw or n?r- iow ,c* p-«t'.* abipTbodv poiitta wrpr cr«te tb4f pftrij fe Ijmjj in pavitlu t}i£ fi'fl inf^a Er-c^tof \*\*perWFtftvm <urceid \s y the dcipviti ' f r^gbi fer tehium heveia ^rf<.!^ r-eqmrr. tu b* n ude-. (boI] reiWc* ; T»vt It h 11. i? »l> rait! dc: ©fit to a»<o for bwbjertB there car* b- bui r*e uAHivrJed Rewimeni % at^d ot> tt'e p^e-ient -'ecdbi^ i tkiit ^enttrpetti »i»*t he «rr-i < K «)af^ ^ ith the additional co'^^'/e^t^r' i; it.ht whuj bow comei to k^i y h< bifthc t rf:y i j *y aiaii^t u«, **'a» tttt>>r.ed und'T ib immortal We'iUwgu-iii a* d ha-^ f r hi* frieai end tolvUl« a ^an rm ic i d<.ar t • the lover? ot »*'*«►»*] liberty. Ve«, ^fr, wc will b* f^uk !-• jBorfeetf'g,! rhac your near «> ;&'-iecii n wi h the 0«.kc of Kitbn*-a^a a d a^i^ii. of ib^ |r#at-j man iu thre Pr- v r<* • »- G vwn r in j Chief-t g«' *atea ,n ^,T brr^>t v,ei »a e = |wbiih iia* tothvr ttirtur.* ^atiid bava m .suited. Upper C aaaiba bad, r»unug thr la t twe 'y yearn, .<•• a >' ( o»cr& r> r ' u , (j ili li lie cars oti n, <*i k t aged by the futile and anbccot»ieg co% duct of Me^uhers of ^ffembly, affitn. cd ir%htes wbfcb bad long bxn dcuic4 even by Britibh Peers r.the annual fun- pNywas not even paled, and finally, mea.bers .(Vole off home, to as a0t to leave a Houfe* to hear the Speech of Difmiffal which tbe Adsoioiftrator deli. «ercd, as ii in contempt frosB tbe i faair. Tbe people at laryc, have at l$><f been routed ««» a juft ftnfe of all tbu triliag and indocracy; they fee thtir pr^pertwy reduced a full balf, fro«a the j mal-admiaiAration of good law* - tkeV »«ee profperity cnmr^ctely cbecked ; ri».jy arttnedi dlfcontent and poverty uadcS j the moft genial clirae, and r no ted in the snoft feTfi!e foil. They fear {objection to a Foreign 'Poarer, if Wa» ftould asjoin be «r«iged ? Ibeydread a sepera» j tiosa from the Mother Country, watcK they would moft. grievoufly lament i They vvi(h to m^ite an effurt ^i teeovtay front all this di^-eace and danger: They eatreat your in font and earueli aid ta afii I them. Permit »»e^ 6i*r, to Subferihe, tbit firft day of Aug aft, in the year of out Lord one thousand cigbt trurvdrtcd and [eighteen, With every sentiment of refpe.ct. Your Excellency's Kioft obc Humble servant, RICHARii SKASLEtB Havtncf Hfcewife l>een appefnted MferfT- • ber? of -a Depu; at ion Ca wait upon Hia 1 Fjcceil<wcy the Lieutenant Govornor j with tbe fartte; oh bia arrival, we bav> i to state, that that event was no foonet aenoiinced tbaD it was reported that Hi* Excellency intended tn leave Vo'fe ifnaneaiiaKely on a vifit to Pert Talbut. His Escclre.Tcy, bowtf^er, delaytd ibit i vifit, ex- e^iog the arrival of His Graao tb«.-Duloe of riichmond ; a,nd, btfoiewe could be aware of this new deicraaatfu* en His* F.xccl'oucjy had cr"if»d ave^ I with his Graco ts» view tha Fulls of j Kiagara \ aodv en bis return, p».=eeedei I trnmediatery to Port Talbot. NotsritlP stan^t'e^ tbefe delay*, we w*rre not dis- pleafed • hot Mi» Excellency shou'd Ls»e time tr. v eW.znd undrrfiand the ttate e* rbv country before we f>r«if*nfesj [JJ [Addro^ which we bad kopad w0«IA j bave take^-i pUoc before the meetine nf PaHia^eut. But, liettf e au^iber of , fcftforfee* delays fruftrated our wifhe, t Mr William Kerr, one of the Depi.ru. 'ion, bciag on the Grand Jury, was ds> taincda wfek a« Niafera, and. on bit I arrival at York, Mr. Beafley hasl ro- | turned to ^be l)iftric> of Gore but th* evening before, to attend the Quartet S'(B 0% and another, week el a* feu' be* fnte bin rttufQ. T1m« is fnorc to be ro greited, ?s in the racan ciwa His Ea» eelleasiy the 1 ient. Governor, ia his Speech, animadverted <k aeverely upoa Itbe CorverS?fnn. a« atrao^ to preclude- abapetha he would receive the Addrtsta nevertheless, not wifijingf to impute Ca bioi a cneafuse so ill advisetd, we warn ed upon bia Secretary, Ntfajor Hillie*', I with a copy of tbe »ame for Hi\ Excel, lencj's «>erusal, and ntqueiking to kmW when he would be oleafed to receive the Addrefa ; whereupon His ExccMeoey was plcafec' to fend for m, sequefcl'g te I know nt&ai n-e waited t we replied that j waited upon him with an Addrefs fronf the- Representatives of a numerous aqd refpe-ctab'e body of His Majetty's loyal fnbvri- in this Province. His Excel- eacy was plcaftrd to *sk, ff weeoneda* ed he wunld receive an Addrefs Wool js anconftii'.'lional a body ; fta'ing at the fame time that he would receive Pcti» ti'in* faoro the d'tlfereiit TownuSipt* »n^ [ DitefitSU :-r-To which we replied, that the mcctirijr was not U'ltconfiKutional ; it ■ leaft DOtift tola Province He: tepcaftcd that ii was, 2nd that wtt had hi- aif.ver t on which ws ifcadeeurbowa a»d reticd. Kevefth^lefs, being ftill anxious that His Ex'.el'ency rntgbt hateful] tme tf u j cali«ig hi attt-ntwn to the subic&, ii ! 1 S*R, 1 tv»*tM11v \eaia, w■■ :'». yave ex etieiec e-" dt*au| i >a,e*it {. ht d^.i-' t anion **4 rtvil -ff. o-h. Tbcat «: >t that solemnity, which, at horr.e, « ever parttvula-^y regarded; bt Went oplftmeod *nyh*3y (i;ep he bad taken nl to Parliament, aju'th ut the aopearenct: [hi*parts we took t)*e liberty of agnii of -tare witUout the eyrdmony of no itce, <.i-due cfl,n#ultaTv»n, aud hastily put a penod to the 8es-.iao. ' he p&i ifc«r.ent waa attain sommoned in February la-t it w& expectOih that ■" inc d-.gfife©f spirit m? ud have beea rri ' ifestefd, ia hcvv . f dt$nlea wie ».f inw ted digfii y. 1( v/a-» exi e. ted, t H^t 'h*. t•nRtder#ati•/>« of 'C^- lu'iVm, a£ !:»i^h iirpf)rxanctl Id t'.» public weal, vX'fuld be tnttantly rcHutned. I ht cor^dwet c*f thn »e- ittn, ho^ervtr f M c»eii lowi-v ihiD bt'f rcr# Aa»-ffrr f rec rr.p» nor for • -iT-e• a-r*. in War, ua uajE» iiy in r«'«driotd inta tin t\prech ii«« the li ivnc H«d «r!y (endicg (• •iOie■■• the: fajrlr gh of B l^rjrtr body td" pfi6ple« wa» 'C{> l**d in n^ft dit^uftin^ 1 balstajsd P«a>*-ii^ sviib coAstiu^Q turi I Usp ui^vi gtk^. i^jii v.v»u^*!ty. aud thelitwtoty yedcs w«* *i#K>&t trKUuguiabejd] teiasaoi ac^uuteeavm, by titc EUjpreJan i| \V*- have to reqoefl tbat you will be plealcd t - lay the eucoiVcl b'*f^re lijs Exrei'eficy th^ l,;eut. '. <ov.-rnor, for btf setious ci'ufic'er ;ion, as afftj'ir.g, vert maiettViy. th fee hugs of a jargf vor* ti ^n of .^ih Majc&y'f loyal lul-jeckti with* in this Pt«viiicse. ( tjfiMdi W.J- K'-'RR. ( i,..,o) GEO HAMILTON. Y «k. Of sj, 1818. To Major {jitter dccrdQfV' To HisIaeelWy 8u IVreRrme MarV land, K .. rf. I..e«ueu^. G^etoof ef tbe Froeiacc v< Oil** C«aadt#

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