SD.YY. AOV$\fBEH 24, 1813} [VOLUME YIII.-----No. 26.] *& v* ^r m (• • rf _L f i-* r I IVlNGdrON, UPP.E* CkNA-DA Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—P«ci Four Dollars per Annum-Exclusivk of Postage. m , 'Jfgentft for the Kington Gazette Krp*'i•» T-> aft* J A M fo T? -\ N K IN. &w To-k, WH.LIAM M.I.A\\ V-q, B Beth Mmt^I, \\ MOWT.R, PrirtPT. L I Sw»4WBSS53^K»:.^-> .i^MsESXaE N t2<- z. ro-k. WILLIAM M.LW\ I q, r OM fc Sparine- m,p mri»iir «*• - ; i m r-^-v,,, ftrackville', A. Sfl?RWOOD,Rq. II J Hbnfi under in. fir«n of 7*y.'ar &T , JC*.^ next, a Mtvlw, S. M-NARB.T*). fairfcrfc ihi-Aiy d-ffoUed by n.ind hnr: Barrack*., N.MOWr.R,Prirtrr. fw^t. The.eW, ttt ft;'oj* qneft ta,,;U.,;y..M,SA^H.« »W& ar tfofe inrfekhrijto the. f,id.' fir*, hv JW i» [ven thfifSrftefMflf rfJpHE Copartne-fhip heretofore ex-. A . _ ....... , i'l? ilHno under tn. ffr'<n of 7 ay!or W.\ \ £% next/a number of ro»ms tn the <1 ' al1 thai* indebted to the. faid/^rai, hv ; We, nrH • k ace •>-1 in etfnie fenwa»4: 'and m.'k*i-rmcdi?iepavm-.-tnn'o '.Han | H. EARL 42 id LET, ■ scribed, shall be parable in Gold or Silver coin, or Montis*! Bank Rill-. Btrrf* t in (Ma Province, in the man- i tier follow ir.2, that IS In soy ; eTgi j j p*f centum !o the Directors* Hurt; j clays notice of such iav*n»ent hsriu been 4;v n in the Kingston Gasetti i anchor Payment not exceeding tfci per ccnttoiu nbneifr they shall r«- qriire ft, at such time and place a- the] *h?il appoint for (hat purpose^ gmti thirty. «-2\>; previous notice m aforf saii] ; and the remainder .hall be pa) ablf in cn-'h uisfjilsnents a« a mnjoriij of the Directcrrv shall a^rp? noon : but no after in%iatHicnts sliq',1 exceed t^u pr-y" cent am up^.n ttie capital stork for the payment of which thirty d;»> notice ?halj aitvayb bt?jjivt'& AND • ■•ffiTt n j'v a» unmemawfil i &cawA II ^:*«**•* matuallv .he dweli-.o i'o:fe eir^u fccj! «iK«-eed upo»i-t!.at whenever tf.c nomir: ^^.fD^^t .vr>e..,n w —-l^yal,^r! j ^ '»"<^'i" ™-r,y '^n-|Uf t.o.hou^ndsU^shcn be snb- "* N- QUKTS • •/r-TJTr. ]q-. P ••rier;'h' ' «c '^rrrfs Pan hen & Co h waff ^'IP v^' i-Te , Apt .>t> r-tqii-r-•« "iv he ohtiin-d at •uUliC-M v.t th»r v D*W, an.) •'.. ^ •-.. • ; ?1 r -„.,v. v .. «..-_■■ THO'vl .S ^A "KL .T^>'" iKov,-fi.-Ti-, u'il' ptesfc pav it** «c^n tvl . A'gea* im'thi-u* r-'ay ; ad i&-rt MONfaCAL a<i S-::-.r ,m r"F\il n Mo-.t'^l,- ,],. ,] v kh ih*. d:nh ui Ko^i'.uk ) &vr9 Va \ *« K*cHan-re on '-o"!,.^. y^, ;, .' ? £fy ,|,e,... f »vl! i'< f«rore* r;u- b^^&(f» ->vo w-'l he di i'hrcrned . n fey tie k(bfr ri f-er, 10 v W^ ; iuiitM*.»-f'«i- v.6<tv,and-in-t-v.%«i.|y ^f...^ -v,b.. ^.- i-A.* e-' to the a I .y; fc^ii* who m^y I j«I. ri?3 r^2 :^ MX jm ^^ F*>« tte Yt.-i r t our I. «i4 1 '8 i '9. *. .1 L0UN0 i> and 12 in the 3d Co:- -»* n, • * • Cou- To Let. For Sa • »t ibi^ QiHce, A READY RL 'KONF.R, Shewing the value of GmjH of varioas 6ro/^ Cornsn li|f7 Wtlffllji * Vp ■ #-^J«*-* ^ 1 » *■ •". - • -- * t • %»e>^,- me:itio:n*(K '«:'ti .-uch el^i tion si*ni tti^n anO ther^ bfe umdfi b^ a ninj*ritj j of tiiem v ,rjd for In niannejf hep^in- I after prescribp-di iw re*:-^ t t;» the ao- liual rlrction of Directrr"-. and lh. I r«34toiii who.-h'M thep and ihe.e hi- ■ j i4?:«feu, vhu:! fee the liwt Ivircctor^ »riMf pspiratiop of the day fixid to- I fr^Kf / 'tv annua! eiqrtioti, 911a tp j Oir^ctnrs so chosen iJiaH h* soon {ht-:r Uit^r&a dreQmstauce.11 caiv canvtentlv JftUew of commence \he bv!£-* a:'! ipli< "!'» f; of ihe* ^ald Bank, bnt nc i-P ?* \#\\$ rv Qfui.h nates S^al) be ^sa- ed or pn in t;lrjCi)jflt;mi, Upr nny bil' I or note l- di&^ouat€fl ar the 6>;M.k ur. T iHF.faSfcriher »<-!.><■&fnUy infir-ml hi-- ^riJnSfi a"d the public, that he 1»a«rCe<ivcdai-w^„no;vof ft r G 1 * sale, L«aghbo ; Kinrftn/7'.hNov 181H. 24 •S^:S' . .. Articles of A^">clxii\on pj t >c SMNK of UPP&il-CANABA I a. He Smith r 1 ■> ■ T'.'.ird. F«»r fne ^eod paanagera^nt of llheflrtaitj. of ti^ said AssociiHia^ nrj Copipany, there *hatt fee thteteen Di-' j i . eclofs, m hn shall b r.nnuallv elT(.r«I j: In the propii-tors pt i"»'»fi'is oi' the a a id To ALL TO WHM TKfS* PTE-j j ^(r'al stoek, at a HMMl MegHt these rteilve'.y hoUlen; atvimcp Hr'iMal in-* '» jl the said proprietor- latdrtwekh.dders shall vote Bccnrdtfts *$SyS 811A V,L poiift. •t l,-n<-9i <iwtf itods manifcH*] I ^6V "ll^rcet/ba^eT. M^ l>od*laVi Vu-ule " .:3.(i r ?.^eil'-- l> wcaw wrth w , To,o ....... 8' h^.-cVs, ea< ibe -per e ;\ dtctore aad *(&? '■ ' alHie jaltnaHfr 1 j # J al_. j^ I --^j.*/ f*^ unVeRs niM>e!id"d as hereinafter prorid- S.mO a"d a? tb: ir lir.-t mepiina afti»r J opened, then, and in suchtaseil nj«T be competent for ai»y lorreer iubpert^ , *ror subscribers, to irtcrea*6 his, her, r \\\Ay «ubst riptifni to uo hundred ind fifty -shares ; and if the afofe&aifl Capita] f;t-<k is nr.t Mibscr»b.( d witIHa **'* months ait'rr tlie^oid bu<*k-of sub- -. nptjofi what! h;ne been opened, Un-n, ^ml in Birch ca?e, thedelicumcy ma) be •ul^cribed f<n bj any porfco or per- tOO'n, body M Utiff or-i'orporate. Sixth* lf i^ lipreby expressly a nd jXp'icfly dpi:tared, lo be the objtCt Vud intention of the persons v>ho asao* -fe{^ thepis«-:!ves under the sfv'eor rtrto >f /Ae )hotk of Upper Gonad*, t».at ;:*.;,<.-Wif Utitck or property of the ^aid /<'ir.pai^}\ (exc!u5:ye of ^iTid'f.ds to * made in the m?rni er hereinafter DrtcnUrne*4) pball alone be fe>spfm&ibje i^r the debtw and en^jagemeihls of the <a?<lCompany,. And thru no per-oo, «3iq shall-or may deal wifh this Ccib^ panv, or to whom Ihey Khali nr may become in any wise ind bted, shall -»n *?ny pretence whatever lyavf recourse i^ainjt fh'* operate property of .« y >re<entor fate re member ff H4* c »n- p?nyfl or against rl.eir persoi^s, farther than may be nece-sary to secure the T^ithfui npi)!i<a!ipn of the fori** ihere- f, to the pin poses tn whrrh bv these predatetjfe,y are Uabie. Bvl aM p-r- qtwqceepjtin^ any bond, bii! r-nt- --r -ther routract of (hi* compnry, si^m d by fh*» Prerideirt, or Vuu-J n sclent, iud cnuutpr^ijjncd or art- ? (- d bi the ;J'>vhier<f the company, for tha time be v:% or deala-tr with it in any ot'i-^r manner «bs^fgoever, thereby reaper. lirily aiv* credit to the said joint etc ck ' or' property of the aid CVmpany, Ind uicitb> re^prclivcly diwvoa hav. 1 ing wour-c, ou any prctenre nhnN wer, to the pejj&oll or ^per»te pinu.r- \ of any present or future m n ber ;>f •nis Coin pa ny 3 ex rep t a- ab*reir.^n- one<!. Audn?1 -u»t- to be brought >i5ain*tthi^ Company (:f R\\y ifa =p b-) chall b ; brought ti&aiavt the I reAdent (op the tim-? belug : and in ca-^ %A his -[. «, I ,M JVP&V3I fr/"T, nfltlV . - - . i«y<nil asja-Hw n>Hi, rneaMiiies *t.a:. oe tak j at the exprnee of the romnuiy Jbi ab^titoting his suee.e>>or in office n- a dfu-ndant ; Bo that pcr^o»s hnv:.».jj flemands upon the company, u>n) not be prrj«diied ordvlnyed b) fiiftl evrtrt, or if the person snlng, shnll go o» a* jftin^t the person {\r«t nam<*d a:1 de- rentiant, (notwi^hfNr.din^ hi? d ath or removal from office) thiscojopany «hall ! ake no advantage of Bach proceeding ' on that account ; and all recoveries had in mVmer aforesaid, shall be ron* I elusive upon tie company, so far as [to lender the OmpanyN said joint ^tockor property liable lh^n-by, afd »o further; and the Company shnll mrnrdiately pay the amount of such recovery out of their joint stock-* but ;ot otherwise. And in esse of any ■titr.t Law, the President for the time 'Executive Conn'V Ofjfc* York 22' J I' 'v>'9- ll/tefcfViAft ei'tf Jtepdatom and a- H*eA election, shall ,h.»n«» o« otti,t» ^^ and on behalf of th*-Company, JOHN SMftM* : BANK- OF 'i .,«« fo. the i:««k. " f ; a'*i:! h' ► 8 a. ft _ /"^v 141V1. t8 ^. 2G TO LKT, ar-i .ait * .1 ,-. ■- 1.»,....... _ v to JOHN BUilNETT. & in*?ton, May 9/A. 1818. 50'c • Notice* A I-L perfotn* are hereby cautiOi*ed j j! $- astintt treCpif&^s In any Qiaamw*.' inn *o Lot No thro in the fi;it » oncef- ill .n, and Lot No. tt re> in the leeoud •o"ccff«on of the iowufhip -if Camden, John clark. Vhi'-ston, 10th Off. !S18. 2Qwii purpose of pA-Wing \\it- said Capital ■itecte, a b«n-.U of sub,%riptTan A*H be »jj i.rcl in titlj Town 01. Tnuixlay th« loth ir,stant/ at Mocvre's C. U. ftooi j 1 ue hours of ten to tw ,, r,\.u,ik, Oiidfii f'.ifi suprri<itrml;v.K-e »f John Cumminj;, cj.-tijam'm Whitney, £r*hn M. Balfour, F rguaon, ll-U,irt' Richardsou',1 Ja»es Nickalls, and Sama^l Siiaw, 01 only until the Rucceettiog general \md- . « mg a< • ..• a.,ce,« johnLummii.a, -». ■ ■ f.lrrk ^..^^m^m then. " H^miOn Whitney, ^hi, M. Balfoar, »P^ • exacatn?g th, i^liii F r^oson, R-Wt Richardson, 86 -hail b.. iKtc > id Jar^, Nickalls, and S.mB,l Shavr, .r| Jff^-^f^™SrtS^irt, ai,rwooftuem;an^ocoutiuueopen - ^Xp lively a^hnll h, r^n- under their sup^nnten ianc<? ullt, 1 tnere HWJ « P * j.^, shall have been an |W#nn of Dr«. ^ an pr | ^ «,.„L- chall be headed wJ*h the or-sent rent, a.i t«» . * 4 ^D immadJate p-tfeffion *«*■*« convenitrut aTO/25. in the W »« of Hapten. For Inrrhe* r^T ^^uireafthefub^-^y • T7T7HE paitneruSip esiftmg ,,-. -:, * f.-lf'^.j.-!: II fill i«ia •i»tl '91 *°M '•' "l,a":S . •AQVSSVO A»^^.ublw MelnJ and 104 -QT^3ii»«n PM -"^A1 <5* hetwffeo | / thciuVf'^e-^V theSr^f^ .. ;iY UiJ:-n^C - l demaadsl .,a;J aid fir r* 1 h fettled by Jlr ■„•.,„,,;, U.i^- W «h,m pay-ncnt! .e-vadcoard^,-due affirm. • „ , e..DEU«J 1^, J F. W. WINHL6W.. Perth, yh %#tmber, '8^- 7 rors as hereinafter provided, which B^k shall be headed. wUh the pr^j | £■£ -VT out ()f th, Iuih!, of .h. Articles ot Copartn^sh;p or Aggj JJ d gj ; ^ ^ Dil,^orP .nent, and shall con.Hnoe opon •««lrW1^^ thft Bank ,oes mto JMt, tte then; aha 1 ke WJ P^ ^.^ ft ( remaining nnmber of Shares not sub- 1 *™l*\xLL\»*\n« »,.d nrderhw of th< I Far sale at tkw Uiace* cribed for shall be a^ the disposal of iha Uireetors for th,^ benrfht of the vockholders. Rver\ person or per- nMM, co-partnership, ho(^y politic or orpnrato, who may or gj,all become •aembefsof this assaf^tiaB, may aub- iClibe for such and?o, manj shares, as he, she, or they sha\j tbiuk lit, not however exceeding i\\ the nrst instauce two hi.ndred shares, ^M(j u is ht,,cby agreed tha*thi »&»« t«pe'«fiiaiy sub- ib^r, aPresi^enl and V <v-l resi- f] "«ame, and on bf half of the Company, fed their place. r-v,)ectivc!y. c prosecuteto judgment and axecuticn " njaca..! ^»the manner and form av by the laws r^ from tii. *' f^#5S ^rnviuce It is providedt; it satd- In b**ing expressly understood and de« leetron "l«red that all persons dealing with the is at s I ><l'd Company agree to th^se terois, •prtor hv l*-'d are to be bound thereby. Shventh. These articles of agree¬ ment shall be published in the Kingston Gazette for turee months, acd for the '^formation {^f ail per ons who r^ey rrajisact buSMne^s with or in any mant ■s^! ijlve credit t© tiiis company, ev^ry i>nd, bill, Note, ur oilier instru* inont or contract, bv the fff* ct or term^ o! which the^Gompany may be charged >r held1 liable, tor the payment of mo* ns hhau be nccessvtj m »««v«*«»»© — 11 n«y« sha11 specially rk'riare, in such business of thpsaid Company^ and tojjlorui astiie Board of Directors shall ' ' pj^scrltie, that payment $h all be mud* r,rt #/ the j<*inf funds of this Comp&njfi according to the present articles vf <t$- guctdtiun, and not otherwise ; and a ,opyof the sixth article of this a$goeU atiofl shall be inserted in the bank boot •\ even P'M^ou depositing m«n? v or ther vauiableTjioperty with !heCvR>t- paftyfor »afe custody, or a printed eo* py shall be delivered to every such person before any ^uch deposit shall be received from hhn* And it is hcicfcy \pr>ssly declared) thai pa ^ngasie*»t can be legally madt? \\\ the namt of the said Company tinier it contaiu abev^-aid. Fourth. The Directors h* the tin- being shall have power to appoint siw l ©ScerV'lefkSrand servants ondei then. ' as f-haii be necessary for executing the the weirregMlating and ordering of th< affair's of the -aid Coiapany, as shah I„. pr- scribed bv the bye-Law* aud Regulations thereof. Fifth. I* is further covenanted and a,„.t,.,| upon by ...d I'^"^^^^rr^U^no,- r^fri«=tio», lo tie rfhet L-apil-il ai».i.«* Vl . . M. .. 1___t .-..-..celt Hi- fivrtu- ail vt> oou» Tweut) live thousand p' cub.cribed in one month after H»e Bate. Cv.ukof subsrri^on BhaUhave «Mfi lundred and I ,------- M.nds is rtotllheiebyexprvsstlv di-nvow all i^poo. atilit) lor a;;> debt, is tn^a-tmietit, wbicb^a; be w^f »u ia»fii «uat> Jftot