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Kingston Gazette, September 29, 1818, p. 3

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1 ♦en, A in c i lean fHMng* veifcls, h.ivebcn con.'ienined in the Court of Vice A imiralr^, for an infraction of die iintiih Laws of Nav;giuon and ii.ide, ard are to be iuld by the of¬ ficers of the Cuitoms to-toor- row. ___ London, Aug. li; Secret Expedition. The expedition about to fail mi board the Royal Yachu, in a profound peace, is, of courfe, become a matter of great public curiofity. We have been favoured by a correfpondent with a ftatement of fome partb of the enquip- Gient. The whole of the forces embarked are foreign, and moft of them furnifhed by our good ally, the King of France, in return, it is fuppo'td, for the lewicts he has derived from our troops. Detach¬ ments of the following corps are on board the Royal Sovereign, or {hortly will be fo:— Royal Regiment of Burgundy. Royal Regiment of Champa gne. Regiment of I'ourdeuux (1: rge detachment.) Light Infantry of the Mofelle. Corps of Ve erait■' raifed on the Rhiee. A fmall Corps from the Cape. Bi»dy Guard, raifed in Cu.aeoa. \ irnall iAaite->ng Train is on boat fuppofed fufficient to take pofuffi n (according o re ort) of Chateau Mar- got and Chateau La'our. The provifi./na m board are of the bell qna'itv. under Ok dirnftion of Com.r i(Varies Wilier and enoi- The great eft atten ion h?s been paid to the health of rh -fe on b >:.rd, and a detachment of the co'\s o^ R^val Clip- ! Itfon to firry U irtt t\ inhabitants of Mo hgra fcHftJfrtloii. Canada, have the •.(ivf;ictioi1 tb feel surr, that the opoia- i rt of tin* now American art af nv»*- iiliibu will have very little effect upugi thy trade of (he St. Lawrence, but will ralht-r aid thaw depreciate the market of our articles of exportation. FOR tilE KINGSTON GAZETTE; THE FISHERIES LOMbON\JuTy?y- The pr>lar Expedition. We have the pleafute of announcing; that a whaler, which has juft reached this country, (late*, that it fell in with this interefting expedition in tile firft week in June, oppofite to Magdalena Bay, in Spitzbergen, in lat. 74. 34, all well. .1 H A lettef from our London 1 tsfr.M6hmm^ * * «% BENEFIT. T I-I E A T II E. THE lovers of the Drama are refpeclfully informed, that on WEi)-| NKSDAY A Mr. Ktkg, who Seems in be con sid- ered. especially by the Federal party, as one "f the most di tiogutahed states¬ men and Jurists In the United State*. has given (he follow-n* opinion on the right of the citizens of the United Stgto* to the Fisheries. ** As regard* the i Fisheries, thoj»e of the ocean, not with¬ in the territorial limits of any nation, am free to all men who hsve not re¬ nounced their rights : those on the coasts and bays of the Provinces, con¬ quered in America fiom France, wen; acquired by the common sword and mingled blood, of Americans and Eng¬ lishmen. Members of the same em¬ pire, we, with them, had a common right to these Fisheries ; and, in the divisi n of the empire, England con¬ firmed our title without condition or limitation : a title, equally irrevocable with tlioe of our boundaries or of in- ■ dependence itself." In opposition to thi< opinion of Mr. King. Judge Usi ike. orthe Court of Vice A drat rait) of Halifax, in August la*t, gave a decree w the ease of the -ihooner AV/£j/. an American Fishing Vessel, lately sent into that Port by one of Hi* Majesty's Ships for adjudi¬ cation. " It appeared, says a Halifax Paper, that the Nabby had not only token fi*h on the coast, but that«hobad | h^^n found at anchor in mieof theivar- Correspon lent, under date of I Magpie EVENING, Sept. 30th, 1818. will be prefented (for the firft 1 time here) the much admiied celebrated 1 ,. . . - . rt 1 11 Grand Dramasic Melo Drama in 1 ads ' the 4th of Auguft, thus re-| failed the marks—*'fc It is fiid in private !//-#»// £ circles* that her majefty the ±«*W« M Queen continues to decline. It is alfd faid, that her phyfici- ans detpair of her iecovery, and that h r deceafe will pfobjbiy take place in a few diys " Am. Paper. MARRIED, Al Hallowell 011 Sunday the 13th hist. Mr. ft Sicphen Bourn;an,to Miss PIioHm* (ian<it; Mr. Townsend GurraMo Miss Saiah Jtowe*- mar. ; and Mr. William fWrat, to ISli^ DIED, III ih:?Town, on Tlnii>dny,(hr 17th inn. a Childdf Mr. J. G. Parker, uf Sackeuhurboi\ aged 10 months m*> £*«"^*- > r***-&VLB&-- \ -* p--rsand fome diffl ounrtd l.ances form jj b0Tv, Into which ?he had no* been dn- part of the ex;.»cd;tiou. The French troops and thof- from the Rhine are] ftnniiked with ice by a new arrange- S! merit, to pre'fi-rve their coolnefs and frefhuVfs in the pafTaj'e dow;« the Chau- pel. Our arrc-icnt ally, the King of Portugal, volunteered any number of his troops ; but it h faid the offer was recei¬ ved at head-quarters with diidaiii.— With a due arid proper refpeft to the ^onih'cution, the foreign troops are placed under the command, foi the prcftnt, of i an.Englifh officer, (the Earl of Coik,) tinder fea'ed orders, to be opened at ^ca; when it is conjectured the Noble I,ouJ!s lew'ices wih'ni wrMxtm^ The Rev. Mr. 11—h—g is appoi Chaplain to the forces, a?:d a bnth has! been provided for him under the tr.ble. Theobjeftof the expedition remains a profound fecret.—Statesman. ! in ted i FOR THE KING JSTO.V «A7ETTF.. veu bs stress of weather, er any othei ffiH'uifousprcnnistanees. The tearned Judge took a very extensive view of the subject, in all it? biearings : from which it elearl* appeared, that tne permission granted by the treaty 01 1783, to Americans to take fish on the coavts oftiie British Colonies ; and to make <he fi-h so taken ill the u itiiinha- bife<r harbors of Nova-Scotia, he. could not be construed into a pe.ma- uent ri«'ht, but expired with the Treat* .vhich nas broken and destroyed by the Amvrmm declaration of war in 18ll2. The vessel, together with her cargo. ill fmaii infraction of the British laws &f navigation and trade, and fas* b*jeu drliverrd over to the principal *-Hr\:r: of His Majesty's custom- for sale and distribution according to law." * It \* to be honed, this question of the Fisheries, may not be a sub] Tt of Sin h -eriou^ di^cdsslon^ as 'o be theoc- FIRE ! The Fire C' mpaniesof the Ead and Well warda of the town of Kinafton, are requefted to meet on Saturday next, the 3d day of Ociober, at four o'clock P. v* at the Knjrine Huife for ihcj purpofe of fltercifiiig the Engines. Sept. 29, 1818 w put hich the American government nav< jj Knsland will be likely to follow Mr. •t noon their M* Naviiialion actA\ K lie,*. opinion for two reasons ; he is those uartiallv free ports will not ac* ouire such a commercial superiority os d. over Quebec, as wa-at iir«t snpj Which of the two nations will eventu¬ ally gain or lose t.ho most, by the »y«- 1 t?m of reciprocal exclusions abient to be enforced, is a question to be decided by the experiment. There Is little doubt, that it will, for a lime, press] hard upon some parts oi the West In- j dies. But Colonies must submit to Buch restrictions as are essentia! to the prosperity of their mother country. The monopoly of the Colonial trad? is a vital principle of the British naviga¬ tion laws*and has been steadily main- tained Tor ages. Nor is it peculiar to the navigation lav\s of Great Britain. France and Spain practised not exact¬ ly the same, but a similar system of Colonial monopoly indeed it was a| opted by the general con¬ sent of all the European powers, in re¬ lation to their respective possessions in America. France has lost that monop¬ oly, by losing her Colonies. The Spa¬ nish Provinces are struggling for eman¬ cipation ; and all the commercial world are interested to wish them success, fur the sake of enjoying a Ire.e trade with them. It is undoubtedly an im¬ portant object of policy with the United States to coerce Great Britain to open to them the trade of her Colonies ; and this is now attempted by a law introdu¬ ced professedly for the purpose of Counteracting the British Colonial ex¬ clusion. It passed both Houses of Congress almost unanimously at th" last Session, and seems to be popu ar vith the two great political parties in the United States. In that respect, it uUCers from the Embargo and other measures of restriction, attempted a few years ago, which were opposed and their execution thwarted by the whM? Fed. 1 al party throughout the nation. * ke recent instructions from the Trea¬ sury department indicate a fttenaioa-1 j their political leader: and, from their i local situation, they are mere immedi- intelv iutere^t"d in the Fisheries, than the Democrats of the Southern and i Western Slates. The point was agi¬ tated in the negociations of the Treaty of Ghent ; but, with the subject of inipr»-ssment and some others, left un¬ settled. The American Administra¬ tion, of course, will net relinquish their claim, although, it is believed, they will endeavor to avoid a conflict res¬ pecting it. Both ijovernments, indeed, appear to be sincerely disposed to maintain a good understanding. L ng may it continue without interruption. \.'ft. Editor, SIR— B.i inserting '!j;v 1 >'• >vv'mg \\ne- in your nes tfa^tte vou vvijlooljcesauiiiJiiiUlt' tivam. Ssr, the wra'hrT is ^rmvtng ronJ, and * tV-- • .M^wu'it of m> Syrtour t'oai left 111 im- C'u >•> rf the tkiam \\\m Charlo.10 .»u *.h»- I.. 0 at \:.'jjtet last, wii;Cj, reai liasbeen,'«dv<ri.bctl it: your paper M.u..,,.^ a!;))vt. j.l(,.. Sir, e\-*r$ \ ,0I\, „am!. j« r,it--i'd in the Boat's Bool? " Hhvta* pa *ftttj**rt 11 lH»ard «>l'i:<. when 111 CwU wa„ |, iv, a- »i aie »> He »**ei« a' nnvtieie. 1.,,i% pvideut Jha'l the ( -at i* cow ,n rhr-i"*^'^-"-' „j-..,>,»:o .m.-ui'tlie ilien CaUh. pa -eig'TN. I II,., < who are r.ui ■: '\hy \r.nw i! :nu' '» "•'• :' ver\ gfiiileinau \>li-> jiosse.-se g . -y* ». hi :,<>i.u. (>i .aim.#<i«y . -x f» 'n\ >■ •>•>■ 'n ;iieU, en itttdiit^ a>'ia;uigo CC.a iu tlietf \>o - ea>Uin, have uvailif i! ypublie, that tl;*' aw».er :hereof inigSjt come 10 the kniwlfil^e of the >am". li'ii it app'-ar..-, in this case, lliere ir a inching Ije^idcs raerepfy the thanks oi* the mirier of th.- Coat to itir,(iuce the ho'-ler, whu- fver \v iw, 'oritur'.] i\. |iispi>asihlet\ n>a\ Hi' a reward lie wants. ! ccan assure hUn he ^l)ul! be r*-warded, ha.dso-heH* rewarded, if he v\ili, without delay, return saaid Coat, ertuer to tin- !. fauiaui on board, or r«> [he- i»b.<erther, iiui. if it i-, r.ofhingsborioftliie I'oat iise'f"lie wain-. 1 s-honld h« ir'ai! •okmmvit.asit ivowld«|ve in»* s«Tine trouble and expu>nce in advertisOig it and I should drpeird upon gettui^ another witho u delft' , a- »e maiy expect Snrtcut wea- tfeershortly. Il U novwt-ver, io b'" liiiprH, th;e whe i ih<*above lino-.'i»u«ei the eveof :he pj»r. son who ha* said Coat "in possesWi», he will, like a penitent sinner, rrepent, nails andnta- c^relv repent oi ha"ingfretained it vo long a he has,and reiiiin,or mmke known wnere ai<i Coat may befotuid, wi.ihontdelav.and receive lr ;re .sjinl. —If ib at»o Ho be hoped ilia'- when am » T-on leave? an awiicle in the eabin of said Boat ill fiuure, ihnnnjrh OlUtakf, or ollvn- wise the Clerk of said (Boat will immediately take it in charge* and U?eep it for the law -fill owner, that u mat)• uot ailiare the &sr of the aforesaid Coat. l-- W. I on, Which is the Tkhf. The story Bf this It ul^ itnrresiing pirr<«, con¬ sist in UiPi'tiutiicter of A>tueiie; who. Living ni'.hfarmor fterald,and bgtving t!ie care oi th* plafe, the whoir ploi ia, founded on a M&gpie': sicalmj; a ^iKcr >p(ion al the fe-tifa.1 £?ven 0,r the reiuru of Henr^, suspicion falls on Annette who having ticrfd & iiiYt* rtpoan which her father cave hw lo yfil thv him, tie being a desi*riei COltjure* h*-r (Odeposit the munev in a hollow uw*»She sells thespoan to B^njatfiin for three crowns^andai tier exHminaitou before Justice Malrour, fhe diops the Inouey and CQufessn she .void a silver spoon, but refuses to na»'/e where-he £Ot it—Benjamin is examined and he corriiFxiraleS the ehc, as tlietpoon winch he benight of her had the initial of G. She is con- demnedto prison, and afterwards trici! at the 'Cu^Ti and riuiifcnsftfd to Miflfer deat!»; pre\.- o' s to the exrrulion the Magpie steals a hail e.'nwn piece of silver from Maninand llie-. it»* to the foetfrej of a Chnreu, Martin follows tiinrand fmdMhe silver spoon and fork, which •h«' viajepie ytulr—at the moment Annette \? unns Mi :l»e place of execution, Martin erie- .; ■; frorn t'. Iielfre\ as the pn res ion ir- pjo- ^*»tfmjr.ifr \dpelarep, "Annette isinnocriu.*' ffec |i4cve en? fiu-fle^ iviih ^n^rat lov. [ietw^cn the Play an<i Farce, CO MI SONG— The Ghost of Ham lei's Daddy—Mr. Williams. T*4 which will be added, the much a^. mired Comic Farce in 2 acts, called Love a la Mode. (Fur Characters fee bills-) Fox Ticketa Five ShilRngs% P t T-wo Shfflmw and Six Peine each, to be ^ad at MOOK E'a Coffee tioafc, and at the Theatre.—Doo^fi to be opercd at ^evtn o'elo^k : Curtain to ti-e at Eight* * £% Genii men are reqwjli.d not to fmoke in the ! bent re. » C^ ' he ox ook c f th: : hcatte wt" be kept at Maore's Coffee Houft from IO o'clock in the morning until 4 "' 'he afternoon ; where places may be taken for Boxes. rtATfuhftatitial flattf^og ft wfei (v»'ith Stable and Coach houfe of thtf fame materials,) at preftut, %nd fi>r !• me time pad. ocuiipied by iJcUt r>ry\"A Fofter, alfo a Farm^ of al.out 30 •*r.\P9% with a comfohable Hcufe, G«-'it'ntf Ba»rf,and other convenience* thcTtofi 1 moft pleafantly fiuiated on the ,»k« Shore, and only two Miles above Kin^don.—The land of thin Fsrrn ia I excellent and, from its high ftate of ( ultivacion, capable of producing the moft profitable Crops, either in t -^ Garden or the Field___Application to be made on the Premifes, or to Town Major Corhett. Kindlon Sept. 28th, 1818. i% N- B. jAbOnt 350 BufhcU of Oa'c% and about the fame quantity of Potatoes, oart of the prrfent years ctop, now for- lale at the Farm, 1 II i PROPOSALS W ILL be received by Mr. Geo.ge Ham, of Ernell Town, between this time and the ttrfl day of November next, for the Firtcli^n of a CHAPEL in the village of Erheft Town. The fize whereof h to be 42 feet long and 32 wide. A Gallery is to be erected, and a more pert jet) lar defcripti«n will be given to any one defirous c f ehpagiwi in the nndercakiug, on application to Mr. George Plam. Erotlltown, Sept. 26th, ifli8. iSwj^ NOTICE. JL HE fubfenbef being duly ap«. pointed Admiriiltrator, on the eftate oj SI LAS VTAY: Sate of KingfltfO, baker, 'eieafed, g-ives notice hereof, and 'equelta all pjrfonj having demands again ft the eftafe to exhibit 'he fame, properly atteltcd. ari^ all perfon* having j isniectled accounts to mike immediate; fcttlemeut and thee indebted by noaf or other wife, to mike immediate pay¬ ment to ELIHUMAY Admniftrator. Kingfton*.Sept z^th, 1818. i8w^ 1 10 DOLLARS REWARD. WHE;iEr KINGSTON, TUESDJy,SEPTEMR.M,m%- m • X * • * • • • « » * On wednefday morning, the 23d inftant.the DuitE of Richmond, with his fuite, left Kingttor, in the Bay and ! River Steam-Boat Charlotte, on hk return to Lower Canada. It is dated b He NewYork news¬ paper?, that there wcefhra thou/ana'men at work, this ieafon, on the gxe*t Canal j between Lake Srie and the tiudfon's River. Among the labourer* thusem ployed, a confiderabK- number a»e laid to b<- enygtaota who arrived at Quebec from Europe, The pro&icfs of that ftupendoua wo»k Inn thus far iurpafled the general expectation. If »t eventually fucceeri, it will elevate charaderoftbe State of New-York for enterprife and energy, beyond that of a,.y '-ther of the United States. AS 41 Horfe, the pro- peuy im the Ifubfcriber wm found j de^d in the field's of the widow R\der, on or about the 23d inft. ftippofed to be {hot, a ball having entered the breaft, and fcveral fhott ia other parts ; the j above reward will be given to any perfon! who will give information, fo that the| pcrfoa or pcrfons offending can be! brought tojtiitice. EPiiKAlM BLANCtlARD. FOR SALE, Xtt%T valuable FARM fituar* on _ the Bay (»f Quinty, bounded o> the wefl by Col, Wm. Johnlon, and on the ea(\ by Mr. Booth, at the convenient diltance of nine miles fiom Kingston, jcoi-tainin^ by adruea'urement three i hundred acres, and about ftventy acres cleared, all compL-re^y new fenced tfii- [fpnngi befides about fix th'i'.fand Raih on the premifes. A new Bani has been erected, fifty fix by thirty fix, fet upon a Rone foundation about fix feet and a half lifgh iu the front, intended for (la bteii-g underneath. ^bout fifty acre. of the giound was ploughed uo thi fpring:, (for the firft time this tvvc-n y yeo's's and lown with Pea^, Potatoes, •'. ovn, &c- &c. which, if ploughed tip thi 1 fall, will be in complete order f t Barley next fpringr, > The whole of the Stock and Uten'V.f may be had with ;h^ prenrfr*, toijeth- r with the befl collection of Fruit Tre« * ! ever impor ed into tl'ir coitntty, direct from Loudon, coniifling r»f fiffy fix kinds of Gooff hemes, Pairs Plumb-, Cherries, Apples of their various kinds A catalogue or the Stock, UtenfiU, and Fruit Tree- mav be ieen at the Printinc Office, and at the relidence of the own- let, on the piemife^, a>d terms made known. J. C WILSON. Sept. 29. I« * BU LDIN'G tivlBER. forfale, by Auft'ionif not briviotuly fold by private Contrail. xlL Qjtantity of excellant Building imber wi11 be offered for Sale to the higheft bidder, on Monday, the 12th October next F01 pftiticuftird, enquire of CHAliLESDAWSONi Auctioneer, Kingfton. Sept 28-h, ifti8. 18 I 4 I THE SUBSCRIBER EGS leave to inform his frienrJ* and the public generally, that he has received and now offers for fale, an extenlivc affirtment of Double and %ittgh f new dui fleg-itit pattern*. vv.-*rn he will difpofe of very I w for c?fh. J. WATKINS-. Kingston* Sept. 2*, iSt8. i$ - TO LET, A KD pofTefii m given the 5*Vi of t\. November next, the whole or any part of that houfe in front of the Market at prelent occupied by Charles D. wfni, AucTtione'tr, and other*. For particulary, ap-ly at the Office of C. \. llagerman, Efq or to John Duncan^ who will (how tie houfe. KingtUm, Sent 29th, 1R i 8. ifwj THE SUBSCRIBER , 1 NO I ICE. THE paitnerPnip exifling between x,. _.____t______.........._______, the fubfenbers, under the firm of about ten or twelve days aoo, a two! \Belt/Is anil IVinJlru), was this day dffTol- jved by mutual confent. All demand'- years old Heifer, the brum of her tail j cut fqnare off.—1\ generous reward! will be given to whoever will return her, | or give information where (he may be| found. E. Blanchard. Kingfton, Sept 2§th, 1818. 18 1 - * 1 L againft faid firm will be fettled by Mr. Benjamin Delifle, to whom payment i will be made of all debts due faid firm. Signed, RDFLISLE, J. F. W. WINSLOW Perth, tyh September, 1 8 18. . 17 PUBLIC NOTICE, fiiould the Mr. THOMAS HARRIS, ATE Teacher jn one ()f the moll relpedable Schuols at Quebec, for j j the Ipaee of two years has opened a| y SCHOO;., in which wiH be taught on berof the Inhabitants of the Midland the following terms. IDiilrict, praying for a Road to be o- IS hereby given, that a Petition will he prefented to the Houfe of As Uembly at the enfuing fcfilons, by a num- FIRE !—Sa:i:ntaj UJgH« last the Saw Mill, al the Kington MiWs,ovM.ed by >Vm. Hamil- u»n, K«q. of this Town, was consumed b, tire, and a ro^iderable quantity of Boards, *e. „iil.il.-We bate B«t hm* *• W"0""1 ot property lon^ 0 1 1 1 s. 15 0 5 10 the Reading, per garter, Reading, Writing am) Arithmetic, English Grammar iuclU(led> With Geography, Mr. Harris tefpec^fu]iy informs public, that he has rcmoved his School from the h>>ufe occupfed by Mr. Kobt. Johnfton, to the houfe lately occupied by Mr. Picord, uow ijic rcfidence of Mr. Liatkes. praying pened from Coil's corner. No. n, in jFrcdericklburgh (in as dired a line as the nature of the ground will admit of) to the Court Houfe in the town(hip ot Ad olphu flown. Thomas Cook, John Church, Henry Thorp, Noxon Harris, September 22. EGS to inform the public, that he will fhortly receive an extenfivc? affortment of DOUBLE and SINGLE STOVES, DOG IRONS, and Hollow TV ares, Manufactured at the Iron Works in trwj Diflrict of Three Rivers ; which He will be ertabled to difoofe of at an ur> commonly low ra'e forcath. JOHN MACAULAY. Kingston, 24/h August, 1818. *J NOTICE. " ALL perfons are hereby forbid gfmi ing credit to AST perfon or per¬ fons, on account of the lubfcriber, with¬ out a written order, as no iuch account will be allowed in future. STEPHEN MILES. Kingfton, Septembet 28. 1818. ■ Committee. 17^3 TO LET, THE Houfe, &d at prefent occuof. ed by Doftor Short ; nearly opr pofitc the Sch.-ol iluuic — Inquire oo the prcmiles. Kingston, August llihj 1818.

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