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Kingston Gazette, September 8, 1818, p. 6

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This day is lis lied. nub-\1 T0 LET' / c ! JTlORnny term of years not escced- L in Fifteen, on the mod reafona¬ ble terms—That well known valuable TRANSACTIONS ; . OF IMF. Ppper c.ix m>.*v rosrr.sTioy. OF FlUEXDS TO ESQlinr; WITH ADDRESSES, TO Br* ROTAL HT('R\F-S THE PR1XCE REGENT, SIR PF«EitR'\£ HAlTLAXlV, x' <\ * e. V «• To be had at the G ZETTE OF¬ FICE, and Stores in Town & countiy, —price 1/5. 10 NOTICE. Itand in the public line, fituate on the point at Gananofjua. and recently occu¬ pied by Seth Downs, together with the Houi'e, Barn, Stables, &c —For fur¬ ther particulars apply to the fubfenbet. JOEL STONE. Ganannqua Jm*$, l£lf&« 33//' BLANK s- WHEREAS by the last Will and Teitament of the late RICHARD PATT1NS0N, Efq. in hi? life time of Sandwich, in the province of Upper Canada, Robert Gillefoie, William Gilkifu, and George MofFait. are jointly and feverally, appointed t -Muci?ry Legatees of his Eft ate, and Executors of fa id Will. I do hereby rtqneft all perfons h .» ng .claims upon laid Eftate, to prefent the fame to me, duly authenticated, for pay rpnt.; and all perfons indebted the t >, are required to pay to me the amour.t of their rcfpe&ive accounts. Debts due to faid Eftate in the province of Upper Canada or in the united States, bordering thereon, may be paid to George Jacob, Efq. of Sand¬ wich, John Aflcin, end James Gordon, Efqr<?f "f Amhetftbt.rg, 01 to either cf them, they being duly authorized to receive the fame and grant acquittance* G. MOFFATT. Montreal, to" h March, 1818 44yi 'matK SMITH h BUTTERWORTR "TIj) KTURN their fincere thanks to J1X their friends and the public in ge neral, for the liberal encouragement that they have received fince they re cor» • xnenced the Hatting Bufinefs. They have an extenfive affortment of Ladies ai*d Children's BON¬ NETS, of various colors and Jhapes. G^n-lemen's Beaver & fine CaitnrH *TS, L'kev. fe, Knapt and Wool Hat* W oh they will fell very low for Cam • approved credit. Pr-duce taken in payment. Jen. 2. 32tf. For Sale by PRIVATE CONTRACT. A Valuab'e Freehold EfiStc, con- £% lifting ^fa Grift and Saw Mill, a pood Dwelling Houfe. outhonfes. Src, foge' I1 r with about two acres of Land, Jitui' •' »mmediately in the vicinity of Be' 1 c Bay of Quinte,U.Canada, and cof- ' a' much bufinefs or more rlw other Mills upon the Stream gttd ow ii'der Rent for about One *fb< ■■(<•'. Dollars per. Annum ; the dwt "vy H-uife is well calculated foi PwbK Bufinefs j many other advanta¬ ges ar ntached to the Premifes too nu- nkrof* 'odefcribe. One half of the - pur; 5 - Money would be expected to be p?i" "own, the other half by inftal- rfjen-* fsix twelve and eighteen mouths; Retired by bond and Mortgage upon the j (femifes An indifputable title will be I j ummonses Subpoenas and Executions, for the COURT OF REQUESTS, For Sale at this Office. <. — GAX4N0QUA Store & Mills. CHARLES McDONALD having taken his brother John McDon aid,into partneTuVp. the bufinefs in fu¬ ture will be conducted under the firm of C & J. McDonald, Who keep for fale a general affort- menr of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARD WARE, CROCKERY, and moft articles enquired for at a Coun¬ try Store, which they offer low fur Cafh. Saw Logs, Square Timber, Stave? Potafhes, and mod kinds of countiy Produce, They have a eood Gnft and '-aw Mill in full oueration—can Manufact uie FLOUR, uqual to any Mill in the Province ; they will fcwply orders for Sawed timber of almoft any defcrption at fhort Notice. c Si j. Mcdonald. Gananvqua. Jan. 10, 1818. $%tf All thofe indebted toCharlss McDc aid, whofe accounts have become due. are requefted to to make immedi¬ ate payment. THE SUBSCRIBER, EGS leave to inform his friends & the public generally, that he hi removed from his former ftand to trv mop lately occupied by Jonas Abbot & Co. near 'he Market Place, where hi bd5 now on h.ind, B general alTortment ol Hardware, Cutlery* &c. \ K\ per.cn fcfir0n8 to dear frnsalf XV five to fjftvaca,| 0f Land, fitoate j cm the bay fide, ^inemik^ iFrom Kings- ' ton, adjoining C.} JohnfWs, may have the timber upon fnc fame, it being very convenient for rafr;ng to town) ot for the jpurpofe of iuppi;[ng the Steam Boats. Fot further pat%ular8 enquire of the proprietor, on th premifes. J. C. WILSON. July 6, 1818. 6 LIST received and for fale at this Of- ficc, price 1/8, Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circurnstan>cs, by Lord Byron.— With the Star of the Legion tf Honour. and other Poems \ to which is prefixed. The Lift of the Noble Author. Nov. 28. 32 Kingston Hotel. JQBERT WALKER, returns \) his fiicerp and grateful acknowl¬ edgments to his Friends, and the public in general, for their liberal lupport dur¬ ing the laft ei^>>teen years, and takes this opportunity of acquainting them, he (till continues to keep the above ele Sjant Eftablifhrnent, where travellers and families can be accommodated with fep- rfiiaj! rootris, and every attention paid.— :o<?e maKeiou* and unprincipled per "on* having reprefented and circulated a report that his charges are extravagant, '.e beg* leave to acquaint the public, fhat • they are a* moderate as ary houfe ii. the town of Kingfton, with very fu •erior accommodations. Kingston, June I£, 'Sl8. 3tf FOR SALE, PTFtft'E weftbalFoll-ot number 5, JL On the fouth fide of fouth or Princ "'.riward's Bay, in the townfhir:. of aryfburgh, containing o->e hundred ir'-s. Said Lot is well timbered, and 'ctiiementson each fide, which renders ii wei! worth the attention of thofe who wifh to purchafe—Enquire of the Printer. June 16, 18 ! 8. th I ( v-.OR fale by the fubferi ■J *i it. 18 and. to. in the tent her L<»t No. h Gonceffion, 18, in the 6th co- j •• Ml , oi the Townfhip of Piercy. Ap »h to, JOHN BURNETT. 9- and half Lot N i< Which he will fell on the moft moderate terms. To let, thp fhop lately occupied by the fubfertber, and poffefTion given im mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston, $th Jan. 1818. 32 r, • ir s!"f, Mav Qffj, 1 8 f 8. cot ER JUST received at the Store of S. Bartli t, a confivjnment of 9^' bar rels of Beer, of % fuperior quality, for fait for cafh. May 5, 1S1S 40 For Sa. « at this Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value of Grains of various Gold Coins) current in the Province of Upper Cana da. - ALSO, FERGUSON'S Improved Tab!* of the value of Grains of Gold Coin, 4 -er or under weight. / Sale *1V- S-ich a property is Bo tv Tracts OF various dvfciiptions, can be had at this Office ; where accefs may alio be had to a fmall Circulating Li¬ brary, on reafoni,ihie terms. June 10, 1&18. . feldom to be met Virb nid i well worth the attention of *r,"\ jj^p 'e-ran fond of Mills and Ma- joinery. ^ ouantity of Town Lota upon the bank of the- 'iiver Moira in Beilville, a hi ace Taft increrfing in commerce and population ; terms of payment madr ea- Enquire of Smith Bart let, Efqr. .ingfton, or Thomas Coleman, Efq. Beilville. I j Selhille %d 4ug 1818. ! O rjj^H ;. fubferiber begs leave to inform JI his fi iends and the public, that he has commenced the AVC'i ION BV INESS, ift the Market Place, oppoilte to Mr D. 1 ic-i Btowo's. where every attention will br paid to thufe who may favour fcim with tUiir commands. MICHAEL MOilAN Aucti< nt every day at eleven o'clock. jfune 22. 4 AO tlCE AS the vbferiber, is about to clofe hifl b .in . fs here, he requefts all that are Indebted by Note 01 otherwife, to Call autf -iihharge the fame without (jklay. S. HAWLEY. Kingft r. June 15th 1818. Oats, P« aivj and Hour for fale by & Hawley. 3 - Y the fubferiber, (2 doors North of John f'ummings Efq.) CHERRY Boards and Hank. 18 inch Shingles, and Cord Wood. JOHN TUTTLE. Kingston, ^ot/j May, 1818. I rpHE fubferiber refpe&fully ■> his friends and the public, has received a new fuppply of informs that he GOODS From Montreal fori. well adapted to the fea Thofe who mav favour him with their - cuftom may rely upon it, (hall have them on the moil reafonable terms, eith¬ er at private fale or public Auction, for Cafh. MICHAEL MORAN. Kingston, July 21,1818. 8 Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Office. Found, IN the Ball Ally of the fubferiber, a filver WATCH The owner is re¬ quefted to prove his property, pay char¬ ges and take it. DANIEL BROWN. Kingston, Sept. 1,1616. 14. W ADVERTISEMENT. 7J F the per Ion who went by the names IJl -%f David Price, and David Doclor Price, (but whofe real name is David Price Dowries) a bid was refiding in 1814 at the Bay ofQujnty, in Upper Canada, is now living, he will, on his return to England, hear of fomething much to his advantage. If he is dead, any perfon poffilling Inch knowledge is re qucfted to communicate it to Mr Wil¬ liam Freeman, of New Yoik, or to Roderick Mackay, Inquire, of Erneft Town, a* it wouild relieve his relations from an unpleasant anxiety. He was fix feet high, light brown hair, pale com¬ plexion, and very thin. 4tf TO HALF PAY OFFICERS. I^HE underfagned Agent for Half pay, beg>s leave to inform his Conftituent6 in the two Provinces, that by a late regulation of the Right Hon¬ orable the Paynsafter General, all affida¬ vit? of Halfpay are required to be fur- nifhed in future of the following Tenor in Triplicate* duly executed in the ufual form, of vwhich all concerned will pleafe to take ntotice accordingly. JO H N M \M RO, Agent for Halfpay. uebec, zCfthApril, 1818. FORM OF THE AFFIDAVIT. Appeared pcrfonal- ly before me, atud made oath, that he had not during ;any part of the period, from the 25th o»f 18 to the 24th of 18 both days inclufive, any tother place or employ¬ ment of profit, (Civil or Military, under His Biitannic Nvtajefty, or in the Service of any other Government, betides the al¬ lowance granted! to him by his J3ritan nic Majefly, as ia reduced of the Sworn fafore me at y I0w6 this day t$f I do att«"ft and declare that I ver¬ ily believe the above affidavit to be genuine and authentic. BANK rmer Cai of Upper J00KSwill be opened at Moor's Coffee houfe, on Thurfday, the i6'h inft. to receive Subscriptions to the Bank of Upper Canada, and will remain open from day to day, from 10 to 2 o'clock of each day, under the fn- perintendance of a Committee appointed for that purpofe, until the whole of faid (lock fha!l have been lubferibed for. Kingston, July 13,1818 7 Notice. ALL perfons indebted to the Eftate of the late James Cumming, late of Hallowell, deceafed, are requeued to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow¬ ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims againII the faid eftate, are denied to pTefent them for adjuflment. The ftock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete affortment of Goods well laid in, and very fuitable to the Country, i-j now felling off at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defervedly claim the attention of the public. Calh or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit ot 6 month a given to refponfible Farmers, or others. JOHN CUMMING. \ WM. MITCHELL, j Kingston, Ocl 27, 181 7. Executors 32 IPIpHE Subfcrlbera refpedfully ^ J JL form the public that they have removed 10 the Sto^ilately occupied by Meffrs. Johns and Finkle, and have re¬ ceived of the late importations, and of. fer for Sale, a good and well iele&ed affortment of dry and Fancy GOOJDS. adapted to the feafon, confuting partly of the following at tides, viz. Black, Blue, Grey, and Brown Su. per fine and fecond Cloths, White and coloured Flannels, afforted fingle and double milled woollen Kerfeymetes, La¬ dies Peliece Cloths of different colour*. Velvets, Cordvroyaj corded Kerfey. meres, and Princes Cord, Cotton Kcr- fevmere, Fultians, Janes, Merfeills, Di- mimities and Nankeens; Ruffia duck, Brawn Holland, Imitation Sheetings and coarfe Canvafs, Plain and figured Bombazetts afforted colours, White and coloured Cambricks, plain and figured Jackonets and book Muflins, fuper- fine Prints and common Calicoes, Cot¬ ton Shirting, Steem Loom wrought Cottons, Gurraghs and Long C'oths, Ginghams, ftriped cotton, Turkey Itripc and Apron checks, Iriih Linens, Linen and Cotton Bedticks, Furniture Cali¬ coes, Linen Cambricks, Linen and cot¬ ton Diaper Table Cloths, Stockinetts and Stockinett Drawers, Silk, Toilmtt, FOR SALE, A TWO HORSE WAGGON, ERFECTLY new—Ufcewife* a few thoufand 18 inch SH/NG LES-—Inquiie of S. MERRILL. Kingston, April 2 l, 1 8 1 8. 47 Blank Summon and EXECUTIONS, For the District Courts, Sale at this Office. fo To Let, ANDpoffeffion given the firft of May next, a number of rooms iu the linr Barracks. March 13. Enquire of H. EARL. 42 A Card, THE fubferiber informs the Merch ant* and Traders of Upper Can- • da and State of.New York, that he has commenced bufinefs in this City, as a General Agent and Commiffion Merch ant—Any bufine;s entrusted to his cart will meet with diligent atter»:;on. BENJAMIN HdRT. Montreal, \olh May, 1818. r , m6 N 1 rHE fublcribtr refpedfully inform^ the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Boating bufinefs this feafbn ; therefore, if any perfons wilhes to tranf- port PlanK, Boards, Brick, Lime, Sand, *o &c. he offers them his fervices___ Apply at Mr. JohnDawfon's, Kingfton. WILLIAM YEREX. April 13. 1818. 46. Executive Council Office, York, 22d July, 1818. NOTICE is hereby given to CHRISTOPHER THOMSON, or hi* Reprefentative, by order of His Honor the Administrator in Council, to make good any pretention to the Welt half of Lot number Seventeen in the fijEtb conceffion, on the Napane Riv-r. in. t. Jownm,P °* Frederickfburgh, within Six months from this date, or the fame will be thrown open to other appli¬ cants. JOHN SMALL, 11 m6 c. E. C. THE fubferiber returns his thanks to his friend*; and the public for their pad favors in his line of INSPECT¬ ING, and informs them he has fitted up a convenient place in the Cellar of his new rtore, with all the neceffary appen¬ dages, for the purpofe of Infpeeling Pot and Pearl Ames, Pork. Beef and Flour, where thofe who favor him with their cuftom will find it done with the great¬ er}, exa&nefs and expedition : likewife, ftorage for one thoufand barrels in the Cellar, and good dry Itorage for other goods, with the advantage of a Wharf for loading and unloading. JAMES ROBINSON. — iw I ■ —■ Win. Rennie, Wig Maker $ Hair Uresscr, FSPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of King** ton, that he has juft received a hand- fome affoitmcntof London made PRIZETTES-ft WILIS, Perfumery, CulU n/s %c. #c. Kingstm, Aug ust 31, i 61 !■ Iawa Merfeills, Swansdown, and Patent Cord Velting, Silk and (Cotton Leno '..nd Mul Mul 4 4 6-4 7 4 Shawls, a few pieces plain and coloured Luteftringn, Ladies coloured filk Gloves, Ladies and Gentlemens Woollen Cotton and Worf- ted Hoes, SUk Handkfs. Pocket do. Cotton Laces, Cotton Fringes, Ribbons, hread. Tape, Sewing lilk, Pins, Silk* twffl and Braces, &c &c. Likewife a quantity of well flavoured Strong Jamaica Spirits, warranted good jriai' proof Liquor at I to 2, Co£'»iaC Brandy, Holland Gin. Port and Tener- •-iffe Wines, Lyme J'lice, Penpermint, fwankey, Hyfon and HyfouSkin 'I eaa Loaf and 'vtulcovado Sugars, Coffee, Ulfpice, Pepper, Indigo, Starch, Soapt Fig Blue. Tobacco and Smiff. WALTEH M'CUNIFFE.&Co* Kingston, July 27, i8r8. 9 ■ H> - T^HE fnbfcribers beg leave to inforfft their friends and the public in ge¬ neral, that they carry on the TATLORING BUSINESS in Main Street, where thoy intend mak¬ ing every »nfefe W ffcffi fe'^ 0n m0T« reafonable terms than has berr d^me for a number of years back. Thole who wifh to favor tliem with th^ir ctfftom may rely on having their work well made* and on the (hortelr, notice, for Cafh. ' Norris & Stevens. Kingston, Sept. o, 1817- 32 FOR SALE, ONreafonable term?, that well known ftand fot a Tavern, fituated in the Village of Piefcott. Lots No. g and n, fronting the King's Highway, and a large two ftory framed Houfe. well fin. 'flied, with a large Kitchen in the rear, (tabling for twenty fpans of horfes, a filed ieventy feet long, and a good houfe on the rear Lot, fir for thfc, accommodation of a refpcctable family. The whole of the buildings thereon, being fiuifhed in a workmanlike manner, and at preient occupied by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- ell, as a Hotel. ' For further particulars, apply to the fubferibers, or to Mr. Alexander Mac- Donell, Junior, Merchant, Prefcott, by whom the terms may be made known, and an indifputable title and immediate poffefTion will be given. ALEX. MACDONELL & Co. Kingfton, 3d Jan. 1818. ^2tf Rags! Rags! ASH paid for Clean COT. TON and LINEN A G (Of any AT THIS Color,) OFFICE. * To L V » AND immediate poffefTion given, the HOUSE and premifes in Smart- ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dahon, fituated within half a mile of this Town, a favorable fituation for a Gentleman and family, and no ' lefs fo for a Diftiller, or Inn Keeper. Foi further particulars enquiie of the fubferiber. E. BARNETT, Kingston, Feb. 24, 1818. 4$tf THE fubferiber having been appoin¬ ted Agent for the Bank of Mon¬ ti eal, any fum required can be obtained at his Office for good Bills on Montreal or Quebec, 01 for Specie. THOMAS MARKLAND. Ag*nt. Kingston, 27th July 1818. 9

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