rfo«*lrimis tiassrt?, «r« «h<nk it maispv- f tably saUuary, and wei ar-^-ad to think j tint then* is a land of refuge to receive ' at least apart of (hose anha;»py c«iirr_ ers v. ho have beer* Jo-Hcd out tt£*hr)t places andeaposcd tombpry and want, bv abn ♦'> over winch they hid n i con¬ trol. If ministers deplore the loss of s-o much skill and indu trvto thecoun- try, \vt tb&m ■raeolW.fi that their own I richness and cxt «>i<ance have been' instrumental in ereitiug tiiat stite of things which has forced many abroad who mt£ftt have remained at home : and lei them also recollect that as po¬ litical feelings induce many to emigrate j who have no reason rocomplainot'their worldly circumsrames, a great deal of discontent ( vnd well u -minded discoo- tent, too> rind's its escape through this I channel, which it would uol be for the ! of ranges ha* nhifle a «u<ir"Jrn '•-•'• *»•" (J«,,-. :•;; ,;f loG^UtC'ewjl.<;:vjf>r:Si andtlieji l,i,f change in the sftn&tleii ».*f fhe^n-j j-...vvs nf eternal gratitua& dn^tiions classes, **! »hiuk if iridispu*]] P-vy Mnk »p to hi '?hc tutelar) ^••!t;u -vim inspires fhoir Cfjumnts and pion^'s their rnteTprrPP.s,; ?nd th*) rfc-nrt ■{■•! her fn* pre: ;«pf- T h ^i-'ation, and ej:arc:>Ios in polity, -ni* -u to theli syvtem. The.) fcel iheraselve& linked td her interosfs by a eoit!m«uity of views and Jjfi »'iplrt-\ by t i*j h -.gues, and. above ad. by a coftvinti >n that she is a firm supporter of their cause and of that order of things which it their object and their interest to per-t p->t"ate.—This indeed may be beyond I their power. But should the gather¬ ing storm of popular indignation over¬ throw another system, and once more f jeitofi £tat ofWri g£j&# km Who aiT f A f k Ktfing of tne frefident fid |f ■\ W0? ! under its ittlldettce to eventual tnorti-; XA. Trnftees of the M.dlp.d Ddlnd ftritti'Zi$t< Paint al . * 1 ; 9 is ft cation. .-. , f- Fii such cases, prosecution becomes; \ Aoguft# i$iR—The following Rtf> prrsreution : and the objects of official, j lutioru was parted, and ordered to be ven^eahce. and oomihir favour, arc! rubHfncd. II WVi L« t * :u ' ^ * rcugwuic, »«u popui" ^ .aTk.f^U^.n^fr, tk i-' [ feeiieMw, that he ha« recent 1* ep^fttedi born in tnnmph by the ttde of the &** l ft ™?t£?«Lrf » »«9 ■*» lhe [^arke« P,ac<> a *W * tunes. Onthis.point,U.story is full of, School be by an armifc W^* | and ^ lclcard afTdrtmcnc of iustruetions ; and sof«»e late procee-; | ^2 o o Currency, for each Scholar, | dings in this PsotfoeB maV furnish a i payable q STORE. N .PALMER, refpeafully iri- i forms hift friend* acid the pbbllc quarterly, in advance, to the j lesson of wisdom to both rulers and. |Treafurer, who will give a ticket of ad- subjects. FRANK.. To their Honor* M Pilhbc. Some time ago, Mr- Gourlay mew-: tinned that the Po t Master of Rings-' ton had delivered out of the Post Of- miflion ; without which no fcholar (hall be admit let.— 2d. That after the 14th day of Sept. the School fhall be conducted folely on the Britifh Syflem. ^d. That the Prefident k Truftees do each have the charge or infpeft'on of the bene tit ofthenj and their system to con- i j They will recollect the warm welcome , - more j g to ^yjr ^ iJao-e,man, a letter ori 1 . , " " , * . . scatter the adherents of legitimacy and , ,.....» . ,". thli &lA CI w\A*h fchool for one week, and that they or ne ... ., ... . b . J : 5 package addressed to the sain tr w mini ■ . . . , .„_.i_ -.oeial order, they will know where tojj1 ' ,JK-M "*<s# - "* 1—*—- ■»**• •« »** ^Prir look for shelter and rapport. The doors that were shut to the exiles of li¬ berty will naturally be opened to them. i! ! fine Within the coun'ry To America, on the other hand, who j has a boundless territory, and wants nothing so much as men to occupy it; j theiullnx of people from ftui p:- is a to sitive and unmixed ^ood. she does iwt fattce ro&rctt her shores with alien ants, but opens her arms to receive all those whom opp>ev..ion, intol/rance | and distress have forced to seek an as¬ ylum within her bo iiidarie^. She is enriched and strengthend by perpetual supi*'.'*^ f*otii the skill, the talent, and j tin -capital of the old world. And in J tn*. enumeration of advantages to A- merca, perhaps it should not be for¬ gotten, that at a time when her siUa- tion. as the great pTotretre^S and mn- servatoroffreepriiuiphvs, is likely to mnst-rnpa-ainst her the vengeance Oil confederated legitimacy, it is fortunate that the thousands who are thronging j to her shores generally carry with then a deep detestation of European despo¬ tism. There was a time when the comp"- cjiven to a host ot prie-ts and nobles who came Hying to us under the broken banners of fall en despotism—how our -ympat hies Bowed to them ; how we re!iev« d their want-, soothed their sor¬ row*, cheered them v.ith hopes, and at last made their cause our own—nobly :li>-i!aining to reckon either the edst 0. Ulitnger. ,-i ^±js.in.«i£±.a:i pacKaae aaaresseoto m« sum vr wmi-ni i . , , . ,1 ' „i_ L a Li ... *« u... Mr. i 1 fhall viflt 't at lea't one day in the week he thought was contrary to law. Mr.iJ . — _ ' . k 1 KINGSTON Hagermau replied, among other things, i that as a lawyer he k"^w the law au-j thorised a letter to be so taken out cfj Cae Post O.fice, instead of beint»- for¬ warded to the person to whom it was directed ; and called upon Mr. (.tour- lay to come forwnrd and support his law opinion, and threatened that if he should not so appear he would be de- fttttUed, as the hwyevs term it. Mr. Gourlay accordingly appeared and pro¬ duced an extract fr•»m th.e post 018ce law, prescribing the Post Master's oath as an authority in pe'mt, in support of 1 his opinion. To which Mr. Hagerman SDJ}\ SEPTEMli. 8, 1818.1 ^s not, I believe, *iven any answer, " although a number of weeks have since elapsed. Now, man it please your ho¬ nors, I wish to be informed whether,in these news-paper ca>es, at the bar of the public, there is ftOt su<-h a thin- as a nonsuit, as well as a default. If so, I pray this honorable court, that the .^aid iiagerman max be called out. O YES, 0 VKS, O YES. and well fele&ed alTdrtment of L* \rugs, Paints, : ■ .. v &>%% . .... which he will difpofe of at very reduced prices, among which are the followe.ijfcj. articles, viz. 4th. That Quarterly examinations of the pupils be held (due notice thereof, having been orevioullv given by the fociety in the King Hon Gazette.) on the ! tft Saturday of January, April, July and 'O&oher, in each and evety year. icw2 ' W W _ 4 ! N E W • ! • it • ^ On Saturday laft, His Grace T 0nkeof Richmond and fuitt- artived in . I tlie Srea-T'. rV at i. harlotte, ft >m Lower j j Canada. .Ok bis landing at the King's j wharf,:; faruteoi ^9 ^uns was fired iu ; ! front of the M.n'u Guard. :orm t he i i We hear from Br^ckvilV, that, Mr-! Grourlav bos again b^en acquitre', on the 'ichaige of a Libel again ft G v-rnment .Afflictive Providence. &rowned.— On ^utl'duy evering* laft. " the wf.rshipper^ of freedom, ill what¬ ever quarter of the world they were found, turned their face to Eu^land.^ But this proud di-tinefion is lost, and?! the stream of Smlgf&tUni '»ow tlow's m another d\ ectton. Twenty -years of uuceasinu exertion as the chiuc.iiioa; i-f nn'imi^-d power asjailiSi popular ri-ht-. Ifjave opt e.-d the eves uf ma*:VVi'<.l <•• n-! true rharact.T ; and hmicejorth we may n«< n^nrvd, that tho-e wlm for- cth'-ir couut-.v fr<>m the. 1 ve of M- board, extended cmi.ely acrof< the wharf, j fo that in coming off, it being quite dirk, Mr. May not fufpe&ing any harm, walked off (he end of the ;> auk i-ito the1 water. Every exertion wa- made to get j bio- ont, which wa* not effete.1 until he bad latp hi the water about 55 minutes^ when ryerjr pofiible mean.s W3- ulcd to rcii 'ic iim. which alas ! pfiwcJ u.cifecN j Uial ; the vital fpark had fl<r*1 forever, and a lender wife and two iovdy babts. si I The Trustees of the Ernest Town Academy have appointed the llevd. \lexr. Kletchkr. Prereptor of that Academical institution, which will be opened in a few da»s for the reception of Students. v ■ lias received a frefh fupply. in addition { to his ftock on hand, of the newxft [ Fathion, and lateft importation, con- | tilting of D r y Good s. Black, Blue, Grey, Brown Bottle! Green, Drub and Waterloo, coarfe, fine and fu per tine Broad Chitfas ; Do. do Cailimeres, Pclifle Cloth, difFeient Cflors, Veil Patterns. Gr:enand Red Baife, White,Red, Blue, Guen and Yellow Flannels, Kofeand Point Blankets, Bombazetts, Ofnaburgh and Imitation She-*t"ngs, India Cotton*, Calicoes, Shawls, Handkerchiefs and Hofiety. Up to the %t\ o\ Kngu^t, 6027 set- 'lers had arrived at Quebec, this sea- ou, from foreign parts. MARRIED, At Ernelt Town on Tuefd^y the ift inft. by the Rev Official Stuart, Mt. Marshall S. Bpjwf.ll, of Kingfton, to Miss Clara Willcox, of Erncrt Town. Or. Saturday the 5th, Mr. Edmund Penly, to Mife D .rothea Walker, by Licence. On Sunday til*: 6th Ifartnomna King of-Erneft Towtf* t'» Margaret vloo. rs of Kingflon, aft'r oubHcation of banns in St. GroiyeS ( hurch. II d e. \khoholy A^loes Sue. Alum, Annatioopt. Antimony cnul Aq. Portjfl J)up. Argent. Vivuin Vrrow Root Iraenie alkie Stoiie Can>p!i*ir, Can<hafidi?s Cas.-ia Cinnamon Ct4vei CV»f)J>efaS % *sim Tarlar ">. jferves Lj.x. Vitriol ..,, Para^oric E:np. Oiacheldn J.^s. H jr^amdt .... L :non .. P^pp'MnV'rit Flor. C ramteia; .... Sulph. FoL lipiJales . . • . S U'.Hlt Gum Iminoil; .... \rfc»i»c .... \wfieuih ----- o, ill .... ii1 «iac . .. 4. t a Shell .... I; rrh Lvthnr^e L.q. J-a '-Inoni .... B.icking Lo2i ages MmA slujjir-^ia I Mn:»;K. Flak Merr. Torros. StiHlilKLs .... PriEeipi*, Mb. .... ... * Rubr. Nutinegs Ol. AiRvgd. Dalo Petrol. Bife Poland Search Pearl A; ft Pm»v. Birk Kaiins Muscat*^ Kad. Colt:ihBo ___0t!rcani£B .... Oian^hiw - .... Gentianip .... Ct!yc\ rrli. .... H?MJelioz,dtfc .... Jalap ... Kbei ....Sup: Virg. . ___Seneka. S-.rf, SatctrjDi S eac CslDdies- Sai. Amnion. I .... Glauber J-----Floch:,,l Salt Prire Sapo. CaMil ___\Viod*or j ... .Com!hott Sem. Auni i ;.. ;Cami ... lCoriander - • Iron aed Steel; Brafs and Iron Tea Kettles, Sugar Coolers, Bake Pans, Belly Pots of different fixes, Grid Irons . Trace Chains, Spades and Shovels, Frying Pans, Nails, Locks and Hinges. Hambro I..in«-s,Tar,Tobacco, Logwood, Furlick, Nicaragua, Copperwmd AiJu^ &fi.Ac-Afr * • \ WISH ALSO . * *'■•*'.-. -• - solved. We BTini not barriendv coasts with*tIlea act< to excli.dr t!v V-.jrnot- and Kosciud\os—the sntfur»Pji p.itriot-;, the vjethns of per*Bimtion and the martyrs of principle, reii^iou- and political, a* if we dreaded contamina¬ tion from their presence. It U to Amf.rica such men now turn theireyes : and '-very wish tney breathe for the cnod «>f mankind binds them the firmer | ° ,tt- R^orge Hviatitf, and I 1 j 4- ■ '!••• 1^ „ *. 1 eii, goi into a >ma'l boat ii to her dntifimu Lb*y love not ouri ,;1<lte, ,0 lJrncurc a s0|,p,„ principles; they disdain our protec ' --«* «»..a««a,>. h»«..«^to \ai lion ; and, when circumstances com¬ pel tin in to remain iu Europe, the) 1 choose rather to live in th-ussia, in Aus¬ tria , or even in Spain itself, than in the land of Hampden, of Sydney, and j Locke. But t»> whatever quarter ol Europe they go, they have the consola¬ tion of finding thousands who join cor¬ dially in execrating the conduct and principles Of Khigiaud. And is this the final result ol all our exertions and tiiumphs? our loans, our subsidies. OUT unexampled sacrifices of blood and treasure, so far from gaining the s^ootl Will of any one of the nations whos* cause we aflVcted to serve, have made us the object of that univeral indigna¬ tion which crushed Bonaparte with all his legions, and which would now crush us in turn, tiki cireuni tances favor its operation. This is w hat the continen¬ tal press tells us when it dare, and what facts?speak where the press is silent. We may declaim against the prejudice- and affect to pity the ignorance uj\ those who view us with such feelings : but neither experience iror history will bear us out iu our complaints : for it is without example in the w;>rid, that] the mass of civilized society should con-pire to regard their best friends as • tiieU- worst enemies. But if we have • lost the coniidence of the people thro'- out Europe, the princes, great and small, from Lisbon to Petersburg. whether tbey rub' by - pe.i forcesr pi¬ ous fraud : whether they sell their subjects by the head, or exchange them in the. <<ross, are our tirm: friend as far as th*-> dare avow it. They ar the. worshippers who turn their faces to ftn-laud. ed by the riches of lur l>t>titityn they encircle bvr svitn their hot* ^•ift wiii^^ciix!^ tlxei.r ackuo>vludg.-- BTT& I To ran V'.nrroKo*- ihe K rgston Gazlt sin, A nifiancholv accident hajM^er.ed at thi- ;^5ace yesterday roaming aboot 8 o'rlock.— r«e *Ci»oo»er Gfor^eand Marv. tron K ng.- oh, bound for Vovk, came into this piac^, ^p- :wKt(HoJ:i;nf^ Bark.r\ Mtllf^in V'nelia-bur^;. Mr. H. S. I'otjgpr, trie Master. 4. d one mail rj"Io:igii»g: to th<? vessel, vvitti ?r :> u^v-, vi/. *a*no- \ ascadd^n, John Viorriion, Alexartiier i)^tt. Gfargc Hyiattif, and PraitcUMcRlaujrh1- u order to come 011 of Pn)vi-ions*. thv • • • • ;:»at proved til be very l**ak), and >oadd :oth:% ni: t-ortune. a ct)ik fhat had been plac*v| iu a*! au^viriiole uithc bottom of 1 he boa< got out un- t>r*iTt.«ived b\ anyone m ii. Tnc Wind wa.not very high. but a conside- .abl»* -well. Wlt£fi the boat reached vviUm: aoout one hundred ai-d fift) yards of the?hore, he boat allod ai.d upset. Mr. Conger, the! Ma> »m\ and thomau belonging to the vessel j -aved their live bv ^viinminffa^iore, Mr. Caseadden^ of \ omu^ i.ieet, and the Oifier fooi" men fro n Ireland, Merc drowned. Ii wsl* nol in the power of tlie mhibiianNon J iiore, who were uifhe>sc« to this me!ancnol\ event, lOgive them any relief, ihej not having hii\ means at 'iand. Thi" lt:.tabiiantb, vVith every attention \v. .Ueir pouer, aie contiinidHy, A* \et, seeking tor their bodi»*s» The body of Mr. James Ca> eadde 1 vus found and lakeo up about three o'uJOCH tbe Home day, and taken into the no i^e •*t M.. Kliphale. Leavenb? where every thing ..-7Cfsai> i provided for ids interment iu ade- e-M'. Ciin>!taii 'nanner, this day at 4 d'clock. T Mrua^ M'Ctlausriien has al^> heed found thi> •mirnuig.uiiit ihe lite pre parations aremaking or 111s iiueunput, a^ nill al.-o be for the resi, a -oou as tne\ can befbnad. JAM K 8 BARKER. KhiP11A LET LEA VENS. [We $ivc the above uaxtteui&sS as they weve .■iu 10 »m Tii*' day on whifcli ilie a:iiiciiittr ««ef*urrencetook place i» not mentioned, ibui we ...t^e heard liiai laat Saturday was the day. iiiOhe from Ireland, we believe, were emi* grants, Odd have piobably left connections a lioine,to deplore ihci* uuhapp) fate.} t COMMUNICATIONS. taken of the When any sentiment has *rroug possession of the minds ,»Lople of a Nation, State, or Province, a 1 attempt tObtifie the expression of it, by prosecutions for libels, seditious ords, or in any other form of charge, is commonly as ineffectual, as it i^ im¬ proper. Yet the wounded pride of «.n. -who are accused of abuses, not unfrequeiitly oversteps ttie bounds of discretioii, in pursuit of the victims of r.venge, until a spark is kindled into a flame. JfesgaftttciU « l« fcVl ^uu' KINGSTON T II E A T R THE Lovers of the Dtama a-e ref oectf dly nil i-med thai on WED- NE^DAT hl'ENINGy the gtb inst. will be pre fen fed, the mud) admired cle- gant CQMED7\ in % afts, as altered by Charles Kemkfet Esq. and written by John Tahiti, Efa called THE Honey Moon, OR HOIV TO RULE A WIFE. Between the Play and Farce, RECI¬ TATION Scolding Wife reclaimed, by Mrs Williams, Comic SONG :— The Bag of /Vails, by Mir. i: il/iams. To which will be add^d the favorite Laughable FARCE, in 2 acts, called THE It OMP, OR ..... CURE FOR THE SPLEEN. Box Tickets Five Shillings, Pit Two Shi!tin? and Six Pence each, to be had at j tylOORE'e Coffee-honfe, and at the Theatre.—t>oor> to be open at SKVEN j o'clock ; Curtain to rife at EIGHT o'clock. . 4. * #* Gentlemen are requcjled not to fmohe in the Theatre. C^rThe Box hook of the Theatre will be kept at Moore's Coffee Houfe, from 10 o'clock in the morning until 4 in the afternoon ; whe-ire places may be taken for Boxes. (For Characters see Bills.) Teas, Loaf and Mufovado Sugars, Wines. Jamaica Spirits, Cogniac Brandy, Holland's Gin, Shirub and Peppernaint. All of which will be fold extremely low for Calh. • MICHAEL COYLE. E '.ngfton, 7th Sept. 1818. I 5W4 ___riiwarnO .... Peppermint ,.. f?.i'ini. Ol, Vtriol Opiiuri Omnge Peel Picra Sj». Cornu; Cerv% I___Ni*ri l)Vc Suil ge aborted ftucc. Ltqi;oi*ice r**S'^ $ :lphfeF in rfAl* T^'jtariuds larrir I-m^tic Vitriol \lh. ___Bin* Winter Bam IVJalp Stnnj/es fonrt Plapt^r . t ftodr.y*. Cordial AnJt*rcon'- Ptllg Arom; tit Vin«ga> Maro oy Snuff <y!; IttitUh Oil lias l«*m dt>. S ws1 Opodcniiir Ginger A SphiCf l^ccr Sofia Water Turli gton's Bahoiri ftobt? VTatef in pinli Tooth Al«M*t Oin'ment for tlji* !rrti \Vrrurial Oiutmi-nt. ALSO, Raw &&& t»ikd Qy- anH P^inw >fiU Kin£'* Y*'1iow Prussian Ulue V^rmilian F'mbpr »Jatont Yrilow ^oldlioat Koirits Turpentine V *rdigU Glue m>lt evciy kind, \nt. j Gopal \ hi nUh nj>4. Y* l!ov; CVre Spanish White ... ..RrowU Rc«l Load White* (Vo. Lamp Black I*\v v Fair.' Brushes School d 1W.R. Thomas Harris, late Teacher in one of the m -M rei'pedable fcbools in Quebec, intends opeuim; a School, on Monday the 14th inft. at the refidencc of Mr. R. Johntton Teach r of the l.an- cafterian ScHnol, in which the following branches will be taotfht viz. Reading Writing and Arithmetic, ~ Englim Grammar and Geography. The young f.adies will be fuperin- tended.ih thc,dirTercnt branches of ntedle woik, by Mrs. John lion, in a fepaiate apartment: A few young Gentlemen may be ac¬ commodated as boarders, on reafonable tetms. / Kingfton, September 7th, t8i8.^/*5 1 No i T) /IE Copartnerfhip heretofore ex- illing under the firm of 'John 6\ Heermans & Co. at Hallo well; is this day ditto1 vd by mutual confent. All perfons having claims againft faid firm* will prefent them to John S Heermart* for payment ; and thofe indebted to the faid firm arc requefled to make payment to John S. Heermans, who »* duly appointc-dby Jonas Abbot & Co. (who have afTumed the fettlement of the con¬ cern) their agent to recent the tame. JONAS ABBOT, THOi. S. WMITAKKR, JOHN S. HEERMANS. Montreal, 17th Aug. 1818. Perfumeries, School Boflk$, Stationary, and Dye tVoous, VIZ i Odoriferous lioncy Water* for reap¬ ing, thicketliiigj and preventing the hdir turning ^rev» Beft double diflfeW Lavender Wx^t.er, Improved Milk of 5tpfe*$ Highly ce% ebrated for its agreeia'le quali y of r:»ea» ring, cltanfingand fcjftening 'he (kin. Antegue, Je(!amine and Etofe Oile, for the hair ; fweet fcented Jamaica Pomatum, &c. &c. Edinburgh new Difpenfatory, Bn- chan's improved domcitic IViedicinc^ Children's Toy Books, Murray's Intro* duciion to, and Englifh Reader, Mor* I ray's Grammar, Exercifes and Key ; ;bibles, Adam's new (Sfeograoriy, \viifi Atlafs, for fchoola ; Children's bi\rk Writing books, with Numeration Addi¬ tion, and Multiplication Tables ; black l>ooks, Wrapping Paper •, ftfiirray'fl and Webber's Spelling books; New-York and Philadelphia Primm^rs, Qnills, Ink Powders red and black, do Standi Wafers^Pen^niVee Whetftones, India 1 Rubber, Slates Lead Pencils, bet Logwood Nicaiaqna, Fuilic, f^gir cafes, [nun and Tobacco boxes, R.-.7nr«| Cafes and boxes, Pocket books and mo¬ rocco It eel fprin^ed Money Partes ; Profile Frames guilt, clothes, hair and Tooth Brufhes ; Playing ca"tds, corn Brooms ; an eltgaat aflbitment of *&*vei hangings, Englifh fole Leathers &:c. 6cc. fcc. Kirigsioki Srpterhber 7th, 1 8»8. I $if .■Evening School. AN Evening School will be opened at the re&dence of the Subfcriber, on Monday the cth of October, 10 which the following branches will be taught, viz The French and Englifh Languages, and Geography^, Reading, VAitiiig, and Arithmetic. ROB ERT JOHNSTON. 5ragfts% Seiptc*»bcr ph, i$i% l3^ S.H 1 I HAS Received a groeral aff>rtresent of GROCERIES, RARD- |WARE and CROCKERY ; which be will fell as low as can be purebated between this and Montreal, for cam llonfe and Field A flies, together wivh all kinds of Produce, will be taken for 1 cods. iiailowdl, 2d Sep*. 18iS. ij#4 pnjr^ iAT Elegant farm N'o. 8. firft II CdncerBon townlhip ot Ftedertcks bnrgfej 28 miks from i:;^^^ ({containin-* ioo Aeren.) fdrrhe^y oc¬ cupied by Ci-lonel Spencers and known by the riame df the Manfion Ifoufe. It contains about 50 acres of land under improvement, a- cle-ant f-vt-.- h • _ 2 (lory high with 1 barns and other bund¬ ing-'. Perfons demo us of pu ebafing ©a)T enquire or the tiu'nctnj n t • » qi to D U?germt • :r.u>. at JOSEPH .ER.JhKON. Ficderickibu 1 ^ii, ^ept. {>,.:.. ^16 t^