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Kingston Gazette, September 8, 1818, p. 3

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Supplement TO THE KINGSTON GAZETTE. TUESDAY, sJfSPTKMiim «. Edward Jones. "H > fc'G-S leave moft refp-.&fuUy to ffi- JCJ four) his friends and the public iu arcnt'Tah that he has iuit receivtd an eteg&M aljortweut of DRY h FANCY GOODS, Cor.filting partly of the following arti¬ cles, viz : Superfine Well of Engl-md Cloths and Callimeres, of the moft iafhionable colors. lrifh Linens, Briiifh Shirting, Linen 2nd Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, Lenos and Muflins, Jaconet and Mull Muflins, Fancy Muflin Handkerchiefs, Bandanna and Barcalona do, Fine Ging¬ hams, Clack and colored Silks, Silk and Cotton Shawls and icarfs, Fine corded Dimities White Jane, white and buff Marietta Quilting, Black Florentine, fine Undrtfled Calicoes, Bombazettes and Bombazines of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckabuck, white and Col¬ oured Flannels, Ruiita Sheeting and Of- naburg. A we\l chofen aflbrtment of Thread t,mi«L£vton caituU icTs1, LouU-d (. amonc, Lrnos and Mufiins, Jaconet and Mull Muflins, Fancy Muflin Handkerchiefs, Bandanna and Barcalona do, fine Gincr. hams, Black and colored Silks, Silk and Cotton Shawls and icarfs, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane, white and buff Marfeils Quilting, Black Florentine, fine Undreffed Calicoes, Bombazettes and Bombazines of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckabuck, white and Col¬ oured Flannels, Rufiia Sheeting and Of- naburg. A well chofen aflbrtment of Thread and Laces and Kibbons, Straw Bonnets, Ladies Tortife fhell Comb9, Cambric and lace Footings, and a number of arti¬ cles, too numerous to infert. 4 Crates of Blue CROCKERY Wave. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits,Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfon and Twankey Teas, double and Single refined Sugars, Muf- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt Candles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, &c &c. &c. All of which will be fold for Ca(h or approved credit. Kingston, fyh Aug. 1818. i o Boards <$• Plank. THREE quarter and i inch Boards, and one and a half ard two inch Plank, for fale by the fubferiber. Wm. STOUGHTON. Kingfton, July 15, 181 a. 7tf NEW Ironmfn^eri/ S T O R E. "TO'IN W ATKINS returns his fin- (•if cere-th ink- to his friends and the public in general, for th- vety^ liberal fupp-irt he has received fi nee his com¬ mencement, and begs leave to inform them that he has now arrived and open for fale. a very extenfive and well felcc- ted aflbrtment of I I Urdu Cut which he will dilpofe of unufually low for Cam, Produce, or approved credit— among*! which are feveral tons of well aflbrted Swedes and Englifh Iron, round and fquare rod Iron, Crawley & I. blift ter Steel ; wrought Nails from qd to 3od. cut Shingle and (lapboarding do. Spike* all fuses, Horfe Shoes and Nails, Ploughfhare Moulds, Frying Pans- Window Glafs, 7|by8}, 8{ by 9{-, 7 by 9. 8 by 10 ; Tin Plate, 1 C, I C W, I X, D (', D X, S D X } Spades and Shovels from No. o to 4 ; Trace Halters and Log Chains ; Sheet lion and Double Sheet in bundles ; bar and meet Copper, Anvils, Vices, Smiths and Kitchen Bellow* ; ilrong Hooks and Hinges aflbrted fizes— Lock* of all def cription*—100 fetts Cart Boxes, 3x2, '.-> , •■•• •■•^'.'t refills From dd to ^od. cut Shingle and (lapboarding do. Spike* all fizes, Horfe Shoes and Nails, Ploughfhare Moulds, Frying Pans— Window Glafs, 74by8i, 8{ by 91, 7 by 9. 8 by 10 ; Tin Plate, I C, 1 C W, I X, DC, D X, S D X ; Spades and Shovels from No. o to 4 ; Trace Halters and Log Chains ; Sheet lion and Double Sheet in bundles; bar and meet Copper, Anvils, Vices, Smiths and Kitchen Bellow* ; ilrong Hooks and Hinges aflbrted fizes—Lock* of all def criptions—ioo fetts Cart Boxes, 3x2, 3U2{,4x2| 4x3, 4]x3J,4±x3f—100 ietts Waggon. 3^x2, 3}x2{, 4^x3, 5x3!, 6x4, 4x2^—Grindftones, Paints, Putty, boil'd Lintfced Oil in Jars and Cafks—white Rope—Anchors, Brafs Kettles, Mill, Croflcut, Pit, Hand and every other defcription of Saws ; Guns, Carpenter's tools of all defcriptions, Planes, Chifels and Gouges, Hammers, &c. &c &c. ftampt and caft Brafa Cab¬ inet Ware—Saddle Trees, Webbing, Bitts, Stirrups, Buckles, and all kinds of Saddlery—Tin and Iron Teakettles, Saucepans, Tea Boilers—Hollow ware, Sugar Kettles, Potafh Boilers, Bake Pans, &c &c. &c.—Portable Writing Dcfks— Iron Wire aflbrted, from No-9 to 22—brafs do. aflbrted—a few excel¬ lent Silver Watches—Hambro and Cod Lines—Shop Twine, &c. Steelyards— and various other articles too numerous to infert. N. B. 50 Barrels FLOUR, for fale as above. 8. Kwgitofi) Aug. 12, 16(6* NOTION. THE Copartnerfliip existing herr.fo- foie, between MaOan <k Kelly 9 ns Pedlars, is this day diflblved, by mutual con fen t. All thofe who a e indebted, as well as credited, arc rcqueflcd to m..kc immediate arrangemt fits wi'h Pat. Ma- Gan whoisfully authorifed t-» fettle the affairs of the firm. PAT. McGAN. Kingfton, Sept. 1, 1818. 14W3 fin HE fubferiber, having- fele&ed a ■ Beautiful affortment of DRY k FANCY GOODS, fuitable for the feaf.n, and that a', a very moderate rate, which he expects, from his ufual cheapnefs of felling formerly, will, he hopes, entitle him to a continu¬ ance of his former customers, as he can afford his Goods cheaper than ufual P. MAG AN. Kingston, Aug. 28, 1818. 14W$ ADVERTISEMENT. THE fubferiber refpe&fully informs* the inhabitants of the Town and Townfhip of Kingfton, the townfhip of Pittfburgh and Wolf Ifland, that he haB purchafed the POTASH WORK Lately occupied by Mr A. Macpher* fon, in the vicinity of this town ; where he will receive good aiiuia ins Good* cheaper than ufual P. MAG AN. Kingston, Aug. 28, i3i8. 14W* ADVERTISEMENT. THE fubferiber refpeafully informs the inhabitants of the Town and I ownmip of Kingfton, the townfhip of Pittfburgh and Wolf Ifland, that he haB purchafed the POTASH WORK Lately occupied by Mr A. Macphetv fon, in the vicinity of this town ; where he will receive good II A At the rate of feven pence H. Cy. pet Bufhel, when delivered at the Works, and fix pence *vhen collected in town f the A flies to be paid for in Merchan¬ dize. A Sleigh or Cart is to be fent round Town to collect the Allies once a week* or oftcner if neceflary Houfeholders, &c will do well to fave their A flies, as the quantity made in one houfe will amount to a confiderable fum in the courfeof a year. L. NORTON. Kingston 1st Aug. 1818. N. B. Care mould be taken to keejv the Afkes dry and clean, as none but what is of a good quality can be receiv. ed. lolf MULTIPLIC ATION Tables, For the ufe of School% For fale at this Office*.

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