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Kingston Gazette, September 8, 1818, p. 2

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T*v^ .rally fa* truly pkfafl ><* mo |T (S^PS^TMSS f &ihK *,, • nt aid ft.* reamed in -Hv: ti-w.II y xrC-foN, will be fold ©rinthelak <■ fl «ck pledged f i mo ■ j j JjJ Q .^^ wharff on lent, an,} vet fa redeemed, which lata goods and it rk fo pledged and j a e ID iastel redee«fe6\ Ihali be fold by j Company a; Public Sale, at it i c ,y time not lefs tbafl ten day* titer the period for redemption? and if upon fuch i'a'e of Good" of Stock, there (hall be a J forohl*, after de^u&iog the expences of Sal.*, «wer the p-ymeot wf the money In;, f.ich fin-plus hV 1 bf paid to the firojjrirtoris thereof refpeclively■ Ttuenty third. The board of Pi , ftifi ts, an- he-eby fully empowered CO j rr.a.ke fuch ther bye laws and regula¬ tions» for the government of the afrVw ef'tfte company, n 1 thai of their offi¬ cers arV. fertaoi-a, is they, or a majoi% j Of them feall from time to time think 635- | pediciit. noi ince-ditt nt with law, tft tlu-f'- articles of 4lTociai: *ft. Twenty fourth continue twenty years fom the lirit day A rut long' i ; J t4th Sep ember next, a large quailtlty i j may «U the- afTure the uTem/; that hJs| Royal .i,.hneh WiM ^ be r^dy to; di bc'v .^mageiland wnfrrWeeable S'i ORES: ' Which v iil be fold \u lot* to fuit pur- Ch?.i. 4 Sale to commerce a* ti o'clock, pre-; c:eU. ARCFD. McDONELL, Auctioneer. Kingston, August 29th, 1818. fwulcu tW Houfe lias bee* occupied Irmly in RrfoVitions and Ail* ifledrrtet in point of fads, unconftttucional in prin¬ ciple, and evincing in terms apparently offtttdied oMfrefpcct.. a total difregard to th- commands of the Crown, fignihed affrd them pfofedio? „nd fUpport j,', the I j noon points diftincYv ftihmitted by the due exerctfc of then PiV,^^ but tjiat I! Mmfe 1 tithe Royal ti gnent& c Hon* his Royal Highnds c,ltilidcT»ed that itj; The Houfe ha» alio com.n. need further proceedings again tr. mt Ma jelly's Attorney General, for ah alleged offence, for which he was committed by the late Hon He ^f VtTembly, and difeharged Upon won d be inconliftcnt wi,h the duc ad_ miniftration of jnrtfee, and with the perfonal liberty of tlu MriO>itantB of the Bahamas, if the A&ftbrj were allowed i l4i to oofltfs an uneontr..l,ie<j rieht of at I the Diffo'ntion of it. This \&t un- ... , ♦ ' f» -'.1 \ h'u aftociation (ball \ * «t ot ctunmence^iiperauon, juq no V>t vhs.proprietors of two thirds ottne Caoital Stock of tbi company, may by th \r concurring votes, ^.t a general mee- ring to be called lor that e^^rels put "£ofe. revife or alter the'e articles, or any •' them, or deiblve the company at any p;■» >p-period ; provided, that uot'ce <^f !Wh meeting, and its object, dialI be publimed in all tlu Provlocial New»-pa- jjers for Six months previous to the time ^nyointed fur fuch meetings and pro¬ vided alfo, that norevrfionoi alteration of thefe articlea fhalj fu'.-»j.-^ any (Jock- K.i ler <»r Stocfctioldefi to be hound be- y >tid the amount of bin, her or then Stock. Immediately on any j .....2 /_.: effeaim meafiares lhall t'nn cxifting, forclofing all the con rem o* the company, and for dividing the ca pital and profits, which may re > ain. among the Stockholders, in proportion to their refpec'tive intereft In Witnefs whereor, we have hereun¬ to let our names at Kif.giron'. (73 months.) S.TT, Klngsfoni Aug. in, 1S18. We the under iarucd District tlepicsen- faHvos fort»)pfr)p«<Is 10 t'DO'Mrv, reauwi Jbai vow "ill call a meeting of the Lower Branch (ouvenliuu, a; Jhf* ho%is<* of Mr. Forvaul,P Emevi Tawn^ on Saturday I9th Sept^ii^xtjai 10 o'clock forcirooB«Vi tske in«o oo^sidratma the pa tmfiuof «ili exnoi.c^ incurred b? Uip Irtti? prosfc»'tirn oftht Ki'tg vs. flobert Goor- lav : a al^o^omeeithermattet^s, ! *<»;!.! atthcsiimc time bt- desirabl?, that a- ;ii;iii\ fAwn«tiip I?^pr^HMitatives should at¬ tend a- can muS%circim^ini^nt« D. WASHSiJRN, P OL PETE 'KOM, To II C. Thorn/on. Rfq. $tc*v r>f the Lower Branch Convention of Friends is Enquiry. Gentlfmvn, In compliance with the above re- iqnifoioi. I beg leave to notify, that aj Imeeting; of *He Branch Convention will be held at Errtest Town, on the day above mentioned. H C THOMSON, Sec'y. To the *-':imhers of the iu<*Vj£t Branch Convention, *4-w3 | j rellinu; and committi^ to prifon any of' 1 fai<ctioned by any precedent or ufage [ hi:. Majefty'siubjrct ,ll0der the plea of j j Wh ate vet, and going beyond the pow- PERRYlo WOLFfSLAVD Twenty -fifth* I ,T» n: *(Tol!«lon of this alticiati^i. effea -a' [jjnpHF. fubferiber tefpeftfblfy inf rms I betaken by the Diredorsjj |£ nfs f lends and the public in gene¬ ral, tbat he has taken the Fcrrv between Kingston and Wolf Ifland. Thofe who { with to favor him with their culto.m, i ihall be attended to. at rii- (bortefi notice, an alledged breach cf orivjlege ; that a claim on their pat I tc a power of this! nature can only lead to a repetition of th-^fe contention:, wkh have unhappily accrued between the itgiflathrg Affem- biy and the General Lourt, tending to de^tadc their ieiped;Ve authorities 10 public elh" ma lion, and to create a ferious if not a fatal inten Option of all public j proceedings " With reipeft to that part of the Memorial which rclafc* to the rrjedion by the Council of ce^ain Bills lent up to them by the -fimbly—His Royal Highnefs c: nliders tie Council have, m couMi.on with the AUVmb'y. a full and undoubted right todscide h • w far the I fever*! '.egill.tivr measures brought under their confiderauoft* ire fit no become ! rawi of tiie Colony ; and that in what- evet li^ht the AfTermSly may view tl'.e ground* upon which ubc Council acl in particular mitances, they cannot but feel that any inicrfertnce with the pri vile^e- of the Council in this re I peel, might lead ?.o confquences not moie ! fubveHive of the tonMtuition of th* j Bahamaa than fatal to thr iimilar privile ge^ of the Houfe of Affembiy itfef. I have the hoitoi t- be, iir, your moll obedient, humble fervant, BATHUHST. To Governor Camenn. &c. Sec. &c. The Houfe of A ffembly after feveral I. tfi&tmd Dhtriri. Cituniv of Frontenac. _ WHEKEASa MAD DOG has lately pafT.d through the 7' twn of King don, which, it is laid, Trr bitten attle, Hogs and Dogs, in it- £*t{fagc through Ti.rfe -ire, therefore, to command al! a- o evtry p.-rf<»u or ptrfons having cat tie. hog , o1 dogs, which have bren bit t»u by f.:ii mad dog, that they immedi- a'en'destroy ->r iccure r!Sem, t p;event a v accident happening to the public or their cattle. All o»d every perfon or perfons, who fhili n.-fife, or RrgTeft, to enr.ply A'ith this order 1 *n. M be profecuted as the law. in fuch cafes*, 'livecls. G'"en under our h nd< and feals, at Kingftoo, this 28th day of Auguft, 1*18. Thomas Markltnd, Esq, Peter Smith, Esq.- John Cnmming, E*q. ._ William Robins, Esq. o£ eve»v ait'DM.-tn pai'1 to iheiracrommo- ra r, ^ c7 . . ,<rr . 1 • ' j r . k 1 1 r 1 \ Kelolutions expctiive of Hick dillatis oatiiin and coor.tMrt.— Vpu'v to the tub-; r .. . . . l . , f ... r -I m r. t l km 1 r>i taction wuh the above aelpatcii bavtoir tenber, oppohteto the Ma-k^t Place. t , r. A „7. ,. b n Airtr-i nnnrwir i renewed DrocccuiiiLrs d^Mit William Q- pt. I DANIEL BROWN. t4w3 -. •> THE SUBSCRIBER I jWylly, Efq fur r^ffencea aliedged to j have been commit ted bv him agatall the late H» ut'e, lummonrd him ra attend at [the Bar to aofwerto tiie 'cveial charges DOlTWf.Fand SINGLE STOVES, DOG LivOM^, and Hollow JVurcs [JEGS to inforoi the public, that he J Yesterday was the appointed day ; but LD will fhortly receive an extcnlive!!at 11 o'cl .-k. after the Legislative laffortment of iconncii had affcroblei. and the H-ufe [had met, Hi, riouoi the Ptefident came down bum the Govt?rumei.t Houfe to I the Council Chamber, where he com inandcd the immediate attendance of the Huttfe, and v\*as p:ea!ed (u §1 le tiie ^ee- V ;&...» Wu'i, dm Allowing Speech: I I Mar»fedured at the Iron W »rk« in tr e j I Gmfhmm of 'he Council, Mr. Speaker* "....... ' "*" -- - sltid Gentlemen of the Houfe of Hjfembly At the commencement of the preient feffion, I laid before you the co^.y of a defpatch frow: the E,.rl BathuHl, one of itis Majerty'i^iineipal Sec'* of State, to his Excellency Governor Camtr-m. hearing date Downing-Street, the 28th j ^ ,/M,clc^ ij February iaft, ihti-.g that his ionifhiu j Diftticl of Three River* ; which Ik will be enabled to dtfoofe f at an un < 11 en commonly low ra e r rcifb. JOHN M \C.\ULAY. Kingston, z.\th August * 1R18 13 Found Just published ; To be had at this office, and Stores through the Province, Mr. GOUHlriV's ^DURESS TO THE J UK Y, in his trial at Kingston Assizes. His NARRATIVE, and the TIUNSACTiOm OF THE CONVENTION O^J Saturday the 22d in ft on Wolf I j h»d received the governor's defpatch •> Ifldnd more, a fmali flip keel b<>at. 1 j the 3d Dec )?(t, and had fubmitted to jThe owner is requefted fco prove prnper llhlfi Royal Highnefs the Prince Regent. , ty, pay charge?, and take it away. [the humble .-V&drvfi and Petition )f the i'S A AC T. BAR PITT. I| Houfe of Affembiy of the Bahamas! , Wrlf If.ancl.. August 22, 1818. 13W3 \Sfrai/d or Stolen, F?RO vl the common in Kingilon, a t large. Itrona. Chefnut Coloured j HORSE, in high flcfh ; has no white (about him ; (bod all round. The own- jer will weli reward any perfon returning jhim to the luhfcuber. I TOUSAlNT LESTAGE- Aoguft 22. «3 to Let, OF FRIEND* TO EKQUIRV Price i/*3 e:\ch. THE Dwelling Houfe of JOHNS & FINKLE. Aug. 31. ,4- which ft en doled ; lhat his lord/bip had received hrs kr/ol Highiieis's commands to inftnid 1 he governor to inform the Houfe of Affembiy. that the arreft and commitment of Mr Wylly, under all the circnrrJlances of the cafe, appeared to his Royal Hi^nnefs u> have been highly johjcc-lioi.able ;an' that hii ^oyal High- nefs entirely api roved of tiie conducl; of j the General Court upon Bifr, Wyliy's ».n a writ of habeas corpus duly iffued : inasmu-ch «% his rec mmitrc-nt to priton wouid have implied, th** " lhe opi ton of the Court, the arreft s,ld !*•:» niio ment ol Sir. beinjr before them, tn ever exetciled even by Parliament itfelf, appears to be an affuraption of arbitrary and illegal authority, fo preg¬ nant with immediate danger to the; rights and liberty of the Suhject, that I cannot, Cdnfiltently with the duty which 1 owe to my Sovereign, permit the Houfe to proceed any further toward* the oppreffion of an individual, who ha« been already imprifoned for a jullifiable reliftanceto an illegal warrant ; for, I mull ever maintain, tlhat a warrant unde- which a perfon is committed in execution, before he is heard in his defence, U according to the principles off the Britifh Conftilution, illegal and void, from whatever authority it may emanate. If it were poflible, howevef, for me to be fo regardlefa of my duty, as to permit the Houfe to continue in the uncontrolled exercife of a dangerous and unconftnutional power, the acts, re- folution^, proceedings and temper «>f the Houfe lead directly to renewed and in- creafed contention■• betwc-n the autho¬ rity of the Affembiy and the Judges of the General Cour-. ; I ffei it, therefore ueceffary in order to preferve the public peace, to protect from violence perfons declare d by thejudgmens of the Crown, Upon the complaint of the Houfe, to be guilty of no offrnce what foe ver, and to prevent (if pofiible) a fatal interruption t» all public proceedings, to reiort to a power eo«»ftituttonally veiled in me, as lii» Majefty's rcprefeutative. Gentlemen of the Council, Mr Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Houfe of Affemhly, I. therefore, think fit to prorogue thi* General Affembiy to Tuefday, the twenty fnrt day of July inlt. ; and it is hereby ororojgued accordingly (•^ig:ned) Wm Vessy Munnings. Council Chamber, 14/A July, 1818. Ikhama Hlrnds. Efq. Prtfident and Co^-mander in Chief in and over the faid Iflinds, and I of the Garrif-ns tliere or that may be fent thither ; Chancellor, V.ce-Ad- miral, and Ordinary of the fame* * A ProGlamti^n^ Whereas the General Affembiy of thofe Ifla-»d-. ftands prorogued to Tuefday, lie 21 ft day of July, in ft ant : Ai-d whereas, it is expedient that the faid General '• ffembly fhould be drffolved ; I do, therefore, by and with the advice and unanimous con fent of his Majes¬ ty's ( ouncil of thefe Iflands, iffue thi^t my Proclamation, diffolving the fdid General Affembiy, and the fame is here by diffolved accordingly, Given under my hand and the Seal of the faid Iflands, at Naffau. i\\ the Iflond of New-Piovidence, the fifteenth day of July, Anno Domjotj 181S and in the fifry eighth year of His Majefty's reign. Wm vesey Runnings. By His Honor's Command C. R. NESB1 PT, Dep'y Seo'ry. GOD SAVE THE KING. EMIGRATION TO AMERICA. of fVrschniont, es if.somc malignant :p,\ tithan chosen this auspicious moment to bla^t the hopes of the old world. And who can doubt that this has been done ? Who can doubt that a feeling of disgust and indignation has |>pea rooted fa the minds of the honest and discerning at the profligate scenes so lately exhibited on the political thea¬ tre, by those who call themselves the liberators of Europe, and that men are tiyiug, under flie tin pulse-of tenor and hatred, from the scourge of legitimacy —happ, to find one asylum in the world undeliled by its blood-stained footsteps. Europe has had changes and revolutions enough during the last thirty years, but nothing resembles this. In these the passions and inter- ests of rulers were generally the mo¬ ving principle, always the directing and controlling power : hut. in this we see the inlluence of a new settlement, that has grown tip in silence, in the bo¬ som5 Iff private life, and is now working unprecedented effects on the character, £lno$ eventually, oil 'he destinies of mail, A passion for liberty—a thin ir 5 j scarcely known in the world, even by firtme, two centuries ago—has not only sprung into existence, but seems to oc¬ cupy all the u*ua! motives of human action,, and by a secret sympathy to lis the regards of all its votaries on the Western Continent, as on a rhocca sanctuary. In every country its per¬ vading energy is felt, and its effect ma- nifeSted. It has subdued th:; national vanity of the French, the phlegm of the German, the ardent love of country of the Swiss and the Irish, aud the sell- sufficient spirit of the Em:li>b. In all these it has severed the thousand ties that hind our atfevtion to the land of our birth. It is no doubt true, thai hig-b wages and cheap lands arc the inducements with some who go (0 A- .merica : but when we reeolU.-et that Russia has been inviting settlers from the civilised nations of Europe in the Crirma for twenty years pa*t, and that the "M'omise of free lauds, with j>r.»tec- t'ou and immunities, has scarcely pro¬ duced any effect ill turning the stream of emigration in that quarter, although so much nearer, we shall be satisfied thai the multitudes who ure pouring into (he United States are swayed by motives of a very different 'description. Indeed, we hvlh'vc, no careful ami ho¬ nest observer will deny, that as the love of religious liberty first planted civilization in the 'American solitudes so it is the Icvc of civil :; ><>:♦) iW lion oNv.T-ue. Yet it is in 'thh9£ when new principles 0 action reqt,^ i m^uu* Hifxhaefe' ¥ *.**- ! From the N T SpeQator. • 4 — EFT, through mifhke, on Wylly had e- n warranted by law. And theGttv was f' r(h^' dir-.ited to sffuit the .'\ffembly, th t His R yai Hh: would be eve) ready t > afford them pro¬ tection and luppei-t ^ the due -xer- ~ .\i From Nafau papers receved at this OJict.' ^ "^ ^'*vii^ ; but that His LEFT, through mittnk.c, on b'aid f * ■ M , R..yal HrghrtiV c■ niiderrd tna- v would the Steam Boat "harloTte.at Gam || hoffm^N. f J July t j. \ \x\nconCuiew wit? the dueadm m'ftration I ■tioqoe. on her way up, on Satutday the » ",e/"' ^ VV ^ Py. the d,Vi of Jultice. a,,1 w.th the periet:al ibcr- T > h ir.ft a bl Imed with bl^ick The^oat had been Worn fome" ' Itj lw" 'ranches of the l.eKiflature. im- neiHhaveb.en taken out with fome ()f{ "irately after ,he leffim w„ opened.! the Baggagea! Kirgtlon. at it was notll _ (c- py.j Tfae fub 1 From the Edinburgh Scotsman. way up, on Saturday tor I "■"• ' '* ' ri l' o! Juftrc.e. a-c wren cue penci.'ax nur- lue ylTRTQUT C0AT/kV**fh fr™ Earl ^athurll to his Ex- j t „f the , „h,bi\auts of the Bah as- if! ckbombazetu and trim- U c«l-ncy Goveinor Cameron com-nni I the Affembiy were allowed t. -*»&& aa Twist, barrel hntton..—!" Chleu ^ ^s Honor rhe Prefident. to the; uluomr. Jed right of arrelt.ng aid com-j on hoa^d Nunday morning, fciibci wii'lbc tha-.ktul to any perfon w'i'.i may have faid ■ oai in p- ffeffion through mi'lake, to give infor'raion to the f rbferiber, at Gananoque, or t<> the Captain on board the Steam Boat, wh.re it may be had. EPH. WEBSTER. Ganano:[ue, Aug. 19, 18 r 8. 14 fll 1H*S fubferiber refpedtfu'ly Jnforma Downing-street. 2*th Feb 18 I 8 j u Sir — I have had tW: bun r of recei-j i ving your dtl ateh of the ^d December^ and of fubmitting to hm Koya! Highnefs the pnuce R'gent. the humbler pent n j and addref* ot the Houfe of Affembiy | ■f 1 he Bahamas, which it ench i-d. j r(gnt or 1 ii.n an 1 miftmg to Prd-n any of Hi, ajei'ty's Scbjeds, undrr the plea of an ai'.eged breach of prjvntge. That a claim r,n their pa" t • a power of thi< nacuie could •'u'y led" to a lepetiiion of th.de c.ntentions \thich have unhappny ac-, crued between tr»c kegnlative fT«.m^!y' an. theGeutral Courr, tending to de ' grade their refpeciive authorities in llimat,,)n'a,1d to creat> a ferio JL the public, that, he has <""'», ar,d will, cure the bile ci a Mad D<v, if \p j.li^J r-> in feafon, or. the (hoii-ii •• "je. LnO on reafouable terms —Dr of ui hi ubihtiea can be procured SAlMUE Kingston, f6thConccffi ... . , , , i%. , pubbc ell!mat""'^nrj iw ercai> a renous I have received »o. lioyal HufhodTs !JI .» . • n .•> * . - . j jti .no* I 1 i\rt>f*. I'dinug For here the exile men from every clime, And •uokeiii friend-bin pxery disfan.' tono-iir i M>;i from the blood of waning Europe sprung W'-r«' hut divided by the running brook : And happy where no Rhenishtrnrnpetsung, On plains no sieging mine.- volcano Shook, The blue-eyed German changed his >«ord to pruning hook. Campbell. The extraordinary emigration from all quart rs of the old world to North America at ferns moment, is a fact per¬ haps more truly characteristic of the moral and political feelings of the Eu¬ ropean nations than any other that could be mentioned. It is impossible to look at the vast multitudes, of all j eruditions and professions, who are .throwing up their prospects in their native country, and crowding to the land of promise, without a sensation of 11 is a spectacle without a rev/ sociaiarrangement.s, f<W.xp!0(y itbuses, the most offensive to t|,e mota1 eye, are dug 1... in their corruptiou and re-enthrened in the world. Even considering Arn prica mcrelva; % \ \ vVOijdfT. [commands to mitru$ y-ur to inf. rm the, Houfe of AAV bly. that the arreii. and i^"*0 t a fatal l^ei ruptiun of all public j 5 parallel since the time of the Crusades : .cdinos. ilandinde cf.bir.g it we might adu oremitmc't id Mi W yily, , nder all the circumftances «•! the <af. . appear to hip Royal Highrief- to av^ been highly] 1 Mr. Speak'F> nnd , Genti-m-" °J '^ Houfe of Affembiy, j A fit.- .he i-profauni'-ati m ol ttua dea-. be h .,ed tliit all firmer I objcciionalle. and that his Rr pi High- 11 patch, itwas,u hen t efs entire'y approve of the cor.i.nct rjf ! -o'Te- ■•«■( 9 w^uui l1:V 1 rl<. C___. /■*■__.._ 1 -r*. _ 1 r iiiH nau* *..* ccm/pt the language of the princess Comema, and ■nj " that Europe appears to be torn op by the root- to be precipitated up¬ on Ai!i.erica." The time, too, is re- 1 « 1 •* f _ maskable. Ne —oner has peace res- ceaPd, and that ,* Fri] ^ank^td to Rk- undisturbed ex- VlV'otn flKieGr-R,,uC!T U!lnl' "r ^^'^ oufew-^-veproce^eoto the ■ j.,,:..,. flI =l|iU- <ry an,! the blessings ol KLWO-D. bene brought hef u n. 01 a .writ o ,: ncirargc of l™ ^,bl,c M™*(* »ith Irrptoc, tnan men appear to be driv«n n)^. :. 143 jj Habeas trrpus, duly »flued 5 in a. much j temperance ar?d modcr«:w^-inAead of 1 lfrow tbeir home, bj( a nuiWsa4 iccJLin^ mankind. As the excess of popul^. tion arising above the means of subs'rs. tence and employment, is the sourer of a great proportion of all the othei evils that ahMict humanity, the frieiM of man who wished to improve the star* of society would desire nothing so mucl as an unlimited outietof this kind tr carry off its surplus numbers. Then is, no doubt, however, a material los; in rearing citizens for another commu- nity. The population of a country if part of its capita), aud those who art carried off by emigration belong chief, ly to the most productive clashes. The\ consi t tor the greater part, of men ii the prime of life, with the powers 0 their body and mind matured, theirhn- hits formed, and their professional skill perfected.—Such men are evi. deirtly the nerves and sinews of natiotn a I .strength : aud this truth becomes still more obvious, when we recoiled that not more than one third of those who are born reach the age of thirty- six, and, consequently that the value to society of an active man, at that pe¬ riod of life, includes not only the ex« pence and trouble w hich it has cost to bring him to this state of full maturity and usefulness, but likewise tiie ex- pence aud trouble bestowed on the oth¬ er two-thirds who have perished before society could reap uny benefit from their labors.— It is evident that to lose a :;"•- ven number of such men, is a very dif¬ ferent thing from losing an erjual num¬ ber of persons taken indiscriminately from both ^exes, and from the old and yOung. Notwithstanding thi«, howev¬ er, the soundest views of political «*'* ent'e teach us, that a country may have too-many citizens, even of the most productive classes ; and that, when this i* the ca^e, the superfluous num¬ bers area source of misery lo the cla*s they belong to, and poverty and weak¬ ness to the state. As this i* probably the condition ofmost of the older r.u- ropean communities, emigration. w»tn all the disadvantages enumerated, be¬ comes beneficial : and, at the pi-cent crisis in particular, wheu couibiu*t>u° 39

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