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Kingston Gazette, September 1, 1818, p. 3

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NEW Supplement TO THE KINGSTON GAZETTE. TUES* AY\ SEPTEMBER 1. Edward «/owe?, I^D EGS leave moll refpc&fully to in- 3 form his friends and the public in general, that he lias juft tecuved an "clegsnt aflortment of DRY & FANCY GOODS, Coi/ifling partly of the following arti¬ cles, vi£ : Superfine Weft of England Cloths and CalTimeres, of the mod tafhionaole colors. 1-r'fh Linens, Britifh Shirting, Linen and Cotton Cambrics, Corded I ariibrie, ILenos and Muflina, Jaconet and M.ull Muflino, F?ncy Mud in Handkerchiefs, Bandanna and Barcelona do. Fint Ging¬ hams, Black and colored Silks, Silk and Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane, white and bufF Marfciln Quilting, Black Florentine, fine Undreired Calicoes, Bomba/.ettes and Bombazines of ?.ll Colors, Linen Cotton Shawls and fcarfs, Fine corded Dimities, White Jane, white and bufF Marfc'ls Quilting, Black Florentine, fine Undreired Calicoes, Bomba/ettes and Bombazines of all Colors, Linen Diaper and HiicJtahiick, white and Col¬ oured Flannels, Ruflia Sheeting and Of- Jiaburg. A well chofen afTortment of Thread and Laces and Ribbons, Straw Bonnets, L-adies Tortife (hel! Combs, Cambric and lace Footings, and a number of arti¬ cles, too numerous to infert. .4 Crates of Blue CROCKERY Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica Spirits,Brandy, Jsolland Gin, Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Kyfon and Twankey Teas, double and Single refined Sugars, Muf- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt Candles, Soap, Starch and Fig Blue, &c &c. &c. All of which will be fold for Cafli or approved credit. Kingston, ^th Aug. 18 I 8. IO I * m~ Boards Sc Plank. THREE quarter and i inch Boards, and cue and a half and two inch JPlartk, for fale by the fubferiber. Wm. STOUGHTON. Kfogfton, July 13, j3x8. 7tf ronmongerij S T O R E. JOHN WATK1NS returns his fin. ceie thanks to his friends and the public in general, for thr very liberal ftipport he has received lince his com¬ mencement, and begs leave to inform them that he has now arrived and open for fale, a very extenlitfe and well feiec- ted h(Tortment of Hardware* Cut- c. which he wiil difpofc of oimfually low foi Cafh, Produce, or approved credit— an»on'ft which are ftvcai tons of well aiTortcd Swedes and EngliuS Iron, round and fquare tod Iran, Crawley & I. bhft ter Steel ; Wrought Nails from 4d to 3od. cut Shingle and Clapboardiug do. Spike* all fizes, Horfe Shoes and N:-iils, Ploughfhare Moulds, Frying Pan-i— Window Giafs, 74by8|, Sf by o.f, 7 by 9 8 hy 10 ; Tin Plate* I C, I C W, 1 X, D C, D X, 80 X | Spate and Shovels from No. o to 4 ; Trace J1 alters and Log Chains ; Slieet lion and Double Sheet in bundles; bar and fheet Copper, Anvils, Vices, Smiths and ? [»y 9 h'hy 10 ; Tin Plate, 1 U i C W, IX, D C, D X, SB X i Spades and Shovels from No. o to 4 ; Trace Halters and Log Chains ; Sheet lion and Double Slieet m bundles; bar and fheet Copper, Anvils, Vices, Smiths and Kitchen Bellows ; Atone H«»oks and Hinges aflorted fizes—Locks of all def criptions—100 ietts Cart Boxes, 3x2, |i**!»4»! 4*5> 4jix3J'4tx3t— 10° fctts Waggon 3 1x2, $}x2£t 4?x3, 5x34, 6x4, 4x24—Ormditonea, Pa;ms, Putty, boiTd Lintieed Oil in Jars and Cafla—white Hope—Anchors, Brafs Kettles, Mill. CrofTcut, Pit, Hand and every other defcription of Saws ; Guns, Carpenter's toots of all defcriptions, Planes, Chifels and Gouges, Hammers, &c. &c. &c. ftampt and call Brafslabf- inet Ware—Saddle Trees, Webbing, Bitts, Stirrups, Buckles, and all kinds of Saddlery—Tin and Iron Teakettles, Saucepans, Tea Boilers—Hollow-ware, Sugar Kettles, Potato Boilers, Bake Pans, &c &c. &c.— Portable Writing I)iiks—Iron Witc afT< rted, from No- 9 to 22—brafs do aflorted—a few excel* Iei#t Silver Watehefc—Hambro and Cod Lines—Shop Twine, &c Steelyards— and various other articles too numerous to infert, N B. (. Barrels FLOUR, for tele a? above. 8 Kingston, Aug. 12, 18x8. ADVERTISEMENT. tHfWB fMhr.Tf'n-r ref;-Ctf lly informs -J- the inii di'tanr of th- '1 ./wn and ToWfi.Aujj of Kingllon, the tcw.ifhip ut Pittsburgh and Wolf I (land, that he has purchafed the PDTAS8 WORK Lately occupi-d by .*ir A. Macpher* fori, in the vicinity of this town ; where he wili receive good House Ashes, At the ratf -of {even pence H. Cy. per Bufhrl, when delivered at thr Works, and fix pence vvhcn collr&cd in c vvn $ the Afhes to be paid for in Merchan¬ dize* A Sleigh or Cart is to be Pent round Town to col it.61 the - (hrs once a week* or oftener if necefTary HoufeholJers, txc will do well to lave theii Afhes* as the quantity -nade in one houfe will amiKtm to a coufidcrable ium in the com fc of a year. L. NORTON. Kingston ist Aug. \ 8 i 8. N. ti. CaiclhonK! be taken to keep the A (Iks dry and clean, as n'Uie but what 15 of a g*'od quality can be re- •*- ed. ictf . N. ti. Caiefliould be taken to k(*eo the Allies dry and clean, as n"ije but what is of a good quality can be re- ;^- ed. ictf NOTICE. 117* DOYL v r-fpeAfullv begs >.:ve ,1—J^ to inform his friend*6, and the public in general, thnt he has taken the ftore forme* iy occupied by :r. 'Han TiJacphtrfoHs next tr> T. Markland, Efq. wl ere he Row offers for ialea newly and we1' feledted aiTdrtifiei«1 of DRY GOODS. OR )C.ERIES and LIQUORS, Patent Medicines, hiua, rockery and Glafc, with a fmall quantity of HARD WARE; which he will difpofe of on the moft reafonabk terms for cafh* cc^uncry pro¬ duce, or fhorr anpnwed credit. COMMISSION BUISESS wUI be tranfadted by him with the utmoit promptitude, and he trulls by unremit¬ ting attention to fuch a*^ may pltafe t-^ favor hin with their comnjands, to merit a fh'Te of the publir patronage. Kingston, August ro, 1818 rtwf MULTIPLIC AI ION Tables. For the ule of Schools^ For Cale at this Office.

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