God* rrqlly and t>v\? p!ety<rd fa; r.c. J J ,l.ev ,v..L. .-rM noi •-•ietiT.ca i> dm: time, rr in the fade "f ftock pledged f>i montr) lent, and not fo receen.cd, which tan) goods aii'i (lock fo pledged and r.ot fo redeemed! (ball be fold by <^-.e Tiid Company, at Public Sale, ?t any time not let's than ten days after the period for redemption; and if bskmi fueb fak of Goods of Stock, there (hall be a j f.irplus, after deducting the expeuces or i Rale, over the payment of the money } nt, Inch fnrplus (hail be paid tu the proprietor* thereof refpe&hrely- Twenty-third. The board of Di TLCt.'rs, ate bceby fully empowered to Fruv; the Si/i^i'irn Spectator* Mr. ftOUltLAY, To the worthy tn habitants of the District of Niagara* (cOsCLLOKD.) If any ordinary or mild check could 'wive put down presumption, this reply, »ade without my interference, in lia- ^rman's " native Township" certain¬ ly would have done so. It seems to hare produced not the slightest effect. L"ofc to tiifil^ttor annexed, and tell rno if any thing of the kind ever exhi¬ bited such a combination of vulgar le- vity, gross la I ve.hood, unblushing ef- anfl nO*rc.co<?n;..;0g individuals who. jf wbcuWucLcd rue before T had £drrDhimKat1att ovcitcttctsy **& refold turns, &, I from ^'^"^tanc.^, have &«»(*?|| *H s'itrht-st provocation,—who hud]] faid, that he dared not ftrike me, if 1 wa, I rnaKc fuch other bve laws and rcgula-j j iroutory, and unfeeling assurance^ ^ion<=, lor the government of the affairs 01 the company, .mi thot of their offi ct.\> audit/wants, as they, 01 a majority of them mail ftom time :o time think ex poiietu. nol inconfiii* nt with law, or the le articles oi 2ui>ctatinn. Ttventy fourth i his uiTocIatlon (hall coniinue twenty vavsfiom the firll rlav j: commence1-- operation, and no longer ; hut the proprietor* of two thirds cf the Capital Svock <& the company, may by j their concurring votes, at a general mee- ting ti be caiied for that excels pur- ! JK>:e. revise or alter thcic articles, or any of them, or devolve the company at any pri >r period ; provided, that notice of {lich meeting, and its object, (hall be published in all tht Provincial News-pa- pets for Six months prcvjms to the time appointed for fuch meeting ; and pro-| vjderi aHo, that no teviliOM 01 alteration of tbcfe ai tides (ball fubje& any lioek- b<-lder or Stockholdetb to be bound be¬ yond the amount of his, her or theit J Stock. Twentyffth. Immediately on any j drflolution of tm> afTciatior., eff.ctua meagre* (hall be taken by the Director I have said above, that this letter and that of the Post Master of Kin»s- tnu, would have been below notice,! but, for their connection with serious concerns ; and. in this re.-pect I mu.st beg the particular indulgence of the public, in developing, how this letter, and the conduct of its writer, became serious to me. It must be remembered, thatllaser- * 1 man the elder, wa- chav^rd by the Ai- torftey General, with a serious pret¬ ention against me, and had boasted of bavmg this charge* fr.vlnigbJs before m\ arrest, which could not possibly be true. Jf. however, he bad the charge scut to him, by the Steam Boat which brought me ro Kingston, the UvhMay. and this I believe was the case, then hi- brother could very Wfil bo informed of it by the 20th of that month, when I visited Kruest Towu. N-w, al¬ though it did not occur to nn. "icn, nor fill the publication of Ka^erman's let¬ ter, hereto annexed, and till much in¬ formation otherwise, had reached me 1,; j of the shocking character, which both a]*the brothers bore in the country, it i WW ft quarreling, ■ then txiilitfg, tor elofing all tli= concerns of x'-e company, a-nd for dividing the ca j^tal and profit*, which may regain, among the Stockholders, in pioportion to their .e'pettive intertft: lu Witnefs whereof, we have hereun¬ to let our names at. Kioglfon. (7 3 months ) G 01 rEliJSMENT^ALE7 lfj)Y AUCTION", will be fold at the JD3 Barrack Store Wharf, on TUF.S- lMY the 8th >eptcmber rext (If wrdvher fhould be unfavourable that day t)ic fale will be poflpced tht hill favourable day Following) A large quarity of condemned M&rraek Stores^ he I on to Sec, &c. 730 231 313 6'.- 8 863 9 15 10 CoN-ISTJNG OJ B' tl Case*, IrMsters," l^irsSiieets^ Bankets^ Hues, Iron Pots, Pairs Wotcr Buckets, Pairs Dog* Irons, Fire ShoM'ls, 3 Pairs Ton^s, 60 ^abies, Axes, Cross Cut Saws, Cand'osticivS, LanthoriiS, Padlocks, C!iairs_, 1 Forms, Snow Shovels, Pounds Candles, Pi Stoves, 938 Pipe Lengths, 15 Pans, g4 Sland*. Sa^e to commence at 12 lioon, preciiely. AKCHD. McDO\'El.L, s 5 20 10 56 40 55 3 150 bV .ock, Audi'Aieer. Kingston, August \f)th 1818 ■3 ^ * 7 ust pub lis he d ; 'iobehad at this -'fTice, and Stores through the Piovincc, Mr GOUULAY^ ^U ID MESS TO TBEJUKIf, on his trial ai Kingston /Vsirizes. HisNARHATiVB, and the TRANSACT10MS OV THE CON V KM ION FRIEND8 TO ENQUIRY : pi Ice 1/3 f ■•:h. " ATTOENJE8 Elank Bills ot '"obis, for bale a: this OlLce. did then strike me, and the more 1 re- fleet on all circum tancc=, the more am ! j I convinced, that from the beginning I a con-piracy was formed to blast my rejjutation, ami to prejudice rhfc p«b-j .I lie mind every vtay against me, in or- )|dpr that these Ifa^erman's, and the party in power, might be -^uccesyful in bringing me to condemnation. u Yes," i^a} s the younger, in hi- infamous epis¬ tle, u the jaws of your lawyer, may yet quiver to your condemnation." Do these words not instantly throw tight, both on thf character of the men and (heir machinations. They are ehai!\ expressed, as if the writer was alread) retained to plead against me ; and tin doubt, where the Khi^ was to b?ar the expense of prosecution, the one broth <i wdiilu naturaify brin^ the otli^f info practice, so creditable and ^ure of pro- lit, especially, if they could carry the point at issue. On my arrival at Kiny,s- 'dii, and en reading the annexed let-1 ter, the whole view of the villanous de- ci;yn« against me, (la-hed on niy mind. I found many people, disgusted, both | vn ith thib letter and Macau lay's ; but, nobody could feel so strottgly, or see] so el'arly on t!ic subject as myself. I had just finished a tour, which had convinced me, that a whole host from Kingston to Cornwall, was in arms against the cause of truth ;—that law¬ yers and magistrates, through th« h hole extent, were secretly informed of Hagennan's charge from the ,\ttor-j ney General, had i^ot bold in their con- fidenee if my destruction, and were sfnvins to hasten it by the foulest means—not by slander only, but by arrests and violence. When 1 had -eeu all this, and passed through a cloud fo highly charged w'th combus¬ tion, was I to cower when I came to [the source whence the vapours had ri- vn, and was in near contact with the da?mons, who had sent them forth to 1 pollute the air. No. certainly, ! wa- not to fear Speaking the truth, though beset i)) liars or assassins : 1 was not to dr^ad toui-liiug the wires which could draw forth an explosion, be.-t fitted to display to the wurJd the true character,1- f>f m *n, combined lor pur¬ pose she most diabolical. Before pro- ceedinnto my publication, which v>oi li¬ ed up the evil passions of these men to a suitable discharge, let us review 11n- i^ennan^ writings more minutely, now j that they seem worthy of notice. TheCircokris dat d the L20th of May, the very clay v\hen { lir^f saw the « riter at Kfnesst Town. 1 was ueeom- panied there by Mr. Wahburn, and my only previous acquaintance, in th< rillaee. nth Mr. McKay. They mad • me known to Dr. Baker, and several Other people, who were at the tavern All were civil to me,-and I returned theif civility : a- to " courting the ap¬ plause of the spectators by a dis^n^t- m% aflectation of h w faniiliarity,11 i' is the very iuvt-ntion of a rha!icix>Us and iviim -pirit. 1 xru the ias' man in th.*- uer'd fo t - art flppljUT e ; and in this country• where little ir»terconrse with mixed -ociety eiigen ers much W*tl\ jealousy, and what theTrayelbr ver* I earh disc ve/ed, a considerable pro-' portion of* false pride," I Rod my-i li very frequently g|vit|«! oiierfCe, most iuutfccotij., bv an indiii'erencc to tiilies. familiar with mv apperira(K>0. It jf known to those Mhom j have name(j that Hagerman Hpsired ff> btt illtrodlH.ed to me as a Ofivate ^ntletnaii ; b.,t . ,ma'rk W* auda,;ty whj(>h aQW ^claret !ihe came only tfl S(,e m ^ t;,p feelings of fhos* w|l0 hpar of a wiU1 betotbefflg in ihp neigh(>OUrhl>od : out Of his own mouth we condemn the hy- j pocnte. It is how pretty char, that he !nei»hereameajia gentleman, nor one curious to see a spectacle : but, for iUr beastly inteiitnlu of creating a brawl, fnrmydiscredi,. j saw ;lim aaVauce in an attitudb to strike a person present : 1 thiu^ myself bctwt^Mi, and begged thai he .vo,l!(i ailou. me to keep the peace. \\hen 1 found nothing w ould settle hi, violent strain of abuse, towards the per.0I, with whorn he was 1 withdrew, and endea¬ voured, all 1 could, to get others to do the same. My back, it would appear, was no sooner turned than he took upj his pen and wnite the above Circular, to the inhabitants of Adolphustown. He speaks ofdi?jiig this as a duty ; why I did he not sooner perform his duty? The answer is plain ; his motive before now was not s/> strong : lie had not. till now, the morive of succeeding in his pl?adings against rtie, in n Court oi Justice, by previously defaming my character, a lid thereby biasing tMejud^*- ineiits of jury nun. lie had withdrawn the Repori., under the iniluence of an illiberal, silly, and officious disposition, readily bending an carlo 4ander : but. only halt ('oniiin.ed in the propriety of his proceedings, see how he end. a-! vours to blink the truth, by -ayin- h. u did not forward the Report," thus making himseli appear oni_y a pa-.-iv janent. instead of the active one win had withdrawn the Report uff.r he had forwarded it.— The circular exhibits v. feeble attempt at rarious kinds of decrption ; altbo it ;s evidently two I hard tor Satan to kick a-ain t the pricks. He talks of the houor done hint bv the fnhabitant> oi' Id.', native Tow re hip to iiaiter t \\t ,n into a con* tinuanee of doing him u.>uor, while the comia.t, of »ev being deserted by | friends and Relutlom^ may the betto incline them to hi side. The friends and relations m -ant are nod »ubt Clark and Dickson o*^ placard memory, lij would 'i<>t suit Hhe satautc puijio-ie to iuivv- the truth t-«dd as fo the>« Gentle* that tliey were acquainted *%itli ■\ ith the n.o-Ji HltAy zeal, laboured to bring me to disgrace and ruin ! If the man reported to be hanged, was stil j alive, he had reason to thank me for openly declaring what was said of him, that he might, at once, put an end to a story co discreditable to him and hi- family, by publishing the truth, i r by making his appearance, as any man ol honor would do, to stand to the com- j whip :—my antngonifl obferve plaints preferred against him at law. ] and teizing hold, had an unfair 17he was hanged for a crime it was : iiht that the public should be inform- ed of the fact ; and the useful impres- •ion be made, that justice may over- tnk(l the wicked, even in their lli^ht. Whether the mail was hanged, or sim¬ ply made his escape from justice, the fact should be held in remembrance bv all, till truth and justice are satisfied, and it Ought to curb the haughty spirit j ofhis relations. Before my publica¬ tion came out, speaking of it to the Printer, i said that no truth should be concealed which could humble the pride of the Hagermans. 1 had, but a little while made this declaration, when the two brothers made their ap¬ pearance before me in the Printing Of¬ fice. Some Eves-dropper had overlook- | ed the proof sheet, and run io apprize them of what was coming forth. It is equally armed. A whip was handed me and I advanced to chaUaiitfe bim, which was no fooner done, than 1 was (truck, andacoutcll enfucd. For good twenty five years 1 had not engaged iu battle, and to be fure on tbia'occafion, 1 mewed a fad want of practice, though at fchool, I had ranked as an adept, f took no care to bundle up the lafh of my a this, £ uuu, ii*»u an uuirui oppor¬ tunity of ftrikina me repeatedly on the head. His blows only helped to a\vak« en me to the ft range occafion, and I he. #an to feel confident, that bottom, with every * .kwardnefs, would prevail over fury. Now, howQver, the magiftratc, who, 1 wjis told, had tor fome time, qui. jetly Hood aloof, feized me by the ar<n and required of me to keep the peace__. Ke no iooner did this than a gentleman j called out, that Hagerman was the ag. Igt-ilor, and required the magtftrate to rake his depofitioa, that the offender fiSould be fet ured ; but, this the maais, ufed to do ; and I had af'cr. wards to order an arreft and prufecutten, oti my own oath. To put this on recj-rd i*3 not plea fa nt to me. Of all thing!?, I have a horror at flreet brawls, and nev¬ er before, fince grown to manhood, wm n .[ I a party in one ; but, it:it will add to perfectly impossible to describe the fu- t|le proofs of rhe ghandoned Mate of gnu ry w hich they exhibited. At one time | ernrneT:t and roorajs jn thi. Province, Id that (ieps may be taken to introduce a Rate of things mere worthy of a civilized age, neither (hall I grudge my (Haa'cnor my b'ood. beseaching the Irinter to withdraw from the Press what was preparing for it: at another threatening me and lauu- ching forth the most awful oaths and imprecations, 'j'heir argument to the flav'ng etofe4 my journal of a jjcr- l Priwiw was that they had a mother & „ un^rtatcen c*« promote tnc virtuous sisters whose feelings would be injured.[\\&fyfc*.*#+ fftyhrgr h»*Y »$ #* ^- riu n me in England !JV partakinii. f(»r \y\'^\ rugfther, thu Yi&ttdshi I told (he Printer (hat I had not only a mot her-and sisters, but a wife and children i^ whom my character was m dear,—that he had admitted into Ins paper every species of slander against my character ; and, that since he had published such falsehoods which mighl ■ro home to Kn^'.and, he should not iliuc-h from doing hi? duty in publish¬ ing truth. Seeing (hat neither impre- catious nor threats could succeed, the younger flagerman came up to me and said,6*Mr. Goutlay, let ine entreat you, in mildness, to withdraw your publication." u Sir, said (> since you . ntreatme, in mildness, I shall make you lids offer,—insert in this day's newspaper an apoloj/y for your letter to me, which appeared in tin lust Ga¬ zette, and, the article you complain ol peccable inhabitants r.f Niagara Di&ric^*i I only with, that up to the p*< fent r|ate nothiri|T need be faid. Fools howevc■, feem to fprtnjr up wkhont end unJ** [ the prcfent fy(k*m of corruption in l'p- pef Canada, You would fee from ine Jpuhiifhed tra;.f::c"t:ons of 4i the CouveR- 11ion 'r(Friends to enquiry," that y r- Robert Ken's conduci had htcn difap ' proved ol, and that his C0Hflituents.WC;t to hendvifed to chufe an-uhtr .'lepreftu- jtatTvein his room for the PiiincA of 1 New Calilc. 1 his vas a mild n..<d«. of pioceeding with (lien, adopted out di refpe&tohia brother, our worthy fecrc- taiy. To me it a!:j)>ared too unid, nnd I fhould think every member of the Con¬ vent ion will be of the fame opinion, now, that he hat1 had the effrontery to p "f my id-.—that they ,eceiv«-d me wit Or ! as r 1 4 l < arn.so.i my ai in.,j |,..,. ousiv d me to th,e ^llt\ >pn ,—that lii.'v i '>t pitch of con-} rem pt for the Mini mutation o\ public iti'airs ji» fins province.- that the\ ' Would have usecfj n,: as a caU-pan to j wokth ir own, etuis : but, when my views extended f0 a comph^te purifica¬ tion of evil.—wii1(.n my enquiries Would j hf've earched i„i0 the conduct of! Govern.-: Gore, and biought to light] •ven the my-'teiifs wInch bound their interests with bK ;—tht it, tiny could desert, me, ai\vl liendiike, use every •flbrt to brjn^ nie to dhcredit and shame. Such f- % would not suit the petty -fogging la^er ; far less i\w feet, that I could defy the whole wnrtd, enemies and friends, to prove deception in my conduct. Hfhet here or at hoaii . i«'or ali this he go» s on to speak of hU conscious belief, that ! have uuposed on the country, have be -n actuated bj sinister motives : at»d, on that very day. wh'ui he fi«rl laboured to disturb the"quiet, happines & seruritx* which he might en joy nnd i ab loved Sovereign he would insisf. t: at my conduct and principle- tended t disturb these- On thai very day on .vhtch he had occidai demonstration o| (he contrary,—of in¬ active desire to keep the peace,—he Would sit down and give vent to such abominable scandal, and pretend t: have a conscious bclicj of the mo-1 uuda- | cious falsehoods. Whoever reflects on the nauseous tenor of the Circular, which! Lav:- now exposed, will think me patiei t U\- Cirvd when i could hold it oi m> pos¬ session and di-jUiiss, it. writ.-rs.. easily as 1 did, iu my comm nicafii a of j," L^th of June, iia^ty pas-ion, vanity. and weakness, are -a-iu looked ovei • bit high biowc, pride, dtrsign, and cou- Ftrmed,—unblushing viliany. jr. js ,;Ur dut) to humble and chastUe. How wa S to do rii»w_ or what arms had / to tic- lend myself against such men as the HHgerroan'W railing cue brother a blackguard was nothing : it m'iahjt be said ti.is is only voir opinion, i told what] heard as 'rno that another ol the brothers, wh >h.d been confined for lei^eiy, was id • reported to be hang* ed ; and, it is an anqti • -i,,. ,a. !<• .i(1-i that tiih t iu.ii ivfi* actually in custody, ami i xumined for Che crime of forgery . I M* r. al, bnt made Ils escape from I'Ot..' ii! Canada. Do 1 injure any niiP bv pi bli-biuj; such a report, ^o mui n a-, i am injnn d l/y Hie fa be p.'|>- it'i.. ens and u,. ilart d, that he would rather cut oil' his arm tliiin make apology. After the paper wa* pnbiidjcd, a •entlemau c»!fi d upon me. at Walker's Hotel, and advised me to arm myself, in the event of going out, as Ila^er- nrnn would attack me. J r- plied that I certainly should not ; that I alwav> tru ted to the laws ol the land for pro- j tectioil* After dinner 1 walked out, and \ns arm in arm with three or four others, when we heard some cue bawl¬ ing behind us. On turning round I saw the elder Hagerman, running furi¬ ously towards us. with a targe loaded whip. I separated from the rest and stood theassault. I had before resolv¬ ed on my conduct, viz. if possible only to defend in)sell, and, J believe, this resolution was strictly adhered to.— What 1 felt, on the occasion, more se¬ vere than the blows, was, that not a single person seemed to care for i..y sit¬ uation, aftei the ruilian struck at me for a considerable time, with the heavy end nt his whip ; and seemed every way bent cm committing murder. He was in phienzy. and under its influence i found it impossible to secure him, j though some of his own friends, afraid I presume of a fa>al catastrophe, ai last interfered and had him taken off. ! have seen more of (he world than most men.—1 have lived months togeth¬ er in London, where but for good laws strictly enforced, and a proper spirit in the people fostered under these laws, wickedness would soon reign pa¬ ramount, in the mo-t blackguard al- ptted him i the deceit, and be (hocktd weh fuch a difplay of callous depravity ; nee her cou'd the teelincrs of the young man hnrj- felfbe touched while he is buluered Up in his conceit, by uiipiirtcjpU'1 p. onle in power, whf), no doubt, have manufactur¬ ed the pifnetpal part of what he has pubbfhed. He eudovijred, by evcy merms, to pick a quaricl With me, at York, and even proceeded to grof in- fnlt in the ftrcet, that I mi ^ht be jvoked ro firike him. I de and let him rave as 1 would do any black* guard fcavenjrer. So far al eonceinl' myfelf, I fhall cor reel fome of his p.ul- (tatfments. He had pledged limflfto ! pro^e fome infinur-itions which lie had thiown out agalnfl my ehajacler, in a letter which appeared in tb-: LTpper Gan- jada Gazette, Spectator, Sec. This he pledged himfelf to do on the 6th of J i- Jy ; and, that fuch a perfbnal altnir fnouM not interruot the butlncfe of the meeting, I requefted his biinginfj it fi.r- ward at the commencement, which lie refufed. till next day, whet, he tnfulted the meeting with the fti.ff now publii\- ed. 1 did not move, as he fays, that fcr 44 fhould be expunged from the meeting* Mr. Hamflron moved hi^ expnltion, and was fecouded by Mrrf Coleman. Unf^.r. tunately this was not diieclly earned for the reafen above mentioned. Wh'-n a motion of adjournment was prnponrd the fir ft day < f meeting, 1 hedg¬ ed of Gentlemen, as it would not is t r- rupt bufn.ef-, to allow me to (hew them, and tead over, a handbill, prm!< :1 in F.a- j! |fland, to prove that the cauft ofiht poor jot tliat country,had long been my thrme • there, and was an ohj cl which I hav' ley of (hat great metropolis, J am ven J-ure, that, in 19 rases out of c2(), no man, una rued, could be attacked by jjrepratedly mentfr ncd'himy publicatioM auuti.er. a, i was, without getting iu> (jlo Canada, as a fyw tomj aei ttow here. p-tant aid from the Bycstanders, fct fail - - - - j p!a\ i. a jewel," would there be the in- -tanl word ; and though fair lighting mig.bt be witiicssed, an unequal match j m ver would be tolerated, as it was in broad flay light iu the streets of King¬ ton, Gppcr Canada. I was told al- i.-rward-^ thatllagermaii said he chose the spot ofa.ssault, being in front of a Ma.'zi trates house : ami that the Ma* Jstratc witnessed the scene with indif¬ ference. It may be imagined that fuch an af for Would f -on draw together a mob, and in tbin mob, Hagerman was lit loofe to return repeatedly back t.- me and hrai.d.fli !'• —an objccl far fuperibr to the fc'fdh co ^derations, which ihi<; low minded fellow has attached to my exertions — Could inderd the redundant popul:'('..nof England find a liberal vent to C.:na,lj# [and at thes T aim, no fcheme, ever pro- pofd in the wo. Id, could boall of fuch ! mndant comfort to humanm. 1 fpeilk a! it with confidence; and, had any oi.eai .clear conceptions on the ful fed a-: l 1 have, he wouM be ' Id In-aitcd indeed ii he did not do hi% ut mo ft to remove el> ftruclfVui' to fts completion^ Sine* t'-e ! hand «. it 7j[Wi.nl o/icdin^ uhifh e h< ivy enl of he. whhv in my li b- 1 ! •' v cation and tue tot«j, the it t-- week • has been menrfomd, I (hall %U% v printed io the >'i- 8..! »i ih :st pii pola] It cotitajr s ("av\'i up me, after fixteen year-- rtflvci'or on fcexiititoprevail,ii I e ffat< oi paurcriliT! m Fne'-od j fird. uuil j; \\il} c^ciic dip aLMiuion ^f j hi*