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Kingston Gazette, August 4, 1818, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, AVQUbVii ISIS.] KINGSTON [VOLUME VIIL—^«Jo. 10] TE. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of PosTAob * " *rT KXR Agent* for the Kingston Gazette. ErnoM Towu.JAMFS RANKIN, F.sq. York, VVI 1.1,1 AM AM.AN, F.sq, Brockulk. A. SHFRWOOI),E:q. BHiville, S. MN\ni$, Esq. Montr-al, \. MOWER, Printer. Sop'<ia^>urffh. Mr RAMTJPJi ^OUWES. TY> be sold by Appraisement, rililK HOUSEHOLD FtffiX-I- _m_ TURK, &ts bulonginjz to Major G'Tirrnl Tixling Widdrington. con- s:s(ins e>f, an Imperial Patent Dining TKbie, two Chaise Loun^e^ Mahoga¬ ny Sofa, IVmbroke and Card Tablr>«, Carpets, and Window Curtains of Rwl Mnr*»ou,Sid»* Hoard.Chairs,Bedhead-. m ith Moreen curtains, &c. A (ine Piano Foi*tn, with additional Keys, by Clo- M.t-nt" a. fhgaut Harp, by Dodd . DISTRICT DIVISION. rj's ordered, that from am' after the firft day of ^ugrtift next, the Mid- _.................... land Dlftrid be divided into the follow- >lsr, a Charing built by Hall, J^on^ •n^ diviG >ws for rhe h-ddin^ of Court*] 'Acre.__Slei^hR. 8tC* ofr'.-quefts ; the county of l-Yontenac toj PLATE. contain two Divifions, the firft divifion' toi.>c!ude W.»lf lflrfnd, the T«iwr-fl>i"' of Pittfb'u-gh, <he Town of Ki^/fton ^d^.-ticks, ffo\t* % ftpton*, F-orfes, Ac and the fir ft and fecond Concetti^' of ( Wi £»(£$• theTownfhinof KinKfton.tf^ foe si'h*- • Cfclf* 0M Madeira* Port, Claret, rifion to include the other cOnctfli :r- tf, old Hock, Tent. Alba Flora, &c. the Townihip of Kington ; the Tuwn-J HORSES. flip of Loughborough, a.id the \i>wn- j ^wra* fine Char^Ts, which draw fhio of Portland : 12 • tronir plated oblong Dlfthefi wit'* l'fs '.' r LT: i WW Coolers, Can- ;i«(,i: in M?T ew*and a well trained and The county of \cMington to be one .compH • Lnd\'< Horse ; two very Cm Divilion The County of Lenox to be one di-1 vifion ; I The County of Halting* to be one di- j Vifion ; ; The t nvnfhip of Amellafburgh to be1 «}flf- divifion ; J \ The town'hip of Hall^weTl 9«td R«- • pjuaflmrgh together including the hi?' ®j£ LCie thank* to hi» friends and th- Ifland to be radttfifim. ,'.public in general, for the very liberal And th^ Townfhip of vlarv&nrgti toj^jippfti be baa received fince his com be one divifion. The Juflices ading : •rocnc*mentl and beaS le;.ve t»» inform vviihin a«.d for each divifion, or the ma- them that he has now arrived and ooen jV part of them to KijW'ff rhe plaiw of |for fat* a very extenfive and well felec holding the court within and for their ted affbrtffiCfll of Cow*, in Ml milk. Kingston JUy 20, 18 IP. NEW Ironmongery S T O R E. irO TN W \TKINS returns hi. (in I divffjons. Ordered by the Scfliuns 16th July, I AT.LAN M..cf.EAM, Clerk of the Peace Mid. DhUlQ 9 3 Hardware, Cut¬ lery, Sec. which be will difpofe of unufoally lot? Boot ,:toe and leather, !f,,r CiifJ- I^»*w»^ "f^i: ___ imFmm _____ [famongfT which are ieve-a! ton?* of well ■ afTo".«d "*wed<** and Eoelifli If n.round land t~qua«e rod Iron. Crawley & I. Mill !ter S'ce! ; ivri-*U [h\ Nails from 4.! to |<*cd cut Shinglt arid ' 'lapboardui^r d«i ,Sp*U;" -^t1 fiz-."*, Horie SlK>e*a»d Nii's, O Jl Vj)ji1,iLj(i THE vSubfcnberi refpr^fidly in¬ form the public that they have removed fo the 8t'»re* latelv occuoied hv MefTr. Johns and Finkle. and have re¬ ceived or the late importation';, and of¬ fer for Sale, a good and well fele&ed affortment of DRY AND FANCY G O OIDS9 idanted to the feafon, confiding partly •A rhe following articles, viz. Black. Blue, Gev, and Brown Su¬ perfine and fecond Clothfl. White and coloured Flannels, alTorted fingle a;td double milled woollen Kerfeyuie»e«, La- dfeq Pehece Cloths of different colour*., Velvets, Corduroys, corded Kerfey- rxier4v«and Princes Cord, Coito ; Ker- fr-yrere, Fuftians, Janes, Meifeilh, Di nMmicies and Nankeens; Ru(fia duck, Brown Hoi-and. Imitation Sbceuug* and coatfe Canvafe, Plain and figured Bombazetts aflorted colour*, White and coloured Cambrtcks plain a*-.d figured JackoneU and book Mnflins, fuper- fine PrintR and common Calicoe**, V ot- toa Shirring, Steem Loom wrought \ ottons, Gumgh* and Lone C^otWs, Ginghams, ftrlped cotton, "1 ur.k-y it ripe 3nd Apron checks, 1 -ifh I incn«, Linen and Cotton Bedtick^, Furniture vali- coes, I men • ambruks, Linen and cot- Inn Dia er Tali-e ^ lothu St -ckinrtti and Stot'lcinett Drawers, Silk, Joilnett, VTe-feill-, Swanvlown, a»d Patent t ord Vetting, <i'k and ottofl Lean and Mul Mul 4 4 g +7 + ShawU, a few oiece* plafii and 1' »!nnred Lutelbine", Ladies coloured fiik O'o«c«« Ladir«andj Qentlcncn* Wcollen Cotton and Worf r :dHoei. Silk Handkf?. Pocket do. I v'-'tton I ^cen, Cotti*n Fringe*, kibhons, Irrad I'aoe. Sewing filfc, Pina, Siik- twilt nn I Brace«, kc 3<c. Vu!- . '1 - "rrriai From Laguira. Phdadclphia papers con tain a tranflatidn from chc daraccas Gszctfe Extraordinary rf zcjiH April, of a dc** p/.tch from the loyalilt general P!a, detailing the particulars of an act'on with the patriot army under Bolivnr, on th MhBnndK ;VTOTICEu hereby jjff- D'stria. \ 1 ni en, that a Court of Oyer ?nd Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, Aflizeand Niai Priua, will be j held in and for the laid DillriA, at the: Court Houfe, in rhe Ti>wn of Kiagf-I ron, on Monday the Tenth day of Au- ffuft ntxt,atteNoVWkinthefoTenonn; the 17th of 1 hat month It appear- by jt which time and place, all Magittrartea, this, that, alter a forced march. Pa, •oronersConllables, iind all others con- early that moimn*, rea'-hH cerned are dffircd to be there prefent, and to do and perform what to their te- veral Officer, in that behalf belong. JOHN M'LF.AN, Sheriff, M. D. Kingston, July 27, ltfi8. 9 A Farm FOR SALE, place where Bolivar was Rationed witli 14 more than 700 ;avalry «..,. ^^ infantry, and made prifoner of a fervant, who i .formed where htfl mafter waj Deeping," and a ftnall party wan des^- patched to fecure hirn. Bolivar nar¬ rowly cfcaped. Rifng at the moment 'hey wfre about 10 for prize him, he fled to the mountains ; \\p three compa.ii-.na, among whom was his prieit, friar piado, were killed.—At day light, however. TV-EASANTLY fituared on the' Bo^var prefented himlelf at the head of I Oiore of the bay of Oninte, and' lus f,'rces> and t!,e tw0 wwtt *<re immediately oppofite the Upper Gap— \ 1w,,h,n ffun ™* of each other. A brinn the Eafl half of Lot No. 18 in' »»" adiou enfoed. Bolivar cave war. the firft conceffinn of FiedericklbuigU— l|a"d wa»P«^ed in every ji-cftion, wi h About 40acic= are under improvement, j gr^t !ofs. Pla. com:jl-jin^ of the h«H- w-ll fenced, and a new fnme Houfe,! "c(a «J» WJ»^ had he pofTcfled I 200 ufeful h )rfes, that d iy w -u'd have . I ended rhe cireer of Bo'lV^r a»i^ h?% fa|„ with a pood celh-r on thepremifes. The above farm will be f-dd together with * pair of rtrnng work Hjrfcs, a Wajx\»on ?nA Far ■•inff utenfilft. .Application to be made to the Prin¬ ter. July 2 7 9- A New IJne of A G e: u 1 ¥iT ILL commence running on 6th 7 Jm 1 y, 3nd leave the Carrying Place Monday and ThurfJav, 2 o'clock. I The fare for Yo»k. a dillance of roS f mi'e*, will be P 2 : o : 8—and paid as follows. From Carrying Place to Blan chard-, 18 miVs at 4I, 6/: fom Blan- chaid*. to Hamilton villaae, 16 miles at LikeU'iiea quantity of well flavoured! Strang JamaicaSpMti, warranted pood Ij4f-1 ?/+ = from Hamilton village to Hart r- ai< pro ^ o .,. 1. 11 to 2, * oeniael welk, 14 •< i'v- at 4 U 4/H 5 f'«m Hart- Boot and Shoe !!a!r.TH 2nd L >c Chains ; Shee* Lion and Oouble Sheet in bundle*; hai and ,(h-.Tt C- pp-r. Anvtla, View, Smltbnan'J Inanulactory where they keeu condantlv ; 1 r. , n-M..^ 11 u u„ ««^ , /1 - r t 1 . , rv-tehen tSeHow*: ItroriT Honk* and on i.3iid, a large aitortmentot Law s( u: ., nfr wl* a . r*: ■ f,,, . f Mr: *re* ail or ted I17.es—• .o«.kjorall oei rriot*on>—100 fetts Cart 8ox**i ^x2. i5Tx2?,4XJf 4\3 4|x3|, 4U77 —too and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoe* of every dclcription. Likewife. a fupplv of good Sole and! \i ** tj5^«« ti I ,k c m ! • • |;l"tt« Ws»ggOHi Upper i^eather, or al k I'heir pre more complete bat*;. . . 0 0 e ^KtnlesMn! Cr.fT-nt Pit, Hand and Kwgftom June 23.8. 8. 4tf j f^rv oMr Atkt ^ nf SaW8 ^ Guns- dcicnptioua. r' . & |Mt4 Wi-cepn- 3-^2. 3 x?^, 4-^x3 er,oFaU k.-.;,. _ 1 j 6x4. dxai—Cnndft vne», Pa:nr<. rent affvrmvnt w ™* p ;tt ho,Ti j^^ o;, ;n j3r9 w j Cthan they hive hifhetto. Cl(k,_w||;fe « 3, ncV B^fs Brandy, l-Jolvd Oin, I Port and Tener- j riffe Wines, Lyre J i!-"e, Peopermint, Twankey, Hy' ti an 1'-' •vfoti Skin Ten* Lo; f and , vi-(.-;,d<i S'ii»ari>. Cr*ffeC| \ofr»iVr, Peop- , t v}\j... Srarch, Soap, Fi - Blue. T..baefo i.«d S riftft WA1 TE Mv.U> IFlrE, &Co. King:ion, July 27, Imi8- 9 PRO PO sTxJls ^r MfOS L4?% Author and Publifher ofl the !ate Maps'; of the Norl^iern part off thr State of well* to DiwilHga'S 25 ipi'es, at $d \cf\ ; from D-wi'li^^rs to Gallaway», 20 miles at cd 3^4; fr m Gallaweys to York 1 c, milei at $6 frfo (J 2 : o 1 S. Proprietors BEN] YOUNG, ARCH. BL-\Nv-HARD, ELIJAH BUCK. THO HARTWELL, NATH. DEWlLi.lGMt, JACOB G .LLAWaY. Hamilton* July !, XoiS. 6 lowers " " TMe lefult of this ^2y'<» a»> tion, i*, that ihe enemy have Uft -»n 'he field of battle m^re than 400 kided, and 150 prifoners \ among the former are laid to be g-n. Tomes, cols Man* nigue. Galrodo, Pinango, and Falacioi, and n^aj Para. Among the prifonc»s Lt. col. Beefolari, maj'. Franclfco, a.ij Morales, capt. Tobar, HoKvaT'g aid, and furgeon Oliv.ucs. Befidea thefe, ie<» wonen have falkr. into o;r hand*. \Vx have alfo raken jjo Knufltces, JOf^OO carteidgea, 400 lancet 2 (land* 01 color*, 3 ammuoirion cheit>r 3 drums, a id ;:'! ttie oiE.er's bajrgage.includin^Bol'var'i* On our fide there wsn no morr 'ols ttma col Lopes, and 7 t>ldiers ki'led, aod & officers and zi piivjtes wounded.'* Moofe, Frv<lcri:kand Dndly Iflm1*, in the Bay "f Paffatnadunddyj have be^o fuimally delivered up to tbc United States, by the Uiit>lh Government. " Several thoufand Scotch Hi?!a»der« have formed an aflocidtion, for ihe pue^- pole of emigrating to Canada." Notice. \ VTarTHEREASbv cheM Vt® a V V Teftamcni of rlw !^t. R»*1« Teftamcm oF the "at- R-i-ph, " « "j]— *< Uccafai in his '.ifeumeof Si.l-; :pJ ?- ™nat% my of Hnftinx,, ?tirttet of ;f ^«'«ery--T, Jir^er.te-'s t I dg nf a'l 1 Pb»ne-, Chifels and Gouges, Hirnmer^, j l&c- 5^c *c. ftampt and caft Braft '■• ab- . :ti et Ware—Saddle Trees, Webbing, Mew York, npper and Lower*Canada, Buckles, and all kind? and Iron Teakettles* Olrrom, d ney, County ... ..------A-......_ ... tt r> 1 pr » mL n . a ' \ Sauci-panr, lea Boiler*:—Hol'ow ware. Upper Canada, Elizabeth Osirom, /w«.J_ ^ » -fh Boiiers, Bake Portable Writing irted. from No- 9 to zt—braft dn affortcd—a few excel- [lent Silvr Watches—Hambro and Cod Lines—Shop Twine. &c. Steelyards— and various other articles too numerous itoinfert. N B. r^0 Barrels FLOUR, for fale as above. 8 Executors* GUbert, and■lbMWffLeaven,, are jnint'.v figar Kettles Pua' and feverally apooi. red F.xm.tm; ani} g")f' ^*^*e"r Iv «v u-' 1 a vtru -. a T n-, I' L)v is—lion Woe all .xecuters to his lalt W»U and I clta tj^ u r j rr irent. We do hereby reqtu-'.l -ill per j | fons who are indebicd to laid F>llate to call immediately on :he fuhferibing Ex eeutors and n-^ke immediate payment ; and all thofc who have any demands a^-| ainl faid Ellate are requefted to produce them dulv attefted, in order that a fet- tlemf-nt of the ertite may be effcdled as fpcedily as poflible after the firft day of September next. ABEL GILBERT A R. LEAVENS, J Bellville, 2id June, 1818. 5 To Let. AND Podeffion t^iven immediately, the lower part of the large Sled Store (with a wharf) lately occupied as fuch by Mr. W. iMitchell. and Bfuatc rn front of Mtfc Cartwright's dwelling Houfe. For particulars apply ro I ALLEN MACLEAN. Ringdon, June 29. 1818. $■ Notice. ALL perfons having any claims on the F.ftateof the late Mw. FUL- L-.Rfarerequedtdtomake them known fo Mrs Shaw* without delay. Kingston% Julj 18, l*li* 8 for revuing, correcting, -and publifhing, by Subfcriotion, A FULL AND CORRECT M A P state orvar- roRS3 On a Scale 0/ 7 miles to an inch. The fize of this Map its four feet four | I inches fquaie, comprifinji ;i large par^ of Peimfy'tvania and New-Jcrfey, with a part of t onne£iicUti Maffiacbufetts Ver- mont, and L^poer Canadia. This --ap! extend-- from the Canada 1 ine. or 45th degree of North Laiirudie, fouth to the] city of Philadelphia : aind from Pitts) borgh iti P^nnfylvania Oin the welt, to New-Havm in ConneAtQjut on the eaft This extent of coin'fry its nearly all in- A few leave* of rid r tree, flrewed or. ■vha? the floor of a ro <m, will extitpate To Let, rTfT*OR one or two years an 1 pofT-flio" JT given immediately, the dwelling houfe belonging t> Mr*. Finkle, late .Vfoor's ■ offer Houfe. For terms ap- p'v t 1 'Johns i? Fickle. Kingston* 14/A July. 1*18. 7tf Boards Sf Plank. « \H REE quarter and t inch Boards, _1 and owe and a half and two inch Plank, foi lal bv the fub'.criber. Wm. SFOUOHTON Kingfton, July 13 1818. 7<f 1 IO BE SOLD, A Schooner, Of 18 tons burthen, in good enndi- tion, with Sails and Kigging complete ftiC term* of payment made eaty—en- quire of the Printer.. » *9? Joseph Scott, ftM RGEQN, R\S received the fallowing articles by lalV arrival*, viz t Aromatic Vinegar, EfTcuce Bur^a-nott Kofc, Spirits Lavender, Pink Sau« cp^, and Carmine, generally uled as Rouge, Soda Powders, late from London j And a general :-ifloriment of Medicine. Kingston, July 2\Jl, 1818. 8 Dissolution* THF (o Partntrfliip heretofore ex iftintr between tie fuhferibers. under the firm of lilanchard and Ives, i^ this day ciffolved. They tender their iincerechanks to the public for pa ft fa¬ vours, and would atfo inform that they intend carrying on the bufinefs of butch¬ ering and fellinjr in the Kiugfton Mar¬ ket, by each individually, where they refpecltfully folicil a continuance of pail favours. KPHRAIM BLANCHARD, ABNER 1FES. Klngson* July 27, 1818. £w2 ______________________^_ ANY perfon defircrus to clear from £ five to fifty acaes of Land, fmiate on the bay fide, ninemiles from Kings¬ ton, adjoining Col. Johnfon's, may have the timber upon the lame, it bein^ very convenient for rrfting to town, 01 for the This Map will he printed on fine wove J purpofe of fnpplying the Steam Boats. clivered iForfuither particulars enquire of the i$ called the kitchen roach* or cochnach. Worcester spy. eluded within the li cs oif Latitude and Lon-'it'idc I hat deli.ie the exterior limit* of the State of Me% York, The Publifhei having (been employed for upward-of twenty fuitir years in ex¬ ploring and furveyinp various Darts of the United Stales and Uippcr and Low¬ er Canada, and alfo in compiling and publilhiug Maps, which ^ave met with very liberal patronage at,d encourage- roeutfi* fi-'tteicd in the belief, that his| prefent undertaking Tvril ^e equally well received by the public, an<d infnre him a liberal remuneration for&JH his exertion's and endeavura to promote an(J extend the general improvement and knowledge of hi& crwu country, and the adjoining Pro vinccs. IO 8 paper, handfomcly coloi'e^y audd to Snbferibcrs, In the Sheet, - - ft • 7 Dls. Made portable in a bo \^ 10 Mounted on rollers anuj "1 varnimed, f Subfcriptions will be received at this Office. ATTORNiES Bhuik Bills Oi Cost^ for §alc at \ ub Qllicc. proprietor, on the premifes. J.C.WILSON. July 6, 1818. THE fubferibers offer for talc, four hundred bulhelaof THE fubfcrhVr having been appoin¬ ted Agent for the Bank of Won- I Teal, any fum required can be obtained at hih Office for good Bills on Montreal or Quebec, or fox Specie. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. Kingston, tjth July 1818. g STRAYED, I^ROMthe fiibfcriber on the toth July, a pale Kcd Cow, with long lltaight hotns ; has no other particular mark, A liberal reward will he ftiven ta the perfon who will bring her back A. M\NUEL Kingston* I'jth July, I 818 9W2* THl'i ft*bfcriber begs leave to inform hisfrienda and the public, that he has commenced the AUCl 10 V B ussy Ess, in the Market Place, oppoiite to :VIr. Danfel Biown's, where every attention will be paid to thofe who may favour him with their commands. M1CHAKL MORAM. Auctj'onc every day at eleven o'clock. j™ "-_________________4 JV O TICE. AS the Subfcribrr, i$ about to clofe his buiincd here, he rtquefta -^li ihiftt aw Indebted by Note 01 othcrwile, to Call and dilcharge the fame with nit delay. S. HAWLEY. Kingfton, June t yth 1818. Oats, Peafe and Flour for £v!e by S. Hawley. 3 30 R fale at this O.fn-t - Mu.tJj ; Rules for the Game of WHiST - by Bob OHOiT. 46 lb Barley. J AS RaNKEN&Co.| Frr.tit Town, zytb fiiae, l^iB, 9/i u ■ ■ Wriling Sf tVrap- ping Pa per 1 Fu« Ulc ai ibis Odice.

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