^#rrcv* w*\\ :v .-vi-trvd i:» e^efy* r^nr -ft nrasur*, and a herter chance ttf succeeding id ^fce prruiobjrctH in A4&, Sit. Srmiue, (he appointment of tht* Duke flf &chmoml,tO hp I iovcrnor in I'hW Of thr OnuadftS has generated Hopes which enuli fc&ve <4>rung iron disappointment *>t' no ttth&t i»;hv"Jial whatever. 4ia. Hcttriwutbc|trofrtf*Af rhis Province art1 ClOWSOVlftCUUllty r*v.i.M-d toajiHt »eu»r ot' llu- t>si! consequence.* of mul-a<lmoiistr.'hiiou, ami wrak legi -lative proceeding*, thai when parliament a^aiil meet*, there is wvery hope tfcai, u*krro*ly wi idled )>>• the public fjr, it? ever? motion will bv- guided and determined tv Itcuer |>i IIIC>jltt*s anil more inaoly re.-nln- tw.is,—that, u> >hoit,the virtue of Parllamp.: will br braced and upheld by the virtue ot the ncopfo i'i. ?le*o?vi-d, that, u.-idet all circumstances, the Meioberj of ih:. Convention eo.iceive, toon tlit\y wilt be<t inn'ocmi their honour and the Itier&tof hick' ciiiwiikHcttfjc, h\ appointing a Imputation to w&n on Stir Peregrine MairlaiuJ, araiM»n ttvut1 arme.- in :hi- Province, or to proceed, rf defined expedient, tunnel him at Qn»b'*c, to entr.-a: a conference with hint, ami to present l»|iti aiiIi the printed principles and proceedings o?llii» Convention, and ot its sup¬ porter:. $6j Rfsutoi'tti that this Deputation sliall bear tdu>ii£ Ium Petifiiw-,—one to His flo>ul Hijjhitey* tuc PrSiictf Regent. e\pre?>iveo( tlie lovatiV and d.ltil'il con iacmtioil of this Con- veoflon (»>.he Royal dignity, ami calU'tg the Royal at u*i/htfo iniiiecoudtic oi'ada.r- in the la-id {ranting department of tfppcv Oann la. a- u "11 a.s .o tne mean* whim Hi* Ko\;o ftguiicsi p»v,• ^-», ,»f redre-injj instantly, lUt* pi^yaucr-oi c!»iirnuws for &»fleihijr/ b\ »m", fclld of m.li'ia We*lexpeCiiiiJS piouxi C& lai d , —which IVutioo, the Deputies ^boM beg ot S:r Peivjninr Maitlae.d to send Koine, uud Lave presented to the Prince, at hi* tit»t public le- we, b\ Kttch perswn a- Sir Peregrine shall tln/'k p-'»per in reuifiite in. Aih. j?-.«»»/e?«\ Thai ihU tnea«'»re is mow1 e>p'*vialiy t.eee--arj to main.bin tli;* rij*ht ot ah Ma.i htfibjtmin petutoning ihe* Tyrone in oppo^irioti UMiotOflOUf a *i»rt<0ll<i that pith" lie petitions on^ht nrce?-a;ily tub- pre*«'nt«»d to tne Til roue, throng*! the medium or the 2fn,ise of As eiP.bJy, a practice whtCu ha4* no pr'Te-len^atiil ;* It Sell ttt>old be Villain*' om' ofthemoai imponant articles of the Bill of Ri.t^ts, thai oFtttt'ivt pQtiikMtrug. btti. Rnoio-tt. Tn'at i.hr other Petition ih;tli b*» atdre^ed to f»ir PwwrittC Ma'ttlaiu! bimseJfjH.- td^tl|Ctiani Governor of Upper Ca- Auda, praying him to call Parliament tojCetber U-p-edilv h*po^ibte, that etiqutrv iu.o the Wan; of the Psovitie<»may be in* itutrd, nnd a tommi«iion appointed in £o home With there- luii, in m:c!i ;i'nea* ihe >ame may he brought, by ;\|inUfCfvof (!ie <'ro\vn.beto,te ,|»e Imperial P:rliamen!. at a-i psirty sta^*- of it^ next s.">- wUt| andsutnniftlng oiuo judpnent of Hw , rfrcgrimj IbtatrJsnd^OK rea-on-^iven, >\iip»^- Tit woibt not b-' proper Ml di->olve the pre- | »^nt Commoua Iioe.-e of A--trnlil>. and issu ji "•Tiff fo- a new fleciion of R.eprc>eiitn'.ivc.j -» ■the people of i his i:rn\ in^'V Cm. R?«>teL(t, T,:s< i* committee t*e e.ox- lart-ii tinK^ft ilu-atmve ineii:toned Petitio.is. '»■! repnri the -amr to ifiia Convention. 7/-'i. ft**ittve4t Hint, whatever be the eoii-»- r ce t»f ( ie»e r«*.,o'ntiori>, &::.! of mi\ lenipo- f Ciie»e ofprocedare.it is .he duly »! tiii%J t-^-i'e.l'tOn, 10 dovi r mea-ur.** bv uiuctl t!|' I Mr* »U \nrt»<*rn i>niin i^ni-'mu'i- a>.fl "V! • l (rr-ar* ensa^ed^ -haM be luuiiiizmt'Hl : a:v! thai m»d -so) »:; oiof ibe pr-eseni, 'v t< moi' re- pve-o i' n^thr will of so numeror- a Do.ly Ol I eopi^, a- bav*- alrrady rteriaredft;r!hec«'Hrti»1 ^ia(l take place. 4 ill theeuqnin Into ue'-tau- nt*t'lt« ptovinee !io-. been n-alr/.ed. aed n.« <• h-.ie.irMl ob|'Ct> obtained wUiCM ;; •: 10 »■ lr.telv e-cseniifij to the rtell-beiup of t'ltff Prf'- vince. HfH. P'\rritrd. that this Oonveiuine, the Ti*»t"*r to d'-roie he polity and UO't.V "f It* obj-ei. as wHla'todMingOWi lufhwnCo rven- tuin.- formed »« CCWittol and rom.oaud p-)hli< gff*.l'« :!«all be deeomiuotiul •*T«6 t>'*rn t;A^AD*4N CoWVfiNTlON OF PaiEWnS To BK- QntnT.'* ^ayannare the ^tne A^rt^ in ft*t tS^ enaMerl to ^ay fcc^ otir **A4 :?/!( :/V ^^//^ J»/^^ t^vfrtrf W*.] Neu>p.ip.-r>of the Province, besides advisiujc in* ' i ' ^ni rile i . « » , . , «^ each Individual member by letter. following general Ofoer. The l;nvi ofl Mel thro' a itgnkr cotirlc c»f edncunon - 1 ("7<» be continued.) To the Editors of the National Intelligencer. Refpecting Robert Gourlay. As Mr. Robert Gourlay appears td be ac.li»g a prety conlptouous part ia.i U. Canada, an outline of that gentleman's life may not be unacceptable to your readers. Mr. Gonrlay wax born in F!fefh!re, in Scotland—his father a very refpedta ble idrmer, of a yeomanry who have l*ng, and (till do confHer tlienfclvcs t>f the higheit and moll eminent grade in Scotland. He was at one time worth upwards of £^6,000 rterling ; but the hidden lowering of landed property, and having entangled httnfelf in f curity- fhips, ruin followed Hi« fon, from his youth, pofT flVd a bold and independent mind fo much fo as to have become fomewhnt obnoxious in Fitefhire, for what was termiued there, his republican principle*. Mr R. G lias mide a pretty exfen- five tour on fo t through Scotland, and poblifbed a treaties on Itatiitics and agriculture, fomewhtt after the manner 01 Mr. .vrlnur Yonng. Some few yeara fince, Air G. removed to Wilt (hire, in England, where he was prelT.-d by the Duke of Somcrfet to take the leafe of one of hi1- firms at a rental of i'coo fter*ing. Finding that dountty dre-uifiilly overburdened with po^rrntes, and a great r rop 'rtiou of its inhabitant-: (as he remarked*) in a late of paopcrilm, he pub'ilhed a fertc€ oFpaisiphlen on the luhject. ftlggefttng '+ mode of bettering their fu nation.— i'he free ft vie of his writings and tlv* fevertty of his ftric- turesv and hh unbending diipoiuion to the Duke, who is a weak man, invo'ved him in a law-fuit with his t>race, who now refijfed to grant the lenfe, which hej hid by teeter engaged to do when Mr.; O. came ud fiom Scotland The- latter gained Ma caufe before * judge at Salilbury ; the Dolce threw it into the High < cnirt of Chancery; the confe- quence has been, that by delay and the enormous exuencen attendant on that court. Oouuav.wi'h petfeel right and ju'.lice fin htn fide, has been nearly ruined. It was believed that his Grace ofj Some'T^t aftcd under the infiuence of I tlie Dochcf-:, who is laid to be a very high Tcmpcied dame. Mr. O. belonged j *fttht I^/iiih Society* <*f tvhtrh hfr M*-».< conlidercd a vcy ufeful and tnteUigent member ; by the ioflu.-nce of his Grave, who is or was pvefident, his name was (truck off the lilt. When at fta'.h the fpttflg before lafr, Mr. (J. called on me to procure infor¬ mal ion refpertiog the wcttcrn (rates of] th*.Union, having it in contemolation'o' aceompauv his frierd, Mr. Birkbeck, to thi« CMtintry Mr. B. pubiifhed a ped'.ftrijn tour through France, and one • from James I'm. to the ea ft ward, both; ofwliivh have been much read in Eng¬ land— he n<iw refides in Indiana llate* Mr. GourlaV declared to me, indignantly, that he mud ab ndon hisi native country, where titled wealth1 trampKd down his and his family's; rights. Hi-, object then was to vifitj the wefterfl Hates and O-lcct a future re fid en ee in a Hate where flavery did n»t e-xiih He mentioned he mould take Upper Canada firft, to vifit his Connexion, Colonel Clark, of Niagara, who commanded a regiment on that fide latt war, and whofe mills were burnt 9rfc R'tnfaett That to fae'.liraie internal pi:inu£*in'-ni and ln decide on all ^nt.ers Oi Inero arrnr.^e'n^nt, twobra'octi Conventions shall be formecK-^-one li> be rov.tKitUted b% ft-n (MWttarl'iw1* from thi- (Ive Upper Dinrlct* x'ttu the H"me. Crni\ Star;:- i, l/'odon Mid Vtw&tn, 'omrtci at Anca ivr.—the into*? to be coo^itutod bv Repre.enra'ive> horn Fbe flirf Tii^ver Districts viz the >'ewca*tl-. Mid¬ land, Jo'.n-fown, Ka^tern and <>»:a.\uy la ntfe; a' Kmjt«ion. 10 h. R.xtr.'Jl, T:.at the feppwwwlaliwa Ctov !iere roi.vened, do a^ ihey belo ip te-.pee.- Iv/ly '* rtftfh of tne^> tiranehes, fintn t-icm- srlve- ir.io-.woeotmiiltee . »*aeli in -tiWH* lr* o-Mt IVea-'iri-rand .Secretarv, io I x an * <*■'" mW„ « .nun dnv tbr tbe tir.t B-aiieb rcive.nou ai |lUn.j,^ th<ll cont,.ft, Qiher views, mpnUntfr^*oppflvelvai Anea^ter and .\io^r- k—j o.- itaj M* , i '«. *. .«.».; rvmu t however. ODoear to tiave arrelted ear. tou.and, to*t'pun tovnoiru a, to :!u* I <*u o- j » y*- rioi:. Hi t« -be,o app'untin?nt% tbat t* '!«"• I GotirKy'a projected tour. Branch Meetings be io m*. e'tiaer 1/v adi-vj'.o- J 1 ihril! elofe thw flee'eh by-adding, mentor, as nviv b»-aunou;ved, by ibe .Vc/- , tiohert Gourlay is a man well taries in the Ne-.v-p^'r** ">' o-^erwr-e upon the recpoMtion of t'iree Di^otci H p'V- Seu.'atives; bit :j». h/nnee. \ onveii'.iooil inee;- \n% to U<* cx>n.niered regular uittiou: tue pr. >- j I enreoffour Flistric' Repnventaiive- the United States are in full forec at Penfacola—a cuflom houfe eilab ilhed.j and capt. Gadfdtn appointed collector. I lead-Quarters Division of the South. Adjutant Generaf's Offi:et 1 Baranca3, May 29, 1818. \ Ftlloiv Soldiers* You were called into the field to punifh favages and negroes, who had in a fangninary manner, ufed the toma¬ hawk and fcalping knife, upon our helplefs citizens on the frontier. You have putfued them to Miekifuky, St. Marks, Sewaney, and lallly to this place, through an unexplored wildernel'r. encountering immenfe difficulties and privations, which you met, with the fpii it of American foMters, without a murmur. Your General anticipated a clofe of the campaign on his return to Fort Gadfden ; and hailed the hour with feelings of gratitude to heaven, at the profpeQ of relieving you from your. labour^ by placing you inq.iaiters and returning you to yolJr homes But how great wa^the disappointment, when h^ heard of the recent murders com¬ mitted on the Alabama, by a party of the enemy from Penfacola* where they were furnifhed with'proviii-Jtis and am¬ munition by a friendly power. Under this Mate of things, y >u were marched hem encountering difficulties which you aleoe can properly appreciate.— Meeting on th* way the proteft of the Governor of Weft Fl.rida, threatening to employ force if wc did not immedi¬ ately evacuate the country. This new and unexpected enetrjr was foon taught to feel the impotence 0f his threats Tvii ht'n the bofdrh of the eliablifhcd Church of Scotland, and having been duly examined in every ufual branch of learning, by m Preibytery of the Cauadas, and Highly approved fot eruditioiu talcum and piety* was licen- fed to preach the gofpel on the loth of lall May at Ofnabur^h, in Upper Canada. The next meeting of Prefbytery will be holden in Montreal on the fecond Thnrfday of July, in the prefent year. Qfnaburgh, %m,th May* 1818. KINGSTON. TUESDAF, JULV M, isi«. On Thur«dav the 2d July* was eon- sumed by Fire, the Still House of Hen¬ ry Ruttan, Rvq. in Dald una rid, togeth¬ er with all its contents.—His lobs is es¬ timated at3000 Dollars. Friday July 10. at 1 I o'clock in the morning, the Thermometry in a nor¬ thern aspect, at Waterloo, stood at ACKNO\VWdKniF.\T*, Previous arrangement pr -cludec the possibility of complying with the re-. quest of our correspondents at Edward s- hurgh this week, but they shall he re¬ membered in our next. Several of our t'orrespondents mu-t havepuiimccwith u<?, for we certain1) are obliged to have a great ^itare with them. BIRTH. OucuHirday, tht- 18ih inst. the La- You entered PenfacoU without opp-.Ti- ! dy of Lirntenant C'donel Fostkh, As- tion, and the flroojr fort re G* of thejH***11* Adjutant Greneral, of a 9off* To be ^nM"by*"Aj>pri;?f*W^rtt mm nptsKnoijD Funvr* JL TUliK, kr. I)etoii»iii2 to ,\!.«io» General TiM.tNo '"Vtpiu»-notch, e»«u» StMtng of, an Imperial Intent |Vuii:i r Table, two CAiaise Uouuaeai iVlattaga* ny Sofa, Pembroke and Card fabl^ Carpets, and Windi.w Curtail^ tfHlo<t .\'nr^rn,y.ideKoard.CliHir^,t5e«Utrnds with Moreen eurtiiins, he. A line Fin no Forte, with additional Keys, by Cie* mettte; an elegant Harp, by Dodd t also, a Chariot, built by Hall5 Long Acre,—Sleighs. &e< PLATE. 12 ftronir plttted <»blong DNnri vifh covers. Tea Urn, Wine Cnolrrs t ■•*:i* dlesticfcs, Salvers, Spoons, forks, i^. w 1 tN i*;s. Choice old Matleira, Port, Claret, old Hock, Tent, Alba Flora, Jicc* HORSICS. 1 Severnl fine Chargers, which drnw well in Ilarue<s,and a well trained and complete Larly'< Horse ; two very line Cow *, iii full milk. Kinztdon .lil,i *10, 181S. 8 - dav Barancas could hold out but one ag^ind your determined courage. XXMT \ V •J the llih. Hsoh^K T-.hu rite Ttv&wem o. District^ ^I.all rf etflcil Wptin, Mure tder Lhi>lr fnAd^e.r, any r«.*qtiifed |iar! thereet', to Of Tra-uters ..f their r«-pee'.>C r.:ane;i('on-.en- tions,on an order *»»£iiecl by the Ciiai>iT>an tit a-iy rpeilarly cnnMiuited meeting (>f ^iCti Braaeb Cah ?eatiou& l^th. Aes'-toftf, Tnat a renort of all |>ra- «Mpduigs ftftiie Branch Co-.ivrtition, kltall '>*' iWt-ially -ieiian^:-d i»v their respective Sec- Partes eaet. di^^itcMni; hi- report on the first MonrUv oi every month, ana that farther fyrre-p.nui'-nce ,!iall take place, if neee<-ary. 18% X-<<)!c.d> Thai a. t'.e District of >t- a;-.a hai hhlH-ffo borne all C .a $r- in bring- insft.rwar.l litis business, that n -hall hS a 6r4te*msHwU'n>n ofthc Upper RranCh Coo- "*ntion. tn^eiile up all elM.'ge-, ot" Of the fttnii%j;eneratlveo!!-cted wU'tioiUraoae^ana then to (Iran tWi Uif Trea-urer »f the Lower Branch Convention fur wi« half of the whole. I ttli. «A<o/.iei T.ut the Branch Gon- viMUioiis shall <*nJeavor to K^t I**' People »l those TWtUllips wh*re DO itepresentaliveb, behave been chosen, u> m.-et, and still to Chtwse ineii Hi-preseritauve», tojether with WerVeandrrm^iUttttW'tH but it this can- r«<it be Urn i^lo abnm uiii^er-ally, then it wul bP desirable to have an 8f*JH or agt-uls ap- p»iinrtl iiieaeli um-presenltd Township, thai uuy uueor more |mt»OUS may fcave npporomi- <y ofaiiii.nf a.i-i a«>Utin^ :ht geaenU meas¬ ures witli their name^anJ c/viirilmtions. (Sth( yr^wn.r./. That in case it *hall be deennn! expmi efli by ibe Branch Couven- ti*»us*hat«'i • Ki"nera) C«nv# n'iandiaUavwni- Heai Ynrk ,; jiiv particiltr, or noforseen oiai-r • (ielih ration, thai then, the branch Cypteuttoutf fekttil, by earrc-|iuiideB^i Bxttie calculated f«»r the object he his under- t<tkeo. He holds a ready pen ; he writes in a llyle of c>nfnlcrab)e f*rce and pnncrency t he p<»{Tcflcfl a mind o€ en¬ ergy and exertion, Si a body c^p'ib'e to endure much fatigue. Although bold and deetfive id !ti« political opinions he aA-fom real principle ; there is no? a particle of defitjning mifolHcf lurking about him ; in co-iverfati >n lie pofTefTes a frank and honeft 3?cali the true bnfis o( popular oratory, with pleafing off hand manners. And he is one of three fchoolfellows who will do honor to Fife- flure..The two others are Dr. Chalmers the prefent famous Prcfijy'erian Vlinifter of Glaigiw, and David Wilkie, Royal Academician, the no lefn famous paintei of the day, in a ftyle unique, and entirely his own. H. Alexandria, 15th June, 1818. . Official Account of ihe Cap- ture or Penfacola. The Spanifh ganifon have been feot to , the Havanna—Col. King is left in| command at Penfacola, and General J tckfon has returned to TennefT.-e. From the St. Stephens Halcyon, Extra. St. Stephens, June 3. By the politenefs ot Dr. Bmnaugh, one of general Jackfon's it iff, who reached this place lalt evening we Gcnernl cannot help aamiftng fpirir and militarj zeal manifclled, when it wan liquified, that a rcf0rt t<: Horm- ing would be neceflary( an(] would do injuBice to "his own fc4linjr9 did he not particularly notice »he judgment dis¬ played, by his aid-de-.am|)> cai)t Qa<h< den of engineers in \i!C f-ledion of the pofitions for. the ba(tc^c«f anj (he gal* lantry of his fecond aij capt, fj.^ ami capt. Young of the tc*poff»aphiral eogi- neera, in aiding him |t) erea the w»rks under the S« of heavy batteries within four hund.ed yards ; ,s W€\] as the (fejj| ,-d g*"*->try *f r^^ ?ttm, IteittS I Mmtou and Spencer,-, jn t lie t\% edio»l and management uf ifnc n;nc p/utnder, and that of lie^t. S*mds and Scallnn. clwfftedwkh ihe management of the howitzer. Capt. M'Keever off the navy, merits, (as he liai* on fcvej,aI oecalions) my warmcA thanks for hiw s^ealou^ c*)-o.pera- tion and activity in Iniudlne two of his guns (should an adUittrnal battering train have been neceinnry) nnd ffdlantly offering to lay his vclT.-l before the water battery, in the event of ftarmfog the upper w.irk ; his officers and crew defervc his connJencc-, The generalaffigtis,to col. King the command of Penfacoila and its depen¬ dencies, and that pan 0f the 71 h depart¬ ment lying west of t>he -'Appahchicola and Chattahoocliie nivers; until other- wife ordered. The teolonel will t-»ke meafures to have the volunteer* now at Penlacola relieved, preparatory to their return march. Th$ Teoneffee vol¬ unteers will be rationed fo** five days and will forthwith move tor Fort Montgo¬ mery, where they Wfl] receive further orders. The general in talking leave of col. King and his command, tenders to the officers and foldicrs an affeftionite fare¬ well. By order, ROBERT BUTLER, Adjutant-General. The Mexican Pah <i0t*.—A New Or¬ leans paper of the 2t st ult. gives the following as uextraicts from printed j despatches, intercepted by the It.diau Cornanches." Tlu-y were sent to the editor ct by a revp^abio and credible Correspondent :M— "On the 1st of M firch a serious en- gagement took place jn the province of V(»ra Cruz, bctweuntho royal troops Bitd the insurgents Utftdcrthe command of Gen. Guadalonpu Vittoria.— ffott Chiqii'i Huite and the Bridge of Araye wrrc. retaken by the [patriots, together with t!ie ammunition^ artillery, and all the other arms- « The loss of th,,. Spaniards was great) Col. Santa M%rju jb among the slain. « The road from V era Cru?. to Mex¬ ico i> again occupied i)y Vittoria ; a part of his cavalry u:;jer general Del- «;ard.*, had advanced ou yera Cruz, & raniedaway cattle, ^.c- " There are skirmiish;ng;it the gates of the town almost Vvory day.—The congress resides at >>riava, | roIeCted De- DIED, At Ernest Town,on the 14th of J-iJy in^t. "ti!- ^abra Wrxtioac eanwrt of Mr. W-n. VVHle«»», and daughter of thp late N\'m Fairi.rlil.Senior^tt'ltiat (>!ae". A general de- i'llneofueolibwasfiicceeded i>y a hectic fever which ierniinau"lber life. i»!)e v.a- hffllrfihle ot i»er ajjproaehinp di:- oi'iitiui..itid resigned 10tbe Divine *vtil. con* iul;n^ iw the mere;, of God, through Iheattone- Miem ot* the Saviour. Trat^.nul and ea'm, ..milst the t»*ai*s of her aiirroundiijp family and Irleild?, *he uai.cd, day after day, for theex- i'i'C.'vI, in-'vi'alilr hour, Mr-. \Villenx *.va= 10 years *»f a;;e. inorethan halfuf which period Ue pavscdit) a married ^tat**. She ha-' left ■wo etuldren. >!ie vva1 heloxcd iiilifef->r her jrood MMWP anrl many virtue* i and herd*ath i* tamrnted by a numerous ciicie of relative^ and aeouaiutanct. 1 NOTICE. UK Leafe of my Life being about to expire, and not being renew¬ able, I cannot remain lou^ heie ; I have therefore to requell immediate payment from ihofe ucil ns who are indebted to me, • ) enable me, before my departure, to pay thole to whom I am indebted, and whom I lequclt to fend in their ac¬ counts as foon as convenient. JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston, Jjh I 8, l8lSt 8wi A are by Captain general At^yaVarmy. ^e tachmcub ot Teran's ann> hnd jolnei i- luuu ^ * Y.Si Ltiai&r. Sheriff's Sale. ON Saturday the firft day of Auguft next, will be fold at the Coutt Houfe, in the Town of Kingfton, by vir¬ tue of an Kxccution out of his M jelly's Court of King's Bench, at the fuit off] Samuel Aykroyd, agatntt the Lands and tenements of Henry An(ley, a'l that certain traft> or parcel of land, befog part of Lot No. 16, in the third Con. of the Town (hip of Kingfton, butted. bounded or Other wife defcribed and known as follows, vix : beginning at McMichiiePs corner, hein^ the South- welt angle of faid tract of land, then liafl alon^ the front af fai 1 land, twen¬ ty-two feet, then North 286 feet, then \VeIt 72, then South 286 feet to the place of beginning. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, noon. JOHN MeLEAN, Sheriff M. Dist. Kingston, 15th July, 1818 Joseph Scott, SURGEON, AS received the following articles by lalt arrivals, viz i Aromatic Vinegar, Eflence Burgamot, llofe, Spirits Lavender, Pink Sju- ces, and Carmine, generally tiled as Rouge. Soda Powders, late from London ; And a general afTortment of Medicine. Kingston, July 2l/r, 1818. 8 5 Dollars Reward W 03T, vcitcrday, three Gold Watch JLj SEALS and Steel Key. Who ever fhonld find the lame, and return them to this Office, will receive thcabove reward. NEW Ironmongery 8 T () R E. TTOHN WATKINS return* hJs Rn- <*J/ cere thanks to his friends and the public in ger.eralt for the very liberal fupp^rt he has received once \\U com* mencement, and be^s le^ve to inform I them that he has now a*nive<J andooen ffor fale. a very exteniivc and well fclec- ted afTo'tment of Hardware, Cut- lery, S>c. which he will difpofe of unufually irsw. f-r Cafit, Produceior aporoved credit— amnngft which are feveral ton^of well aflbrted Swedes and En^ltih tVdn^f^und and fquare rod Lou, Crawley & \, hhu ter Steel ; wrought Naile from ^d tc tod. cut Shingle and Clapboarging do, Spikes all hzes. Horfe Sh-esand Watli, Pl-uijrhfhare Moulds, Frying Pan* — Window Glafti 7* by 8^' 8t by $|. 7 by 9 8 by to ; Tin Plate, 'l C, I C Wf I X, D C, OX, SDXt Snaden and Shovels fiom No. o to 4. ; Trace Halters and Lr»£ Chains j Sheet lion and Double Sheet in bundle* ; bat and (beet Copper, Anvils, Vice*, Smiths and Kitchen Bellows \ ttrong Ho.ik* and Hin?re« afiorted fi^es—I ock« of all def. criptiun*—too let's C'tt Bbxe*. j«--^ t'x2}.4x2] 4x3 4ix3l-+Hi—-roo Ttts w-mgon, 3}x2, 3,xz', 4i-*3i $*$&* 6x4, 4x2!—Orindft. ucfl. Pamt*, Puu'y. boirj Lintfeed Oil in Jars ar.<J Cafkn—white Ro-.e—Anchor*, Brdf^ Kctt'es MilKCrifTeut, Fit, H md and every other defbrjption of Saw* ; Guns Carpenter's tools of all d-fcripuana, Rants, Chilels and Goupes, H^mmem, 8tc &r. Sec (lampt and caft Brafs^ah- met Ware—Saddle Trees, Webbing, Bnts, Stirrups, Buckles, and all kind* of Saddlery—Tin and lmn Teakettled, Sancepans Tea Boiler-;—Roth w veare^ Sugar Kettles, Potafli Builers, K ike Pans Sec Stc. Sec. -Portable VVritinrj: Dilks—Lou Wire afP-rted, from Mo* <} t-» 22—brafs do. snorted-*-a few excel¬ lent Silver Watches—Hamhro and Cod Lines—Shop Twine, &c. Steelyards—. and various other articles too numerous toinfert. N B. 50 Barrels FLOUR, for fale as above. 8 ------------------------—------------------------------- 1 -^—^ ^^^ THE fubferiber refpeflfully fnfbrma his friends and the public, that he has tcceived a new fupppiy of GOODS, Fiom Montreal, well adapted to the fea- fon, Thofe who may fa"ourhim with their cultom may rely upon it, (hall, have them on the moit reafonable terms, eith¬ er at private fale or public Auction, for Cam. MICHAEL MORAN, Kingston, July 21, 1818. ^ . TO BE SOLD, A Schooner, Ot 18 tons but then, in good crmrlu tion, with Sails and ftigvr/iog complete. The u itu of payment made caiy-.—en¬ quire of the Printer, July *0. ^8 Notice. ALL perfons having any eWms on the Eftat< of the late Mrs, FUL- LKl{,are reqtieltcdtomake them known to Mrs. SLjtts, without delay. Kingston, July |P, tol«. H flfflHE fiibfisrihert off r tor Ulc, Ion _J_ hundred o ihe s ot Barley, Smut Town, ijil' J.fi., i«*4. i