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Kingston Gazette, July 21, 1818, p. 4

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rjtfhtotrVOtiV "'her 10 perfon, or by remaning Director*, to *rvc dtlrnlg the tfolJr Xy. wlrd Mhot have been holder, tin* of fuch fufpendon. ***"*& All Ufa.bon^n 3 -In.. th, e C.lrnu. month*, at the /WrW Kvrry CafWr and Clerk tvery contra^ and en^^rrnem IraM DP»r to tritf Jay of eleciiop, or ef of the Bank before he enters tlponthe do half of tb* Company, fffall b« ft tioit«f for tie (rovern^tnt *f tke ggain notes arid of the company, an 1 that of their ofR- i .in- thy C Clen'M. months, ut the Fourteenth hvny Lainirr RMVmi every coiiir-.n h.m. W^"<t on bc' cc"j»pd lerva-u8> a. they, ar a ubfarity I ,i opor totbtf fay nl cbAian or of ofrheBaftk before be enters tipofttfae da half of the Company, mall bc figned by of them (hall from time [• time thu-k e*. lb- oVnera" me, ing/whet. the votes of lira uf hi*office,ihrfl Kive bond, with the Present or Vice-Prefldeiit J _arid ped.ent., not inconfifteot with law, or th.lf -ck holder* are to begiVea two or more furciics, to the fatisfactt.m rounterfjgncd or attctted by the Cam- thefe articles of aflucntimt. W&*4 Nonebnt a Itock holder, ar- of the Directum ; thai is to fay. Every ier of the i nmpany ; and the funds of Twenty fourth. Tfcw uffoc iatnn ft ,11 & ParIfamentr-or alobjvflof His Ma- quaff 10 the trutt 10 l>r repnfcd in him. Nineteenth. The bon&», paper*, cor- ting to be called for that exprefs pur* ■ flv hiving heroine filial by the mm- Fifteenth. The Company (ball not refpondencc and fonda of the Company, pole, revifc *r alter thefe article!, or a-iy !-■ crtancl eeffion of I hi* Province, or any h«:1 J any land* and icoanieiita, but fnch (hall at all time;*, be fubje& to the in- of them*Of defolvethe company at a: y •v-■•'on who fhuh ha.r refided lew" years as may be neceflary for the transaction fpc&ion of'he Director*, but no flock- prior period; provided, that notice of chnfea a Dfrecj tr of the laid tiank, or way or additional (cCtiitty for *!cbte c*»n- Company a* fhall appear to the Direct- of thefe articles fhall fubjed any (tuck- fha!1 ffvca- fneh. tracked with the laid Company in the ors advifeable, and (half be payable at holder or Stockholder* to bc bound bet T<//'/> Nin« of the Directors in offji■* coune of it*'dealings; b»t on no ac- filch place of places ad the Directors' yond the amount of bia, her or their (ball bt re-elected for the next fiiccccd- count fhjll money be lent upon mort (hall appoint, of which they (hall give Stock. ir." twelve [Puutb* "f which the Prefi- gage, or upon Iand« and oJ,her fixed prop- public Notice in the Kingftou Gazette, Twenty fifth. Immediately on any 6Vm and Vice Pretidcnt Ih.dl always be erty, nor fuch be piuchafcd by the com- at leaft thirty days before ; and the Df- difTolution of this aflfociatinn, cfTcftiul df the number, pany upon any pretext, except in the rtftors fhall every year at the general meafure* flicill be taken by the Direitnra Elrvfuth* N<> Dheclov /ball be eitti- fpec.ial cafe above recited. meeting for flection thereof, lay before then exilting, for clofmg aH the concerni tied to any (alary or ewohumni, ntilcfa Sfatcentft The total amount of the the Stockholders, for their information, of the company, and for dividing the ca- t.e fa-re fhall have been allowed to him, debrs which the Company (hall at any an exafl and particular Itatcment of the pital and profits, which may remain, by a general meeting of liV Hook-hold- time owe, whether by Bond, bill, or amount of the del due to, and by the among the Stockholder*, in proportion *ts, but the Hock holdfflfl may make fuch Note, or other contract whatfoevei, fhall Company, fpeeifyingthe amount of Bank to their refpeclive intereft rc-r.cenfation to the Prefident <»r Vice- not exceed tieb'ie the amount of the cap- Notes then in circulation, and the a- In Witnefs whereof, we have hereuiw Prefi dent, for their extraordinary attend* i'al (tock usually paid in (operand «- mount of fuch debts as in their opinion to fet our names at Kinglton. »ncc at the Baiik, asfhall r.ppear to them b*'ve a lum equal in amount to fuch arc bad, or doubtful ; as alfo, Hating the (7 3 WlOfttto.) \z be realonable and proper. monry. as may be depofited m the Bank furplusor profit, if any remaining after -~-----------------------------------" Twelfth. Not lefsthan five Din'cTtnra ior Life keeping) and in cafe of exc*fs, deduction of loflei & provisions for div* L.f/oTt (ball couititflica boaid,f*>r fh<- '•xndStiaii th* Di"^tr^, undi-r wbofr :i«1-iiMiiiiru i.lriniB,—Provided that the rntdcing of 1"N the town of Kinpdon, on Saturday^ of oofmels, whereof rhe Prclidcut or tion it (ball happen, ftull be liable for fuch ftatement* fhall not extend, to give -I- the llthiilft. a Note of Hand, giv- Viee-I'iefident fhall alwayi be one, ex- the lame, in theii natural and private any «ifhr to the Stockholder* not direc- en by Mofes Gregory to Jeremiah Wood, ce;>t in cafcf lieltncfa and ueccflary ab- capacities, but it fhall not exempt the tort*-, to infpeA the account of any iudf- or bearer, for the film of fevcnty.five fecnee, in which cafe their places may company or the landv, tenements goods vidua] or individuals with the Company. Dollars. All perfonn arc hereby can- he fupplitd by any other Diiec.tor whom orcliatteb thereof from being alfo liable Twentyjirjl If there fliall be a fail* tfoned again (I purchafing fa id Note-w the Piefident or Vice-P'rliJent fo li'k for ftft h excefs ; fiuh Directors howev- ure in payment of any part of the fum or a»d any pcrfon leaving the fame with at abfe'it. (ball refptc^ivcly by wn'tiug, er, a$ fhall have been abient when the faid fharc-i fubferibed by any pcrfon or per- refer Smith, Efq. Kingfton, or the fub- ttjidei thei: liand^, appoint for that put- excels was contracKd, or fhall have en- ions, co partncrfliip, body politic or cop- fcribcr in Ctamahc,fhall receive a Rewaid pole The P'cfulcnt aid Vice- PrtfS- tcred their proteft igainli ir, upon the pr»ratc, the party failing in paying the of One Dollar. der.t. fhall vote at the hoard a» Difcct- minutes, of the proceedings of the hoard, fir ft initalmcOt of flix per centum, fuccee* TER'EMl AH WOOD* or*, and in c;de t f there being an eo,ua! may relpeclivtly exhonorjte and dis- djftg the depofit )ftwo per centum herein Cramahf, July 13, 1818. 7»'3P nfir^ brr of votes for and again It any charge thcmfelves therefrom, by pleid- before required to be made at the time-----------------------------------------------------— queiiion lafnc [hem, the Pufidciit, and «ng and proving luch abftnee, or (hewing of fubfetibing, fhall rcfpeeSivdy forfeit rfl "tr d in his abfeoer, the Vire-Prefident, fliall fuch minutes. the faid depofit to and for the ufc of the JL O Jjfit^ bavcacaftmg voice. Seventeenth. The fliaren of the Capi- faid Company, and the flock fhail be fTf^HE Houfe and Lot of the fubferu Thirteenth .Any number of flockhob tal Stock Oiall be affignable and trans- fold at public fale for the behoof of the J|^ DCr fituated on water It in fo t de«s not left than fifty, who together ferable, acco«ding to fuch rules and forms company; and on failure of paying the of the Printini? Office withaPoodPa- fh'll be proprietors of rwo hundred and ay may be cftablifhed in that behalf, by other inrtalments, or any of them, the den, containing the choiceft fruits—a fifty ftaies, mail have power at any time 'he b«»a»d ot Directors but no aflign- party or parties failing therein, fliall for- \Hrge and convenient Houfe and ftab'es by tlicmfrlves 01 their proxies, to call 3 mem or transfer (h.ill be valid or effed- frit theo'i^inal depofit of two per cent- ;n £OOCj repa;r- lt wm uc rcnte(4 fir general meeting of the Stockholders, for iral,uoltf<} fuch affignment ot transfer nm. and thedividdnds unpaid prior to one two or three years. For terms an- purpofes relative to tlie faid Affociation, fiiall Ire entered or rcgiftered in a book the time for making fuch payment, and ply to Mr. H. Cafladv* at this OfEce or £ivtufi at lealHix week's notice thereof oi bo^ks, to be kept by the Directors during the delay of the fame. to the fubferiber. ' in at leaft one Neulpaper pnbliflicd in for that purpofe, nor until the perfon or Twenty fecund. The faid Company TOSBPH FRJNKLIN this town, and Ipecifying in fuch notice perlonamaking the fame, fliall previoufly (hall not dircftty or indireclly deal in Pittfbureh July n 1818. 7tf the 1 in-e and place for fuch meeting with difcharge all debts adually due by him, any thing, except infj Bills of Exchange, ■ i______ the objcA or uhjcfls thereof • and the her, or them, to the faid company,which gold or rtlver, bullion, or in the fale of FARMS FOR SAI E fW*™^ fbares in this Company, fhall ipfo fulo Twenty third. The board of Di- fL.^L Pat^i-lnlTrr, fice ; and ifheb?:ht Prtiidcm orVjcc- become and be a member of this Cum pa- reftors. are hereby fuUy empowered to ^lJlII^fl V^dlCCnillll Pruit. his place flisill be tiJkd up bj the i.y^aocording tc thqfe axtjcle.ol afTocia. m^ke fuch other bye laws and r«gula. Ji'or gaJe at tblS O&Cf,

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