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Kingston Gazette, July 14, 1818, p. 3

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t^Vi!**~»J r-HS a* -!w t-.i.f 11'-n.= it embrace* arc wwp. 1 i|> . ju.1 tint wh^i that is the Cafe «mi 1 n true ba'an <• ■ ftrutk, woe betide the Grm of Sr k: x • Co. SCttO TO*. 1 fee llifi lift CMHRins Kill if-e Elq. amid'*" *ot Hate in ivha* relation be' (lands toward* the lludfonV Pay CVov! pany, whtth.-r p inner, clerk, interpreter, ' feivattti or deferccr. FOH THE KINGSTON GAZCTTE. ||r. fclltK*, A 'ju^ii'Mi havhrcn ngltntptl- in Hi* Gazette, l)»*t wen VI r. (rmii lav. ono'in sideband Mr. J. Ma-aulny and Mr. I) H^ernian, «i| tho .itluT idr. wi|»fh**] a letter or pactct iloliYenHl iut» the Posf-Oilice, may f**u-i't v be dHivnwd •if by til** Poht-Mn»tar< without th.- consent oft!ip jutoii. to wham it i- di- rectvd : in ffc." absnucf nf Mr. fJonr- lay, I fake* Hit liburty to state, that tin- Art of the Uriti'-h i'arliantPnt, entaiu (fohUutthe l*&*t Oifice, ut\\ Ann,c. 10. Sect. 41, ronlaim this clause,." That no person or prr^-uis a ha 11 after thv sairt fir-t day of June, one thousand sr?i-n hundred and eleven, be rapabh- of having* usin^, Of exercising tin* O - fire oi OlTieis of !;o-t-nia<:^r Gporral. or any par* Hifreof* or any other t*m- ployrnent relating to Hit* Poyt 0;h>.->. oranv branch thereof, or l>;j any wa\ Concerned m receiving sorting, or cfe- Iivcmi£ i>f letters or Packets, unless1 greatly trtiftakenoorcfiarafter.—Perhaps I *t*y n * MfchMy cor.ouhend what h. jj. at 'r-rian wifh \ iuiprda on our ■f»i d- 2 hm t-> /n lir lay* no lefs than tliif : If on do »*k. thefe ftepa to ex j.o'e n . a fnnilar v t wdl be pafft d/^nr; a u\ ill'ii y-«UT lit 'atiiii will be made w irfc inll.aM of b ttrr If ;h:it was hi* intei.tioo I »>urh rloub its hiving the prov»ofed effect. I btheve thrrc is in tin province * greater number oi thofe, m\ bJieve ihey are bound in duty to thci.f Ives and potency, to cndeavoui fry every gentie and lawful m< at* to ho'.J np a flandud againlt unjofl impofiti mi, in order for the future weifir.- of the country ; than tint, for -e^v ike ared to ne in Ifiaei, of them wt'O hid ii'it bowed rhe knee to Baal.-r- If nai.kfnd wtc not fubj.-ft to error,) rbce would not be a neerffity to keep a jedius Watch over their conduct ; but from ce< tain exp "lienee, we are fureof the **'M.nfr;and therefore i>;tcr thr neccflity of 'he latrer — Far be i' fr m me, to wifh to excite in the ni-tde of any, a difnoHtion to complain 1 would much rather en- eourtge that of thankfulncfs, for fav-rs enjoved. But that there is fome- th'niJ wanting *n the adminiltration of ■ th'« province I am confi Imt ; ami I am convinced tint =v wife iuveltiJiition dulv nerfifled in would reach the ca.ife and oroduce an animatinfif fpur to ^^d i'ti common irlfli other?, and frr*tn •vhaf [ have siero I think that if th»- ilairermaits had m»t otliciously :i"d un- •-.nrriTHably inttrfeTcd in opposition !o Mr. Gowrlay's legitimate and law. fill proceeding, thoy would never h;iv^ attracted his notice; beside*we have to consider that Mr. (iourlny is- now under l>ail to a large amount, and Ins to undergo an awful trial, upon the is¬ sue of which depend- the future wel¬ fare of his wife and family. One of the fla^crmans lie has regarded as Instru¬ mental in placing him in his present unhappy situation, and the public ought not to wonder if. under all these circumstances.Mr. (i.has been betray¬ ed into an execs* of resentment, [think von would not do amiss by publishing the above ** the opinion of one of the public, and especially of one of yoar Controversialists. CASTLGATOit Hmtug i»r h'tturs or Kackefe, unless^ «wryw«M««a.. ^..,..n«„^ mb person or persons shall first hav- duftry aot yet "^w* iu- takeu th" follow in^r o:i!h. b Tote some one Justice of tho N'ace for (he coun¬ ty or place wh'M'esurh person resides, frlticfa vaid oath such .In-tic* of Peace h hereby authorised to administers in the following words : "I A. Ikdo swnrthat [ will nol wittingly. Willin^ty, jt knowinoh', o- P'.'ti. detain, of delay, or cau>e. pro- cure, pvrtntf. or stiff, r tu be i»;Vfi'rf» 'detained-, or tMajfed, tt«t letter,-or lei- ten', Packet, or Htti kets, which shall Come into ttttj htttuls. purer/*, vr CHSfo* *('/• A.V f0R#&n ';/".'/ i'»>pf j/;ti'uf in »/' fflating tv the Pj&.v/ O^irr ; except fit/ tkrwas fit offh ■/.'-r.vo'i or fteryuws t tchoetihe x't'te is t/r shall be direct ,< flrby tin axpmts twrn f in ;crtfi;t. n;td$r the hand aj one of the principal ScrefarieK vj Statu f-i-r that p»iro-^e i arei-c/pt in >urh ca-e-. wh»;rc Mvepi- - tv or jmrtios to tvt:oin ut*hh**ter«Tff "*- NK|.lWkH or I:aeket, shall !>:• dir -i - ted, oi wh:> is or are h"r d>> cliar^eiH^. *ith Mr* [)a\npni "f the p-.st or oos1 thereof., -hat r 'fn-*- or n^^lfet lo pa y the'uv": and e\;«.pl ucii Lii.-i i>r»rk-'»^ ft' ^"H i)r l*|fcf**rtied lor vvi ,| 0f Ire • dir..lions, "i- wIimHIi:' pa;:.' e> pa*t" ' ' u'i,m:i f•' ' >JI '" :,v "r shal' be dire-" d, <anp>( b ■ I u'l : au ! thMt I «:M '"i 'u,y rtn) •■* '*' ' '■ ■" ***y 5Uih t M i •■• h ( rr. t irk. f tr lacl*- ijt* a* .ijor^-a'd." |[.? tit'1 \ ( b,,,,1 nepiHi^cd ? If s--> \«t Mio I'^o- ■ i'U ■»■?! i>" P°- ir'4*' ou ffn Po-4 0','R- *:'" fW>1 vht*rH/, Ihiirspd bni the Pai,lw*,,u,t. can di-pee.se: wilji th Ia«". Now, to o »i»il of fitet* was not lh< ket in ijtt'tii*'Hn delivered into Ml "\ FAHMEa KINGSTON TUEslKtr.JULY 14, 1818. To make room forth* A/tlrl^of tH^ Bank \"tieiafion. several original pieces, and oth¬ ers, are asalii iail i>ver 'iU Another vrek. NT- W-VORItj TunA 27. Important Vict<<rti.—Captain Jen¬ kins, of the Ship ll'oodri'p Si/itS) who arrived at Ualtimore on Wednesday last, in 65 iUy$ from Buenos Ayr*■.. Ijrii'^s- an account ol a brilliant ;i'id de¬ cisive Victory obtained by the Fatting over the Spanish Koyal Army iui.'liili. The batllo w;ts Fought iti tiie plains o| Maijjo, oil tli" 6th of April . and ihe rovel armv of 7000 men ucic all eith- or killi-d or c,i,ifured. The contest continued for 8e« ral hours at the point of the bayonet. The patriots, nltho' victorious, had.one thousand slain on the lield : and the vietory, although dearly purchased, was considered a» decisive of the indcpetidence of Chi-i. The result of the battle was announced at Uueuos Avies bv Ihe discharge o| more than a thousand cannon, and f!i joy ol the inhabitants was te«ti|U»d b\ a general and brilliant illumination o! ity for tnrte ?ucce^ivc nights. er For tkf KiMnrox Gazette. A WOXDKUFUL DISCOVERY. Mn Rnrrou, AHow me to eon^rftu!ate both yon •>ud the I'ttblic upon th^ happy appea¬ rance on this bloodless Theatre of po. I 'itical warfare, of yoar now corespon¬ dent, Mr u Observer." lie has di>- covered. ;vlr. Rditor, he has discover¬ ed ! whaMiie l),^il x\o you think he has di\covcrod '• Why, Sir, he hasdi-- •itvrod that c* dfauffiict'Oii" towaid- the fr. vernmeut of Upper Canada is Vki r1,1 bottom of Mr. (Jouilay's pro* m1:iijs. \\\ whal miraculous circumstance ,> 14 V< sapient gentlenmii has been ena- Vest Ol^ice at K.ins-ten ; W ^> it nu' *• dr;"CtedM to Mr. rt -..rlny ? And did nof the Deputy Kost-ma^b-v, alter \> cam:' into his hni.ls by reason ol !ii- enph»yiient in the PtKf-ullice, M per- mH" °i' ;* s"tf "" " f> h(' " opened, d-tra'ned or d:'!ti/ed" by Mr. HagiMvJ mtn. or some oriier pm^nii. tcftliotft th\ consent of Mr GmwltiH* the person to tthotrt it :C(/v direct at % and without any wai.aut therefor frem a Secretary of State ? The words of the Statute are so plain tod u*aeqvii\oral, that every read r o com ;»!id to make thi, dUcov ry we are left '> >tess. I am informed that this- wonder of wonders is now performing i eo'jrv-'of aiiaJyfical rt\p>riment*\ to r\ if hs eannol also di*c -ver tlisHlFec- [ ;i at theV<>/j. and in the mhlilte and .i Hii. ♦;*./.*> UHrt »"*■ w.m-/* of M. X\*\ n ! iyV pr-.Ceedin'^s : and ua doubt w* iftnll v»- , - >o»» be fnvoi d with their ;• -eit. How shrewd it i< of the man i have at lost found out what evry ;ie iu tlW c-ut»t;'v but Iii'ii^df has *,uown for nontlis past ! Art.er this iiet:lnc of !«-. k'-en p^iKrattoo, let .. not h" mirpri^cd if lie should heve- .«:!•» di eevt I'thal lTpperCannd;i is ac- »un'!\ situated on *'ie Continent of Afj'Vi-a ! Iliw sharp it \»as of him ' lind out tint ;» 'nan wtK '* Jhqfffot* '/'Howard.* what he disliked -\\\(\ con- e in I >f a- a noisauc-* ! Surely. Mr. •vlitor, «rrt it not It whaf Ga£. h-<* pf;sit'ci|,v wrf i« *^- l-th v*»rse oi the -.; Chapter of th'1 |.** Book erf Knurs ;ve should -av till - c" Observer" is ano- tbrr S d.rcton, and he may be still., for attt'ht we know, a Solomon Craase* \ suppose, M*. r.diioi,for vourn<°xt fj«z»*tre this Argttfi eyed u Ob-orver" w;M fufivi^h vou, for the instruction and entertainment \*i the good people iif I his I'vovinee, with som* sensible answers to some of his very sensible ,|uestions. I Jhiuk he meant to do sC ft \ot:rlat oaoer. but perhaps th.-y in to EOtt TKt5 kino-ton n \z^TTl^. TO-THE PHINTER Notwhhiranding I fesl r^yfelf luty houid, in an acknowledgment ^-Hon. Thomas Cla.k of Niajrarss for j th'-fe few pr.-cr>us words,(that i.) '* I (hall in order to prevent error In, and fefcue from diltrefs- the hcedieis profdytes of Mr Gourby's " one thing Heedful—v:z. ?. radical change of System tu the frovemoient of Upp-r Ciinada, , trailfcribc f«r ihcir information, ^nf wtract f om the common law •>! the Bn'tiib Empire" Set:. : I am Rl a U$k to detetmine what tVc'rccr he expcdled thept-ople wo-dd dnw, fiom h«* menti- OJiinifthr-aft of the Irifh parirr.Tvnt iu 1795 ; as alfo the tteatmeni of a f'W ignmant individual^ who in the fame* year, had dared to aifeinbk undtr that 6tb in Scotland n Can thar hon. gentleman fuppolc. that ihe nco;)le of anad » are f> degra- dd, rhat they dare not a(k fr their! rights in c^n of OCceffity ? that were we really impoW upou. we dare not in a pcncraMe mir.ni-r, meet roge»her to e\ ch^n^c fenti.nent-i and f*irm a fiutablf P'efcniition of our cafe « "1 wifheatr,.} thr Leuifliturellf thatbe his opinion, I mull beg !»« to fay, 1 think he has i :ng the o.d'.tical dUturb^r of our bap* iine-s iu his « real ptdit'ctt form" '?', i-. duty I also taitik he meant to n t?fi performed last -tccek, but wwiie now or other Mic Devil seen**!« rrow his jjood intentious much to the pr^diM of this worthy people. Btrt, Hr. Kditor. we .nu.u he patietit ; let u^ j;<ve M i. ><■ Oh- server" \n* own time, meanwhile we will feast ourselves on anticipation oi the treat which is ti come. I am, Mr. Kditor. You. hambe Servant, CASTtGATOa. T. S. I am 'init.- c MV-uvd that Air. CJourlay is not a um of •' has • prtiici- jiIhs*' i't»f' 'hat He does not p->-s.\. :t a ! old*1 or '• mif eliiu heart; M \8* wot^I . •jeinie-. b anus t-timouy to the con- ".nry. Their principal and most ivir* .■.,i*'d coarsea.'.ain t him i-,a "visi -n- ,fi ,j cttlutstttst !" and I have never j at h* ltd tell oi 7C-vW infecting enth t*i- ,>, / I ..I win t, however, to excel- : -• Air. trourlay, he ha- certainly .0- • -jed ^reat v.o».-\%c to the loeiio^ oi .re ilaj,ernnu, Un-iy^andt latitnvok . .; i(i,;ii-^ir;\. aid unprofiUblj ., , , i c;. :.o i t»!i unpr^jA .;'/./ a. : tot acpiu-.' J rfilli a;,> 0! ;|' j.uu,5j I have only seen wluu uas p Lord SET.KtRKarrlvf-d a. t^iis place on Fri¬ day la-.i.o.i hi< wav to VoiJ. coMMimcjtmxs. SVIr.Mit.E*, ■ A paragraph in a late New Yorls Paper states " theanvval there, of an iviejiishman, brining with lilm 51 per- >ons, stock and utensi^ & £ioo,000 iter ling in AIonky, uith the view of making a permanent settlement in th- lllenois." Let the narrow rr.iud^d and selfish op posers of Mr. GourWy look at thi- and v*eep, can theyprsduco ^loO-OOO sterling iu money for the improvement of Lroi>er Canada ? No, that sum would bey them ull.—Kmi^ralion like this soon turns a barren wilderness in¬ fo Q fruitful field a^d causes it to ;:smvie like FJden in bef summer dress/' Ves ! it would even su^ersecde the ne- ceshify of keeping up a Beggwfif Soci- ■Iif. Would it not be desirable to have a few emigrants 0f (hi* descrip¬ tion settleUpper Can^aJ—Then con¬ vince thern that a m . r liberal policy exist-, here. Xo paltty patronage, hm ruin.oils favouritism, PMudice or par¬ tiality— that we hav.. ai> admiiHsra lion iu it- highest d-|MrtmenU without a stain, and a judiciary occupied b\ meu whose superiors J|r? Sc;ircelv b be found in VVestminf(er \^n\\__cmu \ luce tlnin thai l(, f\tn ei-uiiny iuvh » n taste for VtmjKlicttV and reuneimut. that we have u. ,t f|ie pump and sob'n- dor of Art*toetftii»y. it* eiumitiacy. it: licenced vilu;. ;cej>nes-, oi its uufeeU ingopprcbnton J thar wealth ha-* not enrolledoi p* u.^;nneti its cla^se>of *y c- jphauts and pJ*ii-ite«, that there is (tu artificial bars * r obstructions to turn talent aside fr< .lX the path of distinc¬ tion ; tnat hotvnr stud favour bw* cx_ iii-tly apportion K\ to virtue ; tha' in¬ formers, tidc-Aaters Ct!>-p*j $# u-ud pettifogging sta2^g«vrnaugiw^dab fUng in the law, witi^ tn.. view oi its prr- v/T-ion,to pro^.-cut^ ao individual,ar« character? atiktadetested auddespi*e«L Convince the eftfrprhtn^ wealthy em¬ igrant ofallthU! .We more, and then he may direct lq, course to U. Canada. ilQ!»& It has been stat-d, on credible autbo'rity. that ,vn(.u Mr. Gourlay wa¬ in the District ftf Johnstown, a c< *faiu person, in on^ of our Townships, raised a party ^rmed with bludgeons, and as-ault^d hin>, while unarmed and in a defenccless situation; yet the assailants £ot soundly drubbed and were obliged lo retreat in di-^race. Such ft result of -ucti an assault was gratifying to t-very generous mind : To take advanti^e 0f au opponent, and attack him whbn unprepared for dt;- Ihc Death of Morill > Confir¬ med, A letter dated ->t Kmgfton. Jamaica on the loth of May, an.! received at Charlcllon, fayf;—-kt Bv t'ie arrival a' Port Royal yclhrday,' rf 11 13. M btiiT Rifleman, Capr. Duff, fi om I St. Martha, the news of the death < f the Span ilh Gene ra I, Don P t bio Moriilo, fiom his wouds, is confirnaed." S QTTEBECiJune 8. i? The A pill Mail fs arrived, but it ha- brought Loudon Paperboaly to the 10th April. The Halifax Paper?, to the 2orh uhino, men f in that a Copy of the Bill paflrd 111 the (fotife of Commons, cftah]f(hiii£ the P*>rts of Ha-ifax. and St. John? New Bruelwick. as free ports,} had been received there ; that it wis a mcifuie of the Government, unfolicited by the Colonilts, and would ce.tafuly become a law. BANK of Upper Canada. EJOOKS will be opened ct Moq^fj BLJ CefTec Uoule, on Thorfdav, the' 16ih m(l. to receive Sulifcriptiona to the Rank of Upper Canada, and will j remain open from dav to day, from to to z o'clock of each day, under the (u oermtendance of a Committee appointed for that putpofe, until the wh -le of (aid P - '. 0 rT i '-. i t f re.j r. Mfgston, fulj 13. 1813 7 Commissariat CONTRACT. EA ■ ED lenders will he rererVd •t thw Office until 12 o'clock on M nduy iht 3d .if AugUll next, fur the undermentioned fnpply of Firewood, Confifti^fr of ieach, Hickory, Maple, White 0?k, Birch, and Iron Wood, to be delivered ha follow*. One thoufand Cords »>f Wood 'o be delivered into the Fuel Yard at Kings¬ ton on or befotc the aoth Novembv-r n^xt. 'I hirtv Cords r»f Wood, to br deliver¬ ed at Bridge Ilbnd, on or before liic 241b Sept. 1 h t X. and One Thoufand { oad^ of Wood to be drliveed int «the Furl YaM »t Kintjilon between 2^th November, 1^1^, and til M^'ch, t*ig. he W od mull he of the fill -wing dimnifi'-.n ;_thc itick- to be cut full f«0f fevt loi £, a* H thc Cord to be * i^hc feet, by Ponr feet font iuchea in height. 1 h^ !Vu-'crs mull - ivify wo futcthftt for the performance fi ai rccieot. /ffitant Com'y Gmfh ^Jfce, Kingston. 9U1 Juiy, 1818 7 C\ "TF, into thr end fnre nf the -ib- _ ieiihcron rhej/h ir.ft. a VlARE. The owner f< reoticH-d to prove hU pro¬ perty, pay charge*;, and Lake her away, JOHN ABBOT.' Kingston, 8f/j Juiy '818. jxvz iVbc Sold by AUCTION, (fcN Thurfday the l6th rnfi will he J Sold by Andt* n, without tefctve. by !ample, a; the Auction KiOomof V?r C.DAWSON, at 11 o'clock in the fortnoon : 1 Pu icheo« Jamaica Spirlta, r Hhd of Holland Gin, 2 Bbls. Mufcovado Su^ar. lidv to.. fence, ha.- cvcr been considered a cowardly, di?h%orable,barbarot*saet: and th<*re is a feeling iu the human heart, that >'cj0iCes to see such an assailant rec»Ive blows iu return suthcieut w To co\^ro'i:r wi,h knob* an<1 pains Uiovoid r^eeiijafit-lorbrait^." But we mu,t not be too severe. Perhaps not Mithstauding the evnt, our modern Q'Kott* liad more reason to conwde in bpawny muscles, and a Solid bkullj tiiaij ju ^ue goodness Ol lli.s ca.isc, or his |,0,v,.rs uf argument. Ewry animal instinctively uses his appropriate nu:U„b of attacker drfeftCe. Perhaps, also, l.it was ;v, t|ie commi^on •l tli- peace, am| fejj himself bound bv ids oath of oiiio. to retrain -Mr. (i. from iroubHujI f»Je Prince Itegent with a Petition emulated to tlfturb the peace ol tho^ whose errors and abuses are C00|p|a;|lec| 0f# la such a case,his worship may |iave merited the encomium ol ti... j.jct bestowed ou a iinilar occasion . • What crulila^.mjrj.. „;.ribtrat»' do m.ire ? Cukeop lb* P^^ aC \t\M^,ci'd liruiscj Fire Dollars m m Iran d, iTilAYED from the fubfcri .cr, at Brock vi'ic, f nir wrecks fiuce, fti elegant Brown 01 -^a'k Ba) marr, fn-c years old, and aho'it fourteen; ha.ids h>gh—a white ftai in the torchtad, and L'quare dock—trota fall, and carries he^ head high—(he has never beeo nuked, and carries her tail rather low—Clean limbed, and when latl fecn a little lame in the left fore foot, from an old cork which is growing out of the front ot the Hoof. Whoever will return her t<> the fubferiber thall receive the above Reward. A two year old gray C'1'1 belonging 10 H. Elliot accompanied her. JONAS JONES. Brackvtlle, 4 J-ily, 1R1S. 7 To Let, THE Hoof* and Lot of thefubferi bcr, fituatrd un water ll. in front* of the Printing Office, with a good Gar-. dm, containing *hc choiceft fruiffi—a" Large and cotivcmertt Honfe and liable* in good rcpnir. It will be rented for one two or three years. For terms ap¬ ply to Mr. H. Caflady, at thi- Gffici,or to the fubfcriSer. JOSEPH FR 4NKLIN, P'tttjhurgh, Juiy, 13, 1818. 7tf Boards § PI mile. /jjj iHREE quarter and 1 inch Boards, Ji and one and a half and two inch Piauk, f'oi fair- hv the f d>fcr;her. Wm. STOiraHTOM- Kingtlon, July 13 1818. jtf LOST, iN the town uf Kin^llon, on Saturday, the l ith inft a Note 01 hi an I, ff{v- en by Mofe* Gregory to Jeremiah Wt-oI, or beater, for the fun vt few ty rive Dollars. All perfo is ate hereby cau¬ tioned againft purcha6ng faii N'oie—• and any p^rf-ii leaving the fjrne w: h Peter bthith Ffq. KiR^fton, or the lub- (criber (nC»aaiahc,(hall receive a Rcwatd of One Duliar. JERF.M1 II WOOD. Cr.iira'Cy July 13. 1618* V^jp LvtUes t '• tin •>:• in t « P . •> u V" ■- John Ali h 'i .io.«", ■. '1 «r|f ■, ,itiu . Ve<*at iif K;..p-«»u ii.i-j.iial. At \.u.iln ^ * I .. >.,-.- ■ • /v,rk.owi, \ir. iVaiv n, ,1. 15. Uu. r^nj, .'.imr 15-imp, UiIIiimi li-»l. ^tlla-i li \. LlMth li-io.ri, litlQK Mi ■*•..■ '. .U'hn Plake^Hm, I*. Braytoa. ^...... ii.1.1-. j.»- - *>b Ban, Hoirtck UaiagUuit* 4ame lAfU-r*, Umb C^iamii ?li( Due .1 mr, M . Culemau, iris tipber t'ulli.:*, Aii.a iam t imsWIid. . iwo ( M\k\\ li, John l>. £ ra\, -'. % .at e llav*, U«- lame Uuu-iiia. Mar^ar^i L.t'ira., l>mts ..Vtnaar-, J**hi» lie Karrn** i no. i"»»",J |; U lit. Bensard i»- h ,r., Jo.m u .t ■ *, Ll«rt I.ar'. .lohll Krtcii jjrii»-r. A: Untit I. i-\Tim- '^a* T.'ai . .lor-p;. rVr, • r d-r. w pai«uut>, Cwrry rerri*. t |r ,/.»■• I. irrrw ot 1- i...-, rt»oni&s FUp. ( ale< Foe, Mo-e? Kutui -i-, i ap am I oy. Mat v l'»;.:Mis. MndutiK 'la;* «t. .'•itin Gratiarn, John Clrain, v(r. (irtotici m, 1 Irannr Ka.'l, I'ttUutrlfie liUiii:! -»i. Tlio,. ;:- liakuLTNoiuavHardy, Lbi-wt iiarrt^, >r- vtieii lianlov. H*anrv H. P-'r--iu», SaiRaH*l K1nklv>. J «Kii H'.-b»nJs Joim r....^. .m:iu HwlgsiHl -, S\|v#^.^i ih.l)*-n 2. Ma.';ai*- Mo*v, Jobn I'jtii'lri..f.»tm .Joim torn-, Maic**- *' JiihitMiU 2, Jo'»n Jcwie*, Seaman. Joseph K».' oy, Francis La^aii'lo^r, M:>. Laudrrgiui, Mar> bavv^m'. Fiuncl Lefrbvrr^ Loai* u<-- lilaiir. i)aiiirl ',.• .,1 II, S»rfan«o«i Lo.rr-v, <ir*». H. Vakan, R ..rial Mr Le nan, Witl*aai Kc- Gtaibofi, Ml .1 rt McQuaigi Henry UcNat- l«-\.fc2. Micv.Hi'l Mat'iiuv, >!a-t»*r Rm on l.'rigff No. in. Nu i^a.iir-i tferrill, Thomas Vjoclatr, Pvicfcard Moore, Michael Morviatin, t'a«it. \*o- -irr. Jamej) Mo •#!«, )-.d«a«d M irpav, T:..... phihi- N»'Ihih. I anil .Nor.h, S: g an.' N«'»n . Kiiuaiil O'Loonei,Caarh^ Odle, ilai. Par- fkinbon, A.nlreu Pa'toa* 'Fjat:cU* PfoUVr S Thri. a- ivr,-riai. Samuel Phfln^, W. Powr . i.l*a- P-ic*\ Jan#* W»Uffl^>, <'liarh•- RenrotT t John Riu\-\\fll. .Ifi!u. [! ili*i ->, .lame? S.i .» - ier,John Srarnt, Kutiaid Sj;acfclr;uii. 1 imi'< S nuin, t'ai.in Smrtii,.lott Sio>ili Vlt.Smiut. Stanun. Aadrrtt S:ark. Thoma> ^\er, Jom . h B. Svivi»-!er, Jojtepfa raton dil Bnudamour^, .fo-ejib Tairkell J»bu Tboma>, Dnucau 1 (n.-..- •on. MrlThroafogi 100, John-Thornerg, Alr>v« ander Waimin, *■?, Samurl Wat?on, ^'rpio u SV.'i.ti-r. Ami Wilkin a John >\ilh-_ 'limnvn \N illiaittsoo, Ja'ue-> S. Wr.ghi, MwaiJ Z t- iand. JOHV \\\CW\ AY, /•. V, ±*i>t uj Letters^ rcmutwn? tn xh\ P *t Ujjict at Ernest 2cf«e/i9 tin bih Ju'jj Ibl.S. Ii -iuv Pad'lleford, VaJeDtti l.--.i/rov, - : Mcuja. Vi.. V inkle, Polly W1U011, Ii- 0..1 j j (ai'i'Ton. W«i, War->, (iabriel Uittrr, Jo!«fl l.,iiino o.*i. NtcliQ a- U srrafl'. \,*'oi~j I m *•, : \|mm-> .Uel'net-on, \n . Amelia il <•>n •-, i .iiai v v\iiH»n, Dan!, Grjj.gfr, i! 1.1 : ."•>, J.vanl L)a\<->. Mr. ' Fhaalc Na|«- K»*. .T..o?na- AtKiosrai, John (i»»mre\ T«n n>; > I Variyv <i 014. K&tV,Cf PuJh I >unufeOLvJ u jlOR one or two years and pot! Btpa ts(„iTh. j-,, cbrl mp.irr ' tJo uq, . - ..» givrn i'nrnedirttclv, the dwelling ;\\e-,e.n, Andrew Sirai i, :- »t To Let, houfe behwing to Mr** Pinkie, late jwu,u ..»..-« .. Laiv-on. Ina Mo-.r'sioffrc Honfe. I'«r ^ ^. ;U..... ,.H,ll,1| ,,,„, Vl,f. i,..... .. ply to Joins ^f biuklc. Kingston. \yh July, 1S18. ia •- 1 and &v KUzatoji i -<H SVNLIU). ^■Xaae^liW. PUBLIC NOTICE. THF pan eithif hrretofotevxiftiog b tacr. Prentice J* Fiuh and Nathan ftethgg, wa« difloivcd on the twentieth ot |o v; P- J. FITCH 7wpr 10/A, jtfirt. w .in-i Jill VI ii-uii, I aoma* !*(': iru. ^ i^rr. 7'f 'Mulaid. l.-.»i- Ki'slica. Ait- ! ■> — t>::n.l Dvnrarkrr, J.. . pii v'-. . '., t. K •.. .1-111,, Uuuv.'y '»aM-. .\L u^M' h ,, J»:iU U.iunoo C. Jnl.n U.H-i'l. . .. 1 ; .1., \y. .N.'»»iii.i.». Wui.fi tvnx >.. -4, ! I- a-*l ..*.ii*. »i ** >C ' '-..ir^.., . .r, ,» I • ...• (iiln rl iiu£ ,-. (.ori.'-.i' .^ 1 f f T...H-.* »m joskoa Vudvr>oo,Fir k i\ 1 A u. Hi^u'.uiji'r. Koorn 5V«TV, ; . .. v.ui.sKaSm >.*•.» 11 3303

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