' * AiihUs of A^onatinn nftl'r TO ALL TO\\ . u i i IIRSE PRE- SKN iSSIIALU OMK. r! it ki;oK-n and mode manifest 1} tlmf tcethf Sntfuvjibershttoejw- it.r i t;n Aswiii)\$n t*T I: lifted 6'>-/>*/>Y- *< rskin. and Ac hereby agree tzMt-cuch o' '. i ■ conduct HjytctXG Jiaxhirxs in the manner heteintfft* r specified atnl tl.s r/bed. hif and under tht: name or ftjjis of the Bank of Upper Canada *A nt xir do Iu rvbif miituuitjj < oe> ••/ant* dec tare and agree* tfutt tin' Jvtloizixg iter and shut' b: ill* fundan fval A -. f/rtra of this -ar A^t^aatiuu mul a-\ {ureut&H xofth cart; "t/tej\ !,/) which :cr <t i / all persons icho at ant/ time here* tij;> / moil trutfanet ha.sine.ss teith the f Ct uipUKy shall be bound ami reg~ tcltted. iu*i. The Capital Stock of the s id Coopau) sdiq'U not exceed Out lit'r:H' '<! and Twenty Pive Thousand Founds curreut (none) o' thi>t roviuee, divided ]nto lira thousand shares pf twenty li v*_- po»nd»eaeh ; aud for the I said Capita! i'>r!tv in onfornvfy to such rule, slinll ;>•• capable rif serving as Directors for f Ki-lvc month* (u, |»:«s aril of them shall b%! removed for mal-admint\l ration be¬ fore the expiration of that period by a .loucrni meeting of stockholders, or •• ' snspmiLd as hereinafter provi- Pr ami at their lirst meeting after m » .1 etfcfJon. hail choose out of their number, a h*n*>Went and Vice-Presl- d-nt. and their places respectively, from time to twi'P, (ill up when vacant by death. roM^uatiou,absence from Che Province, or removal as aboveSaid. In cn-s» of death, resignation,absence from! the Provinre for three mouth*; at a time, or tin- removal of a Director by th'" stockholders his plnoe in case of *ueh removal shall be filled Up bv the said stockholder*, and in the other en- *e-*by the remaining Directors, or b f!»;*j-1!itv ol them, to->erve however, on- i\ until t:w succeeding general meeting as abovr said. Fourth. The Directors for the time jbeing *hal! have power (0appoint such ollic-'rsclerk.snnd ^rrrant»und«;rtbem a- shall be necessary for executing tlu business of the said Company, and to laiuvu them *ueh compensation for their tcivire* respectively as hall be rtti-oife ab'.enud proper ; all which, logeth'M p. rposp of raising the -~.~ ~«,----- stork, a book of subscription ?hail be "lth ,hfi **V**M* »\ building, nouse- cp-ucd in *iis*= Town on Thursday the, [^ "««■» otllPPCOlitiiigftncies, "hail Kith instant, at Moore's C. li. fron-" hv rf' ***** oul of th" f,(,i(- ^f »- The bcur* often to two o'clovk, under t;ie s■■;>• rintrndanceol Join. CurniniM* l!eej;:* in Whituoy, John M. IJa'foui, John l*\*r*ubo*i, Robert liipfiard&Qii) ."?»mes Nickalls, and Samuel Shaw, or nny WO Ol them : and to continue open WmUt their superintendauce until there fri<i!l have been an election of Diiec- t'»r« f&j horeinafier provided, uliieh B.,ek -hall be headed with the present Ani'li* of Copaitner-hip or Av.ree- n:* ii*. and «h;illcontinue open until the \iiioleof the >aid Capital Stock shall fca^e been stibfter'brd. l'very person *»r persons, co-partnership body poli¬ tic or corporate, who mvy or shall be¬ come members ot iht association, mayJ suhscribc f<>rs«c!i n»»l -o matij shares. a« h^, she, or tiiey .hall think lit. not howevr MCPPiMng in thelir^t ins»ync»» two hundtcd >hfires. and it is hereby n;Ti* ed thai the shares revpe'tiv*ly xub- ft/ibed, -hall be payable) in (J-ld or Silver coin, or Montreal Hank Bills.! current in thK ProTtnce, in the mnn- rV» if l^l'lWn^. tttitth to ^x. two per centum when the uhn'e ol the Sjoek has been la en and ten divs pr.vious notice baring bem uiveo in the Kings¬ ton Gazette : six per cent em to •'he 1)11 cfo.s. within ten dn\s after thev $m\\ ImT^h^nclo^Mi in manner here* luafrer provided ; anofhj r payraeui not e\c'v'(!iMii t* n per centa ay w hrn»vver thny <Ka11 I'-quire it. ot neh time and j> are as th^v shall appoint for that purpose, gtvji ^ thirty days oreviou- Tini.-p a> atVre■»«"»(! ; and the remain- d 'i -ha" b.- payable iu siirh iustalments a- a majority of tlw» Director* shall aeree upon : but .»o aft-r instalment shall exceed ten per centum upon the Capital stock, for the payment of which thirfi daysTicfieeshalialways be give*.; Secind. It-fa fori ertnotuallyagr??d jbpon. that whenever the sum of two] said Company. The said Director •hall likewise be. capable of CXcrciiiOfi ••uch other powers and nuthoritie- fo? the? well regulating and ordering of th. nttair^ of th- -n;d Ooinpanv, asshall !>'• pre-crib» d by the ti)e-Lavv» and Reg- o!a»ions there 'f. Fifth* li :c further covenanted uul a^re'd up.»u ti\ and between th** par¬ ties to tlu< agreement, that if the -aid Capital Sforfc of One Hundred and Twenty live thousand pounds is not ^ubicribed ii» one mouth after tlu* said Hook of stih-ciipii-nj shall huve been npt ,u d, then, and in s>:ch casi'it may bo ompeteul for any foru r "ub-cri- b t or cub-crib?^, to iiu r. aseliis, her. or'lvi. subscription* tn two hwudr^d and fifty shares; nod if t*-e aforesaid 1 Capital Stork h f»<»t subseribed *\ ithin I two ruoiirhs aft^r the said Book of sub¬ s' riprion shall nave been open. d. then, a'id in such case, the d-iictency i.iay be Mib cribed for by any person or per¬ sons, body politic or corporate. Sah. 11 ii horoby nxprDnlj an ' ex¬ plicitly dcelai'd. to he the obj::ct and intention nfthe, persons who associate th.niM'U's under the sty In or firm ol the Bank nf Upper Canada^ that the joint stock or propeity of the said Company, (exclusive of dividends to be '. ade in the manner hereinafter m ntinned) ha!! alone be rchp.-n.sible for (he debts and -nua^emeuts of \\w *aid Company. And that no person, who shall or may d. ul with this Com¬ pany, or to whom they shall or ma\ become iu any wise indebted, shall oi, any pretence w .at-ver have recourse against the separate proper!) of atij present or future rauaiberof 'this com¬ pany*, or againnt their persona, farthei than may b" ueceB<ftry to secure the faithful application of the funds there¬ of, to the purees to which by thti.se present? they are liable. But all per- pany ^-zrer to these terms, *n(" Qre (0 he bound thereby. ■ Seventh- Theseiirlieles of atrrCp.ment sliall be published iu the Kingston Gazette for three months, a,ui for the information of all peranrq who mav transact business with or in ;u,y man¬ ner give credit to this coinptI1y" ,»ver> Bond. Bill, Note, or other ^tstrumc fl or contract, by the effect oi terms ol which the Company may b,» charged or held liable, for tiic payu&fii of mo¬ ney, shall spec-ally de.laiv^ ju s.„ h form as ttV Board of i)ire^ror«; snnll prescribe, that payment shall fa wade out of tht<joint jd/ids of tlu'> Company* according to the present twlfele* ofas- socifit/oti. and ot "f^c/ti'.v * and a cop\ of (he sixth article of 1'iis associ- zitiet] shall beinserted in the bankbook of ever) person depo^iiiin< money or other valuable property wilhthe Com¬ pany for safe custody, or a (ninted co¬ py shall bo dt'livered to »verv sncii person before any suc^dep^it shall be received from him. And it ir» hereby expressly declared, that-noengagementI can l)e legally made in the mme of the -aid Company miles- it conain a limi¬ tation or restriction, to the ofect above recited- Aud the Compaq berebi evpre^sly di^furow all res;>"usibilii\ for any dpbfnrs engagement) which maj be made in I heir nami. not con- tafniru; a limifntiooor restriction to tin •fl\- t ;if'!i'e:a:<l. r.ighth. The number of vote* to which each Stockholder jr Stock holders, Co partnership body politic or corporate, holding Hock P the faid Company. IT ill be eniitlec1 on evety occafion, when in rroformkj t> tt»e pr..viti -m and rcqui eoientt of thel* aiticlcs, the vote» thereof a?e to be given, fb^ll he in \he prooorFpa folh.w- ing, that is to fey, For one fh;re, and not I more than tw«>i one vote ; for -very two fliarc above two, and not exrxdn;/ te«, one vete, making five vnR^ fi>r ten lh-arci ; for every four Aare»ah0ve ten, and not exceeding thirty, one volt, mikiii'4 ten votes for thirty ftare* J foi every fix thnra above thirty ari^ ,or exceeding tixty, ojie vote maki.ig fifteen vote* for futy tha^ » and loi every right (harts above fixt$» ai*d nor exceeding one hnndr.d, ©',f! TOte, rooking twenty votes for on* hundred. Bur no perlcin or per funs CO-partner- (hipt body politic oi corporate "Sail be eututcJ to a greets* nu _|bei than twenty votes* and ^i flock houbr* refident within this Povuice, or tile* where, m-ty vote by pos'y, if He. flie, or they fhall fee fit, or vided tl.at Inch prnxv be a II"r k holdi- aud tio p.oduee| a fufficieat aitth -n'ty fom his con<lt-*»- ent or COnftttuents, f»r (*-> reprdVutiu^ aud vonnp f.r him, hr, or them, pro vided alfo, that after the flr'l eleftiou of DircdftoiM, no fhareor Ihare* oftbevapi j tal (lock of the Comp.iny fbail eofifei a| rijiht of voting cither in pcrfon, or by pioxv, which fhall not have been hoHen duriug three Calendar montht, at the I tall t ; proprv'or* of two hundred and with l!ic Cot* ranr. rifty (barefl. fliall have power al any tiftejj by themfelve* or their proxies, to call a' general meeting of the Stockholders for purpofes relative to the faid Aflbciation, giving at ieafl fix week's notice thereof in at lead one Ne*'fpaoer publilhcd in this town, and fpedfying in fnch notice the time and place for fnch meeting with | thcohject or objccfls thereof; and :hc| dit*eCtor't or any levtu of them, lhall have the like power at any time (upon obferving the like formalize?) to call a jjT'.nera! meeting as above faid. And if the object for which any general meetiu^ called either by the Stockholder* or Di red'»rs an above fai J, (hall be to confider of a propoffil for the removal of the Pres-1 fdeut. Vice PrefiJent, or other Director j or Diitfler*, for mal adinrniftratioa, I then and in fuch cafe the pcrf >n or per-' Ions fo propofed to be rnnovt-d, {hall from the day on which fuch nOt'Cc (hall j fitft bepubliflied, be fufpend d from the execution of the duties of his or their of¬ fice ; and if he be the Prcfident or Vice* Pre°dt. his olace (hall be tilled up by the remaining- DireAors, to ierve during the time of fuch fufpenfijn. Fourteenth Every CauSier and Clck Twentieth, i'alf vcar*y 4'virtcnrfs ihjll be midtr uf fo much of the profit, of tl.c Company as (hull appear to the Direct¬ ors advifeablc, and (hall be pay-nSle at fuch place or places as the I)irc£)ufl (hall appoint, of which they (hall give public Notice in the King (ton Gazette ai leaft thirty days before ; and the D;. rt&OH fhall every year at the general meeting for election thereof, lay before iIk Sn-ckho!dem, for their infoima'ion, an ex^ti and particular ftattm.ut of the amount of the debt* due to, and by the Company, fpecifyiugthe amount of Bank. Notes then in circulation, and the a- mouit of fach debts as in their opinion are bad, or doubtful ; as alfo, Hating the lurplns or profit, if any remaining after deduction of lofle* & provifion-for div. idends.—Provided that the rendc ingof fuch ftatements ASail not extend, to give ai>y 'ight to the Stockholder* not direc¬ tors, to mipc& the account of any inrlf- vidua!or individuals with the Company, Twenty frjt If there (hall be a fafl. ure in payii.cit of any part of the furn or fiiares fublcribed by -s y pcrfon oi ;v-. foris, co partnerfhlp, bb^y •stl'tic <>■ cor, pt»rate, the party failing iq paying the a»d faithful behaviour ; anJ every Clerk j with like condition and fureties, in fuch fiun ns the Dirt<flor$ (liall confider ade- auate to the truft to bf repnfcd iu him. Fifteenth. The Company thall not hold any lands and tenaments, but fuch as maybe necefLry tor the transaction j and accommodation of the bnfinefa of the ; Bank aid for no other purpofe : It" fiiajl neverthelefs be competent for the | dfre&urs, on ! eh ilf of the Company, to lake and hold mortgage* on property,by j •-iy of additional ftcurhy fordtbt* con of the Rank, before he enters upon the du |! Urft inlialment ol &ix per emu * e-- ttesofhts office, (hall give bond, with ; ding the dcnoflt oftwofer rsntum hereiQ two or m- re furetics, to the fatisfaftiffn b-fore required to be made at tne npe of rhc Dire&nrft ; that is to fay. Every | of fobfcribing, fhall reipeftivelv forfeit Caihiei in a fum not Iff-- than ten Thou- : the faid depofu to and for the life nfthe fand Founds, with condition for his good :j faid Company, and the 'fiVck ihail be f dd at public fale for the behoof of the company < and oi failure of r,av'ng »he : other tnltalments, or ?ny of them/ th> party oi parties failing therein, (hall for¬ feit theo>iginal depofit of two per cent¬ um, and the dividends unpaid prior tn> j the time for making fuch payment, and during the delay of the fame. * Twenty.fecond. The laid "ompnny fltiilrot owelty or indlredly deal ia any thing,excepting BilU ofJCxch^nge, gold or Giver, bullion, or Jn the (ale of Guot* really and t uly pledged for mo¬ ney lent, and not redeemed in due time, or tn the falc of ft^cfe pledged/ t money t rafted wit 11, the faid Company in the courfe of ith dealings ; but o^ no ac-j count Hi ill money be lent upon snort [lent, and not fo redeemed, which faid <ratje or upon land** and other fixed prop-jjgooda and ftock fo pledged and upon, that wuon<-ver the sum ot twoll ": '" *--i—nr^w- *■- ••—*-•« **j u.-o, tin ^m d \)^\v(h *h?M have beoti ac-' Pr*s,,,,fs fh,7 Mr^ '"able. But all per- tuu!h d- po.it, d.-r paid in on account J 80[|S ■f«Ff*«W »> ho;.d, b;ii note Oi or the •■■ b«rriptiiv to tin- said stock,. *™«*cantwi »* this company, *l#a*j& riutue thereof «ha!l be ttivon by tin- In thl' I'»*"M«fit1 or V'icc-iV-Mdeut. IjIVi pr'i'vori* ond<*r whose supcriHtcndanco lb/* ian-e -hall haw been received, In tfce Kutjt«tf'nn Gazette, and the <qid persons shall ;M th'* «ame time in Hkej ir'Si,,it*r. notilv the rime and place of hf'Mbt^ a meeting of the subscriber?1, which shall be at the distance of not \cr* ('an ten <\*\ from the time of >uch iio-: r'Mon for proceeding to theHoc- tiio* «:f ih** number of Director- herein- »f** r nuMiti'uivl ; and Mjch 'lection Shall i\\on and there bp mA.de bv a ma- jirrify of vh&r^ votod for. in manner hereitiafterpresctibi d. in re*p« ct to the annoal election- of l>inTfi»r>; audth^ p<T¥onsvh' «hall then and there be chosen, <hal! be the fir«t Di wf^f*, and abftt'l bp capable of Kervitifl; uutit the expiration » f the da\ !ix d for making! thi rj »u;il-h eii« n : and (he Director*I ^<» h .sen, -hall as m>ojj thocalter a^| circtjmyti'ncescab conveniently aUow i of t* um)c'-tin-business and opera¬ tion* ol Mie said Bank, but no Liank Jjtlls,nr li.-uk Notts bail be iasued or pnt in circaiatiesMiorany Bill or Note . b" di counted at the Bank, until tnti th<>u^atid l'"und> ii\ *jold '»r silv -r, oi Montreal hank notos shall be actual!) pn»d in aud recued on account of rh, j 50p«Cliptinn^ U; the said Capital Stuck. Third. For the good mana.emcnt of the alfaii • o\ the raid A^suciati^n or Company* there -hall o"* tuiite«*n (>i- irei'jr-- whoshal bi annually elected b) 'le proprietors or holders of tin- -^airi C'ipitnl st'i/k, al a evn-ral me* tint. | 1ie»roJi • b aunuHllv fioWlen : fft vfbn h ujioia1 ■p,'»>,itij the s;;:d pfopri'-tor- Ujid f ■» ■ W l«*td r- -hail \ fe QCCOidiHtr ! \t\ ih ■• vv !" 'latter e 'ai.'i-lnd. ; r,^w«rt t.t votiiift at ni'iu-n1 rt etin^ ouu tue i>ncctoi j so choaeu \r4 u n,u . a«'d eo'inh r-i-ucd or attested h) th Ca*hierof the company, foj the tin* bein^ or dealing mith it in any* oth rr manner uhat^'v- r, thereby renpec- frrrry «;ive credit to the said joint to k or property of the ^aid Company. and therr 1>) respectively di^if;w ba. vin« reemii'se. on any pretence what¬ ever, to the person or separate proper¬ ty of any prcseni or future member of this Company*, except as abovemeu- tioned. And all suit*; to b** brought a»ain*-t thi* Company (ii any shall bv) shall I)" brought against the President for the time b*hi£ : aud in ca^e of hi death or removal from office, p"ndin. iiny s^i't a^ain^i him, rnoa uror sh 1 b" rnketi at thi* expence of the eompaiiy for ?uli*(it"ifirtg h\r> uccess'orin otlici ^ a d. f udjint : ra tiiat persons hat In- d/mand- upon the company, may no' be prejudiced m delayed ty that event, or if the per-on uiinx, shall 40 on a.j- ain t the person fir*«t named as defen¬ dant, (notwithstanding Iii- death or re¬ in val from oiliee) this company gltttl falie no advantage of such proceeding >n that n. count : and all ncovcrie i h id in manner aforesaid, shall be con- "Iiimv.- np.,11 the company so far a to render the Company'* said jolii- torkor pn-p-rfy liable thereby, and w further: and the Company shall immediately pay theamou-. t ofsochre- coverj out i.f their j>iut stock, but nor 'uherHise. And in ca^e of any suit at Is v. the |->e.id,.,it foi the tirn.- beinu hall have full powr«r iu his own name? 041 n» behalf of tlK> Company, tn pro. ^eufe to jud*m-ei and exe- atiort in the manner and farm ** hi the !a*vs ol ' rfc I ro.v«ii - h i- p. i.|J ".i .. hl- (l 1 r W'. UtltlfV -(' H:R-S ;' ■. \lt |,-l|at aH pen»on& dealing a iih the said Com* t'Ot fo redeemed, hS.d] be fold by the faid Company, at Public Sale, at any lime not left than ten day- after the period for redemption; and if upon fnch falc of Good* of Stock, there (hall he a furpltlb, after deducting the expenecs of Sale, over the payment of the m- ncjf lent, fuch fnrolu* fliaili bt\ nai-.l. ta.itfl^ pTH|>rie:t«l •> I hei r< -f It-fpCUl'vi. iy. Twenty third The board of I)u re&OTP, arr- hereby folly cmp.)Wrtd to make fuch xhc' bve laws a:.d regula¬ tions, for 1 he government of'the afljirii of the company, and that of their ofTv- cers and tcrvan a. a: they, or a m j -ity cif thorn /hall from time to time ih' k ex. :-edi«nt, not tt»CO fiihnt with law, op cbtfe an We* of £(Ii>ciatf< n. Twenty fj?.rt'} I hi affo'%V3tir*a firII continue T\venty yearbfiom the "irit day it commence? operation, and no longer; but the proprietors of two third* of rhc Capita! Stock of tin COmpaOJ , may hy their concurring v-*te5. at a ^enr-ral tneo* ting t.- be called for that e^^refs p?ir- po^e*. revife or a'ter thefe articles, o* any of t^em, o»* defoive th« company at any prior period j provided^ tha» not ce of filch meeting, ?nd its object, fhail he publifhed in all the Provincial Kewa-p*. pers for Six months previous to the tirre appointed for fuch meeting ; and pro¬ vided alfo, that no revifion ci alteration of thefe articles lhall futjr-<S ai.y ftock- holder or Stockholder* to be bound be¬ yond ihe amount of hiu, her or their Stork. Twenty fifth* Immediately o^ any diflVi't-on of this aflocfation, el^.ftnal m^afures (hall be taken by the Diredtora ther> exilliog, torclofini* aH the concerni cf the company, and for dividmo; the ca¬ pital and pr-.fits, which may regain, ..part »f a (hare, or o.her thana comp cte "among the Stocks -tdtr*, in pi.opertion mg twelve n&fto* of whicfi the M.]^ of ^^ be afrlgf(able " ' ' ' " ' I tl call, prior to the day <»f eledion, or of| he general meeting, where the votes cf j the Hock holders are W be^iven. Ninth Nt-nc but a 'hick holder, ac¬ tually refident in th? 1\>*0©f Ktitgfteiu and holding at Icaft ten lhaics in the cap. [ltd lloek 9 and being a natural born fnb-jj jj a of Hi* Majcliy, or a fnbjca of HU j Najelly natura'ized bv aft of the But- j in. Parliament o« a fu'lj A >f His Ma- jMty. havinc become M'ch by the con- quell and ceffion of thitf Province, or any erty, nor Inch be purchafed by ihf com¬ pany npiui any pietext, except io the fpecial rafc above recited. Sixteenth The total amount of the debts which the Company fhall at any time owe, whether by Bond, bill, or N >te or other contract wrhatfoever, fliall n<v exceed HiebU the amonnt of the uaip- fial M.-ck actually paid in («»verand a- bevr a turn *q"al in amount to Inch ronoey aamay ' e depofited in the Ba»k for f■ fe keeping ) and in cafe ofexc'.fs, the Dited'ira* under whofc admrniJtra* tfon it flw-ll ha open, fliall be liable* for th^ fame. in their natural and private] canaci»ie-, but it fliall not exemnt tbej com any or the Ian is, teeemct-, goods ! )rcv.^'te'- then of from bein^ alio lable for fuch excef-> ; fuch Din&ors bowev er, as (hall hav..- been abieat \vhe;i the faid ! excel* was contracted, or fhall have cn- tere<l their protctl agaiflit it, upon the minutes e.f tiie proceedings of the bo»rd, may refpcClively exhouorate and di^ clmgfe themfclves therefrom, by pleid- : inu a"d pn»Vjng fuch abfence, or (hewing I fuch minutes. Seventeenth The fhares of the Capi¬ tal Stock lhall be aflignablc and trans- j ferjble, according to fuch rnlea and forms j a«* may be rilabliihed in that behalf, by thi board of Dire&ors, but no affign- menr or transfer flndl be valid or effc&- I lull, unlci* fuch afiignment ot transfer immediately preceded f^e day of Elec¬ tion, fhall be cap aide 4 being elected or th fen a Director uf t!*r laid Bank, or!j (had ferve a* fuch Tenth, Niiu- of rhe Pfreftors in c ffi c fhall be re elected for 'he next iuccecd- prcviouuy difcharge all debt-actually due by him, j her, or thrmv to the faid company,whii h may exceed in amount the lemainiug ifock belonging to fuch perfon or pet- jfona, and h\ no cafe lhall any fra&tVn d I dent and Vice PrelidcJl "*-^ always be of Thc »«umber. Eleventh. No Diiefl',r "»-dl be enti¬ tled t -> any falary or emolument, unlef* t the faa.e (hall have bee" alhaved to him, I by a genera] meeting $ l^c ft°ck hold-1| I tran fcrahle. It is hereby further ex- preGIy agreed and declared, that any j ftock holder, who fhall transfer in man- Iner afwefaid, all his (lock or fharcs in this Company, to any other peifm or J perfona whatever, (hail ipfo facto ceafe t er., but the (lock hold* 8 ^a.v make fuch [i }'CM ,M" w:'-vcv^\ J"*-1 »»#"■ ccate to con,peMfaao:i to the ptfidett or V.ce- ! bc a me.mb€r : f ™ Camnany, and that Preiident. for their ex^aordinuy attend ! ™f/Krf°n l>r 9<&f* vvhatfoever, who |anceattheBauk,aslh'^ aPP^r to their. ^JJ' Hwc»,t a transfer of any ftock or to be reaiooable and j:,r<>pcr. Twelfth. Not lefs tcl,a" fi»* D'r^ftorM fhall cottnetca boaid,,njr !'it: 1'anfaifliofl j of bufiuefc, whereof lnc P efideni or Vice-Piciident flrdl a*,w:»>% lv Otte, ex¬ cept in cafe of iicknel:* a"d necellaiy ab- es in thh Company, hV.l! ipfo fa3-> \ become and be a member of thi* Co-npa- Jny.accordinq; to thefe articles of aflbcia- ti -hi. Eighteenth 411 bilb, bonds, notes ard every contraft and enea^rment, on be- | '^;/ l}iC Company, fhall be figned by to theirrefpeftive tutercft Iu Witn«f whereof we have hereunr to let our names ac King lion. (7 3 months ) the Prefidcn or abtcnt, lhall refpeec1'vc'y by wriiing, f ier of the - ompanv ; and the funds o* , . . . . ' _:.,. r ■ I . = f;thecompmy fha'l in no cafe be htld re- uuder their hand- ap,£-nijo. '^^ , ^onfible for any cootr^ or J^l .oe. he P,d'd^ whatever an] f. the fame fha.Me dent. fl*»^««g^» p,r^: fo figned and cou,tcrfigned< or attend m*, and in cafe of tWCfc bcl,,8 an equal |;a8afor^j-a|rf - l Ul l' number of votes forr aaf*d againU any quettion before them, •!nc »n lident, and ill hi, alienee, the V'^-^cfidcut, fliall have a eahS'ng voice. Thirteenth. Any n^,,m,-cr of ftockhoj. dci*, Dut icfi tli4ii lirul'.» who together Nineteenth The b >oks, paper«, cor refpondeuee and funds of the Company ( fhall at all ii nes be fuhjed to the ... ! fprfliou of the Diic&oi but n • He!' jhohlcrnot Diitetor fhall hifpeS t e ac [count of any iudiviflval or bdividuaia, i CPCBMAHRD BY KrourST.J From the Canadian Courant. Mr Mowfr, The caufe that requires putting adver> tifemeutsh'k-r thofeof a quack dodor, mu(l be as bad as rhc delete i .us dntga that are palmed upon a pr dnloua public, for healthful ph^fic. I fee h yam lall number, a kind of debtor and creditor ftatetn nt of offer ce, for which bills oi rudfament have be n found againft panics corrac&ed rfieflfve'y w.h the Noah Well ( aropany, and the Hitdfon** ilay Company. I a- I not tt ter into the accuracy orthe ina.cuarcy 'f (he account, nor defcant on \hc Hmngenuity of confonnding ptincipala and accefTaiies, but will take leave to 1 ell he accountant that] however much his ri;'ht honoural !e mailer may have gol a 'm itterrng a* t*. a correA njtthod of kv 1 i. i' n>'-caniile accojtntR, ff) r'^i'.-T i'ir > the prtv&t'i 'cdiret- of his commercial tiva1 . ivb-. ' hr got hold uf tlu ro <tt lo t vVilii^m. a fair account tt rrcne cannot