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Kingston Gazette, June 23, 1818, p. 3

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paon of history. JfcHrf^1 Witt*, * DiiriirjtHrtl cm lft« Oitfftlt at \Wl *° be r: crivril with paufiou- Let rt« >xt n »u I value op tin* n«iiny hlr>sJa^ we enjoy, nod bpttUTi' l*ow \v become the dupes of ;i vi-ionni) reformer. L t IH. ii' rtfe perceive any abu^s hi flic ft&ftlMMMU tion vt public affair*, Sfisls for r«-<!ress in 3 rpgalar arid >aJV way, arid hy yc-o'ut'-'v spiriviiTi^nJ the wild schemes of tarhuumi and faction* rw*n, endea¬ vour to pre*';rvein all \t< purity, that excellent constitution which has been so geue?o»tfty imparted to us by the Br.tihh Nation, JOHN M/vCAULAY. Fon the Ktvastus Gazette. *A\ stands Ettmnsl 1 -*&«niM«f n«?ooex*n*af?arif iftftijnfae*, a«ofie kvhol>3 raiding lietUlou»iioi)e$9i ievi:aJ»lv kail us info .11 (Appointment, vexation and ditcon- fenr. Vim Lertttiul) We ttttt um of {host: ntuf- ni£nt ine.endiorics v*ho lurk m enrner*. Hatch inganoppoitimit* to light die In*- ol political la* run, bul >ou come forward openly* ami you jiiiliiiil\ £\ow yottf principles although \ov try. '.villi much ert, to cloak thcirorjee;. And ill t!ii-i mode of proceeding is to be diH'OVercd t!«e grra-er donjer, for you knew v hum vii' arc courting, and ydu know that h\ plati.-ild- i>raggttd6ci& you i*ill be bent-f able to iuvpu>r upon ihe ignorant, and upon ihem, win, for lids reason, will noi ta!»c tftO tronbJeOf enqui¬ ring into vtfur motive*.— Bui t mtfet >inp. »j- i!ii' digression from my ni ig-oal iiiten.iit*Mma\ lead io remark* too lenctov lor insertion in TO MR. BOBlvHTGOX'KLAY. StR, Yort car form 09 idea of the terrM* quan- darv \o'.ir (/Cnfainic-itnM in the larf King-ton (ferceue put me into, I Was 1 old the? evening before »e received ihe paper, hy a bulf Waj friend of your*, that mi h;d determined upon Kacting 10 ' »t:\"* and -irit he had seen the wv.iuh'iioI.—Thi*. vii" may be sore, put rne on ffdge.s. and on reeelvbo* tjjg Oazeitc tbr neti imirnh-S, I eagTl,* looked for yoiirnaote, and t';a rv»rratn whettier mine via* coupled witn it. — .TnrV-" 'tir ; of'he depression of io*. spirit*. Vi-fi I saw these names eml^awinea ogether ii- print.as a emmrmation of my fears, Til - paper dro*>i t'■■•■*■ - m> hand a-« ii w**r^, from ex- j T'-iive aiiia'uni; b«t\\hru 1 h.vi af'crward: nctrlv murtc.'d eoorapc enough to wand tbe 1?. hinir. it occMrrfd to me fhat I had not y*%t brcaRfa*:ed, twi- xha a^ I prrhap.-, rr.izht no.; diprst ttle po'ion T WM to receive from you bo well upon tk\t *"opiy riomft^ti, "iwoohl be bct- lertO take loy u ual allowance of lea. bread j ar-«J htip.era^d fire-. T 'i- ! neeordir.^1;, did, ( . ttr.T»g1 with a Kofry ap^ri'e, \n i with Irernb- lib* anxiety i perused ywr ' ammwoiea^on ; -*but what wa- iir* a>lonw;mi*MK a** I proceed¬ ed, to obvervr*, that tn>tead of blowing lie op a=once, »0U had fNnt'v rai-*dme to an en>i- rcvceojm'i wtiicli I am proud of*t&odln£, and fi'OTi which i v.?.1 •" tlntnoe-injj" my "tinker etoqmence* :n youi"!vsromfiuini aue. disgrace. Yin r»a^e ad'l'r*seit \onr-flf, os;en-ihlv.» to yourNin£iirafrierid>,but in Lw. that part a' na.-tiof>onrleUffrwhich alludes 10 me. wa- Di-*rt?:t for ifee peroral and amu*emeol of flit pfoph Of »hi-'pari of i ;<• c«r»piry. Now. S* Ishatttfcke ih* -awe 'theetY, anO nlthoej^i I aHre-:-:nv-"bio yon indiviuuail^, lain ta!k- You observe »lis« u hen von were at W* place I cnll'-d a< ;lo' (nil 10 h" in'rod-ced 10 JO*, Ii i. i:-o\ Sir. thai I did call, bai 1 wm* l"& hy ihe sa»ue r.»i«liiT of cu#»o*.iiy rosee you, tl-.at we country pe<?jvl»*are sjeitWll1} ari^.TfCi fcy when nehea of a wlla Iv.-im heia«e i »* •!< • neighbourhood for a *how. !!';..! h-a-d ha» %o:i rti»re ,Von Or .]--^)rx.u\- <»l Sco'.law1,and Knouir* ihy. mailVtjf the [Xitul it'MOOs of :'M ' co'i!iir,'R,v din-ils red \h-v - odd «MC LlW' j acu'ioUvio <».M. ie ,-;,;;i had he* 11 t« inueh ^T.toMedh, :u l-rpevs, and had beeoin- 10 noted |Vir ••.: ftT«iMUocr-^ua)i'ie*. 1 »wi-, how- Ker, ihwj?*» -*. 1 -*• ;H-io:rd, for in lead of dt-co- ViHiK^an^ thii • 'iUeir»«terit> in vn*ie eO'ifh ihe lnni > ol a New-paper. They uay, per- 'inns, be retfeivei' for a I'ntureday. and in %. dif- li »ent form. In (heuiean time let ib^c 5uf- 1 »•:•*, and know. Sir, that BtlcH were thecon-id- •*r;iiioti« w!iieti induced pic ro ifUhdraw ifce !lepim\im allude *o. I too;*, thercfponiibil- it v o(»oji Qivst'lf, an*l I a .' proudofhaviog i; in ;n> pow-'i :uialonn you !La- a oiajoriu of ihe r'lh-rnb^rs (o 'hat Hep.»rt have dorian d t-ba'. should it \et he proponed to fbrnard it to you, their names -hould bo expunged from the u$|a — And now. Sir, iioiwitlistuoiliag your know \~i\g* of -he la iv on a particular Mibject, SO po- ■'t!\el\ a' "rte*!,let me assure you, ilia; if you have been bred to tli^ prof'^ion of the Lav* which ff mnrh doiibiO you must have bad a !VI;*sbead,or vo'ieIn^lratloi ha^ done \ou er\ li'it.■ jo-iice, and must have taken greater .-.(•is tomakcaSej-ibeofyou,.than a Lawyer. —10 enquiring wit ether io withdraw th** Ile- pnr' vta>aum i^n li\ tae Law, >ou ?n\ that von** b no t-v and assert thru it was not*' Now in reoly to th"-. 1 kta>w aodaasert hat ii ivfjs; and thns. ar Lanvvots *ay, we are conrpleiely ill I->ne, ami depend fpon it* my joo.l S;r, ilia! arle:> you proceed to trial pursuant 10 % our notice, {shallapply (o thai tribunal 'o tv*bt<h 011 are so much in th»*habi: of appealing, to- j'ldxueni a- in <;a*e of antui -nil. Y-io ai pear to have b»'en sorely galled b\ 'he k* i!..:\!» "loqu-uce" ili^played in opposi¬ tion to son! rttea u.*e*, when you v.ereai tftls p!a-;e, now a period of nearly a month since. and i'.eein.- ioiia\'e bftfnstill I'nkliog in yowr earvwWu you weie trfiiing ourjonrna] " to t >r 00 ih> [nliahUoni? of Niagara.*1 Yon, v:tv 0 elin^ly, v.ould '"•oiumi^-erate the Mitia- uoi; of Mi.*" l>YC*ianu«T." ui-o received a p ro¬ pe, c 2 i.-en.ent for his nnpertinen? interfe- reuip».'and you cake an abrupJ departure from a piace where " These wrrtls of banted length and thundering si'Uml" were ?o likely to have the effect of exposing On* vVetia of Mm. \ihoe proCei*dinei called h«*m Io ib.~ Ver, my good sir. (he e*jaw*?' of VOH'1 Lau vevdid 'hen rjuiver. they hav/ since :r*e«t 0'i;\eriu^ to counteract your di graceful *!*cat riijfit to a^ fen &§ ocendon?, aocJ iiii one will deny that, a^ ilu keeper of his e.wn conlcicnce, he itlTo h*I a rigbt "'» deci-ic when ho felt it oK| Cliaiiable t'» his own feelings to tit judicially in particular cares. Accordingly in lad September term when the quell ion before the (Court related to the dlfptttea between the lival CumpaOies, oir. RtriJ, from a delicacy anfiijg from bis cot nef3ion by marriage with one of the principal partners of th« NoTth Weft Company* [{certainly a very (lender Foundation on I vhich to build a ftippolition of partiality I i thecondufl of one of the Judges of •he Court of King's Bench) preferred o withdraw from rjis feat on the Bench, pending the difcuflton of that qucftiori. Vt the time this rcfolutiop became known to the Court, the Bench was competent without him, as the Chief full ice and Jtdge Ogden wevc then fating ; and Vlr. Reid, at the late Court declared in fubflance That had he not coufidered that the Bench would have 'emained competent without him, he would, at that time, have rather fa.-rifired rhe repugnance he felt on the occafion* than have been the canfe of any inter¬ ruption of the public bufmefs. But, after Mr. Reid had left the Bench* Mi. Ogden,(from fimilar motive*of delicncy, no doubt fufficiently weighty in his own mind, although his connection with the | North Welt Company was loofe and j remote) uncxpecledlv alfo determine .1 on the lame Itep ; and that bnfioef was not therefore proceeded in. Upon this, and in order that no oppreffive difficulty might take place in renewing the rec-io; laizancet of the parties accufed, Mr. jiieid relumed his feat, and rendered the ICourt competent in Older that Colin iiiobertfon and the others then bcf>re itfic Court mirrht continue to have the benefitafbail. The fame prjty, who in Hatch, lS 13, feem to feel aggrieved that Mr. Lleid (hould be otic of the Judges who concurred in the order of [the Court tor Lord Selkirk and his ac [complices being held to frefh bail, did, in :oea .urvr, no they may yet quiver to you. .^epietr.bi r, 1817, approve of that -'uiiOc:r..;a-ioii. 'Gentleman rcltimiup; his fc;it5 when (others of his LorilHii^'s abettors vvere to .be admitted to a Gmtlar beucfit J'he •fame advocate who lo warmly, in the late lining, objefted to Judge field's being on the bench, as vehemently op- . u^foii Ins retiring from it in the preceding term. And it U worthy of remaik, gK3S^g^'Wffg*l KINGSTON, TUESn.n.JUM: 23, 1818. ■ t • * ■ |[ OnW^W-fav*1 * ^vi or>. Mt*t. Prc-vendl 1 v•■; t ■ »i *! '" T ir ptifFilTiKC ' ' * ' J' II.mi.I. . "."jr l ' r'-'h- of KINGSTON, sthJntw, 1814. At 1 ho half varly geimral Mc^t"1 of (Ik- Kington Compassionate ^^/*•i':- ly, hHd it. Bl. CI -oi-'\ Church on to¬ day, the following Report w»« preset tod by the Committee nod v .d. \^ To ihe President^ Hcc President, muli Members off he Hingston Co input sinuate Society , In submitting to you & statement nfi their first half year's expenditure, and proceedings, your Committee hope t*. hnvo.it in their power to shew, thai much benefit has already resulted from this institution ; and that a wide held of further usefulness, is daily opening itself to the exertions of its officers and members. Tie amotiut of pecuniar} relief administered, will not appear large, in comparison with the numbers to whom such assistance has bean af¬ forded To Ta h paicl for the support of five f'uoilie-, consisting of 2 J of v - — (htht cb v" ° IVc ! Knr.. v '» • o 5ila ■'• a permanent <">. »nfe1 bj^ft many bencv.Hf. t i - t^iii* of this City opened a iubtenp-.io • lon»« ttflrte Sdfo« peisun>........... T* is film advanced !>y wa> of) n to sevrn emigranU,. - - - S > (all pain1 for the tuition of 81 clii'.'lrpn of I'mitj'imt?, miiiti*> iln» winter munUu..........) £45 15 0 11 17 6 1 3 4 455 I j M- 141 Luurunt. rVA iVuHid 'o the V 10.c—" |*.ifc ico -"— a I• uimu&ie».tioh ffowi rlie ! »i an \ .vi.^'ary Ri: ** Society—a*»d *v\* iftee cnroniu^rcr.tons an- uaas^U«b^ \^' t ■ ,(* i.ll t&*tX&' week- BfZD, A< A.cJn|*::-Mbtrlui.,onUi*' 26lh (Jaj ill hit '1 laxt.Mtr. Vt.iuofih Va;joider. ifllllt o.i>U »car of Iier ag'** » UIRTIL At Sidney, on (hf i0n i»=t the wife of Mr. tames Vaudevoori, of a 8*>a* . - --1 \ - - I ;*m yoors, ^ «\ "l;AMI I. HAGERMAN. Bath lZOt!i fuMs IMIS. ^'*nitv »»i \n 'i i(i*iiT*a *•>»', J -iii, Mi.i "imr'ii.i I'rr aopla'"- of tli'- •I>*"",a'(M,s l»\ ;i dk*-£M»tiO£ n I" fi »,:i..s nf'lic.t f;nOili;iriN . Tills Oil* -on • \f/-n ir»Mi, an*!, with I'h' H'iivorniu of one «»'• I -vi a;- ••«'. I'*'", wlm .vcw Oicn prt»»o«" .' 1 wtww^ e»»**"l • ~K<h jiiH -ooi*'irt \»n [>a ei<tl ji'invlf \«" .*»n4 yraon'd, h.ivc sine*1 bfflrmiiv To-:r wiii'tn** timl loifri puworfoi o;*po\t*r»« Von hp."*" cons.'iMOMi !y fo.u.il :!r-i> j»Mt>IrtWl^H jo*rr«elf to >*r$ ii'. If .viv.inta^c and ivllli le*s pr n'lt. V o»- j»*M t*o p»**in1-" 1 hat I acted v Town Clerk at ;.V arinnnl m-eiinz uf th* Inhabit* ,i;i:- nf \tt'tl^h'i* Povtn. Now, Sir, tfoxs is tc- fnttn ','\ \d n* tc'i you vhenno. ""-n 0 vo-n fiist ofMe^S* to the Rcidfiji !«»n*t holder? tame on-', I ci.o"iii-o' after \m. m*<1 'o.:ii*I ilia1 yon Y,*t*e rri.trH ifiHime of the no-.', reapet' ahle enlung. ail commercial con- tracJ-^ obligations r>f tranfadi- on»i made by forcigncr.>. di- re:>ly or ir.di ectly, will be declared null and void. Foreigners can h >ld and cjoy real cUa.e. And may continue to jvfide in thrr colony, without being engaged in commerce. fr^ttWaei*. ias.n^v,(to; *r?C jiiDd enjoy all the prelection of nmpoted !>» too in ;hat Addre*>9, and pr^v'i- c.i; !<) »?»v T-M-. n-f;:p Mfcti.i^ for th»* afKinit- ni m of "a^-'h Officer-,! itrew op a *t pun wf A»ioi)>'niv Tov-1> in th'- form >aw tog^estcd, from note* xl ai 1 ha-l zkrr 't is>og im»* heforp. aad picM'ni.'**! i to the m»'»'l:n-r for l!tf*ir con- From the Georgia Journal, . May 1 3 The governor of Guadal iune, that on each occaflon when Judge Keid Count ck Lardenoy, has i^ued f^^ciincdtoaa hi, fo doing lias in a fcermd ordouoBce. aoncmnc- \t h..V-#»i-p T e bKwto of| rng flut after ti.e i6.h of July rfa« wtircW 0f 1&& Og.icn, and su>>a*ioo. A ("hai-flBin ..r uie on'v olic* ■ t •» * rxanun- t :C laws. rwiina'-'il. an;1 ril'.^r t*i.-» Ri*}iorj p*l and apoi'*1 *•-*. ;.! wa* ri"ov..i;.Ho m»\ and I .»a\v W *..»:in- S*o*( v;i >rat K ri^-'on. N»l jlor-i- «r e» ;V- ««>'i' rcon* :otdr» >-*«a-Oilili'I.- f*Lot-!cr ttrrititlsrAfotroKerf, riit«l i" **a- >'"»n il.'pnvered l^hitt v»'i ha*? ho-'ii acting uitli du- plioitv,in<l rJn.i vivr^ ,;,•,;. Vit. not «;tai yon a' Si?* I -.i n* :.■ beH.*\c it \%as V^B fi*re>nJ ! V(ij.ir-.*if i»i!?i« h^ r,*.!ir*' of the* people 1*1 ihi i c-Xntrv bv ni' hcrf* Rkh'ii v-ldooi t";t:l ;o cx- c».^ it. Vo-i wo'.I.I inir<vHie#- nnrvl ies thai IrroMmcvrS" fo excite »N»' pa->i:n: . n*ul '<\ |, fpJrti of ioro^attot: in Oflp loo.* pvahtt.*!re*i, j | ajintw-ca lot ^ "Mr 1. roll*- of f'DVi'! 'i;n nt. tlroi- itflU&.ll tu>d fijat Ctti* i' ■ Soa o! mrr CAi>.»try* of tlte| b°n/-^'s -.tf v h-i h '■\;*rv liou"-i ?r-l*'*"*r, eve-s t'Mc lnwn Cai(oiiian, I** n'otnl oi*lH)a^th:^ U«i h#»par«a,ti7*i;—Y<r* ntiackcrl ih*)-i» \5li<»i*i you kn:v* ;.» hA ^'t-nc Ms- ' i*i'iv* ot ionr >ciir:ili.^, t»f*a"••'uhfv pxfti'eH \«t>ir e-ivv.— Von wiOIjo Icci '\to~T ivho-o v:ct"e; a«oi rf.is-nMv had '•';■- va.e-1 'h«'ni nv no-r- of honor nnd s\^nosiss^Ui- f> ; ymi fieri to «h'C:*ivr* {he eivaniiii'S Willi t"c;iif)ii; fear*, and ™ p.ain uv^ribe weak i»s fU^vhoodi ; .o*i tfaiirs •••• t'.ic vain inn" tde Sg- r*i ani, -!aur!orc/t the cha*s»c pr of privai*ln- d»vli(«*nls%ai'd ir.Mihc*! the oi^ni.y *>f olfico.— Yri" eiyoor-elf forward a-a PatrioN a-^ one- t*!f t!r*o:4»d *\j the can <? of re>torio$:<ind seen* rif z. to coonpre.-wfd conn*r\ u»e M*h*»in|pi nf lil:o-t> n;it security, ofv*hi<'l) yotit\oaId rra.ee ih believe we were h^ref! chro'igli lb1* inabili¬ ty <fo-.T ruhr-. "Son Mo^osfrl >cheim*> h> uliTeb vte>arf to ho relieved from ihi-* op,*res- 5;.on.n::t^:in boldly cali«*«l upoiiusnot toho^i- Kiein a'.opring iheio, lelrloc us ilia: if \*edid he tuU\ we would he a mined people, for j ou ■te-cr* ihe rountr\ is already fa t inking b»tfl ff*«ii> nnrl ir.-i^niricanee ; and bereft* would JWJ lain rai>e a spirit of discontent in 'Iip tttnihof a hai>pv, and, hitherto, contended T'^plf*. and willi.i^iy would yOQ add«oeh Fuel toi- a- Miuld '<in1leihe Itame of a dWaffecfloii tha» \o«i wonl-1 r^joieeto sr-e spreading from or-.-cod of ih.~ Province to the other. Under hV rnnskof KatriuiUm have yon tried *o hid- thr danger and tmpuriry of your iotenii'joj : lor can '»- #!jo endeavors to disturb ho pe;:ce ftlhi. QOiiQtrv, hi^ a lowi <>t'\^-bfH. Pat'ioi - Can he i.r.ucircnlat*'*opinions and u^erlion* vbich hr'woM* U>. he faUc, <ind .i<*rehv In- hnur> to rai^e di-co'i'e ', he a lover of hi- ct*not*v> 1 have t-»oiflit. Sir( that he wt" p»"*-ai ■••: Mrm;, v, om-t'i Mia* uhichh" kno »* b"**- iinab»e to^ierfii :i, w i • vtouJd dHude his tfimi/Ti (13 ao o-.em:.*ted itai, tkojld be Curious Facts. During the late warm weather, the) St- Lawrence, at Cape Chat, was neatlyj cl fed up with k't:, and the- mouotaiil*] : a.id highland-* in that quniter, on boih| fides of the River, were covered with! the circurnilunccs which jJrcvcnt the at tendance on the betfeh *f another puifnc Judge, (Fouchi ) induced the remaining Judges, UpW! 'ds of fix weeks before the late Marcrj term, to make application to the Governor in Chief to nominate an additional Jud^e. This was tiot done in time foi the late term, and therefore when the Court com¬ menced itbfitting on th<^ ift of March Mr. rieid hid no a!teruat ,ve, even h-iJ he been inclined to aKltii' fiom fi;ting during that term, which there was no fubrtaotial reatbu for; be fides, let it he aJlced, if there had been <io Court either to discharge or to renew ihe bonds enicied into at Ited Kive»'» would it nwt t»ave been competent fof the Special Loniiiiiifuner, clothed ^vith an authority, a^ttic L.hfcf Jaltice eropliatically flyled it, inietior to none here r*ut th • G >ver- ,inor 'n *■ hi.f, co have committed the fnow Indians c me in from a bunting| Sat 1 of Selkirk and \& rrfradory fatel- excirtfion only abort 40 miles to the lite, to th* common jail of the city of trw hward of Quebec, report that 1 n Ihe if Montreal ? j!llin(i?nt the V^inter's luow was dill The (object of thefe bonds and of the laying in the wood?, and not a bud hud on the trees, which in this neighbourhood weie in leaf on the 20th A j ay. 1 otdet of the Court for their rencwa I, [PUnnSifi-U \\\ RKQUES1*.] From the Montreal Gazette. Mr. Brown, Proceeding in" animadverting on the italic interpolations in your paper of the] 18th March, it may be well, in the nr*t | pb.ee, to notice an.»ther initance of the fallacious ambiguity which the party have fo frequently and io luccefsfully adootcd in their communications to the public. It is dated, trnt of the bills of indict¬ ment found by the Grand Jury of the {-Court of King's Bench the greatest part relate to the fame matters which were before the Court in September laft Out of the eight bill« enumerated three Can only be fairly faid to be in that predicament, unlets all matters generally relating to the diilurbances- in the Indian countries arifing from the difputes between the rival Companies, are meant, and, in that cafe, not the greatefl part, but the whole, may be faid to relate to them. The thing is not in ttfrlf of much moment, but ferves to introduce the lubj* cl of the perloi •! attack made upon the H 'nourablc Judge ;i.eid, who has afled iltruugbout amh great deliLa-j cy ;u d perfect cooiiftency —He had a 1 j will be agitated in the Canadian Courant of ne>:t Saturday, as iht torpor that feCms to have feized on tbe party gives QCcafion :o withdraw th<'fe matters ad libitum, and to dvfeufi (them at leifure without infrigitig upon aiore important avocations, It will not be amifs ttl add that vonr conduit, Mr. Brown, arid that of the editor of the Courant, is ftrongly c in traded with that of the editoi of a lother Montreal paper, {the Her- aid) You both h-tve liberally and j impartially inferred the rormaunications from either partjr. He has committed a grots derebftion fr »m Itiis duty &* an impartial fetvant of the public by flatly rcfufing, after promulgating a highly! coloured, indecent, and, in fomerefprA,) an untrue, ftatement of t he proceedings j of the late C -ourt of Oyc- and Terminer, to infert acoire&ion »f r:he maccuMcic- and millatcments that h »d appeared in j hi<* own paper. Pretenjiiinu to a stri9\ neutrality^ after having- diflFiif-d this I poifon, heha'« declined t«>> adminiiter the antidote. rh»»fe, h *wcwer, wh » think they are worfliipoing the riling fun% miy peihaps find themfclve^ Ueft in the dark by a waning moon. Wiiol" anion in of expenditure for the six months coding in j line, ............••••»•••> It will he Decenary here to :>b *n notch of this pecuniary relief ha* bee*i f-irui>ii- ed to persons noi sirictl> ^leaking u tow- erants,**andyet not having a itireei cdaua on the funds of »lic District*'—Your Cnmmtiiee huvefrecjn'Ui'n heen called on 10 gi\«'aidiii oa-eMif il)W*K:«ud.and Aoneiu.ies, fearful 01 \.- n la ting the spirit of flic H\b Itesolmioii, have heiMi coni|ii'll.'d t<» dpelfnV doing w, Vour t'-ommiUee iiu\eaho bevn frrcruentlj railed on to a;: end *o th" apn'i-aiioo* «f j.er 00- iim l*iniii"'.*ini", laht^iinnj; and.*: di .i-aM- or .Milicr- iii" frmoaei .deeis. Medical advice ...i< at all iii«i*« been readily and ptoinptt^ gi^esl U\ ihe Medh-al .'iciitlemeo, member^ 01 the Society, and ihe expenref incMrr-d fot support of ilie oaiieiit dnrinir the time of conliocinejlt, have in osii- or rwtfl in-iance*, he »o Ui -c!ia*g <l frOin ;h'* 'fnnds of Tic E^tuhli-hm;*nt. Tuoiigh m Hie institution of the Society a necssil^ lil'thlS !;ind v.as not cont'inplated. >et yom Coiomft- tee ivonJd have rfry^rtevoadj ivoivuded ev/r\ fectlnz of imiuauW\, liad tlie_\ refnerd to Ii ten So the<eextreme«'a»e*- of Ui-nv«-.— !i f> how¬ ever for the eomiderauou ni iiiniioer^.ulicilter in fmnre such reliel ?lu»»i he administered, n hen ihe applicant i- not hoifa lide ail K::u- ?raOt, If tin- qiti'siiou be decided in (iienc^a- 'ive, vonr CorrowiUe*' feel it their duty, to di- tvet ihe aheniuu of the en um uiit\ a: lai^e to a .uhjecio! "-uch im(.ortauc*.\ — Tile health of ilu* poor bass with not le&utoloiii ihaiihuman¬ ity, been maden e of the earliest objeeuo£.|'ru- \i-i.111 in the ^uritab'.e hihlUUtiODa of the mo¬ ther I on 111 rv. In a i>i-»trici *o poptMous aud e\ten>i\e astfiUi whereaceidi nufrotn ureatid c«A4. »«/r ci n.ii'*<iii- .cml ty'ien ('onsrinijUion an! !nteri>iiiteiiK iv' hut (00 well knOivn, it can only he alirlbuted to n wunt of intoTma- Ur»n on ihevnhj'e!. that no &UCD piovi.iu:i ha- vet hern eoiucinplat"'!. Tne follow in« i?a-ta'emenf ofca^e-nf prr- Ronstnateiuigraat&j who in ronwqoenee of Ha¬ ving heen reined relief from ihe i>i-tiici, Jiave been assisted From rhe foods ol the Society. I 1. Margarei Cororainpr, a wontan labour¬ ing under aiboase,fui a?mni nine reli**vcd 11. ;he Church Wardens, bill for rhe la-t fcve months, her board and lod^io^bave been pain* forfioin ihe funds uf^tti Saro i>. 2d* A di-ire^«'d farnilt, wiiirli on the rcpre- sejdaliofi of a member of ihe Society, ua- a- sisted during the winter with bome temporary -■!pl'lie$, 8d( Elijah Spragt*e. A petition was aenl In on behalf of thla unfortunate man, h 11 before relief eo*:ld be administered lie liad died j th< •xpeaces ofblfl funeral were paid by the Soci¬ ety. 1th. Elizabeth doojwiu. Application tra* made in ihe ca.-e of :lii» puor uo.nari, v. iiol.utl been-severe I) Frost bitten. A- immediate as¬ sistance was required, it na- furnished by 'he Visitor, though theca*e wa>after\vard3 referred to the Chorea Wardens. 5th. Mrs. Cox, with a family in greatdU- ;re-s had temporary relie(lur&l9jied 10 her. 6(0. Kive oilier individuals i^noi emtgrants,) were partially a-sisted. In their endeavor* to procure emplovmenl for emigrants your Committee, iiiom^.i not *o » meraliy Steiuted b> the co-operation ofcouil- trj Magi>trAiej and Farmers asdiey ItaJ pre- viously expected, liavcjrei received some use¬ ful information. They have particularly to mention tiie attention of a »vorinv [Vla^ittrate ol the Town-hip or Uicimmml.—Ai 11 isprnba- ule mat 'be in.tux of l.migrants iviil thin year he very con->iilerable, and as it is most desirable -hiii some immediate employment should b- procured to euableihetn to get through the wmi- ;er, it i? recommended tna« MagHtra£e>of th litfereniTovvn htp> he atrnin respectfully re- quested to comtnun irate to tbe Secretary of ihe Society whatever information mey may deem us 'fulou tne saibject. lu a£>rdins relief to so many link 00 wn cha- JVOTICjSS* THE Farm, --imp TO* r^WWg between the Suhfcrib^rs, un'vX^,e, fiim of 'Thorn/on and Detlor vvill, . *"* rdtttalconfeht, be difdv-d on the i(i day of July nes', therefore allp^rw^na having demands agatnri faid Ji»m% will pleafe prefeat them—and thofe indebted* are requeded to mike immedidte pay* ment, to either of the S«bfcrib*W ; who arc authonied to receive the Same. H. i . THOMSON. G H. D*;TLOf:t. Kingflon, June 18, 18:8. 4W3 N. B The Forwarding and o:rw miffi.ni bulhicfs will Ibll be continued by H. C rHOM>QN. A D V ERTISE M E N T. F the perfon who went by the names oi David Price* and David Do8or /V/Ve (i*it whole real osme is Dnv J P> ire Downes) and was refiding in 1 K 4 at the Bay oi Quaity, in Upper anada,, i-, now living, he will, on lu irturn t * ,f nglan'J, hear of fomething much to his advantage. If he is deadg any ucfon pofli liiug fuch knowledge i» re- quvjUd t > communicate t to Mr Wa- liamFresmam, of New YoiJii ^>r t.> Roderick Iackay, K|quire, of Bnwlt Towi,3b it w oj;J relieve hi* relations from an unplea>a:it anxi'ty. He wis 6x reel high, ii^ht brown hair, pale com¬ plexion, and very thin. , .jrf BOOT, SHOE and LEATHER 1 POB WILLIAMS ft rn. at ,se i>'g«> of the GOLD'.N ftors ftifei, Reff>c.afiiliy inf<»ra» the iuliaSitants of Kingfton, and its vicinity, that they Hill continue their Boot and Shoe Manufactory where they keepconftantty unhand, a larjre aff»rrmeut uf Lady'9 and Gentlemen's Boots and Shor- of every dclcription. TJkewife a fupnly of ^ood Sole and Upper Leather, of all kinds. Their prefent 3{T>rim^nt i« rnOch more complete, than they have hkhcrto had. Kingfton, June 23 18f 8. 4tf r II Vt\" fobferiber begs leave to inform -1L hi-, friends and tiie public, thai he I has commenced the AUCTION BUSINESS, ; in the Market Place, oppofue to "'fr. j D.mie] Brown's, wheie every atrcnrfon i will b< paid ro th-fe who mav favour him with their commands. M1CHAKLM0RAN. Aucb'otls every day at eleven o'clock. June 22. • 4 ■ — ——■—----------------■--------------- • Notice. WERrtK \S I have fold mv vfifc, KlJZAB'Uil MILL •: lt formerly known by the name of Bet- Jsey M/vckrimon, for the turn of Jkr" rac^theSd^ thU '*" Aerefoie to forbid ail pect hasin-omeinsiances heeu ex»t*?.'d :0.1a- ' and every perioii or ptrlons giviner hfff Lcredn on my account, as I will not oav j a* y debts of her contracting after thid date. AUGUSTUS VFLLER. Kingston, 19/A Jnr.e* »8iH. ^w\ e of the luh* lays agv an old daik rel Cow, with a brockie fac The ownci is requeltrd to uroYc properly, pay chmgCQ and t ik:- h--r away. C. OU'LU ton, ltd June* iS 18 4* \ pu jia>n.—Even in ca-es> of ttifokind, however, tirjdanc*- of importer- has been obtained, uho bad ihey h-rtn permiiied CO practice On [lie humanity of individuals wight have be*n >lili in»»re^ncet'.--'fnl in tiieir fran'!nleo_f designs, Vonr Committee have to congratulate he Society on ine flourUuing »ta.e of its fund , which, excepting any extreme case, tikonid oc- eur, appear fully ad*H)Qate to aiiMter the com¬ mon demapdsof the enjoins six mnnth-,. CHr. V. HAOKR WW, Secreuiry. K. C. S. Kingston, 8th Tan*-, 1818. I'u.onii tee for .he en-u ng.^ix mouths. Re.. It. G. Oinols, B. VVhuuey, L. No ton, } ^. S. Siiaw, II. Mal>bec Bitqrs. C\MK into the enclofurc lcriber>abnut E.-n days Captain C. B. H R.Qi{% ia appointed Naval CommijTiiner at Oiebec, and co n naoder >f the Ndvall f^rce on the Canadian Lakea, Ann. Snh's. J Oannt's. £ j. d. I £ >\ rf. H.-n' ofSnVsad'pr:.ed...7i 18 4 167 15 5 V;c uoh-r F.-u-r. L-q___. I 5 0 1. ..» --.yr , F.-q. ....... I 0 .) ;.'oi*-. drdtc.il A't>ice. ' -V titoey,............8 1" iv ;1r. i*-i. laoll,.....— 0 10 0 £$ Id 4 Kingston, BthJune, \X\± &J a j P7i 'TT^'-l ■', fublctiberhashad i? h'^« h.iro-e. -12- *for ne'irly a year, ^ fmal' h^x an I a bag, both containing wetting ipp^re) for J.dm liaviii.a mai •», ami vVi< In B;.ley, ;t Joi »cr ; wi . .;;, t[ ( thera o) ap{4yta«j o h \n\ ..

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