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Kingston Gazette, June 9, 1818, p. 1

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[TUESDAY JUNE 0, 1513,] KINGSTON G A Z [Volume vim. 10) 2 ] i rs^i Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postaoe **,*V YfV Agents for the Kingston Gazette. Ernest Town* J AMES RANKISf, Faq. York, WILLIAM ALLAN. E*q, Brcirkville, A. SHERWOOD, Esq. BrllvilhsS. WNABB. E.q. Mon'rral, N. MOWF.R. Printer. TAe BAY and RIVERS TE \r BOAT CHARLOTTE, WILL leave Ringfton for thr Head pf the Bay nf Quinte every Snnday afternoon 5 o'clock a»nf Wednefd^y morning % o'clock ;- Re¬ turning leave Bc]1vii!e far Kingfton Tpcfifey morning 2 o'clock, and the T/v/> /)*/?# Chfsxvt Horse John Bull) ELONGINOtoan Qjfietrin thi- Oatrifnn, wiil be fold at Anfti *n in the Market Place, on Tbttrfday the 11 f h June, at I i o'clock. He is about lfi hands in height, has been aceuftomedj j to Saddle and Hamefa ; alio as a char¬ ger, is rem.-okaMy well broke, ami hel ran againft WVongton at the Kinglton-J Races on the : V i fjune, 1816. Fan tuk Kisasroy Gjzktte. 1 ESSAY on ..I V ]^ )tiee. THE put tc are hereby cautioned a giinft pmcrafinga Kote «>f ha «d, drawn by thcl'ubfcrihcr, and p;»vab'e t v * -"n\ n - » i'" c Pie'ce Stanton, f.»r two hundred and . Parrying place Thurfday m 2 ,'fifty dollars ; as no coufid.m.on o^ va ! o'clock ; leave kmgfton for fofettljj^ ^ ^ ^^^ for fhc fam^ The on the EDUCATION! or V P P V R A NAD A. n /fr /.ta/ 6as found a way how to heep up QCmdsfpirii cafy, adivc ana fr?c\ and yet at the Jame time. to rtjlrnin him from mu::y things he has a mind lo, and to tltttW him to things that are uneafy to him; he, 1 fay that itows how to re- ennsdt tbvfr f&ming com radiations, has in «y opinion, got the true fee ret of Ldu- caSivii >i Lock a* 1 every Friday morning 7 o'clock, and" Prefcott for Kingft >n Saturday mom-! jn<T 7 oVn'*k. I SMITH 8 4RTLRT. ' £//;/«. WAkTtBVR ET. ") 7?/V, J ana gent. no'e is payable in June 1^20. G-VRRET STRIKER. Ha Howell, \%th May. 1818. i< A8 every man (hould confidcr hirroelf [bound to cOnttibutK his mile toward-) the [public I enctu ; or the improvement 01 that iicieiv <'t waich he \h a member ; !itt!e pp l~gy wii: perhaps ne rcquhcu, of him, whole g*>PO Mention* arc al [once recognized, oy the iibeial minded lot all perirtaliiins. Jtfui io the gentlemen compofing the differm board* of Education : and to jjthc calm confident ion ot every parent. Kin?stem 1 June I, 181S. i A Dwelling HoufeaM ?ak-: houfei or K^*rdian ; theae itnt<ment-, on the :o T.ET for any number fve:.r<: m*& iarpomiit of all (iibje^ -a»c ear- To Bakers. G^V 3* * v.; [ ('o -T1UCT. TEN'Dt R8 will He received at this; Orfi'-e-m'i! WHnefiay. 17th foft at :-2 o'clock, from fucli pc-rfonsas »r.ay br dcfiroti3ofen-eiinir i »o Qaatti&.f-t tfle Uiimly .^r ^Ve<d r-qivit-d fo? the T r at.- iii th." Oanil n« tnat my b? agreed upon. For par- ticulais cnqut'C t f W. LTER VVCUNIFFE. KJngfton, June 2, 1818. itf re To Let, (r ntlt.j a-:drc(;-d- IVhilc uhtiauihropifts, exult in tn- [oopL| that t!ica;c ufcOtTcimf i** p.flir. away, whv »h >niJ we nerled 10 aid the aiiivMl oi" .vi der maone's, and hap ne. time- by inculcatiny ihtii inperio: sd« vantages i;i tiic education of y-uth ?— And how can thin he June, l> lam? 0-R the term Ofvfghl or nine vear*. w reaforiiibie tvrrn*, the prentfiTraj !tcacf> rs, or parent^ brWev* not'-.in^ can ji the fweetefl fruit, which thr little hiids K. , j. ^Painfifl preeminfner yofirselfta vic\r *'A >ove life's wrakni**^,^ its enrnforts too." As perf^tor is rot attainable; and fuch as feck for faults will not be long without finding them, fo thofe who lis¬ ten to the t'Ae* of childhood, will al¬ ways have enough to hear. One with¬ draws hip child, having heard its coin- [plaint ; and ?.s i;«»thing is eafier propa- j gated ihan preridict, he fo-m grts others I to think ill tit the Came teacher, that he I may not appear wiiirnfiral, or (idgular himfclf : a pra-fti e jull as illiberal, as thai of a man. who having Rolen your pnrfe, roSs you of reputation alf > ! The) broils and bickerings, of neighbours and ! parents will often nf. mimicked hytncj children, and the whifpers of the lchf,'>l I room arc bit the echoes of the domed ic ' fire fide. From hence arifes much of the illiberal cenfire which two the bed and Tofl impirtial teachers mnft endure; the fcho'ar. much happier, ha- but one nv-tfter. but here the teacher hi* many : and If th- frivo'ous reports of his own j pooihi are to influence thr parent, a mat ! P^^rred fcourgca, to parier.ee, or bWs 'tcr becomes nor on!y wretched in m-'nd, tl) vigil-nee. *Tlie ufuat ia*y a>rf but altoeettVr deltitute of authority :— foort 'way- bY challt.fement, and the rod, though he can onlybeofefoJ in prqpor. Ij wWch »*♦ (%* lhc i-nm^rtd Lock..) lion a* hN charaftcr is h-.'d facred, or.}thc on,y w*rt«CBt of goaemme a that his endeavor* feconded by the judicious"; !Mtl»rs e^eially k..ow. or ever tJliirk of, aid >f tli'* parent. 'is'he moll unfit of any to bented in ed- A man of r<n? merit, is ever the more nation .—But .f you can once ge: i ^ obn-xious to the -enviouM and nnprinci-;. ch,ld,tn a lovC rf^«*fi anJ 3M »PP«- j pM; a^ it itf RCfterally obferved to be!1 henhon of fhame and iilgrace. you have honor o{ the peop!« at large, that mime* ro'ua and C0/npeC€<»t falaiie- (hould be av ligucd to the ditpciifets of public in- lli nation. As in the general opinion of mankind, the chkf g'ory of every people ariles liom its auth tr$s a few ifcoui-uul poundi annually expended on them would confer more true and laOin? fa i>ef than millions waited in dcllruCtive wir». As without lamp* theie cannot be li-h», fo without nil the lamps mull expire." _Nfw as we always find reward ever Simulate! in cxtfrtion ; how can it l>e better bellowed, than on thofe who hv/e the care of our offspring, an' wh-te tal¬ ents muft (tamp the chars*£t. r of a fu¬ ture generation ? Dr. Scraehan i* the preface to hi"-* Arithmetic, very prip^r* !y obie-ve^ that ** he who is auniou to fpare labour, ought not to be \ public Teacher ;" and it may be added, that, thole who are anxious to withhold aJe- , qjate reward, are not worthy >f a good • one. PeihiioH from thin latter circirtu ' nance, inooleut pretenders, have often '.> be .a * • 1 :! I h'tke- mm FUnn- r ceive-' from the Commit km* Stores, frm 25th June to 2^\ Dec n.ber 1 ^*8. The Teu4e«' ^-ofl eapt«fi the names cf two f.ir' ties f r the e foi mance of the (agie-m *'.t. 4/st Cm\ Gatk Office, .; , . Kingston. \jl June • 8 J 8. I \ I 1 at prefect occupied by the luhtoibe|'f !!"e ** coa*p!rfbcd in eilucaiion ivitf ^- ii'i:.-*t.fa iitire '/.votl-.rv h u!e. 1 iun"*foinutf n«o«r. «r continual ishal lo:-fi liMriJofa laige J\vo fi-.ry h .i!c b:-k.- Iiou'e, liable, &c For parcicu-; ais «poly to the fub'*' iher. LOVIS ^APIN. Kingilon, June 2, :8'8 iff or continual chalH: nieni To Let, &.Nienf .n b»e tern.-, fo» one or more l i I *•'-• i:4y in »«rtu, giee leffjusun hun.c r.y, to luc eh'ifd who wo.tonly? bicki ,i d ,^? ox deuVoys a ctt ; if we ctiuti uC t-M every gult of paflion to «*X- jcfcife criii i;y on thefchdr, or fever- j«y oi| r|,v hcljj.e!"-. infuit .• m«f<ki itfelf 1 U* JV imtir-t tii***t. oni-t.i:i*r- fi. »n» foiUC fudlJ II y Fbmctimes originate fn-m -_-— •-^ y 1 uuuey 1.11 ji iu'iaii'C tunc to; a two c C10)^ StJlC) j foal! family, oop-fite to Mr. isdwa ^v 11. -M.ivia.-i. ******...... \ZaZLz hHm.......^W,yt0 l OtfXKt B-ards and I Unfc. ^ m ,S bir» Shi £ •■ nd i..... R .....;______________> [Jcrfwr m LuucaM >n, as ihe rohher, under 1. - , -, . hl*W ffi-mirwniihiDe-i thr ganmv5f rctraced his crime to th ! dniteiy th j t luitub;e ItancJ fo;* a lh'»p andjl/^ VOIM Utten <>>pfe. I haw, in Canada, heard plrk at : fo the rnnli<rnant fp 1 rit of little mi'df, are e^er bufy ; and like that. painful, but pnnyannoyer, the mufque- to, feema only created to murmui and to (li.ur ! That " the anihoiity of a Matter, for 'he time fuperfcede* that of a parent, I who has no right to interfere with the ejjulntMn,of a ffhofl," is a point late- ;| I"lla: cl.a'lifemrnt ; whv m*h% n»l the Iv coafinacd hv a Briti'fli Judge, at the1 f'""" lh'»S ** &°"*> °r « l««l atu;vp» Lanc9(hi« Affizca. " 1 have,'" fay, the <J. '" "l!,er ewnftria I 1 compiler of 'he /mciican Pecepror *' often he;»rd ohj »nd ex | put into them the imic principle which will condautly Work and 'tiiciinciliein to the right." Thus it w enfy to conceive that a matt may be a yood gummarian, Rn ex^eit 4- rtthmetieian, I fine pentnan, Sec, and yet be found a bad teacher If the I a* habitants of J'-tpan can ed icate theft youth, without the degftJatioi of ^ier- famiiy. or)p..fuc to \\\\ JSdwaril <a Ko...! t-,il hi.utii niinc^ obkive, »n. ih,- ,:V i;,v| W......WSplfly to l,K ,'lui.j d of cducHtian, line he lliil reel jltttua^rft, declare, rha* th ■ 1 Cord W »od JOHN {'t'TTLE. Kingston* ^oth May, \%\X. I PUBLIC NOTICE. TJ-fE Parincrfhip heretofore: °x\\} fftg undev t*;e firm ..t .rI3:n aid and Join:?, is this <i<iy JiSf/.veA by ffuinial cO'ifrnt. All pe-i'ous holdii. - account-, a^ainft foM Firm, -^rc req-i. \^) to irrefnit ihen for fcttlemCftt, and 'V indebted ty faifj ; \ Firm to make imtntdi >'e oevment. '; PETER McttdNALD, EDWARD JOMES, The Bufn-efs in future Will be carr'ed1 o.i Hv Edward Joy,es, who is aUthoriied to fettle ^1*. accounts a-, above mentioned May 27 A Second Hj.!id CABLE, Fo:- Saii ny Mee.t-, wiili indignation, the treatment lie icc».i'C*d at Uicol ; :,nd that he wo:ild as nadiiy have marched into a field of i'battle, tis he would have c.itcred hi- ........, .....„....... &___ .v ......... • fchool iooiii. or have met a mulk't baU.jl I^n rant and difcontented parents*M nef* rif managing a 'argc School, and' training the pupils to learning and vir¬ tue, wv nothing in comparifon with the] trouble which was given by whimfital, But in Canada, learning requires //** fteriiHbed fn-!!^ as well ai tfW men, Our )vw c u '1- e whole bufi- \\ biltty be cxp-cied U >m yo-i.ig »dven'.*ir* e's, or travelling (banker* ; or wlr can be refp'mlible f <r lltiir moral chardv'r.er ? In ma* y towuihius, a tcac!»er of twelve mouths iiJuding, is a prodigy { one of 3m manv w«ek^ beia^ the in ft corumo.'. as have faced his Ich ol*mailer : and I MtlNJji .J or ;St. GERMAIN. 1 l}.avtf conveif0d wi'h m.-my others wlv Kingston, Afrit to. i8>». ______^! 4tUl ftftnin firoifar feeling- ! Such peda- V ailiable i Lands. No. r ! n'.vK ;a.c oy ttu- I'ubfcnbcr Lot No. L io'ti'.tO ;y, in eh-: teu.li Coticeflion, u bait Lot Nw. t8, it. ttiv 6th con- ccui-u:, of the Town (hip or Pf.icy. Ap* piy to JOHN BUUIvEiT. aimstom May g/ht 181 b. 5o:*! Is jgogucs, I coufideris mr.ci.»cv:*us, mer¬ cenary pretender*;, and b) Bo means as ihofe who have, * the t.ur iecret of ed¬ ucation." The paths to learnini:, (hould if pofi- ble, be llicwed with flatter*, and nor with thorns. The t<»t. r llv-old bem.hJ and firm patient and p- rfi. ifive, rather Let it then be the hiifi iefr nf evetyj One mighr aifo well f«:.pofe, jhat h^n \ friend to education to awnken mor^ lib-. j ihe continual ace umts given ; the pofc. leral Tentiments with refped '0 both 'ca J [lie pa-.cr-, of the moll aboavina rbe jm* M rhers and pupils. A gloriotls SeW iftO-ljp0"^ RmUog emplovmcnt ndencoai- pen ro nirvicw : and our Lrgiflatures J1 agement, as ichool m^nerp. that parents are ailing in its cuhivatio-. : in addition : j would he found more cauti-ms, or iygj|- t0 a frtwll annual ftipeud, ihev hnve vcy I trot, in their choice. God f-rbid that judic iouily endeavored to fhicid the tea¬ cher from the effects of local prrjudice.or fr'V'oni complaint ; by rel-riitg fuch i cift> to the d'-eillon of a boaid of edu- 1 than 'dc clothed with terrors ; ins pupi I. Of' Het le. Sherm s ,t \'N S.\TURDvY, the 2-th in't will be fold Is* one family ; hfmfeU the rather • Thofe patent*, h^vt vcv erroneous. JUST icccived at (he Store of S.i 'notions, who confidtr a fchoolrnailcr a- ii.itilet.acoufiuomemol 94 ba.- the o?.ly proper dilpcnfer of pu.-ilhiucnt*: itoi*.,f &et\% «f a iupeiior qiiJiicy, toi or who teaze, and interrupt him, with fa;c tor ealh. [ jconttnual complaints ol juvenile error* May 5, iS 18. 491 iin which the parent ifowS ** reiponhble cation While fome parents forbid the rig ur neccfTiry to remove the vices, or I i unl-arn (he errors acquired by patent- j by ihic hint, I fh-uild l>e tlrought toiro> peach the morals or mviii ^ffrrangers in whom h-ve crrtain'y gencal. many of pr.ve I themfeives wo:?hy of the great confidence repo'ed in them : but as a parent. 1 may be exeofed the anxiety which I feel, and wou'd w:fh to he felt **-,-^. is»j«;. — fSJdhnd\ ;.? \ Di'irkl S SJ' - . _ - it the C mx H-uic m the Town <-f Kiogfton, Lot No. i3«d the foutherJv half of I.-t Mo. 49 '"'■ *'1- fjH r"A'n * Kingfton, f«Z€d fcjr virtue-fan F.xccn tion;,,t.»fM^i4fty';i:-i:,t r z lam notherv to be underllood as main \ -raining that every fcTo'nary of learning hat whol- a- indulgent, ntbers mafl approve of j by otfceps, in the choice of thofe who edarfoffiies, iivho preferl may elh-r pollute, or elevate the mmda 1 |«an be conducted wirho.i that wool- laifawce f0(nt. or difcrimtnate tlifclpli«e which i-. B-nch at the f.iit f Meander Hart & Bemamin Han - yfr& the U-.d» aad TcnrmeiiVa "f Peier Gram —Sale to comropnee it t 2 "'cck -a 'he forenoon. s^riif * Q^ff, yft 7""e '■**•___I mpd matter. FARMS FOR SALk. THE fubfciiber offet» far &** a krm contairoofi S3 aCt<f"«,n 'Jf 0*n" Jhio of Eroeft Town, 2d eoneeffi n ha vimj a -rood frame Ho-ifc. » Uijje Ba.n iaJ Shed, an excellent ft - .d fo. a tavcrfl aud'liore, and on= of the M BW«WW- the TruePuluenek! The French carry >»cir omp^nancr I0(r,e or d.lcr.m.nate HUGH .0 far as to fay HW the bngl.ih are llic! jfom)d lo ohcck tIlf tmulicnce «,f lome /•c-,7^ .,cople mi «arth < ana they give, .t(. bl)! f| ;8 c,rta|llj ,j,at ^y^, N a ,.oof, the fo,i«wingj ar.ec.Jote :- ^ of punfimtn, nil/ever lejfen its cj- '• In-,e nfth'.fe ,- d and mifiy days, fea.^x& fame Tuk will hold good v,U-h make an 1nhab.ta,toFtl„s country, wJ,h rtf^a to the laws which pmo w,fll Nrnfrff m the warme.t piirt of »„,,„, aa We4l«? to the rules which d. A t«ca, two Frenrh t,.., »nd an un^uh jrcfl lhl, j,vi.ni,e &&&,, felorwetc the ov-.fid: paffia^eM ot a{ A fcveic ^ friim a ftnae :;,a«h. from Dover to uom.on-- wj, h;1V(, m0,,<fFcd than a fevere blow. One of 1r.efore.4ne- sand th* EiftttA tVom a morofe one. Study is the moil min ha.'g-..<! warm cO»t» ,n , bo; ttejfacegfcfa when the mind is mod at othr, who ipp^.ed to be fuffcnnr, 'mfc . b„t hov, c;(n ,hat mind be „ cafe from •hecff<a,..f fever* tea Uefcnefs,« whidl istver tcnanted bv te,rol? In dl.r.rtg h.s pafTa.e f.om da.-, wa.- thc ClllUHc .»f the human mind, there are w:tJOMt lliw bet (run Ii to QtttQje a ,houfand little nicities. which an expe •trailers liM M ow paffinigef the ri(,nced tutor alone can know and he F-encMrnan.corr.afriouacedh.M^uai.un:, fhould theu-fore never be tied down by .81^ Wl»h many profeffioos o* uol.l ri.rf . t,(, re!triaion^ on his cond-d : .offere.l the uie of h.« great coat ; oher- ^ nmhj ;g mor? cnn,mo„ than to fe.. . vWg, that n wa- I watoi and agreeable, ;n lTl;u.,ati„ fo{> glvC ridiulolls direaioni, •that nc coold not but find it a ^luab.e, oi o[Ur rnf|^ to wovthy tcacber> On my firil arrival in Upper Cnnsda, jji the country for a mec»a-ic. ■ Jfr-Qw of the bei< Fa;m? u ........__________ townfliip of Kiogftott, crRtaniv g »oo . B(jdlt|oiJ. The papr ftivmng fellow ... Beret, well timbered, and about 30 acres j wy n%t bo.,ever M pr< vailed on u>, j mtt wjlh a vc,y jatcl*ig« t Englilhmai, qnder i.-nprovcr.ent. ! I ,jepr-ivt. ,he other of a pie;-; of clothing, ' w}jo COndufted a fchcol in this conntry. SV1TH BART'.Er. ; iofvvh,a, hc fll<)ko fo highly, and with- he |oW me with a tea,f„l eye, that u. 48t!_'i lout which he had plainly inumated that] conreqiIcnce „f ihh latter c.Vcumthnce April 28, 1818- ALL pe-for,- indebted to Dtffarf M *• Jones & Infield, fince the 2d July, 1817, are requefted male all tl»ofe them que ft 11 Id he fo very uncomfortable I .• |iTual;on jl2t] become odious to him. ■I.of. pafTionatc p (htpes to preceptf. and in higpiling with ri preceptor ahent his recompencc, think lv y have n.adt a good bargain, when they get one who will whip their child- retdf for half a dollar per quarter lefe| rhan another would charge to in/lrutJ ihem ! White they hefnate not, in giving a labourei a dollar per day, for hi* fervioej whofe labour* though fevere, are not equal to thofe of the mind. A School-maftei who receives 25 dollars from government, isexre&ed to teach a (tholar toi ont dollar and a hj«f per quarcei ; his iccompcnce therttorc from the parent is one penny per day> and for I his hc has often to give fix leflbus I— Now (hould this man have a fami;y, re- fident in the neighbourhood, (and which mould always if poffibV be the cafe) he will feidom require cajh of hU fublciih- ers while they fupply him with produce ; lo that were hia recompense greater it would fcarcely be felt by the farmer*, or merchants. But the littlenei-s of ton duft in their ticarv with teachers, is fo very oppufite t<» the dilintererted hofpl- tality of Canadians, that it mutt have o- rigihated from a want of Crue coufidera- tion on thr importance and value ol ed¬ ucation : for as the morals and proloer- ity of every country muft go hand in hand, fo the difpenfers of public induc¬ tion (hould be proportionnlly rewared- Nt-thiug is more encouraging to any au¬ thor, than to find his own opinion fop- ported hy the brll and moil difiutcelted authority : rr.y quotations will there¬ fore be pardoned. Pinkcrton in his re- . marks on the Education of America, ioblerves* ** as nothing is more import j ant in any country than the national cd^ II ucatioi^ it would be i*o; the iiitcrCa and 11 of our : ff-.pri'ig. IndreJ we:e J to have a choice- 1 fh-mld revairiiy prefer U,n\ who was himftlf a parent y foi the in'tvnc- tor of my own children; even though bisitflJentfl mit{ht be !efs fhining- Ho«r oppofste alfo is thi** to the imOolittc plah of employing unfettled anii fingle fi..-n, who as ioon as they have «>btained ttje ca(h foT their quartet* hire, move off and fpend it in another p^ac ■ : c3n fuch it¬ inerant teachers be expected to leave many traces of inll ruction behind the.r ? It is with much pleafnre 1 perceive that many worthy people in this new world.can duly vafua-cvery thing cm- nc&cd with a fuhjeft fo important : anvi even the American Amanaeks have n-X difdained it. 4( Confidet,M fny» Walk¬ ers, " how much time is lott by maier and fch'lars fr«r want of a warm coinx* nient room. One might fuppofe. from the (liattcred comliiion and ill accommo¬ dation of many Scliool houfes th^t they were erected as pounds, to confiae un¬ ruly boys, and punilh them bv w \j of freezing and Imoking.—So that the mas¬ ter can do littlr mtfrt than reguJute t'le cer-monie6 rfth* h.arth. Propei books in the fcveral branches of their liudy, are a ^teat encouragement. A g"'d . pin¬ ion of their mailer is another thing you ought to give ihefft. To fl;:ildir hia character i? an indirtd atuck tuion your dearelt bterdt" but one miyhr wcH fuppofe, tnat could no other tirtuot* example be fou-id among thole wh«» have deigned t'» ,a teaofe the yonOg idea h«»W to ihooi " that in N01 h Ameitca, the iiamcuf Anthony BEvtZi-T, w old ever dilfufea luilute on an office lo ar¬ duous and i-rp.:riant ! JOHN i>iOkRiS i:UND.vLL.

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