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Kingston Gazette, May 12, 1818, p. 2

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a radical ctanv^ nf *y*t<*m hi the G o- * t • 1 ir.a't i I ad ! • .- :i partroi'nrlv I L;. '-.'urr-, I) -liir tfr I! ml r s\ • t! • •il > i » > v d . hi! v sirfcui in C* a a -cv-r. nth H ;.m r 0/ p ;*. -' w tL*vh t r thi- c iiiiitf) I: d !» ttdfl ' ' ' ' & I'tli'.-d Mates—»liO '1- '" W ■ ' ;i v i'm BAitn ■-ti' *i n« Jai»i« d 't-~. t: ■ . 1. vinoe and Britain :—invrjunui in *i>»M win) h» :» pari of 3 if rii) or i> *.lri«;iisni in i>i- soul, has uvw Hff*» fi-ii if cause lo h >tir hiiusoH TKsre »a* a time wh-'it i rae! was f;'-.»>"h.-fl *iihint*sw drought"* I)<\ af r 'as. and w k after w* k, the un ■ vered -un ro tf, only to irisfbfen thr iiat>on. ami < ei more wide the ^ - ni»a u ,<ijv- of th"scorched earth : —< •!*■■ was w*f i'ou '•¥* r faith in Isra¬ el ; a "I t'lr'iriith of a few brought, at Ja*!- salvation to file expiring mu'ti- fudt:. Lpf not th«van<dfcn! record b.- Io<t to thrse modern days;—let not th* S'-iii- am] inures of the material world 1) thrown aside a: vnin emblem11 Jl Iu - t iti'»ns, and manifestations of the will. ihs- power, and the goodness ol God. Ii* hmm r drspii* l<is witurei whSb thojf an* true to themselves, and faith* fi-l to him,—while thrj bono nib 13 put to use toe divine gifts of rationally T'r course to h? pursued, by th" pee- p'« <if thi- lrovincft, at the present juncture, is so dear, that h.* who rttns Ixi'iv read : they have only to put trosl in the success of their own virtuous <u- «idivers ; and, surest will as sttreh lollow, as day -urceedsto night-—Yi* . ■worthy Inhabitants of this Township o! jNi'»r"ra, vou inav tb**Jtiti the necessart t. ' I . with confidence :—the I * t»1 cl"»ud whichroVfl irim th*- hoii/o^ at ti;-* in oi^er than a man's nn-ul, l" a- il .M'»v expand d—mantled over th» f*l utlr s face of a burning *ky; ai! ai la-t SiVOW red down refreshment <*i! th^ lhir>t\ Ic^d. TI:*' £ooi\ which may result, not om. \y to »h^ Kiwificv bur to the ffenera caij«f i ftiutbj should fli -s** pfopota's b-* c//' erfuUtj And "le*'t!y adopted, ur pji^-sall r.alcitlation. It would b' ii rdlrs for me u',v* to descant on th Si.b M-t. If therein really no pub?ir ^piiii in 1 he country, \ have ahead;. thrown awaj too much «f my time : ii th"io is, .-t ir now be shown, for w »vm ■wo- occasion more urgent If th-; p; o- pl.- of Oiuada do not nttto nmse theoi- fe- !vs, fliey '"ay indet d have pi. u\\ ai -. »reon to exi«( : bat t« thai " r»*ht- eou-ni'H w.u»n exalt»-th a nation**th»'j >vi:i havf no claim- The farmer mat pjr»d nvr>r his fields,—the merchant fray rft drowsy and dull, in his '•tore : hi', th« *ift*. the viuour, the felicitio oi a properois and happy people will not bo seen in the land :—the Aiperior- ii\ of public management in the lr:i'- t. *! Slate?, will bother all hope of com* pe.thioti': America will (tourifiju i\hi" C'li'l* sinks into comparative decay and. another Mar9 will n -t only brlnjs wifji :t w«:st; and debtruition, but i#- iHinikiious d f«*at. In inn scijome proposed [ will accept of noapp iutm ut ; but, persons act¬ ing in It Mliall have my utmost a-si 1- aiuT, and I -hall make clear to »h >m cv4 ry course to bo putsird- A** sooti «■ matterscomo to a head,all in/Virma* f»on. collected b> me, shall b<; at the disposal "f the Coramisiioners; and 4\ mi b^ttfrco»wquenceft may be e\o* <•- t^ d !rom rhi ;) p-.-JAi m w nirof, f hu an) ttrttconld hare followed rro;n ! ]"ni!:'-iii".tary n [Otry, iiatl th.*t h-.,>. avowed ro proc «d.—|f will $h w, tint t*!onjh the rights of Parliam^nl maj h<- irlii ^i with, those of the people ol Lop* r Canada, arc* not so easily to krt $ f h Ie/iar»ce. Phe Assembly of the Lower Pro- To v»nr pirrr of the tfrfl MftfCll, a I BiiJs wer? alfn prcferFe<J a-ainft Ja|rt»ff ^'OT ooo. •:j »,r».,l .-rror ■.»■■» H.-.-i.l -if.-llv in- j Puu-hard, Mi.-h:-,] H-y.lo. and j Un? Kumoort are fa ctrcutattnn nf diV "• ' '*'• •','* """.""'"'"* "!' ?*f^«S?'- il BoarJe'forilh,: *.«idir or .1 half-br«d, • turl^ncca.having broken out in Sweden Mm™ Le IVr.ilr^ ,„ tj,fi „fl-,.Hy Gf ,!ie| ;,, ot.nffqnence of Dernad.ittc having l9,t"' l"nf» '8«Ot and auainit Captain P. lucceeded to the throne of that king- O. D'Orl-.nnens, for yf^d larceny, at .1 dom. —itSJI ii!-! iinv b--' u printed, Billy Ittatf.-l.l ■■•' " ti,-*}> " K. G. * Tothx- Ediinf ofthe N/a :(tri Spectator Niagara^ oth April, I8I8. Re so good a*; present my compli¬ ment* lo thf worthy Woman, (Jt-o. A. M, and a^ure him, that. thinj I have tu r| rt ;. ith for an\ *8i"dmw?9 ,»' •ithi^i" he may imm-'diarelv turnout his favorite cattl'.1 taftiffen thereon* The public nto-t now be convinced how endles^ would bo the (ask, were I to return every fooU*boll aimed at me. —Since the disgraceful terminntion o» thti session of 1 arliam^nt, I am doubl. inclined to leave off all trilling* most f-eriously entivat every man to do hi- ovn individual public duty, and ! . vt hanuv hull 1 h^^ to find ntifio, thereby* become more weighty a.id un* mi taut. aOBKUT CiOCJRLAY. i From the Montreal Gazette. riourt of Kind's Bench—March TF.RM. In th'it Court th following Bills ititre found:— t- AgainR Miles M'Doncll, l«te Jafticc of the Peace for the (ndia" tVrrftorie&i f'A difnnt Governor oi |Offinib<ta for the Hndfon's Bav Compaoy$«tnd \jrent for the Earl cf ce kiik for alTauli and b (ttcry in 1813. •n the pcrfon ut a young n;an namet< John Finney, one of hit Lordlhip's Set- tler*at Red River. 2. Aoainft .-ichael M'Donel\ onr of t».c chief Clerks of the Hulfon's Bay ■^moanyand Lord ^cikiik, as prin- ctpa'. and the f«id VBfr&t M'D'mel'. la a-'f-^ry before and nfter the fa^, f »r grand larceny, in pillaging in February. t8i+. eci'r Turtle River, a quantity .»** prov fion'1 belonging to the North*Wtft Company. 3. \gafiift John Spencer, chief \e- conntant in the Red River of the Hudlbn** Bay Company, and Lord SelkJ'k, a* principal, and the faM iVlilrs M,'Donell| a«&CCeffary before and after th«' Fift, for i/rand larceny, in pil^a^mg in May, 1814., on the River Affiuibojoc, a bateau 'oad of provifiong, belonging to'he North Weft Comoany. . 4. Ajpinft james Flj n, for malici nfly (h ^ting in May, 1815, Upon vari us ^»C'!ons. fettlerfl and otheri, lefidei'tat 1 he Nnrih-Weft poit there, vt ho w< re. peaceably paffing along the highway. 5. Again ft Co'lfl Robertfon, J«>hn Rourk- and Michael Baydeii, chief fervaot? of the Hud&nVs Bay Co-npanv ^nd Lord 8clkiik*, for riot and folic imprifonment, with othen*^ on the i 7, h of March, 1^16, andfor h-ivirtg fefzed, in'he NTorth Weft houfe at the Forks ■jf the Red Rivcr^ the perfoni of Dun¬ can Carnr-, .;i, Efqufre. one of ' the partner f 'he North Weft Company, and nlhern, tlieir Servants. 6, A gain 3 thr (Ad Colin Robertfon, John Rt .irke and ichael Hayden, t >gcfher with *iar:in Jordan, Michael Kilbn'de nnd Hugh M'Lran, other f " " T'ti" • is to p^ti»;>n th • Fr *i h P. ( ia- Dvnt a«t t" their trade ; your ti re» t, - iative<arA ro petition tie K _.eut a? to 'hfir privHe^i»s : when J ,0 ind my 5* ttfionM asideatid do. pi-edar York, di<pntr|n domimmrdiii.-U to bfpr :- ^••'f-d tn th.- IIou^j? of Comn»on< n, Jin^land. to call uttentinq there t'»Ca- Indian affairs:—a]I ihis will go foj •'th*. if ^omefhinff eNc j« no' done. Yon have read in tho Newspapers of m) -chr-me having he n discountenan¬ ced !>v Ministers ill home : yon h .m rrad of speculation* upon making the bi'vt bargain with uu United States for tfii-*n Profflnees. i know whence ail, tlo- proceeds: 1 knon what would oi».>Tir..f.j0.of t„ people and gor-l ernm-i't nt hometo the ivuv value rt 1.,. C-.ridas. and put an end to sod) u it .->i_v.ch dfnpi trng surmises; and .•!« this I *H|.| he happy to explain r. -soon as explanat on can' be Uv |(i . On/" thh'x I am vory sure of. that •( (he people of Canada will oulydo(h*ii dvt\ fi- hou'^f mm, and as brotheis in u"*v. not onjr ftvory ju* l cla:m mat b' natdfn nj*xtCiirNtni«&; butafoun- d.oir.u :-. :»\ be la'd for this 1'rovi icebe- tonjift^ Kfietd:!j tin ,n«.-' il fituarc jpot #i th- hob5* Mh <%:, . l-* m-| IK top 1. rvice of tlBcef I K"W*™J f°,Jf arf varrjta. on %n this ron'; Bay Company and Lo^d ' '**w Countries. cC'^s to he wtkrltuod as rk, and again!! five Canadians Tr"tU m M™*™"**hr <ui!I I* <I\$ ■•!' " ?■'% ;"or Tohbrrv-at P~A<*- r _i. . • Una a ?;*>•* milth nt>L>ii:h t/,r oiu/ta -,..// / rhc V.h Wdt Comply. at tiKF.ks "f Ki<i Rrvr. 7 Ae-im'1 PiVrre Cl.rffoJ-.Fue ^a - br,m; ? bnif pay offi«^r tf the > mifan SSfeT""'-'" ,t,p f,rv'ice of f!' ^etki atrarv, For robbery,« CM:ir Lake, fn the lvndrlj .re Country, fn the fcj, I Of I*1«, the property of pcrlo.l8 Unknown. 8. '^iull the faid P C. Pambran, nnd bow, NoUji, ac:er* and interpreter, in the rervire of 1 he Hudfon*. Buy Cnmpa, y anrijI.ord S«"ldrk.a»princ,>J6, «ndtb« laid Miles M'Donell, a. acce8 fary before and after the fag, for Mtng ma dwelling houie at Red River, .n Feb i8t7. property'beUmca* to one Basil Belnngcr. .?< mrf rfthese bills of Ind\Bmtnt had hen tbroion mi by the Grand '/Ury ,,f tbt Court of Oyer and Terminer, 'l,u,' ,/JIJt y./rv tanjittei offer/onto who had no } invest m the matteri brought before them, wfafr on lb, Grand Jury of the Court of Ktng s Bench then were Jheral partners \ Of the horth-WtSt Company and other .perjons connected with them in pecuniar* 1 tntereH J I,ac 1-a I'l'ii-, ng3,%-.n the fame, Wm. Laidlawandothc^ f r gr;,n4 larc?»y at Baa dc la kmctt Wini>ic, and; againft AKxande, M'don^ld and others, r*r grand larceny, at Pambina Rivcrfl which were not found, the prtOi ipal i witncflla not being at hand to fnpport the charges It fiavs ratherfagular that the parties I fhouiahaveprrfeotr&din brin*'tn%forward J these charges* particularly that of John I PrUehnrdffor murdsr, (in the ahfnce of their witrnffcs) ivhirh if one of thofe fk/it\ had already been thrown out hy the Grand Jury of the C9urtof0yer and' Ttwiner Af the* Court, alfo. the bonds entered into in the Indian territories by the Earl of Selkirk, I aptain D'Orfonucns, Captain Matthcy and Dr. Allan, to appear to anfwer for the (fences which they wrre charged to have committed at Fort William and other placet, were adjudged ky the CcA>rt to be renewed, for their appearance, to take their trials in Upper Canadp. His Loidfhip vra* accordin^lv held to frefh bail tor that pnrpofe, himfelf in //6oco. and two furrtie* fn ^3000each, and P. O. D" OrfonnenSj F. Matthey.and John Allan,| in fJ^oo each, ^pd tu'o fecmiticd for each of them in £t$0 % piece. Ofthe t*wo Yudgt's- why gave this drder* one <was Mr. yufa e Reid> who in Sept. last* thought it indtticate to sit on the tri ii .of Mr. 'Robertfon or Mr. Spencer. It. " w//.r Hated to the (}nurt that the parties kdd'\ already taken a journey ir$to Upper Car.ad:\ [for the exbrefs pwp'fc °f meeting any j charges which nqgc* he brought against tttem utld had appeal wl before the Sfagis- trait's of the Wcflerft UttinB nvho on a foil'consideration >,f>aeh charge' feparately* were fatisfied iv>:h tVCOgMKanctt to the amount of f'3 f&jfi* m *•*" ! avl °f '$*%&& andlefser furns frow ' ' - '" wdem-n From the order V> 9 in iM$ omfanjt mil be olferi'ed th 0/rf °f *i"£'s Bench in the .' < # of .Montreal arrogate to ihemi'elv* *he power of binding j ovrr panics chargf^ wth fimple wifde 1 mtanors allegedmh:vel>etn committedin a\ place where the Court "ft f cannot exere'fe^ any jurtfdicliony to td*£ l^'r tria*ln another \ province. If they fa™ a r'*ghi to fend' parties to he tried in &Pf** Canada, the fame princ'ple muff afph io a,,y other ^ ti>-it;[b col-ny ; fo tfa a party ace fifed] btjorc the 'Justt<,r 0f the r.i^'s Bench at Montreal. f0r aftull and battery t, might befent to tahe his trial in Jamaica, j or at Botany Say. Upon the trial* *f various individual* 'accufed of eri-'»e* alleged to have been committed in the Indian teniiofeH b'-'"ng moved for,oiibvha'fnfrhe prilom is vrhti have been foi ^ long time confined under rhofe accujQtfion^, the Attorney General refuted to bring them on, afligrune a* a rcafwii rhat the pre! :dice«.. exJfting '^ this dillrtd on the fnbjeft of thediioutes brtvvre4 'he North we'f and' Hudlon's Bay Companies wit'i which theft caufee were fopipofed to he con , netted, ocf:aiiooe.d by the publicttfpnej on one fide and the other! were fuelj as' ! to induce him (o rei*ndVnt to the 1 LONDON, March 4. Hugh M'Cabe, John Kierman. and J-jmes Campbell, wee tried on the $<J March, fnr the murder ofthe Lynch f.imily- They were found guilty, and feiUenced to be bung. Count P:atoff, the celebrated H~tman of tbeCoffacks, died a fliort time fince at Novotfcln-r Rartc. ARMY PROMOTIONS. WAR OFFICE. 37th Rpgimsnt of Foot.—Captain J oh a friildie, from the 6th Dragoon Guards, to be Captain, vicft Jackson who exchanges. Dated ith Dccelnuei 1817. 70th Ditto.—Ensign Bnfh Crand- : ford, from the Slth Foot, tob^ Knsi^n. vice Carr, who exchanges. Dated 4(h December, 1817. 76fh Ditto.—Bj-eTet Major Alexan¬ der M;Donald, to be Major, without pur. base, v'ce Kra-er,- deceased. Da- ted 25th Dec. 1817. Lieutenant John Fraser to be Cap¬ tain, Vice M*Donald- Dated 25th December, 1HI7. STAFF. Liutenant-Coloiiol Franei* Cock- huiil, on the ha'f-pay of the New- BrunKwick Fencables, to be Deputy- Qttartcr-Master-Gen^ral to the Forces serving in Ca.»uida, >iee Myris, de¬ ceased. Dated 25th Doe. 1S17. alarm, in consequence of wb;cj,., dooro. UM-|tartnieiitwaf brotea^Jj Here a shocking spectacle or- itself. Thebod> of Sir Richard? was lying on the bed shocki-,R|v , Sled ; his aims bended over his btJ and a pistol in each hand. One 0f* pistols had I)F»tn loaded with Man I dherMifh ball. Both #eredisjj •d, and the bend of the buforj Ae-ntlemau was literally blown to D Doctors Lntham and PailUe J •>Ir Finch, proved that the oVc'eaJ had, since the death of the PriUc^ Charlotte, laboured under mental & 'ress. ile had repeatedly been hear* to say, that" »n"s lamentable elrcS » i he list of Naval olbrers. r.orrectod up to the '^mmenc-inent of the new year, enumerates. Adwirdh. tot, in Commission 12. PostCf/pf'tt'nsW.%, Commtmders. 701, Lieute>wntsr395U 5801, do. do. do. (H>. 298. 4i'2 Tba extraordinnrv.-Hlmirnfion of the rraWlr for the {y,,t;y 0f Lord Uyroti •n-M.ot be moro ttrongl^ exenipllJied *,:"' Instating that four thousand w- PKsofhbunjmbmedfovtfh ami last. v-a-'to olChildc liaroUhwe beeu al¬ ready besjKtken. tervawtaoftl-eHurffoii'iBay Compan. to ",d"ce Wm |» Wj*ref«« to the ai I Lord Srlkirk, for fteaJJag in a Goverr,rne::t, that j»ftire horli t the o.vHIinij h i:l"c, on the i7tl, ,f ijarth Crown and the in"-M,,- .u.u.-j, tRi6,thefursand #wth beieuging to |r,'cJ"i"rcl tbac all rf>e:"e tnal« fftould he he -on h Weft Pumixim. «*.l t< i h^d elfrurluT** t»b#r«* imna.*7.ii ?.._r_.l G C required that all thee tria.s Riould be jhad dfewhere, where impartial Juries 'cou!dbefelr-e>al. // is much to be f- fed however, that in any other Diftriel, ^h-re the nature of the ] \tanfaclions that an' carried on in this IX)\DON, FHiruarv 2S. Extraordt'tart/ Circumstance*— On «Jf P'1: pf !n (nimiiii, 8 M) BfimW- pend'Njf lorttme. naund Johu«on, who c-id d in Ilayhtreet, ('hrkenwt'lU di- ■d The customary ceromoui'»s cf fr laying out and placing the corpse in "■ coffin wero performed : but in eon i;- '•uenee of im risible chatiffe having ta- k*n plaCP in th:*appearance of the bo- dj, the friends were induced to defer •h" prrfonoaure ofthe last i'llice^ for a I iKer period than usual, and the fu- .:"ial was postponed from time to time ntH a month had actually elapsed. « [fhoui ?he siightftstalteration or n^ pea ranee of decay being mani/csted in tu • person of the deceased. An opin- on became prevalent among many of her fiitmiK that show as entranced, and oq W-dnesday last several medical •tentlemen were call d in to take n riew «<f the body.—One of them appM- ^•r i laurel to a vein,, and to the a*- Mjosf,in-:nf of every person present tlif* in od '■■ wed prnfxtsply through the orifice ; t'-^rv was. howrrer, ho appea¬ rance of ivruruiuij life, and the pro* --•iiuHl ij^othmeit having un^quivo- '■\'\\ v'v. : th-it opinions that the <*\- t*flfi£e w- i^hed heavy upon his bM a.-d he should never get over lt.M ' Mr! Fifed) said he was well nwai* that the deceased was labouring un^£f a derangement of intellect for a cor. ideral>le time pa*t, and he shr.,,|(|D()t hat? rtfpnscn trust in him on anj octa. ion nttCe the lamented £&tastr0pk alluded to. The SmrJi wbirh was snmmonrd at eisrht o'clock^ having heaid the «Mp of the evidence adduced, retired about t«0„ after the coroner (>lr. Sliding) had summed up the evidun^C, withniit*' able comments- About eleven o'clock the juiy retunu d fho tol!«ulna verdict, —" The deceased de-troyed himself while in a lit of tenp.'rary derange* Mrs. Thar!;eray. wfc aro hippy to t/it", wa« safely delivered about el ikt o'clock on Friday mofnmg by Mr. Unhurt, an occaional assistant of Sit diehard Croft. The lady was kept i$ norant of the fatal event, and is iu a fair way of &<sm<% welt. Completion of the greatest Pedestrian ftf» formancc cVer recorded- The 6oo mil rj iu t^n day« was com¬ pleted on Wednefday night» at li o'clock, by V^r. Howard, Dt Koare- fordj was walked o*er a two mile piccC of ground, Th:: match is beyond the compafs ofthe powers of any h'erfe, aha notbiVg like it has ever before b^n recorded of man. The pedelldafi /in.'fhed hii woik well on the hMt w day*, and he had done 390 mile*, p more than his ground. On SimHay h» bejran ti? fi.iijf with fwollen le^s, but he did c6 mfles—He was j3 hour* ft doing 57 miles, on Monday 5 b-tt*i«C lad, in feme meafure, relieved On Tttef-%, be was 19 >iours ferf rm|^ ci uittai ; and he wa« not expccte-1 i (be able t' ^o. on the lall d-.y, ',om 'exceffive fatigue —He bad 45 mi|c* t0 win ch m .tcb ; he ftaitvd at two in the morning, proceeded a: firft under ihrr. mi!e9anhour. At 4 P. M. he wm t$ bed, having done 31 mileft Hr had then 14 miles to do in eight hours He role again at icven, and won the match foon after 11, diltrelTed in a manner n^ cafdy defcribed. ■ ■ it was for guineas. 200 I * Jury with tafrich the guilty will & under/?..odas' \ i.-U-,.- hr,\i-rxni atnl, she W int^r * d'/fi tit to 11 i'li. r.rlnv I-,.-, t.. «.. ,_. - . i'li. hdnr !■.-•< U, the l>n na!- fntiijwd. Ofthe Bills of rndi»m,ntfmnJ ly this ■IISj'lll, J \' EidiAiUd, brand ury, >! gnat est part relaU to the fame matters, wheh were before the Court in Sept whet lajl. on which occqfon Colin Robertfon John Sfencer, Michael M'Don nell. 'John Bcurte Michael IIay den Tames Ffyn and others d& fired to be put on their trial, but cou'd not obtain a baring as tw. ofthe ? ud.es beh J nearly council, Uf»* A farhuri Of the North WtfA Jte* mjd ,,. .- ;»<j m canfiln] J whwk ** fanners^ was concerned. j I ^g From the N T. l^rcantilc /fdvtrtifer FOREIGN ARTICLE,. To the polnvnefs°f Ja <e- Buchanan, Efq. Britift Uonf" » we are i>idcbted for a Londonderry P^-^r '-f the 10th March, from whicl* w<= copy the follow-' ing articles.— Londonderry* March io.. In the Houfe of Coram «*■ 00 Mon-j day the 2d inft Lc'! Palmeifton fuhmu- ted the army eftinl3ted fov the current (year. It appears /-om his eftimatr, I that the reduction Ui tn<= cxpence of the j army, comparing tP* P' "fcut with the] paftycar, would arrant to ^188,060, while the total redr1*^10" of the charge in all the d«-panm>uts eoitnc&ed with our military eftabi "Anient would be n-> left than ^448,06'° ],J>e diminution in thceffed've no ' ",Ijcr of men that was to be maintained waa cltimated at i'22,000. On tl',c «*er hand there were foruc 8ugmcd\tat,*°n ^f our miiuaiy expenditure An l»crlt,fc of£Ji7,coo, would take place iMJ tht charges for tlie j volunteer corp*9 principally arifing from additional allowant^ u* (bat defeription "f force. But rt&c m«ft mateiia'l in cr^-af- nrnfc from extended claxme upon Che] ea and Kr1,,rai'"l,-'»«' Hofjjical^ would crcalc *« t*cv{» of; 'i >ou.HlatC'l,,k;.nH,|l. Mr3.JoJ,n80n '" »»«wit «xty yea« of age, M.hv.rhoij, S,,;rfdr.-0« Frf^i it .«■"« «'««!•• k,.,.,-.,, j>,arSf,-riid„,r»ICrpf»| :;;d' f/- "^ *>* nth* mt0 afteiul the acoachineritofiWrs Thack- .-.■a>, th. Mif,- offhf. K,n-. Dr.Tharke- ay- UiMliursdaymopniuffhe.' sitim- *»tri7:vmc*K thu * wbi»- W »i>-h: .1 to have farfe*.medical ar!. »c* am? a^tawo. Another gM,tIe. -'..I.av.n, been callodl,,, it was thpW '""" fPP,"ion^ f»« '-"It would ><r Ji.-haid Into Vratasrftftt«on ™?'****** ««the floor above&**> » ;edt.vMrS.TWk,,ay.„a. * ,o,nf,d,,r(i,ere.id(-,,,,0rsirmci:. »WU In thw chamber there wore («•■ pistols belonging to Dr. Thaekerav h«npn« *,thk, the reaeh «rOr.cSft aif Kieliard iv-tirrd in !,.»,! 1 WW! about o,,e oVIoci Dr. Thaefce" "Jfffrom the room oroopie/b " Croft: ami st.„| a femaie s' ^ "J- f««« 'J- «ause ; she r.tu,, !t/°'J' '•'«^-fo.H.d«|,,D„r»or in bed i couGeired him to be asJeeo. A »K toe after a similar noise LA "Wed at the door, £ recc" ",d n au,He,_ThiS .irc^Uu*'^; !( K //■/?;» /^/* Dostori daily Advcrtift. We have received from AlcfTrr, Toplfffand Foor-er. Calcutta paprrsto Dec. '3- They contain fome rt' tails of j movement* apafnft (he Pindariers, and 'alfo ofthe defeat of the Peifbwa, at Poonah, but furnifh no account of aor new military event of importance. The Governor Gen." wa« encamped nn rhe ha-'ke of the Betwah, at Eritch. w'th 10 850 men, be/idea 2000 Dative horf^ under Afemed BnkhY prime mfnlftcr of Delhi. A lingular occurrence tot-fe place in the Brittfh camp, whieh oca, lioied much alarm and cmfufion. Aa Jordcj havi'ig been given for a movement 'of the army, as the baggage Elephant* were about receiving the tents, one cj tbeanirnals fudd^nly frr oft in a violent rage, with a man on his back, who had afcci.d'd f»r the pun-ofe of adj'ilii'.g I the bagfgagef and can id all dircAom (through the crowd, who were throwo j into thcprraieil ennfufion. He finglw • out nne m-ui, who had been hia leader. and trampled hi;« to death.—The officers endeavoured to approach hm with loaded muuVt*, but could nottskt / him in a Mtuation in wh: h they couid 'tire at him fafe'y. c\t lalt a-otbrr elephant was brought ro the fpot. *h't*H was immediately attacked by the enraged animal. ^fur three or fmr rwt| knocks jt each otheri heads and teeth, the mad e'ephant turned and ran, 'be man the whole time in imminent dan^cr( remained on his bnck. He wa» fom nt of fight, but ftveral hours after hu i'ler returned to camp, having B*w himfelf by clinging to the branches °* * tree under whieh the elephant pafTed. . Governor Clinton. " We rejrr t to learn." fayi tU Mbany Daily Advertiftfl of Thurfrlajr. "(hat his Excellency the Governor ycirerdny re«\ ived a fall and diflncatcd hit* left knee. VVe underttand rliat «• bones we«e i .j tied, altbouuh hii EkcA leocy will doubUct* be couliucd for Ivw? o II • 32

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