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Kingston Gazette, May 5, 1818, p. 1

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[TUESDAY, MAY b, 1818] K [VOLUME VII------No 49] # * . GAZETTE o Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Prics Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Post AGE. THE BAY AND RIVER * TEAM BOAT .9 will soon commence running, OW tfce Bay of Quinte and the River St. Lawrenci, between Prescott and the Carrying Place, at tie Head of the Bay ; and will receive Passengers and Freight, en teasonable terms, at all convenient places within the limits of ks Route, On the Baj/ and the River. The Times of its leaving and arriving at its feveral stations, the Rates of Passage and Freight, and other particulars will le advertised, as soon as the arrangements for the purpofe shall be Kttled and ascertained. SMITH BARTLET, ) SOLOMON JOHNS, ( DANIEL WASHBURN, £ Rir-z'ston, March ? 44 / 14, 1818. Commitltf* THE WefeiSw* fa**— d) «v.fr ' TC*°y; who arc indebted to him, cither ' -**- iC by Note, Bonder other-wife, that unlefs the fame f$difebargcd on, or befoie the firtt day of June next enfuing the date hereof, their refpeAive accounts will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for Collection. GEORGE DOUGLASS. Xingiton, March 23, 1818. 43tf OR fale at this Office— Stands*-A tiki for the Ottme oj tit tilS'I— by Bob Shout. ^___46 ,.*•• To Let, AND immediate pofreflion given, Two convenient Houfcs, with Shops, in (lore ftieet, near Mt. Blake's Tavern, on the corner of the ftreet lead¬ ing from the Artillery Barracks to the French Chinch For particulars apply to JOHN W. FERGUSON, $tore Street, Kingston, Eeb 17,1818. 38 I COMMISSARIAT CONTRACT. SEALED Tenders will be received at this Office until Saturday the ©th May, next, for a fupply of FLOUR for Hie Majtfly's Magazines at this flation, warranted to keep fweet and found for twelve months from the date «f delivery- The tenders muft state the rate per band of 196 lbs and give the names of fwofureties to be bound in the contraft with the perfon making tender- No tender will be received after the kour of twelve o'clock, on the above- j Venrioned day. Jfs't. Com'y. Gen'fa Office, Kingston. 1 $th April 1818. 46 stx)Xen7^ ON Wednefday evening, the 15th inflant, was ftolen from a Dwel¬ ling Houfe in Front Street, a large Drab GREAT COAT. Whoever will bring the faid Coat to this Office, fhall receive a rcwsuJ of Five Dollars, and no queftions afked. Any perfon in whofe pnfleffion the (aid Coat may be found after this notice, Oiall be profecuted with thi: utraoft rig¬ or of the law. __Kingstom,\%th April, 1818. 47-3 Church Catechifm For Sale at this Office. FOR SALE, ]' OT No. 27, in the firft conceffion _J of the townfhip of Hamilton, New Caftle Diftric.1, Containing 200 acres, bounded on Lake Ontario in fiont and the York road in the rear, diftant one and a half mile from the Hamilton Court Houfe ; twenty acres of which are cleared, and a finall dwelling Houfe thereon. Terms of payment will be madeeafy. Apply to James G. Bethune, Hamilton, or to JOHN STRANGE. Kingston, April 20, I 8 18. 47-6 "new ironmongery"" STORE. John Watkins, -fin) ESPECTFULLY acquaints his JttL friends and the Public in general, that he has opened a wholefale and retail Hardware Store, at the (land for¬ merly occupied by Meffrs. H. W. Witkiufon & Co. Main Street, and from the arrangements he has made, will have coi.ftamly on hand, a general afLrtment of HARDWARE, Cutlerv, &c. which he will be enabled to difpofe of for Cafh, or approved Credit, at nearly the Montreal Prices ; among which are the following, viz : Englifh and Sweeds Iron, Crowley and Blifter Steel, Wrought and Cut Nails, Trace Chains, Sheet Iron, Horfe Shoes, Frying Pans, Shovels and Spades, Plough Moulds, Hollow Ware, Grindftones, Ch-ffels and Gouges, Locks and Hinges, Files, Knives and Forks, Pocket and Pen¬ knives. Fifh Hook?, Brafs Cockt, Brufhcs, hammer*, Augurs, Saws, Planes, Tea Trays, Stampt and Call brafb Cabinet Ware, Wire, Tin Ware, Pins Needles Fowling Guns Brafs Kettles &c. fee, He alfo offers for fale a fmall affort- ment of Crockery and Glafs Ware. Kingfton, 30th March, l8l8w .44-tf Notice. THE fubfcribtrrefpe&fully informs the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Boating bufinefs this feafon ; therefore, if any perfons wi(hcs to tranf- port Plank, Boards, Brick, Lime, Sand, Sec &c he offers them his let vices.— \ Apply at Mr- JohnDawfon's, Kingfton. WILLIAM YEREX. April 13, 1818. 46. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE, THE following Angularly defirable, and truly Val¬ uable Lands may be had, and immediate pofleffion givcu, v/ith undeniable titles, 5t rates far below their real value ; and it is but feldom, even in a country fo ex- tenfive as Canada, where uncultivated Lande may in general be readily ob¬ tained, that fituations fo eligible and advhntagtoui, in good neighbourhoods, can be fecurcd. Lot I. Cornprifing 70 Acres of the very ncheft Beech, Maple, Elm and Oak Land, in the 4tu Concefiion of Hop*, 1 fng upon Smith's Creek, with l j tiCrCs cleared and fenced? new log- houfe, well built «.nd dove tailed, fruit trees, &c. with a mill-feat, between 4 a_id 5 miles from the flouriflimg little Town of Toronto, on Lake Ontario, where there is an excellent market cither for buying or felling. The Land is of the very firft quality, and in a good | populous neighbourhood, forming altogether a moft defirable refidence, within a fhort mile of the great road be¬ tween York and ICingfton. • 2d. 2«o Acrce, being Lot No. 1, in the 5th Conceffion of Hope, alongside the great road between Hope and Ha- miUon, leading to the new and fiourifh ingfettlements of Cavan and Monaghau. on the Rice Lake, in which more than 500 families and perfons have actually located, and icarcely live mile- from the Town of Toronto, where there is a good market ; it is in an old fettlcment, and the neighborhood ;s popolous und excellent. There are about 30 acres cleared and fenced, with a fine ftream of living water, and the greater part of the Land of fuperior quality, the reft goud Meadow. 3d. i<)0 Acres, occuppying nearly one entire fide of the Gannahoqut L;:ke, in die I iowiAiou <•'* vrvai.'.. iQ*i*&*-j$ *$r>^v trift of Juihnllown, confiding wholly of broken fi<ontfl, the back pens extending I to the ro.iid from the Rideau Settlement to Kingdon, from which latter place it U fcarcely 50 mileD diltant. The Land •r good and well timbered, and the fituation Qngulatly beautiful and roman¬ tic, with wooded iflands in front. The aibove Lands are particularly deferving of notice. The fituations were chofen by a competent judge, and they will be lold remarkably cheap, the proprietor wifning to concentrate his forces in another quarter. For further particulars, apply to R. C. HORNE, Efq. York ; C. FOTH- ERG1LL, Efq. Toronto; WM. HA¬ MILTON, Efq. Kingftoil or Prefcott; or to SHAW ARMOUR, Efq. Mon¬ treal. April l, 1818. 47t To be Let, OR SOLD, ND Poflcffion given on the id May next, That new and Com¬ modious Two Story Houfe, (with Stable Coach Houfe, aod Well of ex¬ cellent Water,) at prefent occupied by Doftor Short, near the Block Houfe £ate, which leads immediately to the Race Conrfe.—Apply to the Printer. Kingflnn,3oth March, 1818. 44tf f ■ %\VEi Copartncvfhip of Metcaffzni J. Williston is this day diffolved. A. Metcalf isButhorifcd to clufe the con- Boot Shoe and Leather STORE. lyJL® WILLIAMS & Co. at the Sign of the Golden Last> Store Arecty refpcfifully inform the inhabitants of Kingfton, and it3 vicinity, that they dill continue their Boot and Shoe Marufaclory, where they keep conftantly on hand- a large affortment of Lady's and Gentle¬ men's BOOTS and SHOES, of -very defcription. Likewise, a fupply op good Sole and Upper Leal her, of all kinds. Kingston Marco 7, l8i3. ^itf ~~NOTICEr~ LL accounts doe :o the Subfcvi ._ bers, and remaining* unfettled after the ill day of June ue.^t, will be put into the hand* oi an Attorney fci colleftion. THOMSON & DETLOR. Kingfton, April 6, i3i8. 45W6 Vom the Niar-- n Spt 1 ufa Afk. Gourlay,—in Reply to the Traveller—Concluded. If the Traveling "headache1' will permit, I flmuld now be glad if he would fumoiou up his heft power* of ratiocination, and apply them to the whole r^e as it ftfindu between me and his Reverend Protege. Let him fiim up all the wn'tun evidence, and folly weigh this la(t from -ugufta, with the Reverend John Bethnne's ficnaturt appended to it: let him wnlk cur for A - Just received and for Sale by the Subscribers^ A CONSIGNMENT of excellent . sil.E, .^in Cafkn) made by Hop¬ per & M'l.ean, Prefcott—CIDER in Calks and Bottles—Fine Yellow SOAP ALSO, A ftw GRINDSTONES of the be ft quality. Thomson & Detlor. Kingston, April 20, 1818. 47-6 NOTICE. A LL accounts dae to the fubferiber, t\ and remaining niiifiriaj ufxtt the hrtt day ot June next, will be put into the hands of an attorney for collection. WILLIAM POWELL. Kingston, April 22, 18 I S. Afiw$ N B. A few pieces Nankeens^ dtffer mt colours, for fale as abwe. T A' FARMS FOR SALE. IIE fubferiber offers for fale a farm containing 32 acres, in the town¬ fhip of Evneft Town, 2d conccflion, ha¬ ving a good frame Houfe, a large Barn and Shed, R0 excellent ftand for a tavern and (lore, and one of the bed fituations in the country for a mechanic. Alfo—One of the beft farms in the townfhip of Kingfton, containing too acres, well timbered, and about 30 acres under improvement. SMITH BARTLET. April 28, 1S1S. 4&*tf cern. NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 2! (I day of April, about 7 o'clock in the evening, ran away from the fubferiber, a thief by the name of John More, who had been committed to Gaol by the Cotnmiflioners of the Court of Rcqueft Any perfon that will take up faid thief, and bring him to the fub fcriber, or keep him fo that he can be obtained, fiiall hate the reward of Five Shillings. GEORGE C. HERNES. Constable. Fredericksburg^ April 2Q, 18 18. 48 a (Signed) <^ ,xr % & ' ^Consider Williston. Kingfton, iSth March, :8i8. The Subfcriber intends, continuing the SAliLING BUSINESS till about *he firft of June, at which time he expe&q to Leave Kingfton He particularly defires all thofc indebted to him to m^kc payment without further notice—Aflj j* now ready to pay the demands, licldagainft him. 44 A. METCALF. to let; AND bofleffion given on the firft of Maj nest> the Houfe and p;emi- fes at prefc^ occupied by Doflor Ged des—it bc:ng a Double Houfe, it will be let fep1ratcjy or together. Apply to the Pn^tcr- Kis.^:tonx ^th April, 1818. T 47 f WA N TED, WO Men Servants and a Woman Servant, to ferve in the fame Fam¬ ily— Alfo, a man well acquainted with Farming, who will engage for the feafon —None need apply who do not bring with them the moft fati^faflory creden¬ tials—Enquire of the Printer. Kingston, 27th April, 18i8. 48 TO RENT, FROM the firft of June next, the Houfe and Lot, having; a good Garden and Orchard, belonging to the fubferiber* an eligible fituation for bufi¬ nefs. Apply to JOSEPH FRANKLIN. Pittsburgh, April 28, 1818. 48-2 the Ipecial purpofe of colcr./ne* infor¬ mation among the molt :«pinole characters of this country, and -.,;- ; c, whether in their opinion, Bethorte haa not been inftigated to do what he has done, by Stracban : when he lias fully weighed and enquired let him fay what IB the conviction on Ma mind—wliat oi»^ht to be the fectiags of ^ood 'iien towards Dr. S'rachan if he m *eV!y guilty of ioftigacing I is pttpil and brother pticft, to fuch an art if in¬ decency ?—what ought to he the c ;n- ducAcf the public towards fuch pri:llj ? certainly every Chriftian fhojld rife up and call rioud agafaft thf profanation of God's Temple, by men fuch as tkefc. I have been from mv youth up at leatt a refpector of religion, and a rc«- peci for religion, will, I trull ginw in me wiih age, and ripen to perfefiioo before I link down into the dult ; but, as that refpeft becomes mtenfe, fo, 1 am fare, ought to reprobate, and exprt[e to (hame thole minifter* of religion, who abufe their f'acied truft, and, infte3d of being meflengers of peace, are the harbingers of milchief, and indicators of all uncharitablenefit. There a'-e certain offences which ^nght to mufc men above pafli^e endurance. jciut Chrilt himfelf gav? example of artwc duty againll thMfe wlio wee io regardlefs of decency, as to life, even the outer prochci of the temple, for filthv pur- (»o(cj : he ov-ituiiK-*J their furni'.iM,', y>id drove rhcmL-lvci out with ftrip?n. The i'ravcl'ei would co<ne forward as the ap«tlogift of Dr Strachan, and murrly becaufe he has lrf& nerve, lefs information and duller perceptions han me, would nllow his mind to fiiik 1 o the low lus- picion, that I mull be ailuatcd by little felfifh motives ;—having nothing where¬ on td reft hia lulpi_io.fi, he muft tcho back ome of my own words, \,\ a fc-ble but infiilions interrogatory, *4 is it not <4 pof&ble that he may be uuconfci ufly u excited, to make Inch attack ■ by t" >fe u very jajcinations oj perfonal feeling " which ht entreat'- others to avoid V* I v/ifit the Traveller, for his own fake, to reconfuier thi? interrogator) ^e has nothing to p'ove no b pc ot my reform, <*ven if won , for he f y-, 1 hcti " unconjeioxifly exciied." and yet t»c will (lain paper with an lmpredion difcr-.di- table to my character and c odudt* I did not expect this of the Traveller : it was not for this that I invited him to walk out before the public. I wifhed him plainly to Itate his reafous for foand fo, and to ufc wit and fareafm againH n»e, if he could find any grounda upon which to ftand for taking heneft ad¬ vantage of thtfe. In all my wri'ings I have had proofs to kear me out, reaions to refer to and fair obje£ifl in view, for every liberty alTumed Here is a very improper liberty ufed, without proof or reafon, and altogether vile in its object. It puts me in mind of a moft iiniduous and unworthv remark whi h c'ofes the critique of the Edinbmgh Review on Clarkfon's life of Perm.—The admira¬ tion of the reader is charmed with the pure perfevering fpiril of that good man : he feels his very fpecies elevated by the afts of the individual, and is roofed to a defire <»f treading in his foot lie ps : the Reader i* inl'pired w-tb hope and laudable enthufiafm ; but the Reviewer cannot lay down hi* pen without cooling the generous warmth of the foul, by a groundlefs infmuation that Wm. Penn, had been moved by j worldly intereft*. Without fome proof, what ri^ht was there for giving vent to fuch a thought ? what benefit could accrue from it ? but fo it is, whnt virtue itlelf isconftantly be let by jeah>ufy, and the very memory of rhc dead, cannot efcape the (hafts of the envious. The Travel er's firll letter was fo fir creditable t»» him It not only contain¬ ed lever ti found i.blct vati :is ; but, in rhc outlet, {had a worthy object in *icw, iberemoval ot illiberal prejudices, and. A Second Hand CABLE, For Salt by MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. Vl^ lv„.v.„1 „. ,.„^.,. ^.y.^t^„, WVJK Kingston^ April to, l8i8. 4^lM [the coirc&iou of urorsio public O^ium

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