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Kingston Gazette, April 28, 1818, p. 4

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. & Jxxerutibf Council Office* lurk ziJGB. 1R17, O'HCE i> hereby given, by '*"W of Hi- Honor (he kSmtiiifthifOr *H CoOttA to (he Rcpr.-fc-iH.itiVi o( John ':.: V-W//V and IV'Miam Caldwell, to make a -,d.a "v pretention to '■ t iiihs her Cw. ri-j *ci;i the fifth conceflion of the Towr,(Vpof Kingrton. within lix fttftathi fir m I his date, or it will be granted to the occupant, wbo has been in puifeflion fix teen years. JOHN <MALL, ClI. ofdye Ex. Cvundt. & NOTICE. THEfubfcriber hereby forbids all end every pcrfon or pcrfon« from roedling or making, or cutting any tim¬ ber, or trcfpafTinjT in any flvipe whatever, upon Lot No. -j r, in th" 5th conceflion of the l#\vnihip r»f Kington, on pain of befng orefecuted according to Law- JARVl^ WORDEN. Ki'ngGon.Oa %Z. l8l7. 2*m6 * FOR SALE7 ONreafnnaWe Wills, that well known (land fot a Tavcrjn, fituated in the NOTICE. - - CTTTHEREAS, by the list Will ' r V a'.d Tnlnment of the late I RICH vRO PATTlWStJN, Efq. in I hi^ iifc ume of Sandwich, in the province of Upper Canada, Robert GiWpie, Wiliiam Gikif>u,and George'Moffatt, are jointly and 'leverally, appointed .fiduciary Legatees of his -Eftat'e, and Executofftof faid Will. ^ ' I do hereby rtuurft all perfons having claims upon faid Lftate, to prefent the fame to me, duly authenticated, 6* payment; and *1I perfon8 t indebted thereto, are required to pay to me the amount of their respective account*. f Debts due to faid Eftate in the province of Upper Canada or in the United States, bordering thereon, may be paid to George Jacob, Efq. of Sand¬ wich, John Aflun, and James Gordon. Efqrs. of Ainherflburg, or to either of tbem, they being duly authorized to receive the fame and grant acquittances G. MOFFAtT. Montreal, 20th March, 1818. 44y t • -Notice. J njhHE Copartnt^, heretofore ex¬ it Tiling at Belize, under the firm of John Hubbard aivj company, is thir. day dfffolved, by tl%na] content. All pttfons having claim.- agAinll the fame are reqnefted to prtf-nt thtfr "accounts to Andrew Kimrntr]v for adjuftment * and thofe indebted to the faid co-part- nerftvip are deGred t*> pay the fame to Andrew Kimmcrly without delay, oth- ervvifefhey will be r>n in the hand of an Attorney for collection* JOHN HUBBARD, ANDREW KIM MERIT. Rrllville, 2<;th FcS>.i-8i8. I •• 4* » FRAME. Visage of Prefcott, Lots No. 9 and 11, tor fronting the King's Highway, and jj a! large two ft&ry framed Hoofc, well fin | %fjL iuSed. with a large Kitchen in the rear, fUblin? fbrtwenty fpan? ofhorfes, a fhed feven'y feet long, and a good houfe nn the rear Lot. fir for the accommodation of a -efpedable family. The whot« of the building! thereon, being finiuVd in a workmanlike manner, and at prefect occupied by Mr. Alexander 8. McDon- ell, a« a Hotel. For further paiticulars, apply to the fubfetibers or to Mr Alexander Mac- Qonell. Junior, Merchant, Prefcott, by whom the terms may be made known, and ^n indifnutable title and immediate Dpfleffion will be given. ALES. MACDONELL & Co. Kincilon, 3d Jan. 1 818. 32tf Sale, on reasonable terms\ FRAME for a Houfe, 18 by 30 feet, two Tories high.—Enquir- ufthe Printer. Kingston, Morel) 30, 1818. ^4 To Let, AND immediate po'ffeflion given, the HOUSE and premifesfn Stuart- Wile,lately occupied by Mr, Dalton, fituated within half 1 mnV ofthil Town, a favorable lltnation for a Gentleman and family. and no lefs fo for a Diflillcr, or Inn Ketper. for further particulars enquire • f the fuhferiber. E. BARNETT, Kington, Fth. 24. •«!* 43tf Notice. A LL perfons indebted to thc'Eftate Jl of the late J Ames Cuntming, hm- of Hallowell, dureafed, are reqneiied to. call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. J-AMR9 McGregor, now in charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow ell bridge \—and thofe Who htfvec'aim agairrft the faid ell ate, are defired t* prcfent them foradjufrment. The flock in Trade of the deceafed confiding of a very cotr-plete affortment of Gotfda well laid in, i^nd very fuirablr to the Country, is nov»- felling <-ff at pri ces fo low, as will defervedly claim the attention of the public. Caih or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 month-, given to refponfibie "Farmer*, or others. JOHN CUM MING, 1 F I Wit. MITCHELL, j B Kingston, 03 2 7, 1817. ILI T& Executor^ 32 STOVES. + * \ To Let, AND pofleffioii given immmediVtely, the large houfe lately occupied by John Size, eligibly fitnaud in Stoie ftreer, either for a tavern or More.—Ap¬ ply at this office. March 17, 1818. 4^tf fiags ! Rags ! ASH paid for Clean COT- ION and LINEN HAGS, (Of any Color,) AT THIS OFFICE. Barley. IQRHE fflbirAw wttl pav the hi\/h Jt tft market price for any quantity of !*arley, delivered ai his Store in KingfroH, during ihe winter u3)i Ihmtl1 an uifiai' a gvn^rffP ahT>rt- Iheftof DRY GOr)DSf Liqujwaiid per n"es, Salt, Crockery 6c Glafs ware, tec $«•. A'I of which will he fold uncommon If low for Cafh or any kind of produce. • S. HAWLEY. K'wgstont Jan. 2l9 181 8. 3.5 FRENCH CORDIALS. S Hntviey- ha* juft received a few Aoaeu ftf very fine French Cordials, a- iBont wlvcli ^re. Cre'rae de Noyeau, Cre/mc de Moki, Cre'T e de Anni<s» Limotiada Sr>prafina# JEau Sans Parcil'o, Lc vectar de Phclern^ Ne Plus'.Itra, De L' Eau Royale, ^y dozen or Single Bot-frlc. To Let, ANDpoffeflion given the firft of May next, a number of rooms in the 2in Barrack*! Enquire u! H. EARL. March 13. 42 ~~J?0 lfsJLE~ f^^H \ T heautifil and very valuable A Fa m. fituated upon Point Pieafant. in IVTaryfbur^h, eQtTtaimtijg 200 acres, bei-^ L'O&Ko 18 and 19, cait of the Rock ; chew are nearly too acre* undci good improvement) and 73 bearii api I** ar.<1 Prar tree*. For particular* enquire of Mr Walter M'CimifFe, mer-hanr, Kini»'l0n, or Mr. Wm. Ben- fliker of Maryfb 1 gb. Having been i- formed that Aaron Com n la hee:. tie ipaffing, by cutting ti.'rtb-r, throwing down my fences, and putrid cattle into my endofure ; now 1 hereby forbid faid Conner taking a wav th timber he cut—I alfo forbid all and eviry p-.ion or perfons to r,id or afitfl fcP Conner to wo^k or t;.ke laid timber a way, norpurchafcil of him ; if they do, they fB -y exoed to be profecutfld aa tht i-aw di'-cft-;. JOUNMcBEAN. Maryfttrrgh, > Match 28. j 818.f GASANOQUA Store & Mills. CHARLES McDONALD bavins taken his brother John McDon ahf/wto parinerfhip, the bufitiefr in f..- ture wil1 be conHnctcd under the firm ol C & J. McDontJd, Who keep for fale a general aiTort ment of DRY GOOD CrROCERlES. HARDWARE, CkOCKr.RY, and mofl art:* ie^ enquired for at a Conn try St-^e, which they offer low for <"**fl» "njst Lo^*. Sonar'.* Timber, Stave Potafhet, and molt kinds of country Produce. 1 hry have a good Grift and ^aw Mill in full operation—can Man'tfect- u«e FLOUR, uqual to any Mill in tru- j Pr. vincc ; they will fupply tirders foi Sawed timber of altnofi any defcription at uSorl Notice. c si j. Mcdonald. GaHanoqua, Jan. 10. 18.8- ffttf AIUIhua indebted toCharlsa McDon- "!d, whole accounts have become due, arc rerjuefted to to make immedi- are payment. THE SUBSCRIBER, Notice. \ 4 LL perfonn having any demands a- £TL gainll the EBate of the late Bry mi Crawford, Efq. cfAdolphuftown.de . eafed. are hereby requeited to produce their claims, duly authenticated.— Alfo. =!I petfons indebted to the faid Eftateare 'hereby requeited W make immediate payment to PViUiam Alexander Grant, Executor Kingston, 19/A J*ly* >8i7- S^ BLANK BAIL BO DS, For <=ale ?t this Office THE fubferiber has juft received at hi* Brick ftore, Front ftreet% Dou¬ ble and Single STOVES & Sheet Iron, And ha" alfo on hand as nfual a gen¬ eral affortment of 1 Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and Glaf* Ware in Cratea Linfeed and Curriers Oil, Paints ground in oil ;—and CfcpC&S in a few day* an addition to hi- Stock, all which will be fold cxtiemcly tlnapat whole fale. S. BARTLET. KtngsionOB 20, 1817. 32 Officers Half Pay, and Artil¬ lery Penfi.m BLANKS, For fale at this Office. Church Catechifm S 9 "[BJEGS leave to inform his friv.'nd,s A -ii? the public generally, rhat he ha- rrmoved from his former (land to tne fhop lately occupied by Jonas Abbot \ Co. near ?he Market P:ace, where h* has now on hand, a genevsti afTnrtment of Hardware* Cutlery 1 &c. Which he will fell 0*1 the moft moderate termi. To let, the fhtjp latelv occupied by the fuhferiber, and pofFcfiion gives iw ' mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston, $th Jan. 1818. 32 For Sa eat this Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value of Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Proving of Upper Cana da. ALSO, FERGUSON'S Improved Table of the value of Grain'- of Gold Coin, fl »er or under weight. TO LET, PlTlffBtwulding "ately occupied by -iL R, Rubifon, Elrq. a? a (hop. Ornate next the Governm-ent Honfe. Fot particulars apply to A Han Mcf.ean, Efq Kingfton, Januaty 23. 1818. 35tf Onoada^a Salt J'USTieceivtdaid f0r fale at the Store -iS. Baftltt, 3» h V.X P received and for fa|r at tru's Of H-> fie, pfce t/K. Poems on his Do- mestu Circumstances, by J,<>rd Byron.— \\ v\\ :h'* Star jf the Legion of Honour, anrjothr' "Poc- ; t<» which is prefixed, The Lift of the Noble s.'othor. NoV. 28. 5 2 44tf MULTIPLICATION ^nbles. For the afe of Schools Tor laic at thie Office^ JUS L received and for fale at tbL Office, price 7 jd. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year .»f our Lord 18 18. Alfo—ESS Jrs on PR <\CT1CAL HUSBANDRY, \ddrtflcd t» the Canadian Farmers. . ByC F r.RfcCB, of Montreal. h'ovcmbir <*. *» CIRCULATING LIBRARY. Mis* Read, rAKES this opportunity of ac- quainting bei friends and the pub ic. th?M (be h s given v.p her com:; [fll »n Store in .'tore Street, bti( intends com -; rncfng bnfmefp immediatciy, on her »#wn account* She intends going t'-. Montreal in the conrfe of a month, to tire hafc the moll f <(lii-inable Spring arrives. She alfo returns her most (in- c t* thanks to bet friends and customers If r oast favours, and hopes for a contin . jiCe of them as foon as fhe can procure a Sttire She wiOiesto inform the fubferibera to the Library, that (lu* will make every allowance from tfits date until the Li¬ brary is again opened i and any perfms who have books hejoflgirlg to it, will he fo good as to Itave th*Ti ot Mr. Thorn- er'a Store. Mifs Read alfo rrqnests all perfons who are indebted to h^r to be fo pood as to call at Mr. TurprVs. where (he now refides, and fettle rheir accounts with her. Kingston* March, ^6, 1818. 42 ~TO jtET, 1710 R any term of years not exceed- in Fifteen, on rne rrtoft reafona- ble ter-ms—That weff known valualde 'land in the public liV1^ fituate on the p"int at Gananoqua. and recently occu¬ pied by Seth Downs, together with the Houle, Barn, Stable* &c- — For fur- ther particulars apply r° t^e fuhferiber. J&EL STONE. Gananoqua yon. <y% 1818. ^yf Blank Assesfttift&M Lists, for {sah a/ this Office — Also, Arith- metical Tables, fi* the use of Schools. «i AT LOR NIKS pM* Bills o. Costs, for bale &l ^Uis Office. SMITH & BU LTLRWORTI^, EETURN their fincere thanks to their frirndi- and the public in #§• ueral, 'or the liberal encouragement t!ii$ •i.evhave received fince they re com, menced the Hatting jBufmefs. Thijy nave an extenfive affortment of Ladies and Children's BON/. NETS, 01 various coiors and (ha pes. Gentlemen's Beaver & finje" Catto'rH>TS, Likewife, Knapt and Wo4 Hats. Which'they will fell very tow fo? cafli or approved credit. Produce ta-ken in payment. Jan. 2. $2$i Public Not ice. THE Subfcribers, Executors toth> Estate of Charles Stuart, Elqufre, deceafed, late Sheriff of the Midland, DislrirSt,hereby rcqueitsaU thofe indebt¬ ed to the faid Estate to make immediaie payment to the faid Executors ;and all FOR SJLE, AND poffeflton piven immediately, » a double Lot, in Stuaitville, "n which is a Brown Earthan-ware Mauu- faftoiy, in good oider, a fiame houfe, and a Stable, For further particulars apply 10 the fuhferiber, on the p.emifes. * Marturin Fournaise. Kingston, March 18, i 8 1 3- 43' f t Valuable Land^ FOR SA' E, N the Third Conceflion of the T^wn rn'ft of rriiburgh, being 1 ot«; No* 6, th** half of No 7, and No. iH.—An indifputable title will be f^iven, and the terms of payment made eafv. H, C. THOMSON. Kingfton. July 28, 1817. 32 Blank Summonses Kor the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. A CONTRACT, *"¥TlLL be given for Piling and Y t Burning off th* timber at Pref- quifl , the enfning- Spring, on 75 acres of Ground, and for Cowing the fame in¬ to grain : and alfo at Kingfton for cut- •ing and Drawing about one mile. 500 Cords of Wood :—on each »f which contra A (by being fumifhed with fuffi cienr fectitftv) a fmall advance vvill be made. Enquire of B W[JITNEY. Kingston, Jan 16, 1818. jgtf VaT.u~.ble lands SALE. FOR LOTS No 24. 25 and 26. tirllcon. ccifnnofthe townffiip of Ma ryfburgh, EaR of the Rock, in the Mid- land diflrirJL comprifin^ the mod vain aote part of ** Point Pieafant," and cm taming about 300 acres. No 51, firfl conceflion of Sophias- burgh, Midland Dillrift—200 acres. No<. 86 and 89 Second conceflion of Ameliafburgh, bay fide, Midland Di^- tndl— 400 acres. N09 5 andr5, fecond couceifi >n, A me- liasbnrgh. Lake fide, 400 acres. No 3, third conceflion of Hallowell, Midland Diilruft, 200 acres. No. f2, eighth corceflion of Thur- low, Midland Dill rift, 200 acres. No. 9, fecond Conceflion of Camden, Midland Diftrid, 200 acres. No. 70, fifth Con. Camden.200 acres. No. 9, third conceflion of Murray in the Dillrfd of New Caftle, 200 acres. No. 5. 4th con. of Murray. 200 do. No. 10, fourth con. Hamilton, in the Diftria of New Caftle, 200 acres No. 32, flfthcon.of Hamilton, 2oodo. No. 19, feventh COO. of Haldimand, Djftn'a of New Caftle, 200 acres. No. I, firft con of the townffiip of Clarke, in the Diftritf of N. C. 200 do. The local foliation of the abdve lands particularly of the fi. ft nine Lots, is very advantageous, and the foil is excellent,__ The ttrnu of fale will be found very tea fonahle ; and a great part of the pur- chafe money will be left at ijirerett in the hand*of the porclhfer. Application to be made to tbe fubferiber. D- HAGERMAN. • Adtilphustown, *) yh March, *«i8.| *xtf thofe who have demands fl«^ainht m Estate are requested w produce the famft duly attested, in order that a Sciclemeilt of the Estate maybe effefted » fp tdlty as poffible after th-rfir^tdayof July 1818. GEORGE O.STUART, 7 Exec." ALLAN McLEAN, j mors, Kingston, Augostii, 1817.-*—J2cf s rn ibV ADVERTISER!EN f. The fubfciiber offers for Sale Following Lots of Land. too acre*- in 4th and 500 in the 6th conceflion of the Gore between Erneft Town and Frederickfburgh. No, 18 and 19 in the Silt coneeffl^l •f Murray. No. 31 Eaft haff idcon. ofSidny. No. 9—10th conct flion iif Rnwwfe N.i. 4—ftth concefli n, HtintilrgdoO. No. 14. 1 y, 17. 18-25 and 26 in the 9th conceflion of 1 huriow No. 34 and 35 in the 4th oonccffloll j5 V 3Mgfa»n, nc:.t \ o\. V Also, Several valuable TovVn Lot Town of Kinirfton. WM. CRAWFORD. Frcderhfaltirgk Jan. to, 1817 S4|* Smiths Work. THE fubfeiber rhoft refpeflful» informs the gentlemen of Kingfe t. n, that he is juft arrived here f,ora Dublin, and has commenced the bull, nefs of Black and White Smith, in all its branches ; more particularly that of horfe Shewing in which he will gfa the great efl fatisfafli.n to thofe that eifl* ploy him. Thev riidy rely on having their work we'l <!o>;e\ cheap and seat, by a:-p)yingat Mr. J.- Meagher*, Barrack ftieet, where he has commenefed. AH order*in that line will be glad$ received and fttffi attention given. Kingston 13th 03. $z Y I IHE fnbfciibers beg leave to inform JL their friends and the public in g^p. neral, that they carry on the TATLORING BUSINESS in Main Stfeet. where they intend rnaR. ing every article in their line, on moi« reafouable terms than has been done for a number of years back. Thofe who w:(h to favor them with their enftoraj may rely on having their work well madp^ and on the fhortcft notice, for Cafli. Nop is & Stevens, Kingston, Sept'. 9, 1817. 92 THE PANOPLIST, For the Yenr 1816, For Sale at tin'* Office. £t ompletc "} z$ Blank Deeds and Memorials % For fale at this Office. To Let, THAT well k- own large whfti STORE, it. front of the Dwelling houfe of the fubferiber. It is well cal¬ culated for Commercial Bufmefs, having a large commodious cellar, capable of holding 1000 ban eld, w/th the advantage of the wharf, where vtflfrla of 40 tows may load and unloaded. Forwarder* would do well to improve tHfe opportu¬ nity. For particulars apply to the fub- icriber on the p'er/.ifes. JAMES ROBINSON. Kingston, 1 jffj Murekiy, 4*

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