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Kingston Gazette, April 28, 1818, p. 3

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pj^refolvcd, tint, Wjjrjt" 4d*ref«| ■cntains principle* mimfc*! 10 the peac*- ap() q;,iet which the f«h'»hl'aiJtAo| ihis j Province fo h ppily <-nj.y.M Ltt the; poorl f^lks above Lake Onruio, only! think ofthefe w wrds being; applied t.i the? | iddreffirswhich fo univofjiiy railed forth i ihcir <fT'>rl* and '.von to me To much afj their regard ! o»iy think i>f th^in being j applieJ to an addreft which hail g»iinvH : jhe-jr.fod wfll and Citnfilenceof the mafs tf the profile in Aug.r.ia ! The iccond Rcfolutim relaxes in fa i lour of my QiieHes, hut, dreadi. li the indicative ofVv'Mo-rL C\ P {land:. for\\ Clvk of the ;»cace. ?nd if K. Walker is flu abfedute un nh'o.ill. we may It ill P*p pofetniti qualified filf his fitoation, by fhnnng the extra udiiiary endowments of his fuperior in the law. By fome Jono-hole ot the law, we may expect John Doc and Richard Hoe, to efcape from the veidicl cf lunacy, aa well as from the jeopardy of being driven fmitl bench and bar. As to what ha* excited theft li art.ed ocrofonagi-s, and the eight woithie-. without addition, tti aftlon, I cannot imagine, as mv endniriei have fai led in [>• >curirtg for me any paiticulars ^fyinjiirioutronfequ'-occH which might ;a<t-< their character-i or eonneftion.— lefolt from fuch information placed at .John Bethune, Clerk. Iain fully inform- i ed if. He is the eita > ilhed Clergyman of the Church of England, in the diluift i of Joimltown. He Wo* educated by Dr. [Strachau, and like him deferted the i the djfpufal of a man of mv political principles." lv the preamble, the metn- Viof thiVfappi-nt com mitree"nly know \\a\one Robert. Gubrlay exihV but, by ami by they be* ome clearer (Kthted with the light of their own Rcfolutions and j holds outmitred _h mors and Cle:gy Re- j Preibyterian Church, for tiiat which I frr into this prater's very m»nd and Icr^es I have fooken with many ref- frmh/es. Having made fo mirrctiW* |P«*}*W* people on the fubj.c*, who are} adife^veiy, one WWlH have tho-aht it '! wcl1 acquainted, both with the Reverend mirMn? but fair that the con(titu-nr« of'j.Min dtracfctt, as well a* with this Rev. Salomon June*, John Beihnne, H Wal ■ J ,nn Bethune, and every one rs fully k rand co. (hoidd have been aopnYed of ■ couv»ncc4. 'hat the former ha< led the trie event, and that i meeting e«m« •!•} j'f^J™9 th.e *&«*M* lnare of mewing J Wty mould havebeen called in the Town | (hip of Augtifta, to recop(;der the figOf j I df the ifmen, and give frclli inft ration* ] to their honorable Committee how to a& j Wider circumftznees, new, portentous I j i:A ia'poiiujr. JvJo, the danger was t<>o ; imminent ; rheie wa*- no time to be 1ft : ■ tnufe the Traveller** words " the thea- j tre ffauon fire/' ft the RefoWons we.e 11 ROt pomhly have done Fo The pupil j Dr. k up- ( on mc bef ;rc he k <ew of any a& of mine, again ft Dr- Sirarhan ; ami completely| fee -.tJs fawntS t*> py q foe bt\ to dblar»,to give f^cutity himftlf and :>ne furcty, each in the film of 100 *lol lars, to keep the p^ace foi one year. KiNGS'i'ON : TUESDAY, Amu 48, 1SI8. •».............................• NOTICE. A Sermon will be preached on Sunday ne\t the 2d day of May In St. George's Church, before the Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, and a collection will be made in aid of: the funds of tltf Society. far HA MV. fW1lng\ ^hen fee' £»nt OP Krttfc$T01V< fell down dead ii,ii!-,e lintely op- BsTE«Rk mikile the door And would it . AK'1 ]7H'- •"'- lV'*% 4T? hU' ;,,.,,. , tret* from J*r> scoh. wltu*t— ^. hw>n\ r he believed, from the general a^,,„„ /»,„;..,, n.,„. ,*„., Market's humane character of the inhab- H<irbor,uith PotatoesmdpMitenqer . [ itants of Kingston, that his body , _ i«//i.-— ,sv/i. smr, Foisomi /r»«; was permitted to lie in the; ™!f* U<treor,**tk ty.a^s street from six till ISOdock? \ Pu:>.f}„n,Suckers l/m/,,,,-. i>,„■■:.?, Vet it is nevertheless true.^— *M*~.#dL Kingston Pwktl.tiviJi Iiimielf to the world as unworthy of! trurt. a fool a buly-bo;y and a fl mder- er '1'iic Niagara, Speclator which con¬ tained my Iccond add re Acs, may have got || To far a> February : that in which I began my J charge again ft ii'.iiividuals, and foi the fiitt time attacked Dr. Strachaiii could, %fd, 1'caltd. and without delay, d.llv- .' *"d broihcr piicft, thc.cfore, of nfa the Edit-.r of the Kinglton Grfz I i Stracb m, began his Infamous atiari We. that not only the good people of J "truth (hould hear the toclin, but that : , . «A».'oM found far and wide, to alarm {lpTo*e&how well I waaappnzedof the fc-j 'ht whole Province aj'arnft danger, and Inward off calami! v f--0^ the 'ic^ceand 1"ict which the Inhabitants ll» happily . t'joy." cret doing* which were at wotk, to in¬ jure the caufe L had efpimfifd. and whzi good f.aloil I had tt» CXpu!r the aintmi u;«;i.t?'S which exill hi rhi-. Province :—j Vivid a« was theflaili which fh »t fuch:! Indeed, were I fupetiluioufly Hielwed AntconvidiVn into the twimlsof Spl»-5 JJ» Jones, J. Bcthimc, H. Walker and i «eutfaer worthies of \n^iirra. it wan; M oi(„ie vivid than that ivhich extiihit- j •*»«!« the folly a-.d balenef- of their ^noVl; btn, very little fill orbed »n *lnd, I quietly fat down and w-utc the • «J>tntg1eitfr. ■*lfa Editor oj the Kingston Gazrttt. ., Niagara, lutll March, rP.iS. I nave thi» dnv feen ■*» vour p-^ner Jft}^ 3a in«r. certain Refolmi^w if]-- Brf* p«od. hv th<- ptibhcation of thi*. |e"t*rfio inform thefe people, thai if they iff honelr men, and fi.icere iti their cn- aeavir^ for the pitUic R5)Oji, 1 e\p..^ tVy will Ufion tHr f;ime )fr«»und»» o:* fm- rcrity.and u\ Jiilltcic to my chaiad\e>-, immt-diate'y | wb iih whit th«-y ihiik to be wrong ill my M printifilet." This will lff«»rdmea»i -^portnoity, which i< noth¬ ing hut fair, of c nwdiwy iheJr errors, and of guarding the public agatnft the effe^iof bn'y nrntiec, . I st> by no <sm*t« anvio.>* about pro. CU'irtg any tnor>; ^ ownthip Reports as 1 fhoidd readily believe, that the whole COUileofuiy f'te and pr. crcdi^igs lia* J The Hay ami River Steam-j Boat, Charlcote, built at tliej same Sliip-Y»rd vvliere the j] Krontenac wis built, in the Village of Ernest Town, was launched on Wednesday the c2c?d instant, vith most of her Machinery on board, nearly fit- trd foroperaUHi. The launch was a very favorable one. S!ie moved from the Stocks with an easy, uninterrupted descent iij- to the water, amidst the cheers of a numerous concourse of spectators. In the opinion of good judges, the construction of this cleg-ant Boat does honor Thurfday latt, being Saint George's Day, a Royal Salute! was iired from the Batteries, and a Feu de-Joy from til troops, in front of the Market Place.' BIRTH. On Sunday the 26th inftant,; the Lady of Dr. Qedde$9o§ a Son, i to the master-builder, Mr. Hen¬ ry Giidcr?!eave. who was an as- sistun! buil(ier«f Ihe Frontcnac. i! On Friday tt;e Charlotte was towed down toKingatoti4 vrnere, we understand, she will becotu- pletcttj and read) in a few dayn to commence running:. Those who wish for ihe prosperity of York, AprlSS. Several gentlemen of the Nortli-West Company arrived herein the Steam Boat, fniia Kingston, to attend Omit,which being- c'.o^d, they will retU.il by the Steam Boat to-day, to- gather with a number of others who have been here for some |[ lime past on the same business. becfi Jire&cd by fupenor luBueiices, mlh^e Province, especially the in- nrtfer toenfound nwMoit&iiii, deep, I iiahit;i;its <f th^ loxvns/ Villages Vile and niiqjuuus. j , t .....i.r... i* . . .1 \\ 'i.iii-v-i looks hack to tho Spec- caior of' the I l>iit Fcib. will Bml, Hint I iniunur.'.d to Col. Stnitii, the A.dmini- ^tnitfir, h> le.it.-r from SaitfiHvicl»,dat«tl liOlh \)cc. 1817. the 2eal'»u- ininm.'r ir. rthieh 1 hdd b.:eo Kupporrcd^ by 1 iiH.„'i Mates a nil otiiers, aod Hmt I >hDOid t.ike Willi i.n»iV \\a\ to Ivng- iaod if he wouM assure im*of having! f 1 •' iy \ « «: <• ., t>.. •. -.-- }inhli*h*d pgpivr**£ft! aUHV^ (ir»'% ir. I roii;iil"tirc tiirt.t tht^o would i»« granted m«\ 1 rote n li'tt>'r, for':i ■• riioo in tli-j Kiiu>t<)l( Gfl/rLfe, notifyiti& dut i i stu>iild t>a*n ili.it wa> on kvv rotirrn to Ko^laud, a:td (Uroefirii; rommirnU'a* Ijoiin ro be addressed for r.n- at Ki,»^s- t»n J'o^t Oiiiee. |)r. Straeltun hft VorU^ to tr-ivcl thro* ill.: U>v..;r pint: of tlia ProvincR, soon uR.m- m\ Icttei t«^ tllr Admiui.-tr;Uor must rcflohe?ll Vork, and tho conteuti of 'vhich, he, no doubt, wa> mad»x Acquainted \\itli. My bciu^ supported by the magUmti |ltt>frt« my pdTefli>n a-e quite f.iffieicnt j j and other iuiiahium^, above^ Lake for my pnrpoff- My duty however .0 j the public is to let the people of every quartfrofthe Province have an equal op- portunity effpeakma for tlvmfelvcs, as his evident, that th< tide »f fettles Will flow ftionpeft to thofe p'ace.^ of ihc Pro- vine* which are mr.tt fully defcribed. 1 take this opfiortunit) of informing the Inhabitants of tin- lower parK <»f thfi Province who hav» not hatl au opfvirtunity to read the Niagara Spectator, that all the writing wliieh have lately appeared in that News¬ paper, aiid some otlvrs, Upon the tost important sitbpei that vver tnwgcd the attwi'fan'of'/to pnbtte fa QanaUa, ar-' mnV iu I'hf course of bpin^publi Ih-p roir^ther inapan.phlet, vblfh wUIbe «©W«t K|otm, all over tk« Province, bv anrarlv dnv. ItOMat CSOIJRLAY. Itniayamusf^ the public for some ^ weeks to speculate as to W -at r^pH j ■»ill be made, and what my pytUictd Ptlncfptes will turn out, !o realiJV, to bf. Perhaps-no repl> ut all will l>« pfpit: perhaps the Committee of Au^n^ta Way was contumacious like thf Rveutive Cnunril ; and, because • hey have once neglected their duty, '^en uncivil, nod onjn«t, for this very j IH<nn remain ob^ttnafce and con-1 tumaeeous,—for this very reason con¬ tinue to be uncivil, undutiful and and unjust. [11 the moan time I c'an- n*4fcfijp beinjjo little nnxi--»us while -•'e identity of mv principles hangs in duhio, having always h;dd in reverence ;*he admonition of "the ancient Phiio- Boplier," know thyseif." and, afi a Mare,hare resoU-d to prepare for <he worst, by «nt|*Ui£*, with the little *W«tn in the Scotch ballad " this is 10 we." ' The only grave qneftion, i?. how the Emitter of Au^uila were prevailed np- 0|» t-» commit fuch an ad of rticdnef*. 1sDC Ihndsfur jiidcreufthe DiltriA *W| and Jttfhe 6vtemw$ »» doab'y iml I'.iwnships avljacent to till KtverSt. Lawrence amllhe Ba\ u\ Qiiinle, will doulHIensconsid¬ er the extensiofi of steam navi- oj.tion to enters so well adapt¬ ed to it, a suhji c! of rettl con- oratuIali<m. The destined route of this hew Steam-Hoat seems not lilkvli t*o itilerfere wiih thai of the rrWiUvtulC, but to Bcconinwdiite a« dilferent range of country. Whether these enterprixes eventually prove profitable «>r ni->t, to their respective proprietory they are ca-cuUited to protuotv* the pub¬ lic godd»b$ increasing the facil- F1RB. On the morning of the 13th instant, anew Framed Dwelling House, within a mile or two of BcHville, almost finished, be- loilfffflff to James M:Su'*hs ot Tlmriow, M. P. was consumed to asheS; by means ol neglect in removing some shavings care¬ lessly left within the buildingb\ the Joiners, who lo;st all their Toois, &c. LAXlJCofXCIL. Thetiiree next Land Coun¬ cil days will be on IVcJwsdatf ibe wen dftnlj £ahu vt m^ and 10th <>t June. ... ------- Aeacoy/fej ve&h S/avct—ishtq) bvihtr* shfp* L'ycr,fr<»n AdtlphtiHoKn^ xcifh Flour—tick* lirthiitk, UnrekhiSn j<om Sacktfftt ll&rbvf) icitk ()mh, Pvl'ttve^ fa . 23rf,—Sch.Ajtiie mid June, Swtth9 from Niagara, uftk Flour. VUh.-Sch. Co>;>. iWrv. PufK from Socket* Harbor^ xeith Cottl '.'>id~ Potatoes—Boat Hornet, Afci ft^ut from do. icith Flout ami t'tgrt'thicx. Llbth.—S;:h. Kingston Pmkd^frotA S'iefejfs Harbor, u hh Provisions— Fi<t/r Durham BoatSi U»m (hkcca<r$ tilth Pork-^Srerun Boat Fro'Ki'rtaCy K:Kt 'jzii-.frcm 1 ork. uifh Flour and PaSi' ngrrx. -7/A.—ISekt Triumph, C<>t>k\ from . Swkefs Harbor^ zcftk f/rovirions^ Fruit Trees Mid Salt—Sh, Jackamr:^ Stam Burnejfrom Fult.-ijvilk* ttiib Provisions—A- h* . (V/r* hue. ( o/W, from pullitcifvUte* niith Hour, Pork*, "pt'tu/oe^OutSs 6.-.--VV FJ'ta, 11 J* ford) from "Sencu^ilc. .nith braces. Cleaved. Jpril ISfJ.*—-bib. Jinx find Jattfy Smith.Jor ] ork. merchandize, 1 Sth.—Strum Boat Frontcnac^ iPKenzfenfor York\ vith p&B*cngers. Sch. AJarjf A»nc, Muster for Hurting* Ion. 2W.~Com» Pern/, Pugh^fbrSack* et*& Ilurhor—Srlt. 'J rutmph. Cook'c^ yjor do*—Sch* Kingston Pocket, hrrdy fordo. * % Zt2d.—Stet\> Bcthiath) IlvK kins, for St< kef's Uufbot* "iJd. — S Iu GathuriM) Gibson, for PrcsquhU* ■2 Uh.— Sth. Com. Pern/, P > >Ju for SukrVs Harbor— Boat Hornet^ . Sjtrague for do* 9Sth.—gcfa Kingsfm PttckiH* Itid^ f,r S tcUt's Harbor-—- Sch* Atuw and June, S rn'ffujn ) ork. *7tk.— Sch- Com. 0:cen% Sinclitfr% fr York, balitst -Sch. T i "hs wak-J-oi o ft •' iitii/ot o ttatr* ;//, lifjfortt.jor Kewcttstte, li . I Ontario, would redouble his effnrtsto oppose ftieOwlow ; and never perhaps it an unrighteous zeal more strongly blazoned forth, than in the publica¬ tion siftU^d by his pupil and Reverend brother, Bethune. That, all atoit^ from Yoik down- wards, intlueuCes have been exerted against me is obvious from tiie fact, tliat i« those quarters, not oue Town- siiio out of ten has been reported to me, in proportion to what have been reported above the Lake ; and only three tlepotts liave been sejit to Kings- ton I'OJit Office, up to this time, ae- eordinu tt> tnformalioil received from Mr. Ma;aela\ of that Onice. Till? is fortunate for me. Had every Townsliip been reported the publication would have been too cum- b-riiome for circulation, and, had i withliold any Keports intrusted lo m) e.ire, and printed others, I mu-t have tiveiiolieuce, and justly exposed my¬ self to reproach. The Reports in my possession are <|uite sufficient hi num¬ ber for the grand purpose in view ; and having been obtained nritliM-t Govern- rnent inllueme,—without ivstr.iint or bias, will have greater weight than a- ny tiling oi the Vntd that can a-ain be collected' To be concluded next (m« Philadelphia^ March 1 \. At the late Court oi Qnartei Seflion?, :\ield by Judge John Rofs»rttDoylelljvvu, 1 for the cotvnty of Btieks a perio.' was convicted of Eaves l)r ppfng9 au offcucc thu-. defcribed bv Jud^e Blacklloue; « E WES DROPPERS, or fuch as linen under wails or window?» or the tavc <>f a hoofc m hearken after di» courle and thereupon t" frame (1 e.idcro 15 a .d mi'.chitv ih tales*, are a cuihmot* nuffaiH'c avd p*refentab'.e at the couit- leet. O' ;*re iu li&ihle at th« leflio>*$, and piniifh:ib!c by fi-ie and' fi.iJiiig lurtiica for ilic good behaviour." tics of passage and tiransporta- Lion. With this fit w of fcbeir tcr.dt nc) ,\vecoruial!v -wish them success. MORE NEW S'i'ATES. The Houle ot Repref nra- tivesofthe Ut;ired grates have p.iffed Ads auhoiiiing the Missouri Territory, \veft of the river Mifliflipp-, ;»nd the lllivois\ Territory, lying eaft ,f the Mif Gflippi, aad north o* the river Ohio, to form Conftftuti ms,in order to be adnutte.^ {nt,, the Union, as States. 'Vhofe two will mike their nun^er up to twenty two Micbi&an Ttrri- tory is to be allowed % Delegate in Congrefs ; a;,d, ^s foon as their numbers lhall b,>come fuf. ficitnt, theyalfo will be organ¬ ized and admitted a-s a S-ate. Their national blag is to be thirteen horizontal ftrfpes, al- tcm.-.te red and whi:^ todefu- n.ite the original nun1Der of the United States, and 0ne Star,! for each exiling Statt^ the Stars to be white on a blue fteid. On Thursday, the 23d inst. the Coroner was calkvj t0 view the body of a man, b^ the name of John Miller, who fejj aown ilead in the street-_!t seems iliat Mr. Miller hail tome from Ernest Town, his p!a(.e oi- resi- aence, the day p^VioUS, and early on Thursday m„rning, feeding himself unwc'^ \vdi\ pl0- fitred some medicine 'Vvhich he ■i.il not take hoti'tfVCC anj iia.i mocccdcd down Si-... g^feci us A QliWt time fmce there dtcl, in the Wfami dny.m Lanark, in Scotland a man j named William Doogha, and his wife I | They had been born within the/time hour j and were intrnduced into the world by ihtfammdwife ; they bad b.en baptis¬ ed together in \\k fame Church, and ihey Tiave >ever fince been serrated- At die age of 19 they were married, wiih' die Cimfcltt ti ibtis rilatlvcs. in the chuici) where they had bcCfl bapti/.ed. They ha i experienced nn in¬ firmity during the courfe of their long lite, and died at the age of too y«3f», repofing together in the old marriage b-d, and were interred in the fame grsve beneath the baptifmal font w'tere they had prtfented ihemfelves to^etlier thu piece-iing century.—Scotch Paper. Anew cure for the Rheumatifm. j f Correction I ■ UE Annual Meeting of the Lancastrian School Society, •mtt ho twltt on M02<iv DAY, 11/.^ M.IV". in-1via of Friday, \st Mai/, as formerly advertised. By or<V of the PwiMcnt, R. STANTON, Sec'y. - 1 *■ \1 One ounce of camphor gum dlfolved in a quart of fpirit* and made ftiong o the bark of li.e faffafm root, l* rccom- I mended a* an infallible cure for the! rhcutftttife. D.ink of it three tuncia day, and bathe the parts affe-Acd. _ PRICE OF PIWFISIOSS In the Kingston Market) during the past week. _________ WWW LKS. prr KR"M I TO Bei»f........... Mutton......... Vcn\........... i'ork........... Fouls.......... Turkeys.#. tiefte ..... Ohee-e .... Outler .... ib. »** ■ • cut. pair each # • • IVas..... potatoes*. i)ais..... Turnip-.. t'jJTOla... Cabbage-, \ Kloor----- Ao..... Callow.«« \ aril.... ilay..... S'raw ... Wood .. • * • t 1 • t lbs, doz. 1 ■ ■ • • • • • • * • • • • •« head tut. UU\. Mi. Ton CO id 1 0 0 1 0 0 tt *> 10 0 0 2 G 0 5 0 0 2- o* 0 0 <> 0 ! 0 \ D 3 0 I it I U I 0 3 0 0 0 15 t) 1 IS »> 0 0 a it 0 . 0 O 1^ 0 10 0 0 0 3 I) ti 0 6 0 i) 0 (I 9 0 0 0 7^ 2 15 0 0 *; 0 1)7 (j 0 89 0 0 1\ 0 1 s 0 1 0 4 0 '2 a % 0 1 0 4 0 0 t 0 % 0 0 0 »» 0 Ml 1 * to ' 0 0 9 U 12 0 \ 1 NOTICE. ALL accounts due to the fubferiber, and remaining unfettled after the fi»i\ day of June next, will be put into the hands of an attorney for CoHeftbD- WILLIAM POWELL. JBplMl ^ril 2 2, I«l8 . 4te| N & A few pkces Na keens, \ FARMS FOR SALE nflBE fubfciiber oifern f.-r fa!ealarm JL eontainiog 3^ acies, in th^ t<uVn- (Wp of Emeft Town, 2d concfffi «n. ha¬ ving a good frame Iloofe, a lar^e Bar<>. and Shed, an txctllent ft?nd for a tavern and ftore, and one of the heli GtUatiooi in thf country for a mechanic. yflfo—One of the beft fai ms in th.£., townfliip of Kingflon, containing 10O acres, well timbered, and about 30 acitt under improvement. SVITH BARTLET. April 2S, 1818. 4.8tf jlXTOTICE is hereby given, thar 00 j X n the 2 1 ft day <v April, about J o'clock in the evening, ran away froirt the fuljfetibtr. a thief by the name of John More, who had been commuted to Gnol by (he Crmn ifllonctaof the Come of Requert Any perfou that will take up laid iliief, and bring l-im to the fub* fcribcr, or keep him fo that he can be obtained, (hall have the reward of Five Shilling". GEORGE C. HERNES. Constable Fredericksbur^h. April 2§, 18 I 8. 4S WASTED, TWO Men servants and a W--.maa St-rvant, to feive in the tame Fim> |1y—Alfo, a man well acquainted witjj Farming, who will engage for the fei'.fofi — None need apply who do not brin£ wi'h them the moll fan-fiCtory creden¬ tial?.— Enquire of rh ' Printer. Kingstnny ijti April, 1818. 48- TO RENT, *< [dffii mi cJour^forfaldas abra.\\ Pittsburgh, j$rS 28, 1818. 48^ ¥JlROM thr (irlt 01 J"e next, the I; Koufe and Lot, hnvir-jr a go--d G-»rden and Orchard, belonging to rhc Inbfcnbrr, an eligible ,rtU3tioo for but* i^C fa. • only lo ' JOSEPH FR vXKLIN.

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