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Kingston Gazette, April 28, 1818, p. 2

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utC of Oyer A^Kn=no?T?r&V **«er, ...... c1v^..r|Kr,,,c] I forward in Ar cjurt of Off 0< Hat imc 2. Again? Michael ^acdoprfl, r/ % c'hu f cUfi ks of :he. tilvJfiWI** _ , Comply and l.ordSe kirk,avprincip!« , oudthefeid M3c* -vt»cd->i«ll ** :><*- f;: ) b roc and .f:cr the && fo»" Rr*n : h eenv. in oiHa^i'e- '" & ^rl'ai >' * * ' 4»! of ceoji in pillaging n*. n Turtle River, a quantity F' «to>"bd*^gi«g to ihtf Noithwetj C "p» y, whi. h was in ch*rge of Jean fiaot. D<tma»aWonrof their farvant* L 'gi.i.ft John Spencer, chief ae- Cv.umant in (ted River of the hwtfun'« Buy Company '<nfl l,f.rd Selkirk, a^ piiacipas and the fold Mile* Macdoncll a* v.c-iT-iy befor-. and after the Fa^t, fort p. (J Nrceny, if) p'Uaging, in May,, tfcjA, on the liver .ffinibofnc, a batcu f. d f proviti- n-, belong! g to ihe isf"' <h weft Company. a -\« ainH Jamc Fiyn, at this mo¬ lt e't -^ domcllic ii the fervite of Lord F-kiik, ad th n form! ^ 'oe of the tetf.uie aftfa faii tVifle* :#1acdooell at lied Rivtiyfor rra-icioiifly (hooting in I■■ «y, * 8 i f, upon vaiious peiions, fet- t>rij«d ithers, r- fi lent at the NomIj- ucft pofl at the Foik«, who were • -e«.-e a' iy pJUng a ong the highway, playi-i^ Ibe bagpipes 5. A gain ft Colin Rcberrfm, John Bourlce, :-nd Michael Hoyden chief fcrvants i the Hudfon's Ray Company ;id L'id -Selkirk, f. r ri<»r and falfe iy. prifenment, on the Occafioti of their Invirg, m enjundfon with o'hers, it* the night of the 17th of March, iSirt, ticacheroufly feiV.ed in the North weft Hoofe, at the Foi k* of the Red River. the perloiir of Duncan Cameron, Efq c c 'f i*it pattuers of the North weft C m;,af»V, and o' others their fervants 6 A^fttpfl the faid Col n Kobcrtfrn, J Ln riv.oke, and Michael HayJen, rather with dartitt Jorden, aWicharl' Ki:b*ide, and Hugh M'Lcan, other fcivant^ of the Hudlon'a Bay Company and l.Oid Sc'kiik for Iteatfnj? in a dwellhig Iipuk, n the faid 17th Marcfi, 1816, all trtr , ro erty Confilling i)f va- li.i'.bie ftirs and goods, belonging t«» the North weft Cocnpaiiy, at tlic loika of the Red River- 7. Agaii.ft Purre Chriloloqtie Pcm- br . :. n haif < .iy .ffictr gf once ftkfi late (.Hiiidtan regi!iieiU9f i:ow in trie lei vice i*" thr Hudfuii't B y Company afid 1 rd Sc'kijk, and ag.inll five of thrrit C t»a 'inn enga^ts, t »r robbery, com- DuUtd it Cedar Lake in the lr*)nd dn 1 j. country, in the fall of iH-6. ?f Hi 1 ;arge of one Beliecouf, 8 Ajjainft th" f.iu! 1'. C. Pa'r.brun, 9ne Louis Nulla/< cl< rk and interpreter, in the fcrvice of the Hurffoo'a Bay C-irtpany, and Lord Selki.k', as orin ci;)a!-., and the f:id .'»iles Macdo- ell. t* acceu.iry befoie and after the fa^V fci ft a:i. j in a dwelling boolc at Red River in Pen (^17; nam Iy all thegoodaand chattel**, and the dwelling houft itlelf to bootj helonjjing tis one Ifeijsil Belanjrer, afrae Cafiadian refining there. Befrdea the above eight billsofiwdifl- nientj one was fotmd by the grand Jiitv 1 i the Court of Oyer diid Terminer, an flawed i ' y nir laft 9 Againft tl.e fail Coh'n RobeitfoTi, J - -» Bonfke, Michael K^yd'n. L uU N n- , and Martin Jur'i*!!), lor a ;»or and jMi'iinfr down and rleftroyJag houtes, in 1 | i'i«cr::r,!ciesff Ih.dlie c mmumcated to fon for your neat number. Re* «vr/w* L'T-I Selkirk, and Others. I, the Court of Kn^'s Bench f-»r the Di«lrf&4»f Montieal* which t*lofffd it- filings on the loth ii'ft- «he bonds envred itiro in the Indian TerriioNts, by 'he Rarl of S'ikitk.and his adherent?, j eaiitmn K O. l)'Orf-n:uns captain F. Mat:hey, and Dr. John Allan* to ap rear at the laid onrt to anfwer f*>r the ontra^ea co-nmirte 1 at Fort William andotliei place-, were, notwirhftanding n\"\ the oi/pv>fixton made by counfel, adjured by the Court to be renewed, in or.'cr CO infure thrir regular appearance to f. ke their trials in Upper-Canada. His iordihip complied without much helitation in giving b^il ; but the other parties appeared inclined t<* be conr fiwctoui., and for a long while refufed u put in the bail demwnUed ; indeed it was ii. t till after the Court had been moved by the Attorney General t-> commit then, to ciolo:1y that they, yielded the J p irt, and the fecurity required w-. rriu&antly piven. In conformity w»h the- deciion of he i ourt, Lord Sclkiik accordingly was held to bail, in £*6ooo hin.felf, ^n<\ l\W le'-urit'es in 7,3000 tath. a:.d P. O. D^Orfuinens md F. Vtatth.y, for 1J500 eeh. with two urrtica hit 1^250 each- Dr. Allan ti¬ ll d fap-e-nvd from "the Court pending rh dif( «.(Ti n but t niLr frcorily eve given in hi. ablence. r wji how The Attorney General v* Montreit Juries. In the la'<# t«rm of the Court oi K ^*R Bench, upon the trials of various individuals aceufed oferimea aUedped to have been committed in the !• dian Territories being moved foe on b<-half of the pri'oners who have been for a foiig tin.c confined under ibefe accufa- t»ons, tbt Attorney General refnfed to bring them on, aili--ning a< a rcafon thai the prejudice exiftmg in this Dittrifl, Oil the fubj:rt of t^e dilputc-; between the North w*.ft and HodfonN Bay Gompaniea, with vrhich thefe caile-* Were 'uppoled to bt connected, and oc- cafi r»cd by the publications on one fide and on the other, were fti ^ a to in luee him t .rtprele'.tlwtlie nidiv. tijalHaC< ufcd, required that all their triaU (h u)d be hid elfi where, were impartial juii ovdd Le fel- CUd. I lente i.one ol thef ntilea, notwithftanding the laboure f| the late grand Junes can be txpcCtcd to cou*eGu hcie. ndiris bint. Qui of the brain of Jopttef fpninjg fvljnc.rva : how proud ftiould [ be to it* rry htiiin child a monarch foi theG^deffl of wiuio.n ! — There U a*' eqnipm^.t for nnfortunare' •nanunculi, which ha* piohab'y not yet been heard of in tippet Canada. A poor baby came iftio this world, and' into that part of jt called Scotland, | J three month-before hi* time, end was kept alive by being fluted with a pair of beef (lake brushes. Vhe repentant D r. (hall have from roe, not only biveches of jbed", but a furtout of veal, and moc- cii!*m? of mutton. The Traveller fjr^k^ of my notice of him as an " offence," and warns nv n t to stop bin a^ain. H ncil man! when did 1 Bop him?—hopingnnqfiinee for aiking the queB.vm. I Was reiting on my aim** here m Mia^ara, an quietly inclined a^ p« fSfth*, after having honr-r.ibly dffenga ^d n-yftlf from the •* aix^cks' of Nfajjw Leonard and his dlWr friend : when l»] who fHv^uId ntiacl ■ne next but my fellow Traveller I I c*n iCCOUOt for it in no way hut this, that (the Tiavellei'- ambition had been iO>*fed by the ** t*m of cotit'erfatiori.** Have you feen thr Spcdator yet"lays •me, *' yes," replies another, and who will apack Mr Oouri .y now ? will '* the Vfnj r rally V* "Oh no, he knowfi •• better tha.i to exjHife himfelfa<yaiu "— •• Well, it is too bid ! that a Farmer 0hj, q—rne going after hia m< rcha"di^e, -anoherto his form ? The Traveller is not wfilil£to liften to my tnviraiion : he (hurii hi- ey^s again ft conviction • he m quibhW— he *l perverts " he is m unfair " he * conceaU" the truth, all to avoid acceptance of my very (iuccre and kind invitation to join me in peti¬ tioning. The Traveller, in his former prodnc- not only public feeling, but private right : he had not confined his attacki t" *he condud of Britiih fubjeds : hi had not only attacked Lord Selkirk, but had ventured in hi» audacity to as- Tail even the Prefident of the U States. Thefe ads made him a fair fuhjed of cenfure 1 tliefead"* made *t the duty pf every man who paued him by the way, to hold up hi> iinjier and fay aloud.there tion, made marvel of the want of toicra-l rocs the arrwg:mt pi (ell who would (lain tion and liberality amrtnjj the « higher j j hi' cloth.—fet at naught the Commands ranks," and I pointed to their nearer of his Great Malter,and. puffed up with connexion with patronage and favomrifrr, Tanity. leave the altar for world'y luA| 41 "-ill patronage but, independent of this, we kncitf that pervciftty and ail the evil paiTi-ns grow j with the prowrh. and ifr<-n^<hen with the ftrength of w< ahh and power, till ;t ibalmoft as fmpofiiMe, for tlio^e pofTefs- Ing them, to jfTt to heaven, as it is f >r a camel to pa'a through a needle's eye. In England there is much boafl of benevolence, and every one deplores the woful conferences of the poor laws. 1, who had demonftnted, to the Britiih Governfneut 17 years ago, a principle wh»'h, modified, would aft nally have effrted a cure,—!, who never loll fight of• this principle, began at laft, after making up my mind as to its modifications, toprefs its adoption by petitioning the legiflatiuc. I tiift made known my inteutiuns diretl'1 y by com- muriications, addrefTed in my own hand writing to eveiy Englifh Peer, and every Men.her 1 f the Motile of Conmon«. I 44 fh aid get the a-hip hand of us all. Member 1 f the f •• Vou,Mr. I'l'veMcr, a^c a Scholar : ve]] calmly continued to correfpond with * * kn iw thit you can write, tho* tlfcj fontc of^hem, was in uo hurry, but nrel Maj *r is a forty h ribe : it has been J fed my ohjett for years. 1 had no f c«rt conned ion wih M Kmg faid, that atmn mud yield to •' learning, but, who ever heard of arms 41 and tl# gowfl too, yielding lo aj •* ruilic ?—fnely, y -u Mr. -Traveller, *• will be able to talk him" Th? !o*e «*f conqurit thus vivified by flattery, coo Id one. no 11 1 n ot be n filial: our worthy Traveller mull tiv-<d- take the field of glory, and forget biaduty to peiition« '* sa-i \wis /he lin-.ir ami lnekJ#*i wa: th'1 rlay," VPhen fit t oir ?i*ii|)|e Traveller v\»*nt a-ir.n ; Mi ! hiekl**^ tho'i tliuUKCvd l|im to the *"ig;ot, Ah \ false aoibii 1 gain it me. 1 To the Editor of the ^Ji^ra SpecSatbr. Niagara, zyb March* 1818. SIR, The Traveller, 1 obferve, has teaKz- e ! my b pe by wa'k'ug on', nee agan, btf-.re t\,e public, to /hew off his genius, in 4< wit and .ra'*caf'n>M—to tell, in what particular I have been "dull, dirty and •4 djfgulHifij?," a.id ro prove. '• wherein roj "judgment and difcrethn have been "tbfieient/1 Hr. genius mull firfl be got nd of ; and for evii. A m.'e reprtititfl oC words w;'l uol do ; ^rtd- Dr Spurzhem\ .1 r • -. r o s. . if ra- 1 • ;ji"vO'.T. U altogether out of place in ta-fpr, *of ,*;6. ,c JUd Riwyhem*\U^Kt , 3„,t1.. r ai;n th. wh...c uf the F :rr .„d ho,|.'.r^, }.^a, ( ^^ ^^^ MM^msJO the Nonh.wefl O-mnany ! 0^(0tllfn>r bu; mnttMM . ,„.,. ,-., tW, I h- fails 5 f r. any little til tier excited by j hi- wi\t is rather an hvfi..ncal affedrion a: the Fo ks ; with the f«-i vice.'ihie materials of which truy built T»rt D^u^i Ts, and buret rhfl rem-ii:iing r ,. ,- . a:*2 • • . . .. 5lirt nionrhthT.efs thiu rhe pleafing ba-'i nis and whatever they could not f«..«-.w ., c r * / . currulcatou of an enlightened mn.d rimufemeni, for its own fake has never been my ohjed 5 and, where I have given place (• humour, it ha been for the «-xpief* purp fe of raking the edjje Carry away. Bil! had alfo been previc)t:fly found in trie Court of Kug'H Bench, againS fo^:e of th fe pat tie*, to wit ; 1011,11 ,.V(,r fuJiy^ right. The moft ftrioui, charge againfl madeuyil.e lrav,)co comJ m,xt to Lc cwfiJtied — iSc chAfKt nf mj wauti;«r "j..dgenC(lt ;m(| j;flTrfl'on » He.-ilTcts that 1 have «4 alienated the public mind M .io.n lVtJ grtHt ob}tcX" and feemato a*ent^ f[iistf| mv F)nv;nf, addrefTed myfcff o| ]atc l0 (^ividuals, and to my hav.tlg had TfCoul[c to perfmahun. No^ r am not to rr{l(lt thifl charge, eyc;njf thc Traveller's affertion and reafoi,^ ai fn thc. ic,rt degtce worthy of n ,t;cc ;,, fubrtantiating it ; for the f.rmcrfe notorioufly inc r- rc«, and the latter fifty in the extreme. la duty to the ^reat pubtlc tm^t% \ muft here be particuiur> So far from having "alfenated ,hc public mind from myg'ent object," by my wiitinjjs, it is noiorSonn thai they \VdYC t.M.ded to eon- vidion of the moll beneficial kind : the people have been confidcrably routed ; at feSincM l^.wtart*; »~i||fh myiufluencaoi not,—whether rni bufiuela will be cm pleted or nor, it jq n„w certain, that j enquiry into tie fiate of tb: Province, has been moved, and carried in Parliament. The Tiavelltr ajdrcfies himfelf loan individual* viz, the Editor of the Sprdator, and fo do I; bm the difference ! i-. thai while no with any party ; but, <lid all publicly, in my right as a Britiih fuhjed, and in duty ttf the diVtat.'s of my owa heart. I wfked frr no M.e's appiauf and af Ifttle regarded cen'ure. My knowledge of human nature aflured me that no dependence whatever could be placed in the higher ranks, and this wan verified by experi¬ ence : nay it waft only 4< by much entreaty" that the poor thrfflfelve* were advif^d to move in their own caufe :. t*> Xiit Xm language rrl Scrip'ure, '1 had to 'c compel them t-» come in." They at la ft law the truth clear iy ; -hundreds vo^ 'untan'lv came in ; and on my leaving England they were, over a pretty wide extern of country, following my advice ; and, when they have extended their t{- fort* fnffieiently, (bey will make good their point in peace and qnctneiii—-but, ret me return from di'greflion. The charge rf perfonaW'ty, if it car¬ rier along wfih it a corividion of wanton expyfure of bbaracter and cmdud—a convidion offltch cxiolurc being mere¬ ly to gratify a malicious difp-mtion, i^ indeed n feiious one ; but what perfon ality, th:t I have had recoil ifc to, can ijjtlftify foeh a charge againfl me ? I deny ) that personality* of itlelf, is in the leafl degiee in^dmifTable, Many po nts can¬ not polii^'y be carried wthout its aid ; an I in m my cafe\ the frre life of it is not on va dutv, but o"? of thofc duties which fhould win the higheft app^nfc in its manful performances ; for he that [ wield* the weapon" of perionality muft have many enemies. The Traveller, by his way of fpeak" ing of my addr<flhig individuals and ha" nngf reoeiirfe to perfonalttics would a>ake believe tliar 1 have been culpable tow- aids many penons, but Or. Strachan is h.«» ,wr.r».g undr, cover of a fu,"^ j ticula, Znp!lhies. , P ; figtiarure he h pcrfnal towards me,—of-j am his u perfectly lec'-cd for the purpofes of th.ir trade, a«d, it. In Ser>te-Tiber tc«mt i8iCf « i ft*l f n 1;. o t .r r 1 M'lfficicntly proved. I h.d a*: i- it the (.»# Cobn Rtbeitfon, J hn ., ;r A* -s , . B. u km- ci t_i 1 (a'*-i.il' the geniUl of the uiik", and Michael Haydea, -or,* »r r 11 -r ) 1 , ;. , . " wirh rerlmgf. eoua v qui. fee * give* ms iiu 44 hejtfache ;" and, that I j can fuftahi the attacks of wit and farcafm wi'hu. ruflcd rc»npcr. I trull, is now (IkiII, therefore Traveller, gs equally qui. fceut, a--* thofe ; \ «„ ^ «i r,n.« i • • /r I tot," 1 M Submit him to the telt ot per- Digmyr al name, Ocpteciarj gmy etToits ir *.«#:^ nt j** - 1 1 r\ o 1 ^fihetrnbiiG -aj k«tk-lrt V^..! ]*?««»- and .t ts clearly Dr bt.achan. for the gubhc good, bothering fenoim t u L n a; , ,..,-.k r r , 'w"° *■ m^^"t when he favf» that I "&- nlledion wi«h mere iionfenfe and [. w , , tr/u ; \gan th* wtar bypumijbtng a reply //? oNt y P [enough in ** thie* world both for. thee and for me." we«*eaii preferred ag^ind John P«»ich- aid. J'thn Pun ke.and fficharl Hayderj, fo--u.c.mude,■ uf «. Ir,lf b,eed named U The Travelled apo|ogv as to the L. len^nthesffi-ayo fthe :9:h of j VOids« doll dutv and difoafring" fa J'i lC 1816 j a..d agHit tl f\. J l-retpy. st Pembina River, which Wtic ftVt fousd the ptiiicipd u.'tne!res n:j< l;ci:-g ai hand to fupport the : - c rfeSfoos in the ftatement ; of theTraVcll* r puth'.hcd of the biilb o own perianal account The diipute is indeed •* verging too much cowards abufe," when truth and Com.mon ienfe art fo torcuted a> in this lail production if indictment ii ■ jj V/M exuavay^nce. of fiinc; my foJe *J mere notMeuie endeavouring to throw fnt;> ridicule, the moll important duty incumbe'it on the p.er.ple of thin Proviece, at the prefent moment,—that t>f pTcffir^ by peti- tions, thequeflionnow before Parliament, to a woi thy conclufion,—preffirtg not oujy for enquiry, b'ft foi a commifliou to go home with the relult, and for rhej publication of evepy thing ia England. My addreffiug individuals, and be/n^ perfonal, can in no degree make people " forget" what 1 am aiming at. Were I to bawl in the Traveller's car the whole day )oU£, or fnpplicatc on my knees that he fhould cake up a pen and wn'te out a petition, I doubt much if I j could (ucceed. To account for this, I have no need to apply my fingers to the protuberances and depletions of the] Travelled* fnull, after the manner of Dr. Spurzhcim, but 1 may turn up the Scriptures where every variety of human charade* U exhibited in colours which never fade, and are in variably truetona-, tin c. The pcrvctf-n ■/} of mankind j Was the fame two thottfimd years a^o.J 'hat it it now ; and it i$ not by changing' the formation of ikulls, but by the} amciioxauofi oi i^eaitc, that wc raaylljic; U j tvho never publicly attacked?* me. Now, though I am forry lo u!e the expreilion, even 10 him who ha-; applied t<« me the words *' quibbi -s/# ** pervert?," '* un¬ fair," and ** conceaU", I muft lay this is a fcandalons n^ifreprefentati'jn. So far from declaringiwar after my firft addres- b\.. I relinqtidhtd the concern for the pubh'c go .u, that no perfonal dilhketo me Ihould injure it l\vo months after* wards,hiding that the letter I had tent for in let tion in the Ncwfpapers, had be<u al- tercl in the printing, Jro.n my manu- fcript, I hid occafion to publifh a fee- i>nd letter of explanation aud f<#r the firft time named Dr. Strachan.' I then pub- h>|y offered to give up authorities, in cafe he thoughl himfetf injured by the report til hih having found iau!t with my proceeding, and faid that n it was pre- iumption in me, a Itranger, to come for¬ ward as I had done.*' Fiom the date .,f tiiat publication, fix wet ks more palled by before hi' name was mentioned a fe¬ cund time by n-e in public ; and foi three months before, while i had yet i,e vo yet (hewn myfed as a Combatant, war wa»waged a^.iinft.me, and 'rtepul r wdsvvjgeo a)r.»i;ii.t.me, an'J 'MepUb- jot I*ci 1 •.. iv^.nd priuw wete iliicd wuu *U foiti m\ jto foHitihedyty ll ' and filthy de-fires. No private admoni¬ tion cottid put down the fpirit uf Inch a man. He fent a copy of his printed let¬ ter on th-.*. hufinefs of Lord Stlki k, to 1 to the Bifiiop t>f Canada. The Bifhop fent it back unopened, which was a f-> vere piivate reproff ; but, the ivfhop did not j?o to the extent of hic duty.— Hejhoold pnbliely have admon/fhed Mnij and ordered him to mak*- apology re *he man he had injured* brToie the ptib'ff, whom he had inlulted. Such difctphnc would have fultained the reputation of the Cldirch of England, done honor to the Bifhop, andfaved the Reftor bt Yorlc from after mifcor.duft- Not only wis it my duty, and had t a right to attack Dr. Strachan, as % mere fpedator of bis public conduft { but before I did attack him he bad by his filenre, a kuowledgrd the truth ! reported openly in the (team boa*, ar4 pnblifhed in the ncwfpapers, of hi> having accufed me of'*• prrfumptfa* %** he tijsw o'»e of a corps who liad difrtfgar* ded common civi'ity—who hid neglect¬ ed public duty, <and done infinite mif* chief to the Prrvince. What (inferable weiknefs i« It, to think, tint after all tin, I muft fay nothuig again ft fuch a chir^der, rrerrlv becaufe he never at¬ tacked m*. hi print ! I muft wait, for*" (Outh, and be attacked by the Travelln, and all forts »>f blockhead^, who cannot write without Inlirtg their win in phieiN 7.y ; — 1 muft wait till this b'tttr fellow Svaftlwi... H.-'Sv-d bwii -w're oi An com- paitment- of my l)ra;n, ro kick and fprawl, tit] hi" Reverence i*^ drl.vercd by a man-midwife, and then pled for an ^ perfecuted rhiri^—a sitcom •• anr^. gouill."a m'ferable, mifbcgv>tten rnno. OOcolua, to whom nothinvi b'»T the rotlfc of human kindnefs fhoUJd be admin- ill ere d. Within tlie laft f'.rtnioht, a moft curious document has fallen h<to ny hand----Hcfomtions of a meeting held in the TotVtt/hif of Jugutia-t printed ill thr King lion Gazette, and it is well worthy ol republication. w At a meeting of a Committee, cho. " (en by the annual Town Meeting pf 44 the Inhabitant of the Towi Ihi'p 0f " A ugufia, in the Johullown Dillnd of €t Upper Canada, to anlwrr cettain 4< quci'iep propofed to them in an addrefi " publifhed by one Robert Goarfeyt (< and dared at Qiieenfton, Odobert « 1817—It is unanimonfly Refo!vedv ** 1 ft 'I bat it is the opinion of tflia 44 meeting, that Mr. Goorlay'a advlrefs 4< contains principles inimical to rhe w peace and quiet whidi the inhabitants u of this Proeinc* fo happily ero y. " 2d. That however aovantsjmjug M the information might be to Uprcr 4< Canada, refuhing from proper anfwera 11 to thde queries, and placed in proper " hands* the prefent meeting cannot u feel tbemfelve? jollified i»» giving their ^fnpportto the wry infurioii* c^nft- *• quencts which might reiult from fuch '*. information, placed at thedifp.fal of a *' nan of Mr. Gouiiay's pc»Ulic4 t( principles* -(si^nrd) Zfim'Ctyl ** Soi'ut r>n Jones, J. I). C. 4< John Bethuue, Clerk, 44 H. Walker, C- l\ *' Oliver Lucre, 44 J. 1). Campbell- 44 J. Heck, <> R. C. Hendcrfoa 41 Jacob Heck, "J- 8. (Merwio, 14 J*bn S'mpfon, ** Stephen Colliu& **dugttfta3 Fclfucry \%\%^. When the Reader has pemfrd the u- above Relotutiona, 1 wifh he would, 3 iecord ti^uc, look them over and think whether hetver before ya/.cd on Inch a monittoas production, At the anuuai Town lUteiing of Augufla (which irre¬ gularly held, was the fiift Mond .y ox' Januaiyj it would appear that the peo¬ ple wiihed to have a Report drawn out for me, of their Tuwufhip ; anct, t y&* form air them this duty, they cbo e a commit!tc<-. ThcConjirmtce vextx flack in their duty, but at lull n.u 111 the...... th ot I'ti in .iv, .-.nd iciolved, i.ol ti'ity, r.vt for which Li.e; h.-.tl

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