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Kingston Gazette, April 28, 1818, p. 1

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(TUESDAY, APRIL 88, 1818 ] IT [VOLUME VII.------No. 48] p I 1 * - • * ;»i . •** t. * ■ Kingston, Upper. Canada—Pirtfrtfci* AftD PuBklsrtED by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. 3SS*l£5^5v ?xttzsttir3£*&rz: «$« •«- -..? ",—. *-:•-*?:*%& Boot Shoe and Leather STORE. THE BAY AND RIVER ■ ■ / OAT i I CI1«1HLDTTE> will soon commence running, ON the Bay of Quinte and the River St. Laurence, between Prkbcott and the Car*yincJ Pl-vcf., at the fifead 01 the iSay ; and will receive: Passengers and freight, on reasonable terms, at all convenient places wnhin the limits of its Uoute, On the Bap and the River, The Times nl its leaving and an iving at its feveral stations, AtMates of Passage and Freight, and o'her particulars will be J advertised, as soon as Lie arrangements for the purpofe shall be Jfctded and ascertained, SMITH BARTLET, ) SOLOVON JOHNS, f DANIEL WASHBURN,^ &k$m9 March I 44 PETER VVETbEL, , ) 24, iSib. NA.k WILLIAMS & Co. at the Sign of the Golden Last, Store (Ireet, rcfpc&fully inform the inhabitants of [ Kingllon, and its vicinity, that they llil! continue their Boot and Shoe Manufactory. where they keep conftantly on hand, a large aflortrnent of Lady's and Gentle¬ men's BOOTS and SHOES, of every dclcription. Likewise, a fupply of good Sole and Upp.rr Leather, of all kinds. Kbi$sttfi> March 7» i ^ 18 ■ 4-itf NOTICE. ALL accourits due to the Snbfcri bers* and remaining ttnftitleu afte! the ill day of June next, will be put in.o the hands of an Attorney foi collection. THOMSON 10 DETLOR. Kingllon, April 6, 18 18- 45/6 ■ Gommitte'e. Notice. TffM partricrihip mentioned a few months fince, between 'T homer, 15 Moran, ceaicd on 3d April, 1 8 \ t> no papers have been finned to coufi: HpHE fubferiber infurms all thofe Jl who are indebted to him, either by Note, bond or othcrwiie, ttftht uitlcib the lame isdifchar^ed on, or brfoie the grft <Jay *f June--next ehfuing the date hereof, their rvfoc&tve account* will be placed in ihehanddof an Attorney for Colle&ion. GEORGE DOUGLASS. jtjngston, March 23, 1818. 4£tf r To Let * AND im-nediaie pofleffion given, Two convenient Houfes, with Sh^ps in llv ,c fttvCt» ncar fvil* HI***! Tavern, on the corner of the flreer lead¬ ing from the Artillery Barracks to the French Chinch For particulars apply to JOHN W. FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston, Eel 17,1818. 38 COMMISSARIAT SALE THK re«rffion of a Leafe for the two en'uing leafon*, of a piece of ground with a large commodious Store, on the I Carrying Place, at the head of the Bay j of Quint-:, at prr-fent in the occupation I of the Commifliiriat Department. The property 'o revert to the owner, R C- Wilkin*.' of the Carrying P^cc, or. the expiration of the above period. A We of the above wi'i be made at Public .Auction, on Weduehlay 6ih Mjy nex*. *t the CommifTariat Store, on the pre-rift°. AfsU Com'y Gmth Office, Kingston, \ph slprii \%\% 46-3 the above, .".ir. .Yioran ha* received ac COrding 10 his request, a teimioerutian, | adequate to his bcrvici«, fro:n the SuO- fcriber. N. B. All debts, Notea of hand (Previous to the -bo've date.) wiii be honourably Settled by the SnbCeriber, who requtlts thofc who are indebted to the ab< ve firm 10 pay the fame without delay to Kingllon, Afpri] 6, 1818. 45 For Sale, ON reafbnatble terms, that well known Liot* and Buildings there on, in the Town, of Kingfton, fronting two Streets, formerly the property Of .r. George .vLarkland. Tor gattlCii- lar-i apply to Joseph Brandarnaur. fttflgsfan, stprii6, 1818. 45 4 41 ++ I i COMMimmMT CONTRACT. SEALED Tenders wrl be received at this OfRce until Saturday the 9th May, next, for a fupply of FLOUR fnr Hi& Majefly's Mac*a?iries at this ftatio"n, warranted to fceeo iwect and fiuuid for twelve months from t<ie date of deliverv- The tenders mufl state the rate per bartel of 196 lbs and give the names of two furetiea to be bound' in the contract w/h the perfon making tender No tender wit! be received after the hour of twelve o'clock, on the abuve- TOentioned day- 4fi\ CQm'y. Gen'Is. Office, Kingston, 1 3/A April. 1818. 46 070HE fubfcribei ha» jutt received a | JL large quantity of Cast Iron Ware* «onfiftingof POTASH KETiLES, Caldrons and Sugar Boiler*, Franklin, Box and Oven Stoves, together with a variety of Kitchen Furniture, a9 Bake Pans, Pots, Teakettles, Dog Irons, &c yc all of which are of an excellent qua!* *Jfi and*will be difpofed of on very rea¬ sonable terms, at wholcfale only. SMITH BARTLET. N. B. The Pot Aft Kettles will be Warranted if required. Kingston^ YQfh Mtrtffr 41 NEW IRONMONGERY STORE. John Watkins, ESPECTFULLY acquaints his friends and the Public in general: th:it he has opened a wlioklale and retail Ha.^vate Store, at the (land for¬ merly occupied by McfiVs. H- W. Wilkiiifon Sc Co. Mam Street, and from the arrangements he has made, will have roi-lla ttiy on hind, a general a{T>rtment of HARDWARE, Cutlery,'&c. which tfc will be enabled to difpofe of for C«(h, or approved Credit, at neatly the Montreal Prices ; among which are the following, viz : Eoglifli and Sweeds Iron, Crowley and Bliller Steel, Wrought and Cut Nails, Trace Chain*, Sheet Iron, Horie Shoes, Frying Pans, Shovels and Spades, Plough*Moulds, Holiow Ware, Grindfloncs, ChiflVls and Gouges. Locks and Hinges, Files, Knives and Forks, Pocket and Pen¬ knives, Fifti Hocks, Brafs Cocks, Brulhes,hammers, Augurs, Saws, Planes, Tea Trays, Stainpt and Call brats Cabinet Ware, Wire, Tin Ware, Pins Needles Fowling GunbBrafs Kettles &c. He alfo offers for fale a fmall aUbrt- ment of Crockery and Giafs Ware. Kingllon, 30th March, |8'I& 4*" A To be Let, OR SOLD, ND Poflcffion given on the 1 ft May next. That new and Com¬ modious Two Story Houfc, (with Stable Coach Houfe, and Well of ex cellent Water,) atprcfe.nt occupied by Do<Sor Short, near the Block Houfe gate, which leads immediately to the Race Courfe. — Apply to the Printer. Kingllon, 30th March, 1818. 44tf 1 ftlE Copannerfhip of Metcalfaxid WitlUion \a this day dilTolved. A. Mctcalf is authorrilcd to clofe the con¬ cern. ^cj a\ S Apollas Mftcalf. (bflgnedj )Co|fiS|DER w.uListon. Kingllon, 18th March, :8i8. Notice. T^ HE fublciibtr refpeafully informs the public, that hC intends to con- he Boating" bulincl's this fealon ; L tinue th - n. theiefore, if any perfofls Wllh<f* to t:anf- po.t Plank, Boards Brick, Lime, Sand, &c So. he offer, therh his Icrv.cra.— Krth at Mr lobnD.uvfon'f. Kington. 11 ' WILLIAM- VliREX. April 13. 1818. 46- The Subfcriber intends, continuing the SADLING BUSINESS till about the fin* of June, at which time he •xpefts to Leave Kington He particularly dulVe, all thofe indebted to him to make payment without further notice—And i* now ready to pay the demands, heldagainft him. 44____________ A. METCALF. A Second Hand CABLE, For Salt Uy MONJILAU & St. GERMAIN. hirigttok, /Jpr-it ,0> , g,k. 46tf FOR. fale z\ thft Office—Standard Rules for ijje Ga<me of IVHIST— by Bob Shoit: 46 VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. THE following Angularly deferable, and truly val- UdbU Lands may be had, and immediate pofTcflion given, with undeniable titles. at rate* far below their real value ; and it is but leldom, even in a counttv fo ex- tcnfive as Canada, where uncultivated Lands may in general be rendily ob¬ tained, that fituations fo eligible and advantageous, in good neighbourhood*, can be fecured. Lot 1. Comprifing 70 Acres of the very richell Beech, Maple, Elm and Oak Land, in the 4th Concelfion of Hope, lying upon Smith's Creek, with '5 acres cleared and fenced, new log- houfe, well bnilt and dove tailed, fruit trees, &c. with a mill-feat, between 41 an : 5 miles from the fl^ urifliin^ little . own of Toronto, On Lake Ontari.*, vvhere there is an excellent market either for buyinjr or felling. The Laud WOT the very hrlt qualirv, and in a good populous neighbourhood, firming altogether a mUt definable refidehce, within a fhort mile of the great road be¬ tween York and Kingllon. 2;t. 200 Acres, being Lot No. 1, in • he 5th Cuuct'fllon of Hope, alongfide the great road between Hope and Ha- (riiron, leading to the new and fl >uri(h IWg fcttlementfc -?fCavan and Monaghan, «n the Rice Lake, in which more than 50c families and pcrfons have actually located, and fcarccly five mile- from the 1'owti of Toronto. wnCrfi there is a jiu>d marker ; it is in an old fettlemci't, and 1 he neighborhood is popolous aud 'XceVent. There are about 30 acres cleared and fenced, With a fine llream of living water, and the greater part of the Laud offuperior quality, the rell good Meadow. 3d. 1 mo Acres, occuppying nearly oiu cntne fi«it *.f i^ic (Vaimrtiioq-ie Lake, in the Townfhip of South Cniiby, l-)is- irid of Jolmllown, COnfifting wholly ..f b'.oken fronts, the back pans extending t'* the n>nd from the Ri<leau Settlement to King'ton, from which lattet place it j** fcarcdy 30 miles diftant. The Land ia good and well limbered, and the fituation Singularly beanufnl and roman¬ tic, with wooded ItUficU ilJ Uont. The above Lands ?re particularly deceiving of notice. The fituations were ohofen by a competent judge, and they will be fold remarkab'y cheap, the proprietor wilhing to concentrate hk forces in another quarter. For further particulars, apply to R. C HORNE, Efq. Yo.k ; C. FOTH- F.RG1I,L, Efq. Toronto; WM HA¬ MILTON, Efq Kingston or Pre(cott; or to SHAW ARMOUR, Efq. Mou- t x eai. _April t, 1S18._________________471 NOTICE. Annual Meeting of the Lancas¬ trian School Society. flllE lubf.-ribers to this inflitution . are requeiled to attend al the School Honie on FRIDAY, the ift of /V///2"nextt for the pnrpofe of appoint¬ ing Trullees, &c. &c. for the enfuing year. By order of the Prefidcnt, R. STANTON, Sec'y. STOLEN. ON Wednefday evening, the 15th inllant, was llolen from a Dwel¬ ling HooTe in Front Street^ a large Drab GREAT COAT. | Whoever will bring the faid Coat to this Office, fliall receive a reward of Five Dollars, and no queftions aiked. Any perfon in whofe polfellion the faid Coat maybe found after this notice, lhall be profecuted with the utmoll rig¬ or of the law. Kings /mi, 18/A April, 181 8. 47 3 FOR SALE, LOT No. 2;, in theftrfl concefii ^t» of the townfhip of Hamilron, New Callle Dittria, Containing 200 acres, bounded on Lake Ontario in front and the York road in the rear, d^htnt one and a half mile from the Hamih^a Court Houfe ; twenty acres of whieli are cleared, and a fmall dwelling Hon^ thereon Terms of payment will bd madeeafy. Apply to James G. Bethtfne, Hamilton, or to JOHN STRANGE. . Kingston, April 20, 1818. 47 6 MUSICAL wokk. SHORTLY will be pubHGKd by fubfeription, Musteal Silecliuns fir the Piano Forte, from the moil approval ma(let»9 occalionally iuterf:.cried with original cO':»pofi ions principally found¬ ed on the moll admired .\lelodies of this country. The chief object of this work is 16 render n>or< gcneralas well as intcreff- W|j the lludy of the heft compofers, anj likewife to perpetuate the moll beautiful of the Canadian Melodies* CON JTiONS. This Work w.'ll appear Monthly; each number will contain rive pages ia the ufual Mliucal typ*> a,,d in other rtf- pecis will be executed 111 the lame llyle as finnlar publications. It is propofed to continue thi? wo k twelve m>nih-i, at the end <f which pen"** od 111 on Id it have received fuflkient en¬ couragement, it will molt probably be continued. The fiul number (an original compo- fnion) will appear in the courfe ol the next month, and will confill nfan I'»"o- duAion, and Variations on an ndmr:-(i Canadian Air,witha Finale competed and arranged by S COI)VI \N, Organtft of the Cathedral at (Quebec. Subfcriptions will be recrivH *t ikp Boi-klellcn—Mr J. Brown ; M..Ct'«- nisghaM ; and Aitfhs. Nickless « Mc Don ELL. • Teims tu fubferihers £t o per annum. NoB-fubfl%Hbe« 4^ « hon her Suhfrriptions fir the above work wiii fa received at this Office* ^UE nofiee of a dlfeontin- uanccof the Partnerlhiri bciwcen Thomer iff Moran, figned by Mr. Thorner, and inferted in the King¬ fton Gazette, wat* publifhed without cive content of the fubfetiber, who, in order topre^.nt any miltake, thinks himlelf [bwu.id to inform the public, that, alt ho* a dilTulution of [aid partnership has been mentioned, it is not definitively a?raft ged. MICHl.'MORaN. Kingllon, April 20, 1P18. 47 FOR SALE, A TWO HORSE W iGGON, PERFECTLY re*— Likewife, x few thoufand 18 inch SH/NQ. LES.—lnqtiiteof S. MERRILL. ■ Kingston, April 2 1, 18 i 8. 47 BLANK Summonses Subpcenas ana Executions, for the COURT OF REQUESTS, For Sale at this Office. ,»,«-- ■ u TO LET, AND pnffelTl >n gjven on the firft of May next^ t|lc Houfe and premi- fea at prcfent OCC„pied by Dodor Ged des—it being a rjol,blc Hoofc, it will! be let feparatclj. or together.. Apply to the Printer. Kifigstpn, 18/t. jy:lt 1818. 47tf A. I Just received and for Sale by the Subscribers^ CONSIGNMENT of Excellent ALE, (in Caik-) made by Hop¬ per & M'Uan, Ptefcoti—CIDEff. Hi Calks and Bottles—Fine Yellow SOAP ALSO, A few GRINDSTONES of the belt quality. Thomson k Detlor. Kingston, April20, i*i8. 4T'6 From the Montreal Gazeitee* Mr. Brown, In your laft you gave a (latement of the pioccedinga in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and we now have it ia our power to cive thofe that have tuken place in similar cafes in the regulai and conllituri.mal Court of the country, (he Court of King's Bench, In ihi» Court bills have been found by the Giand I. Agaihft Miley Macdonell, late jnftice of the peace for the Indian Territories, foi difant Governor of Olfiniboin for the Hudfon's Biijr Company, ami princi al agent of their wintering partne, the Right Honorable the Earl of Srlki.k, for a ciucl affault and battery, in 1 813, On the per Urn of4 John Finney, a very you-g man, one of his Lordihip's Icttlers at Rtd River, in rying him to an oak t»ee, and flagging him with rods with hi own lai dr. Thi| levere caitigntion Iccmi to have beer* inflicted tor nuuiher icufun than bc«aul'|

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