TEST - IPR records

Kingston Gazette, April 21, 1818, p. 2

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frri .- • t I t-, . .r.i ftoi a Mid»e* acd a fe 1J,,i* in . ipi- : they were »rnly sen *.b> o l\ Ki\ natnre of their oftirtt* ami f i • moral obligations thej srer* under to tl > their duty. Although tli' Judg- ci ol Canada wrt* no* liwrde ind n m- <*. i t hi thi- bill, a; it was at present conceived improper t& appoint them ke? dtiringlheii"$ord behaviour* vet b • n ihm ;v<d the «ime was vetj »• ar wiwu li i ropid be done, atfw *o be pi win** t\\ of (lie greatest good* Before could J' done, Me-ie jwuHt be a ajeiwal m -tcm of known law*'. n*»*l sitcn -»ali- ries settled on Che Judges, a- would ii. ! !-■ men of real abilities to under- l;; s ■ those ofiioeS- u:- Lordship next adverted to tV s t .-■:' of the clergy-and wi tl r rv fuf-j )> into thi- ppri m| the bill, , h<*v. int. thai t*-. ; hatl been anxious !o make * ileceutand proper maintenance to: irV- I 'tor iarU ch rgy of Ch ad;»* lie' -v (iV f/*e Government o/G, eat Britain hekitft'en anxious ta comtmmfcute le "Cw.vrV/ a participation t;f aUthebfe*- s. $£* oj thrEiig. w#Uii&thnntaJtor49 t'.- cirpy.m stances of the case icnntu admit* Thcjf did rot mean to give Canada cttttffy tin- same constitution* V:\Jor iffSiatici\ 008 repre.sejitativ.'s. Thai zzas imjjustilk in the nature of flings ; baitheit great obj ct had betn to adhere as nearly as possible to ///. parity and principles <>f lh J£togli»fr Constitution i:i everjj part of the bf'l ; n-."\ bring consciou ibat the bill, up¬ on ;v" * hole, w a* likely to answer in* f- irfvoHesfor which it wa< intended, h* h- sped it would meet with that support end attention f.o-.n thni LortUhip> *i hirh the nvagoit 'do and importance oi 1! fot cocp.iry when I hrv- made lerr,it-*! ch ry. • agar tft the aOii'.niltration, and1 when lie i* ** c« ironed that my op I pottifpittea f o" t.ri-inrr injPonnaT;pn 1 lhavg p-.Mh;'ps excredrd tbofeof any other j I perfoti d w in ,(" piwviure " Why flv-uld bf ur any o->f q-i.'Hion f r a m<MT»enk whether mv " declaration i? elie'ble or rv cefT;n y ?w I an ready t > be put rothe pro-;f and wher rfiaf is ovc it will be time to talks of 'conic quencea/' Till then all Ip'-cul^tiv- rc^foniug on " the effetftr. of pdhtica] jdiietjIHo'." with wh;rb I a;n eonne&cd- j j «* e i ;iiri>u- t-> my c-tifc, wio'ch is tint I o1 the country at large F.vtn rry friend's Wbarks of them- fe!v-.N tend to n-- good They are made npon vague :»nd even erroneous fut)* breed gruirblwrg a i ^ru^.M'ng * they the tender conftience^ of the ^hf-jbc* mav be referved to give awav from ! cfafitss" pf Canada, how ir-uch we native time to tiioe a« fii^ouhs to fnch people Britons will b?ar fertile public good : as Major Leonard an.1 hfs aWf friend ; we muft, and fliall i;» objtet reijuiivd F/«9w f^e Nnt£ttm Spectator* xn&K.ns. Po'i-al dil^nfT.oi^, Iiave, frequently before now, en^a^td the a:- teitrreo of the people of Canada and the people bavt- manifefted very conliderabie fufceptibflity* So far from being re- gardlefa of the conduct of their Rcpre lentativcfl, I knew a c*fc thi- very winter, where the ptople we>e to meet ex Ipre&Iy for the pnrpnfe of inftr»*Qhi$4 their Rcprelentaiive as-totbec ndnfl hr was to purfoein A.Tembly ; a'ld I have f>rne hope, that bef .re another felTi u, tbvre may be fueh meetings in all ira;t- of the Pr •vincC The m^j^rity ot voters here arr as well qmlifi d -j^ the voter** in Eng'aod to ju'J^e o' the prope-iiet) of any propoied meaf'uc They o-ay not hiivr !o mnch gcnrr<*l kn'-wiedpe, but tr.ey are ai] free vme'K, which ninr tenths ai bon*e are not ; aad tbemrvmant th-r/ came u> h Id reeling and lay down pr?ncip'« o.f a«3?on fnijlclafmn, t;:i.- ^ov« d to be juft, were hwt tli'y will notfori c n-nrv To rome, yield lent* to rriiHr.e t\ir v|ews for which they were moll urtbfnitrngly deigned- Within a much iTic-icr pcrfr.d, the people of Canada will ft'e that the prcft m fyftem is i' compatable with ptofperity and tb-y w.'M change the fyftun ; o»* Canada, weighed down with its imbecility and Ijimber, will fall beneath the domi<i'ii uf the United States, and.t^e prtrf<nt " eifconneclion" in Ibctetyi will difa;:pear f -r ever. Now, let us take to t?fl< \ht Travel- lei's other word*' fitnplicwy;M *Mfl a newly peopled and thinly ^ inhabited country*' lays he, '* the form and p'.iriry of Government are comparatively of h'ttle importance, f»r focirty If then in Inch a fkiiteofji, %'>lkity and difc-»nneo^i>nt • at it is feldom neceff-.ry to enforce ranch fuborduiation among its ni<rmber*.M ( Our fiitnd. h" re vifwft government as aj fcourg*, aFid teems to intimate that Smi le people need little whipping. He ha*, df d'tcvered that Canadians « fr-el iio i.cijnaticn to inlcirerc vrbh their • overuorsj as long as the ls*ter do nor inrerfeie wiih rbcm "—This h all very. fimi'lr to bt (m . Governor Gore did j not fnterfcte with the limple Canadians i fo the IrnpU Canadiatn whipped them- feiv"-a and gav* him fj^ooo The C-i",( vaito wvretold to ^ivc hi llatem^nta of tbeet I'-fTcj-. by wa , to their G «vcr- 10 ." «i ol -)in iuvcrtig ttton to-ik p aee : •!'»c in^-n?s were ^ut•■miicated ; and. the ___,---------- ----------** nnthfne extennate, tl Nur set down awglu in malic*. R. G- To the Editor oft he tfiagaw Spectator, • Silt, In your last Spectator, you publish¬ ed a letter from Mr. Gouilay, contain-; ins;strictures upon that which I ad- drcssed to you in the preceding paper. After travelling orer nearly .six col- umn?, my attention «a« arrest^ by a postscriptJn which Mr. Go'iiiay^eeni- inoly afraid lest hi« criticisms should intirnidate me from making my usual public appearance, politety incites me " to walk out" again* Me Would per¬ ceive tint my usual tS/ttk commenced immcdintelv afier he h »d finished htfi i^xteii-lve ramble,in the course of which he dilates upon enthusiasm, judgment, precipitation, fal^e fni.le. Intolerance. newspapers, clergy reserves, his #ad- dressss, simplicity of society, atul po- litifiil influence, and l;ts(lv, becomes a j versi'ier. and after disencumbering hi« f mind of all this ferrago, to complete the joke he accuses me < fli disconnec¬ tion," J seldom embrace more than OflC subject in the course of rnv walks, and I ave of late found considerable difficulty in pursuing them* for Mr. Goorlay has generally thrown an im¬ pediment of four or f\vr heavy cn/awns In my way- In the Inr-t Spectator, he brought this large and powerful force their Repicftniative in \fTmbfy. tb-<r • reiU to England T»»e -liniltcri delired j influence ovei public rtieftfitrcm iviillitfce fioffcmors in Ctfoaoa t-> tell the LJr. GoCrlay in Reply to tin »M4j Tb WELLtft—i 'em1,441 fit. . IWy fir'l addrefs, wi I, J am fnre, fhmd the re0 of time, a^ a moft unof- rrnd':r! production. Any btt'.e tr'irmurs i^ve 1 bat from the R'-ctor of tfork %vr-h prevailed bef>rethe ttat« or my Jceuc 1 addnK, mnft entirely be alcr»b J t the declaration nf mv oprnioi a* to t'" r/o'i,;ainit the admlfiion in'o Upper C^Aoruia of per>n)e9 Mom the L'ldted Sure*: but that exprefli n at my PM-oi^a ib'rredup ro feriousenmity* U tran r. ;r this was univ\rfaily known, fh«r ^M the meeti",Ts were held, an 11 r,0'*T(h'p report* dnwn up T»-e flame Wared our. only, upon my calling f~» '-n furry int'i tfa tttte of the J'rotiiir'ej. fi'bfc ral* r«ene*rated deeper th.ni ihc quickly and powerfully be Uevelo ed Tl.c people of Canada are ihin?y Icat fpreatl of intel igeoi c j UK' cc-unrry i flow ; b*it •ail un> ttrcd and over Lhe \vi!l be rh"urg{lia fi>r th- belter, and when ih y become fenfible, thai by riding tv/nvv or rhirtj mi $ ai.d con mufiicg wi'h Ci.iii otiierfor a few houu, vluy may bt able to '".-ntr »ul the damijng ii-fluenced a» Y:> k (hey will grudge neither their imt i"or trouble The Travellci f.^ys trui ■ ^ man i feldo.Tj un . h ini retted in the lioUtka i aff*iTtf othfs country til they bt^in to oll*ct him individually, a., d thi- doc-snot happen unlef* the pooolatinn i^ large and fociety fc organized and SjvidH int'i cblTcs." Thi?> ii not vti\ ri.it e»ing tn 111 fr>«iie , making us appear felfifh in •the cxt.-e" c iiappil) ii ie net fo trite -a* it is planfihle, I.o< k ncrofi r.. th' ilTiured Motes. T: e people ch ! f icie *f-.»nt nf falfe pride ; ft reaches 10 the | *cr.j(A- mud1! independence <md fufiei Co^feienc*,—it alarmed all wh ' ha J-.'-.|y h^en partakes -of fcoil, or, bad few'uaUoTia] rrn'eva.ieei an I tax^uo'^," j ye' we fine tbctn ali a!;ve to queiliou- di vt vW« or" aggrandifcfoeitt tfatn jhi*j J public inierefl, and v/e let the excellent rei^ihr* fyftem of patronage and favour ij*-nr ft.- refnlttug frum this pai'Mtie iui »c,— we fceevei) th>OR pltofccriog tb their ba. J-. The Travr'lef ta k4 •>** i'Tt. The Traveler expreUd furpril'e ?r ** rbe turn nil excited " and it would] h??e Hwn forprifbc tffuch mn.ult had'itbe M iimplitity end dtiiayittteCtJQiE1' ?riOn oeHy fr.-m the irritation of falfe I.(f,r* focU't? a rendering the purfiy of rr-de ^yaTu'abu friend w-:» not aware'i •°vc'fnrYirnC of comparatively l;t;lc im- cff.Hr er^rnpHm ^f ihe fvf1-m. ?.rd uf j j JWrtaiicc*M tic u matUfm&lf Itadiug th- troecaufea whrrh made Vi the h%lie*-1! m ;,^,r;v from found and uleful prac rVfTes of the Inhabitants of Canao ■" RcprrA:»»rauves *>f (Uf Ca'iadians, that the -■) i-rant- Ihould rV-Yc the foi&lted ttbte-i to •; ak« od 'hti'r loT-s The G -vc:-n..' knew tt a' 'hctc Eftate. w«.tihl pjjv li tl or r 'thm^, but com mii:e--ucd the mcfifl £ as the gracious mefla^e of the oov-rc-'^n 'o the Repre lenl 'live* of 'hi provle. Th Reyre- f.-n.ative« alio k ew that the Eftates would come 10 lrt«ltf or n 'thing but hu'nb!y l>-;w.-d an 1 th*' 'ked the Gowr- fliors in rite name of th1 ••'Coole. for the rnoflgra iou« m. 'Jluge. l;tfl3il|lyaU this i the very tflVn. o> rimplicity ; hut, | whether in the en--1, it mil tend \o[ "i'libor'linavioi**" i* rHt*»«r queftxonable. In th u-.van time, howt v*r. itraunot he foui>t>o 'h.it tt-e firn 'e . aiiadi-iiib ** feel no n iuation t> in c»'«erc, ' and the' Traveller ted- u^^tbey have good' l.eafon f?r thi*," for, i<t\< he, ** the! j major-ty are n t qualified t< jwdgc-*,j Hit Traveller '-en again ihi:ik-'kit N .jot difficult to difcuv; r why the I Ca.iadran^a - fn inaiffereu^" bec-u'e,' fays iu»'*th.« 'iij y fo m ch fndepen .' de'-'*e. and oattireUy ihi' k th. ir condition j caun'ii be be tf "' i Vv h if pare li'T.pbV'ty is that if Upper in operation against my two- Though •ny brain U \u*t prolific enough to en¬ able m« tooul-ilnnk him. I arauotdtS* COltra^ed, for I have frtUi'd, and now romm-*nc<"d another nftack. And n h> HOI ? lor the man who talks of spend¬ ing two 01 three years in the b -tterhiij and reduction of «uch a defcncelf*^^ Inre as York—a place the prop* of uriirrdi he has already nndcrrrdncd, and *-*t fire to- -mti-t owe his scruples to ;enius rather than judgment." I have been a great Tiavellcr, and therefore know Inu disagreeable it i to ride a stumbling horse. Now Mr nQWtayfMMA M^t Vn wWfy*i 'ineomfor'ab1^, and un«asv rnauunr, I wde mv way through his letter, for hi 1-continually tripping upon a certain OXpreSbfoH of mill", which a man of hb asitif) onu'it 10 hatP leaped ever nt once* I *lnll not attempt to make re¬ mark? upon one half what hesnys, foi if would occupy ho much room in jour oto: r. Mr. Editor, that you would b* ftkes every opj •ur" Jh. Strj»chan, at d set:ms anxious fo pi- ve his intolerance, by ^ubmittiti| him to the t"st of p Mwcufi'- . in the course of his letter, Mr. f.uurlay, as usual pays his devoirato .v--.M.>r Leon¬ ard, and his able friend, ai d seems tt £rud*je them th6 reserveahe fluuksthe/ have the prospect of obtaining. He even makesa circuit by Sa: kf tfs Ilr.r. bor,(hat he may gpt a hit at Air. C.aihj Mid have an o:)poitunity of rubbSoi hia face with a little more sik"/. Rome of the concluding parasrapto au'ord an excellent Ppecimert of Mr. (ionrlay's ingenuity in pervel^hig wr>rdd and aeutritcea. He conceals sfci* unfair^ though species practice, utmer the title of driitwgt Thut he ha* aa object In doing thi- cannot !>'■ doubted, l|. review*' a iwod^cn^n, fh\t h* r«:>y raise a .on cr pfi *n of wor!*- f;oni it? \\ frch hr* us • as rerruitRf and dr*tlx in* fo service, '^att ey mayaJdhim iuti;* bf true, ofllttl Vork. Alterail tiiisrfr/;- ling* be collcci's (o«et »er 'h*3 forces atv ■ iuin'd by it. which arc the foltowing; u The (rov^ruor'ji have no' to ciM-iY.e •ubordinatjou—thi* pe^pt* whip n*m« S'dv s—hpve a good reason f* v this mi. cannot be better." Bravo ! this is za rational, and iiilelli-^ibl*4, sf« s,->me of the. political piopbeciea uttered by \\ie celebrated Joarllia Sottthcott. At>ef Stumbling nlon» lor some time, Mr- G ur ay aftfortiieatcly meets vrith » coupi. t from Shafcespeitre, w hich brings him to thogroundf Hemtghl toreco!* lect that it rcujuiri** some ^< jiiu** to : s a poet. But he disavows this <|uality, and in his attempt loses aM I i' claim ro juduinei.t, for had he ti-uch oj (tie latter he would not bate altered Shakespeare, I Its vms re*embh what a certain author callsi' pro^ogonl mad,1' and w*r may fairly rottcIuMj rh.it If tt&. seat of a poetic propensilj over existed in Mr. Gourlay'j* braiu.it must hffve been kirked to ati.'rr»Sj hv Tore.' he besanto meddle with the words t»f u poor civ./.\ unmlef. Bui I shall ncv return (o flic po«t- script, in which -^Ir. Govrlnj Invitol me uro walk out a.(ain,M and obsnrtl thnt I bare much Meftkemd hi expee* 'i^'fH'ti iff rc'u>uuiK, wnuit He evid-nflr thinks are essential to the sflecks yf his performance**, fot aiftc• * t^uppe'a)?* anee of hi*7 fir^t nddrcss. If be^an il»e war. by publishing a reply to on antag¬ onist who bad never pr.bliciy attackud him. He bids me bo on no ceremony as far "as wit and sarcasm can gotM thus wishing fo be assailed hy the wc;i. pons he is mo^t expert in u>im^. a^.d iueii'K rl t- ted me. that "printing mu>i I desirous of having it in his power, to i?e!tt "te of'1 tolerati.n an.I fberaUty" The JyHem ofpatroiiagc a^d fdvourU^fm | j b". of eon-feheen mofl beneficial to the toiler clafTes: and. had my friend irone t-» 7orfc* jpfted with a fenfe of feeing! j ^ jr.to the hrealh of men. he txerceived th^t the tumult inrreafedi a* h- ^tt' "rg- tr» the fire Which M COUfn- pf*a rj"t tr'y the p'eperry, but ti*v roiaUand fptrtl of the Province. The Travrl'cr feem« fa think that the j-.tp!; b-^^fen ton much f-r us ; an-!, ?1moft donhtmp tb *t rhere are *4 abub% t-r-r^ify," •• ferv-nly bopea tha* the vxt »*efr*rmer may in ^ddttion t/. my t-al- j t-»« and capacity, pofT fi judgment and] 5 'e-rtion. C<uada ! !*he "° errors hwe u-t enforce fuoordl • j'»»»u ; tic^l Gonclufitmg, by in«re theoritica! 'jhr|{*m 1 fhali hi*/' up..11 Ins Wt;rda 'diui j drill th.-m ro better pnrpofe. The j I difcooncftion .»f fociety i*j Canada 1 fiefultfl from the (laic of pr-ncty. j to br- paid for by those who insisl upon ^akiiiifapp arancein tUe public-^ye**1 •lt\ GonrUy calls my letter a Cfc knef- '-■ v. thread." and seeminiily anxious that it *hould remain so. he proceed1 ro quibble upon words, aid entanurles '.'■•• tnr.-.-ifl ro much, that Ue. evident!) j fnjes both ends of h. and sterns to for- 1 . ' i , „, ™e P;*»P'e w!itP' 4<Jtwhithm«u»tl>yeith.-rof m. tl Jumfitms—&.av« *s*>* mfi*/w t/m, , ^aTd hw kuoii at all, I shall treat and cunno- be fri'tr. MropJicuy tmjit1 ',],..,„ -„, t!n .»,,„ wnv as a certain Iktp veiy nan is l»» !<j at sfm* Itfiigl1! fr.im w ifild ha.el I nlB Refghbor by Rtfrrvej and the untaxed [property ui' ablVn.ees. Apparently tfa< taxation in the United States is ^re*ter I than in Canada r in fad ii is far lef*. The pe o'e 'here pay to government what is iiecffVy \\s\ public \veftare, and 1 in time of ptucc t\ U ail returns with R'od iir.cietl to rndividuaJs b) the a'A.n.cemcm of national improvcn.euts. I -Vll pTopfi'ty W'Heh receives bmchi contributes a ptuporthu»atc /hiirc of* My h-art doe* nor |">c^|ily : raxalion. In Carada thece h a )a- tm] me. The tumult exciVd 'tfrTVws e-: i roent,4.!e odds. While v'rflble taxation \ «-v n^-rve and redoubles the pmof. r>f'; ,s *l"1-,*,t 'be Refideni Lam' owners are vc<fliiy fer aclion. If the higher clav j' 'orfiog to mere fe the value or other {.-* are a£raiift me. T fhaH recruit among | meri*P P?°pertyf and 0 e moie they toil TTv b* i^er farmer*, feven in ei^hc of j Itne l,Ci,vi^1 become* the load of opprcs- V' om v;ill fnppnrt the canfc of tiufh,__ ] ^ 'n — more boptlefb becomes the chance one ? better feH w n1" Pilcon ectiyn : he imjrovt- wfui d irfing ; .md, i is well Ch rl we too** n* w ialt in baud, as he leaves us in ^outf humunr Th- li.rplici f and difc ^nexion of tlte Travciler\ $ph Til m and re«foniitg! are truly mar^houB* They would j aiford en Qcfa lev e tor amufement ; i/ur,' the reader muli ^Ite his nwn time fjr making fnrthe. dilcovwfe, Toward* the pl»fe« the Traveller be I corner more and mt>re limpfe, and hisj noiv -u.> fydem i- evi j.-ntly <,fTetted.— He ha- made** »*" e^uiii 3 concerrjio the Govei.-'hc"1 hi.* e he Ca.r.e • • ■> bu( p'fe Tfone yer»r dors not muke little Voifc ' ' °^ throwing it off. f..rren-et to u*. then we'll b^trer it for! < Pr l"f'nc fyftem waff to endure ttii every j tMMawl Hi uld ir gj)| hold out, ue |ac,e was <&****& *"& '»ccuricd The j five ammunhfofl fa- a 11 uch longer : r^frf*e» and abfentee lands would then , 3t,ilt Ft fi ,:e. We (hall raife the wind -^ fn> p ^ -hrriHnirc/h and Quebec__from " EdMib rgh, Dublin and London. It D: ift be h-vfi!ef to the v-ry ^cairh, and. be of high value and readily yvld reuts- Therenr> would fulTatn a lj«,lt of ilie people placemen and iniolcrant priefta. The mere wafle of the n*o ey would even in name forgotten in Toront • ; com para lively be a flight grievance EO th. tlie evil fnfl Infpr.lc-^ofmyfcnndnrldrefs.the I J«**&*T« '"duI7 P'«*««wl «: T v&x dec'fnw Wg an opjnfon ' ' ie evi1 "lfl"rMtc" b'th •«»»' and 1 < 1 fo '/' N -w ii wonlil .have coil bin rr b lef* pah-* to hftve dt.ne this thanli . ■ , . . o vh-rl \>n Ncflowed on hi iwWnjfJIK . lu!d *!v'*'?* !'werI>" PToud •crf iirng • f my add it f« i- a*- clcai are fat more to be dreaded, They wou'd intiod'icr info the eoui.ny domiceiing ^r* ! look^ and bowing fycophancy, tyrants f itt: incoiitrovcitable, and all 1 want is 1 ♦ ii and iUve*, to JCinadV't ""he- " oetelUpolhici » He n t only declar^ bu intiparhy to a fubjed, u\,on wi"-*" Im has jnft before been very ^rdv. f ic&wmg, but takes a piolpec^ive-vicw •'* w'hu w uld hap en, werc he Io fjnfottunate as to have influences over p '-nic*. In this caie he] would vara in ti c word* of poor crazy- Hamlet H..-w mu h better for a rational being t° vary a few of thefe words and exthrJ.10! T: n.rv^ - ,. <»N'»int :0!eiir*'d be I If, born 10 ?■.'« r.-,i',II,,?J» - < i-ver-i-,. There would he ^0,T1e wafiin inih'sim- pecju'i.n : in r'3t of Hamlet there is! nunc. To be ^or to put right the] times i« the big *** dediny upon earth : to curie fneh fae '"s UMgratefuj at:d profane. ROJ>hRT COURLAY P S- Ap my fcn*>w travel er b?.s in his zeal to c#'ro tlic tumult, rr-uch weakened my f*pz&*s*'-n of rdouuJs, foeftntialto '^iC lucccIs tv^n "' »b* J treated the C.idian knot — by cutting trVm u;>. Amon?other things, Mr. (rourlaj telN me. that there is a bee in mv brain, . * and ocrhap \\ is fin confiudoil of idea** produced bv the hummine of this Rttte insect, that cnat.^ ^o much disconnrr- tion in my aphorisms. But if a bee occasions so much dhtuibance, lion ^r«^at mir-f be tb<^ perturbation <•( Mr, Gourla>N brain, for there is evidently nn u Intolerant prie<tM id it, who il kicks safls intermission." Al\ n.-ad- *-r may oropahly ha*e h'-ard of I>r. HpuT%heim,n o!i\sio^uouncal sy-tem, hhich proves that the brain is divided J into diil'-rout compartments, and that rach r>(these is the seat of a i.ivle. and particular propcn>ity, KOt:h as ;m- thusi lSm, jndirmr'Ot, fo'se pridr-, &c, and that when any one coipyrtmcnt if ••xcir.-d, the individ ;al*s ideas, come under rho influence of the propensity »f which i' is*the seat. Now, th* kicks roll back upon his opponent- Jhrt stonrj which tlw1} th^mfetves aim ai him. / jN.'ialluow tell him in what rospi*Cl f ! ti:."tik •" he vratjts judgment and oitcre* tion." Up has of late addreu*ed him- self^oleiy to individuals, and l.av hy his personolitie* in some decree aliena¬ ted the poblic mind from his Lirvat ch. j *ct. Many people almost forget what h« h aiming at, so anxious are tkvy fo n*ad Ids satirical effusion^ and hear their friends ridiculed.— Mr. Goorbty rutcIj will not much advance 'i-cau-e by merely amusing the people, hia late produciiou<i liave not tended toirr- pressany coovicion upon th* public mind, except the conviction that lie is v»vere, v.it?y. and cievrr. iYiaik the. general turn of (wnvcr*atto"n at pro cut! *w linve you seen the Spectator \et:M -ny on'1* u ye-.,! replies another — "^ ai*d VJ:0 dne ;\ir.(j'ourlav artai'k now ?" fc-il i- very severe upon sucft am-*"— wllit i- too bad, but cue j cannot help brdn^ amused, and will he auswer it ? '• On wo ! lit knows better, (ban to expose himself a^ain—Mr. (^ uthy basket (he ifblp hand of us i"* - h-f us avoid the lash/1 fiis na- d rs* u (hPuk the £ rand ^ue*?ion9fori ^otting that it : their O.ut^ ta petiticn" land ar ' ativlird if they enjoy a laityfk j lu y are * pnl^rtaiued with 'he corr- : edy. thai he. forge* tn t th theatre is I'-ir rforrn; I jjredt Di Jori"1"" 8 J-<rrorrnanf .i, 1 h ipe he will one? mor* *l"'/l ' ^loic the publfe. and, r°bcfi,D W1i'btdl plainly, 1 ii ure. i have already expressed .m* fth" pricsf have undoubtedly excit-d s ii .unvincod of th-; purit; 1 Hn Ur. Cou lav's ditV-ient compaitmeiitsj Gourlay'a motives, aud Lstill confimie in the vanie opinion, but is it not pos- ib'e, that he may be unconsciously • xeited to mako such attack^ by Uiom verywi fascinatioas r»fpeiVonal f-eiiuii,^ ^hicli be entreats others to avoid, and tear theiiiselves from. JVir. (.iouriavt i'kewibe expresses a wish to know ia what respect he has been " d«;li, dirtyj and disgusting" I .hope be will be aware, that i did not apply this quota* tion tu any sentiment; «»r expressiono£ his, b*M merely to tihl whole di put", which, io my «pinion, in urging ton • 1 icb t wwd> abusJ. But I k-iioli '< ■ ^ tithe trave of Vsr Gourlay, lent I \m nv.il,: more -; uetrou^*' by (!e i»* .ease of <* tu^iuit•, X anticipate trdfr by turns. J|o tir^f touched tual of eu- t.husia^m with Ids tne, but befi re Mr. Ge; ray had half finished what be had to say upon the subject, this disturber of his brain, began with his other foot, to b-labour ihe organ of judgment. i'le priest at l&Kt being irritated |>v Mr. (lourbiy\ censOres3 (as he well niiiln) probably began to use both hands and feet, and thus by violently Purring therompnrtmeuts to^etlier. ami intooiuranorher, n- produc d the sad onfu'don of ideas apparent in thecou- elusion of his p ) . e.,tor'- l-t» r. ^ Lhi-> to be < reiibnagi ,»(ion; b-*t here is reality 011 my title.' Tj .-rt is 0 much clbrconuectiuu in Air, Cry-ui •i

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