T^T*0TIC]F h hei iy given, by nrdei J. "' of His Hqw* 'he \thuimtlrato* in Cmnuii t" thf. Rvpr«fcnf«»ti»f-s u* 7&/V7 TV'-*: ;v and IViiUnm CiluivelL \ * n-d e- da v ; n r»fii*n i» lot rwrn ber i J K* iv r- ei» h fifth cone* ffioo of tbe ':, w-■ it:.?- iti Ringfttuu within fix month! J. m < hi-date, or it will be granted to the iccuferit'tj who ha? been in jJoflViEon fix U en vears. JOH> -VT\LU G7£. c/'//r Ex. GmttmU* ;> NO J ICE. TlHEf'ihfc.iber hereby forbids all and ev-ry p* r**on '«r perfons from rrc.'ltV.o o> mating, or ciHtir-ja aj»y tim- NOTICE. ^tthereas, by the last w V v and Ttil-'.rnent of the late I RICH RD PA1T1NSON, Efq in hi> \i*e nii'c *>r Sandwich, in the province jot' Upper Canada, Robert Gillefpie, Wi'liaoi G:'kifuti, and Geoige Moffatt, are jointly and feveratly, appointed Ikfndrry Liva.ees of his Eitate, aad Execotore of laid Will. I doherch^ rcqueft allperfons having clnim upon feid liiiaie, to prrlent the fan.e to mc d*:ly authenticated, fox payment; and 11 ierfons . indebtedJ thereto, are required to pay to me the amount of'hen- refpe&ive accounts. Debts due to laid Eli die in the province of Upper Canada or Ml the United States! ^ordering thereon* may rr, o» trefpaffinR in any ftr pe whatever, j j be paid to George Jacob, Elq of Sand- pro Lot Nn. t\% in the 5th co...- fii.m j-wich. John Aikin, and James Gordon, (hipof Kingrt.-.n, 00 p&ia of j*EfqnM»f AmfcerSbufgiOf t*> either of upon cd the tow being profecutedaccording to Law. JAR VI* WORDEN. Kingfton.OS 22. 181 7. 2^tri6 fit It FOR SALE, ("YNreafonnble terms t:iat well known •h (land for a Tavern, Glutted ir the Vil'a^cof Prefc-tt, Lots No. 9 and II, fronting the Kind's Highway, and 3 large two ftory framed Houfe, well fin ilhe^» with a large Kitchen in the rear, irabi'ng for twenty fpans of hoi fca, a (bed {event? fe:'t *onj>. and a good h MDfgnQ the rear Lot. fit fur the aco tiTiod tion of a refpcftaWe family. The who'? of the building* thereon, being fiftifh d in a work manlike manuej, and at prefect ocenpi-d by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- ell, n a Hotel. Far further particulars, applv to the fi.l D vn>mtn- tcrmc may •ar' ?n in 3if» utable title and immediate ©p{T Hon will 1 e viven. s I EX. MACDONELL& Co. Ktngfton, 3d Jan. 1818. 3 2tf ihcm, ihy hc<n^ du:y anlhorized to receive the lame and grant acquittances G. MOPFATT. Montreal, 20-h March, 1$ 18. 44)*! FRAME. For Sale, on reasonable tcrms^ FRAME for a Houfe, iS hy 30 feet, two ttories h:gh.—i^iujuire Arofice. rjFlHE Co-nartl|frn,;D hetetofore ex- Jl illing nc JjeJJviJle, uncjcr ,hc fir* of John Hubh-,rd and comparv, is lhf« day diffdlved, (>y muUlal conicnt. All pcrfous having c;aims aga;nlt the fame are n-qneftcd ln prefent their acco-ints 10 Andrew Kimmcr',v for acquitment j and thofc indc|lle(j to ^ falc] Cl(-part- nci.liiparc drli,t(| to pay ti,e fame to Andrew Kimi. Crjy without delay, .'th- erwifeihey will be pat in the hand of an Attorney for < r>llect:en. JOifN HUBBARD, AH DR E W KI. 17MER I. T. Rcilviilc. 2uh Feb. 1818. 401 rlVZet, " AND immediate pofleflion gtveftj the HOUSE and premifes in Stuart- ville, lately occuoied by Mr. Dalton, Rtuated within half a mile of this Town, a favorable (ituation for a Gentleman and family. and no left fo for a Dilliller, or Inn Keeper. Foi further particular? enquire of the fubferiher- E. " LRNilTT, Kingston, h.h. 24» iH:S. kjtf ! 1 of tn Printer. Kitigsioa, March 30, 1818. 44 To Let, A ice. t ND pofteffion ^iven immmcdtately, the larger houfe lately o<;oupL'd j by John Size, eligibly (ifiated in Store ftreet, either ("ora tavero or ttore.—Ap- tilv'c'?her«i, or to Mr Alexander Mat- |p]y at this office. >*-ne!^ funi»r. Merchant, Pre^ott, by March I J, 1818. ih-mfh" tcrmc may be made kn-ivn.j-----------------------------\ I Hags! Rags ASH paid for Clean COT¬ TON and LINEN A G S, (Of any Color,; AT THUS OFFICE. Barley, TKE fabtcrilwr #&\ p*v ihehitrh- eft ^aiket (trie f*«rany quantity o' B»r (^ y. ieliv 43tf GdtNANOQITA " Store & Mills. ^fHARLES MjDONALD hiving ■\^J t;.ken hin brother John McDm aUyinto paru»etnS:p, the buitnefs in fu- : lure will be rnducted under the firm of C & J. iVicDon..!d, Who keep for fale a general aflbrt- meot of x DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HJ.!IDJVJB.E, CROCKERY, ive;ed ai b» Slote in ,' and m,,ft art!-'es enqui.ed f jr at n C^un JKtijrfhMy iRmiig-.rik'- wltafe fpJJJ^** r> »* &*T offer low 6m On hand as nl'ual. a general affo^ 11 r^8** UgS/Square Timber,StMi, rfie-u of DKY GOODS, Uqworaand <r*ore<iesf Salt, Crockery 8c Glaf* wd»e, &c lie. All pfwhicb will he fold uncommon ly low for Caih or any kind of produce. S- HAVVLEY. Kingston, "Jan. 21, 1818. 35 4 LL perfon*. having any demands a- t\_ g;iiu(l the Ettarrof th- late Bry¬ an Crawford. Kfq. of Vdolphnllowri, de- reafed, are hereby reqoellcd to produce :hei. claims, duly auilunric-ted.— -Ufa. ■ill perfons indebted to the faid Eftflte arc hereby requeued to make immediate [payment to William Alexander Grant, Executor Kingston, t§ti '7ufy, 1817- 32 NotiC e. ! ALL petfo^ indebted to tfe^ftatt of the late James Cumrmngi late of Hallovell. deceafed, a*"e reqtteued t*« ca'I without delay, and fettle the fatt*e with Mr. James McGrigor, now in charge of theeftablifhment, at Hal'ow eil bridge ;—and thofe who have daitr- ag.iinlt the faid ellate, are dtfired to prefent them foradjuflment. The (lock in Trade of the deccafed. confining of a very complete aflortment ojf Goods well laid in, and very fuitaWe to the Country, is now felling oft at pri¬ ces 10 low, as will dcfeivedly claim the attention of the public. j Caih or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit or 6 months given to refponfible Farmer?, or others. JOHN GUMMING. \ v IVM. MITCHELL, J ^xccutors Kingston, 03 27, 18 I 7. 32 STOVES. THE fithferther has juft received at lm lirick ftoic, Front fiiect, Duu- jble and Single S TOVES i? Sheet Iron, And has alfo on hand as ufual a gen¬ eral aflortment of Drv GOODS, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and Graft Ware in Crates, • Liu feed and Curriers Oil, Paints g.-ound 10 oil ;—and exr>et5ls in a few dayfl an! addition to hi; Stock, all wfo'ch will be fold extremely cheap at whole fale. S. BARTLET. Kingston Oct 20, 1817. 32 E SMITH & BUTTLRWORTH, ETURNttjeit fincere thanks t„ their fricud? and the public in ge- ii..;h!, for the liberal encouragement that W.ey have received fmce they re com¬ menced the Balling Bvjlnejt. They have an extenfivc affortuient of Ladies and Children's BON.' NETS, of various colors and fhapes* Gentlemen's Beaver k firfe- CattorH VIS, Likewife, Knapt and Wotil Hats. Which thev will fell cafh or approved credit. Produce taken in payment, Jan. 2. very low for J» Public Notice. 1 * BLANK BAIL BO Db, "p.tr >3le a«- this Office Officers Half P.^y, and Artil- ltrv I^enfiun BLANKS, For fale at tltU Offi«tf. Churdh Catechifm vor S;*lp nf x^x% Offir^. I Pot;.flies. sod moil kinds of country i Produc . FRENCH .CORDIALS. S Hawlry* his juil ree<. ived a few floccp^^r very fine French Cordials, a-, *!Qoi>£ which ?re Cre'wie dc N'yeau, Cre'me dc Moka, CreVe de Annis, Limonada fi"pr;»fi'»a, Eau Sans Par. iile, Le Meeiaf de Plielerne, Ke Plus Ultra, Pe L' Eau Roya^, By d zeu or Single Bottle. limber of almoft any defcriptio ce. They have a p^od Orifi ?. d *b\v Mill in fuli operation—can Mam ftct- *« F OUR, uqual to any Mil! h the 'Provi!Ice: thc} w;i, fujipty orders- fa 11 Sawed * X at fliort Notice. , c & j Mcdonald. Ganrnooua, Jan \ o. 1 8 » 8. vfjtf AllihoiV indebted toCharlss VlrDon- ald, whole accounts have became due, are requeued to to make immedi¬ ate 1 avment. TO LET. PWlflE bikini; lateiy oqeopied by Jl R. Rohjfoui Efq- a- a (hap. Ctuate next the O* vcr,,mcnl Houfe. F-.i paittcular apj^'y to A]lau Mc[ *»i Eiq Kinirft'u, ianuaiy 23. i8iK. 3ctf 7=0/2 Sifjtff, AND poflVfilon given immediately,) a double I.ot, in Stuaitville, on? which i-i a Brown Earthan-ware Mann- jfaflory, in good order, a rramt houfe, j and a Stable. For further particulars I apply to the fubferiber, on the premifes. Marturin Foumaise. Kingston. March 18, 18 J 8 43tf Onondaga Salt ~!f~UST received and for fale at the 9J* Store of S, Bartieu 32 J ('ST received and for fale at this Of ficc. price i/b, Poems on his Do¬ mestic CiretitnsSancesi by Lord Byron.— With tht Star of the Legion of Honour, audothei Poem> ; to which is prefixed, j Tie Life of the Noble Author. Nov. 28- 32 Valuable Lands FOR SAIE, IN the Third Conceflion of the Town- flup of Pitlburgh being Loin No. 6. 'behalf of No 7, and No. 18.—An indifputablc title wdl be given, and the terms ot payment made,cafy. H. C. THOMSON. IViUgiton. Juiy 28, 1817. 32 • ______ Blank Summonses Kor tiie District Courts, for £>aie at this Office. To Let, J I NDpoflciTion given t'^e firft of May i_ next, a number of rooms in the Xiut iJarraika. Enquire of . H. EARL march 13. 42| LOOK HERE ! THE (uhlcribtt has j-nt jeeeived a Mil fopply of GARDEN SEEDS, vliid) l.cvill lr5| by the box or finale l^per,,ailed by the Shaking Qn?.!^, a^ii waftanted genuine, viz. & Ww.Yellnw and Rtd Owimt, BWhJ fcBd Eaily Turnip Bec-r, Scarcity, C# J rot. fViuip, Uor an.- Early Cncom I tcr, W.termelion, Muft-VfUoo, D-.tch' fcnmmer Squaflj, Crookn,ck Summer J"- Cr ok e,k Winter*) White Head g «-nuce,Far'yCurled Head il„ Sperfc ltd <?.». Satmnw, Searki md EarlyTur Dip Rwl.%, Drum HeE.J, jjavoy, Red M Early FurtflnVt Cahbairc, Mat and 1'tench Turnip, Sage, caycu.e Hcj . er. bqua!!, do. Double Pepper?raf», Bur ».«, Kue, Summer Savory, Pa fley .»f THE SUBSCRIBER, FOS leave tr inform his friend & the pulilic generally, that he l«W j removed ft om hw former (land to" the fh-p lati !y oceutited by Joins <\bb*ot & | JC . near thr Market Pace, when? n^ I has now on hand, a general afTortrnc?" °^ Hardware^ Cutlery, &c. j Which he will fell on the nv>ft rfratc terms. To Kt, the fhop Iatr!y occupied1 ty the "uhfrriber, and poffcffion giver' ,m mediately. SAMUEL SHAV7- fiiugston, cth Jan. 1818. 32 For Sa ;at ihi? Office, A READY RECKONED Shewing tht value of Grains of v^rioU8l Gold Coins, j current in the Province of Upper (^ana- ' <!j- A/.SO, PRIUJUSON'S Improved Tat»!f of t)-,> ,..)„,. nr p'.'aint "J <■» -Id C oin,« er or nu-ier weiehU' CIRCULAIING LIBRARY. Miss Read, FAKRS thtt opportunity of ac- qofiinting her frr nds and tie pnh lie, thai ihc h .-; e:iven up hep commiffioo More j'n Store Street, but intends com- "•cueing buiinefj immediately, on her own account. <he intends p»ing t Montreal in the courfe of a month, to purchafc the frtoft faihi-nable Spring . arnc.es. She alfo returns her n ost lln- 'ctre thanks to hei friends and custom, rs For past favours, and hopt-s foi a contin nance of them as foon as (he can procure a Store She wiflies ro inform the fuhferibers to the Library, that (he will rr. ke every allowance from this date until the U- brary^w again opened j and anv pediMM who have books helonging to it, will be fo good as to leave them at Mr. Thorn. A CONTRACT, ^T7iLL be given f-i Piling and V BurnioeoB th-. timber>t Pief. quill , iheenfuing" Spring on 7J acres •of G" nnd, and for f*wnig the fame in¬ to grai • : and alfo at Kinofton for cut¬ ting; aid Drawing about one mile- 500 Cord* i f Wood :—on each nf which contrail (by being forDifted with fuffi- cient fecuritv) a fnall advance vill be made. Enquire of B W|iITN£Y. Kingston, Jan 16. 1818. 3 gtf VA! U. BLE lTN-DS~ FOR SALE. THE Subfcribers, Executors ro the Ehtctc of Charles Stuart, E'tyuiqb drceafed, late'Sheriff of the MuHai.d. Di-trl^t.'ie'i'by reqne«t8 8!.1 thofe iadtht* led to tlu faid Estate ro make immediate ■ payment to t- c faid Execoxorfi ; and all thofe who have demands jrgainfft t\& E* tatc are requested to produce the fam* duly attested, in order that a Sctt'emcnt } of the Estate maybe effefted ;o fpteedity ' as poflible aftef thefirstdayenju'y 1818. GEORGE O. STUAR i\\ Exrc ALLAN McLEAN, J i"or*. Kingston, August 11, 1817—32ft ADVERTISEMENT The fubferiber offers for Sale ihfi Following : Lots of Land. 2co acres in 4th and 500 in iha fitb'conccffion of the Gore brtwcfo Erneft Town and Frederick (burgh. Nt». 18 and 19 in the 8ih tonceflion of Murray. No. $1 Eart half 2d con. of SiJr-y. No. 9—10th conceflSoA of Kawden. No. 4—8th conceffion, EIumjfigdM No. 14, 15, 17. 18, 25 and 26 »n the 9th concefilon of -hurlow. No. 34 and 35 in the 4th cgttCaW of Vaughan, ne»r York. Also, Several valuable Town Lots in W Town of Kinj'llon. WM. CRAWFORD. Frederickiburgb, Jan, io, 1817. J^jf Smiths Work. THE fubferiber moft refpeftfufT^ tnfoimy ihe gentlemen of Kings* t'-n, that he is jutt arrived here fr^m Dublin, and has commenced (he biifi- nefs of Black and While r-mith, it. a}\ its bianchca ; more particularly that of horfc Shewing, in which he will j.jVe the greatefl latisfVai. n to thofe that cm. pliv) hirr.. Thev may rely r-n hattno their work we;! do. e. cheap and veat, bt applying at Mr. J. Members, Barrack (Ireet, where he has' commerced. All orders in that line will be gladly reived and ftrifl attektion own. recc Kingston 13th Ocl. given 32 er's Store. F"V*. Pb*, Saffrnn, Early Tunc Pea>. ;- jrly Golden Hot.por, Chark,,,, Itccii Dwarf Marrowfat Peas, St >w- b« <y Dwarf, P« *-.«. a v "^ixweijc DwarJ *amherry Dwnvi, WhitcCran- M^J j---, K.. ney pole, ( C p ISS SKF.D, PicJcleo . erriixg,, Butter, [ b«efe, *c. " • N. PA! MER. MMgdimg Mwek i2} 1016. 4rf I ! <■¥ Vi" re^c-sai for faic *l lhii «i/ Office, pnrc 7Id. the MONTREAL ALMANACK^ For the Year of cur Lord 1 H J 8. ■dljo—ESMrS on C11CALHUSBAND!RY> Add, in ,„,,<:., rj,..aHiai( Fir ,„. '"■ » ^**c», of Mom.ci.r- PR Mils Read alfo requests all perfons who are indebted to her to be fo good as to call at Mr. Tutpin's. where fht- now reiides, and letile their account? with her. Kingston, March, 16, i8<8. 42 TO IET, tTlOR ?iny term of yean not exceed in Fine'-n, op the moft reafona b!e terms—That well known valuable Hand in the public line, iituate on the point at Gainn iqua and recently occu¬ pied by Serb DowtW, together with the Houfe, Karn, Stables, &e — For fur¬ ther particular apply fo the fubferiber. JOEL STONE. Gancm'<qua Jan. 9, 18 13. 33// Hlanfc Assessment Lists, for sf/f< at ihis Office-.— Also, Aritli- i\ ovtit&tr iA.t 32 metical Tables, for the '"ivhtiols. use Hi u ATl'ORNIES Blank Bills 0l Custb, tor 5:;le at this Ojfice. 11 * LO rS No. 24, 25 and 26, firfl con- cclfi.n of ihe t"wnlhi|> of Ma- ryfburph, Ealt of thr Rock, in the Mid¬ land diflridt, cofllprifing the moil valu I aole part of 'fc Point Pleafant/' and cr»n I taining about 300 acres. No. 51, firft conceflton of Sophias burgh, Midland Dill net—20c acres. No*. 86 and ^9 Second conceffi n of AmeliaPjuigh. bay fide, Midland Dis- tridi— 400 acres. Nos 5 and 6, fecond conccilion, Ame- liasbargh, Lake fide, 400 acres. No 3, third conctfBon of Hallowell, Midland Di(in'6l, 2CO acres. No. 12, eighth enceflion of Thur- h»w, Mid'and Dill m"A 200 acre*. No. 9. lecnd ConceflTion »>f Camden, Midland Diflrift. 20c acres No. 70, fifth Con. Camden.200 acre. No. 9. third conceflton of v urray in thr Dill rift of New Caftle, 200 acres. No. 5 4th con. of Murray 200 do No. 10. fourth con. Hamilton, in the Diftrifl of Mew Caftle, 200 ace* No 32. fifthco".of Hamilton, 200do. No. 19, feventh con of Haldimand. Dili rid of New Caftle, 200 acres. No. U fir" rx>n of thr townlhip of Clarke, in the DiftriS of N. C 200 do. The local iiruarfon of the above lands particularly of the firft nf"e l^"U, is very advantageous, and !he foil is excellent.'— Thr terms oi fa'e wi'I' be found very rea finable ; and a ereat part t»f the pur- 'hafe monty will be left at Uttered fn the Imndsof the . urchnfer. Application to he made to the ftthfetibcr. D. H \GERMAK T ddolphustotun, 7 $th Marcbt 1818. J 4-itf THE fubferibers beg leave to inform their friends and the public in ^0 ncral, that they carry on the TATLOR/NG BUSINESS m Main Street, where they intend male- nig every article in their line, on more reafonable terms than has been done for a number of years back Thofe who Wlfh to favor them with their cuftom may rely on having their work well made' and on the ftortef notice, for Caft. ** Norris& Stevens. Kingston, Sept. 9, 181 7. ' ?J 1 THJ iL PANOPLIST, 1 For the Year 1816, For Sale at this Office. [Complete 2 28 Blank Bee els and Memorials, For fale at this Office. • * I To Let, n krowa farm white 1 1 i nnHAT well .1 STORE, in front of the DwelKitf houfe of the fubferiher. It is well cal¬ culated far Commercial Buiincfs fcaviflg a lar^e conimodtous cellar, capable wf holding 1000 barrels, with the itdv:*ntagc --*-"* "of ±0 wwi Forwarder improve this op|Oi'"- inly. l\>r particulars apply lo ihe fub* Icwbcr on r Nc p'errufes. J.sMf.s ROBINSON Kingston, i jib Marti* 4 z of the wharf, xvhere v* fli-U may 1. ad and unloaded. w. old do well to ity. Fo I